Stories from the lives of show business stars. Latest secular news about Russian stars

Childhood in a sect, family tragedy, path to glory: the main thing about Joaquin Phoenix

Childhood in a sect, family tragedy, path to fame: the main thing about Joaquin Phoenix Everyone is talking about Joaquin Phoenix now: his brilliant work in the film “Joker”, it seems, did not leave a single viewer indifferent. And today, in addition, the actor celebrates his 45th birthday, so we have another good reason to talk about him and his career. Phoenix excels at difficult characters, people with broken destinies. And if you look at his own biography, you can guess why the roles of heroes traumatized by life became business card actor. Sect Joaquin was born in Puerto Rico, where his family temporarily lived. The actor's parents - American hippies - traveled around South America and engaged in missionary activities. Phoenix's father, John, who had Spanish and Irish roots, and his mother, Arlene, who came from a family of Jewish immigrants from Hungary and Russia, belonged to the Children of God sect. In addition to Joaquin, the family had four more children growing up - brother River, who later became a famous actor, and sisters Liberty, Rain and Summer. Joaquin and River Phoenix with their mother Arlene As the press writes, the activities of the sect cannot be called innocent. In appearance, everything looked quite decent: the followers of the “Children of God” stood for a harmonious family, support for those in need, for creativity and music. At the same time, strange rules existed within the group: sectarians “shared” husbands and wives with each other, children with early age initiated into the intricacies of sexual relationships, urging them to “explore their sexuality.” As the Mirror writes, the younger generation was taught that people who are not members of the sect are “non-believers who want to kill them.” Many of the children whose parents belonged to this group became victims of sexual abuse, as eyewitnesses say. Joaquin's brother River, having already become popular, mentioned in an interview with Details magazine that he first "made love" too early - as the actor said, this happened at the age of four, "with other children." Joaquin Phoenix with his mother Arlene and sister Summer The family of future movie stars made their living by actually begging: the children sang and performed on the street, and passers-by gave them money. For some time this was the only source of income for the family. Biographers describe the places in which the Phoenixes had to live something like this: “slums full of rats without a toilet.” According to Joaquin, his parents joined the Children of God in the hope of "finding those who share their ideals." But John and Arlene eventually became disillusioned with the cult's philosophy, around the time the group's leader instructed women to "attract new followers through sex." Joaquin Phoenix New Life In the late 70s, the actor’s parents decided to leave the sect, boarded a cargo ship with their children and returned from Venezuela to the United States. They changed their last name from Bottom to Phoenix, inspired by the image of a mythical bird rising from the ashes - this symbolized the beginning of their new life. The family settled in Hollywood. The mother got a job as a secretary at NBC, and the parents began to pursue the careers of their children, who began acting in commercials and TV series. At first, by the way, Arlene set a condition for the agents: the filming contract should be concluded only with five children at a time. Moreover, they did not want to advertise, for example, fast food chains, since the whole family were vegans. Later, the parents softened their demands, and the children began to get jobs. The most successful was River, who was four years older than Joaquin. The handsome boy, already at the age of ten, actively starred in commercials, and at the age of 16 he played his first significant role in the film “Stand by Me”. River Phoenix Five years later, 21-year-old River Phoenix was nominated for an Oscar for his supporting role in the film My Own Private Idaho. This work brought him several awards; the press called him one of the most promising young actors. River Phoenix in the film “My Own Private Idaho” Joaquin’s career, although not as fast as his brother’s, was still moving forward. Having first appeared in the series with River (in the film “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”), he played small roles in various projects. In the credits, his name was listed as Lief Phoenix: Lief was the nickname given to him by his loved ones. Joaquin remembers his first experience in front of the camera like this: The best thing that happened to me, a moment of indescribable joy! For some, this is the first goal scored or won a prize; for me, this was the first filming. I was eight, and I still remember that scene in color. Poster for the film "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" Tragedy at the River Phoenix club maintained a "positive" image, spoke in an interview about healthy way life. However, the actor became addicted to drugs at the peak of his fame. In October 1993, Phoenix overdosed while partying with friends at the famous club The Viper Room. River died in front of Joaquin and their sister Rain, who were also present at that party: they tried to give their brother artificial respiration and managed to call an ambulance, but the doctors could no longer help. There was a whole cocktail of drugs in the actor’s blood. Joaquin rarely talks about his brother's death with reporters. One of his few statements on this matter: I have almost come to terms with his death, but I will never be able to fully understand it. Joaquin Phoenix According to Joaquin, he “doesn’t have the slightest desire to talk about his late brother”: I don’t like being compared to him. He was an incredible person and a great actor. We once agreed that we would grow old together, but now I'm alone, and it seems that more than anything else I need to talk to him again. That's all. There's nothing more I can say, period. As Phoenix recalls, he was shocked that television and radio after the tragedy broadcast an audio recording of Joaquin’s call to 911, and paparazzi photographed River lying in a coffin. Fans brought flowers, candles and memorial notes to The Viper Room the day after River Phoenix's death. Highlights Having survived the death of his brother, Joaquin abandoned filming for a while, but then returned to work. His first success in feature films was the 1995 drama To Die For, directed by Gus Van Sant. Phoenix found himself in stellar company: the actor's filming partners included Nicole Kidman, Matt Dillon and Casey Affleck. Nicole Kidman and Joaquin Phoenix in the film "To Die For" Having starred in several other fairly high-profile projects - Oliver Stone's "U Turn", Joel Schumacher's "8 Millimeters" - Joaquin found himself on the set of the film "Gladiator" (Gladiator) by Ridley Scott. And this was already a huge success: in the role of the sinister Emperor Commodus, he was remembered by absolutely all viewers who watched the film. Phoenix was literally showered with nominations for all sorts of awards - from the MTV Award to the Oscar. He was left without the main film award, but the success of the project was still sensational. Nicolas Cage and Joaquin Phoenix in the film "8 Millimeters" Joaquin Phoenix in the film "Gladiator" With "Gladiator" began a real rise in Phoenix's career: each film with his participation turned out to be commercially successful and with a star cast, be it "The Pen of the Marquis de Sade" Quills with Geoffrey Rush and Kate Winslet, Signs with Mel Gibson or The Village with Adrien Brody. Phoenix's heroes were mostly freakish and "with a difficult fate." Joaquin Phoenix and Russell Crowe in the film "Gladiator" Another success was the biopic "Walk the Line", where Phoenix played the role of the cult musician Johnny Cash. The country singer personally approved of Joaquin's candidacy (as it turned out, "Gladiator" was his favorite film). Cash didn’t live to see the premiere for two years, but managed to meet Phoenix, inviting him to dinner. Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon in the film "Walk the Line" For Joaquin, the difficulty was that he had to sing on the set, like his partner Reese Witherspoon. According to the actor, he never listened to country music and was not at all confident in his vocal abilities, but he went through a lot of training. And during the filming, he also learned to play the guitar. The film earned rave reviews from critics and nominations for prestigious awards. Phoenix again found himself one step away from the Oscar, but did not win, although the reviews said how professionally he got used to the image of the famous musician and was able to convey even the sound of his voice. Reese Witherspoon received a gold statuette for her role as Cash's wife. Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix in the film “Walk the Line” After filming “Walk the Line,” at the very peak of his career, Joaquin ended up in rehab, where he struggled with alcoholism. After leaving the clinic, he attended meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous and, according to his friends, completely withdrew into himself. I didn't drink every day, but I had nothing else to do and nothing could hold me back, he says. Now, according to Phoenix, he can drink, especially during a flight. Maybe, bad habits Joaquin also played a role in a car accident he was involved in in January 2006, just days before he was nominated for an Oscar for his role as Johnny Cash. Interestingly, the famous director Werner Herzog, who was driving behind him, helped Phoenix get out of the overturned car. According to the filmmaker, Joaquin's car was moving at high speed, and, apparently, the driver lost control. Joaquin Phoenix in the film “I'm Still Here” After 2010, presenting the mockumentary film “I'm Still Here” directed by Casey Affleck, Phoenix again took a break for a while and returned to films two years later. once he starred in the film “The Master” as a drunken war veteran suffering post-traumatic disorder. And again an Oscar nomination, but not a victory. Joaquin Phoenix and Casey Affleck Joaquin Phoenix in the film "The Master" Now Phoenix's fans are counting on the fact that the long-awaited award for the actor will be brought to him by his role in Todd Phillips' acclaimed film "Joker". The film caused mixed reviews, but every review speaks of Phoenix's unique work. The actor himself says that when he was offered the role, he “was scared” - that’s why he agreed: If something scares me, I just make up my mind and go for it. I experienced a huge number of different feelings towards my hero. And I like it. I think this is something that is missing in cinema, especially in the genre of superhero films. As Phoenix says, he was well aware that his Joker would make viewers “feel uncomfortable,” but, in his opinion, this is what makes the hero interesting. Joaquin Phoenix in the movie "Joker" Personal life Until recently, not many details were known to the press love relationship actor. In the 90s, Phoenix had an affair with Liv Tyler, with whom he starred in the film Inventing the Abbotts. A few years after the split, he began dating South African model Topaz Page-Green, but they split four years later. Joaquin Phoenix and Liv Tyler Phoenix has been in a relationship with Rooney Mara for three years; this summer it became known that they were engaged. The actors first met on the set in the summer of 2012, then both were filming the film “Her,” where Mara played Phoenix’s girlfriend. As the actor says, then they were just friends and corresponded by e-mail. The relationship began a few years later, when they met again on the set of the film “Mary Magdalene.” Rooney and Joaquin have already arrived at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival together; the actor presented a new film with his participation, “You Were Never Really Here,” at the film screening. We look forward to the couple's appearance on the red carpet this year and, of course, we wish Joaquin good luck in the fight for film awards! / 1 d. 13 h. 10 min. back next

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