Husband mioo. School of Pedagogical Excellence®: Advanced Training Courses

This institute perfectly combines traditional approaches to education and modern methods. The Moscow Institute of Open Education widely uses multimedia capabilities, which have a great future in educational process. Modern technologies allow for distance learning. The management made the appropriate decision. Now everyone can study via the Internet.

The scientific and educational institution employs professionals with many years of experience in scientific and educational activities. They pass on all their experience and knowledge to students of the Moscow Institute of Open Education. Reviews from graduates indicate a high level of education.

Examples of solved tests in your personal account

The duration of training and the cost of distance learning depend entirely on the specialty you choose. The learning process is led by experienced teachers. Many students who chose distance learning at MIOO made the right choice, combining work and study. High level education, tradition and educational materials allow us to train highly qualified specialists.

Taking the test remotely - from RUB 999.99*

Taking the exam remotely - from RUB 1,000*

Defense of the thesis via Skype - from RUB 2,500*

All final payments for this service are made only after the service is provided (the test or exam is passed, the thesis defense is successful). The final cost depends on the complexity of the task, discipline and urgency. Submit a request for calculation.

Faculties and branches of the Moscow Institute of Open Education

The university has the following faculties:

  • Faculty international education
  • Center for Continuing Art Education
  • Institute of Instructional Design and Digital Pedagogy

If you are interested in areas such as systems programming, telecommunications engineering and cybernetics, nanoelectronics, optics and biotechnology, then check out.

Official website and personal account

Login to your personal account in the Moodle system:


  • Solving tests in your personal account (answers to tests);
  • Remote exams in any discipline (including using TeamViewer; with a webcam; with personal identification);
  • Tests, term papers, problem solving;
  • Essays, abstracts;
  • Delivery of the session on a turnkey basis;
  • We resolve issues with student debts in connection with a transfer from another university;
  • Diploma, master's, dissertation works;
  • Entrance exams (help).

Send a request for calculation: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call: 8-800-100-6787 (Free in the Russian Federation!)

Tests and exams at the Moscow Institute of Open Education MIOO

Our company has extensive experience in helping applicants who want to enroll in remote form training. To do this, we have qualified specialists who will pass all exams for you. You will only need to study. If you encounter any problems during your studies with any tests or exams, please contact us, we will help you solve this problem too.

The quality of the CPM advanced training course programs is confirmed by the positive results of the examination of additional professional advanced training programs of the Moscow Center for Professional Development (formerly MIOO).

Full-time and remoterefresher courses

The courses consist of two parts:
Remote- website on the platform
Full-time- classes take place in a classroom with a teacher.
Attention: listeners from other regions can take part in the online broadcast of face-to-face classes (and subsequently receive a recording)!

Follow our news and announcements of upcoming full-time distance courses!

Online courses advanced training

Course scope: 24 academic hours

Price: 5500 rub.

The course is practical in nature: it presents a large number of methods and techniques, the effectiveness of which in working with primary school students has been tested in practice - they really work, and young students are delighted with them! These include chants and songs, flash cards, toys and items, TPR and various types of games, as well as project work. All activities and tasks offered in the course are completely ready for use in class and are accompanied by methodological instructions and recommendations.

You can pay for participation by clicking on the course name (for individuals), as well as on the account, filling out application (for organizations).

Education English language junior schoolchildren and exam preparation

Course scope: 38 academic hours

Price: 7130 rub.

The course consists of 2 modules.

A certificate of advanced training of the established type is issued to students who have successfully completed module 1 (condition - provision of a scan of the Oxford University certificate, for more information about the certificate, see the module description by clicking on the module name in the table) and module 2 (see conditions in the module description, link) to its name in the table). (for individuals), as well as for the account, by filling out application (for organizations).

Teaching English to Students with Dyslexia: Problems and Solutions

Course scope: 50

Price: 9990 rub.

The course consists of 2 modules.

A certificate of advanced training of the established type is issued to students who successfully complete module 1 (see the conditions in the module description, click on its name in the table) and module 2 (condition - provision of a scan of the Oxford University certificate, for more information about the certificate, see the module description, click to the module name in the table).

You can pay for participation in the course in the online store ( for individuals), as well as on the account by filling out application (for organizations).

Course scope: 24 ac. hours

Price: 4350 rub.

Registry program

application on the Moscow supplier portal.

Course scope: 20 academic hours

Price: 2900 rub.

The course program was approved by experts from the International Center for Education and Training (formerly MIOO) and is included in the Register of additional professional advanced training and retraining programs teaching staff city ​​of Moscow.

You can pay for participation by clicking on the name of the course (for individuals), as well as by invoice, filling out an application (for organizations) or concluding a contract on the Moscow supplier portal.

Course scope: 20 academic hours

Price: 4000 rub.

The course program was approved by experts from the Moscow Center for Education and Training (formerly MIOO) and is included in the Register of additional professional programs for advanced training and retraining of teaching staff in the city of Moscow.

You can pay for participation by clicking on the name of the course (for individuals), as well as by invoice, filling out an application (for organizations) or concluding a contract on the Moscow supplier portal.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English: algorithms for working on tasks in the sections “listening”, “reading”, “grammar and vocabulary”, “writing” and “speaking” consists of 4 modules.

Course volume - 48 academic hours

The course program was approved by experts from the Moscow Center for Education and Training (formerly MIOO) and is included in the Register of additional professional programs for advanced training and retraining of teaching staff in the city of Moscow.

Module no.

Module name



12 academic hours

1950 rub.

12 academic hours

1950 rub.

12 academic hours

1950 rub.


Areas of activity

Currently, MIOO occupies a leading position in Moscow in the following areas of activity:

  • Advanced training for employees of the Moscow education system in the form of short-term advanced training courses.
  • Retraining in pedagogical specialties in the form of a second higher education.
  • Interaction with district scientific and methodological centers.

MIOO also organizes scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables on educational issues, and conducts city subject Olympiads for schoolchildren.



  • Faculty of Advanced Training for Education Workers
  • Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers of Educational Institutions
  • Faculty of Technology

Departments and laboratories

  • Department and laboratory of mathematics
  • Department and Laboratory of Chemistry
  • Department and Laboratory of Russian Language and Literature
  • Department and laboratory of foreign languages
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Department and Laboratory of Physics
  • Department and Laboratory of Biology Teaching Methods
  • Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Laboratory of History
  • Department of Russian Literature and Museum Pedagogy
  • Department of Practical Psychology
  • Department of Correctional Pedagogy
  • Department of Special Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy and Laboratory of Defectology
  • Department and Laboratory of Personnel Management and Educational Institution
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of International Education and Culture of Peace
  • Department of Valeology
  • Department and laboratory of occupational safety and health
  • Department of Experimental and Innovative Education
  • Department and Laboratory of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education
  • Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education
  • Department of Information Technologies
  • Department and Laboratory of Geography
  • Department of Economics of Education
  • Department of Pedagogy
  • Department of Aesthetic Education and Cultural Studies
  • Department of Modern educational technologies emergency prevention and response and life safety laboratory
  • Department of Open Educational Technologies
  • Department vocational training
  • Department of Technology
  • Department of Security and Legal Support for the Activities of Educational Institutions
  • Department of Philological Education
  • Department of Educational Systems Development Management
  • Laboratory (department) of natural science of the Center for Quality Education
  • Technology Laboratory
  • Laboratory of training according to the L.V. system Zankova
  • Laboratory of Informatics
  • Laboratory of methods and information support development of capital education


  • Center for Pedagogical Competitions and Projects
  • Center for Methods of Working with Gifted Children
  • Center educational environment and student health
  • Center for International Educational Programs
  • Center for Further and Alternative Education
  • Education Quality Assessment Center
  • Multimedia Technology Center
  • Center for Distance Learning and Distance Methodological Support
  • Center for Methods of Education and Socialization
  • City Scientific and Methodological Center MIOO
  • Center environmental education and sustainable development
  • Center for History Education
  • Coordination Center for Additional Professional Education

Secondary schools

  • School No. 169


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Moscow Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers" is in other dictionaries:

    Central Institute advanced training for Rosatom executives and specialists... Wikipedia

    - (MIOO), (formerly Moscow Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers, MIPCRO) is the leading university in Moscow in the field of advanced training and retraining of secondary education workers. Address: 125167, Moscow, Aviation Lane, building ... Wikipedia

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    Them. I. M. Gubkina (MING) Min. and cp. specialist. CCCP education. Organized in 1930 on the basis of oil. fta of the Moscow Mining Academy as Moscow. oil int (MNI) with the simultaneous assignment of the name of I. M. Gubkin, in 1958 85 Moscow. int petrochemical... Geological encyclopedia

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    - (MSTU “MAMI”) Motto “Salus patriae suprema lex” (“The good of the fatherland is the highest law” in Latin) Year of foundation ... Wikipedia

    This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles... Wikipedia


The MIOO includes:


  • Faculty of Advanced Training for Education Workers
  • Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers of Educational Institutions
  • Faculty of Technology

Departments and laboratories

  • Department and laboratory of mathematics
  • Department and Laboratory of Chemistry
  • Department and Laboratory of Russian Language and Literature
  • Department and laboratory of foreign languages
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Department and Laboratory of Physics
  • Department and Laboratory of Biology Teaching Methods
  • Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Laboratory of History
  • Department of Russian Literature and Museum Pedagogy
  • Department of Practical Psychology
  • Department of Correctional Pedagogy
  • Department of Special Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy and Laboratory of Defectology
  • Department and Laboratory of Personnel Management and Educational Institution
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of International Education and Culture of Peace
  • Department of Valeology
  • Department and laboratory of occupational safety and health
  • Department of Experimental and Innovative Education
  • Department and Laboratory of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education
  • Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education
  • Department of Information Technologies
  • Department and Laboratory of Geography
  • Department of Economics of Education
  • Department of Pedagogy
  • Department of Aesthetic Education and Cultural Studies
  • Department of Modern Educational Technologies for Emergency Prevention and Response and Life Safety Laboratory
  • Department of Open Educational Technologies
  • Department of Vocational Training
  • Department of Technology
  • Department of Security and Legal Support for the Activities of Educational Institutions
  • Department of Philological Education
  • Department of Educational Systems Development Management
  • Laboratory (department) of natural science of the Center for Quality Education
  • Technology Laboratory
  • Laboratory of training according to the system of L. V. Zankov
  • Laboratory of Informatics
  • Laboratory of methods and information support for the development of metropolitan education


  • Center for Pedagogical Competitions and Projects
  • Center for Methods of Working with Gifted Children
  • Center for Educational Environment and Student Health
  • Center for International Educational Programs
  • Center for Further and Alternative Education
  • Education Quality Assessment Center
  • Multimedia Technology Center
  • Center for Distance Learning and Distance Methodological Support
  • Center for Methods of Education and Socialization
  • City Scientific and Methodological Center MIOO
  • Center for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development
  • Center for History Education
  • Coordination Center for Additional Professional Education

Secondary schools


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Moscow Institute of Open Education" is in other dictionaries:

    Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOO), (formerly Moscow Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers, MIPCRO) is the leading university in Moscow in the field of advanced training and retraining of secondary education workers. Contents 1 ... Wikipedia

    National Research University Higher School of Economics (MIEM NRU HSE) ... Wikipedia

    - (MIEMP) Motto Qui non proficit, deficit Year of foundation 1993 Type ... Wikipedia

    - (NOU VPO MIEE) ... Wikipedia

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    - (MSOU) Motto Open education in Russia Year of foundation 1932 President ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 55°49′10.4″ N. w. 37°39′49.2″ E. d. /  ... Wikipedia

    - (MPGU) ... Wikipedia


  • Church Slavonic language. Study guide, Kravtsova Marina Yurievna. Tutorial addressed to students of secular and spiritual educational institutions, as well as for those who want to study the Church Slavonic language on their own. The book will be useful for Russian language teachers...

MIOO is the Moscow Institute of Open Education. Introduced new order, from September 1, 2013, organizing training for workers in educational organizations according to the optional vocational training program (hereinafter referred to as FPO).

GAOUVPOMIOO produces educational courses teaching workers both under the FPE program, which is part of the state assignment of the institute at the beginning of 2014, and under the program of payment for the educational process, according to which there will be a competition for a targeted subsidy for educational institutions or for self-students.

Relying on the current legislation of the Russian Federation and on the financing of training under the FPO program, the training process will be paid for: either from the budget of the Russian Federation, within the limits of the execution of the state task of the State Autonomous Educational Institution VPOMIOO (budget places), or at the expense of the individual himself.

How to register (connect) and enter your MIOO personal account

Login panel for the MIOO remote service system

Registration for training for all employees in the educational sector of the Russian Federation is carried out on the official website, when filling in all the required data. It is worth remembering that the site has a multi-accounting system, that is, one account per employee.

If you get to budget place, is not the main purpose, then electronic registration is optional for the employee. A person working in the educational field can simply contact the course organizer directly to improve their qualifications, having previously learned about it on the official website of SAOU VPOMIOO.

For retraining of personnel in educational institutions a similar procedure is carried out, without any special documents.

Lists of courses can be found via the Internet on the MIOO website The information base contains information about all courses and modules for advanced training and retraining, up to 1000 (one thousand) hours. It's worth remembering that:

  • the amount of information from 17 to 250 hours is a refresher course for mastering a new competency;
  • the amount of information from 251 to 1000 hours is a course professional retraining to master a new type of activity, taking into account existing qualifications;
  • volume over 1000 hours - this is a course for mastering new types of activities with the further assignment of newly acquired qualifications.

If you have any questions or doubts, you should contact the phone number listed on the official website.

MIOO official website: login

Login Personal account MIOO: login

Sign in:

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