Foreign university. Higher education abroad

The impeccable reputation of English universities is based on the painstaking, centuries-old work of teachers who were able to create a unique research base.

Using StudyLab, you can find out up-to-date information about university programs and conditions for admission to a particular faculty. Top universities occupy the first lines of authoritative rankings, and this is the result of practice-oriented education. Graduates of the world's leading universities are in demand in the labor market, regardless of their specialty.

Top Universities in England

The University of Oxford and Cambridge University practice a curation system. This means that each student meets with a personal supervisor several times a week, who monitors the progress of his student, advises and guides him. Thanks to individual approach These universities in England have a minimal dropout rate and consistently demonstrate high levels of educational quality.

It is believed that social sciences and humanities are best studied at the University of Oxford, natural sciences at Cambridge University, business, engineering and IT at Imperial College London, law, economics and political science at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and history arts, architecture and design - at the University of Warwick. Each university offers a promising academic program in certain areas and comfortable conditions for study and recreation.

Disciplines are studied comprehensively and objectively. For this purpose, lectures, seminars, laboratory work and specialized educational trips. Students also conduct their own research and present scientific projects and put forward bold hypotheses. A master's degree abroad teaches you to be a leader, look at things with an open mind and find the optimal solution to any problem.

Opens up limitless opportunities for intellectual and spiritual growth. Universities are equipped with dozens of libraries, laboratories, workshops, and sports complexes. Some even have their own museums and publishing houses. Every student can join a club or society where he will find like-minded people. The best foreign universities offer hundreds of interest clubs - from sports and cooking to classical literature, painting and politics.

Studying in bachelor's and master's programs

At British universities, students can expect an atmosphere of cosmopolitanism, because undergraduate courses in England consist of 40% foreigners, and master's degrees - 50%. Qualified teachers from Europe, Asia and America work here, so the information presented at lectures and seminars is always relevant and reliable. The best universities abroad support international relations with other universities and large companies, and many students undergo exchange studies or internships in other countries.

In comparison, US universities, such as Harvard University or Stanford University, offer even higher annual tuition fees, but studying in England is still the most prestigious in the world. University research influences the development of scientific thought, and graduates become leading world experts.

StudyLab offers higher education abroad at elite universities with a rich history. The status of a graduate of such a university promises great scientific and career prospects anywhere in the world.

Every year, higher education abroad becomes more popular and much more accessible for our compatriots. Russians who have graduated from foreign universities, as a rule, easily find their niche in the international labor market and successfully move through career ladder. Higher education abroad - in America, Europe, Canada, Australia or even China - this, of course, is also an opportunity to study perfectly foreign language, on which training is conducted, and most often more than one. We must not forget that foreign universities often have a much more developed educational, material and scientific base than domestic ones. And the centuries-tested, refined teaching system provides fundamental knowledge and the opportunity to use it as effectively as possible.

22 countries for higher education of your choice!

Higher education programs

Higher education system: from general to private

Higher education, built according to the classical European system, has a similar structure in different countries. The first stage - obtaining a bachelor's degree - takes 3-4 years. After another 2 years of study at the university, students receive a master's degree. Postgraduate study lasts 2-3 years and is a stage research work and writing a dissertation, upon completion of which a doctorate degree (PhD) is awarded.

No less attractive for our compatriots is a second higher education abroad, which is often easier to obtain than the first, as well as additional postgraduate education, for example, MBA programs. Among foreign universities teaching these programs, the undisputed leader remains American universities, which are the founders of the top management education system.

Higher education in different countries has a number of national characteristics. Thus, in Germany and France, after 2-3 years of a bachelor’s program, you can receive a professional diploma of a licentiate (Licentiate), which allows you to teach without having an academic degree.

In France, along with the pan-European standard of education, there is a system of so-called “short” and “long” university cycles, at the end of which a higher diploma is issued, respectively. technical education and a diploma of higher specialized education (Master 2).

Every Spanish university own rules training, the level of qualifications assigned to graduates and the number of steps.

Postgraduate studies abroad may also have national specifics. In Germany, after defending a diploma project or dissertation, graduates are awarded a master's degree (Magister Artium). Then students who have had teaching practice can take qualifying exams and immediately receive a Doctorate degree. In other countries, “shortened” postgraduate studies do not exist and training lasts 2-3 years.

In order to be able to objectively evaluate the knowledge of students acquired at different universities and different countries, a pan-European system for transferring and accumulating credits, ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), was introduced. ECTS simplifies academic recognition when transferring from one university to another or when taking individual master's courses at several different universities.

To study abroad

In universities of each individual country, in addition to diversity training courses, programs and disciplines, there are a number of characteristic rules and requirements for applicants. The procedures for accepting documents, interviews, passing exams (where they are provided), and making decisions on admission to a university are very individual and depend both on the traditions of the education system of a particular country and on the academic results of the applicant himself.

One of the universal requirements is a sufficient level of proficiency in the language in which teaching is conducted. Therefore, it is logical to start a student career abroad with language courses and preparation for passing the international exams TOEFL, IELTS, etc.

Because school education in Russia it is 2-3 years shorter than in the West, admission to a foreign university in the year of graduation is most often problematic for our graduates. The way out is to complete 1-2 courses at a domestic university or preparatory courses at the selected university abroad.

Thus, to enter a British university, you must have an A-level diploma or complete the Foundation training program. And in Germany, for example, there are special one-year preparatory colleges Studienkolleg. This year, future students noticeably increase language level and pass the required qualifying exams.

Despite the fact that entrance exams are most often not held in European universities, some prestigious universities and England higher schools France, for example, can arrange exams and interviews. And for admission to all creative universities, applicants will definitely need a portfolio.

Tuition fees can vary greatly depending on the country chosen and the specific university (public or private). But, in some cases, foreign students studying for a master's degree abroad can apply for scholarships and grants from the state, the government of their country or various funds.

Stanford - the names of these universities are well-known to everyone, but when choosing a university to study abroad, this information is scarce. There are many factors to consider.

Choosing a university

Once you have decided on the country (you can find information about choosing a country for studying and an overview of the countries themselves in the "" section) you can narrow the search to a specific educational institution. Usually, the first thing everyone studies is university rankings. You need to know them, but the information presented in them should be analyzed very meticulously. Most often, you need to choose a program, not a university.

Ratings, for example, the QS World University rating, can be sorted according to the criteria you need. For example, you are looking for universities in Germany where you can study biology. The Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and the University of Heidelberg will be in the top. If you are interested in software programs computer technologies, then you will see a different layout: Technical University Munich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Humboldt University Berlin will occupy the top positions.

In addition, ratings are compiled based on different criteria. For example, there may be a rating based on the academic base or the attractiveness of graduates of this university to employers. If you are planning to pursue a career in science, then the first criterion will be more important to you than the second, and if you are thinking about a career in business, then most likely the opposite. When studying ratings data, be sure to take an interest in the methodology: it happens that researchers equally take into account both the equipment of laboratories and the quality of food in the student canteen.

In addition to global ones, study the rankings for universities in a specific country. For example, the Guardian newspaper ranking is authoritative for British universities. In this case, the choice of universities will be wider, and universities that are not included in global rankings are not obviously bad. The reason for not being included in the “big” ranking may be due to the small age of the institution or narrow specialization, but maybe this is exactly what you need.

Select several universities to compare. Carefully study the content of courses and programs, the number academic hours, biographies of teachers.

Typically, you will find this information on the university website. If the information in open access little, you can always contact the university by email.

For those who are planning to enroll in master's programs and especially graduate school, the key point is personality scientific supervisor and a research base on the topic that interests you. In some universities, despite a big name, there may not be a star scientist and scientific developments in your specialty.

If you want to receive during your studies practical experience, find out the university's policy regarding student internships. It can't hurt to talk to students and alumni: many universities advertise internships, but in reality they may turn out to be a formality. Look for universities that take internships seriously and those that have established partnerships with companies.

Dreaming of an international career? Then choose programs where you will have the opportunity to study in an international environment and go on an exchange internship in other countries. Also, ask how much a diploma from a given university is valued internationally.

Choosing a specialization

If you still haven't decided what you want to study, it doesn't matter. In some countries, such as the USA, undergraduate studies begin with general courses, and only then can you choose a specialization, and if you don’t like it, you can change it.

As a rule, most European universities are divided into two types - academic and applied. Firstly, the emphasis is on theoretical knowledge and scientific research. However, if you are applying for a bachelor’s degree, then a diploma from such a university will be a good start. As a rule, academic universities are the oldest and most famous educational institutions in the country. However, if you are planning to enroll in a master's program or obtain a second higher education to develop a career in business and industry, then you may be more interested in practice-oriented programs at applied universities.

I will list 5 ways of such training:

  • Grants or so-called social assistance to students , which is intended for educational expenses, implementation of a professional project, training in summer schools, taking courses, etc. The grant is issued as a one-time incentive. You can receive it again.
  • Scholarship . If you receive a scholarship that can cover the cost of all or part of your studies, huge role plays a motivation letter. The scholarship can be awarded for achievements in volunteer, sports, creative, academic, or other talents. The scholarship can be issued by the university itself or by the Russian state.
  • Research Fellowship . This method of obtaining an education is intended for those who have graduated from a higher education institution and plan to enroll in a master’s program for further research activities. Such a scholarship can be issued by the state, representatives of private or public foundations.
  • Assistant . Intended for those who wish to enroll in doctoral studies. In addition to teaching, you will work as an assistant professor. His responsibilities include teaching introductory courses in your specialty, participating in research projects that your department implements. Such financial support can be provided by both the state and the institution itself.
  • Program " Global Education» . A program was developed so that a student studying abroad at the expense of the Russian Federation budget would return to Russia after graduating from the university in a master’s, postgraduate, or doctoral program and work at the enterprise for 3 years. This is a great opportunity to get a free education and have workplace upon completion.

So, as you understand, get free education abroad is possible . The main thing is to have a desire. When choosing an educational institution, I rely on entrance exams and requirements.

If you are also planning to study abroad, then my advice is: think through everything down to the smallest detail, how you will finance your studies, how much money you will need for accommodation, food and other expenses, what exact documents should be sent to the university upon admission.

A significant number of applicants dream of getting a good education abroad and staying there. However, many are put off by the price, because it usually turns out that guests of the country pay more for training than their native residents. The question often arises: is it possible to get a quality education abroad for free?

Free education in Denmark

One of the countries providing free education for foreign students- this is Denmark. Only residents of EU countries or officially exchange students can study at free universities in Denmark (there must be a formalized agreement between universities). In all other cases, you will need to pay for your studies. Free education is offered by universities in the most beautiful Danish cities: the University of Copenhagen, Aalboge, the University of Aarhus and Odense. All of them teach according to world formats in English.

University of Copenhagen

Why is it worth choosing the country of Denmark for studying without paying:

  • Denmark is a state with one of best systems teaching.
  • Each university has a large selection of specializations.
  • The education process takes place in English.
  • If you are an EU citizen or come on exchange, then you will only need to pay for accommodation in the dormitory - 300 euros per semester.
  • The university provides the opportunity to work part-time while studying.

To apply to a Danish university, you need to have the following documents:

  1. Certificate of Knowledge English language. You can get it for free.
  2. A letter of recommendation in the language that is the language of instruction (from the place of previous study).
  3. A letter of motivation from you in English (tell us why you should be chosen, what you can do and what you want to learn).
  4. Required visa.
  5. A certificate from the bank about the status of your account (confirmation that you have enough to live in a foreign country).

The list of other documents must be checked with the university administration.

Free education in India

To obtain free knowledge in this eastern country, the applicant must obtain an ITEC certificate, which confirms that you have completed the Indian technical and economic cooperation program. Every year, the Government of India issues an order with different professions that qualify under this program. Most often, visitors apply to the University of Calcutta, Mumbai, Delhi and the State Indian University of Management. The list of documents can be found at the Indian Embassy in your country, or on the website of the university where you will study. Each has its own list, so you need to find it out there personally. One thing can be said: a visa is required.

Anyone can register at Unity University in India, even an ordinary tourist. This famous institution is engaged in the spiritual development of a person, teaching him the moral values ​​of the world. The university is also called the “Golden City”; it has branches in many cities around the world, including Russian ones. Anyone can come there. Money usually goes only for accommodation and food.

Free education in the UAE

UAE universities have long attracted students from all over the world. There are several types of them in this country: public (only for UAE citizens), private (some of them only for citizens) and international universities. It is the latter who are engaged in free teaching. They have connections with many universities in other countries, so they develop many programs for foreigners.

Although the language of the state is Arabic, all training is conducted in English.

You can enroll and receive knowledge for free only if you pass the entrance exams with flying colors. But before that you must collect and show the following documents:

  • A certificate for 11 grades of education at a school with a rating score of at least 3.5.
  • Certificate of English language proficiency.
  • Study visa.
  • Certificate of passing state testing Academic IELTS or Internet Based TOEFL.

Entrance exams are determined depending on the profession.

Free education in the Baltics

Universities in Latvia do not provide free knowledge to visiting applicants, even if they pass the entrance tests with excellent marks. Free grants and places are available only for citizens of the country. Therefore, there is no point in talking about universities in Latvia.

But universities in Lithuania and universities in Estonia with open doors will accept literate visiting students for free education. So you have to show everything necessary documents on time and pass the entrance test with flying colors. If everything was successful, you can safely apply for participation in the competition for grants and budget places. Here are the documents you should collect:

  • High School Certificate.
  • Application for admission to universities in Lithuania and Estonia.
  • Motivation letter for the institution.
  • TOEFL or IELTS certificates of knowledge of the English language (if the material will be taught in English).
  • Copies of passport and photograph.
  • A certificate from the bank about sufficient funds to live in a foreign city (approximately 100 euros per month).

Advantages of obtaining qualifications in the Baltics:

  • Specializations of the Russian or Kazakh type are considered equal to the Baltic ones.
  • Subjects in some programs are taught in Russian.
  • The Baltic diploma is valued all over the world.
  • The university is obliged to send you for an internship.
  • During your training, you will be assigned a mentor, a native resident of the city, who will help you understand the system.
  • It is not necessary to know English perfectly; they will easily communicate with you in Russian.

In addition to grants, the Baltics often finance student loans with further repayment of the amount to distribution companies.

Free education in Greece

Universities in Greece provide university education free of charge only to visiting citizens! All residents of the country are forced to study in private institutions. Here's why this place should be chosen by future students:

  • Everything, including food and education, is free for visiting students.
  • Registration at the university is carried out through a certificate competition. At the same time, you don’t even have to be in the country.
  • Knowledge of Greek is not required.
  • Greek diplomas are in demand all over the world.

To do this, you only need to make one payment - for selecting a faculty and assistance in signing papers. The sooner the applicant thinks about this, the less the amount will be. Different universities in Greece have different amounts.

To get education in Greece without paying, you must provide:

  • A certificate of secondary education with a score of at least 4. Otherwise, the applicant will not even be able to participate in the competition.
  • A certificate from the bank about the financial status of the student’s family.
  • Motivation letter.

Other documents can be found on the website of the selected university.

Free education in Belgium

The difficulty of gaining knowledge at Belgian universities is that only 2% of visiting students are accepted there every year. This means that the selection is very tough. According to the rules, the number of Belgian citizens in universities should be greater.

Of course, to get your place, a citizen of another country can make an additional contribution of 2000 Euros. But this must be done 10 months before the start of enrollment in the course.

Foreign guests of the Belgian University, of course, are given grants for gaining knowledge and free places. Just after passing the entrance exams you need to submit an application to participate in the competition of NATO, WHO, UNESCO and the UN. All conditions can be found on the websites of these organizations. Each applicant must be proficient in the state and English languages.

Proficiency in the language of communication is necessary at least at the initial level.

Free education in the Balkans

Serbian universities provide their foreign applicants with grants to acquire knowledge. The budget place includes a scholarship, free tuition and health insurance. But getting such a grant is not easy. You need to collect the following papers:

  • A school leaving certificate or a certificate of already obtained first higher education.
  • A certificate from the bank confirming financial security.
  • A certificate stating that you have not been convicted.
  • Conclusion about the healthy state of the body.
  • Passport (copy and original).

In addition, entrance exams are held, which determine whether the applicant will pay money for training or not. If you were unable to get into a university, you can send your applications to 16 more Serbian universities.

Universities in Romania and universities in Hungary have the same laws. But universities in Croatia and universities in Slovenia cannot provide education to their students from other countries without paying. There, for a year of gaining knowledge at a regular university, you will need to pay approximately 2000-2500 euros.

Free education in Portugal

If you are a citizen of the European Union or are going to Portugal to gain knowledge on an exchange from another university, then you can safely apply for a free place. It’s not so easy for those coming from the CIS to get there. But there are still free places.

There are no less demands on visitors than on the natives. Everyone must have an excellent command of the Portuguese language and the culture of the people, no matter whether you are a local or a visitor. This is also taken into account when taking the entrance test. Before this, you need to show a list of papers:

  • Certificate of secondary education.
  • Medical insurance.
  • Certificate from the bank about financial stability.
  • Proficiency Test Score Portuguese.
  • Visa.

To get an excellent grade in Portuguese, you can enroll in advance for courses offered by the university of your choice. It is best to start preparing for admission in advance, and not several weeks before submitting your application.

Universities in Portugal are approved as some of the highest quality and cheapest in the world.

But there are other countries that are popular among foreign applicants. For example, universities in Mexico, Brazil, and Thailand do not provide grants for budget places for visiting applicants, but there you can start receiving a scholarship because of excellent studies. This way, at least some money comes back into your hands. It is not difficult to start studying at universities; the same documents are required everywhere. It is clear that the level of education there is much lower than in Europe, but their diplomas are also valid throughout the world.

Universities in Ireland and universities in Iceland are also not known for their free teaching. Future qualified employees are trained there; teaching knowledge in these countries is able to compete with the teaching system, for example, in Britain. Thus, applying for admission to institutes there is far from cheap. Educational institutions in Ireland very often provide the option of part-time work for their students.

Of course, there are many universities abroad that are waiting for foreign applicants. Many easily give away budget places, while others teach only newcomers with the help of a grant. Do not forget that it is possible to receive higher education abroad if you have a valid visa that will not expire in the middle of the semester. If this happens, it will be difficult to reinstate yourself in an educational institution.

Free education outside your country is quite possible! You can study in many of the above-mentioned countries.

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