Ural is the "stone belt" of the Russian land. Ural - a stone belt of the Russian land Urals a stone belt of the Russian land presentation

Ural - stone belt Russian land .

He is the Asian mainland

Came on a stone threshold

He knows the mammoth skeleton

In frozen soils. Downpours, winds

It has been sharpened for millions of years

So that the edges sparkle in a line.

Iron, nickel, chrome ores

I will touch with a word, I will find a rhyme for them.

No wonder the emerald stone in the mines

Green eye looks into the darkness.

The ridge will confuse the path of moose,

Ripe blueberries will start to regale,

Shines between the pines of the river Sosva,

The glacier will reach the bright cloud,

He will look into the lakes, he will enter the verse like this.

He smelled of forests and flowers

And bitter factory smoke.

S. Schipachev

Ural is a mountainous country,

stretching from victory

cut of the Kara Sea to

steppes of Kazakhstan from the north

more than 2000 km to the south, with

west to east - from 50

Continuation of the Ural Mountains

in the north are the islands

Novaya Zemlya and Vaigach, and on

south of the Mugodzhar mountains.

Ural is natural

border between Europe

called Riphean.

"Stone belt of the Russian land",

"Stone", "Earth belt" - so on-

called the Urals until the 18th century.

The name "Ural" appears from

from the 18th century In the works of the Russian historian

rik and geographer Vasily Nikiti-

cha Tatishcheva ("ur" in Mansi,

and "ure" in Even means

The Ural Mountains rise

ridges near the eyes

low-rise ridges and ridges

zhey dressed in taiga.

The highest point of the Urals

some mountains - Mount Narodnaya

Mountains consist of several

drink that run parallel

but to each other in the meridian

direction. The ridges are divided

longitudinal intermontane ponies

the paths through which the rivers flow.

Transverse valleys dismember

these chains into separate ridges and

History of development Ural.

  • People settled in the Urals and moved gradually along the mountain steppes to the edge of the glacier.
  • The ancient population of the Urals - the ancestors of the Udmurts, Komi, Khanty and others in the era of primitiveness created a rich and unique culture.

  • The first people spoke the language of the modern peoples of the Khanty and Mansi. In the steppes of the Southern Urals, as well as in the territory Chelyabinsk region Abashev tribes lived.

bashkir village

  • The main population of the Southern Urals in IX XI centuries were the Bashkirs.
  • From the second half XVI century Bashkiria became a vassal of the Muscovite state.
  • The first Bashkir villages began to appear.


  • AT XVI in. on the river In the Urals, free people appear who create a "Cossack republic" here.
  • AT XVII in. Orenburg Cossacks formed in the Southern Urals.

Building fortresses

  • In 1730-1750. near the area of ​​present-day Miass, the first Russian settlements arose: Chebarkulskaya, Kundravinskaya, Uiskaya.
  • The task of the government was to build fortresses in the Southern Trans-Urals, which led to an influx of peasants and service people.

The ancient inhabitants of the Urals

there were Bashkirs, Udmurts, Komi,

Khanty, Mansi, local Tatars.

The first settlements of the Russians

curled in the Urals in the upper reaches of the Ka-

we, their inhabitants, were engaged in hunting

that and fishing. In the XI century. on-

garden people Kalinnikovs-

we created the first salt-

varni in the village of Sol-Kama

(modern Solikamsk).

18th century - century of development of the mining plant -

Russian industry of the Urals.

The study of natural resources

Ural, deals with their description

at this time, V.N. Tatishchev. He justified

new the need for construction

you large industrial

ntra Ural and chose for him a me-

one hundred. So Catherine was founded

Geological research

of the Urals is actively

were born in the 19th century in I.V. Mushka-

tov, A.E. Fersman and others.

Mining industry

the Urals studied and

could improve

scientist D.I. Mendeleev.

About the fabulous wealth of the Urals

spoke brightly and colorfully

their tales about the mistress of Mednaya

mountains P.P. Bazhov.

"Ural! reference edge powers,

Her earner and blacksmith,

The same age as our ancient

And the glory of the current creator "

(A. Tvardovsky)

Natural resources Ural.

The Ural strikes with the wealth of its

bowels Ural is called a pantry

countries. About 1000 found here

various minerals and taken into account

over 10 thousand p/i deposits.

In terms of reserves of platinum, asbestos,

precious stones, potassium salts

The Urals owns one of the

places in the world.

Map work.

1. Between what tectonic structures

is the Ural

2. What structure separates the Urals from the Russian Plateau?

3. What minerals are complex in the region

howling deflection of the Urals?

Ancient mountains of the Urals,

formed in the Paleozoic

during the Mesozoic and Paleo-

gene were almost full

tew are destroyed. In the Neogene

Quaternary time current

tonic movements under-

taken to different heights

separate blocks of the Urals.

Thus, folded

blocky Ural mountains

Ural fold system

Russian platform

West Siberian plate

Stages of the origin of the Ural Mountains.

Stage 1.

Archean and Proterozoic era .

Stage 2. Palaeozoic. (Hercynian folding)

Stage 3. Mesozoic era.

4 stage . Cenozoic era.

After that, the mountains were again subjected to

destruction as a result of

ness of external forces - weathering,

activity of rivers and ice. As a result-

those at the surface turned out to be internal

part of the folds, where intense

mineral formation processes were going on,

various ores arose.

As a result of weathering

education is taking place

kurums, trogs, circuses,

caves, caravans



central band

Relief and geological structure


Saber (1497)









and low

the mountains






edge of Russian



West Siberian

slabs, break

ore useful



The main wealth of the Urals is ores,

moreover, complex ores, for example

measures, iron ores with admixture

titanium, vanadium, nickel, chromium.

Copper ores with an admixture of zinc,

gold, silver.

Most ore deposits

is located on the eastern slope

not where igneous predominates




Large ore deposits




The Urals are rich in deposits of color

ny metals.

Copper ore is mined at Krasno-

Ural, Gaisk and other deposits

deniya. In the north of the Urals were found

dens are large deposits of bok-

bauxite and manganese.

A lot of nickel is mined in the Urals

and chrome. The oldest place is gold

production in Russia – Berezovskoe

deposit near Yekaterinbur-

From non-metallic minerals follow-

em note the huge deposits

asbestos ("mountain flax") - price-

the most refractory material

la. Bazhenovskoye field

asbestos is one of the largest

The Urals have long been famous for all kinds of

ny precious and ornamental

with stones. Known Ural

gems: amethyst, smoky

topaz, green emerald,

sapphires, clear mountain

crystal, alexandrite, etc.

All these gems are mined

are mined mainly for

exact slope.

On the western slope of the Vish-

ry found high-

nye diamonds.

Ornamental stones of the Urals.




In the Cis-Urals, Permian salt deposits

nye thicknesses of the marginal deflection

hold large reserves of potash

salt, rock salt, gypsum

(Verkhnekamskoe, Sol-Iletskoe,

Usolskoye deposit).

There are many construction projects in the Urals

materials - limestone, granite,

cement raw materials. Is in the Urals

also oil (Ishimbay and others) and


In addition to minerals

resources Ural is rich in forest

resources. Especially a lot

forests in the Northern Urals.

false Ural?

2. Determine what differences exist

yut in climatic conditions:

a) Northern and Southern Urals

b) Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals.

1. What water basins do the Ural rivers belong to?

2. What parts of the Urals are well provided with water resources?

river Chusovaya

Insufficient supply of water

resources of the Middle Urals.

The main rivers of the Urals: Chusovaya,

White, Ural, Kama.

R. Serebryanka

Waterfall on the river Zhigolan

The harsh beauty of the Polar and Se-

faithful Urals, exotic islands

dances, karst caves

him and the South Urals attracted

There are many tourists in these areas.

But recreational resources

insufficiently developed.


  • Relief: Southern Urals, Middle Urals, Northern Urals,

polar Urals, Polar Urals, Pai-Khoi Ridge, Narodnaya town, Konstantin-

nov Kamen, city of Telpoziz, city of Denezhkin Kamen, city of Konzhakovsky

Stone, Kachkanar, Yamantau, Magnitnaya, Payer.

  • Minerals .
  • Rivers : Pike, Northern Sosva, Kosva, Tagil, Chusovaya, Ufa,

Yuryuzan, Ural, Belaya, Samara.

K.k. pp. 12-13, atlas p.42-43

photo gallery Ural mountains

Repetition Repetition 1. Why are the Caucasus young mountains? 2. Prove that these are young mountains 3. Why do the western parts of Ciscaucasia receive more precipitation than the eastern ones? 4. What is the name of the resorts of the Caucasus, which have mineral springs? 5. In the central part of the Caucasus, glaciers occupy a large area, although the territory receives a large amount of total solar radiation during the year. How do you explain it? What is the difference between local winds - foehn and bora?

Ural The length of the Ural Mountains from south to north is 2 thousand kilometers, and from west to east from 50 to 150 kilometers. The Ural Mountains stretch from the coast of the Arctic Kara Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan. In the east - the West Siberian Plain, in the west - the Russian Plain In ancient times, the Ural Mountains were called the Riphean Mountains, and until the 18th century, the "stone belt" (translated from Turkic, "Ural" means belt). The Ural Mountains are relatively low: only a few peaks reach a height of 1.5 thousand meters above sea level, and the highest of them (Mount Narodnaya) is 1895 meters. 1. Direction and extent 2. The borders of the Urals 3. The height of the mountains 4. How does it affect the nature of the Urals, its length from north to south for 2000 km?

The Urals The Urals are separated from the Russian platform by the Pre-Ural trough, which consists of sedimentary rocks (clay, sand, gypsum, limestone). The Ural Mountains were formed in PZ, but in MZ they were almost completely destroyed. Separate parts of the Urals rose during the KZ (Neogene). But even these folded-blocky Ural Mountains were destroyed as a result of external forces (weathering and erosion). Find Mineral deposits: -iron ores: Magnitogorsk, Kachkanarskoye, Khalilovskoye -Copper ores: Krasnouralskoye, Gayskoye, Sibaevskoye - gold: Berezovskoye -Asbestos: Bazhenovskoye -Oil: Ishimbay -Coal: Pechorsky, Kizelovsky

Urals Urals Mineral resources Western slope Eastern slope is gentle Geological structure igneous, metamorphic steep sedimentary Oil, gas, coal, phosphorites, potassium salts Iron, copper, nickel, manganese ores, gold, graphite, bauxite, asbestos

1. The climate of the Urals is diverse. Why? 2. Determine the average temperatures of January and July in the Northern (Polar) and Southern Urals. 3. Why does the western slopes of the mountains receive more precipitation than the eastern ones? 5. How do climatic conditions change with altitude? 4. In what climatic zone and region are the Ural Mountains located?

Climate of the Urals Climate of the Urals Despite their relatively low altitude, the Ural Mountains have a significant effect on climatic conditions. They are the boundary between different climatic zones: the temperate continental climate of the East European plain and continental climate of Western Siberia. Atlantic air masses reach the western slope of the Urals, trying to overcome it, rise higher and cool. As a result, more precipitation falls in the western part of the Urals than in the eastern part (approximately 1.5-2 times). The temperature regime also has its own characteristics. In the western part of the Urals, winters are more snowy and, accordingly, milder. In the east, snow falls less, and frosts reach ºС.

Ural Waters of the Urals The Ural Mountains are the watershed of the rivers flowing through the West Siberian Plain and the Russian Plain. In the Urals, rivers originate, so they are shallow. Name the rivers. Pechora Shchuchya, Northern Sosva, Tavda, Tura, Iset, Mias Kama, Belaya, Ufa, Chusovaya Which ocean basins are rivers? How to provide the industrial cities of the Urals with water? Construction of ponds and reservoirs There are few lakes in the Urals, they are tectonic, karst in origin
Homework Homework Paragraph 32, On contour map select 5 parts of the Urals 2. Mark the highest points of the Urals 3. Mark the minerals of the Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals. To give comparative characteristic Southern and Polar Urals.

slide 2


  1. Why are the Caucasus young mountains?
  2. Prove that these are young mountains
  3. Why do the western parts of Ciscaucasia receive more precipitation than the eastern ones?
  4. What is the name of the resorts of the Caucasus, which have mineral springs?
  5. In the central part of the Caucasus, glaciers occupy a large area, although the territory receives a large amount of total solar radiation during the year. How do you explain it?
  6. What is the difference between local winds - foehn and bora?
  • slide 3


    Ural! The supporting edge of the state,
    Her earner and blacksmith,
    The same age as our ancient glory
    And the glory of the current creator
    (A.T. Tvardovsky)

    The Urals has long been considered a natural border separating two parts of the world - Europe and Asia.

    slide 4

    Ural - geological structure

    The Ural Mountains are located between various tectonic structures, which explains their formation.

    slide 5

    Geographical position

    • The length of the Ural Mountains from south to north is 2 thousand kilometers, and from west to east from 50 to 150 kilometers.
    • The Ural Mountains stretch from the coast of the Arctic Kara Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan. In the east - the West Siberian Plain, in the west - the Russian Plain
    • In ancient times, the mountains of the Urals were called Riphean, and until the 18th century they were called “stone belt” (translated from Turkic, “Ural” means belt).
    • The Ural Mountains are relatively low: only a few peaks reach a height of 1.5 thousand meters above sea level, and the highest of them (Mount Narodnaya) is 1895 meters.
    1. Direction and extent
    2. Ural borders
    3. Mountain height
    4. How does it affect the nature of the Urals, its length from north to south for 2000 km?
  • slide 6

    Geological structure

    • The Urals are separated from the Russian platform by the Cis-Ural trough, which consists of sedimentary rocks (clay, sand, gypsum, limestone).
    • The Ural Mountains were formed in PZ, but in MZ they were almost completely destroyed.
    • Separate parts of the Urals rose during the KZ (Neogene). But even these folded-blocky Ural Mountains were destroyed as a result of external forces (weathering and erosion).

    Find Mineral Deposits:

    • Iron ore: Magnitogorsk, Kachkanarskoe, Khalilovskoe
    • Copper ores: Krasnouralskoye, Gayskoye, Sibaevskoye
    • Gold: Berezovskoe
    • Asbestos: Bazhenovskoye
    • Oil: Ishimbay
    • Coal: Pechorsky, Kizelovsky
  • Slide 7


  • Slide 8

    Slide 9

    Natural resources of the Urals

    The Ural Mountains are rich in mineral resources. This is a real treasure trove of minerals.

    • Asbestos
    • Diamonds
  • Slide 10

    slide 11

    Natural resources of the Urals

    • Amethyst
    • Emerald
  • slide 12

    • Amethyst. “Warm edge” is a special way of processing a gem, when each edge coming from the center of the stone plays with rays.
    • Rhodonite - translated from Greek means "rose"
  • slide 13

    • Pomegranate
    • Topaz
    • Alexandrite
  • Slide 14

    • Coil
    • cat eye
    • Eye of the Tiger
    • Aquamarine
    • Lapis lazuli
    • Olivine
  • slide 15


    1. The climate of the Urals is varied. Why?
    2. Determine the average temperatures of January and July in the Northern (Polar) and Southern Urals.
    3. Why does the western slopes of mountains receive more precipitation than the eastern slopes?
    4. How do climatic conditions change with height?
    5. In what climate zone and region are the Ural Mountains located?
  • slide 16

    Ural climate

    • Despite their rather small height, the Ural Mountains have a rather significant effect on climatic conditions.
    • They are the boundary between different climatic zones: the temperate continental climate of the East European Plain and the continental climate of Western Siberia.
    • Atlantic air masses reach the western slope of the Urals, trying to overcome it, rise higher and cool. As a result, more precipitation falls in the western part of the Urals than in the eastern part (approximately 1.5-2 times). The temperature regime also has its own characteristics. In the western part of the Urals, winters are more snowy and, accordingly, milder. In the east, snow falls less, and frosts reach 45-50 ºС.
  • Slide 17

    Ural waters

    The Ural Mountains are the watershed of the rivers flowing along the West Siberian Plain and along the Russian Plain. In the Urals, rivers originate, so they are shallow.

    , Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

    Class: 8

    Presentation for the lesson

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    Lesson Objectives:

    • Educational- to acquaint students with the uniqueness of the PTK Ural and compare it with the Caucasus.
    • Educational– continue developing the ability to determine geographical location; to improve the generalized cartographic method of reading conventional signs.
    • Educational- generate interest in the topic being studied; ecological thinking; cultivate respect for the environment.

    Lesson type: a lesson in improving knowledge, skills and abilities, learning new material.

    Type of lesson: lesson-journey using a computer.

    Forms and methods of the lesson: individual work, pair work, heuristic conversation, messages

    Means of education: atlases, slides, computer, interactive whiteboard.

    Concepts: Ural, names of minerals and rocks.

    Nomenclature: Deposits of iron ore - Magnitogorsk, Kachkanorskoe, copper ores - Krasnouralskoe, Gaiskoe, gold - Berezovskoe, asbestos - Bazhenovskoye, salt - Verkhnekamskoe, Sol-Iletskoe, oil - Ishembaisky.

    Lesson plan:

    1. Organizational moment.
    2. Verification homework.
    3. Learning a new topic:
    3.1 Geographic location
    3.2. Relief, geological development
    3.3. Climate
    3.4. Inland waters
    3.5. Natural resources
    4. Consolidation and withdrawal.
    5. Homework.


    1. Organizational moment

    2. Checking homework on the topic “Caucasus”

    3. Learning a new topic

    There is already a link in your chain of knowledge about the Caucasus Mountains (Slide 2 - image of the chain). Let's continue exploring the mountains. “Only mountains can be better than mountains ...” - the epigraph of today's lesson. Topic: "The Urals - the stone belt of the Russian land." The purpose of the lesson: To get acquainted with the uniqueness of the PTK of the Urals and compare it with the Caucasus (Slide 3 - the topic of the lesson).
    Let's recall the plan for characterizing the study of the PTK and fill in the information about the Caucasus in the table. Working with an interactive whiteboard (Slide 4)

    Teacher: Guys, what do you know about the Urals? (Mountain country, length 2000 km, border between Europe and Asia)(Slide 5).

    – And today we will continue to fill the link with new knowledge.

    1. The name of the mountain

    Teacher: Ancient authors called these mountains Rifian, “Stone”, “Earth Belt”, “Stone Belt of the Russian Land” - this is how the Urals were called until the 18th century. The name Ural first appears in the works of the Russian historian and geographer Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev and replaces all previous names. What does this word mean: “Ur” in Mansi, and “ure” in Evenki means “mountain”, in Turkic “belt” (students write in notebooks). The Ural, which has a length of 2000 km, is not only a mountain, but a whole mountainous country, a mountain belt.

    2. We determine the geographical position of the Ural Mountains. To do this, recall the plan for determining the geographical location. (Students work with atlases and an interactive map)
    - In what direction are the Ural Mountains stretched?
    - How can the nature of the Urals be affected by its elongation for ... km.
    - Determine on the map 5 peaks of the Urals and its height? (Slide 7)

    3. Relief and geological development. The Urals is located between two tectonic structures: Russian ... and West Siberian ...
    The Ural was formed in the ancient Paleozoic - in the Hercynian period, in the Mesozoic it was almost completely destroyed. In the Neogene - Quaternary time, individual blocks were raised. Then again weathering. The destruction of the mountains revealed rich mineral deposits, made them available for development.

    (Teacher's story)(Slide 8)

    4. The climate of the Urals is diverse. Why?

    Map task:

    1. Determine the average January temperature in the north of the Urals.
    2. Average temperature in the south of the Urals.
    3. Average July temperature in the north of the Urals.
    4. The average temperature in the south of the Urals (slide 8)

    Practical work of students on maps of the atlas(Slide 9)

    • The mountains are stretched for 2000 km. in the meridional direction and the northern part of the Urals is located beyond the Arctic Circle and receives much less solar radiation than the southern
    • Differences in moistening of the western and eastern slopes.
    • In any mountains, climatic conditions change with height.

    5. Inland waters

    The Ural is a watershed of current rivers, along the West Siberian Plain and along the Russian Plain. Find on the map the rivers flowing from the Ural Mountains.

    Students mark major rivers and lakes on a contour map.(Slide 10).

    Messages-presentations about the Chusovaya River, lakes Turgoyak and Zyuratkul are heard.

    6. Natural resources of the Urals

    Soviet poet Alexander Tvardovsky wrote:

    Ural! The supporting edge of the state,
    Her earner and blacksmith,
    The same age as our ancient glory
    And glory to the current creator ...

    4. Brainstorm: Why did this particular region receive such a high title: “The stronghold of the state, its miner and blacksmith?” (Students' opinions are heard)

    The Urals is the underground pantry of the country, about one thousand varieties of minerals have been found here and over 12 thousand mineral deposits have been taken into account.
    The main wealth of the Urals is ores, and complex ones, with an admixture of titanium, vanadium, nickel, chromium, and copper ores with an admixture of zinc, gold, silver.
    The Northern Urals are rich in forest resources, the Southern Urals are rich in soil, agro-climatic, but there is not enough water resources. The Urals are rich in recreational resources. (Slide 13)
    Tourists are attracted not only by beautiful places, picturesque lakes, but also by the only Ilmensky mineralogical reserve. (student presentation)

    5. Conclusions. Return to the purpose of the lesson. Checking the table "Comparative characteristics of the Caucasus and the Urals." (Slide 14)

    6. Reflection. The journey is over. Did you like it? What have you learned?

    7. Homework (slide 15)

    Tikhonov Vladimir

    The presentation material can be used in the lessons of the world around this topic. The presentation tells about the location of the Ural Mountains, their structure, rivers and lakes, climate, wildlife, natural resources.



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    Slides captions:

    URAL - STONE BELT OF RUSSIA Lesson on OM for a 4B grade student high school No. 605 St. Petersburg Tikhonov Vladimir (teacher Bushuev V.Yu.)

    "Ural" in Bashkir - belt There is a Bashkir tale about a giant who wore a belt with deep pockets. He hid all his wealth in them. The belt was huge. Once a giant stretched it, and the belt lay across the whole earth, from the cold Kara Sea in the north to the sandy shores of the southern Caspian Sea. This is how the Ural Range was formed.

    The stone belt of the Urals stretches for more than 2500 km from the shores of the Arctic Ocean in the north to the semi-desert regions of Kazakhstan in the south. The Ural stretches between the East European and West Siberian plains, is located at the junction of Europe and Asia and is the border between these regions.

    The Ural Mountains are divided into five parts: Polar Urals Subpolar Urals Northern Urals Middle Urals Southern Urals

    The Polar Ural is the northernmost part of the Ural Mountains. The area is about 25,000 km². It is separated from the Subpolar Urals by the Khulga River. An active branch of the Northern Railway. Polar Ural

    The Subpolar Urals is a mountain system in Russia, stretching from the headwaters of the Lyapin (Khulga) River in the north to Mount Telposiz ("The Nest of the Winds") (altitude about 1617 m) in the south. Subpolar Urals

    Lakes of the Subpolar Urals mountain lakes mostly glacial type. 499 reservoirs are located at an altitude of 500 to 1000 m above sea level - the deepest (28 m) is Lake Torgovoe.

    Lakes of the Subpolar Urals Above 1000 m there are only 68 lakes, and among them the deepest (38 m) is Lake Mansi. The water in the lakes is very clean, transparent, colorless, slightly mineralized.

    The Northern Urals stretches from Kosvinsky Kamen to the banks of the Shchugor River. The Northern Urals The Northern Urals is one of the most remote and inaccessible regions of the Urals. Bear Corner - this is the name of one of its peaks.

    The massifs of the Middle Urals are much lower, usually not higher than 600-800 m. There are relatively few lakes, but here are the sources of the Pechora and Ural rivers. Middle Ural

    The name "South Ural" is also accepted as the unofficial name of the Chelyabinsk region. The Southern Ural is the widest southern part of the Ural Mountains. Southern Urals

    Rivers Rivers belong to the basins of the Arctic Ocean: Pechora, Usa, Tobol, Iset, Tura, Lozva, Northern Sosva; and the Caspian Sea: Kama, Chusovaya, Belaya, Ural.

    The climate of the Urals is typical mountainous; rainfall is unevenly distributed. The climate is very diverse, as all zones possess. Ural climate

    Fauna A couple of centuries ago, the animal world was richer than it is now. Plowing, hunting, deforestation have displaced and destroyed the habitats of many animals. Wild horses, saigas disappeared

    bustard bustards

    Herds of deer migrated deep into the tundra. But rodents (hamsters, field mice) spread on the plowed lands

    Forests are inhabited by predators: brown bears, wolves, foxes, wolverines, sables, ermines, lynxes

    Ungulates are found in them: roe deer, elk, deer

    Countless treasures lie in the Ural mountains And the “Mistress of the Copper Mountain” guards them

    The Mistress of the Copper Mountain lives in the underground halls of the Ural gems if she wants to - she will turn into a green lizard, she will cry - the emeralds are dripping.

    Natural resources cobalt potash salt rock salt gold platinum gems forest resources asbestos zinc copper ores iron ores

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