The most educated country in the world. The best education systems in the world: list of countries

Education in countries around the world differs by many factors: pedagogical system, shape educational process, the means that people invest in learning. depends on general level development of the state. Different countries have their own educational systems.

When it comes to applying abroad, many things come to mind: various countries and universities. The level of quality of education depends on many things, from funding to the structure of education.

It is interesting to note how the students themselves made the choice. It was calculated how popular foreign countries are among foreigners. Germany and England occupy the leading positions, while Poland closes the ranking.

Charles University in Prague is the most prestigious higher education institution in the Czech Republic, the oldest university Central Europe

Higher education in Europe for foreigners is much cheaper than in the USA and Canada. The cost of one semester at a European university starts from 726 euros. Universities in Denmark, Sweden, France and Germany are considered the most prestigious.

In almost every European country you can find at least one program where training is conducted in English. This option is suitable for those who do not want or do not have the opportunity to learn a new language.

You can enroll in a European university immediately after school and with a minimum set of documents. Usually they require you to provide a certificate (or diploma), a certificate confirming your language proficiency level and a motivation letter.

After graduating from university in Europe, everyone foreign students allowed to stay in the country for some time to look for work and find employment.

In 2020, the most prestigious universities in Europe are:

  • Oxford and Cambridge. These are two of the most popular English universities, which young people from all over the world dream of enrolling in. Tuition fees at these universities range from 25,000 to 40,000 pounds.

Cambridge University is a UK university, one of the oldest (second after Oxford) and largest in the country

  • Technical Institute in Zurich. The cost of training is currently 580 francs, but starting in 2020 prices are expected to increase.
  • Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. One of the most popular universities in Germany, which has programs in both German and English.
  • University in Helsinki. This university was once free for everyone, but became fee-paying in 2017. The cost of one year at this university starts from 10,000 euros. This university offers programs in Finnish and English.

Munich technical university— Technische Universität München is one of the largest German universities and the most prestigious institution of higher education in the eastern part of Germany

When it comes to grants to study in Europe, the most popular option is participation in the Erasmus program. This program aims to exchange students from partner universities. The program covers all expenses for your stay in foreign university.

Higher education in the USA

In the United States of America, education is one of the most expensive in the world. One year at an American university will cost at least $35,000. Prospective students can apply for grants or scholarships, but some only partially cover the costs.

Americans themselves are not happy with the cost of education: students and university graduates complain that after graduation they have to pay off their debt for several more years.

Also, do not forget that in addition to paying for tuition, a student in the USA has other costs - from 8,000 to 12,000 dollars per year for an apartment, food and health insurance.

The most prestigious universities in America are:

  • Stanford. Tuition starts at $15,000 per year and depends on the chosen program, as well as the degree of study - bachelor's, master's or doctorate.
  • MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This technical university is known throughout the world not only for its high level of education, but also for a large number of lectures in open access. But the cost of education is not so affordable - from $25,000 per year.
  • Institute of Technology in California. The cost of one year of university education is about $50,000.
  • Harvard. One of the most expensive options, studying for a foreigner will cost from $55,000 per year.

List of famous universities in the USA

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development recently released Education at a Glance 2012, covering OECD and G20 countries for which data is available. According to this document, which considers vocational education as part of higher/post-secondary school education The five most educated countries in the world are:

5. United States of America
Post-secondary education: 42% of population
Group annual growth: 1.3%

The United States, the fifth most educated country in the world and the fourth most educated in the OECD, is home to some of the most renowned institutions of higher education.

However, the rate of growth in the number of people with post-secondary education in the United States is only 1.3% per year, very low compared to the OECD average of 3.7%. This means that America may be overtaken by other countries in the future.

The United States is considered one of the world leaders in higher education when it comes to people aged 25 to 64 years. However, when looking at the 25 to 34 age group, the United States ranks only 14th in the world.

4. Japan
Post-secondary education: 45% of population
Group annual growth: 2.9%

In Japan, the world's fourth most educated country, students pay more for education than most other OECD countries - Japan has the fourth highest tuition fees after the US, Korea and Britain. In addition, the government spends only 0.5% of GDP on post-secondary education - less than half the OECD average of 1.1% of GDP.

Almost 32% of post-secondary education in Japan is financed from private sources. This is the third largest percentage of private funding in the world.

3. Israel
Post-secondary education: 46% of population

In Israel, which ranks third in the percentage of post-secondary education holders, approximately 37% of young people are expected to receive higher or secondary specialized education in their lifetime. The OECD average is 39%.

Israelis with more than a high school education are less likely to be unemployed than people with a similar education in an average OECD country. The unemployment rate for this part of the population in Israel is 4.2%, and the OECD average is 4.7%.

2. Canada
Post-secondary education: 51% of population
Group annual growth: 2.4%

Canada is the second most educated country in the world and the most educated country in the OECD. More than half of Canadians aged 25 to 64 have completed post-secondary education. In addition, Canada spends $20,932 per student per year. Only Switzerland and the United States spend more.

However, each individual Canadian pays almost the same for higher education - on average, its total direct cost is $18,094.

In Canada, women who have completed college or university outscore less educated women by 55%. This is the largest pay gap between educational levels in the OECD. Although Canada is ranked among the world's leaders in higher education, according to OECD economic research, if it wants to maintain its ranking and remain competitive in the global labor market, it must increase its participation rate as its population ages.

1. Russia
Post-secondary education: 54% of population
Annual group growth: no data

Russia, a member of the G20 but not the OECD, ranks first in the world in higher education, according to the OECD. Russia has long history investments in the educational system. 33% of adults in it have secondary specialized or vocational education.

Proportion of foreign students per Russian programs post-secondary education is also growing. Between 2005 and 2010, their number increased by 78%. 4% of all students in the world who receive post-secondary education - including vocational education - abroad study in Russia. Usually these are people from countries neighboring Russia. Institutions in the US, Britain, Australia, Germany and France together account for half of all the world's students who study abroad.

As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.” Every country on Earth has its own education system, but not all of them are equally effective and capable of instilling in children the necessary skills and abilities. As a rule, countries with a high standard of living lead such lists. The statistics on the gap in the quality of education between developing and developed countries is far from reassuring. According to data, the gap between the developed and developing world is about 100 years. The best of the best maintain healthy teacher-student ratios, keep kids in school longer, and graduate the largest number of students with a quality education. Who are these leading countries? Continue reading to explore the list of the 10 best education systems.


"Education for all." Ranked at the top of the United Nations Human Development rankings, the country of 24 million educates schoolchildren up to age 20 (the United States, by comparison, up to age 16). 94% of citizens over 25 years of age have secondary education. The student to teacher ratio is approximately 14:1, and Australia provides excellent support for its educators. The country is incentivizing teachers to go to countryside and strives to ensure equal pay for educators at all levels.


Thanks to the intense focus on teaching children from age 6 onwards, Japanese schoolchildren have a deep knowledge of science. Japan ranks second in the annual global education report, fourth in reading and seventh in math, according to the influential Program for International Student Assessment. The program tests 15-year-old students around the world to compare countries' education systems. According to these assessments, the Pacific island nation takes education seriously. The literacy rate of Japan's 127 million citizens is 99 percent.

South Korea

Standardized tests confirm the highest quality of the education system in South Korea. Students in the country of 49 million attend both private and public high schools and top many academic assessments. Long-term study of subjects helped students achieve such high results, because South Korean parents spend significant sums on extracurricular education for their children.

Education in Finland

Who knew that lots of breaks could significantly improve student outcomes? Finns. Children in this northern European country, aged 7 to 15, have 15-minute free play breaks for every hour of their five-hour class. school day. And although grades are not given until the fourth grade (and schools do not require any standardized tests until the fourth year), the success of their students is undeniable. Consistently high scores in international tests confirm this. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the gap between the weakest and strongest students in Finland is the smallest in the world.


Norway has the highest development scores according to the UN because... makes education a top priority for its 5.1 million residents. The Scandinavian country spends 6.6% of their GDP on education, and maintains a teacher to student ratio of 9:1. Relying on national syllabus, teachers introduce students to applied arts, rules healthy image life, music and physical education. And their system definitely works. One hundred percent of Norway's population school age are enrolled in school, and 97 percent of residents have completed a high school education.


Described as an “exam-oriented” education system in this island city-state Southeast Asia with a population of 5.7 million, strives to teach children to solve problems. At the same time, students do excellent tests and take first places in all sciences. Teachers in Singapore also participate in professional development throughout their entire career.


Even if you don't know Dutch, there will be no problems with studying in the Netherlands. The country of 17 million inhabitants ranks highly in all quality education rankings. It provides instruction in a variety of languages ​​other than Dutch for students in grades 1 to 4 to encourage early language learning. 94% of residents have a secondary education, with additional funding provided for poorer students and ethnic minorities. According to UNESCO, primary schools with the highest proportion of such students, averaging approximately 58 percent more teachers and technical staff.



Far from simple luck being the reason high ratings Ireland in the UN Education Index. The country of 4.7 million people invests heavily in educating its citizens, spending 6.2 percent of GDP (twice as much as Singapore). This prioritization has helped Ireland create one of the best education systems in the world.


99.9 percent of English people aged 25 and over have completed secondary education. England is currently strategizing to accommodate the extra 750,000 pupils the Department for Education estimates will join schools by 2025. The country occupies a leading position in the ranking of education systems, which is confirmed by various types of testing of students.

Literacy is a key skill and a key measure of a population's education. In 1820, only 12% of people in the world could read and write. Today, only 17% of the world's population remains illiterate. Literacy rates around the world are rising.

Despite significant expansion and constant contraction, humanity has serious challenges ahead. In the world's poorest countries, access to basic education is such that large sections of the population remain illiterate. This limits the development of the entire society. For example, in Niger the literacy rate among youth (15-24 years old) is 36.5%.

A national back-to-learning campaign has been launched in the Western Equatoria Province of South Sudan, targeting 400,000 children. 2015, Yambio, South Sudan. Photo: UN/JC McIlwaine

Literacy rates around the world are growing steadily

The most early forms writing arose five to five and a half thousand years ago, but literacy for centuries remained the lot of the elite - a technology for exercising power. Only in the Middle Ages, along with the development of printing, did the literacy level of people in the Western world begin to change. In fact, Enlightenment ambitions for universal literacy were able to come closer to reality in the 19th and 20th centuries in early industrialized countries, OurWorldInData notes.

: By 2030, ensure that all young people and a significant proportion of adults, both men and women, can read, write and do math.

World Literacy Estimate 1800–2014

(proportion of literate and illiterate people in the world)

Literacy rates rose steadily until the early twentieth century. Only in the middle of the 20th century, when the expansion basic education became a global priority, literacy rates rose.

Literacy rate of youth and older people

To assess future progress, it is useful to categorize literacy scores by age group. The following map, using UNESCO data, shows these estimates for most countries in the world. They show a big difference in the literacy levels of different generations (see literacy levels for different age groups by clicking on the corresponding button above). The large difference in the literacy levels of individual generations indicates a global trend towards increasing literacy among the entire population.

What is literacy?

According to a 1958 UNESCO resolution, illiterate people are those who cannot read and write a short, simple message about their everyday life (achievements in the field of education of individual countries, see, 2016, pp. 230-233).

Education is one of the most important components of our world because without proper education our new generation will not have a future because without it they simply will not be able to survive in this complex world. Surprisingly, it would seem that the importance of this is obvious, but different countries ah the education systems are not identical. There are countries where education is a priority sphere of life, and there are those where they do not pay attention to it at all.

A good education is the best investment in the world; it returns to its owners very slowly, but when the time comes, it will, in fact, not only pay off, but also bring profit. A good education system does not mean strict discipline, the main thing here is quality. All developed countries can boast of a quality education, which is the key to their success. The rest of the countries are still working in this direction, but some of the successes in the educational sphere cannot be ignored.

TOP 10 countries whose education systems are recognized as the best in the world

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This is the first country in the world to create its own Ministry of Education, which is still working in the best and proper manner. This is expressed in many educational successes, but the most high awards the country has more than once received in the field of mathematics and other basic sciences. Poland has high literacy rates.

Polish graduate School recognized in many countries due to its consistently high quality of education. This country is also a top choice for international students. The history of education in Poland dates back to the 12th century. 70% of students in this country are taught in English.

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The Irish education system is considered one of the best, since education in this country is completely free. Note, free at all levels, including higher education and colleges. Therefore, Ireland's success in this area is recognized throughout the world, and it takes its place of honor on our list. Nowadays the emphasis in education has shifted to learning and teaching in the Irish language.

In this country, education is compulsory for all children, all educational institutions, including even private ones, are fully funded by the government to provide free and quality education at all levels to all residents of the country. This is why in Ireland around 89% of the population has compulsory schooling.

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The population of this country is the most literary educated in the world, which reflects the quality of education in this region. And this is another country with free education at all levels, but some private schools still require payment.

A special feature of the education system here is that until the age of sixteen, students are required to devote full time to education. Next, teenagers have the right to choose whether they want to study full-time or part-time, and whether or not to continue to higher education. Educational institutions in the Netherlands are divided into religious and public.

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Canada is known for the fact that due to the high quality of education, many students from different countries prefer this country for higher education.

The rules of the education system differ from province to province, but one thing that is common throughout the country is that the government of this country pays great attention to the quality and standards of education, which is why Canada has a much higher percentage of school education. But those who want to study at higher educational institutions significantly less than in previous countries. Education is mainly funded by the government of each individual province.

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United Kingdom

This is a country that is well known throughout the world for its quality of education not only in school level, but also at the level of higher education. Oxford University is the number one university in the world. Great Britain is also known as a pioneer in the field of education, because the history of educational institutions and the formation of the education system as a whole has gone through a very long period here.

But surprisingly, the UK does not pay much attention to the quality of education at primary and secondary level, although higher education is rated excellent in all respects. Therefore, this country is in sixth place on our list. It is worth noting that the UK education system ranks second in Europe.

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This country is known for providing maximum freedom to schoolchildren and students. Education here is completely free, meals are also paid for by the school administration if the student is present at school full time. Despite this, great attention is paid to attracting students to higher education institutions.

Therefore, this country is also known as the leader in the number of people who complete any form of education consecutively. A fairly large budget is allocated for education here. It is equal to € 11.1 billion, which allows the country to have quality education from primary to higher levels. Finland has almost 100 percent literacy, which also indicates a high level of educational system.

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This country is included in our list because, according to research, the population of Hong Kong has the most high level IQ on the planet. In terms of the level of education and literacy of people, this country surpasses many other countries. High achievements in the field of technology have also been achieved thanks to an excellent education system. So this country, which is also called the business center of the world, is well suited for higher education. However, they want to achieve high standards for development in all areas of education. 9 years of schooling is compulsory for everyone.

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Singapore is another leader in terms of the average IQ level of its population. Here, special attention is paid both to the volume and quality of education, and to the schoolchildren and students themselves who study and receive certificates. Singapore is not only one of the richest countries, but also one of the most educated. And it is education that plays a key role in the success of the country.

It is significant that the country spares no expense on the quality of education. Every year $12.1 billion is invested in this area, which is why the literacy rate here is more than 96%.

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South Korea

You will be very surprised by the fact that ten years ago few people in the world spoke about the education system of this country. But South Korea is developing rapidly, and already last year it ranked first on a similar list. The country leads in the number of people with higher education. And this is not only because studying is popular.

Education is the basic life principle of the population. This country is far ahead of the rest of the world in terms of technology development, which has been achieved thanks to the education system and government reforms. The country's annual education budget is $11.3 billion, resulting in a literacy rate of 99.9%.

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The most famous country in the world in terms of its technology takes first place on this list thanks to its reforms in the educational system. They managed to completely change the education model and create an effective control system in this area. After the complete collapse of the country's economy, education became the only source of development for Japan. This country has a very long history of education, the traditions of which continue to this day. The population's literacy rate is also 99.9%, although only primary education is compulsory.

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This was an article about countries with the best education systems in the world.

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