Aksenova A.K. Methods of teaching the Russian language in a special (correctional) school: textbook

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of teaching children to read, since reading, in addition to its great general educational significance, teaches through living examples a wide variety of ways to correctly express thoughts, thus being one of the indispensable tools for improving both speech and thinking.

The system of education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities is an integral part of unified system education.

When teaching children to read according to the VIII type correctional program, much attention is paid to the rational choice of methods and techniques for organizing the lesson, the selection of visual aids and handouts. didactic materials, use of all senses, differentiated and individual approach to those students who experience certain difficulties in mastering reading, i.e. V correct definition corrective measures.

1. Correct reading is reading that occurs without distorting the sound composition of the word.

2. Conscious reading is reading in which the informational and emotional content of what is read is correctly perceived.

3. Expressive reading - reading with proper intonation and voice conveying the emotional content and mood of the text.

4. Fluent reading is a reading pace at which understanding is ahead of pronunciation. The pace of fluent reading approaches the pace colloquial speech(the program of the VIII correctional school excludes counting the number of words in 1 minute. Only the volume of the text is given. It does not matter how long it takes to read it).

When teaching reading to students with intellectual disabilities, consider the following::

1. In the 1st grade, at each lesson it is necessary to carry out articulation and breathing exercises, which includes exercises aimed at improving the articulatory apparatus, developing the speech motor mechanism - the tongue, lips, and preparing the speech organs to pronounce a certain sound.

2. In grades 1-4, a good effect in teaching reading and pronunciation is provided by the use of conjugate speech (speech of students with a teacher), reflected speech (independent repetition) and choral speech with movement.

3. In grades 1-6, at each lesson it is necessary to carry out speech exercises - training on the correct articulation of sounds (learning tongue twisters, quatrains).

It should also be noted that the types of work when checking homework should differ from the types of work on a new text.

The teacher himself introduces students to the new text; for better emotional perception of the content, students’ textbooks should be closed; the teacher’s reading of the text must be emotionally charged (the teacher must read the poem by heart); before listening to a new text, students are asked a question about the content of the text to attract their attention; The teacher asks all questions during text analysis to the whole class; the teacher must require a complete, correctly constructed answer; the teacher's speech should not be too loud or too quiet; All types of silent reading must be accompanied by an assignment.

1. Read the passage to yourself, mark the words whose meaning you do not understand.
2. Read silently and find the answer to the question.
3. Read and find words and sentences to describe the hero.

Types of work on a new text in a reading lesson in correctional school VIII species

1. Choral reading to the beat to develop the desired tempo of speech.
2. Choral reading of the difficult part of the story with repeated reading by weak students.
3. Reading in parts with preliminary distribution of parts between students, taking into account the capabilities of each: with a change in voice strength (loud, moderate, quiet); with changing reading pace (fast, slow); with a change in intonation (joyful, angry, sad, depressed).
4. Selective reading based on questions (the teacher asks a question and the student answers).
5. Selective reading from pictures (describe the picture with the words of the text).
6. Reading the part of the story that you especially liked.
7. Reading a passage to which you can match a proverb.
8. Finding a passage or sentence that reflects main idea story.
9. Reading a sentence that has become a saying (for a fable).
10. Reading by roles
11. Competitive reading of poems.
12. Finding the longest word in the text.
13. finding and reading sentences with an exclamation mark (question mark).
14. Finding words in the text that denote proper names.
15. Finding words for the rule in the text (zhi-shi, cha-sha, dividing ъ, etc.).
16. Finding words in the text that are close in meaning to the data (these words are written on the board).
17. Reading in parts with a title for each part.

Types of speech exercises

1. Reading syllables: Aa, ua, au, ia, Eya, Iya, Ao, YaYa, Om, he, os, from, oh.

Reading syllables and words with preparation:

hell - garden - court - gray - grandfather - trouble
in - quo - squaw - skvor -tsy

2. Reading words that differ by 1-2 letters or order and location:

On - us - san - sap - us - sat down
Oh - fight - fights - mine - they say
Traces are tears
The beast is the door
Elephant - moan

3. Reading related words:

House - house
Table - table
Grass - grass
Walked - went - went out - came

4. Reading words starting with the same prefix, but distinguishing different roots:

Sold Stolen
Done by Uvel
Punched a hole and took him away

5. Reading tongue twisters:

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

6. Increasing the second consonant to the same sound:

S - not - sne - snow - Ki - snowballs
S - Lu - case - case - chi - elk
S – pe – sp – sp – ci – al – ny

7. Who is the most attentive (how the words differ):

House Work
Houses Workers
Brownie Workers

Any speech therapist using this material will be able to achieve good results when teaching children to read.

Plotnikova Irina Vasilievna,
speech therapist teacher


Message on the topic:

The use of correction exercises in teaching reading in a special correctional school of type 8

Prepared by: teacher I qualification category Shakhova Irina Vladimirovna

Megion 2016

Features of working with children during reading lessons in a special correctional school of the VIII type

The formation of reading skills in children with developmental problems occurs at a slow pace. It is also difficult to master the technical side of the reading process and understand what is read. These children have a slower reading rate than mainstream schoolchildren.
The technical side of the reading process suffers due to ignorance of letters or their unstable knowledge, letter merging disorders(letter by letter reading), slow reading, distortions of the sound-syllable structure of words(especially words with a large number of syllables).
It is noted that many students often use in a peculiar way reading, gradual “stringing” of sounds, the so-called “waiting” (in-in-in-d - entry). Common reading errors are substitution of sounds and syllables. special difficulty for children represents reading syllables with consonant clusters. When reading such syllables, children read the first consonant of the syllable as a separate syllable, separating it with a pause from another consonant of the same word.
Children make similar mistakes when reading a closed syllable (v-be-zha-l, lyu-bu-y-sya).
Often done incorrect accent, reading mostly unimpressive And monotonous, repetition of words is observed, the intonation structure is disrupted.
At the initial stage of mastering reading, students experience inaccurate understanding of individual words, phrases, sentences, and text. There are difficulties in understanding figurative expressions and metaphors; The holistic perception of the text is impaired, guessing reading is present.

Reading lessons at our school perform the function of correcting deficiencies: pronunciation is corrected, attention becomes more stable, memory is improved, some defects are smoothed out logical thinking in establishing the cause-and-effect relationship of phenomena and events, activates children's vocabulary.

As you know, reading includes four main qualities:





The formation of these qualities is closely interconnected and is quite difficult for some schoolchildren due to the delay in their psychophysical and speech development. As schoolchildren grow older, the quality of their reading improves, but a number of problems remain.

Correct reading - This is reading without errors or distortions. Correct reading is expressed in the absence of errors in: 1) substitutions, 2) omissions, 3) rearrangements, 4) additions, 5) distortions, 6) repetitions of letters, syllables, words in the text being read, 7) errors in stress in words.

The following techniques are used in the lessons to correct the main violations of students' reading accuracy: primary classes correctional school of the VIII type. Special techniques are recommended to promote the development correct reading. These include:

1.Sound-letter analysis of words:
- select words that begin with stressed vowels;
- choose the letter for the picture that corresponds to the first sound (windows, aster, street);
- speech lotto;
- recognition of the initial vowel in an unstressed position. Determine by ear what sound is at the beginning of words; recognition of a vowel sound in the middle of a word. Words are offered in pairs, children must determine the corresponding sound:
bush, juice son, elk smoke, carried forest, tooth
closet, little sleep, the mouse sat down, there was an onion, he drank
After children learn to operate freely with vowel sounds, they should move on to working with consonants.

2.Tasks for recognition and isolation of consonant sounds:
a) recognition of the initial sound in a word;
b) recognition of the last consonant in a word;
c) recognition of a consonant in the middle of a word;
d) select pictures whose names contain a certain consonant sound in any position.

3. Game "Tape recorder": The teacher, one by one, with pauses, names the syllables from which the children must form a word.
4. Synthesis words made up of syllables with one constant and one changing syllable:
ro -zha, - ma, -ta, - ha

5. Game "Telegraph": teacher taps syllable structure words, and the children must guess what word it could be: for example, the name of someone present.
6. Game “Help Dunno”
Dunno mixed up the syllables. Help him put the syllables in place to make a word.
7. They say to the child individual sounds (s, a). What syllable should it be?
8. Game “The Word Has Scattered” Forming a word from these letters.
9. Game “Lost letter”
DU. SU. D. M. B. K

Reading fluency- This is a reading speed that presupposes and ensures conscious perception of what is being read. In the process of examining reading skills, it is necessary to pay attention to the pace (reading speed). Starting from the 3rd grade of a correctional school of the VIII type, when the bulk of students switch to smooth reading in whole words, it is necessary to practice this skill.
The main correctional techniques that contribute to the development of reading fluency are:
- daily workout students in reading (students should read as much as possible, at least 25-30 minutes per lesson);
- repeated re-reading text in class. In order for rereading to achieve positive results and not reduce interest in reading, the following types of work are recommended:
- selective reading,
- answers to questions about what was read using lines from the text,
-finding and rereading individual places text when analyzing content;
- preliminary orientation of students before reading the text.
- reading difficult words found in the text. I pre-write out complex words according to syllabic or morphemic composition on the board in syllable-by-syllable order, students read them aloud.
- preliminary reading of the text to oneself (“buzzing” or quiet reading);
- use of specially prepared tables associated with the text.

Working on expressive reading must be preceded by a thorough analysis of the work: disclosure of the characteristic features of the characters, paintings depicted in the work; show the author’s attitude to events and the actions of the characters; convey the basic emotional tone inherent in the work. By influencing the feelings and emotions of children, expressiveness helps to reveal the main idea of ​​the work.

Work on developing expressive reading skills begins in 1st grade, but it becomes more specific only in grades 2-4. Work on the intonation component of reading skills begins with developing the ability to observe pauses on punctuation marks (period, question and exclamation marks).

For this component it is also important logical stress. To work on logical stress, you can use exercises with moving logical stress from one word of a phrase to another while simultaneously changing the meaning of the phrase, and also use parsing various situations: “Read so that only the teacher can hear you; and now loudly so that the whole class can hear; read slowly, quickly; read in such a way as to express surprise, joy, anxiety.”

To develop expressive reading skills, it is necessary teach children to change the strength of their voice, change the pitch, rhythm and tempo of speech, and timbre of their voice.

An important component of learning the skill of expressive reading is working on correct intonation, which begins with developing the ability to imitate the teacher’s intonation.

The main types of exercises to form correct intonation are:
- change in tone (read how the wolf speaks (rudely, angrily), the fox (quietly, affectionately, insinuatingly);
- reading by role;
- dramatizations of fables and skits.

Reading Consciousness involves understanding the meaning of both individual words and expressions and the entire work as a whole, its ideas, images and role artistic means. Correction of reading comprehension disorders is included in such types of work as:
- preparation for the primary perception of the text ( introductory remarks teachers, possible use of observations of phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality);
- setting for targeted perception of the text;
-primary perception of the text, emotional-evaluative conversation with the simultaneous use of visual and verbal teaching aids;
- conversation in connection with the analysis of parts of the text and the entire story (establishing the sequence of events, primary-consequence connections in the development of the plot, understanding the relationship between individual parts of the text and the logic of events, clarifying motives of behavior characters, definition essential features their characters, comparison of heroes, assessment of their actions). Students are offered tasks for the development of logical thinking, the basis of which are sentences expressing the communication of relationships:
1. The wolf is chasing a hare. Who's running ahead?
2. Garden behind the house. What's ahead?
3.I read the newspaper after I had breakfast. What did I do first?

It should be noted that in any cases where there are doubts about reading comprehension, students should be assisted: vocabulary work (carried out at all stages of work on the text), attracting children’s attention to understanding what they read must be carried out from their first steps in reading. Children should immediately be taught: “I read it and understood it.” To activate attention to the meaning of a read word, it is recommended to use the following techniques:
a) selective oral explanation to children of the meaning of the words read,
offered on the board or special individual cards;
b) selection of pictures or display of objects from the environment;
c) selection of antonyms or synonyms (from a group of words proposed on another card; independently);
d) a schematic representation of an object or action on the board;
e) depiction of an object, action using facial expressions, pantomimes;
f) coming up with a sentence with the word read;
g) word search with an unknown word for children lexical meaning in the group of proposed ones;
h) explanation of the meaning of the word by the teacher, etc.

If the word has multiple meanings (handle, key, tear, lift, etc.), then you should sort out several meanings with the children and include the word in different contexts.
- work on the plan (verbal drawing - illustrating the text, dramatization; titling each part of the story, collective work with the teacher - dividing the text into parts according to these headings, inventing headings after dividing the text by students);
- retelling (answers to questions, retelling close to the text);
- analysis of life situations;
- final, summarizing conversation.

The purpose of the reading and speech development program: to form the skill of conscious, correct, fluent, expressive reading in whole words, to develop coherent oral speech, which is a necessary condition for students to successfully master disabilities health of the level of educational skills that they need for social adaptation and rehabilitation in society.

Objectives of teaching reading and speech development:
- teach schoolchildren to correctly and meaningfully read a text they can understand out loud and silently;
- analyze the works read (highlight the main idea, the main characters, evaluate their actions);
- increase the level of general and speech development of students, teach them to consistently and correctly express their thoughts orally (full and selective retelling, compiling a story by analogy with what they read);
- to form the moral qualities of students, reading independence and culture.

Along with these tasks, special tasks aimed at for correction mental activity schoolchildren.

Main directions correctional work:
- development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and patterns;
- improving communication skills oral speech, enrichment and clarification of vocabulary;
- correction of deficiencies in the development of cognitive activity.
- development of articulatory motor skills;
- developing the ability to work according to verbal instructions and algorithms;
- correction of disturbances in the emotional and personal sphere;
- expanding ideas about the world around us;
- correction of individual gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities.

To develop a full-fledged reading skill, correctional and developmental techniques and exercises are used in the work, which are systematized and divided into groups according to the principle of correctional and developmental orientation:
1. Development phonemic hearing in children.

2.Development of visual perception.

3.Development of diction.

4.Development of semantic conjecture.

5.Development of peripheral vision skills.

6. Development of the articulatory apparatus.

7.Development of visual memory.

Work in the lesson begins with practicing pure pronunciation of sounds. For this purpose, phonetic and articulatory exercises are carried out, which help children develop correct pronunciation sounds, words, develops the ability to hear sounds in words, select words for certain sounds.

The use of correctional and developmental exercises is possible at various stages of the lesson. These exercises are multifunctional. They develop not only accuracy, awareness, speed, expressiveness, contribute to improving the way of reading, but also develop perception, attention, memory, thinking, teach the child to independently formulate tasks, and stimulate interest in reading.

1. Development of phonemic hearing in children. Types of exercises:

 Phonetic exercise. The teacher asks the children a question in which he asks about some action. Children make a sound. For example: what does the doctor say when he examines the throat? (Ah-ah...) or how they are shaking from the cold? (V-v-v...).

 Game “Who is bigger?” The goal of the game: come up with words with a new sound. For example: come up with words in which the sound a would be at the beginning (August, asters, stork), in the middle (bank, dog, swim), at the end of the word (sister, board, head), or come up with words starting with the sound [b ], [b ] (birch, bun, ram, loaf, butterfly).

 Game “Who is attentive?” Purpose of the game: learn a new sound in the words spoken by the teacher. For example: find the same sound in the words: goose, rook, book, toy, rake. Or guess the girl's name using the first sounds of the words: house, watermelon, ball, aster. (Answer: Dasha.)

 The sound is lost. Purpose of the task: find the word in which this sound is lost. For example:
The bug didn’t finish the booth (bun);
Reluctantly, tired of it.
The snow is melting. A stream flows. The branches are full of doctors. (rooks).

 Recognize the sound. Purpose of the task: children should clap their hands when they hear a new sound in a word. For example: the teacher reads words that contain the sound [t] (book, pen, door, notebook, Saturday, Friday, Wednesday, house, glass, clock, heron).

2.Developmentvisual perception.

Types of exercises:

 Find the odd one out.

Which letter is missing? a, y, p, o, s.

Which syllable is missing? ma, ra, na, ly, sa.

Which word is missing? river, river, stream, pen, stream.

 Syllable lotto.
On the board there are cards with syllables: ga, gu, gru. Children must complete the syllable to form a word. For example:
Ga – newspaper, gazelle.
Goo - geese, beep.
Gru is a pear.

 Ladder.
Words in the form of a ladder are written on the board. This exercise encourages children to read whole words. The ladder should be gradually made more complex. You can read words at different paces and with emotional overtones.
tank tooth
bow ash
tan bun
blouse call
butterfly green
hospital dugout

 Transformation of words is a magic chain.
The goal of the game is to replace letters in a word. For example: tooth - cube - oak - shower; Zina - Rina - wound - frame - lady - lama - mother - Masha - porridge - Dasha and replace one of the consonants in the words with Z: scythe (goat), door (beast).

 From one word - several.
The teacher writes a word on the board. Children come up with their own words for each letter of a given word. For example: APARTMENT (room, carriage, bus, work, product, game, hand, watermelon).

 This group includes special cards - slides and cards - columns.

3.Development of diction.

Reading in a whisper and slowly:

Yes, yes, yes - water is running from the pipe.
Sha-sha-sha - the mother washes the baby.
Yut-yut-yut - we love comfort very much.
Ash-ash-ash - Irina has a pencil.
Shcha-shcha-shcha - we are bringing home the bream.

Reading quietly and moderately:

Arka – artsa arla – archa
Arta – arda archa – arzha

Reading loudly and confidently:
burn - steam - fry
door - beast - worm

Readingclearly and quickly.
gas - year - goal - hum - goose
ox - howl - wolf
weight - all - news - thing

Clear Pronunciationsyllables: loud - quiet, quiet - loud.
VI – VE – VA – VO – VU – YOU
fi – fe – fa – fo – fu – fy

4.Developmentsemantic guess.

Add endings to the words. Goal: learn to coordinate words with each other. Preparing for speed reading.
Soft... toy
White... snowflakes

Finish the line.The teacher writes sentences on the board and asks the children to complete them.
Lo-lo-lo - like on the street... . (light)
Ul-ul-ul - I broke... . (chair)
Mom washed Mila with soap,
Mila soap didn’t….(loved)

What letters should be added to the words? to make a new word?
. forest vekla
. Lakat. Kalka
. cable how much

Entertaining models.
- e – (chalk, village, forest).
E – – (food, ate, ate).
E – – – (raccoon, riding, ruffs).
– e – – (forests, villages, sang).

Words are invisible.
– I am thick-legged and big. WITH - - -
-I am where the pain is. I - ah, I - oh! WITH - - -
-The grasshoppers are ringing on me. WITH - - -
-And I am the end result. - - - -
(Answer: elephant, groan, haystack, total.)
The ability to anticipate helps speed up reading and deepen the perception of its content.

5.Developmentskillperipheral vision.

Game “Photographing objects”“The goal of the game is to remember everything that is shown on the card in one second. Before the show, the command is given: “Get ready! Attention! Let’s take pictures!”

Number and letter pyramids The purpose of this exercise is to fixate the vision on the midline or a series of numbers and read the syllables. For example:
M! A
m __!__ y
m ___!____ and
m _____!______ e

These exercises are given at the initial stage of learning to read. In grades 5 and 6 when reading long works midline words are divided that need to be read from the board and which, when independent work above the text are difficult to understand.

Thus, two problems are solved: the field of clear vision is expanded and the preliminary pronunciation of difficult words.

Numeric and alphabetic tables

Reminder for working with the table.

As quickly as possible, name all the letters in order, indicating them with a pencil. Remember, the eyes look at the center of the table and see the whole thing.

A table consisting of a number of words that are not related in meaning.


6. Development of the articulatory apparatus.

The purpose of the tasks and exercises of the sixth group is the development of the articulatory apparatus. Using these exercises, the teacher sets himself the task of teaching children to pronounce words clearly and clearly, to clearly pronounce speech sounds. Working with tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, counting rhymes, and proverbs gives a good effect.

Working with pure tongues:Read the phrase slowly, a little faster, quickly.
Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves.
Read the sentence clearly and pronounce the words clearly. Which letter appears most often?
The bear found honey in the forest -
Not enough honey, too many bees.
What letters are these pure words for? Place an accent mark in the words.
I am a ruler.
Directness –
My main feature.

Working with tongue twisters.
1. Read the tongue twister quickly. Compete with a friend to see who can read the tongue twister faster and without mistakes.
Lara was playing the piano at Valya's.
2. Read the tongue twister. How many words with the letter Y have you come across?
Frost lay on the spruce branches,
The needles turned white overnight.

Tongue twisters in addition to correct pronunciation they form the child’s ability to speed up the pace, what is necessary when increasing the pace of reading. Tongue twisters can be played out, that is, pronounced not only at different tempos, but also with different intonations (joyful, enthusiastic, sad, excited, surprised, disappointed).

The connection between a child’s speech development and the level of development of fine movements of the fingers is theoretically substantiated, based on the size of the projection of the hand in the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex and its proximity to the motor speech area.
Using finger exercises in lessons, teachers note high efficiency both in terms of preparing the child’s hand for writing, the formation of handwriting, and in terms of the tonic effect, and even in terms of psychological correction. Practical teachers believe that many finger games have no age limits. It is advisable to carry out finger gymnastics in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type up to the 5th grade. Peculiarities of speech development in a mentally retarded child are manifested not only in the delay of speech, but also in the nature of its formation. Speech impairment prevents full communication with people, leads to speech withdrawal, and lack of self-confidence. One of the techniques for overcoming speech impairment is finger gymnastics. Students are willing to do these exercises. But it takes several lessons to practice one exercise, since not all children can immediately remember hand movements, much less perform them in combination with speech.

7.Development of visual memory.

The development of visual memory is carried out with the help of tasks that include memorizing words over a certain period of time, visual dictations.

Work with visual dictations is carried out from the 7th grade, since this age group The tempo of writing and calligraphy are sufficiently developed.

Exercises aimed at developing visual memory are used at such stages of the lesson as vocabulary work, consolidation of what has been learned, and repetition of what has been learned. Of course, it is more effective to use visual dictations in writing lessons, since reading lessons in a special (correctional) school do not require notebooks.

Systematic use This kind of task and exercise will certainly bring positive results. Students will become interested in readable works and the ability to independently understand the content of what is being read and draw appropriate conclusions from it.

Work program

Extracurricular reading

Explanatory note

“A book is a lighthouse,

which shines longer and further than others"

E. Murashova

Explanatory note

Today, serious work is underway in the country to draw attention to reading problems. The “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading,” prepared by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications and the Russian Book Union, notes a decrease in interest in reading among the population.

Formation of reading interest among schoolchildren in a special (correctional) boarding schoolVIIIspecies is characterized significant difficulties, associated with such characteristics of children as reduced curiosity, slow pace of reading, misunderstanding of the meaning of what they read, and inability to choose a book based on their capabilities.

In library lessons, regularly held in classrooms, we tried to awaken a love of reading and interest in books among boarding school students, developing a sense of native language, enriching the active and passive vocabulary of students.

But the initial results of diagnosing the level of reading interest of schoolchildren posed two problems for us:

How to make reading an interesting and desirable activity;

How to provide a student of a special (correctional) boarding school with effective perception and comprehension of what he read.

The solution to these problems can be a program for extracurricular reading, aimed at increasing the level of reading interest among students with disabilities. When developing the program, we were mainly guided by the methodology of teaching the Russian language by V.V. Voronkova. and the methodology of extracurricular reading by Svetlovskaya N.N., where the technology of working with children's books in extracurricular reading classes is revealed in detail.

The librarian sees his goal as, together with the teacher, to accustom the child to reading, to help children realize the value of children's reading as a means of education and upbringing.

Purpose of the program – increasing the level of reading interest among students with disabilities; organizing independent reading for schoolchildren at home and in extracurricular reading classes.


    Introducing children with disabilities to reading;

    Promoting the value of reading and books;

    Formation of primary ideas about the works of Russian and foreign children's writers;

    Improving reading skills necessary for qualified reading activity;

    Development of imagination, creativity
    and speeches from readers.

Program content:

    Developing a sustainable interest in books and a desire to overcome reading difficulties.

    Cultivating a caring attitude towards books.

Forms and types of work:

    Collective reading of fairy tales and stories, the content of which is accessible to children.

    Retelling fairy tales with illustrations.

    Work in class with materials from the extracurricular reading corner.

    Independent reading of a book with an exciting plot, an excerpt from which was read by a librarian.

    Competitions, holidays dedicated to books read.

    A selection of well-illustrated and short books for children with low level reader's interest.

    A selection of books with more serious content for children with more high level reader's interest.

    Providing individual assistance in choosing books, taking into account the student’s reading technique.

    Summing up the number of books read in a quarter.

    Encouragement when summing up.

    Monitoring the reading of books in extracurricular reading.

    Retelling of texts.

    Collective reading of articles from children's newspapers and magazines.

    Group reading followed by discussion of the content.

    Conversations about what you read.

    Collective drafting short reviews about books.

    Maintaining record sheets for extracurricular reading.

Pedagogical methods and techniques for each class

Table 1


and techniques

1st class

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

5th grade

6th grade

7th grade

8th grade

9th grade

Retelling fairy tales using illustrations

Collective reading

Visual propaganda

Competitions and celebrations to sum up the results of a book read

Encouragement when summarizing a book read

Reading control

Reading by the librarian (teachers) of an excerpt from a book with an exciting plot, offer to finish reading the book yourself

Discussion of books, read works

Analysis of record sheets for extracurricular reading

Collective writing of reviews of works read

The program for extracurricular reading includes works of literature - Russian poetry, works by K.L. Ushinsky, A. Tolstoy, A. Gaidar, S. Baruzdin, V. Oseeva, E. Permyak, I. Krylov, N. Artyukhova, S. Alekseev , N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, A. Barto, L. Voronkova, V. Bianki, M. Prishvin, N. Sladkov, V. Chaplina, E. Charushin, as well as works of world literature - fairy tales by G.Kh. Andersen, C. Perrault, A. Milne. When drawing up calendar and thematic planning, literary anniversaries of Russian and foreign writers and poets are taken into account, age characteristics children.

One of the principles of constructing the program is vertical thematicism, when the topic of extracurricular reading becomes the “core” that permeates all or some of the topics of the week. The librarian and the teacher will be able to implement integrated connections at a qualitatively different level, which allows for the practical orientation of extracurricular reading activities and their connection with life.

1.No interest in reading books.

2. Cannot choose books independently.

3. When choosing books, the main attention is paid to illustrations and volume.

4. Doesn't always finish reading a book.

5. When working with magazines and newspapers, he considers only drawings.

6. Needs constant monitoring.

1. Independently finds books recommended by the teacher.

2. When choosing a book, focus on the author, title of the book, illustrations.

3. Understands and explains the content of the illustrations in the book.

4. Answers questions about the content of what was read.

5. Takes magazines and newspapers independently; looks at illustrations; reads selectively (based on interest) stories and poems.

1. Selects books independently, pays attention to the author, title of the book, illustrations.

2. Reads with desire.

3. Shares impressions of what you read.

4. Can independently identify the main idea.

5. Retells it closely to the text.

6. Looks at and reads magazines and newspapers.

7. Knows the names of children's magazines.

8. Visits the library independently.

Extracurricular reading classes require high activity and curiosity of students. Students should be included not only in the search for “information,” but also be able to defend their point of view on events in life, show interest in reading, and feel the need to communicate with a book.

The results of the program are determined by the level of development of the reading interest of schoolchildren.

Personal, meta-subject results.

Personal results are the following skills:

evaluate people's actions life situations from the point of view of generally accepted norms and values; evaluate specific actions as good or bad;

emotionally “live” the text, express your emotions;

understand the emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize;

express your attitude towards the characters of the works you read and listened to, and their actions. The means to achieve these results

texts literary works, questions and tasks for them; watching performances and discussing them.

Meta-subject results is the formation of universal educational activities(UUD). Regulatory UUD

Regulatory UUD:

determine and formulate the goal of activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher; – talk through the sequence of actions in class;

learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with a book illustration; – learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher. The technology of productive reading serves as a means of forming regulatory UUD.

Cognitive UUD:

navigate the book (on the double page, in the table of contents);

find answers to questions in the text and illustrations;

draw conclusions as a result of joint work between the class and the teacher;

transform information from one form to another: retell small texts in detail, dramatize small texts. The means of forming cognitive educational skills are the texts of books, watching performances, and visiting the library.

Communicative UUD :

express your thoughts orally and in writing (at the level of a sentence or small text);

listen and understand the speech of others;

negotiate with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication and follow them;

learn to work in pairs, groups; perform various roles (executive leader).

The means of developing communicative learning activities is the technology of productive reading and the organization of work in pairs and small groups

Planned results.

    Enrichment inner world child.

    Showing interest in the book, expanding the reader's horizons.

    Ability to work with text and books.

    Knowledge and clear pronunciation at different rates of 5-8 tongue twisters.

    Development of the skill of coordination of movements with the work of the speech apparatus.

The program contains 34 lessons - once a week, lasting 35-40 minutes.

Thematic planning extracurricular reading classes (34 hours)



quiz, game, review

The implementation of didactic teaching principles in the lesson, systematic work, and richness of the material allow us to say that the lesson is educational, educational and corrective in nature. All applied pedagogical techniques, forms, methods create a situation of success and enrich the subjective experience of students.

The organizational structure of the lesson, the emotional mood of students, adherence to health-saving technologies, computer presentation, reflection, rewards with emoticons for the correct answer arouse students' interest in the lesson.

  1. To introduce students to V. Suteev’s fairy tale, to develop reading skills, the ability to choose the right intonation when expressive reading; develop students' speech.
  2. Correction of visual and auditory perception, attention.
  3. Motivation to study.

Lesson progress

I. Org. moment.

1. Check students' readiness for the lesson. (Slide 1)

– Today in class, be careful and answer with complete answers. For the correct answer you will receive a smiley face. And at the end of the lesson, whoever has the most emoticons worked well.

2. Corrective minute. (Slide 2)

Task: Look carefully at the screen. Find and write down the word that is hidden among the letters.


-What word is this?

- Guys, why do you think I hid the word fairy tale?

– What did we get acquainted with in the reading lesson? (with a fairy tale)

II. Updating basic knowledge.

1. Communicate the topic and purpose of the review.

2. Homework survey.

– Now let’s remember what fairy tale we read in the last lesson?

-What happened to them?

– Now let’s work with the text? (slide 3)

– Find and read a passage about how the hare and the fox ended up on the same log?

– What happened to the fox when she listened to the magpie?

– What happened to the hare after the magpie’s advice?

– What decision did the main characters come to at the end of the fairy tale?

- Guys, what does this fairy tale teach us?

3. Micrototal.

- Well done, you know this fairy tale well.

III. Learning new material.

1. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

– So, we continue to get acquainted with literary fairy tales.

– What fairy tales are called literary?

– What other fairy tales are there? (folk)

– Today we will get acquainted with the fairy tale of V. Suteev. (Slide 4)

– V. Suteev is Russian, children's writer. He wrote many Russian fairy tales for children (such as...)

– But look at the book with fairy tales by V. Suteev that they have prepared for readers. We will definitely read it with you.

– And also, guys, V. Suteev was an illustrator. He drew illustrations for his fairy tales, which were used to decorate books. (slide 5)

2. Highlighting the topic.

– Now let’s name a fairy tale together.

- Look. What is this? (stick, stick)

- Is this wand a lifesaver?

– We’ll find out why she’s a lifesaver after reading the fairy tale. (slide 6)

– Today we will get acquainted with the 1st part of the fairy tale.

– An actor will read a fairy tale to you today. Sit back, be attentive. Notice how the actor changes his voice for the characters in the fairy tale.


3. Work on issues.

- Let's see which of you was attentive?

– Who are the main characters of the fairy tale?

-Where were the hedgehog and the hare going?

– What did the hedgehog find in the forest?

– How the heroes crossed the stream

– What did the hedgehog call the stick? (stick jump rope through everything) (slide 7)

IV. Physical exercise.

- Let's relax a little and play.

How are you living?
Are you swimming?
How are you running?
Are you looking into the distance?
Are you waiting for lunch?
Are you waving after me?
Do you sleep at night?
Are you naughty?

- Sit down quietly, let's continue to work.

4. Let's remember breathing exercises.

– We work like a spray gun.

- Inhale a pleasant smell.

– Blow out the candle for 1 large inhalation, 2 small exhalations.

- Blow a leaf from your palm.

5. Working with the textbook.

– Now open the book where the bookmark is.

– Find the fairy tale “The Magic Wand” to the colored stripe.

- This is the first part.

– Read the fairy tale yourself in a whisper 1 time.

6. Gymnastics for the eyes.

7. – Now, I invite you to be the heroes of our fairy tale.

– You role-play.

– What roles will you voice? How many are there? (slide 8)

– Go to the table and choose a card. After reading, you will know who you will be reading for.

– Take headbands with your character’s image on them.


- Now attention, next task.

– Look at the illustration from the book. (Slide 9,10)

- Choose words from the text for it.

V. Consolidation.

– So guys, let’s sum up our lesson.

– What fairy tale did you come across?

– Who are the main characters of the fairy tale?

– Did you like the fairy tale? We will find out what happened next in the next lessons.

- Now write it down homework. (Page 83, reading, retelling)

– I know, guys, that you love cartoons, and now I suggest you watch an excerpt from the cartoon “The Lifesaver”

VI. Reflection.

– Now I suggest that you evaluate your work in class yourself. (Slide 11)

– I also think that you worked well today. But we also have emoticons.

- So they will show who worked more actively. (Counting) Grades.

– Thank you everyone! The lesson is over.

Pobyzakova Ella Leonidovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, GBOU RH for orphans and children left without parental care, “Askiz special (correctional) boarding school” 8 types. Republic of Khakassia, village Askiz.

True reading begins from the moment when behind the word and phrase the child sees and feels living images: pictures, sounds, smells. This is where the amazing begins: the eye sees one thing, and the consciousness creates another (after all, they begin to read to us in childhood, when we see page there are only black hooks, signs, which we later call letters, and we see, for example, Kolobok and from these black signs, hooks we recognize the same Kolobok).
One of the requirements imposed by the program of correctional schools8 for the reading of mentally retarded schoolchildren is conscious reading. Work on conscious reading is not limited to the period of study in primary school, it continues and remains relevant throughout all years of schoolchildren’s education. The older they get, the more complex and voluminous the texts become; the texts contain more deep meaning, becomes more complicated storyline etc.
Conscious reading is a quality of reading in which an understanding of the informational, semantic and ideological aspects of a work is achieved. This skill is the most important for reading because... If a person does not understand what he is reading about, the whole meaning of the reading process is lost. The teacher’s task is to help schoolchildren to correctly comprehend and understand readable text, teach to establish semantic connections in the text, help to understand ideological meaning works. All work done in the reading lesson is aimed specifically at solving these problems.
To do this, it is recommended to use a variety of methods: preparing students to perceive the text through conversation, story, excursions, demonstration of paintings, illustrations, and video materials. Of no small importance is working on unfamiliar and difficult to understand words and expressions, analysis visual arts works of art, text analysis, consolidation of the content of the read text, drawing up various types of plans, retelling, as well as generalizing conversations.
Conscious reading is necessary not only in reading lessons, but also when studying the technology of processing fabric and wood. Since only by reading the instructions exactly can the product be made. We can say that reading, namely conscious reading, helps our children learn something new and imagine what they saw.
There are different methods and techniques for achieving conscious reading. The article by Shishkova M.I. (Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy at M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State Pedagogical University) offers various options for tasks aimed at developing the skill of conscious reading. First of all, these tasks are related to lexical work on the word, because It is this work that provides an understanding of the elementary meaning of the work. Misunderstanding of what you read begins, as a rule, with a misunderstanding of the meaning of individual words and expressions, and this leads to the inability to understand the deeper meaning of the work. The article also presents tasks related to the development of schoolchildren’s semantic guesses and the ability to predict content, genre specifics, emotional character text before reading it and during the reading process.
Task 1. Analysis of the meanings of synonymous words.
On the magnetic board there are signs with words written on them - synonyms.
A key is a spring, a warrior is a soldier, a fence is a hedge, a wattle fence.
Task 2. Analysis of the meaning of words - synonyms and their comparison with words from the work being read.
Task 3. Independently inventing synonyms and comparing them with the text being read.
Task 4. Selection this word, words with opposite meanings, explanation of the meaning of the word, composing phrases and sentences with these words.
Task 5. Working with mixed series of words that are close and opposite in meaning (synonyms, antonyms).
Task 6. Working with phraseological units.
The teacher asks to explain the meaning of the expressions. Word combinations are written on cards. The cards can be attached to a magnetic board and distributed to students. Students also need to determine whether this expression to the work (passage, character) read in class.
a) A man with a head, not to lose his head, out of the blue, headlong, to lose his head, his head is spinning, to fool his head.
b) Turn up your nose, lead by the nose, nod off, stay with your nose, hang your nose, pick on your nose, meet nose to nose.
c) Talk to your eyes, don’t blink an eye, even if you gouge out your eyes, bat your eyes, throw dust in your eyes, face to face.
d) Keep your ears sharp, blush up to your ears, hang your ears, hear out of the corner of your ear, ears on top of your head, let your ears pass by, a bear stepped on your ear, prick up your ears, buzz all your ears.
e) The tooth doesn’t hit the tooth, speak through the teeth, speak with the teeth, hit the tooth.
f) Tongue without bones, pull the tongue, swallow the tongue, the tongue does not turn, sharp tongue, evil tongues, find common language, keep your mouth shut.
g) It falls out of hand, it’s very bad, an easy hand, wash your hands, pull yourself together, as if you have no hands, a jack of all trades, tidy up your hands, sit with your hands folded.
h) As fast as you can, get up with your left foot, keep up, not feeling your feet under you, get on your feet, fall off your feet, get knocked down, get tangled up, one foot here and the other there.
Task 7. Learning the ability to predict the content of a text and develop a semantic guess.
1. Before starting to read the work, ask students to determine the genre of the story, theme, plot, and emotional character of the work. (V. Astafiev “Autumn Sadness”, G. Skrebitsky “Welcome!”).
Task 8. Exercises aimed at determining the semantic structure of the text, the connection between the semantic parts of the text.
1. Find the mistake: The kitten has white paws. Grandfather Vanya is seven years old. I'll go swimming yesterday. We were at the dacha tomorrow.
Systematic use of this type of task will certainly bring positive results. Schoolchildren will develop an interest in the works they read and the ability to independently understand the content of what they are reading and draw appropriate conclusions from it. As a result of the proposed exercises, the vocabulary students, the lexical side of speech develops, the ability to correctly construct sentences, correctly and consistently express their thoughts is developed. Interest and love for the native language appears and develops.
1. Correctional pedagogy, 2007 No. 1(19), pp. 53-58
2.A.K. Aksenova. Methods of teaching the Russian language in a correctional school. Textbook for universities. M.Vlados.1999.p. 175-180.

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