When a person realizes what he has done. What is awareness? Concept, development of the process of awareness

In this article, we will talk about what mindfulness is. It is important not only to understand what awareness is, but also to live consciously.

Mindfulness is the key to all doors

Starting with the great teachers of the past, such as Jesus, Kabir, Nanak, Buddha, Muhammad, and ending with modern teachers such as Karl Renz, Ethart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Osho, we can say that all these teachers taught only one thing - awareness.

Each teacher called mindfulness differently. Jesus called it awakening, so he said more than once: stay awake, be alert, but people did not understand him, they thought, being awake means not sleeping in bed, but they did not understand that even if they are not in bed, this is not means they are awake. You can sleep on the go.

Ethart Tolle called awareness the presence, or the power of the moment now.
Osho called mindfulness witnessing. Whatever you call it, the essence does not change.

Awareness is the ability of a person to be here and now, to feel the world more, and not to think of it, the ability not to be led by the illusions of the mind. To understand that thoughts are just thoughts and thoughts in the head have nothing to do with real reality.

Awareness is the understanding that thoughts are illusory and they only carry a shadow of the past or future, and real reality is where the human body is, that is, real reality surrounds the body here and now.

Mindfulness helps you see your inner world

Thanks to awareness, a person begins to get acquainted with his inner world, before that only the outer world existed for him, now the inner dimension opens.

A person who is becoming less and less reactive. It is harder for him to control, he no longer reacts to the same stimuli in the same way, he has the opportunity to freely choose how to react to this or that stimulus. Such a person becomes more and more spontaneous and unpredictable.

For example, if an unconscious person is shouted at, then, depending on the habit, he can either shout in response, or, fearing the screams, avoid conflicts. An unconscious person always reacts, for example, to screams in the same way, and a conscious person can choose to shout to him, that is, go to a conflict, or avoid a conflict, and this depends on the situation. A conscious person increases the effectiveness of communication with people and resistance to stress.

It is important to understand that there are three main aspects of the inner world for awareness:

  • body;
  • soul.

Body awareness

The very initial stage of awareness begins with the body. At this stage, a person learns to feel his body, to be able to direct his consciousness into the body, to feel how the energy flows in the body. The skill of listening to internal organs, heartbeat, etc. appears.

A person begins to take better care of and love himself, that is, his body. At first, it is difficult for a person to meditate on the body, thoughts are often carried away, a person constantly jumps from awareness to unawareness, often falls asleep during meditation.

Over time, a new level appears, when a person realizes that he does not fall asleep, thoughts still come to mind, but they do not carry him away, and consciousness remains in the body more and more often. Then a person begins to direct consciousness into the body already on the street, wherever he is, when communicating with people.
The hardest thing, perhaps, is to be aware of your body, to move and talk at the same time.

Awareness of thoughts

Awareness of thoughts or observation of them, this is perhaps the second level of awareness - this is when a person already sees his thoughts and understands that thoughts are thoughts and they have nothing to do with reality.

A person can even laugh at those thoughts that come to his head, since he has an understanding that he is not thoughts and that thoughts often come from outside, and are not always born in his head.

Life is not as serious as the mind draws it !!!

A person who is aware of his thoughts lives by this principle. Such a person does not get lost in his thoughts, does not follow them, this person is already the master of his mind and does not allow thoughts to lead him into illusion, but consciously directs his attention to the moment now that surrounds his body.

Soul awareness

Soul awareness is the third level and can only be dealt with after the first two stages of awareness have been passed.

In fact, all three stages of realizing the three aspects of a person - body, mind, and soul - are very interconnected and complementary to each other, and they were separated for better understanding and assimilation of the material.

Awareness of the soul occurs due to the awareness of emotions and feelings, moods, at this stage a person can clearly distinguish emotions from feelings and be aware of their mood and control it.
Emotions follow thoughts, no matter what thoughts are, positive or negative.
And feelings come from the soul, not from thoughts. Thoughts can come to mind after feelings, that is, emotions are a consequence of thoughts, and feelings are always their source.

Feelings - this is a deeper level, most often come from the chest. And emotions are felt in the abdomen, but you should not take this for truth, all this is individual.
It is important to understand that this article on mindfulness is not mindfulness - it is just a direction towards it, but if you are reading it, then you are close to mindfulness or awakening as never before.
Awareness is directed towards awareness or perception

This is the fourth stage, which already happens to a person on his own, after he has already gone through the three previous stages. At this stage, awareness is directed to perception, a person already asks himself who perceives all this, who I am, at this stage a person remembers Who He Really Is.

Conclusions on the topic of what awareness is:

  • mindfulness helps a person to finally discover the inner dimension besides the outer world;
  • awareness gives a person freedom of choice, the ability to react as a person chooses, to one or another stimulus;
  • awareness occurs in three stages: awareness of the body, mind and soul, all these stages are interconnected and complement each other;
  • awareness at different times by different people was called differently: awakening, witnessing, being present, being here and now, being awake, vigilant, and so on; all these words have the same essence - a person rises to a new stage of evolutionary spiritual growth.

The consequence of a conscious lifestyle is unconditional love, joy, a more fulfilling and vibrant life.


Awareness as a personality trait is the ability, while awake, to be vigilantly present here and now, to perceive, feel and be aware of events, objects and sensory attitudes.

In the life of the Buddha, when he was still a simple seeker, a remarkable incident occurred. Together with a fellow traveler, he passed through some village. The two were in a lively conversation when a fly landed on the Buddha's neck. The Buddha raised his hand and waved the fly away. The fly flew away, but Buddha suddenly stopped. “I have made a grave mistake,” he said. Then he repeated the gesture to drive the fly away. The friend exclaimed: - What are you doing? The fly has already flown away. The Buddha replied, “Now I drive the fly away as I should. Now I am fully aware of what I am doing. Now, as I raised my hand, I was fully aware that the hand was going up and moving towards the neck to ward off the fly. Then I got too carried away by the conversation; my movement was automatic. I have committed a sin against the body.

One day the Buddha was asked, "What makes a person holy?" He replied: “Every hour is divided by a certain number of seconds, and every second by a certain number of beats. One who is able to fully abide in every fraction of a second is a saint. " When Buddha became enlightened, he exclaimed, “This is incredible! So I was enlightened from the very beginning, and all these chains and fetters were just a dream! Subsequently, when people asked him, "What should we do to get rid of vices?" Buddha invariably answered: "Be aware, bring awareness into your life." Listening to him, Ananda, one of his disciples, asked: - People come to you with different problems, but you have one recipe for all "ailments". For example, one person asks: "How to get rid of anger?", You answer him: "Be aware!" Another asks: "How to get rid of greed?", You answer him: "Be aware!" The third asks: "How to get rid of gluttony?", You also advise him: "Show awareness." How to understand this? The Buddha replied: “Their ailments are different from each other, just as the dreams that different people have are different. But if they all come to me and ask, I will tell them: “Begin to be aware! Awake! "

Do you realize that the universe takes into consideration only your conscious desires, intentions and goals? Mindfulness is a prerequisite for their implementation. Is it possible to take seriously the desires of the person who is asleep? A person, as a set of habits, thinks and acts sometimes mechanically, is a kind of universal robot. Although, if you interview most people, they will be convinced that they are living consciously. They will even be outraged that they are suspected of unawareness, like any tree or stone. Many people understand unconsciousness as abnormal behavior, their ideas about awareness will more than fit on a business card. In aviation, the concept of spatial disorientation is widespread, when on an airplane you lose the sense of connection with the ground and do not understand at all where you are. Many people live their entire lives in a state of spatial disorientation and moral uncertainty.

In order to understand the essence of the state of mindfulness with our mind, let's turn on our imagination. The "good" fairy, with one wave of her magic wand, deprived us of the memory of the past. We have remained the same: with our character, feelings and emotions, but all we have left is the current moment. The fairy also made sure that our thoughts did not run into the future. Now our brain is unable to think ahead and overtake the present. For us, there is only the awareness of I AM here and now, outside the past and the future.

At first glance, it may seem that we have been amputated all the charm of life, taken away dreams, deprived of sweet walks through the nooks of the past. Let's see if this is just an appearance? Any seemingly sad and desperate situation, which is impossible to change, must be taken for granted, and then substituted for it the word "but" and list what we have won or gained from the intricate games of the good fairy.

Mindfulness and negative emotions

The fat plus of mindfulness is elimination of all negative emotions... Like a flamethrower, awareness burns out resentment, anger, hatred, dislike from us. In a word, the branchy tree of our negative emotions, on which there are more than fifty branches, burns to ashes. It's even hard to believe in such happiness: anxiety, depression, stress and fears disappear from our lives. In an unconscious state, we become slaves to emotions. They control us as they see fit, depriving us of our conscious choice. We have all had to deal with a situation where a person says that everything is fine with me, that he is calm, while body and gesture language gives unambiguous signals that he is "out of himself." On the contrary, in a conscious state, we cannot be the provider of negative emotions. To be offended, hate, angry at someone, past experience is necessary, and we are deprived of this. And to take offense at us is as senseless as at the sun and wind. In a conscious state, we are the personification of sincerity, independence and benevolence. What is the point of being offended by a really sincere person? They are offended and displeased when the other positions himself as an open and sincere person, and his behavior shows the opposite. When we see and understand with our soul that we are really a sincere person, it is impossible to take offense at him.

Mindfulness and chatter of the mind.

On average, about sixty thousand thoughts flicker in our mind per day, ninety-five percent of which do not differ from yesterday's. This is just a mockery of the mind. At the same time, negative thoughts prevail. Under the influence of bad mental habits, people become fixated on the problems of the past, digesting their financial failures and personal troubles hundreds of times. Many burden themselves with bleak childhood memories, when they were teased and humiliated by classmates, bullied by teachers and parents. Others recall with dismay and irritation the conversation with the boss and the conflict in the store. The abundance of such worry-filled thoughts destroys us. We do not want to understand that mind control is the quintessence of life control. In an unconscious state of mind, when thoughts flutter like a free bird, we do not have time to enjoy the world around us. The trouble is that we often take our chatter of the mind at face value, identify with it and turn a momentary thought into reality and then play it out in virtual practice. In fact, most of our thoughts behave as unpredictably as gases. There is no need to take them seriously, identify with them or spend your energy on them. If we gain awareness of the mind by observing our thoughts from moment to moment, its chatter will slow down or stop altogether. Through awareness, we gain a deep sense of peace. Thinking works with a different intensity. It easily distinguishes true from false, clouded by negative emotions, or based on sheer assumption. We will not jump from one thought to another and will learn to think deeply and consistently.

Mindfulness and people.

In our relationships with other people, we have a clear deficit of awareness. Our positive feelings and emotions, released to others, in their completeness can be compared with blockade rations. The harsh reality of megacities prevents us from seeing in another person a separate unique world filled with thoughts and feelings. In addition to our loved ones, we often look at other people mechanically, from the standpoint of what they may or may not do. We are preoccupied with our problems, our importance and we do not care about others. They are not interesting to us. Mindfulness as a vigilant, observant presence here and now allows us to change our relationships with people for the better. We can consciously see their faces, their eyes, their body language. By paying conscious attention to people, we will see them as whole human beings. When people see genuine attention to themselves, it fondles their own worth. Your attention will be rewarded according to merit: you will be considered a charming person, your interaction with other people will be qualitatively different.

You can enumerate and describe the benefits of mindfulness indefinitely. It doesn't take long to convince you of its extraordinary usefulness. By the way, about beliefs. Our beliefs completely determine our vision of the world. Realizing our erroneous beliefs that prevent us from really perceiving our outer and inner worlds, we can consciously replace them with new beliefs. This quality of awareness allows us to carry out personal growth, purposefully move towards the realization of our goals.

In general, what a great pleasure it is to communicate with a person who, talking to us, is not hovering somewhere in the clouds, but is in the present. To return it to reality, you do not need to ask: "Where are you now?" We know that a conscious person perceives everything we say, understands where we are and what is happening around. It is pleasant to communicate with such a person.

Thus, awareness is the alert presence in the here and now. The vigilance of awareness is that our attention has not slipped into the past or the future, does not cling to it or get stuck in it. Mindfulness is when we can honestly say, “I am all attention and hearing,” by letting go of our restless ego. Our ego does not like to live "here and now", it always needs to wander somewhere - either in the past or in the future.

Someone asked Bokuju: - What are you doing? What is your religious practice? He replied: - I live an ordinary life - this is my practice. When I feel hungry, I eat. When I feel like I want to sleep, I sleep. The questioner was puzzled. He said, “But I don’t see anything special in this. Bokuju said, “This is the whole point. There is nothing special. Everyone who craves something special is selfish. The questioner was still puzzled. He said: - But everyone does it. When they are hungry, they eat; when they want to sleep, they sleep. Bokuju laughed and said, “No. When you eat, you are doing a thousand and one things: you think, dream, imagine, remember. You don't just eat. When I eat, I just eat: then there is only food and nothing else. When you sleep, you dream. When I sleep, then I just sleep, nothing else exists. When there is a dream, there is only a dream. Not even Bokuju. When I walk, there is only a walk, there is no Bokuju, just a walk.

Awareness is achieved primarily through observation. Observe your thoughts, putting them under constant control. A friend of mine always carried a toothpick with him. As soon as a bad, negative thought occurred to him, he lightly pricked his palm with a toothpick. He says that after a couple of months he no longer needed a toothpick.

Observe your every action and deed. Whatever you do, be aware that you are doing it. I eat - I am aware of myself. I go - I am aware of myself. I listen - I am aware of myself. Observe body language: gestures and facial expressions. As you chew your food, experience the pleasure of eating. Do not swallow food like a crocodile. In short, learn to observe the body, desires and emotions, and finally, thoughts.

Measure your life in moments and live it moment by moment. Try to always be present in everything that happens to you. It will be a shame when a miracle comes to you, and you, as always, will be everywhere and everywhere, and not here and now. Don't let the past and future take your power away from the present. Focus your attention on the charm of every moment.

Petr Kovalev

All the work of the seeker, down to its smallest details, is done by the Divine. And this seems impossible, since a person must realize something, somewhere to apply willpower, to form his intention, which in the future must be realized, to be aware of various states in himself and make decisions. Or does the Divine do it all the same? Then why do we recognize ourselves as an individual who believes that all this is done by him?

Let's take a closer look at how forces influence and control a person. We already know that everything in the Universe is a manifestation of God who “became all this”. We, people, are also parts of it, and through us all the necessary processes are manifested for the existence of the reality that it has become. But even this phrase, which speaks of the processes necessary for the existence of God, is not true. For one who is eternal, no processes are necessary. And for the Eternal, neither death nor life matters, because He Himself is not life, but consciousness, originally inherent in the infinite ocean of the energy of the Absolute. Initially, the energy of the Absolute is neutral, qualityless and structureless. Therefore, for its existence, the eternity of the Divine does not need anything. Reading the words of Sri Aurobindo that “God did not create anything, but he himself became all this,” one might think that God all became all this. Then He is not eternal, not unlimited, not omnipotent and not omniscient. And this can be understood, since in the phrase spoken by Sri Aurobindo there is a beginning, therefore, there will also be an end. True, no one knows when He became all this. Ancient Vedic knowledge asserts that we are living in the next day of Brahma, and that there were countless numbers of them before. Our day of Brahma is only one of the links in the countless chain of the reality of the Absolute.

Since we, people, are one of the manifested parts of the eternal and infinite Divine, we cannot be indifferent to this manifested world and ourselves in it. We want to know why God "became all this." It can be assumed with a high degree of probability that this manifested world exists for a specific purpose and not at all for the Infinite and Eternal Divine to look at itself. He "became all this" in order to transfer the conscious substance of eternity to a higher level of vibrations, which, accordingly, will lead to a change in the level of consciousness of the Absolute, and at the same time to an increase in its capabilities. It may seem that such assumptions are heresy, since the Divine is originally omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Yes, this is really so, but then one might think that he is limited in the possibilities of the growth of power and his other manifestations. The power of the Divine should not be understood as a force with which he can resist someone. Nobody opposes him, because he is unlimited, and we cannot talk about the presence of someone else in this infinity. And what religion tells us about the opposition of the Devil to God is only a human illusion generated by ignorance. The devil is a manifestation of the lower part of the spectrum of the Divine, which has its purpose in the evolution of the consciousness of the Universe.

Thus, the Divine is a self-conscious infinite ocean of energy, and our multi-faceted universe, in one of the manifested worlds of which we live, is his creative workshop, in which he transforms the original conscious energy substance of the Absolute into a substance with higher vibrations. This does not mean that the substance of the Absolute originally had low vibrations of consciousness and the Divine once decided to raise them. The Substance of the Absolute has its own spectrum of vibrations of consciousness, in which there is also that part of it, in which there are no vibrations at all, and those levels of it, the vibration frequency of which exceeds all conceivable frequencies, and a person can be aware of it as unshakable absolute rest. This, again, can be compared to the spectrum of sunlight, which has both the lowest part that can be associated with darkness, and the highest, which goes beyond its ultraviolet part.

The possibilities of the conscious substance of the Absolute become completely different with an increase in its vibrations. And the universe that he created out of himself is a manifestation of his conscious will, his sacrifice and one of the steps of his endless ascent. Transforming the lower parts of the spectrum of the substance of the Absolute, he gives it a new state corresponding to a higher perfection, thereby manifesting new possibilities of his power.

In order to determine the vector of evolution, the Divine divided the previously neutral conscious substance of the Absolute into space and time, and then space itself into many levels, each of which is a relatively isolated plane of consciousness. And each of these planes fulfills its tasks in His endless work inaccessible to the full understanding of the mortal mind. And over the reality of the worlds he put the lord of time - the Divine Mother - Mahashakti, whose dynamic energy embraces all facets of the worlds and all forms of life in them, and controls all processes of the universe.

All manifestations of life on their planes of mind are aware of their reality, as a manifested world, at the same time, all other worlds remain beyond, unmanifest for them. For us, people, only our plane of reality is manifested, at the same time, other plans remain beyond our perception. Another feature of the reality of a multidimensional Universe is the transparency of its plans, which simultaneously occupy the same space. And one more important feature - the planes of a higher consciousness (mind) are inaccessible to the inhabitants of the lower planes. This is a very important feature, because without it, no evolution of consciousness would be possible.

At the center of the evolutionary process on the earthly plane of reality, the Divine placed man, who reflects in himself the structure of the entire multidimensional universe, which allows the forces of all planes of consciousness to influence man in consonance with him, thereby participating in the general evolutionary process. But, as we have already said, the forces of the lower planes of existence cannot influence those parts of the human being that have higher vibrations, but only those that are in tune with them. And at the same time, the forces belonging to the high planes of reality are able to realize in a person not only those levels of consciousness that are consonant with them, but also the lower ones, characteristic of the dark lower worlds. Why the ratios of lower and higher forces are so different in their influences on a person can be understood from the following comparison. Imagine high vibrations in the form of a fine mesh sieve, and low vibrations as large mesh sieves. High influences are in the form of small fractions, and low influences are in the form of large buckshot. Obviously, small shots can easily pass through small cells of a higher sieve, and even more so through large cells, the dimensions of which are such that buckshot can pass through them. And if we imagine that there are such obstacles between the planes of consciousness, then the influences of the highest plane will freely pass through all the obstacles of the lower planes of consciousness. True, the human mind has an unpleasant feature - it is never calm and transparent, it constantly rushes about, and thus, it does not let all the influences coming from above pass. He could be called the guardian of the manifested earthly plane of reality. This is one of the important reasons why Sri Aurobindo insisted on stopping the mind at the very beginning of the spiritual path, without which the work of a spiritual seeker cannot be done.

You probably noticed that man was placed at the center of the evolutionary process on Earth. It was he who contained the entire universe in miniature with its plans of the mind. Of course, the work of the Divine could not be uncontrollably surrendered to a person who was simultaneously under the influence of many forces, and did not know anything about his true destiny on Earth. In order to be a sincere collaborator of the Divine on the paths of the evolution of consciousness, a person had to know that part of the work that the Divine entrusted to him, and he had to know how to do this work. And, besides, which is very important, he must agree to devote his whole life without a trace to the service of the Divine. For man, this became possible only after the titanic work that Sri Aurobindo did.

As we have already said, many forces manifest themselves in each person - some of them are representatives of the lower worlds, others of the high and light worlds. They can manifest themselves only to the extent that a person corresponds to them. The peculiarity of the influence of these forces is their secrecy, since the human sense organs are intended only for the perception of the reality of the manifested world that surrounds him, and are not at all intended for the perception of parallel worlds. Another important feature of these forces is that a person is a source of nutrition for them. These forces need human energy, the vibration frequency of which must correspond to their frequency. A person is aware of the influence of these forces in himself as various emotional states, desires and impulses, which he perceives as belonging to him. And, in addition, these forces are aware of the reality of the manifested human world through its senses, which greatly facilitates their task of managing a person. Through emotional states, desires and motives, they change the relationship not only between individuals, but also between a person and events in the world.

Man is a universal being and much of what man appropriates has never belonged to him. Although in the Divine reality there is nothing superfluous and everything has a certain purpose. For example, the ego is necessary for the formation of human individuality, and later, during the period of spiritual work, it becomes necessary for the formation of the “Witness”. Indeed, by being aware of and not indulging in the reactions of the ego, man rises above his lower nature. Various drives, desires and impulses are also necessary in the formation of a multifaceted human personality, but, being aware of them and not allowing them to control himself, a person becomes independent of the influences of the reality of the world and gradually rises to the higher parts of the spectrum of the plans of the mind.

What has been said here can lead a person to the idea that his interaction with the outside world is not determined by himself, but by all kinds of forces that control him. Of course it is not. First, a person can be aware of all kinds of states that arise in him under the influence of various forces of other planes of reality. Secondly, he may prefer one influence to another. For example, the influence of a Psychic being may be preferable to him over the influence of any lower power. True, usually a person prefers the influence that is more intense, and, therefore, the choice that the average person makes is not really a choice. But if a person walks the inner path, then he may prefer the weak influence of his true "I" to the strong influence that some vital essence exerts on him. And, thirdly, a person is given the opportunity to hold his attention for a sufficiently long time, on those objects that are of particular importance on his inner path. And, finally, a person, on the basis of his life experience and awareness of his true purpose on Earth, can form his own worldview, which will determine not only the true meaning of the external world, but also his relationship with it.

But in reality, the Divine does all the work of a person walking the inner path and the work of the layman, attached to the values ​​of the external world, and under the dominion of the lower nature. This is really so, because everything is He. And man only appropriates what he is not and what does not belong to him. In spiritual practice, as a person ascends higher and higher on the levels of the planes of the mind, he increasingly realizes that he is only a conductor of the Divine will on Earth. And then he begins to understand the words of Christ, who once said about a man that even a hair from his head would not fall without the will of God.

True, many objectors may appear here, for whom the events taking place in the modern world seem anti-divine. But let us remember that the lower dark planes of consciousness also belong to a single spectrum of consciousness of the Divine, which uses them for its own purposes in the evolution of the consciousness of the Universe.

There are two streams of reality in the modern world. One of them is ascending, in which the true part of a person leads him in the direction of infinite perfection, the other is descending, in which the true part of a person receives the experience necessary for its maturation. When the state of maturity of the true "I" of a person reaches a certain value, then the person will change the direction of his movement. And, besides, everything in a person must manifest itself, without which it cannot be transformed by the Divine Mother.


What does it mean to be aware?
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Awareness is not only a quality of your consciousness, it is a quality of existence as such ... Man, unlike animals, has consciousness - due to the fact that the instinctive principle in man is manifested to a much lesser extent than in animals. However, for the possession of consciousness, a person pays a certain price - a human cub is the most defenseless in this world and it takes time to learn that other species, thanks to instincts, are able from the very birth ...

Instincts are genetic programs embedded in a living being by nature. Thanks to them, this creature is well oriented in the world, knows what and how he needs to do. A person's instincts are less developed, and their functions are taken over by his trained mind (consciousness) with its social or individual programs. With the help of these programs, a person is guided in everyday interaction with the outside world ...
Mindfulness in relation to consciousness occupies about the same position as consciousness (mind) in relation to instincts. In the case of awareness, a person no longer needs programs to interact with the world around him. A person ceases to be the one who is controlled and goes into the quality of those who control. Who is behind instincts, social and individual programs.

The difference between a "conscious person" and a "reasonable person" :):

1. The "Conscious Man" is here-and-now.
Life as a process of interaction is possible only in the current moment and the fullness of life is determined solely by whether a person is immersed in a trance state (experiencing events of the past or planning-modeling his future - 95% of his time, a "reasonable man" spends just this occupation) or he is in the present moment - "there is only a moment, between the past and the future, it is he who is called life" ...

2. "Conscious man" is free from the internal dialogue of "Homo sapiens".
Internal dialogue is generally a separate topic for a long article ... In short, this is what a "reasonable person" manifests itself in, namely, expressed internal interaction (tracking how social or individual programs are being implemented). The human mind is dual in nature and the conduct of an internal dialogue, dispute, conflict within oneself is a habitual affair of "Homo sapiens". Thoughts weigh on us, weaving black nets ...

Many will immediately ask, but what about a "conscious person" instead of an internal dialogue? What is the inner emptiness filled with? What is he thinking and is he thinking at all?

The answer is - are you busy releasing enzymes in your liver at the moment? This is how the "conscious person" is free from the allocation of thoughts of his mind. Undoubtedly, he thinks, and also has goals, analyzes and many other rational things ... But he is not immersed in this process as "a reasonable man". Try not to think for 5 minutes ... Mindfulness allows you to do this.

3. “Conscious man” does not have the emotional chaos of “Homo sapiens”.

Mindfulness is not a principle, not a belief, not a dogma. First of all, this is a feeling, this feeling. Those who have experienced it compare this feeling with love, and someone is sure that this is love ... Moreover, this is a basic feeling, on the basis of which all mental activity of a "conscious person" unfolds.

Many will immediately ask, "how do we come to this, how to experience this feeling"? The paradox is that each of the "intelligent people" already possesses this feeling. It is already within you. Still not possessing reason - in deep childhood, each of us lived with this feeling and the intuitive memory of it helps seekers of awareness.

How do you come to mindfulness? The answer is simple, and at the same time very difficult: it is necessary to realize the strongest (basic) instinct - the genetic program: the instinct of ownership. NOT PROPERTY, but the instinct of ownership. Please do not confuse these concepts. There is a huge difference between "owning property" and "being an owner." The presence of property does not mean anything - the attitude towards it is important. As long as the property has you - you are a "reasonable person", but when you start to "have property" - you are on the way to awareness :) ...

Online consultation of the author of the "Psychoalgorithm" method:


Galina Ilya Yurievich! Thank you very much for your sessions, in which I was lucky to take part. Thanks to them, I became more confident in many issues and situations that previously caused anxiety and concern. You taught me how to deal with this in a short time frame. It's a pleasure to deal with a high-level professional!

Anna Ilya Yuryevich, it is difficult to find words to express my gratitude to you for your help. I remembered in what state and with what thoughts I met last year, 2017. I remember those feelings of bitterness, anxiety that did not leave me under any circumstances. Finally, I gave up this desire for self-destruction and now I can breathe differently. Thank you!

Tatyana Thank you, Ilya Yurievich, for the consultation. Indeed, she allowed me to look at my life situation from a different angle. Thanks again!

Vladimir Thank you very much for your consultation! Indeed, I noticed that memories come up at a time when I am in a bad mood or irritability, but I could not understand that this is a defense mechanism. When he next appears, I will try to talk about what exactly causes irritation, instead of plunging into memories.

Darya Many thanks for the help! I am very glad you helped me understand myself and showed me a new way to improve my life!

Note that medicine has never dealt with health, it only works with diseases. Medicine claims that there are no healthy people at all, thereby putting a fat cross on human health. Doctors have not helped any person to become healthy. All they do is eliminate the symptoms of diseases, but they cannot get to the cause of the disease.

The human body can be compared to a house, diseases are cracks in the house, streaks, breaks. A doctor is a plasterer who just skillfully covers up holes without thinking about why they have arisen. Moreover, he covers up these holes with a very unreliable solution, which is washed off at the first rain.

Therefore, the intervention of the plasterer is required again and again until the building collapses and there is nothing to plaster. At the same time, a good craftsman will first of all find out why these cracks appeared. Most likely, he will point to an unreliable foundation on which the house itself was built. If the foundation is well strengthened by cementing it with a reliable mortar, then holes in the walls will not appear at all. But the plasterer will not think of this, because his own house also suffers from ill health, and the plasterer even acts shortsightedly with his own house, just covering up holes.

Therefore, I do not believe in medicine that just mends holes in the human body, while leaving the disease to flourish inside the body. There the disease is not visible to anyone, which means that it can be argued that it has been cured. In the future, when people understand the causes of disease, doctors will not be needed. However, the future is still far away, we live in the present. What should a person do if he suddenly falls ill? Of course, be treated! Only you need to eliminate not the symptoms, but the cause of the disease itself. How to do this, now we will talk.

To eliminate the cause, you must first of all find it. In the case of the house, the holes were caused by an unreliable foundation. And the reason for the unreliable foundation is the grief of the builders, who used their cheap counterparts instead of high-quality building materials. Therefore, the cause of the holes is the poor building materials from which the foundation is made. We have already talked about which building materials for the human body are good and which are bad.

The cells of the body are regularly born and die, thanks to which the human body has the ability to renew itself. In about three years, the human body is completely renewed. During this time, the old, exhausted building material is thrown out of the body, and it is built from new material. If a person still gives his body an unreliable building material, then the body will continue to suffer from cracks and fractures (diseases). If a person decides to provide his body with high-quality building material, then in three years a strong and reliable structure will be built from this building material, not subject to the effects of verses (drafts, cold, bacteria, viruses, etc.). And this is what we call health.

However, if we do not have three years to build a solid foundation for our health. We are sick now and we need urgent help. What to do? In this case, it is necessary to force events, to speed up the process of the body's renewal. First of all, you need to remove all slags from it (the remnants of bad building materials supplied earlier). To do this quickly and efficiently, there is a special method called FASTING.

Many books have been written about fasting, the most popular of which is Paul Bragg's The Miracle of Fasting. In addition to books, there are clinics in which patients are treated with fasting and a natural diet. Real doctors work in these clinics, doctors with a capital letter, because they do not stuff their patients with poisonous drugs, do not patch holes in their body, but take on the elimination of the very cause of the disease.

A person who has undergone a course of treatment in such a clinic comes out really healthy, cheerful and rejuvenated for several years. It's a pity these clinics are a bit. This is due to the high requirements for the doctors working there. Such a doctor himself must be in good health before proceeding to cure a patient. Each doctor of such a clinic himself went through a full course of fasting, got rid of all diseases, and only then began to help other people. What can we say about our ordinary doctors, who themselves suffer from many diseases and at the same time try to treat other people ...

Fasting as a cure for disease invented by Nature itself. All animals instinctively follow this method. If an animal gets sick, the first thing it does is stop eating. Even a person has this instinct; during an illness, the desire to eat disappears, and this is not casual. Ignorant people force food into a sick person, claiming that they care about his health.

Why is fasting so useful? Digestion of food is a rather energy-consuming process; it takes a lot of the body's energy to digest food. During fasting, these forces are released, which means they can be spent by the body to fight diseases. If during normal (well-fed) life the body absorbs substances, then during fasting the opposite process begins - the elimination of substances from the body. All the toxins that have been stored up to this moment come into motion and are excreted with the help of the excretory system along with urine, sweat and even breath.

During fasting, the body still needs energy for its existence. Since he does not receive this energy from the outside along with food, he begins to look for internal reserves. Fat mass is burned, dead cells of the body are consumed (and a lot of them accumulate), when dead matter ends, the weakest living cells are used. Thus, during fasting, the body gets rid of toxins, excess fats, dead and diseased cells. And this is the CAUSE of our illnesses, which means that fasting eliminates the very cause.

Meanwhile, pathogenic viruses and bacteria are not only not pests, but on the contrary our helpers. Having settled in the human body, they do not touch the healthy cells of the body, they are too tough for them. The disease feeds primarily on dead biomass and weak cells, thus accelerating the process of removing this excess load from the body. Disease is a kind of garbage man who comes only when he notices a lot of garbage. When all the biological waste is eaten, and there is nothing to feed on the disease, it leaves the body. This is natural, as Nature herself intended. If a person does not stop eating during an illness, thereby he throws new food to viruses and bacteria, and they continue their sweet life, which leads to a protracted form of the disease.

Doctors, on the other hand, use powerful chemicals to try to kill pathogenic viruses and bacteria that have settled in the body. They succeed, but the garbage that feeds the disease remains untouched, which means that the disease will come again and will come as long as the body is full of food for bacteria and viruses. The toxins of our body are like a luxuriously laid table for infectious microorganisms, the smell of food from which dissipates everywhere.

Bacteria and viruses living in the external environment sense this smell, and therefore seek to profit from a lot of food. It is not surprising that a person gets sick from the slightest breath of breeze. Then the doctors come again and kill the bacteria that are dining at this time with a powerful poison called medicine. Only this poison poisons not only bacteria, but also the human body, which further undermines its health. This continues over and over again, bacteria try to eat toxins, and doctors kill them with poison. But what is the fault of infectious microorganisms, just what they want to eat? Let them eat all the food that is intended for them, and they themselves will leave, leaving the body clean of toxins. This is exactly how naturopaths act when they advise a sick person to starve during illness.

Another symptom of the disease is high fever. Doctors are trying to bring down this temperature by any means. But you do not need to do this, the temperature is not the reason, but the way to heal the body. At high temperatures, the body gets rid of toxins and diseases in the shortest possible time. Lowering the temperature only interferes with this process and slows down the healing.

The most sensible advice that can be given to a sick person is not to take any medicine, not eat anything at all, drink only plain water and give the body a rest. The organism, placed in such conditions, begins to fight the disease itself, or rather not to fight, but to cooperate. As a result of such cooperation, the body is cleansed of toxins, the disease goes away, the person becomes healthier. Doctors only interfere with this process, presenting their actions as caring for the patient's health.

Thunder will not strike, the man will not cross himself. Why wait until the disease begins to attack your body, if you can worry about removing toxins from it in advance. A clean organism is not interesting for pathogenic viruses and bacteria, because there is no food for them in it. A person with a purified body will not get sick, even if he is among people who are seriously ill with infectious diseases.

Regular preventive hunger strikes are the way to protect yourself from the invasion of infection. If you take a one-day hunger strike once a week as your norm, it will be a good help on your way to a healthy lifestyle. Longer hunger strikes of 3, 7, 10, 40 days very effectively remove toxins from the body, heal and rejuvenate it. Of course, long hunger strikes should be approached gradually.

As soon as a person begins to starve, the process of removing toxins from the body immediately begins. The more he starves, the stronger and stronger the removal of toxins occurs. Therefore, if you suddenly go on a long hunger strike, you can poison yourself with the waste that the body is trying to remove from the cells through the blood, urine and sweat outside the body. Fasting requires gradualism. There are a lot of slags, it will not be possible to remove all of them at once, regular procedures are needed to remove them.

It is best to start with one day of fasting once a week. For those who have never done this, of course, it will be difficult to endure even one day. To alleviate the discomfort, drink plenty of clean water (better distilled, but you can just clean it with filters or spring water).

The day before fasting, it is advisable to exclude meat, fish and dairy products from your diet, and not to drink alcohol. It is even better if the diet is composed of fresh, natural products. First of all, your well-being during the fasting day depends on this. Coming out of fasting should also be gradual. You should not overeat immediately, although it is very difficult to resist it. You can eat fresh vegetables or fruits for breakfast. After that, you will want to eat strongly, but you cannot overeat. Better to suppress your appetite with water, as if you were continuing to fast on the second day. For lunch and dinner, you can eat as usual.

The first fasting is the most difficult. Then they will be much easier to carry. When you have some experience with one day of fasting, you can increase the duration to one and a half, two and three days (gradually). Fasting for three days can be done once a month. There will be several weekly one-day ones in between. Later, when you feel the strength in yourself, you can move on to a longer abstinence from food. Each such procedure will make your body more and more healthy.

About myself, I can say that I have been doing weekly one-day fasting since my school years. I didn't have to starve for a long time, the maximum that I withstood was seven days, but I plan to increase this period in the very near future. I want to note that the first fast that I did as a child was much more difficult than the seven-day fast that I finished recently.

Why is that? First of all, because the first day is always the most difficult, even in a seven-day fast. On this day, I really want to eat, and on all subsequent days, my appetite gradually disappears. On the eighth day, when it was already necessary to get out of fasting, I thought for a long time whether to go out or go hungry again. I did not want to eat at all, I felt good, my head was not spinning, there was no fatigue, there were no signs at all that I had been living without food for seven days, except that I had lost a little weight. But closer to lunchtime, I ate a couple of apples, and in the evening a few more, plus some honey. That was enough for me, but I didn't want to eat anyway. Therefore, after seven days of fasting, I felt much more comfortable than after one day when I was hungry enough.

One more observation. On the second day after a one-day fasting, fatigue attacks the person, the mouth dries up, and one feels severe malaise. But these signs are present only in the first attempts of fasting. This is due to the active removal of toxins from the body. In the future, this state goes away, fasting becomes easy. During fasting, it is recommended to stay in bed at first, but when you get used to weekly fasting, the day of hunger will be an ordinary day for you, in which you do not need to lie in bed, but you can freely go about your usual activities. During the seven-day fast, I went to work every day, met with friends, did my usual chores, and did not feel any discomfort. Of course, I did not tell anyone that I was starving, only when I was treated to food, I said that today is my fasting day, so I do not want to eat anything. I did not mention seven days of abstinence from food, so that people would not be horrified and would not try to dissuade. Discussing your fasting with people far from it is superfluous.

Now my fasting passes calmly and easily, which cannot be said about the first attempts of such a purification. Of course, it was difficult, my head was spinning, there was a state of discomfort and a strong desire to eat. Often after starvation he overeat, for which he constantly reproached himself. The fact that fasting now passes quite easily, not even noticeably, is primarily due to my adherence to natural nutrition, which does not pollute the body with toxins. Due to the fact that I do not supply new toxins to the body, during fasting they are not so actively excreted from the body and do not disturb my comfortable state.

For those who decide to switch to natural food, I will say that after fasting it is always easier to switch to natural food than on ordinary days. After one day of fasting, you can spend another day on a raw diet, which will be an added bonus. I myself, both before and after long-term fasting, spend several days exclusively on a raw diet, so the fast itself passes without complications. Of course, on other days I allow myself to eat something unnatural, but before and after fasting for nothing, because this can worsen the condition during the cleansing procedure itself and make it unbearable.

Paul Bragg recommends that long-term fasting be carried out only under the supervision of an experienced person in this matter, however, he admits that if you do not force events and increase the periods of abstinence from food gradually, then you can do without any outside help. Thus, our health is in our own hands. We are constantly being told that good health requires a lot of money for doctors, medicines, clinics, rest in sanatoriums, etc. But it turns out that money cannot help us at all in the matter of health. The way to get rid of diseases is completely free and requires only a conscious attitude to health from the person himself and a little willpower (which, by the way, gradually develops in the process of abstaining from food).

Fasting is not only healthy for the body, but also for the mind and mental faculties. Consciousness becomes sober, memory improves, an optimistic mood appears, sorrows cease to bother a person, they are replaced by a joyful good mood.

Cheerfulness and optimism are the basis of happiness, but happiness itself cannot be bought for any money. The happiness acquired for money turns out to be illusory and soon fades, or even disappears altogether, causing unbearable suffering to a person. Such happiness requires constant replenishment from a person in the form of acquiring new things, delicacies with gorgeous dishes, drug addiction, and a constant change of sexual partners. Happiness, based on positive emotions emitted by healthy nerve cells of a healthy body, never fades, because it comes from within the human soul and does not need external recharge. Such a person is happy himself and disinterestedly gives happiness to others. But the prerogative of such happiness belongs only to a healthy body, and health, as you know, cannot be bought for money.

Prolonged abstinence from food (up to 40 days) makes a person wise, because it releases all the hidden potential of his body, soul, psyche and allows a person to independently dispose of these riches. Therefore, great people often resorted to prolonged fasting: Christ, Buddha, Moses. Pythagoras demanded forty days of fasting from his students before initiating them into the secrets of his teaching. He believed that only forty days of abstinence from food can cleanse and enlighten the mind to such an extent that it becomes able to perceive the depths of the teaching about the mysteries of life. Long-term abstinence from food was practiced by the early Christians, they called it fasting. It is a pity that in modern times, fasting is interpreted only as abstaining from meat.

Yes, fasting is not an easy task. It requires patience and willpower from a person. Here is what Paul Bragg writes about this: "Fasting, abstinence, proper diet is the price for health", and also: "When you fast for three to ten days or more, you are on the operating table of Nature. Nature relieves you of everything. excess: from mucus, toxins and other foreign substances in your body. " So relax and understand that good health comes at a price. The difficulties and discomfort that you experience during the fasting process is just a price to pay for your health. If you refuse to pay this modest “in-kind” fee, you will have to pay for your health sooner or later. Only in this case the payment will be "monetary" and it will not be Nature who will have to pay, but the doctors, who, in fact, are ignorant and for your money will still not be able to provide you with real health. The question is, which is better: to pay "in kind" health fees "from Nature", or to pay "monetary" health fees "from doctors"? Let's take into account the fact that you still need to earn money before you can pay with it in the hospital, and making money is not an easy task. In addition, at the workplace, in addition to money, we also earn diseases, which then have to be treated by giving back the earned. Here it is that vicious circle, from which one can escape only by trusting in Nature.

Let's compare two types of medicine, medicinal and natural, and find out which one we would like to give preference to in the future.

1. Medicinal medicine, according to official reports, "has achieved great success", but nevertheless continues to progress, improves and promises to reach great heights in the future. Natural medicine does not progress, improve or improve, because it is already perfect, ideal, irreproachable and even divine.

2. Physicians treat with medicines, and medicine is poison. Therefore, drug treatment implies the injection of a large amount of poison into the human body. This poison accumulates over the years, there are many other disorders that require even more intensive medical intervention. Natural cleansing fasting acts in a completely opposite direction, it removes all poisons from the body, makes the body clean, healthy and able to independently cope with all diseases.

3. Medicines are not cheap pleasure. Especially modern ones, which often turn out to be beyond the means of our average person. In case of illness, the payment for medicines can gobble up all the money a person has accumulated by hard years of work. The price to pay for natural cleansing fasting is symbolic. It is expressed in the efforts that we spend to abstain from food. In monetary terms, fasting will not only not pull a penny out of your pocket, but, on the contrary, will save money.One day a week you will not have to spend money on food, so you will save money.

4. Going to the hospital, you trust your health to a completely unfamiliar person. Are you sure that he is a really good specialist and will not make a mistake in choosing the right course of treatment? I completely lost confidence in doctors as a child, when I got sick ... I don't even know what I got sick with, because every next doctor put his own diagnosis and wrote new chapters on my medical record. I was first treated in my provincial town, but they were treated to the point that a month later my condition turned out to be critical, and I was sent to the capital's children's hospital in Kiev. There I spent a couple of months under an IV, but it did not help and I was transferred to a cool Kiev hospital for adults (named after Shalimov). There, at last, they somehow coped with the disease and when they were discharging they congratulated me, saying that my disease is incurable and will remain latent for life, and at the end of my life (by the age of 40, is this the end of life? But this is what the doctors said) I might have cancer liver. Therefore, they advised me to adhere to a strict diet all my life (thanks for this, at least once they sent me on the right path), not to play sports, not to lift weights, regularly visit the hospital, undergo procedures, take medications (the list of which was simply terrifying) and come to terms with the thought, that I am a sick person, sick for the rest of my life (and in fact I was then only 14 years old). Not to mention, my parents were ruined by the hospital trips. The question is, who is to blame? Do you know what the answer is? I AM! I am guilty that I have entrusted the most precious thing in my life - health, and entrusted to whom (?) - amateurs in this matter, who are not even able to get rid of their own illnesses.

In the case of natural medicine, you don't need to trust your health to anyone. You need to trust only Nature and its just laws. If you get sick, this is a signal from Nature that your body is unhealthy and full of toxins. Scavengers (infections) who are sent by Nature to cleanse your body of garbage are knocking on your house. Stop eating and starve for a few days, just long enough, until you feel better. And then do not forget to say thank you to Nature for giving you such a simple means of getting rid of internal pollution, and now you will not have to resort to the services of amateurs in white coats. For those who have at least a drop of reason in their heads, I advise not to wait for the signal from Nature, but to start cleansing your body in advance. Isn't it wonderful when you can proudly say, "My health is in my hands!"

5. Each of the medicines has its own side effects. Starting to be treated with medicines, a person heals one organ and cripples the other, thereby becoming dependent on hospitals, doctors and medicines. Natural medicine has no side effects. Although we have to admit that one side effect can still occur. If a person is careless with fasting and immediately proceeds to a long-term purification, this will lead to the strongest release of toxins from the cells into the blood, which can result in severe poisoning and even death. Remember this! Nothing will happen from a one-day or three-day fast, but if you immediately swing it for 10 days, the consequences can be dire.

Here's my advice. When you fast for the first time one day, remember the state that you will have on the second. On the second day, you will feel bad, the inside of the labor will dry out, dizziness, itching throughout the body and other unpleasant sensations will appear. This condition is due to the fact that toxins and toxins have filled your blood, in order to then leave the body along with urine. Remember this feeling! This is a signal that there is too much poison in your body, and you should not risk prolonging fasting.

Fast for one day a week until you begin to feel lightness and freedom from discomfort on the second day. This means that the first layer of toxins has left your body, and you can begin to deepen your hunger strikes. Now you can fast for two days, on the third you will again feel that toxins have filled your blood. Fast for one week one day, and the second two. In this mode, fast until, on the third day, lightness in the body begins to appear again. Now you will already know that another layer of toxins has safely left your body, and you can start three-day hunger strikes. Do this in the future, and it will be a guarantee of your success. I also advise you to definitely purchase literature on fasting. She will give you not only the necessary knowledge, but also mentally prepare you. During prolonged fasting, it is worth periodically re-reading this literature for greater confidence that you are doing everything right.

6. When a person falls ill, he is taken to the hospital. Nobody wants to get there, because this place is a real devil. Hospital patients feel severe discomfort from staying there, which aggravates the healing process. There is a high probability of catching another disease through an infected syringe, and sometimes just by air. The bad aura of the hospital, made up of the suffering of thousands of patients who have passed through it, invisibly affects the person who has entered this institution.

In contrast, a cleansing fast is usually carried out in a comfortable home environment. A person is not locked in four walls with a musty atmosphere that smelled of bleach and medicines. On the contrary, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, go out into nature, bask in the sun. There are no restrictions, the main rule is that during fasting, a person must act as he wishes.

7. A person who has trusted in medicines grows old early and his old age is terrible, because it is full of diseases and makes him disabled. Such a person dies in agony, he approaches death in a hospital bed under an IV, and death is perceived by him as a deliverance from suffering. A person who has trusted in Nature, cleansed his body, lives to a ripe old age, while maintaining such ideal health, which in our world is found only in newborns. He approaches death philosophically, he feels its approach and understands that death is just a transition to another more perfect world, which he rightfully deserves with his harmonious way of life.

These are two completely opposite types of medicine that exist in our time. And each person is given a choice which path to follow. More precisely, the choice exists only for those people who are conscious of their health. The same people who prefer not to think about health are deprived of this choice. Therefore, they are also deprived of the right to accuse anyone in the future, whether it is for improper treatment, whether it is the high cost of medicines, whether it is the injustice of fate, whether it is a premature death. published

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