What is a personality. What is a personality - personality psychology and everything related to it

Person   in psychology they call a person as a carrier of consciousness. It is believed that they are not born a personality, but become in the process of being and working, when, communicating and interacting, a person compares himself with others, selects his "I". The psychological properties (traits) of a person are fully and vividly revealed in activity, communication, relationships, and even in the appearance of a person.

Personalities are different - harmoniously developed and reactionary, progressive and one-sided, highly moral and vile, but at the same time each personality is unique. Sometimes this property - originality - is called individuality, as a manifestation of the individual.

However, the concepts of the individual, personality and individuality are not identical in content: each of them reveals a specific aspect of the individual's being. A person can be understood only in a system of stable interpersonal relationships, mediated by the content, values, meaning of the joint activities of each of the participants.

The interpersonal relationships that form the personality in the collective appear in the form of communication or the subject - the subject relationship along with the subject - the object relationship characteristic of objective activity.

The personality of each person is endowed only with her inherent combination of features and characteristics that form her individuality - a combination of the psychological characteristics of a person that make up his originality, his difference from other people. Individuality is manifested in character traits, temperament, habits, prevailing interests, in the qualities of cognitive processes, in abilities, individual style of activity.

The lifestyle as a socio-philosophical concept selects in the variety of qualities and properties inherent in a given person only socially stable, socially typical, characterizing the social content of her personality, revealing a person, his behavior style, needs, preferences, interests, tastes not from his psychological features that distinguish him from other people, but on the part of those properties and personality traits that are set by the very fact of his existence in a particular society. But if individuality is not a feature of the external appearance or manner of behavior of a person, but a unique form of existence and unique manifestation of the general in the life of the individual, then the individual is also social. Therefore, the lifestyle of the individual acts as a deeply individualized relationship between the objective position of a person in society with his inner world, that is, it represents a kind of unity of the socially typed (unified) and individual (unique) in the behavior, communication, thinking and everyday life of people.

In other words, the worldview of a person gains socially - practical and moral value in so far as it has become a person’s way of life.

From a moral point of view, a sign of a person’s personal development is his ability to act according to his inner conviction in the most difficult everyday situations, not to shift responsibility on others, not blindly rely on circumstances and not even just “reckon” with circumstances, but also resist them, interfere with the course events, showing his will, his character.

Great importance and the role of the team in the formation and education of the individual. The upbringing rule formulated by the remarkable Soviet teacher A.S. Makarenko: proceed from the recognition of a foster personality. And this must be done in all seriousness, without refusing to educate the recognition of the possibility of them performing the feats that the teacher speaks of as high images of achieving exceptional results in the fields of production, science and technology, literature and art.

May not all dreams come true and not all plans come true. Let not all the young people with whom the teacher deals with be gifted enough or be able to fully reveal their abilities. It's about something else. All of them will surely be ennobled by treating them as the highest value, unique personalities, which, if properly developed, can reveal to the world all the achievements of a creative spirit accessible to man. In the worst case, a creative personality may not work out, but a person will be formed who, at a minimum, will not prevent others from becoming creative personalities.

You will not become a person by copying anyone. Only miserable one-sidedness can turn out. Self-construction cannot be carried out according to some standard project. As a maximum, only general settings can be obtained here. One must always rely on the utmost realization of human capabilities, never saying in advance: “I won’t succeed,” to fully experience our inclinations.

therefore   development   human - the process of personality formation under the influence of external and internal, controlled and uncontrolled social and natural factors. Development manifests itself as a progressive complication, deepening, expansion, as a transition from simple to complex, from ignorance to knowledge, from lower forms of life and activity to higher ones.

Nature gave a lot to man, but gave birth to the weak. To make it strong, completely independent, you still have to work hard. First of all, to ensure physical development. In turn, physical and physiological development underlies psychological development as a spiritual development. The processes of reflection of reality by a person are constantly becoming more complicated and deepened: sensations, perceptions, memory, thinking, feelings, imagination, as well as more complex mental formations: needs, motives of activity, abilities, interests, value orientations. Human social development is a continuation of mental development. It consists in the gradual entry into his society - in social, ideological, economic, industrial, legal, professional and other relations, in the assimilation of its functions in these relations. Having acquired these relationships and their functions in them, a person becomes a member of society. The crown is the spiritual development of man. It means understanding of his high destiny in life, the emergence of responsibility to present and future generations, an understanding of the complex nature of the universe and the desire for continuous moral improvement. A measure of spiritual development can be the degree of responsibility of a person for his physical, physiological, mental and social development. Spiritual development is increasingly recognized as the core, the core of the formation of personality in a person.

The development of each of its representatives mankind provides through education, passing on the experience of its own and previous generations.

Parenting   - in the broad sense, it is a purposeful process of forming the intellect, physical and spiritual forces of the personality, preparing it for life, and actively participating in labor activity. Education in the narrow sense of the word is a systematic and deliberate influence of the educator on those brought up with the aim of forming their desired attitude to people and the phenomena of the world around them.

Parents convey the experience of vertical walking, speech communication to a newborn, the experience of mathematical transformations, written communication to younger schoolchildren, the experience of various activities, etc. All his life a person assimilates some and someone’s experience and only on his basis creates his own. Only by becoming the heir of the past, he becomes a full member of his society. In this sense, upbringing is a culturally forming process. In the process of educating a person, his development takes place, the level of which then influences the upbringing, changes, deepens it. Better education accelerates the pace of development, which then again affects education. Throughout a person’s life, these phenomena mutually support each other.

K. Marx and F. Engels paid great attention to the problems of upbringing and education of youth. They approached them from various, but closely related, social, ideological, pedagogical, etc. sides, evaluating the role of upbringing as the highest measure - the impact on the development of the individual, on the course of social progress.

They considered education as one of the most important means.

In the aggregate, the thoughts of Marx and Engels on education are an integral dialectical-materialistic concept, which is based on the following principles: education is conditioned by prevailing social relations; is historical and class in nature; has its own objective laws.

By education we understand three things:

Firstly: mental education.

Secondly: physical education.

Thirdly: technical training.

Marx and Engels paid great attention to ideological education, introducing youth to the history and traditions of the revolutionary struggle.

By mental (intellectual) education, the founders of Marxism understood the “mental education” that the younger generation should receive, first of all, in school. Marx and Engels called on youth to persistent, systematic study, to constant self-education, which is strongly dictated by life.

A necessary condition for the technical education of the younger generation, Marx and Engels called the combination of education with productive labor.

In the system of youth education, the founders of Marxism, an important place was given to physical culture. Engels also saw the great role of these occupations in preparing young men for military service.

Whatever “constituent parts” of education the founders of Marxism talk about, their thought was somehow directed towards the most important problem - the all-round development of personality. Ultimately, each of these components and the whole process of education as a whole should serve as its formation.

Therefore, it is possible to transfer experience, through the media, in museums through art, through religion, in the management system through politics, ideology, directly in the family, in production through production relations, etc. Among them, education stands out.

Education   - the process and result of mastering a certain system of knowledge and providing on this basis an appropriate level of personality development. Education is received mainly in the process of training and education in educational institutions under the guidance of teachers. Education literally means creating an image, some kind of completeness of education in accordance with a certain age level. Therefore, education is often interpreted as a result of a person’s assimilation of the experience of generations in the form of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, relationships. Then they talk about an educated person. Education is the quality of a developed person who has mastered the experience with which she becomes able to navigate in the environment, adapt to it, protect and enrich her, acquire new knowledge about her and thereby continuously improve herself, i.e. again to improve their education.

A person is born without knowledge and skills, but through upbringing and education he receives all this in accordance with his age. At each age stage, development receives its degree of formation, not exhausting itself. Thus, ideals, motives of actions, relationships and other properties of a person are gradually formed.

But after all, man himself has been active since birth. His role in upbringing, education is huge, if not decisive. The fact is that a person is born with the ability to develop. He is not a vessel where the experience of mankind “merges”. He himself is capable of acquiring this experience. Man himself created external factors of his development.

The main factors of a person are self-education, self-education, self-education.

Self-education - This is the process of assimilation by a person of the experience of previous generations through the internal mental factors that ensure development. Self-education is a process that is part of upbringing and is also aimed at human development. Thanks to him, a person in any educational system preserves himself as an independent natural and social being, despite all the integration, i.e. its unity with nature and society.

Education, if it is not violence, without self-education is not possible. They should be considered as two sides of the same process, or as mutually continuing processes.

Carrying out self-education, a person can self-educate.

Self education - This is a system of internal self-organization for the assimilation of the experience of generations aimed at their own development.

Self-education is a powerful factor that fulfills and enriches education organized by society.

Self-education - is an analogue to learning.

Self learning   - this is the process of a person directly gaining the experience of generations through his own aspirations and the chosen means themselves.

Here, a huge role is played by the inner mental world of a person, not only consciousness, but also the unconscious factor, intuition, the ability to learn not only from the teacher, but also from other people, friends, and nature. People say about such self-education: “learn from life.” Self-education is based on the need for knowledge, on an innate cognitive instinct.

The founders of Marxism deeply revealed such a complex problem as "man and circumstances."

The character of each person is always composed of two elements: natural, rooted in the human body, and spiritual, developed in life, under the influence of upbringing and circumstances. But no matter how diverse the human types of educated peoples are, due to the infinite variety of types of tribal, family and personal, nature always manages to highlight the feature of nationality in countless characteristic features of a person’s appearance.

A nationality trait is not only noticeable in itself, but mixes with all other characteristic features of a person and gives each of them its own special shade.

Public education, which strengthens and develops a nationality in a person, developing at the same time his mind and his self-awareness, is a powerful contributor to the development of national self-consciousness in general.

If a person draws all his knowledge, sensations, etc. from the sensory world and experience received from this world, but it is necessary, therefore, to arrange the world around him so that a person in him cognizes and assimilates the truly human, so that he knows himself as a person. If a person’s character is created by circumstances, then it is necessary to make the circumstances humane.

Teacher K.D. Ushinsky was deeply convinced that the education of a free, independent and active human personality is a necessary condition for social development.


A child - a social unit, a subject, a bearer of social and human activity - the child will only be there and when and when he begins to carry out this activity. At first, with the help of an adult, and then without it.

A personality also arises when an individual begins independently, as a subject, to carry out external activity according to norms and standards, given to him from the outside - that culture, in the bosom of which he wakes up to human life, to human activity. In the meantime, human activity is directed at him, and he remains its object, the individuality, which of course he already possesses, is not yet a human individuality.

Therefore, that person is only where there is freedom. True freedom, not imaginary, is the freedom of a person’s actual deployment in real affairs, in relationships with other people, and not in conceit, not in the pleasure of feeling his imaginary originality.

Do you want a person to become a person? Then put him from the very beginning - from childhood - into such relationships with another person, inside of which he not only could, but also was forced to become a person.

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§ Personality - the totality of social relations realized in diverse activities (A.N. Leontiev).

§ Personality - “a living person of flesh and blood”, woven into many relationships to the world; the epicenter of "explosive" changes in being; being transforming into ideal form (S.L. Rubinstein).

§ Personality - the subject of life: active, responsible, with the ability to temporarily regulate life and resolve life contradictions (K.A. Abulkhanova)

§ Personality - a public individual, object and subject of social relations and the historical process, manifesting itself in communication, in activity, in behavior (V.A. Gansen).

§ The concept of personality denotes the human individual as a member of society, summarizes the socially significant features integrated in him (I.S. Kon).

§ Personality - the subject of social behavior and communication (B.G. Ananyev).

§ Personality - a person as a public individual, a subject of cognition and objective transformation of the world, a rational creature with speech and capable of working (A.V. Petrovsky).

§ Personality - a person as a carrier of consciousness (KK Platonov).

§ A person is an aggregate of individual psychological characteristics that forms during life and determines a person’s peculiar attitude to himself, society and the world around him as a whole (Yu. V. Shcherbatykh).

§ A person is a specific person who is a carrier of consciousness, capable of cognition, experience, transformation of the world around him and building certain relationships with this world and the world of other personalities. ( M.N. Shcherbakov)

Man is the most incomprehensible phenomenon of all that exists in the world and the most interesting subject for himself. He appears to be a multilateral, multidimensional and complex organization. Understanding the essence of human subjectivity is possible only from the perspective of a holistic, systemic and historical-evolutionary approach. In Russian psychology, three main conceptual categories have traditionally been established, reflecting three aspects of human existence: “individual”, “personality”, “individuality”. The most consistent such distinction was made in the works of A.N. Leontiev.

  1. Man as an individual appears in his natural, biological features, i.e. as a material, natural, physical being in its integrity and indivisibility. Cognition of a person as an individual involves consideration of the natural foundations of his life, his psychology.

Man as an individual is a natural creature experiencing the so-called organic needs: in food, warmth, rest, etc. The shape, structure, functioning of the human body is a continuation of the evolutionary series; it is in many ways similar to the organism of higher primates. At the same time, man is qualitatively different from all other living beings. N.A. Berdyaev, a Russian religious philosopher, wrote: “Man is a fundamental novelty in nature. The human body is a cultural body, it is spiritualized and subordinate to the higher goals of man. ”

Even human organic needs are fundamentally different from the needs of animals: they are satisfied with other objects, in other ways, are culturally conditioned. The fundamental difference between a person is a free attitude to experiences of organic needs. With the help of the will, a person can block the feeling of hunger and thirst, overcome the feeling of fear and pain, if necessary to achieve personally significant goals. At the heart of the concept of "individual", according to A.N. Leont'ev, lies the fact of the indivisibility, integrity and characteristics of each person, arising already in the early stages of development of life. "An individual is born."

  1. Personality is one of the basic categories of psychological science and one of the most widely used concepts. Traditionally, in psychology, ideas about the most developed level of human subjectivity are embedded in this concept. Reality, which is described by the term "personality", is already apparent in etymology. The word "personality" (persona) originally denoted a mask worn by an actor in an ancient Greek theater. Gradually, the concept of personality was filled with an ever-increasing variety of semantic meanings, the shades and range of which are to a certain extent specific to each specific language. In Russian, the word “personality” is close to the word “mask”, which, according to V.I. Dahl, denotes the performance of someone else’s role, a feigned appearance, a public person addressed to others.

Thus, in the meaning of the word “personality” two main meanings can be distinguished.

  • The first, most obvious meaning is the mismatch of a person’s own characteristics with the content of the role that he plays.
  • The second is the social typicality of the performed role, its openness to other people.

Representations of the personality as a system of role-based behavior, due to a combination of stable social expectations from the immediate environment, are reflected in the so-called role theory of personality. In Russian psychology, this theory is sharply criticized. Indeed, a person in society is included in many different social groups (including family, study group, work team, friendly company, etc.). In each group he occupies a certain position, has a certain status, certain expectations are set for him. Thus, the same person must behave differently in different situations, i.e. to act in different roles. However, personality is exactly what allows you to maintain the integrity of your "I". A personality is not a structure of roles, but a person whose life is not reduced to the performance of assigned roles.

Despite the fact that personality is the central and generalizing category of psychology, a single definition of this concept has not been developed. None of the many definitions of personality that exist in psychological science can be recognized as comprehensive and indisputable. Summarizing the diversity of views on nature and the mechanisms of personal development, we can highlight some common points:

    1. a personality is a special quality or characteristic of a person that is acquired by an individual in society, in the aggregate of those social in nature relations in which he is included. If an individual is born, then they become a person;
    2. personality characterizes a person from the side of his social connections and relations, i.e. interconnected with other people. A.N. Leontyev called the person "supersensible education", because these connections and relationships with other people constitute a special reality, inaccessible to direct perception. Consequently, the concept of personality in psychology denotes a special way of human existence - his existence as a member of society, as a representative of a particular social group;
    3. the essence of personality lies in the ability of a person to act freely, independently and responsibly. Personal behavior is behavior of one's own free choice;
    4. personality is not just once and for all a formed quality, but a constant development.
  1. Individuality (from lat. Individuum - indivisible) is the highest level of human integration in relation to the individual and personal levels. Individuality simultaneously captures the uniqueness and originality of a person as an individual and as a person. The development of individuality is a person’s life path.

Personality Congenital features of thinking, sensations and behavior that determine the individual’s uniqueness, his lifestyle and nature of adaptation and are the result of constitutional factors of development and social status.

Brief Explanatory Psychological and Psychiatric Dictionary. Ed. igisheva. 2008.


2)   determined by the inclusion in social relations, the systemic quality of the individual, which is formed in joint activities  and communication. In “hormonal psychology” (V. McDougall), in psychoanalysis (Z. Freud, A. Adler) L. was interpreted as an ensemble of irrational unconscious drives. in fact, he removed the problem of L., which did not have a place in the mechanistic scheme “С - Р” (“-”). Very productive in terms of specific methodological solutions, the concepts of K. Levin, A. Maslow, G. Allport, K. Rogers show a certain limitation, which is manifested in physicalism, the transfer of the laws of mechanics to the analysis of manifestations of L. (K. Levin), in indeterminism in " humanistic psychology"And existentialism. The successes of Western empirical psychology in the field of psychotherapy of L., communication training, etc. are noticeable. In Russian psychology of a person, L. is characterized by a system of relations conditioned by life in society, the subject of which he is. In the process of interacting with the world, an active L. is acting as a whole in which cognition of the environment is carried out in unity with experience. L. is considered in the unity (but not identity) of the sensory essence of its carrier - the individual and the conditions of the social environment (B. G. Ananyev, A. N. Leontyev). Natural properties and characteristics of an individual appear in L. as its socially determined elements. So, for example, brain pathology is biologically determined, but character traits generated by it become L.'s peculiarities due to social determination. L. is a mediating link, through a cut external influence is associated with its effect in the psyche of the individual (S. L. Rubinstein). The emergence of L. as a systemic quality is due to the fact that the individual in a joint activity with other individuals changes the world and, through this change, transforms himself, becoming L. (A.N. Leontyev). L. is characterized by activity, i.e., the desire of the subject to go beyond his own limits (see), expand his sphere of activity, act beyond the requirements of the situation and role prescriptions (, risk, etc.). L. characterized focus  - a stable dominant system of motives - interests, beliefs, ideals, tastes, etc., in which man manifests himself; deep semantic structures (“dynamic semantic systems”, according to L. S. Vygotsky), which condition it and are relatively resistant to verbal influences and transform into joint activities of groups ( principle of activity mediation), the degree of awareness of their relations to reality: relationships (according to V. N. Myasishchev), attitudes (according to D. N. Uznadze, A. S. Prangishvili, Sh. A. Nadirashvili), dispositions (according to V. Ya. Yadov) etc. Developed L. has developed self-consciousness, which does not exclude the unconscious mental regulation of some important aspects of L.'s activity. Subjectively, L. appears as his “” (- “I”, “I” concept), the system of ideas about self, constructed by the individual in the processes of activity and communication, ensuring the unity and identity of his L. and living in self-esteem, in a sense of self-esteem, level of aspirations, etc. The image of “I” is the way an individual sees himself in the present, in the future, what he would like to be if he could, etc. Correlation of image The “I” with the real circumstances of an individual’s life allows L. to change his behavior and fulfill the goals of self-education. An appeal to L.'s self-esteem and self-esteem is an important factor in the directed influence on L. in the process of education. L. as a subject of interpersonal relations reveals itself in three representations that form unity (V. A. Petrovsky).

1)   L. as a relatively stable combination of its intraindividual qualities: symptom complexes of mental properties that form it, motives, orientation L. (L. I. Bozhovich); L.'s character structure, temperament features, (works by B. M. Teplov, V. D. Nebylitsyn, V. S. Merlin, etc.);

2)   L. as the inclusion of an individual in the space of interindividual relations, where the relationships and interactions that arise in a group can be interpreted as carriers of L. of their participants. This overcomes, for example, the false alternative in understanding interpersonal relationships either as group phenomena or as L. phenomena - the personality acts as a group, the group as a personality (A. V. Petrovsky);

3)   L. as the “ideal representation” of an individual in the life of other people, including beyond the limits of their existing interaction, as a result of semantic transformations of other people's intellectual and affective-need spheres L. actively carried out by a person (V. A. Petrovsky).

The individual in his development experiences a socially determined “need to be L.”, that is, to consider himself in the life of other people, continuing his existence in them, and discovers the “ability to be L.”, realized in socially significant activities. The presence and characteristics of "the ability to be L." can be detected using the method of reflected subjectivity (see). L.'s development is carried out in the conditions of socialization of the individual and his education (see).

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: "PHOENIX". L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .


The phenomenon of social development, a specific living person with consciousness and self-awareness. The personality structure is a holistic systemic formation, a set of socially significant mental properties, relationships and actions of an individual that have developed during ontogenesis and determine its behavior as the behavior of a conscious subject of activity and communication. Personality is a self-regulating dynamic functional system of continuously interacting properties, relationships and actions that develop in the process of human ontogenesis. The core formation of the personality is self-esteem, which is based on the assessments of the individual by other people and his assessment of these others. In the broad, traditional sense - personality, it is an individual as a subject of social relations and conscious activity. The personality structure includes all the psychological characteristics of a person, and all the morphophysiological characteristics of his body - up to the characteristics of metabolism. The popularity and persistence of such an expanded understanding in the literature is apparently due to its similarity to the everyday meaning of the word. In the narrow sense, it is determined by the inclusion in social relations of the systemic quality of the individual, formed in the activity of joint and communication.

According to A.N. Leontiev, personality is a qualitatively new formation. It is formed due to life in society. Therefore, only a person can be a person, and then only after reaching a certain age. In the course of activity, a person enters into relations with other people - into public relations, and these relations become personality-forming. On the part of man himself, his formation and life as individuals act primarily as a development, transformation, submission and subordination of his motives. This representation is rather complicated and requires explanation. It does not coincide with the traditional interpretation - in the broad sense. The narrowed concept allows us to isolate a very important aspect of human existence, associated with the social nature of his life. Man, as a social being, acquires new qualities, which are absent, if he is considered as an isolated, non-social being. And each person from a certain time begins to make a certain contribution to the life of society and individuals. That is why next to the concepts of personality and personality, the concept of socially significant appears. Although this significant may be socially unacceptable: a crime is as personal an act as a feat. For psychological concretization of the concept of personality, it is necessary to answer at least questions about what the neoplasm consists of, called personality, how personality formation takes place, as it appears from the perspective of the subject itself, the growth and functioning of his personality. The criteria for the formed personality are as follows:

1 ) the presence in the motives of hierarchy in a certain sense - as the ability to overcome one’s own immediate impulses for the sake of something else - the ability to conduct mediated behavior. At the same time, it is assumed that the motives, thanks to which immediate impulses are overcome, are social in origin and sense (just mediated behavior can be based on both a spontaneously formed hierarchy of motives and even “elemental morality”: the subject may not be aware of what exactly makes him act in a certain way ”, however, it is completely moral to act);

2 ) the ability to consciously guide their own behavior; this guide is based on conscious motives, goals and principles (in contrast to the first criterion, it is here that it is assumed that conscious subordination of motives is conscious mediation of behavior, which presupposes the existence of self-awareness as a special instance of personality). In the didactic plan, all the properties, relationships and actions of a person can be conditionally combined into four closely related functional substructures, each of which is a complex formation that plays a role in life:

1 ) regulation system;

2 ) stimulation system;

3 ) stabilization system;

4 ) indication system.

In the course of a person’s social development, the systems of regulation and stimulation constantly interact, and on their basis more and more complex mental properties, relationships, and actions arise that direct the person to solve life problems. The unity of the personality throughout the life course is ensured by the memory-continuity of goals, deeds, relationships, claims, beliefs, ideals, etc. Western psychology considers the personality as a “whole psychic being”. In psychology of the chormic and in psychoanalysis, the personality was interpreted as an ensemble of irrational unconscious drives. Very productive in terms of specific methodological solutions, the concepts of K. Levin, A. Maslow, G. Allport, C. Rogers also show a certain limitation. But in the field of personality psychotherapy, communication training and other things, the successes of Western empirical psychology are very noticeable. In Russian psychology, a person is considered in unity (but not identity) and the sensory essence of its carrier - the individual and the social environment. The natural properties and characteristics of the individual appear in the personality as its socially determined elements. A personality is a mediating link through which external influence is associated with its effect in the psyche of an individual. The emergence of the personality “in a systemic quality ad is due to the fact that the individual in his activity together with other individuals changes the world and through this change transforms himself, becoming a personality. Personality is characterized by:

1 ) activity - the desire of the subject to go beyond his own limits, expand the scope of activity, act beyond the requirements of the situation and role prescriptions;

2 ) orientation - a stable dominant system of motives - interests, beliefs, ideals, tastes and other things, in which human needs manifest themselves;

3 ) deep semantic structures (dynamic semantic systems, according to L. S. Vygotsky), conditioning her consciousness and; they are relatively resistant to verbal influences and are transformed into the activities of joint groups and collectives (the principle of mediation of activity);

4 ) the degree of awareness of their relationships to reality: relationships, attitudes, dispositions, etc.

A developed personality has a developed self-awareness, which does not exclude the unconscious mental regulation of some important aspects of its activity. Subjectively for the individual, the personality acts as his I, as a system of self-representations constructed by the individual in the processes of activity and communication, which ensures the unity and identity of his personality and finds itself in self-esteem, in self-esteem, level of claims, etc. The image of the Self is that how an individual sees himself in the present, in the future, what he would like to be if he could, etc. The correlation of the image of the Self with the real circumstances of the individual’s life allows the person to change behavior and realize the goals of self Ethan. An appeal to self-esteem and self-esteem of an individual is an important factor in the directed influence on an individual during upbringing. Personality as a subject of interpersonal relations reveals itself in three representations that form unity:

1 ) personality as a relatively stable set of its intraindividual qualities: symptom complexes of mental properties that form its individuality, motives, personality orientations; the structure of the character of the personality, especially temperament, ability;

2 ) the personality as the inclusion of the individual in the space of interindividual relations, where the relationships and interactions that arise in the group can be interpreted as carriers of the personalities of their participants; this overcomes, for example, the false alternative in understanding interpersonal relationships either as group phenomena or as personality phenomena: the personality acts as a group, the group acts as a personality;

3 ) the personality as the “ideal representation” of the individual in the life of other people, including outside their existing interaction; as a result of actively implemented by man semantic transformations of the spheres of intellectual and affective-needful other personalities. An individual in his development experiences a socially determined need to be a person - to consider himself in the life of other people, continuing his existence in them, and discovers the ability to be a person, realized in socially significant activities. The presence and characteristics of the ability to be a person can be detected using the reflected subjectivity method. The development of personality occurs in conditions of socialization of the individual and his education.

Dictionary of practical psychologist. - M .: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

Personality Etymology.

It comes from Russian. mask (the mask corresponds to the term persona - originally a mask, or performed by an actor of the ancient Greek theater).


A relatively stable system of individual behavior, built primarily on the basis of inclusion in the social context.


Already in 1734, H. Wolf gave a definition of personality (Personlichkeit) as follows: "That which preserves memories of itself and perceives itself as one and the same before, and now." This tradition of understanding the personality was continued by W. James, who interpreted the personality as the sum of all that a person can call his own. In these definitions, the concept of personality becomes identical to the concept of self-consciousness, therefore, the definition of personality through social relationships is more justified. With this approach, the person appears as a system of social behavior of the individual.

The core formation of the personality is self-esteem, which is based on the assessments of the individual by other people and his assessment of these others. In this case, special importance is attached to the identification of the person. Research.

The personality model developed in depth psychology, primarily in psychoanalysis (A. Adler, G. Sullivan, E. Fromm, K. Horney), is focused on explaining intrapsychological processes when referring primarily to the concepts of structure and dynamics of "internal conflict".

On the contrary, the personality model developed in behaviorism is based on externally observable behavior, on actions and interactions with other people in an actual situation (,). In modern behaviorism, personality is understood as a system of generated forms of behavior that are formed on the basis of situation-specific behavior (Rotter's theory of social learning). In the framework of humanistic psychology, a person is considered primarily as taking responsible decisions (, the theory of a self-actualizing personality). In Marxist psychology, a person is defined as a product of the historical development of an individual, primarily in the framework of joint labor activity (A. Wallon, I. Meyerson, J. Politzer, S. L. Rubinstein, A. N. Leontiev). In particular, Leontyev’s personality is considered to be created by social relations, into which the subject enters as part of its activities. At the same time, individual activities of the subject, represented primarily by their motives, enter into a hierarchy of relations among themselves, forming the so-called hierarchy of motives. In the concept of A.V. Petrovsky, the type of personality development is determined through the type of group in which it is included and in which it is integrated; personal activity itself is the desire to go beyond the usual and act beyond the requirements of a situation or role. Structure.

Rubinstein (1946) distinguished the following components of personality: 1. Orientation (attitudes, interests,). 2. Abilities. 3. Temperament.

In the classification of personality traits of V.S. Merlin (1967), based on the determination of dominance of either a natural or social beginning, the following levels are presented: 1. Properties of the individual (and individual characteristics of mental processes). 2. Properties of individuality (motives, relationships,). In modern studies of personality structure - along with testing experimental hypotheses in which the role of specific factors that influence personality variables is determined - a large role is given to factor-analytical strategies (, the Big Five model). Diagnostics. Literature.

Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. M., 1968;

Sav L. Marxism and personality theory. M., 1972; Zeigarnik B.V. Theory of personality in foreign psychology. M., 1972 Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. L.M., 1977; Psychology of Personality. Texts. M., 1982; Petrovsky A.V. Personality. Activity. The collective. M., 1982; Stolin V.V. Self-identity. M., 1983; Asmolov A.G. Personality as a subject of psychological research. M., 1984; Hewell L., Ziegler D. Theories of personality. SPb., 1997

Psychological dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


(eng. personality; from lat. persona -actor mask; role, position; face, personality). In the social sciences, L. is considered as a special quality of a person acquired by him in the sociocultural environment in the process of joint the activitiesand communication. In humanistic philosophical and psychological concepts, L. is a person as a value for the sake of which the development of society is carried out (see AND.  Kant) With all the variety of approaches to understanding L. traditionally stand out trace. Aspects of this problem: 1) the multifaceted nature of L.'s phenomenology, reflecting the objectively existing variety of human manifestations in the evolution of nature, the history of society and his own life; 2) the interdisciplinary status of the problem of L., which is in the field of studying social and natural sciences; 3) the dependence of the understanding of L. on the image of a person explicitly or implicitly existing in cultureand science at a certain stage of their development; 4) the mismatch of the manifestations of the individual, L. and personalityinvestigated within the framework of relatively independent of each other biogenetic,  sociogeneticand personogeneticdirections of modern human knowledge; 5) breeding a research setting that guides a specialist on understanding L.'s development in nature and society, and a practical installation aimed at forming or correcting L. in accordance with the goals set by society or set by a specific person who has turned to a specialist.

Representatives of different currents sociogenetic orientationstudy processes socializationhuman mastering social the normsand   rolesacquisition of social attitudes (see ) and   value orientations, the formation of the social and national character of a person as a typical member of a particular community. Problems of socialization, or, in a broad sense, social adaptationshuman being developed about. in sociology and social psychology, ethnopsychology, history of psychology. (See also Basic personality structure, , .)

In the spotlight personogenetic orientationthere are problems of activity, self-awarenessand creativityL., the formation of the human self, struggle motivesindividual education characterand abilities, self-realization and personal choice, constant search meaningof life. L. is engaged in the study of all these manifestations. L .; different aspects of these issues are highlighted in psychoanalysis,  individual psychology,  analyticaland humanistic psychology.

In the isolation of biogenetic, sociogenetic and personogenetic directions, a metaphysical scheme of determining the development of L. is manifested under the influence of 2 factors: the environment and heredity(cm. ) In the framework of the cultural-historical system-activity approach, a fundamentally different scheme for determining the development of L. is developed. In this scheme, the properties of a person as an individual are considered as “impersonal” prerequisites for the development of L., which in the process of life can receive personal development.

The sociocultural environment is a source that feeds L.'s development, and not a “factor” that directly determines . Being a condition for the implementation of human activities, it carries those social norms, values, roles, ceremonies, tools, systems signsfaced by the individual. The real bases and driving force of L.'s development are joint activity and communication, through which L.'s movement is carried out in the world of people, its introduction to culture. The relationship between the individual as a product anthropogenesis, a person who has learned socio-historical experience, and an individual who transforms the world, m. transferred by the formula: “An individual is born. They become a person. Individuality is upheld. ”

In the framework of the system-activity approach, L. is considered as a relatively stable set of mental properties, as a result of the inclusion of an individual in the space of interindividual relations. An individual in his development experiences a socially determined need to be L. and discovers the ability to become L., realized in socially significant activities. This determines the development of man as L.

The abilities and functions that are formed in the course of development reproduce historically formed human qualities in L. The mastery of reality in a child is carried out in his activity through adults. The child's activity is always mediated by adults, directed by them (in accordance with their ideas about proper education and pedagogical skills). Based on what the child already possesses, adults organize their activities to master new aspects of reality and new forms of behavior (see ).

L.'s development is carried out in activity (see. ), driven by a system of motives. The activity-mediated type of relationship that develops in a person with the most reference group (or person) is a determining factor in development (see ).

In general, the development of L. m. presented as the process and result of a person entering a new sociocultural environment. If an individual enters into a relatively stable social community, under favorable circumstances, he goes through 3 phases of his formation in it as L. 1st phase - - involves the assimilation of existing values \u200b\u200band norms and the mastery of appropriate means and forms of activity and thereby to some extent likening individual to other members of this community. 2nd phase - - is generated by aggravating contradictions between the need to "be like everyone else" and L.'s desire for maximum personalization. 3rd phase - - is determined by the contradiction between the desire of the individual to be ideally represented by his features and differences in community and the need for community to accept, approve and cultivate only those features that contribute to its development and thereby the development of himself as L. In case there is a contradiction not resolved, disintegration ensues and, as a result, either L.'s isolation, or its displacement from the community, or degradation with a return to its earlier stages of development.

When an individual fails to overcome the difficulties of the adaptation period, he has qualities conformity, addiction, timidity, insecurity. If at the 2nd phase of development an individual, presenting a reference for him the grouppersonal characteristics that characterize his personality, does not meet mutual understanding, this can contribute to the formation negativismaggressiveness, suspicion, deceitfulness. With the successful passage of the integration phase in a highly developed group, the individual forms humanity, , justice, exactingness to oneself, etc., etc. Due to the fact that the situation of adaptation, individualization, integration with a sequential or parallel entry of an individual into various groups is repeatedly reproduced, the corresponding personality neoplasms are fixed, a stable L. structure is formed.

A particularly significant period in the age development of L. - () and early when developing L. begins to distinguish itself as an object of self-knowledge and self-education. Initially assessing others, L. uses the experience of such assessments, developing self-esteem, which becomes the basis of self-education. But the need for self-knowledge (primarily in the realization of one’s moral and psychological qualities) cannot be used. identified with the departure into the world of inner experiences. Height self-awarenessassociated with the formation of such qualities of L. as and moral promotes persistent beliefand ideals. The need for self-awareness and self-education is generated, first of all, by the fact that a person must realize his abilities and needs in the face of future changes in his life, in his social status. If there is a significant discrepancy between the level of needs of L. and its capabilities, acute affective experiences arise (see Affects).

In the development of self-consciousness in young adulthood, a significant role is played by the judgments of other people, and above all, the assessment of parents, teachers and peers. This makes serious demands on the pedagogical tact of parents and teachers, requires individual approachto each developing L.

Held in the Russian Federation since the mid-1980s. work on updating the education system involves the development of children, adolescents, young people, the democratization and humanization of the educational process in all types of educational institutions. T.O., there is a change in the purpose of education and learning, which is not an aggregate of knowledge,  skillsand skills, and the free development of human L. Knowledge, skills and abilities retain their extremely important importance, but not as a goal, but as a means of achieving the goal. In these conditions, the forefront is the task of forming the basic culture of Lithuania, which would eliminate the contradictions between the technical and humanitarian culture in the structure of Lithuania, overcome the alienation of man from politics and ensure its active inclusion in the new socio-economic conditions of society. The implementation of these tasks involves the formation of a culture of self-determination of L., an understanding of the intrinsic value of human life, its individuality and uniqueness. (A. G. Asmolov, A. V. Petrovsky.)

Adding Ed .:  Almost common translation of L. as personality(and vice versa) is not quite adequate. Personality -it is rather . In Peter's times, the person was called a doll. L. is selfhood,  selfnessor selfthat is close to rus. the word "self." A more accurate equivalent to the word "L." in English. lang does not exist. The inaccuracy of the translation is far from harmless, because readers get the impression or belief that L. is subject to testing, to manipulate, formation, etc. From outside, the formed L. becomes the cash of the one who formed it. L. is not a product of the collective, adaptation to it or integration into it, but the basis of the collective, of any human community that is not a crowd, herd, flock or pack. The community is strong in the diversity of L. constituting it. A synonym for L. is her freedom, along with a sense of guilt and responsibility. In this sense, L. is superior to the state, nation, it is not inclined to conformism, although not a compromise.

In growing up. L.'s philosophical tradition is a miracle and a myth (A. F. Losev); "L. meaning pure l., for each I am only an ideal - the limit of aspirations and self-construction ... It is impossible to give the concept of L. ... it is incomprehensible, goes beyond the limits of every concept, transcendental to every concept. You can only create a symbol of the fundamental characteristic of L ... As for the content, then it can’t be m. rational, but only directly experienced in the experience of self-creation, in the active self-construction of L., in the identity of spiritual self-knowledge ”( Florensky P.  BUT.).  M.  M.  Bakhtinflorensky's thought continues: when we are dealing with the knowledge of L., we must generally go beyond the limits of subject-object relations, with which the subject and object are considered in epistemology. This should be taken into account by psychologists using strange phrases: “L. subjectivity”, “psychological subject”. About the last frankly ulcerated G.  G.  Shpet: “A psychological subject without a residence permit and without a physiological organism is simply a native of a world unknown to us ... if he is mistaken for something simple, he will certainly draw in even greater wonder - a psychological predicate! Today, philosophically and psychologically suspicious subjects and their shadows are increasingly wandering through the pages of psychological literature. An unscrupulous subject, a soulless subject, is most likely not quite normal, but familiar. And the sincere, conscientious, spiritualized subject is funny and sad. Subjects can represent, including all sorts of abominations, and L. - personify. It was not by chance that Losev associated the origin of the word L. with a face, and not with a mask, person, mask. L., as a miracle, as a myth, as uniqueness does not need extensive disclosure. Bakhtin reasonably remarked that L. could reveal himself in a gesture, in a word, in an act (or maybe drown). BUT.  BUT.  Ukhtomskywas undoubtedly right in saying that L. is individuality, its condition. It should be added - a state of mind and spirit, and not an honorary life title. She can lose her face, distort her face, drop her human dignity, which is taken by force. Ukhtomsky echoed N.  BUT.  Bernstein, saying that L. is the supreme synthesis of behavior. Supreme! In L., integration, fusion, harmony of the external and internal are achieved. And where there is harmony, science, including psychology, is silent.

So, L. is a mysterious excess of individuality, its freedom, which cannot be calculated, predicted. L. is visible immediately and entirely and thus differs from the individual whose properties are subject to disclosure, testing, study and evaluation. L. is the subject of surprise, admiration, envyhate; the subject of an unbiased, disinterested, understanding penetration and artistic image. But not the subject of practical interest, formation, manipulation. The foregoing does not mean that it is contraindicated for psychologists to think about L. But to think, and not to define or reduce it to a hierarchy motivesher totality needs,  creativitycrosshair activities,  affects,  meanings, subject, individual, etc., etc.

Let us cite examples of useful thoughts about L. A. S. Arseniev: L. is a reliable person whose words and deeds do not diverge from each other, who himself freely decides what to do and is responsible for the results of his actions. L. is, of course, an infinite being, breathing bodily and spiritually. L. is characterized by awareness conflictbetween morality and morality and primacy of the latter. The author insists on a value rather than monetary-market dimension L. T. M. Buyakas identifies other features: L. is a person who has embarked on the path of self-determination, overcoming the need to seek support in external support. L. has the ability to fully rely on himself, to make independent choices, to take his position, to be open and ready for any new turns in his life's journey. L. ceases to depend on external evaluations, trusts himself, finds internal support in himself. She is free. No description of L. not m. exhaustive. (V.P. Zinchenko.)

Great psychological dictionary. - M .: Prime-EUROSNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, Acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .


   PERSONALITY (from.363)

The concept of “personality” is one of the most vague and controversial in psychology. We can say how many personality theories exist (and dozens of them have been created by their largest psychologists), so many of its definitions are. At the same time, there are some basic ideas about personality that are shared by most experts.

Almost all psychologists agree that a person is not born, but becomes, and for this a person must make considerable efforts - first to master the speech, and then with its help many motor, intellectual and cultural skills. The personality is considered as the result of the socialization of the individual, which assimilates (“appropriates”) the traditions and value orientations developed by human society over the millennia of its formation. The more a person was able to perceive and assimilate in the process of socialization, the more developed a person he is.

But can a person not be a person? For example, is an infant, a mentally disabled person, or an inveterate criminal a person? These issues are constantly discussed not only by psychologists, but also by philosophers, physicians, and lawyers. It is difficult to answer them unequivocally, since each case requires a specific consideration. Nevertheless, most scholars are inclined to recognize the right of all people to be called personal, although in some cases with well-known reservations. It is more correct to call a child, a teenager, a young man an emerging personality, since at these age stages there are only the makings of a mature personality, which still need to develop and take shape in an integral system of properties. As for mentally disabled people, the degree of preservation of their personality can be very different - from small deviations from the norm in the so-called borderline states to significant personality damage in severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia. In cases of mental pathology, the attitude, motivation of behavior, and features of a person’s thinking qualitatively differ from the similar characteristics of healthy people, therefore it is more correct to use the concept of “pathological” or “abnormal” personality in such cases. Criminals recognized as mentally healthy are asocial personalities, because the knowledge and skills accumulated by them are directed against the society that formed them. A person can be lost by a person due to a serious illness or old age, which is manifested in the loss of self-awareness, ability to navigate not only in time and space, but also in human relationships, etc.

Many psychologists agree that the main way of a person’s existence is constant development, aimed at the realization of their capabilities in activities and communication. As soon as a person stops efforts to develop their mental functions, social and professional skills, the regression of the personality begins immediately.

Popular psychological encyclopedia. - M .: Eksmo. S.S. Stepanov. 2005.


Personality is a phenomenon of social development, a living person with consciousness and self-awareness. The term refers to stable characteristics or traits of a person that determine his thinking and behavior in different situations. It is also understood that different people behave differently in similar situations, and the difference in behavior is a product of the dissimilarity of their personalities. The personality is separated from other, more short-term states (such as mood) because of its stability over time. Given these assumptions, we can conclude that a person must behave in a consistent manner in different situations. For example, an extrovert will show signs of extravert behavior, wherever it is. Opponents of this point of view argue that behavior does not remain constant over time, but depends on the characteristics of a given situation.

History of words - (lat. Persona). The concept of “personality” is one of those concepts that throughout the history of human thought caused the greatest discrepancy in definitions. And the scope and content of this concept in the interpretation of every philosopher, ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

  • in the broad sense of the word, this is a person from the moment of his birth. In a narrower sense, a person is a person as a representative of society, who responsibly and freely determines his position in society.

    Excellent definition

    Incomplete definition ↓


    a person as a representative of society, freely and responsibly determining his position among people. It is formed in interaction with the outside world, the system of social and human relations, culture. A person is not born L., but becomes it in the process of socialization. The concept of L. is one of the central in Russian psychology, and in connection with the humanization of the educational process, it is becoming an actively used category in pedagogy. There are various classifications of L., the knowledge of which will help the teacher to more easily navigate the characteristics of his pupils. Thinking and sensory types - L. types, characterized by the dominance of the mental, rational principle or emotional, sensitive. People related to M.T.L. trust in what is thought out, logically justified. They strive for truth, not really caring about justice. They like to bring everything to full clarity. Able to remain calm when others lose their temper. Representatives of Ch. They are distinguished by increased sensitivity to everything that pleases, and that upsets. They are altruistic, always put themselves in the place of others, and with pleasure render assistance even to the detriment of themselves. Everyone takes to heart, they are reproached for excessive indecision. The sado-masochistic type is L.'s type, inclined to eliminate the causes of its life failures through aggressive actions. Masochists try to take the blame on themselves and at the same time revel in self-criticism and self-flagellation, sign their own inferiority and helplessness. Sadists make others dependent on themselves, acquire unlimited power over them, inflict pain and suffering on them, while experiencing pleasure. Extrovert – introvert - L. types, opposite to each other. An extrovert is not inclined to analyze his inner world, he is sociable, easily comes into contact with a wide range of diverse and unfamiliar people, is initiative. An introvert is usually closed, uncommunicative, prone to introspection, with difficulty adapting to new conditions. Externality-internality (from lat. Externus - external, internus - internal) - a person's tendency to attribute responsibility for the results of his activity to external forces, circumstances (externality) or his own abilities and efforts (internality). Ectomorphic-endomorphic types are morphological types of people, the features of which are determined by the physique of a person (according to the classification of V. Sheldon). The ectomorphic type is characteristic of thin people with undeveloped muscles, a strong nervous system. People of this type show restraint in manners and movements, they are distinguished by the constraint of posture, a tendency to camera communication, an increased speed of reactions, latent feelings, elevated level  attention, anxiety, difficulty in establishing social. contacts, inability to anticipate the attitude of other people towards oneself, immeasurable sensitivity to pain, chronic fatigue, etc. The endomorphic type is typical of overweight people who are sociable, striving for comfort and sensual pleasures.

    Excellent definition

    Incomplete definition ↓




    noun, g., use often

    Morphology: (no) who / what? personalities, to whom; to what? personalities, (see) whom / what? personby whom / what? personabout whom / what? about the person; many who what? personalities, (no) who / what? personalities, to whom; to what? persons, (see) whom? personalities, (see) whom? personalitiesby whom / what? personalitiesabout whom / what? about people

    1. Person  called the set of properties inherent in a given person that make up his personality.

    The upbringing of the personality in a person begins in childhood. | Be influenced by his personality. | A school subject is not an end in itself, but a means of developing a child’s personality.

    2. Person  called a person with a pronounced personality, remarkable in every way.

    Our new conductor is a personality. | These people are interesting not only as musicians, but also as bright personalities.

    3. Person they call a person from the point of view of his character, behavior, etc., determining his essence.

    Suspicious person. | Bright personality. | Heroic personality. | All sorts of dark personalities always curl around him.

    4. Person  they call a person as a member of society, a representative of a social layer.

    The role of personality in history. | Guarantee of the inviolability of the person. | Present an identity card. | Since ancient times, states have sought to control their subjects, and one of the best ways of such control has always been identification cards.

    5. If they say that someone is in a dispute or discussion goes to personality, therefore, instead of refuting a foreign point of view, he begins to discuss the negative qualities of the one who expresses this point of view; in colloquial speech.

    The habit in conceptual disputes of switching to personalities is alarming.

    personal adj.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003.


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      I. From the history of the word "personality" in Russian until the middle of the XIX century. 1. Many of the meanings and semantic nuances that developed in different European languages \u200b\u200bin a large group of words dating back to ... have joined the Russian word personality: ... History of words

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      Cm … Synonym dictionary

      PERSONALITY  - (lat. persona). The concept of “personality” is one of those concepts that throughout the history of human thought caused the greatest discrepancy in definitions. And the scope and content of this concept in the interpretation of every philosopher, ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

      PERSONALITY - a person who has a set of rights, freedoms and duties that give him an independent, recognized and protected by society status, a special autonomous position in society. It is necessary to distinguish three statuses of an individual in society: 1) a person, i.e. ... ... Legal Encyclopedia

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        - (foreign) personal insult; hint at a prominent person. Wed It is enough to say only that there is a city in one city; a stupid man is already a person: suddenly a gentleman of a respectable appearance jumps out and concludes: “I’m a man too, so I too ... ... Michelson's Big Dictionary of Explanations (original spelling)

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    • The personality as the subject of interpretation, A. Slavskaya .. The author proves that the interpretation of the text related to hermeneutics is the dynamic ability of the personality consciousness to develop views, opinions about political events, scientific ...
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