Methodological manual on financial literacy. How do financial literacy guides work? Fundamentals of financial literacy: all books

In 2015/2016 academic year in 8 Kaliningrad educational institutions An experimental course on financial literacy for schoolchildren was tested.

Simultaneously with the Kaliningrad region, testing of financial literacy classes took place in four more regions participating in the Project: the Volgograd, Arkhangelsk regions, as well as in the Altai and Krasnodar territories.

In our region, nine general education schools took part in testing educational institutions: schools No. 12, 31 and 47 of the city of Kaliningrad, Lugovskaya school of the Guryevsky district, lyceum No. 10 of the city of Sovetsk, Cadet Corps them. A. Pervozvanny, as well as the College of Service and Tourism and the College of Entrepreneurship. In total, more than 1,000 students took part in financial literacy classes.

IN school schedule 17 teaching hours were provided for experimental classes (that is, 1 hour per week), double the number for grades 10-11 - 34 hours (2 hours per week). At the same time, educational materials for grades 10-11 are distributed according to profiles: for economics, legal, mathematical profiles and basic level.

The course included two stages of monitoring the level of financial literacy of teachers and parents: “input” (preliminary) and final testing.

In total, 83 textbooks were developed to test the lessons, included in 17 educational and methodological sets. Specially designed textbooks on financial literacy are provided for different groups of students: grades 2-4, grades 5-7, grades 8-9 and grades 10-11 secondary schools, as well as students from secondary institutions vocational education and boarding school students. Also developed methodological recommendations for teachers, testing and measuring materials, didactic materials for parents and benefits for individual work. For individual lessons, the materials are divided into modules: “Banks”, “Stock Market”, “Own Business”, “Financial Risks”, “Insurance”, “Pension Security”.

Based on the results of testing, the experience of the regions in which testing was carried out will be taken into account, educational materials will be adjusted and distributed throughout Russia by the end of 2018.

Educational materials are available for download:

2 – 4 grades of general education organization (primary level)

The course program is compiled for grades 2–3 (the author of materials for students is S. Fedin) and grade 4 (the author of materials for students is G. Lovely). The program indicates the goals and objectives of the course, the planned educational results and the system for their assessment, and describes the forms and methods of organization educational process, as well as a list of educational, methodological, material and technical resources.

Financial literacy: materials for students. 2nd, 3rd grades of general education organization. In 2 parts

Starting at school, a child takes his first steps into adulthood. In order for him not to get lost in it and become a financially prosperous person in the future, he needs to master the ABCs of financial literacy and learn to count money. This guide will help him with this. In an entertaining form, the initial basic concepts from the world of money are presented here and their role in our lives is shown; it tells you what money is spent on, how to manage it wisely, how to protect yourself from scammers and much more.

Financial literacy: materials for students. 4th grade of general education organization

From this book, students will learn about the world of money: how and where it came from, what it is, what is the difference between cash and non-cash money, what is a family budget and why it is important to plan it correctly, how people increase their income, how to protect themselves from scammers and about many other things.

5 – 7 grades of general education organization (basic general education)

The manuals talk about complex world money and the basic rules of human behavior in it. It explains in detail where family income comes from, what a family budget is and why it is important to plan it correctly. A significant place is given to protecting people from the risk of losing money and property, interaction between the state and family, and the possibility of improving financial condition person by organizing their own business. The manuals are written in a language that is easy to understand for schoolchildren and can serve as a basis for conducting classroom activities, preparing independent projects, and solving financial problems together with parents.

8 – 9 grades of general education organization (basic general education)

The materials are designed to familiarize teenagers with the basics of rational financial behavior - how to wisely organize and optimize the future family budget, what needs to be done to improve personal and family well-being, why it is important to foresee the possibility of financial losses and how to minimize them, how to learn to manage your finances from a young age in order to have a comfortable life old age, etc.

10 – 11 grades of general education organization (secondary general education)

The manuals set out in an accessible form the main aspects of personal finance management, taking into account modern trends development of the financial sector of the economy and current legislation. The tasks contained in the manual are aimed at developing cognitive activity students, independence and initiative in the field of personal finance management.

10 – 11 grades of a general education organization. Mathematical profile (secondary general education)

The manual contains a mathematical description of issues traditional for financial literacy disciplines: simple and compound interest, accounting for multi-temporal financial flows, calculating the price of financial instruments and evaluating investment projects. Considerable space is given to examples of problem solving. To describe and assess the risks associated with financial transactions, the concepts of probability theory and mathematical statistics are actively used. The materials are redundant and assume the student’s ability to independently master sections related to probability theory and statistics.

10 – 11 grades of a general education organization. Economic profile (secondary general education)

The course is devoted to key issues of the functioning of modern financial institutions and the mechanisms of human interaction with them. The course examines such financial concepts as commercial banks, investment funds, the securities market, the tax system, pension funds, etc., reveals their essence and shows their place in the financial life of modern Russia.

Financial Literacy Course Materials for Students educational organizations secondary vocational education

The manuals outline issues of family financial well-being and money management in a simple and accessible form. In addition to such standard topics as savings, credit, insurance, taxes and pensions discussed in the manual, the legal aspects of the relationship between employees and the employer, issues of employment and career growth, organization of private entrepreneurship, measures to protect against financial fraud, etc. are covered. life situations and business cases, in group projects and discussions and by completing data search and analysis tasks, students prepare to use the acquired knowledge in practice.

Financial illiteracy is very dangerous, because it not only condemns a person to vegetating in poverty, but also destroys any chance of improving the situation. A person makes increasingly bad decisions, which means he can afford less and less. To prevent this from happening, you need to read best books on financial literacy. But don’t just mindlessly scroll through the pages, but apply the acquired knowledge in practice!

Financial literacy test

Annamaria Lusardi of Dartmouth College and Olivia Mitchell of the University of Pennsylvania conducted a survey of residents of 14 countries to find out how well ordinary people understand how money is made. He showed that most people are financially illiterate. Only in Germany and Switzerland did half of those surveyed answer all three questions correctly. But the most deplorable situation was in Russia, where only 4% of respondents did this. Consider these three questions:

  1. How much money will you have in your account after five years if you deposit $100 at 2% interest?
  2. If your money is sitting in a deposit account paying 1% and the country's inflation rate is 2%, then if you withdraw it in one year, will you be able to buy more, the same amount, or less than you can today?
  3. Does buying shares of one company provide more reliable income than buying shares of a mutual fund?

If you find it difficult to answer at least one question, it is advisable for you to familiarize yourself with our list.

Fundamentals of financial literacy: all books

  • Bodo Schaeffer, The Path to Financial Freedom. Our selection of books on financial literacy begins with this book. Its rating is 4,426 points, the number of readers is 167 people, another 186 want to do it.
  • George Clason, The Richest Man in Babylon. Rating - 4,365 points, number of readers - 1052 people, another 1564 want to do it.
  • John Kehoe "The subconscious mind can do anything." Rating - 4,317 points, number of readers - 1322 people, another 1171 want to do it.
  • Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Rating - 4,073 points, number of readers - 3331 people, another 1564 want to do it. If we consider recommended books on financial literacy, then it is the undisputed leader of our list in terms of popularity among users social network LiveLib.
  • Richard Branson "Screw it, get on with it." Rating - 4.0286 points, number of readers - 1827 people, another 1305 want to do it.
  • Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich." Rating - 4,024 points, number of readers - 1054 people, another 850 want to do it.

"The Path to Financial Freedom"

In our list, where we have collected financial literacy, it is in first place. Despite the fact that it was published quite a long time ago, it has not lost its relevance. It contains a lot of information on how to start your own business, make your first investments, pay off debts and manage your profits. Bodo Schaeffer talks about how to go from being an average worker to becoming a wealthy person with a stable income. It has already gone through five editions and received mostly positive reviews. Those who have read it note that it describes simple, but extremely effective methods achieving financial independence.

"The Richest Man in Babylon"

When looking at the best financial literacy books, we ranked George Clason's best-known work in second place, according to LiveLib. It describes the basics of investing. From it a person can learn how to make his own savings bring profit. The author talks about the need for certain habits and routines. Among them are the following:

  • You need to save at least 1/10 of your income.
  • Costs must be controlled. Only things that really matter deserve you to buy them.
  • You need to increase your wealth. Savings should not lie dead weight.
  • Before making any investment, you need to evaluate its profitability and riskiness.
  • Home improvement should be done for yourself, not others.
  • You need to provide yourself with income for your old age.
  • The ability to earn money must also be constantly improved.

"The subconscious can do anything"

In terms of financial literacy, these are not only those who teach how to earn and distribute money. Our list also includes the work of John Kehoe, which is dedicated to the secret powers of the subconscious. You need to understand that success depends only 20% on talent and natural abilities, and 80% on thinking. According to reviews from LiveLib users, this book can radically change your life. It teaches you to find the right solution in any situation and gives you motivation to take action.

"Rich Dad Poor Dad"

If we were to compile a list of popular books on financial literacy not by their rating, but by the number of people read, then Kiyosaki's work would top it. It is intended for a wide audience and teaches the basics of handling money, which for some reason are not given any attention at school. This book describes in some detail how you can become a successful investor from an ordinary worker. According to readers, Kiyosaki describes in sufficient detail how thoughts influence a person’s life. The book does not contain a ready-made enrichment scheme. However, the author offers a rather interesting concept with which you can understand in which direction you need to move.

“To hell with everything, go ahead and do it”

When looking at books about financial literacy, one cannot help but pay attention to the work of a real entrepreneur. According to reader reviews, it may well inspire you to open your own business or at least take some action at all. The author of the book “To hell with everything, take it and do it” knows how to give a powerful stimulating push to a conscious life. He himself tested his concept in practice. Branson is now the owner of more than 300 different types of businesses.

"Think and Grow Rich"

And finally, the last, but this does not mean that the most uninteresting and unnecessary work on our list is the book by Napoleon Hill. Many people have heard about it, but people usually don’t get around to reading it directly. Perhaps this is why there is such a deplorable situation with financial literacy in Russia. Hill's book tells the stories of the most famous millionaires. From whom, if not from them, should we learn financial literacy? However, this book is one of the most important. It teaches the right way to think about money. According to reviews, it was thanks to Hill’s work that many were able to overcome poverty and start earning money, having understood what was stopping them on the path to a better financial life.

The educational and methodological set “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy” for high school students (authors A. Chumachenko and V. Goryaev), approved by the Bank of Russia, has gone on sale. The news about this joyful event appeared on the portal.

Of course, I couldn’t help but be interested in this information. After all, it is extremely curious what is written about financial literacy in the textbook, which is approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Fortunately, it was not far from the “Young Guard” on Polyanka, so I decided to look into this bookstore and purchase the treasured textbook.

On the first spread we see an appeal from the Chairman of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, in which she hopes that this book will help readers confidently navigate the world of finance:

So, let's take a look at this tutorial.

Textbook "Basics of financial literacy." Acquaintance

First of all, I want to note that I did not set myself the task of writing a detailed review of the textbook. I wrote only about a few points that I noticed after skimming through this book in a couple of hours.

And the main conclusion I made is that the manual turned out to be really informative and meaningful. The language of presentation is quite simple and understandable. In my opinion, for an initial acquaintance with basic concepts, such as deposit, loan, transfers, bank cards, etc., the textbook fits very well.

Probably, someone already suspected me that the article was ordered. This is not true, just some tips and definitions seem very worthy.

● For example, in the section “Disadvantages of a deposit” (p. 62) it is truthfully stated that interest on deposits does not save money from inflation. They only reduce the damage that inflation inevitably causes to our savings, but we still become poorer:

In the section " Common mistakes when using a loan” focuses on the fact that the borrower must not just read the agreement, but study it. “Every line and every figure in the contract must be absolutely clear” (p. 104):

● In Russia, all banks are required to report the full cost of the loan, but the manual emphasizes that banks usually do this at the very last moment, so it is important to immediately clarify the full cost of the loan in a conversation with a bank employee:

● It’s better to think a hundred times about whether or not to take a loan. The euphoria of a new purchase quickly passes, and it is better to refrain from taking out a loan (p. 91)

● The textbook also contains quite interesting examples and life stories, for example, about a woman who defended her rights in a dispute with an insurance company that refused to pay insurance for an accident (p. 165). The owner of the car won the case in court and received a court decision and a writ of execution. But the insurance company was in no hurry to pay, and then the woman found out in which bank the insurance company had a current account, brought documents from the court there and wrote a statement asking to compensate her for the damage caused. As a result, she received her money:

Of course, it is difficult to talk about all the subtleties and nuances of handling finances in one course. You won’t find any information there, for example, about fixes, deposit ladders, etc., but you always have to start somewhere.

However, in the financial literacy guide under consideration there are some points with which you can not only disagree, but also openly argue.

Financial literacy questionable
1 For each transaction, the bank receives a reward.

The section “Why does a bank need cash settlement operations” states that for each operation the bank charges a commission from the client:

I understand that schoolchildren need to be prepared for the fact that the bank will not do anything for free, so that they normally accept commissions for basic transactions. This is so beneficial for banks.

And yet, I would emphasize that any bank commissions should not be taken for granted, but as a reason to find another bank with more adequate conditions for settlement and cash services. Try not to overpay; it is very likely that another credit institution will perform the operation you require for free.

2 The less workload on bank employees, the cheaper the transfer will be.

In the section “What does the commission for a money transfer depend on” we are once again reminded that you have to pay for any banking service (p. 120). We have already discussed this above. And then the phrases that made me smile:
“The less workload on bank employees, the cheaper the transfer will be.”
“Some banks do not charge commissions at all for online transactions for transfers within the bank” (what a curiosity! :))

How tired bank employees must be when a client makes online transfers through Internet banking :)

3 The bank charges an annual service fee for using a debit card.

The section “Why do you need a debit card” again talks about mandatory fees for bank services (p. 130). The fee for using the card is presented as something inevitable:

Was it really difficult to mention that there are many banks that issue debit cards for free and do not charge money for servicing, for example, when opening a deposit.

4 Co-branded cards earn one mile for every dollar.

In the section “Do I want to receive any additional benefits from the card” there is not a word about cashback. There is only a subtle hint of various mythical promotions and privileges from international payment systems (IPS). The textbook says that if you want to receive discounts in stores and restaurants, then it makes sense to consider more advanced cards - the classic, gold and platinum categories of cards:

There is some mention of co-branded cards, which for some reason strictly award 1 mile per dollar spent, and that’s all.

Where is the information about cashback? Many banks return part of the purchase price on their cards in various categories, and 1%, and 3%, and 5%, and 7%. Moreover, many cards are absolutely free.

Use cards with the cash back function, they are written in detail in articles and

5 The bank is responsible for the inviolability of the contents of the cell.

The section “Bank safe deposit box” states that the bank is responsible for the inviolability of the contents of the safe deposit box (pages 115-116):

I would emphasize that in Russia most banks (including Sberbank) offer services of irresponsible storage of valuables in a safe deposit box, i.e. The bank is in no way responsible for the contents of the cell.

6 Banks require clients to purchase life and property insurance.

A textbook on financial literacy takes it for granted that a bank can require clients to purchase property or life insurance for the borrower (p. 81, p. 101):

And where, one wonders, is there a mention that the bank does not have the right to demand this?

Insurance of mortgage collateral against risks of loss and damage is required by law ( Federal Law “On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)” dated July 16, 1998 N 102-FZ Art. 31).

But life and health insurance in our country is voluntary, as Article 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation tells us: “the obligation to insure one’s life or health cannot be imposed on a citizen by law”:

Article 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 (as amended on 07/13/2015) “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” prohibits making the purchase of some goods (work, services) conditional on the mandatory purchase of other goods (work, services). It also recognizes the terms of the contract that infringe on the rights of the consumer as void:

7 Collectors collect from debtors the entire amount of debt in their favor.

The section “Who are collectors” says that it turns out that collectors collect the amount of debt from debtors in their favor (p. 89):

In fact, no one transferred the powers of courts and bailiffs to collectors.

8 The deposit insurance system allows depositors not to worry about the safety of their money.

The mention of insurance from the DIA in the amount of 1.4 million rubles in the event of a license revocation is, of course, good. There is even advice not to keep more than the compensation limit in one bank (p. 71):

However, it would still not be amiss to give a hint that in some circumstances you can be left without insurance compensation even if the deposit amount is less than 1.4 million rubles. Similar situations are listed in the article

That's probably all for now. I will update this article as I discover it in textbook any interesting points in more detail.

Once again, I liked the manual on the basics of financial literacy. Of course, you need to consider this textbook as one source of information, and not as the only correct instruction.

Try to save on bank commissions, follow and increase the profitability of your savings.

I hope my article was useful to you; write about any clarifications and additions in the comments.

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Financial literacy can be divided into two key areas - theory and thinking. The theory represents the essence of money, financial planning and accounting, financial analysis. It deals mainly with numbers, formulas and graphs. Financial thinking will allow any person to get rid of their internal misconceptions and prejudices, change theirs in order to relate to money more consciously and learn to think like successful people and millionaires. In addition, financial thinking teaches oneself to look for non-standard approaches in business.

The psychological aspect and the theory of finance are inextricably linked; they cannot be considered separately or considered that one is better than the other. We recommend that you develop financial literacy in these two areas, which will be helped by the list of books presented.

Of course, on the Internet you can find a lot of other materials - audiobooks, films and videos that will explain to you what’s what in a very clear and accessible way. However, such materials have one significant drawback. You absorb information on autopilot and don’t have time to think and rethink the content. That is why the book is still the best source of information. Agree, it’s one thing to watch a half-hour video on the Internet and quite another to read one book on the same topic over the course of several days or weeks. In the second case, your thinking will begin to change on its own simply because of the lengthy, thinking and reasoning that will arise when reading any good book on financial literacy.

We present to your attention the most iconic and useful books from our point of view. Remember that only a combination of cash flow theory and financial thinking will allow you to radically change your life, attitude towards money and money management.

This book talks about the fact that such a thing as financial literacy actually exists and that a person who knows how to manage their money correctly can achieve enormous success in life. Ignorance in handling money leads to poverty, while good management can work wonders. The book is recommended for a wide range of readers

These books will become your support in difficult times, and will also shape your financial thinking. As you will see, you don't need to be a financial genius to become a very wealthy person. It is enough to know a few simple and effective rules and stick to them throughout your life. Although there are some very important and iconic books presented here, don't stick to them just for them. Hundreds of others are written every year, so keep track of new entries and enrich yourself with knowledge.

This list will open your eyes to what is always at your fingertips and in your head - money and how it needs to be managed. Form financial thinking in yourself and develop financial literacy.

Hello friends!

The financial literacy of people in our country is at a very low level. You don't have to be an expert to understand this. Investments, deposits, mutual funds, etc. This is only for financiers; ordinary people have no need to know these terms. Books on financial literacy will help you understand that this is an erroneous judgment. These are not just another textbook for economists, but real tools for obtaining, saving and increasing money.

Poor and rich, successful and unsuccessful, businessmen and employees. We live in a world where two extremes constantly collide. Some have firmly established their place in society and do not try to change it. Some try to climb one step, then another, fall, but rise again. What category of people do you belong to?

– Money is like water, it flows away to no one knows where.
“You have to live one day at a time and make the most of life.”
– Life is given once and spending it on saving and accumulating money is pointless.
– I live from paycheck to paycheck and I have nothing to save.

Familiar phrases?

These phrases were foreign to me even before I studied financial literacy, but now hearing them is simply funny. Read at least one book from the list and see how much your attitude towards money has changed. If nothing happens, return to life one day at a time. She really is alone. And everyone has the right to live it as they want.

If you are used to listening to audiobooks in the car or while working out, then pick up something on financial literacy for the near future. You will spend your time profitably and learn to save money after listening.

Foreign authors

We'll start with foreign literature due to the fact that they began to deal with financial planning issues there long before us. We've come a long way, made a lot of mistakes and written a huge amount practical guides to action. Some became bestsellers. Let's take a look at a small selection of the best of them.

J. Clason “The Richest Man in Babylon”

  • Buy and download the book (author – George Samuel Clason)

A book for beginners, in which, using an example ordinary people shows how to form capital. It gives very simple advice on how to become rich. And although this advice is very simple, many people find it difficult to follow because it is not easy to implement. “You should keep part of what you earn for yourself” - this is the advice. It has already become a common truth; almost all authors talk about it on the pages of their financial books.

J. Clason calls for following simple rules:

  1. For every amount of money you earn, save at least 10%. Appetite comes with eating. You won't notice how you gradually move to 20, 30 or 40%.
  2. Consult with knowledgeable people. I treat this advice with caution for the simple reason that we don’t have many of them in our country. Therefore, in the first stages of accumulating and increasing your funds, I recommend reading professional literature and be sure to filter the information received there.
  3. Money must work. This is taught in the first years of university. They just don’t say how to do this with the small sums that most of our country’s population have at their disposal. I looked at savings mechanisms for families with low income in an article about how.

R. Kiyosaki “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”

  • Buy the book (author – Robert Kiyosaki)

The problem with many people is that they spend as much as they earn. Money rules their lives.

This was the case with our family. When my husband and I first started living together, we were both young professionals with low salaries. We made do with inexpensive things, bought cheap products. Over the years, our professional level grew, our earnings grew, but our expenses also grew. Expensive food appeared in the refrigerator, trips to restaurants. Fortunately, we quickly saw the light.

The only rule that you need to learn from the book is to invest your money in assets, that is, in what brings money, and not in what takes it away. Due to financial illiteracy, we often confuse these concepts. Read the book by R. Kiyosaki and learn to distinguish between them, and also understand how poor and rich people think. What type of thinking do you consider yourself to be?

N. Hill “Think and Grow Rich”

  • Buy a book (author – Napoleon Hill)

The book was published at the beginning of the 20th century and was reprinted more than 40 times. Considered a bestseller. The book contains the author's experience in studying the psychology of successful people. The main conclusion that Napoleon Hill makes and conveys to us is that wealth is work, constant work on oneself, the search for ideas and action.

The book contains stories of famous millionaires who believed in themselves, in their idea and went towards it, despite the ridicule and misunderstanding of others.

Motivation at the stage of realizing that we are missing something in life and doing it wrong is very important. Everyone must go their own way to understanding the need to manage their own money.

N. Hill's book inspires, teaches you to think and get rich. If you need a magic kick, welcome to the pages.

Bodo Schaefer “Mani, or the ABC of Money”

  • Buy the book “Mani, or the ABC of Money” (author – Bodo Schaefer)

The first impression from the beginning of reading is that this is not for you, but for your daughter or son. Children's literature. The book is written from the perspective of a 12-year-old girl who is learning the basics of financial literacy with her dog Mani. But first impressions are deceiving.

It will be useful not only for teenagers, but also for adults. After all, many of us are still children when it comes to money. The author explains in simple and understandable language the basic principles of wealth. What is money? How to learn to earn them? How to save and increase? You will find the answers on the pages of the book.

By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to show this book to your children. They are unlikely to tell you anything about money at school. And in adult life, it is better to spend time not on learning the financial ABCs, but on developing a financial strategy and tactics for getting rich.

Domestic authors

Books by foreign authors take into account the realities of the Western world, where issues of financial literacy are given much more attention than in our country. Therefore, people there are more savvy in this matter. This is understandable, why teach how to earn money in a country where there were no financial instruments for accumulating and increasing it, except for Sberbank.

Only since the 90s of the last century has there been a need to talk about what money is, where it comes from and where it then goes. It took a few more years to develop our own financially successful people who shared their personal enrichment skills. Therefore, there are still few books by domestic authors on the market, but that makes them all the more valuable.

Let's look at the most popular of them. Two of them are from Vladimir Savenok, who is one of the first financial consultants in the post-Soviet space.

V. Savenok “How to draw up a personal financial plan and how to implement it”

  • Buy a book (author – Vladimir Savenok)

V. Savenok has been professionally involved in finance for more than 20 years. As he himself notes, his book is written in a language understandable to everyone. The author, in a very accessible form, teaches how to work with money, understand its movement and experience the pleasure of managing it, and not the other way around. Vladimir points out that financial planning is mandatory for every person and individual family, regardless of income level.

This has been verified by my own experience. Only 2 months have passed since the beginning of financial planning in our family. I clearly know how much our family income is and all the expense items down to the last penny. The first item in our expenses is the amount of 10,000 rubles, which we put on deposit every month. We plan a family budget for a month in advance and try to stick to it. So far the flight is normal.

But the main thing that V. Savenok draws attention to is the mandatory implementation of the acquired knowledge. Otherwise, the book will become just one of...

V. Savenok “A million for my daughter. Step-by-step savings plan”

  • Buy the book “A million for my daughter. Step-by-step savings plan” (author – Vladimir Savenok)

The title of the book already contains the main message. The author explains how to accumulate capital, what investment mechanisms to use, how to protect money from inflation. A book for those who do not live in the present day, who think not only about their own, but also about the well-being of their children.

If you have never heard what stocks, bonds, and pension insurance are, then the author talks about it in text and pictures.

In an easy, accessible form, characteristic of all V. Savenok’s books, he uses practical examples and personal experience teaches the art of accumulation. The book is not only theoretical material with practical examples. This workbook. What is it? You not only read, but also fill out the calculation tables given in the book, which are a savings plan.

The book can become your reference book for the next 10, 15 or more years.

Y. Sakharovskaya “Where does the money go. How to competently manage your family budget”

Buy the book “Where does the money go. How to competently manage a family budget” (author – Yulia Sakharovskaya)

This book is not about how to live on credit or spend exactly as much as you earn. This is a book for those who are wondering where all their salaries go and why they can’t save for a house by the sea, their own house or car.

Yu. Sakharovskaya – financial consultant on family finance management. She teaches how to compile and optimize expenses and talks about the main savings tools. The main principle is that this should not happen at the expense of the everyday joys of the family.

  1. Understand where your money is going.
  2. Make your own “happiness list,” i.e., what we want to save money for.
  3. Make a family budget.

A selection of other books

Friends, write in the comments what books you would recommend reading on finance and I will add them to this list.


You can read these and a hundred other books, but still not begin to get your finances in order. Or you can read just one and radically change your life and your approach to money. As V. Savenok said in one of his books: “So much has been written about finance that if you decide to read everything, you will not have a single minute left to work with your money and create your personal capital.”

Any book will become a useless tool in the hands of a lazy person. We must not read, we must act. Not immediately, but gradually, in small steps, you will move forward towards your goal. Have you set a goal for yourself? Just one or several?

For example, in my family there is short term goals and long-term. We started different piggy banks for all of them. This makes it easier to track the process and make adjustments if something doesn’t go according to plan. So far everything is working out. What about you?

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