Hot partners of Russian Railways, News. Brief biographical information about the members of the board of JSC Russian Railways Where does Alexey Valerievich Vorotilkin now work?

President of JSC Russian Railways

YAKUNIN Vladimir Ivanovich

Yakunin Vladimir

President of JSC Russian Railways

President of JSC Russian Railways

YAKUNIN Vladimir Ivanovich

In 1972 he graduated from the Leningrad Mechanical Institute, Doctor political sciences. Since October 2000 - Deputy Minister of Transport Russian Federation; from February 2002 - First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation; from October 2003 - ; since June 2005 - President of JSC Russian Railways. Yakunin V.I. is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Center for National Glory and the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, the founding chairman of the International Foundation for Dialogue of Civilizations, co-president of the Association of Franco-Russian Dialogue, scientific supervisor and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Center for Problem Analysis and Public Management Design at the UN RAS, Head of the Department of Public Policy, Faculty of Political Science, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Charitable Foundation for Social Assistance to Children “Spread Your Wings!”, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, Member of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Chairman of the Commission on Transport and Transport Infrastructure, Visiting Professor of the Stockholm School Economics, Honorary Doctor of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the International Union of Railways (UIC), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gefco.

Morozov Vadim

First Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

MOROZOV Vadim Nikolaevich

Born 1954
Graduated in 1977 Leningrad Institute Railway transport engineers, majoring in “Operation of Railways”, Candidate of Technical Sciences. He has been working in railway transport since 1971. Since June 2000 - First Deputy Head of the Moscow Railway; from February 2002 - First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation; since October 2003 - Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since July 2004 - executive director of NPF "Blagosostoyanie"; since August 2005 - First Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Misharin Alexander

First Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

First Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

MISHARIN Alexander Sergeevich

Born in 1959
Graduated from Ural state university Railways in 1981, majoring in “Electrification of railway transport”, in 1997 – majoring in “Economics and Enterprise Management (railway transport)”, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences. He has been working in railway transport since 1981. Since July 1998 - Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since July 2000 - First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation; since February 2002 - Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since May 2002 - head of the Sverdlovsk Railway; since May 2004 - Director of the Department for Integrated Infrastructure Development of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation; from June 2004 - Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation; since March 2009 - Director of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation; since November 2009 - Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region; since December 2012 - First Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Gapanovich Valentin

GAPANOVICH Valentin Alexandrovich

Born 1955
In 1992, he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in “Management of transportation processes in railway transport.” Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1974. Since January 1998 - Deputy Head of the West Siberian Railway; from November 2000 - chief engineer of the Oktyabrskaya Railway; since November 2003 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways; since June 2008 - Senior Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Mikhailov Vadim

Senior Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Senior Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

MIKHAILOV Vadim Valerievich

Born in 1969
In 1992 he graduated from the State financial academy majoring in Finance and Credit. Since May 2001 - Director of the Banking Audit Department of Arthur Andersen CJSC; since April 2003 - Director, General Director of Ernst & Young - Business Consulting LLC. Since September 2009 - Senior Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Reshetnikov Valery

Senior Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Senior Vice President of JSC Russian Railways


Born 1952
In 1975 he graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute with a degree in Automated Control Systems, systems engineer. Since July 2000 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of OJSC Baltonexim Bank; since February 2002 - Head of the State Institution “Department of Economic Protection of the Ministry of Railways of Russia”; from October 2003 - Head of the Security Department of JSC Russian Railways; since August 2004 - Advisor to the General Director of OJSC Severstaltrans; since September 2005 - Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways; since March 2007 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways, since March 2010 - Senior Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Kraft Galina

Chief accountant of JSC Russian Railways

Chief accountant of JSC Russian Railways

Born in 1950
In 1973 and 1983 she graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Automation, Remote Control and Communications in Railway Transport and Economics and Organization of Railway Transport, respectively. Doctor of Economic Sciences. He has been working in railway transport since 1973. Since November 2003 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways - Head of the Investment Activities Department; since August 2005 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways; since December 2005 - chief accountant of JSC Russian Railways.

Epifantsev Sergey

Born 1953
In 1975 he graduated from Ufa aviation institute majoring in Electrical Machines and Apparatus, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Candidate of Sciences psychological sciences. Since October 2000 - Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District; since May 2004 - Chief Federal Inspector for the Rostov Region of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District; since December 2008 - Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways; from April 2009 to February 2012 - State Secretary - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Meshcheryakov Anatoly

State Secretary - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

State Secretary - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

MESHCHERYAKOV Anatoly Anatolievich

Born in 1966
In 1988 he graduated from the Kiev Higher Military Aviation Engineering School with a degree in Aviation Radio-Electronic Equipment, in 1998 - the Institute of Modern Business with a degree in Finance and Credit, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Since January 2004 - Deputy General Director for External Relations, Director for External Relations - Head of the Department for External Relations, Director for Personnel Management and External Relations, First Deputy General Director of CJSC Transmashholding; since December 2011 - senior adviser to the president of JSC Russian Railways; from February 2012 - State Secretary - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Akulov Mikhail

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

AKULOV Mikhail Pavlovich

Born 1960
In 1982 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Electrification of Railway Transport. He has been working in railway transport since 1982. Since December 2000 - head of the South-Eastern Railway; since May 2002 - Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since December 2003 - First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation; since March 2004 - Head of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation; since December 2005 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways; since July 2009 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways - General Director of the Federal Passenger Directorate. Since November 2009 - General Director of JSC Federal Passenger Company.

Atkov Oleg

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

ATKOV Oleg Yurievich

Born 1949

In 1973 he graduated from Moscow medical school them. I. M. Sechenov, specialty “General Medicine”, doctor medical sciences, professor. Hero of the Soviet Union. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Since May 2002 - Head of the Health Department of the Ministry of Railways of Russia; from October 2003 - Head of the Medical Support Department of JSC Russian Railways; since August 2005 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.


Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Born 1955
In 1978 he graduated from the Khabarovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Railway Operations. Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1978. Since February 2001 - Deputy Head of the Moscow Railway; from February 2002 - Head of the Center for Corporate Transport Services; from November 2002 - head of the Volga Railway; since November 2003 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways - General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services; since August 2005 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways; since October 2007 - General Director of JSC First Freight Company, part-time advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways; since March 2011 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Bobreshov Alexander

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

BOBRESHOV Alexander Sergeevich

Born 1965
In 1988 he graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute with a degree in Instrument Engineering, mechanical engineer. Since April 2000 - General Director of Expert Plus LLC; from February 2004 - Deputy Head, Head of the Security Department of JSC Russian Railways; since August 2005 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Vorobiev Vladimir

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

VOROBEV Vladimir Borisovich

Born 1949
In 1978 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Railway Construction, Track and Track Facilities, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1969. Since June 1998 - Deputy Head of the Moscow Railway; since July 2002 - head of the North Caucasus Railway; from December 2006 to June 2012 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Vorotilkin Alexey

Vice-President of JSC Russian Railways - Head of the Traction Directorate

Vice-President of JSC Russian Railways - Head of the Traction Directorate

VOROTILKIN Alexey Valerievich

Born in 1961
In 1988 he graduated from the Irkutsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Electrification of Railway Transport, Candidate of Technical Sciences. He has been working in railway transport since 1978. Since July 2001 - Deputy Head of the East Siberian Railway; since September 2005 - head of the East Siberian Railway; since June 2008 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways; since February 2011 - Vice President - Head of the Traction Directorate - a branch of JSC Russian Railways.

Illarionov Alexey

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

ILLARIONOV Alexey Viktorovich

Born in 1966
In 1989 he graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Applied computer science" Works in railway transport since 2005. Since November 2005 - Head of the Corporate Informatization Department; since March 2007 - Head of the Department of Informatization and Corporate Management Processes; since November 2012 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Kornilov Georgy

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

KORNILOV Georgy Viktorovich

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Born 1953
Graduated from the Odessa Institute of Engineers in 1976 navy majoring in “Ship machines and mechanisms”, mechanical engineer. Since September 1980 - service in operational and leadership positions in the KGB of the USSR, FSK, FSB of Russia; from March 2004 to November 2012 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Krasnoshchek Anatoly

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

KRASNOSCHEK Anatoly Anisimovich

Born 1959
In 1988, he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in “Management of Transport Processes in Railway Transport”, a railway engineer for managing transport processes in railway transport, and a Candidate of Economic Sciences. He has been working in railway transport since 1978. Since September 2002 - Deputy Head of the Oktyabrskaya Railway for Transportation; from June 2004 - First Deputy Head of the Oktyabrskaya Railway - Chief Auditor for Train Safety; from March 2005 - first deputy head of the Oktyabrskaya Railway; since July 2008 - head of the East Siberian Railway; since December 2011 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Saltanov Alexander

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

SALTANOV Alexander Vladimirovich

Born 1946
In 1970 he graduated from Moscow state institute international relations majoring in International Relations, specialist in international relations, assistant on Eastern countries. Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service of the Russian Federation. Since December 1992 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; since February 1999 - Director of the Department of the Middle East and North Africa of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; since October 2001 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; since May 2011 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Tishanin Alexander

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

TISHANIN Alexander Georgievich

Born in 1966

In 1993 he graduated from the Ural Electromechanical Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in “Management of transportation processes in railway transport”, a railway engineer in the management of transportation processes in railway transport, in 1999 - the Ural State University of Railway Transport with a degree in “Economics and management of railway transport” enterprise (railway transport)", economist-manager. He has been working in railway transport since 1984. Since April 2004 - head of the East Siberian Railway; since September 2005 - governor of the Irkutsk region; from September 2008 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways, from March 2012 to November 2012 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways - Head of the Traffic Safety Department.

Tony Oleg

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

TONY Oleg Williamsovich

Born in 1964
In 1986 he graduated from the Voronezh Engineering and Construction Institute with a degree in Industrial and Civil Construction, in 2003 - from the North-Western Academy civil service majoring in “State and Municipal Administration”, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Since March 2004 - First Deputy Head, Head of the Capital Construction Department of JSC Russian Railways; since April 2006 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Shaidullin Shevket

Vice President - Head of the Traffic Safety Department of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President - Head of the Traffic Safety Department of JSC Russian Railways

SHAYDULLIN Shevket Nurgalievich

Born in 1961

In 1990, he graduated from the Kuibyshev Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Locomotive Technical Operation Management, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Since September 2002 - Head of the Gorky Railway; since May 2004 - head of the Sverdlovsk Railway; since April 2007 - Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways; since December 2008 - General Director of ZAO South Caucasus Railway; from February 2002 - head of the Kuibyshev Railway; since December 2012 - Vice President - Head of the Traffic Safety Department of JSC Russian Railways.

Shakhanov Dmitry

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

SHAKHANOV Dmitry Sergeevich

Born in 1961
In 1988 he graduated from the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs with a degree in Law, lawyer. Since November 1999 - Deputy General Director of JSC Lenenergo; from October 2005 - Deputy General Director of OJSC Territorial Generating Company No. 1; since October 2006 - Deputy Director, Director of Roszheldorsnab; since April 2009 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways.

Tselko Alexander

Vice President - Head of the West Siberian Railway

Vice President - Head of the West Siberian Railway

TsELKO Alexander Vitalievich

Born 1956
In 1978, he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in “Operation of Railways”, a railway engineer for the operation of railways. Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1978. Since November 1999 - head of the South Ural Railway; since May 2000 - Deputy, First Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since February 2002 - head of the West Siberian Railway, since November 2012 - vice president of JSC Russian Railways.

Bynkov Vadim

Head of the Legal Department of JSC Russian Railways

Head of the Legal Department of JSC Russian Railways

BYNKOV Vadim Ivanovich

Born in 1962
In 1985 he graduated from Kalinin State University with a degree in Law, lawyer. Since June 2002 - Head of the Legal Department of OJSC Investment Group ALROSA; since April 2004 - lawyer at the Law Office of V.I. Bynkova. Chamber of Lawyers of the Tver Region; from October 2005 - Head of the Legal Department of JSC Russian Railways; from December 2007 - State Secretary - Head of the Legal Department of JSC Russian Railways; since April 2009 - Head of the Legal Department of JSC Russian Railways.

Gnedkova Olga

Head of the Corporate Finance Department of JSC Russian Railways

Head of the Corporate Finance Department of JSC Russian Railways

GNEDKOVA Olga Eduardovna

Born in 1960
In 1981, she graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Accounting, Candidate of Economic Sciences. He has been working in railway transport since 1981. Since May 2002 - Deputy Head of the Moscow Railway - Head of the Financial Service; from September 2004 - Deputy Head of the Moscow Railway for Economics and Finance; from November 2004 - Head of the Financial Management Department of JSC Russian Railways, from September 2005 - Head of the Corporate Finance Department of JSC Russian Railways.

Lapidus Boris

Senior Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways

Senior Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways

LAPIDUS Boris Moiseevich

Born 1947
In 1973 and 1984 he graduated from the All-Union correspondence institute railway transport engineers in the specialties “Electrification of railway transport” and “Economics and organization in railway transport”, respectively. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Honored Economist of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1967. Since March 1997 - head, head of the Department of Economics of the Ministry of Railways of Russia; since November 2003 - Vice President of JSC Russian Railways; from August 2005 - Senior Vice President of JSC Russian Railways, from March 2010 - General Director of JSC Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport, part-time senior adviser to the President of JSC Russian Railways.

Mikhailov Sergey

Head of the Corporate Communications Department of JSC Russian Railways

Head of the Corporate Communications Department of JSC Russian Railways

MIKHAILOV Sergey Vladimirovich

Born in 1971
In 1993, he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a degree in International Journalism, an international journalist with knowledge foreign language. Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation. Since June 2004 - Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways; from May 2005 - Head of the Public Relations Department of JSC Russian Railways; from July 2006 to September 2012 - Head of the Corporate Communications Department of JSC Russian Railways.

Starostenko Vladimir

Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways

Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways

STAROSTENKO Vladimir Ivanovich

Born 1948
In 1975, he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in “Operation of Railways”, a communications engineer for the operation of railways. Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1966. Since February 1997 - head of the West Siberian Railway; since May 1999 - Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; from September 1999 - head of the West Siberian Railway; since February 2002 - head of the Moscow Railway; since November 2009 - Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways.

"I got on the rails"

Why a change in the leadership of Russian Railways will not make a natural monopoly “closer to the people”

Photo: / Oleg Belozerov, President of Russian Railways

It will not be easy for the new head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov, to increase the profitability of the state-owned company - resignations in top management only spurred corrupt Russian Railways officials and lured oligarch “partners” to fight for power.

Today, JSC Russian Railways has 65 subsidiaries (with a participation share of more than 50%) and 62 dependent companies (with a participation share from 20 to 50%). The holding accounts for 42% of all cargo transportation and about 33% of passenger turnover in Russia.

At the same time, the efficiency of the state monopoly leaves much to be desired. Recently, Russian Railways proudly reported an increase in the average daily speed of cargo delivery across Russia to 14.5 km/h - approximately the same figures as US railroads in 1890. However, Russian Railways has already exceeded its own plans for the purchase of new locomotives for several years ahead.

"Inconspicuous" railway worker

Numerous “subsidiaries” and funds through which state funding is provided not only for the Lokomotiv football club, but also for the elite village on Rublevskoye Shosse for the company’s top managers are necessary for the development of budget funds. For example, the turnover of the Russian Railways Trading House (where only 25% of the shares belong to Russian Railways, and the rest to private individuals) is more than 100 billion rubles. per year. At the same time, the trading house receives 10% of the turnover simply for intermediation. It is through this organization that locomotives, cars, transformers, poles and sleepers are purchased for the needs of the railways. Recently, Russian Railways has been actively promoting the purchase of supposedly highly efficient fireproof cable. The price is several times higher than usual, and it does not differ in particularly outstanding characteristics, however, according to railway bosses, it is vitally necessary for the state-owned company.

One of the curators of the Russian Railways Trading House is the head of the traction directorate with the rank of vice president of the company, Alexey Vorotilkin. In addition to the trading house, this inconspicuous railway worker is in charge of the entire locomotive industry of the country, including issues of distribution of funds and relationships with private suppliers and partners.

Vorotilkin became the vice-president of Russian Railways in 2011, and before that he headed the East Siberian Railway (ESJD) for a long time. During Vorotilkin’s leadership, VSZD did not lose its reputation as one of the most dysfunctional railways in the country, and corruption scandals and accident rates there did not decrease. Among his subordinates, Vorotilkin won the epithet of a tyrant administrator who, for the sake of fictitious discipline and accountability, is ready to sacrifice both people and efficiency. Among his business colleagues, Alexey Vorotilkin was known as a clever merchant. For a long time he headed the NP “Commodity Producers and Entrepreneurs of Irkutsk,” which actively lobbied for the interests of businessmen close to Vorotilkin. They were also involved in the not entirely legal transportation of timber, oil and metal to China.

Dagestan traction Russian Railways

In the late 2000s, Vorotilkin became close to influential businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov. He owns the Summa group of companies, which owns large seaports, oil transportation and grain companies, as well as telecommunications and construction enterprises. It is interesting that Magomedov may be directly related to the recent resignation of Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin.

Originally from Makhachkala, brothers Ziya and Magomed Magomedov started their business in the 90s. In 1993 They graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. While studying at the university, the brothers' dormitory neighbor was the future founder of Troika Dialog, Ruben Vardanyan, and it was there that they met Arkady Dvorkovich.

After graduating from university, the Magomedovs created the Interfinance company, taking their cousin Akhmed Bilalov (later known for stealing from Olympic venues) as a partner. According to Ziyavudin Magomedov himself, the business went so quickly that within a year he managed to earn approximately $15 million of his own funds, and another more than $50 million was under his management.

In 1995 The Magomedov brothers buy Diamant Bank. Alexey Frenkel became the chairman of the bank's board. The bank quickly entered the top twenty largest - in particular, thanks to cooperation with state-owned companies. Six years after the acquisition of Diamond by the Magomedovs, the Central Bank revoked the bank’s license “for repeated violations of the law “On Banks and Banking Activities,” and five years later, Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Andrei Kozlov was killed. Alexey Frenkel was accused of organizing this murder and convicted for 19 years. And the Magomedovs continued to develop their business.

In 2006 the Slavia company, controlled by Magomedov, bought a 76% stake in Yakutgazprom for 628.5 million rubles. This acquisition attracted the attention of the Department of Economic Security of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs - AK Alrosa, which had recently spent more than $17 million on the acquisition of the company, accused the management of Yakutgazprom and Summa Capital of conspiring to carry out an illegal additional issue and washed away her share. The Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation issued a resolution on the implementation of operational investigative measures in connection with the revealed fact of fraud in the acquisition of shares in Yakutgazprom. Soon, however, the matter was hushed up, and Ziyavudin Magomedov was recognized as the owner of the controlling stake.

During the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, the Magomedov brothers entered the president’s inner “business circle” and managed to increase their capital to $1.4 billion. Zia's brother, Magomed, was a member of the Federation Council for 7 years from Smolensk region, and, according to some sources, played an important role in the conflict with Lukoil over the construction of a highway through the Smolensk region.

Ziya Magomedov has developed close and mutually beneficial contacts with Russian Railways managers - shortly after the appointment of Alexey Vorotilkin to the position of vice president in 2011, the Stroynovatsiya company, part of the Summa group, won the Roszheldor competition for the construction of the first 147 kilometers railway line Kyzyl-Kuragino in Tuva and proposed to build a site for 44.306 billion rubles. However, in January 2013, Roszheldor announced the end of funding for the joint project and the termination of cooperation. But Magomedov’s company was not only able to sue for an advance of more than 5 billion rubles, but also later in court recovered compensation of 3 billion! However, the railway was never built.

New partner plans

A relatively new project by Zia Magomedov, which is simply impossible without the participation of Russian Railways, is the construction of a “dry port” in Hunchun, China, at the junction of the borders of China, North Korea and Russia. In the “dry port” ship cargo will be formed and cleared through customs, which will then be railway will go to the new Zarubino cargo port, also owned by Magomedov. Investments in the project amount to about $350 million. Today, the section of the railway route from the Russian-Chinese border to Zarubino is an antediluvian, non-electrified single-track - without government investment, the project does not seem so profitable. However, through the efforts of Alexey Vorotilkin, the reconstruction project is successfully lobbied by Russian Railways officials.

The European influence of Zia Magomedov is also growing. After the transition to the control of the Summa group of construction oil terminal in Rotterdam, Magomedov’s transport companies strengthened their positions in the Baltic port cities. However, the development of Magomedov’s port schemes was actively hampered by the former president of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin.

At one time, Russian Railways OJSC had a conflict with the Summa group regarding the reconstruction of the railway line to the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP), one of the co-owners of which is Magomedov. Also, Vladimir Yakunin abandoned the idea of ​​​​building a railway line to the port of Primorsk in the Leningrad region, which was part of NCSP, in favor of the competing port of Ust-Luga and did not allow Magomedov to consolidate in his hands 100% of the shares of OJSC TransContainer, a company that owned half of the container transportation by Russian railways.

Big "setup"

In August 2015, a criminal trial was launched in Latvia against the former chairman of the board of the state railway holding Latvijas Dzelzceļš Ugis Magonis. Magonis is suspected of receiving a bribe worth half a million euros in connection with the LDz ritošā sastāva serviss competition for the purchase of diesel locomotives from the Skinest company, owned by the Estonian millionaire Oleg Osinovsky.

By a strange coincidence, Ugis Magonis is the husband of Vladimir Yakunin’s niece, Anastasia Bakulina. She is the deputy general director of the Business Dialogue company, which organizes forums for JSC Russian Railways. Together, the spouses are co-owners of the Russian railway operator Third Freight Transportation Company. Of course, this company is a long-time opponent of Zia Magomedov’s companies. And the very fact of the arrest of the head of the Latvian railways, according to experts, looks like an obvious “frame-up”:

“The last straw for Yakunin’s resignation may have been the scandal when Latvia’s anti-corruption bureau detained the head of the country’s state railway company, Ugis Magonis, who was married to Yakunin’s niece. Soon followed by a statement from Russian Railways about stopping the transit of goods to Latvian ports, allegedly due to the poor condition of the Baltic state’s railways,” writes Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky.

According to the Estonian weekly Eesti Ekspress, millionaire Oleg Osinovsky, who is suspected of transferring a bribe to Magonis, was just a pawn in a big game. And 500 thousand euros in paper bags, which were found in the car of the head of LDz, were intended for Yakunin, Magonis himself was just a courier.

Immediately after the arrest of Ugis Magonis, the Russian side announced that the railway in the direction of Latvia would be subject to major repairs for several months. Soon after this, the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, unexpectedly resigned.

And soon Oleg Belozerov, who graduated from Ventspils School No. 2 and has many good friends in the Baltic countries, was appointed to the post of president of Russian Railways. But that's a completely different story...

* * *

At the end of July, the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), Igor Artemyev, said that the tariff system for railway transportation in Russia was “reaching the point of madness.” Because of this, long-distance transport by truck is more profitable than transporting goods by train. The current tariff manual of Russian Railways needs to be replaced, as the cost of transportation has reached the highest values ​​in the world.

Already in September, the head of the FAS was more categorical: “At first, Russian Railways wanted 17% indexation, now they want 10%, and also multi-billion dollar subsidies from the budget. We say: this is wrong, this is too much, reduce your costs, learn to save, refuse from expensive mansions, football teams, your own TV, stop spending money left and right." He added that the FAS has its own, “much stricter” proposals, which are now being discussed in the government.

The near future will show how the new “favorites” of Russian Railways know how to conduct business and “not confuse their personal hair with the state one.” The only pity is that the system of decisions on Russian railways, built on “kickbacks” and the vulgar theft of public money in favor of close businessmen, is almost impossible to reform.

Belozerov Oleg Valentinovich was born on September 26, 1969 in the city of Ventspils (Latvia)

  • In 1992 he graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance with a degree in economist, industrial planning.
  • In 1998-2000 - deputy commercial director, commercial director, head of the department for logistics and transport of JSC Lenenergo.
  • In 2000-2000, he served as deputy director of OJSC Freight Motor Transport Enterprise No. 21.
  • In 2000-2001, he worked in the office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District, and was the head of the financial and economic department.
  • In 2001-2002, he worked as Deputy Director for Corporate Property Management of OJSC LOMO.
  • In 2002-2004, he served as General Director of Russian Fuel Company OJSC.
  • From July to November 2004 he was deputy head of the Federal Road Agency.
  • From November 2004 to March 2009 - Head of the Federal Road Agency.
  • In March 2009, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.
  • On May 11, 2015, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the position of First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.
  • On August 20, 2015, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev appointed Oleg Belozerov to the post of head of Russian Railways OJSC.
  • Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2011).
  • He was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class (2006), the Order of Honor (2010), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class (2014), as well as anniversary medals and insignia.
  • He received the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (2006), was awarded certificates of honor from the President of the Russian Federation (2014), the Government of the Russian Federation (2011), and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (2013).
  • The amount of declared income for 2014 is more than 10.5 million rubles

The work of the Traction Directorate will be based on contracts
Yulia Gorova

Alexey Vorotilkin, Vice President and Head of the Traction Directorate of JSC Russian Railways, talks about the tasks and prospects for the development of the company’s locomotive complex.

- Alexey Valerievich, you, being the vice-president of the company for locomotive and carriage facilities, now also head the Traction Directorate. Why was this decision made?
- I would like to emphasize that no one removed the duties of vice-president from me and, according to the order of the President of Russian Railways OJSC Vladimir Yakunin, everything that I was responsible for before my appointment remained the same. This is a carriage complex, Zheldorremmash factories, carriage repair plants, supervision of a number of roads in preparation for winter, and some divisions for operational work. Now direct management of the Traction Directorate has been added to my responsibilities.
This decision is a consequence of systematic work to reform the locomotive complex of Russian Railways. Recently, many questions and complaints have accumulated regarding the operation of the company's traction equipment. Now we can already see the target model of the reformed complex - this is the Traction Directorate, the Directorate for the repair of traction rolling stock, factories, and service structures.
At the same time, we allocate a single center of responsibility for the entire locomotive industry - the Traction Directorate. And this is the most difficult area in the complex, therefore, it needs to be managed clearly, quickly, without swings, especially during the formation period. The manager in this situation cannot spend time studying issues, principles of work organization, etc.
The existing experience will allow us to organize rational work, quickly launch a new model, and prove its effectiveness. It is very important here that responsibility for the operation of the entire locomotive facility is unified, and now it lies entirely with the vice president of the company. That is, we have removed the intermediate link, and within six months we need to create the Traction Directorate as a center of competence and responsibility.

- Will the Traction Directorate be the main balance holder of the locomotive fleet of JSC Russian Railways?
- Yes, and all conditions must be created for this. The main program conceptual documents already exist, we are guided by them. The main instructions at the final board of last year, as tasks for 2011, were given by the president of the company, now we must implement them.
And here it is necessary to note important point: the system must prove its effectiveness not only from the point of view that the Traction Directorate is responsible as a balance holder. No. This requires a whole range of measures and the building of a certain ideology.
In particular, we need the Russian Railways system to have a single customer for locomotive traction services, who would work on the “one window” principle. We assume that it should be the Central Traffic Control Directorate, which will order required quantity locomotives and crews to organize operational work and ensure transportation, according to the formed plan.
Obviously, for the correct distribution of resources, planning repairs, maintaining the contingent of locomotive crews in the required quantity, etc. all this needs to be concentrated somewhere. And this will happen precisely in the Traction Directorate.

- How do you see the basic principles of the work of this unit?
- Today, for example, we work with factories that are not part of the structure of JSC Russian Railways on the basis of contracts. Exactly the same system, in my opinion, should be built in relation to our repair complex, Zheldorremmash factories, and service centers. That is, interaction should be built on the basis of contracts and mutual financial and economic responsibility.
The Traction Directorate will have to distribute plans, on the basis of which the Zheldorremmash factories, repair complex, and service centers will prepare their budgets, which they will have to defend in this directorate. In turn, the Traction Directorate itself will defend the budget before the main financial and economic block of JSC Russian Railways. It will be necessary to provide justification for why such a budget is necessary, for example, for the maintenance of a locomotive.
And after we have protected this budget, we must be responsible for ensuring that there is no shortage of locomotives, repair capacity, spare parts and other necessary resources.

- To what extent has the practice of such combination of positions been used in the company before? Do you see any kind of positive example for further work?
- Here it is also worth considering that the administrative resource of the vice-president is much higher than that of the head of the directorate. The fact that the vice president is a member of the board of Russian Railways JSC also plays a significant role. This, of course, will also contribute to a more effective result. Plus certain knowledge and experience of my work in the locomotive industry. In general, combining the positions of vice president and head of directorate is, first of all, an increase in responsibility for a specific matter.
As for existing practice, my purpose is really not a test of the pen. The company already has such experience and continues to practice. Vice President of JSC Russian Railways Mikhail Akulov was appointed general director JSC "Federal Passenger Company", and in the process of work this decision showed the correctness of the chosen management method. Firstly, unnecessary management links are removed, which I have already mentioned. Secondly, the role of the vice president directly and his responsibility to the company are increased.
I think that based on Mikhail Pavlovich’s experience, and also, I hope, my experience, similar actions will be possible in the future to improve the efficiency of one or another area of ​​the company’s activities.

- What will be your next actions in your new capacity?
- The primary task facing us is the creation of a functioning living organism, that is, it is necessary to decide on the controls. Taking into account the fact that I am fully familiar with the locomotive topic, there should not be any fundamental changes, although, of course, some reorganizations will be carried out. Some staff positions may be removed as they have not proven their effectiveness, while others, on the contrary, will be added.
Obviously, the responsibilities of some individuals will change. Taking into account the workload of the vice president, it is necessary to further consider the distribution of responsibilities of managers within the directorate. For example, who exactly will be responsible for the block of locomotive crews. This is the main unit - 120 thousand drivers and assistants. This is a very serious job, for which today an entire staff is deployed on each road. Therefore, here we need to show great responsibility and not miss the moment. All organizational and technical measures have already been planned. But I don’t have a need to meet people. Thanks to my experience as a vice president, I already know them all.
Although the locomotive complex of Russian Railways was previously under my control, there is still direct control, and there is direct control. More attention will now be paid, for example, to issues related to social life, from the manager here at the central headquarters of the Traction Directorate, right down to the ordinary engineer.
And these responsibilities are not at all a burden. On the contrary, the manager needs to know who breathes what. And employees, in turn, need to understand that a lot of hard work and serious responsibility await them.

The sudden, although expected, resignation of Vladimir Yakunin from the post of head of the railway monopoly created the conditions for a new redistribution of spheres of influence in JSC Russian Railways. Our publication is already . The connection between them and the new head of the department, Oleg Belozerov, is too obvious not to suggest “mutually beneficial cooperation.” The head of the ICT Group, Alexander Nesis, who is believed to be actively assisted by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government Arkady Dvorkovich, also has his own interest. But it would be naive to believe that other large companies will not try to “enter” Russian Railways through different levels of “tops” in order to improve their economic performance. Naturally, at state expense.

In addition to Messrs. Dvorkovich and Belozerov, the vice-president of Russian Railways, Alexey Vorotilkin, also plays a prominent role in this situation. “This cult personality of Russian Railways” (that’s what Vorotilkin was called in a whole series of laudatory publications, as if on command from the media recently), certainly has powerful lobbying potential and people who need this potential. As they say, he has been noticed more than once in an extremely friendly disposition towards the oligarchy during the implementation of various projects and the conclusion of billion-dollar contracts.

Very eloquent facts speak in favor of this assumption. Even when Vorotilkin was the head of the East Siberian Railway, a railway line was completed and restored at a cost of at least 13 billion rubles, which provided access to the Chineiskoye iron ore deposit, the license for the development of which was held by Oleg Deripaska’s Basel. According to the media, VSJD, in fact, made a gift to Basic Element. History is silent about how Deripaska thanked him, but it is assumed that the mutual trust of the future vice-president of Russian Railways in large entrepreneurs strengthened after that.

Today, Mr. Vorotilkin controls not only locomotives and depots throughout the country, but also the Russian Railways Trading House with an annual turnover of over 100 billion rubles. And the “tasty” topic of purchasing anything and everything for the needs of railways: from sleepers and poles to cars and transformers. And it often comes to the point of absurdity. Not long ago, the task was set to purchase a fireproof cable - they say it is very important and necessary for the entire Russian Railways. Ordinary railway workers joked gloomily about this - apparently, the management never tried to burn a regular cable before buying an expensive fireproof one. Although we all understand perfectly well why such purchases are carried out...

By the way, there was also a place in these schemes for Igor Chaika, the son of the Prosecutor General of Russia. Even under Yakunin, his company T-Industry won a competition for the purchase of sleepers worth 3 billion rubles. A little later, the company won the Russian Railways tender for the supply of reinforced concrete sleepers until 2017 for 269 billion rubles!! For reference: 70% of T-Industry is owned by the Dutch Spoor Struuktuyur Investing (beneficiaries are unknown), the remaining 30% is owned by the Moscow LLC Aqua Solid (engaged in the wholesale trade of agrochemicals). The main owner of which is Igor Chaika.

Chaika’s interest in Russian Railways assets intensified in July 2014, when T-industry bought 50% minus 2 shares of Beteltrans, Russia’s largest sleeper manufacturer, for 3.025 billion rubles. His older brother Artem did not stand aside either. In May 2014, LLC Nonmetallic Company Berdyaush, controlled by him, won the competition for the sale of 75% minus two shares of OJSC First Nonmetallic Company (PNK), owned by Russian Railways, offering 4.86 billion rubles. PNK unites 18 crushed stone plants and supplies crushed stone to both Russian Railways OJSC and BET.

Thus, the process of “cutting up” Russian Railways by large businesses with strong lobbyists in government agencies is already underway. And in the near future it will clearly accelerate. And it looks very likely that the railway monopoly will soon turn into an obedient instrument for the enrichment of “drivers of Russian business.” And plans for the construction of new railway tracks in the country will result in the laying of branches to their ports, elevators, and industrial facilities. Ordinary passengers will pay for this “celebration of life” - with their tickets, box office fees and simply taxes. It seems that under Belozerov the oligarch’s dream of his own railway will become a reality...

Address: 664003, Irkutsk, Karl Marx street, 7

Telephone/fax ( 8-395-2)-64-48-48

Education: higher, specialty - electrification of railway transport.

Alexey defined his life path still a teenager. The choice was not particularly great: in Zheleznogorsk, where the family lived at that time, you could become a miner like everyone else, or follow in your father’s footsteps and master the profession of a railway worker. Alexey continued the labor traditions of the Vorotilkin dynasty, and today his work experience on the road is already 28 years.

The seventeen-year-old boy began his career as an electrician for the communication signaling system at the Korshunikha station. After serving in the army, he returned to work at his native locomotive depot. In the first nine years, he worked his way up from a toolmaker to a depot manager. Graduated in absentia from the Irkutsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. The six-year course of study was completed in four years due to the fact that theoretical knowledge was reinforced daily practical experience. Alexey Vorotilkin also worked as the head of the depot for 9 years, and in 1998 he was appointed deputy head of the Severobaikalsk road department - chief traffic safety inspector. Hard work, responsibility, and thorough knowledge of their business were noticed by the road management. A year later, an invitation to work in the management of Eastern Eastern Railway followed. He himself explains it simply: “Work honestly, conscientiously, and you will be noticed. I've always been lucky good people and good leaders who helped move forward.”

In September 2005, Alexey Vorotilkin was appointed to the post of head of VSZD. According to Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin, the main criteria when choosing a candidate for such a high position were the ability to manage a team of thousands, knowledge of the situation in the regions and the willingness to solve problems arising from changes in the economy Russia and in the company itself.

“It doesn’t work out for those who don’t want to”

The common expression “the paths of fate are inscrutable” is exactly the opposite applicable to railway tracks - here everything must be verified and adjusted. Discipline, responsibility and professionalism are the three pillars on which the industry rests, but the main thing for the head of VSJD was and remains a person, on whose work and well-being everything on the railway depends. And, above all, the safety of people. According to Alexey Vorotilkin, there are no trifles in his business, just as there are no small stations whose problems could be neglected. For example, at the Khani station in Southern Yakutia, where he visited during the autumn inspection of the road, at the request of the railway workers, an ATM was installed and Internet access was provided for them. Even if it is not economically feasible, the interests of workers are dear and their concerns are more important.

Work means a lot in the life of Alexei Valerievich - it is both a duty and a hobby at the same time. But in his free moments, he picks up historical novels about Siberia. Such books teach you to think, give strength and confidence in the correctness of your choice. life position. He prefers to spend his holidays in the taiga; his special passion is recreation on the water: he loves rafting with friends on rivers and fishing. Plans for the future include supporting the stable growth of the enterprise, using everything new and progressive that appears in the industry. And as before, the main thing in the matter remains the person, whose working and rest conditions must be taken care of first of all.

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