Conclusion in research. Research work template for design methodological development on the topic

This material contains recommendations for preparing research papers for elementary school students - a sample is provided title page, table of contents, introduction, conclusion, and also indicates what needs to be reflected in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, in the appendix



Introduction page 3

Chapter 1. Variety of guinea pig breeds p.4

Chapter 2. Rules of care guinea pigs p.5

Conclusion p.6

References page 7



Introduction. For example:

For research work We chose the topic “Guinea Pigs” because this material is of informational value for students, teachers and other people who are interested in the animal world. Our work collects and describes various information about guinea pigs and provides recommendations for caring for them.

Relevance (significance) of this topic at the present time and for whom it matters.

Research problem– how systematic care will contribute to the proper development of the animal.

Object of study- guinea pigs.

Subject of research– the conditions under which guinea pigs will live and develop.

Purpose of the study– justify the need and effectiveness of timely and necessary care for these ornamental pets.

Research objectives:

1. Study the literature on this topic.

2. Find and describe the variety of guinea pig breeds.

3. Draw up rules for caring for guinea pigs.

4. Test in practice the effectiveness of proper care for the life and development of guinea pigs.

Hypothesis – if you systematically care for guinea pigs, they will live and develop correctly.

Research methods:

1. Study of specialized literature.

2. Generalization and systematization of material on this topic.

3. Observation and recording of observations.

Chapter 1. Variety of Guinea Pig Breeds

In this chapter, the child compiles a description of guinea pig breeds, their diversity, and the history of their appearance.

Chapter 2. Rules for caring for guinea pigs

This chapter provides a description of the rules for caring for guinea pigs and provides recommendations from veterinarians


At the beginning of our research work, we posed the problem of finding out how systematic care would contribute to the proper development of guinea pigs. In the course of studying the literature, we found out the basic conditions that need to be created for their life. We learned what breeds of guinea pigs currently exist in the world and how they appeared.

In the course of studying specialized literature and conducting observations, we found out that it is necessary to systematically care for guinea pigs at home.

Our observations helped us to verify the correctness of our hypothesis: if you systematically care for guinea pigs, they will live and develop correctly.

The practical significance of this work lies in the fact that the collected materials can be used by students and teachers for additional lessons on the world around them.

Thus, the objectives of the research work have been solved, the goal has been achieved, the problem put forward has been clarified.


List of used literature in alphabetical order


Starting from the next page, all photographs, drawings, tables, etc. necessary for this work are placed in the “Appendix”.

Municipal government educational institution

Cathay average secondary school №1

Research work

around the world

Guinea pigs

Last name First name


4 "B" class


Koksharova Nadezhda


Kataysk 2013

Computer games- the phenomenon is very complex and it cannot be said unequivocally that they have a bad effect on the academic performance of schoolchildren. That is, the harm and benefits are determined by the time spent at the computer.

Based on the research conducted, we can say that Computer games can affect a person both negatively and positively.

The hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the work was confirmed. The goal of the work has been achieved, all accompanying tasks have been completed. During my work, I learned a lot of interesting things about games and their influence on us.

Summarizing the theoretical and practical parts of the study, the following can be done: conclusions:

1. Computer games can be used for both good and bad.

2. Inappropriate use computer games negatively impacts student performance and success.

The results of this research work can be used

  • subject teachers in computer science lessons;
  • class teachers, psychologists and social educators when conducting cool hours and parent meetings.

Appendix 1

Questionnaire " The influence of computer games on learning"

1. Do you have a computer at home? A) Yes B) No

2. Do you like to play computer games? A) Yes B) No

3. Do you visit gaming clubs? A) Yes B) No

4. When was the first time you played any games on a computer?

A) Less than a year B) From one year to three years C) More than three years ago

5. How much time a day do you devote to computer games (for those who have a computer)?

A) Less than an hour B) From one to two hours C) More than two hours

6. If you were allowed to devote all your free time to games (this means refusing to read or watch TV), would you agree? A) Yes B) No C) I don’t know

7. For you, computer games are:

A) Entertainment B) Relaxation C) The meaning of life

8. What games do you prefer to play?

A) 3D Action B) Strategy C) Quests D) Simulations

D) Arcade games E) Educational

9. What types of games do you think have a negative impact on mental development(intelligence) of a person?

A) 3D Action B) Strategy C) Quests D) Simulations E) Arcade games

E) Educational G) Others

10. How do you think computer games affect the player’s mood? A) Positive B) Negative C) I don’t know

11. Can a computer replace a friend?

A) Yes B) No C) I don’t know

12. Do you think computer games affect your behavior and studies?

A) Positive B) Negative C) I don’t know

13. Your gender: A) male B) female

Appendix 3.

Analysis of academic results

Appendix 4

Memo for parents

There is no need to prohibit your child from playing computer games for children. To prevent the game from harming your child’s health, try to follow some rules together:

1. It is better to play computer games in the morning.

2. Remember that only after 12 years old can children at least partially learn to separate realities - virtual and real.

3. The computer must be installed correctly and have high technical specifications, lighting should be natural and sufficient,

4. Choose games according to the child’s age that have meaningful tasks,

5. You can play educational computer games for children for no more than 15 minutes at a time (depending on the age of the child, the duration of the game may increase slightly, but should not exceed 40 minutes at a time),

6. Analyze the plots of computer games your child plays. Most often these will be scenes of violence, suppression, cruelty, and murder of the enemy. It happens that a child commits an act of virtual murder up to several hundred (!) times in one game.

7. Please note that in virtual reality there is no scale human feelings: by killing and suppressing, the child does not experience ordinary emotions (pain, sympathy, empathy). On the contrary, the usual human scale is inverted: the child takes pleasure in hitting, insulting, killing.

8. Monitor not only what their children play, but also how they play. The child should control the game easily and without tension - just like playing a musical instrument. If he doesn't succeed, change the game. There are many games and there is always something to choose from.

9. Set an alarm clock (timer) for a certain time, so that if you get carried away by the game, you don’t lose the sense of time,

10. After the game, invite your child to do the simplest eye exercises: stand together in front of the window, draw a small dot on the glass. Alternately look at a point on the glass and at distant objects outside the window. You need to hold your gaze for 10-15 seconds on each object.

Templates of phrases and formulations for coursework and dissertations (thesis, projects, etc. research and educational works).

Phrases and templates for research paper

At the beginning, the topic of the work and the rationale for its choice are stated.
The thesis/course work offered to your attention is dedicated to...
Have you ever thought about why...? I noticed that... / thought about this question when...
The desire to understand... appeared in my childhood. I was interested...
I've always wondered why...
The topic of our work: “...”. The choice of this topic is due to the fact that...
This question is related to my professional future, so now I am already interested in... and have chosen... as the topic of my research.
The question under study (topic of the work) had a direct impact on my life (affected the lives of my family and friends), and therefore...
  • Relevance
The relevance of the topic of this work is due to the fact that currently...
(topic)…has become an integral part of our lives today. We use... without thinking...
Today we increasingly hear and use the word...
IN modern world...has great value, because …
Many people are interested/fascinated/think...
Today the problem ... is especially relevant because ...
Question... in recent years becomes the focus of research attention...
The topic is the subject of lively discussions and debates in the community of legal scholars/economists/historians...etc. depending on the scientific field.
This is explained by the fact that... affects our health / mood / success
The problem... attracts close attention of scientists and the public because... ...
Recently it has appeared... and people have begun to think more and more often about...
Probably every person at least once in his life thought about...
...has always raised a lot of questions among people...
Today there is debate / there is no consensus on this issue...
At the moment, there are two opposing views on this issue...
  • Novelty
Today there are works devoted to... in general. However, we decided to consider the analyzed problem using the example of our class/school, and this is the novelty of our research.
Existing theoretical developments and practical research superficially explore the issue..., and therefore, there was a need for a more thorough development of this topic within the framework of this thesis ( course work).
The scientific developments presented to date in the field...reflect in great detail the key aspects....(topic), however, the objective realities of the present day require study this issue in the context of current trends... (area of ​​research).
  • Purpose of the work
The goal of the work is to find out why...
The purpose of this thesis is to develop... / determine... / calculate...
The purpose of this course work is to explore... /formulate...
The main goal of this study is to answer the question ... / prove that ...
  • Tasks
To achieve the stated goal, we set ourselves the following tasks:
To achieve this goal, we need to solve the following tasks:
Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks:
The tasks of the work include:

Examples of tasks:
1. Provide a review of the literature on the topic..
2. Formulate the concept...
3. Consider/present the classification of species... (subject of research)
4. Find examples ... in ... / collect material ... / examine the composition ... / measure the level ...
4. Conduct a survey / observation / experiment /
5. Compare/contrast/analyze the research results obtained
6. Draw conclusions about...
7. Formulate proposals for improvement...

First chapter (theoretical)

Basic terms and concepts, history of the issue:

The key concepts for our study are….
... called ...
On the official website... we found the following definition of the term... "..."
Ivanov V.V. in the book... defines the concept... as...
Klyuev S.S. understands the term...
Petrov V.S.
Andreev A.A. in the book "..." gives the following definition...
… - This …
The site... offers the following definition of the concept...
Ivanov’s article “...” in the magazine “...” states that...
It is generally accepted that...
First, let's look at the history of the issue...
It is generally accepted...
The history of the issue is covered in detail on the pages of modern encyclopedias, for example..., as well as on the website...
From the book...we learned that...
According to the position of Usov I.N., expressed in the article ... “...”, ...
According to Ivanov V.V. ...
Perhaps this is related...
Besides, …
At the same time...
It's interesting that...
It is a common belief that...
It is important to note that...

Chapter two - description of the study
In order to find out... we decided to conduct a survey... among the students/parents of our class. The survey was conducted through a questionnaire/survey in social networks. The survey involved ... students and ... parents.
Respondents were asked the following questions: ...
The study was conducted on the material…
We took… as material for research.
The examples given are based on...
The results of the survey are presented in Table 1.
Figure 2 shows...
In Figure 3 you can see...
In this case we see ... / we are dealing with ...
At the same time, it should be noted...
Noteworthy is the fact that...
The diagram shows...

Conclusions by chapter
Based on all of the above, we can state...
All of the above allows us to draw the following conclusions: ...
Thus we see...
Hence …
It's obvious that...
As can be seen from everything said above...
From the above it follows that...
Summarizing the above, it is necessary to note the following...
To summarize Chapter 2, it is necessary to emphasize...
Summing up the interim results, we can say that...
As a result of our research, we found that...
In conclusion, it should be noted...
The study allowed us to draw the following conclusions...
The main conclusion I made: ...
During the study, it was revealed/established that...
Thus, we are convinced...
All of the above proves that...
Based on the above, it is logical to assume that...
All of the above convinces us that...
The most plausible version seems to us..., because...
The examples we found and analyzed allow us to identify the following pattern: ...

At the end of the work done, the following conclusions can be formulated:...
We see prospects for further research of the problem in a more detailed study...
In the future it would be interesting...
In our opinion, it would be interesting to study / explore / consider...
In addition to ... discussed in this coursework / diploma work, in our opinion, it would be interesting to explore...
The work examines only one aspect of the problem. Research in this direction can be continued. This could be a study not only... but also...

Purpose of work
The study may be useful and interesting for school students who are interested in..., as well as for everyone who is interested in...
The results of our research could help children in...
The work may be of interest to...
The results of the study can be used by teachers when preparing lessons / competitions / quizzes on the topic....
The work can be used for further research...
With this work I would like to attract the attention of the public and the scientific community to the problem...
The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results were the basis for the rules I developed ... / reminders on ... for ...

What did the work give to the researcher himself?
In the course of doing the work, I learned/learned/found out.../discovered...
The work helped me understand / realize / solve the problem / take a fresh look...
While working on the research, I acquired important experience… I am confident that the knowledge I have acquired will allow me... to avoid mistakes / will help me correctly... / achieve...
The research radically changed my understanding of... / opinion... / understanding...
The results of the study got me thinking...
The most difficult thing for me was... (research problems).

A collection of phrases and template expressions for writing research papers: abstracts, term papers and dissertations.

If the work is written correctly, drawing up a conclusion will be quite simple. We'll tell you how to do this.

How to Summarize a Written Work

In order to write a conclusion correctly, you must first approach the work thoroughly. Regardless of whether it is a graduation project, coursework or just an abstract, an essay, when writing it, you will have to implement the assigned research, learning goals. They will form the basis of the future conclusion.

Moreover, it will be more convenient to summarize after each individual chapter of written work. In this case, you won't actually have to think about how to write the output. You will only combine existing points into one logically connected text.

In general, the sequence of actions when writing the final part of the work will look like this:

  1. Designate main goal work. What needed to be found out, proven, demonstrated. Did you manage to do this? If yes, what result did you come to at the end of the work?
  2. Create a content plan. What issues were considered? What conclusions were drawn from each of them?
  3. Carefully study the mini-conclusions after each chapter of the work. Are they consistent and logical enough?
  4. Start combining the mini-summaries into an overall final conclusion. Here you also need to follow a certain plan.

Conclusion writing plan

  1. Start with what goals were set at the very beginning. Take this information from the introduction to the work. Begin this part of the conclusion with the words “In this work, we considered the question...”, “At the beginning of the work, we set ourselves the goal of finding out...” etc.
  2. Note what you learned while considering the issue, focusing on the results of each chapter/section. This part can be formalized, for example, with the following expression: “During the research work, we learned that...”.
  3. Draw your final conclusions. Here it would be appropriate to write something like: “In conclusion, we can sum up the following - …”.

Remember that you don’t need to rewrite existing text - replace words with synonyms, paraphrase expressions, change the structure of sentences. At the very end, summarize the general conclusion that follows from all the listed results.

As for the length of the conclusion, it would be correct to write a conclusion of approximately one paragraph in size for each chapter of the work. The final conclusion for essays and abstracts can be made in 1-2 pages. For coursework and diploma projects that involve complex in-depth research, more detailed conclusions can be drawn. However, please note that the total volume of the introductory and concluding parts should not exceed 25% of the total volume of the text, otherwise these parts will seem “watery,” which is unacceptable for high-quality research work.

You will also find some tips on how to write conclusions for various written works in the article.

In this section we will look at existing requirements for registration of research work students, performed individually under the guidance of a teacher (educator) or a group of schoolchildren (pupils) of an educational institution.

In this section we will define rules for writing a research paper for schoolchildren of all classes, as well as for preschoolers (kindergarten).

Let's give an example and sample design of projects in elementary school, on the surrounding world, mathematics, Russian language and literature, history, biology, physics, computer science, chemistry, English language, in geography and other subjects.

We will show an example and sample of the design of schoolchildren's research work, the requirements and rules for the design of project pages, title pages, headings, abbreviations and formulas in the design of the project, the correct design of drawings, graphs, diagrams, tables and photographs.

The presented requirements and rules for preparing a research work (project) are applicable for schoolchildren of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, as well as for preschool educational institutions (kindergartens). Research work completed by a student or teacher must be formatted in accordance with the rules outlined on this page.

Research Paper Page Options

Any research work or project of a student is drawn up on A4 sheets on one side.
  • left margin - 20 mm
  • right - 10 mm
  • top - 15 mm
  • lower - 15 mm

The text of the research work (project) is typed in font Times New Roman.

Font size 14 .

Line spacing – 1,5 (one and a half).

Aligning text on a page - in width.

Paragraph indentations are required and the amount is at the discretion of the author. Text research project should be easy to read and correctly formatted.

Title page of research paper and project

Writing and designing student research work begins with the design of the title page.

We provide sample research paper title page design.

Page numbering for a research project

The research paper should be numbered at the end of the page. There is no number on the first page; the numbering is placed and continues from the second page. The page number is located at the bottom center.

The use of frames, animations and other elements for decoration in the design of research work is not allowed.

Titles in a research paper

The section title is printed in bold, with a capital letter and without a period at the end. Wrapping words in headings is not allowed. There is a 2-space indent between the text and the title.

Each chapter of a research paper is written on a new page. Chapters are numbered with Arabic numerals (1., 2., ...). The paragraph numbering includes the chapter number, period, paragraph number (for example, 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., etc.).

If paragraphs contain paragraphs, then the paragraphs are numbered with three digits separated by a dot, for example, 1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc., where the first digit is the chapter number, the second is the paragraph number, the third is the paragraph number.

Abbreviations and formulas in the design of research work

Abbreviations other than generally accepted ones are not often used in the text (D.I. Alekseev Dictionary of Russian Language Abbreviations - M., 1977).

When mentioning surnames in the text of a research project famous people(authors, scientists, researchers, inventors, etc.), their initials are written at the beginning of the surname.

If you use formulas in the text, give an explanation of the symbols used (for example: A+B=C, where A is the number of candies for Masha, B is the number of candies for Dasha, C is the number of candies in total).

Design of project applications

Figures and photographs, graphs and diagrams, drawings and tables should be located and formatted at the end of the description of the research project after the List of references used on separate pages in the appendices (for example: Appendix 1, Appendix 2, ...). On these pages the inscription Appendix 1 is located in the upper right corner.

Pictures, photographs, graphs, diagrams, drawings and tables

Drawings in applications are numbered and signed.
Their name is placed under the picture (for example: Fig. 1. Feeder for tits, Photo 1. Forest in winter, Graph 1. Change in sales parameter, Diagram 1. Dynamics of wheat growth.

The tables in the appendices are also numbered and titled. Tables use single spacing for lines of text. The numbering and name are located under the table (Table 1. School student performance).

When completing a research paper, write (Appendix 1) at the end of the sentence that refers to the appendix. Required condition there should be an application itself at the end of the research paper or project.

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