Art games for preschoolers. Games to develop creativity

Lyudmila Ostroushko
Didactic games aimed at the artistic and aesthetic development of older children preschool age

Didactic game"Snowman and Sunshine"

Target: Develop a sense of color, clarify concepts with children "warm and cool colors"

Material: image of a Snowman and the Sun, colored circles in warm and cold colors.

Exercise: choose the Snowman's favorite colors (cold) and Sunny (warm).

Didactic game"Parrot artist»

Target: clarify the name of the color with the children; continue to learn to compare and find the same color.

Material: picture of a parrot, colored droplets.

Exercise: After carefully examining the picture, you need to find drops of paint of the same color as the parrot’s feathers.

Didactic game"Magic Palette"

Target: develop a sense of color. Material: gouache, palette.

Exercise: The teacher invites the children to play with the palette and paints. By mixing paints you can get different shades of colors. You can suggest depicting how the sky brightens at dawn using blue and white paints. You need to whiten the blue paint on a palette, gradually adding white and successively applying strokes to a sheet of paper. The main thing is to ensure that the shades change as evenly as possible. Invite the children to draw how the sun sets (from orange to red, how the leaves turn yellow in autumn (from green to yellow).

Didactic game"Merry palette"

Target: develop a sense of color.

Material: cards with objects, palettes with shades of colors.

Exercise: name each picture and show its color on the palette. Pick everything couples: lemon - lemon. (etc.) Now try to guess what other colors can be called. Find the carrot among the pictures and the matching one on the palette. What is the name of this color? (Orange.) But you can say it in another way - carrot. Show beet color on your palette. Lilac. Olive. If it’s difficult, compare with images of fruits and flowers. What would you call the color of plum? (Purple, or otherwise plum.) How is yellow different from lemon? (Lemon is a shade of yellow with a slight hint of green.)

Didactic game"Magic Pictures"

Target: learn children create images based on a schematic image of an object.

Material: a sheet of paper with an unfinished image, pencils.

Exercise: complete the picture, mark the most interesting pictures, when the guys come up with something of their own, unlike other pictures.

Didactic game"Wonderful Forest"

Target: teach children create situations in your imagination based on their schematic representation.

Material: sheets of paper on which several trees are drawn and unfinished, unformed images are located in different places. Colored pencils.

Exercise: The teacher hands out sheets of paper to the children and asks them to draw a forest full of wonders, and then come up with and tell a story about it.

Didactic game“Guess what happens?”

Target: develop imagination, imagination, creativity.

Material: sheet of paper, pencils.

Exercise: the teacher offers someone the first of children begin to draw an object (a line, but not completely. The next child says that this may be and draws another line. The next one must come up with something else and complete it in accordance with his plan. This continues until someone... Some of the players will no longer be able to change the drawing in their own way. The one wins who made the last change.

Didactic game“What in the world doesn’t happen?”

Target: develop creative imagination.

Material: colored pencils, paper.

Exercise: The teacher invites the child to draw something that does not exist in the world. Then he asks to tell what he drew and discuss drawing: whether what is depicted on it really does not occur in life.

Didactic game"What could this be?"

Target: develop imagination. Material: Gouache, palettes.

Exercise: the teacher invites children to draw sweet, round, fragrant, fresh, fragrant, salty, green, etc. The game can be repeated several times, using new material each time

Didactic game"Tell me about their mood"

Target: develop perception, attention, imagination.

Material: Illustrations of people's faces expressing different emotional states; paper, colored pencils.

Exercise: the teacher suggests looking at a picture depicting a person’s face and talking about his mood. Invite children to draw a face - a riddle. The game can be repeated with different materials.

Didactic game“We’ll help to the artist»

Target: develop creative imagination. Material: Colored pencils, paper. Target: the teacher invites the children to draw an unusual car that can be used to get into magical land. Draw and tell about your car.

Didactic game"Come up with it yourself" Target: develop imagination, fantasy.

Exercise: the teacher invites the child to imagine that he has flown to another planet and draw what he could see there. When the drawing is ready, you can invite the child to come up with a story.

Didactic game"Jolly Dwarf"

Target: teach children create images based on the perception of a schematic image of an object.

Material: a picture depicting a gnome with a bag in his hands and several bags of different shapes cut out of paper, which can be superimposed on the picture and changed in the gnome’s hands.

Exercise: the teacher shows the children a picture and says that a gnome came to visit the children; he brought gifts, but what children must guess and draw

Didactic game"Shifters"

Target: learn children create images of objects in the imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual parts of these objects. Material: pencils, sheets of paper depicting half of an object.

Exercise: The teacher invites the children to draw whatever they want to the figure, but so that it turns out to be a picture. Then you need to take another card with the same figure, put it upside down or sideways and turn the figure into another picture. When the children complete the task, take cards with another figure.

Didactic game“Who will draw the most oval-shaped objects?” Target: Strengthen the skill children quickly find similarities between ovals located horizontally, vertically or diagonally with whole objects of the plant world or their parts, and complete the images.

Material: Cards with images of ovals in different positions, colored and simple pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons. Exercise: The teacher invites children to draw at least 5 images of plants in ovals, color them in the appropriate color, while combining various visual materials to complete the resemblance to the original.

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Image library:

Sukhobokova Olga
Card index of games for artistic and aesthetic development in middle group

Card index of games for artistic and aesthetic development in the middle group.

"Guess and Tell"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about folk toys as one of the forms of folk arts and crafts; recognize a toy by its image, be able to explain your choice, highlight the elements of painting, its color and the composition of the pattern on the product. Develop aesthetic taste.

"Gorodets patterns"

Target: To consolidate children’s ability to compose Gorodets patterns, recognize the elements of painting, remember the order of the pattern, choose their own color and shade for it, develop imagination, the ability to use the acquired knowledge to compose a composition.

“Paint a scarf for mom”

Target Develop

« Arts and Crafts»

Target arts and crafts; find the right trade among

"Collect a Gzhel rose"


"Collect a matryoshka doll"


“Complete the pattern”

Target: the game is aimed at development attention and memory of children, development

Progress of the game

"Find friends among the colors»


Progress of the game among the objects"friends"

“Make a still life”


Progress of the game

"Finish picture»

Target: discover the level of formation of perception and definition of an object behind its parts, be able to complete it; develop imagination, imagination.

Progress of the game:on pictures objects are partially drawn (bunny, Christmas tree.). You need to recognize the subject, fill in the parts that are missing, and color it.

"Let's prepare the table for the holiday"

Target: develop the ability to select shades of primary colors and create a beautiful color scheme.

Progress of the game: lie in front of the children different color (red, yellow, blue, green) cut out paper tablecloths and 4 - 5 shades of paper tableware of each color. The task is to match the main color to its shades. Select tableware so that the color matches the tablecloth.

Board game "Domino"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about arts and crafts - toys; the ability to find the right toy and justify your choice. To consolidate knowledge about the manufacture of folk toys and the features of each. Cultivate a love of beauty.

“Paint a scarf for mom”

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the art of the Russian shawl. Develop Children have an aesthetic taste, learn to make simple patterns from various decorative elements (flowers, leaves, buds, twigs, etc., the ability to select the color scheme of the pattern.

« Arts and Crafts»

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about folk arts and crafts; find the right trade among others and justify your choice.

"Collect a Gzhel rose"

Target: To consolidate children’s ability to compose a Gzhel rose using appliqué based on Gzhel painting, to maintain interest in Gzhel craft.

"Collect a matryoshka doll"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the folk toy - matryoshka; the ability to assemble a nesting doll from parts using the mosaic method. Highlight decoration elements. Cultivate respect and love for folk art.

“Complete the pattern”

Target: the game is aimed at development attention and memory of children, development feelings of symmetry followed by painting.

Progress of the game: The beginning of a pattern is drawn on a piece of paper. Children need to extend the pattern further and color it.

"Find among the colors of friends»

Target: detect the level of children’s knowledge in choosing paint that matches the color of the object; draw in color

Progress of the game: silhouettes of objects are drawn on sheets of paper. The teacher gives the task to find among the objects"friends" yellow, green, blue, red colors. Children find objects that match a certain color and color them.

“Make a still life”

Target: improve compositional skills, the ability to create a composition on a specific topic (still life, highlight the main thing, establish a connection by arranging the image in space.

Progress of the game: the envelope contains images of various vegetables, fruits, as well as various vases, plates, dishes, baskets. Children need to choose objects and create their own still life.

Publications on the topic:

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Group: medium Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development (sculpting) Integration: music, cognition, speech development Subject.

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card index

"Guess and Tell"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about folk toys as one of the forms of folk arts and crafts; recognize a toy by its image, be able to explain your choice, highlight the elements of painting, its color and the composition of the pattern on the product. Develop aesthetic taste.

"Gorodets patterns"

Target: To consolidate children’s ability to compose Gorodets patterns, recognize the elements of painting, remember the order of the pattern, choose their own color and shade for it, develop imagination, and the ability to use the acquired knowledge to compose a composition.

“Paint a scarf for mom”


"Art Crafts"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about folk arts and crafts; find the desired trade among others and justify your choice.

"Collect a Gzhel rose"

Target: To consolidate children’s ability to compose a Gzhel rose using appliqué based on Gzhel painting, to maintain interest in Gzhel craft.

"Collect a matryoshka doll"


“Complete the pattern”


Progress of the game:

"Find friends among the colors"


Progress of the game: Silhouettes of objects are drawn on sheets of paper. The teacher gives the task to find “friends” of yellow, green, blue, and red colors among the objects. Children find objects that match a certain color and color them.

“Make a still life”


Progress of the game:

"Finish the picture"

Target: discover the level of formation of perception and definition of an object behind its parts, be able to complete it; develop fantasy and imagination.

Progress of the game: Objects are partially drawn in the pictures (bunny, Christmas tree.). You need to recognize the subject, fill in the parts that are missing, and color it.

"Let's prepare the table for the holiday"

Target: develop the ability to select shades of primary colors and create a beautiful color scheme.

Progress of the game: In front of the children are cut out paper tablecloths of different colors (red, yellow, blue, green) and 4 to 5 shades of paper tableware of each color. The task is to match the main color to its shades. Select tableware so that the color matches the tablecloth.

Board game "Domino"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about arts and crafts - toys; the ability to find the right toy and justify your choice. To consolidate knowledge about the manufacture of folk toys and the features of each. Cultivate a love of beauty.

“Paint a scarf for mom”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the art of the Russian shawl. To develop children's aesthetic taste, to teach how to make simple patterns from various decorative elements (flowers, leaves, buds, twigs, etc.), and the ability to select the color scheme of a pattern.

"Art Crafts"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about folk arts and crafts; find the desired trade among others and justify your choice.

"Collect a Gzhel rose"

Target: To consolidate children’s ability to compose a Gzhel rose using appliqué based on Gzhel painting, to maintain interest in Gzhel craft.

"Collect a matryoshka doll"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the folk toy - matryoshka; the ability to assemble a nesting doll from parts using the mosaic method. Highlight decoration elements. To cultivate respect and love for folk art.

“Complete the pattern”

Target: The game is aimed at developing children's attention and memory, developing a sense of symmetry followed by coloring.

Progress of the game: The beginning of the pattern is drawn on a piece of paper. Children need to extend the pattern further and color it.

“Find friends among the colors”

Target: discover the level of children’s knowledge in choosing paint that matches the color of the object; draw in color

Progress of the game: Silhouettes of objects are drawn on sheets of paper. The teacher gives the task to find “friends” of yellow, green, blue, and red colors among the objects. Children find objects that match a certain color and color them.

“Make a still life”

Target: improve compositional skills, the ability to create a composition on a specific topic (still life), highlight the main thing, establish a connection by arranging the image in space.

Progress of the game: The envelope contains images of various vegetables, fruits, as well as various vases, plates, dishes, and baskets. Children need to choose objects and create their own still life.


"What could it be..."

Goal: learn to come up with new uses for familiar objects.

The teacher gives the children sticks, buttons, tubes, rings, etc. The children complete the task.

"Portrait of Buttons"

Goal: to learn how to make appliqués from buttons. The teacher tells the children that they can create a portrait using different means: paint, straws, plasticine, scraps of fabric, shows buttons and offers each child a portrait to copy using buttons.


Goal: development of imagination, imaginative thinking.

Equipment: plasticine, toothpicks, cotton wool, colors. paper, etc. .

Progress of the game: the adult invites the first player to think of some object and make only one element from the proposed materials. The second player says what it might be and adds his element. The next one must come up with something different and add an element in accordance with his idea. This continues until one of the players can no longer change the craft in his own way. The child who made the last change wins.

"Unusual paintings"

Goal: development of imagination, imaginative thinking, fine motor skills.

Equipment: tray, buttons, paper clips, bottle caps, bottle caps, natural materials: straws, pine cone scales, shells, small pebbles, dried flowers, leaves, plant seeds, cardboard sheet.

Progress of the game: material is laid out on a tray. The adult offers to create unusual paintings, and to create them you don’t need pencils and paints, but what’s on the tray. Imagine the picture you want to get. Sketch it on a piece of paper. With the help of an adult, attach to the cardboard.

"Magic Blots"

Before the game, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of the sheet and the sheet is folded in half. Then the sheet is unfolded and now you can play. Participants take turns speaking. What object images do they see in the blot or its individual parts?

The one who names the most objects wins.

"Fantastic Hypotheses"

Goal: to develop creative imagination and theoretical thinking. What would happen if... (the city could fly, the clock went backwards, etc.)?

"An Extraordinary Flight"

Goal: develop imagination.

Teacher. Imagine that there is a magic carpet in the group. It will take you wherever you want. Where would you like to fly? Why? The children answer.

"Fairy Stories"

Goal: to learn to use elements of animism (“animating” objects).

The teacher invites the children to think and say who the tablespoon and teaspoon look like (mother and daughter, grandmother and granddaughter, etc.), and come up with fairy tales that could happen to them.

"The Artist at the Zoo"

Teacher. Two wizards, Divide and Connect, visited the zoo. The first wizard comes and disconnects everything. The second one is very absent-minded, so he connects everything at random. Imagine what happened after this at the zoo, and depict it using details. Children do it.

"Fairytale Bird"

Objectives: to practice conveying the shape and arrangement of parts of the bird; develop imagination.

The teacher gives the children 8-10 ovals of different sizes, shapes and colors; individual parts of birds (of different shapes, sizes and colors). Children come up with and make up their own fairytale bird.

"Magic glasses"

Goal: to develop the action of correlation in form.

The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are wearing magic glasses that can change their shape. For example, glasses have become round and through them you can only see round things. Children look around and name all the round objects in the room. Then they close their eyes and imagine that they went outside wearing these glasses. They need to name five round shaped objects that they come across.

"Name the difference"

Goal: find similarities and differences when comparing objects.

The teacher asks how a closet, tape recorder, book, bell, airplane differs from a TV, dog, car, pencil, bird.

"Fun Competition"

Goal: learn to create many things from one.

The teacher gives the children matrix sheets on which different figures are depicted and informs them that with the help of pencils or felt-tip pens they can be turned into some object, animal, plant or part of them. Each child must complete all the sheets to a different picture.

"Unfinished Plot"

Goal: learn to concretize (revive) schematic images.

The teacher places an object in front of each child (a spool of thread, a plastic spoon, a tree branch, a dried flower, etc.) and asks them to add other details to create a complete object or plot.

"Create a pattern"

Goal: to learn how to model a complete image based on a part, a part, or a diagram.

The teacher lays out three rows of objects: the first is beans, the second is peas, the third is watermelon seeds. Children must connect the objects in each row to create a beautiful and interesting pattern.

"Compiling images of objects"

Goal: to develop creative abilities when designing using geometric shapes.

The teacher distributes to children geometric shapes, and offers to lay out named objects from them, for example: a clown, a house, a cat, a car, etc.

"Think of an animal"

Goal: learn to combine various details when creating a new image.

The teacher invites the children to create an unusual creature from existing parts (figures, book clippings, etc. may be offered).

"Patchwork Quilt"

Goal: learn to express content using limited graphic means.

The teacher gives each child a paper blanket and suggests using one pencil to color it so that there are no identical patches.

"Picture of holes"

The teacher says that if you pierce a sheet of paper with a needle many times, you will get a lot of holes. But if you pierce the paper in a certain sequence, you can get a whole picture. The teacher suggests using a needle to “draw” an ordinary piece of paper (a car, the sun, etc.) on paper.

"Plucked Portrait"

Goal: to develop creativity when drawing in non-standard ways.

Teacher. If you take a sheet of white paper and pinch off small pieces from it for a long time, after a few minutes you will have a figure in your hands indeterminate form with plucked edges. But if you pinch off pieces thoughtfully in advance, you may end up with interesting items. Try to do this. Children do it.

"Mystery Clouds"

Goal: to learn to find images of objects in materials with unclear shapes.

The teacher talks about how interesting it is to watch the clouds floating across the sky in the summer. Clouds can look like different animals, human faces, etc. Then he shows pictures of clouds one by one and asks the children to name as many options as possible for their resemblance to objects, animals, plants, and human figures.


Goal: to teach how to create images through the objectification of conventional symbols.

Children look at cards with conventional images of objects and make assumptions about what they might be.

"Favorite Toy"

Goal: to develop the ability to transform an object using the technique of accentuation.

The teacher invites the children to draw their favorite toy, think and tell what can be done to make it funnier and more amusing.

"Vice versa"

Goal: learn to create new images using the technique of hyperbolization.

The teacher gives the children the task of changing objects (for example, a table, cups, a closet, a dress, etc.), making small things large, and vice versa, and thinking about what will happen then.

"Fantastic Animal"

Goal: develop the ability to transform an object.

The teacher distributes drawings with different animals to the children. How can you change a drawing to make it unusual and fun?

"Letters in drawings"

Goal: to develop the ability to transform graphic symbols.

The teacher says that all letters are similar to something. For example, the letter “g” looks like a crane, “o” looks like a lifebuoy. Invites children to draw objects that different letters look like: w, r, x, z.

"Correct the mistake"

Goal: to teach to see the discrepancy between the signs of familiar objects depicted in the picture.

The teacher shows the children pictures: a red chicken pecking at a carrot; the bear cub is depicted with the ears of a hare, etc. Children correct mistakes.

"Double Image"

Goal: to teach to see an image in a drawing.

Children are asked to paint one part of a thick sheet of paper with paint, then fold the sheet in half, press it and open it. This results in a double image that needs to be drawn onto some object.

"Pebbles on the Shore"

Goal: create an image in your imagination on a given topic.

The teacher shows the children a picture and says that a magical shore is drawn on it. A wizard walked along this shore and turned everything that was on it into pebbles. Asks the children to guess and add various details and tell what happened on the shore.

"Trace Your Palm and Come to Life"

Goal: to promote the creation of images in the imagination based on a schematic representation of an object.

Children independently trace on a piece of paper left hand. The teacher suggests turning the silhouette into some kind of figure. The sheet with the silhouette can be rotated as you please

Creative exercise “Night Talk of Toys”

Invite the children to come up with something to talk about at night (in the evening, when the children left kindergarten) toys could talk: how children play with them, treat them with care, or organize a play corner, etc.

Creative exercise “Closet Life”

Children are invited to look at a picture that shows a cabinet (chair, bucket, spoon, etc.).

Children form groups and answer the question:

What can the cabinet be made of?

Can the closet change its mood?

Could the closet be sick?

Is it possible to take cabinets as friends?

How does a closet feel when it is wiped down or repaired?

Which family member does the closet love the most?

Do you remember the cabinet of the master who made it?

Similar questions can be asked about any thing.

Then the children come up with a fairy tale about things (how a closet became friends with a new dress or how a cup (plate) quarreled with a spoon, etc.).

Creative exercise “Who has what character?”

Give children pictures depicting various objects and invite them to describe the nature of these objects, for example: the nature of a hammer, bed, pillow, pencil. Compare and discuss the descriptions of children. Have a conversation with the children about how the nature of various objects can change depending on who they serve and who holds them in their hands.

The second version of this exercise: invite children to describe the work of a sad or cheerful hammer, an efficient or lazy saw, a proud or humble pencil, an attentive or inattentive notebook, etc.

Creative task “Choose words for the picture”

Children are asked to use adjectives, words of comparison, and verbs to come up with a “compliment” for the picture.

Creative exercise “Recognize the bird”

Children receive cards with pictures of different birds. They are asked to think:

What is the character of this or that bird?

What people, flowers, trees, animals is this bird friends with?

Who are the enemies?

What is she singing about?

What is a nest made of and how?

What does she like to do most?

Children are warned that their answers may be fabulous.

Creative exercise “Domestic and wild animals”

Children are united into two groups - “wild animals” and “domestic animals”. Groups must come up with and after some time talk about the difficulties and advantages of their lives. The group whose story is the most creative and interesting wins. Children can do this exercise individually.

Creative exercise “Guess who I am”

The teacher gives the children cards with drawings of different animals. Children take one picture for themselves, then show the children with movements, the animal is depicted in the picture. Other children need to find out who the child is pretending to be. You can invite children to show their favorite animals.

The game “Good-Bad” or “Chain of Contradictions”.

Goal: development of creative imagination by searching for contradictions.

The teacher begins - “A” is good, because “B”. The child continues - “B” is bad because “B”. The next one says - “B” is good, because “G”, etc.

Example: walking is good because the sun is shining. The sun is shining - it's bad because it's hot. Hot is good, because it's summer, etc.

Didactic games and exercises, being both a method and a form of teaching, are a specific tool in pedagogical process, a means of comprehensive development of a preschool child. The didactic game promotes development. A child involved in a play situation learns much more easily educational material. Children willingly, without coercion, follow game rules and actions, which contributes to more effective acquisition of knowledge, formation of ideas, and mastery of skills.


(To identify, consolidate or develop knowledge about the products of masters of decorative and applied arts).

Didactic task: distinguish and name samples of Belarusian and Russian decorative and applied arts, identify the materials from which they are made; classified depending on whether they belong to Belarusian or Russian crafts.

Material: 2 three-dimensional paper dolls-girls (made on the basis of paper cones) in Russian and Belarusian national clothes; a set of cards depicting products of Belarusian and Russian craftsmen (20-26 pieces): clay toys, nesting dolls, boxes, wooden spoons, decorative plates, dolls made of straw and linen, embroidered items, etc.

First option (to identify ideas about the decorative and applied arts of Belarus and Russia).

Two children take part in the game. Dolls are laid out in front of one of them, and the other receives a set of cards. One child shows the card, and the second must say what is depicted on it and what material it is made of, and then put the card near one of the dolls.

The adult records the result and invites the children to change roles. The game continues, at the end the teacher sums it up.

Second option (to consolidate and develop knowledge about the decorative and applied arts of Belarus and Russia).

Two or more children can take part in the game. The cards are shuffled and placed face up on the table. At a signal (verbal, musical, etc.), children must quickly select appropriate objects for the dolls. The one who completes the task faster and more correctly wins.


When conducting group games with a large number of children, it is necessary to increase the number of dolls and cards with products. By increasing the size of the dolls and cards, you can play the game on the floor and include it in activity games.

Third option (to consolidate and form knowledge and ideas).

6-8 children play (2 teams of 2-4 people). The dolls are placed at some distance from one another. The cards are shuffled and placed face down on the table. Children from the first team take a card, look at it and, without showing it, describe the object depicted on it. Children from the second team must guess from the description what is shown on the card and decide which of the dolls this item should be given to. They place the examined card next to the doll they have chosen. The next card is described by children from the other team. After all the cards have been examined and placed near the dolls, the children are asked to check everything. The team whose children correctly described the cards and placed them next to each doll wins.


Each team should have two dolls in Belarusian and Russian costumes.


(To identify knowledge about Belarusian and Russian patterns).

Target didactic game: identify children’s ideas about the nature of Belarusian and Russian (Dymkovo and Khokhloma painting) patterns, skills in depicting elements of painting.

Material: a set of cards (one for all participants), each of which is divided into 3 stripes. At the top of each stripe there are two decorative elements: on one - Belarusian, on the other - Dymkovo, on the third - Khokhloma; multi-colored pencils or felt-tip pens; 2-4 dolls in Belarusian and Russian costumes.


If necessary, before starting the exercise, it is allowed to clarify the patterns to which the elements depicted on the cards belong; The task can be complicated - invite 2-3 players to compete to see who can remember and draw more elements of Belarusian and Russian patterns. When performing a game task, children should sit so as not to see each other’s work.


(To consolidate knowledge about the products of Belarusian craftsmen made from traditional materials).

Didactic task: consolidate ideas about Belarusian handicraft products, classify them according to the traditional material from which they are made; activate the sense of shape and color.

Material: 6-9 cards (25x25 cm) depicting Belarusian arts and crafts: clay (toys, jewelry, dishes, etc.), straw (dolls, birds, animals, household items, decorative items), linen (dolls , napkins, flowers, etc.). Pictures depicting products are cut into several parts, 6-9 pictures of the same size depicting only the outlines of the products, which are placed on the cut cards.

Children are asked to compose one or two pictures from parts so that an object appears, the outline of which is shown on the card held by the player.


You can introduce an element of competition into the game - who can make a picture (several pictures) faster; cut parts of pictures and pictures with outline images of objects can be used for exercises in individual work.


(To identify and develop knowledge about the elements of the Belarusian pattern).

Didactic task: recognize and name the elements of the Belarusian pattern, find them and fragments of identical patterns various items. To promote the activation of ideas existing in children’s experience.

Material: 7 cards showing samples of patterns with elements of Belarusian ornament; 14 silhouette images of objects, of which every two (different in shape) have the same patterns corresponding to one of the samples (Fig. 3).

First option (one or more children take part).

The cards are laid out face down on the table. Silhouettes of objects painted with patterns are placed on the shelf of the stand with the front side facing the children. The child is invited to take one of the cards, carefully examine the patterns on it and select objects that have the same pattern from the silhouettes placed on the shelf.

Second option (several children participate).

The child chooses one of the cards and, without showing it to the other children, describes the pattern depicted on one of the stripes of the card. The other participant(s) in the game must quickly find one or two silhouette objects decorated with the described pattern and place the card next to it.

Third option (two teams participate).

Cards are placed on the shelves of the stand at long distance one from the other. Silhouettes of objects are distributed equally to each team. One child from one team describes out loud any of the patterns on the card, the children of the second team must look at their silhouettes. Those who have the same pattern on objects quickly place their silhouettes of objects next to the described card.

If everything is done correctly, the card must be turned reverse side to children (so that they do not repeatedly describe the same pattern). The child from the second team describes the card next, and the game continues in the order described above until the children run out of cards. The team whose children completed the task faster and more correctly wins.


When organizing a didactic game with elements of competition, you can mark each correct answer and correct completion of the task with a chip and invite the children to count them themselves at the end of the game.


(For the formation and consolidation of knowledge in the field of decorative and applied arts).

Purpose of the didactic game: to develop knowledge about Belarusian and Russian decorative and applied arts; group silhouette images according to their belonging to the Belarusian and Russian patterns.

Material: 3 bird silhouettes, each wing painted with Belarusian, Dymkovo and Khokhloma patterns; in place of the tail, feathers are outlined (5-6 for each bird); a set of feathers cut from thick paper (15-18 pieces) and decorated with the same patterns that adorn the wings of each bird.

First option (one child completes the task).

The child is invited to return any of the birds' tail feathers that were carried away by the evil Hurricane, and turn it again into a beautiful miracle bird. To do this, the child must select those feathers that match the pattern of her wing, and arrange them on the tail so that they coincide with the shape and size of the contour feathers drawn on the tail, and comment on his choice.

Second option (small group of children playing).

At the verbal signal “Feather”, each of the children begins to choose feathers for their bird and make a tail from them. The winner is the one who correctly selects the feathers according to the pattern and completes the task faster.


To form and consolidate ideas about the character of Russian (, Khokhloma and Gzhel) and Belarusian.

Didactic task: recognize and name familiar elements of Belarusian and Russian patterns; exercise in classifying objects and products depicted on the cards according to their belonging to Belarusian or Russian decorative and applied arts.

Material: a set of cards depicting products of Belarusian craftsmen, made from traditional materials (clay, straw, flax, thread, wood, etc.) - 10-12 pieces; a set of cards with images of products decorated with Dymkovo, Khokhloma and Gzhel painting - 10-13 pieces. Instead of cards with pictures of products, natural objects should be used whenever possible; 4 tables equipped in the form of podiums, covered with napkins, a set of cubes and bars of different sizes - stands for products (or 4 stands with shelves, if the game will be played with pictures); a parcel box with a letter and products hidden in it (or cards replacing them).

First option

In this case, you can reduce the number of cards or items.

A child (several children) receives game task: all products must be distributed for 4 display cases, i.e. into 4 groups, and on what basis to divide them, he must guess for himself. If the child cannot cope with the task, the teacher can provide the child with the necessary help.

Second option (a subgroup of children can take part in the activity game).

After the distribution of products (pictures), children are divided into 4 subgroups and invited to take part in advertising the products of the souvenir store. Each subgroup designs its own showcase using certain products (cards), comes up with a name for the showcase, signs, creates an emblem, advertising, using specially prepared materials (scissors, paper, glue, felt-tip pens, markers, colored paper, clippings from old magazines, postcards, etc. .).

After decorating the windows, you can organize advertising of products using Belarusian and Russian songs, dances, poems, and ditties.


(To secure elements of the pattern of Belarusian and Russian ornaments).

Didactic task: stimulate the manifestation of the ability to independently analyze the elements of Belarusian and Russian patterns and their composition, supplement the image with the missing parts according to common feature- the nature of the pattern.

Material: 12 butterflies made of thick paper or cardboard, in which only one pair of wings located on one side is painted with a pattern; 26 wings, 12 of which are decorated with the same patterns as the wings of butterflies; sets of felt-tip pens or pencils.

First option (one child or a small group of children takes part).

A game situation is created: an evil sorceress bewitched the butterflies, and each of them lost the pattern on two wings. Butterflies can be helped if, among the wings laid out on the table, you find the same ones as those left by the butterflies, and cover the unpainted parts of the wings with them.

Second option (several children take part).

Children are given 2-3 butterflies each. Elements of competition are introduced: who can quickly find wings for their butterflies. The one who does it correctly and quickly wins.


After the game, it is advisable to distribute the butterflies and offer to complete the pattern on the wings, repeating the pattern depicted on one of the halves of the butterfly.


(for the formation or consolidation of skills to find similarities and differences in decorative compositions).

Purpose of the didactic game: find similarities and differences in simple decorative compositions, including elements of Belarusian and Russian patterns, and practice recreating them.

Material: 6-8 cards with decorative compositions drawn in color. One half of the cards depicts patterns that include elements of the Belarusian ornament, the remaining cards depict patterns that include elements of the Russian pattern (Dymkovo and Khokhloma paintings); pieces of paper, sets of felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

First option (children can sit nearby).

Two cards with Belarusian patterns of equal composition are shown. Children take turns naming the differences between the patterns, then their similarities (by the use of elements, by their location, color, etc.). The winner is the one who is the last to name any sign of difference or similarity.

Second option (2-4 children participate). Each child is given two cards with variable patterns, including the same and different elements. One child should have only a Belarusian or only a Russian pattern on both cards. It is suggested that you look at your cards and draw on pieces of paper all the elements of the pattern that are not repeated on the cards (or, conversely, draw only those elements that are repeated on the child’s two cards).

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