What is class hour? Class hour

The educational function is that class hour expands the range of students’ knowledge in ethics, aesthetics, psychology, physics, mathematics, literary criticism and other sciences. The subject of the class hour can be knowledge from the field of technology, national economy, as well as information about events taking place in a village, city, country, world, i.e. any phenomenon of social life can become the object of consideration. Sample Topics: “How did etiquette appear”, “Our Constitution”, “Problems” modern society"etc.

Orienting function The orienting function consists in forming in schoolchildren a certain attitude towards the objects of the surrounding reality, in developing in them a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. If the educational function presupposes acquaintance with the world, then it is an orienting assessment of it. The above functions are inextricably linked. Thus, it is difficult or even impossible to instill in children a love of classical music that they have never heard. Often, classroom hours help students navigate social values. Topics such cool hours: “How to become happy?”, “Who to be?”, “What to be?”, “About masculinity and femininity”, etc.

Directing function The directing function of the classroom involves transferring the conversation about life into the area of ​​​​real practice of students, directing their activities. This function acts as a real influence on the practical side of the lives of schoolchildren, their behavior, their choice life path, setting life goals and their implementation. If there is no specific direction in the process of conducting a class hour, then the effectiveness of its impact on students is significantly reduced, and knowledge does not turn into beliefs. For example, a class hour on the topic “International Year of the Child” may end with the adoption of a collective decision that involves collecting books for children from the Children's Home.

Class hours are held for various educational purposes: Creating conditions for the formation and manifestation of the student’s individuality, his creativity. Enriching the student with knowledge about nature, society, and man. Formation of the emotional and sensory sphere and value relations of the child’s personality. Formation of a class team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

Class hour is one of the most important forms organizing educational work with students. It is included in school timetable and is held every week on a specific day. Typically, a class hour takes the form of a lecture, conversation or debate, but may also include elements of a quiz, competition, game, and other forms of educational work.

According to N.E. Shchurkova and N.S. Findantsevich, the class hour performs the following educational functions: educational, orienting and guiding.

The educational function is that the class hour expands the range of knowledge of students in ethics, aesthetics, psychology, physics, mathematics, literary criticism and other sciences. The subject of the class hour can be knowledge from the field of technology, national economy, as well as information about events taking place in a village, city, country, world, i.e. any phenomenon of social life can become the object of consideration.

Sample topics: “How etiquette appeared,” “Our Constitution,” “Problems of modern society,” etc.

The orienting function is to form in schoolchildren a certain attitude towards the objects of the surrounding reality, to develop in them a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. If the educational function involves getting to know the world, then the orienting function involves evaluating it. The above functions are inextricably linked. Thus, it is difficult or even impossible to instill in children a love of classical music that they have never heard.

Often, classroom hours help students navigate social values. The topics of such class hours are: “How to become happy?”, “Who to be?”, “What to be?”, “About masculinity and femininity,” etc.

The guiding function of the classroom involves transferring the conversation about life into the area of ​​real practice of students and directs their activities. This function acts as a real influence on the practical side of schoolchildren’s lives, their behavior, their choice of life path, setting life goals and their implementation. If there is no specific direction in the process of conducting a class hour, then the effectiveness of its impact on students is significantly reduced, and knowledge does not turn into beliefs. For example, a class hour on the topic “International Year of the Child” may end with the adoption of a collective decision that involves collecting books for children from the Children's Home.

Most often, a classroom hour simultaneously performs all three of these functions: it educates, orients, and guides students.

Class hours are held with various educational purposes:

  1. Creating conditions for the formation and manifestation of the student’s individuality and creative abilities.
  2. Enriching the student with knowledge about nature, society, and man.
  3. Formation of the emotional and sensory sphere and value relations of the child’s personality.
  4. Formation of a class team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

Forms and technologies can have many options depending on the goal, the age of the students, the experience of the class teacher and school conditions. Class hour is not a lesson. But usually it is given a place in the school schedule in order to make a weekly meeting between the class teacher and his class mandatory. Not every school has this requirement today. Maybe this is correct, where the class teacher himself determines when and where he will hold a meeting with the class. It is best if the class hour is scheduled on Saturday, between 3 and 4 lessons. This allows the class teacher to meet with the parents of students who have more free time to attend school on Saturday. Sometimes you hear that schools require that a class hour last 45 minutes, like a lesson. But it doesn’t always work out this way, sometimes you can communicate for 20 minutes, and sometimes you can talk much longer, it depends on the topic and purpose, age, and form of the class hour.

Basic components of a classroom lesson.

Target– goals should be associated, first of all, with the development of the child’s individuality, with the design and establishment of his unique way of life.

Organizational and active– students are full-fledged organizers of the class hour. The actual participation and interest of each child, the actualization of his life experience, the manifestation and development of individuality.

Evaluation and analytical– the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the classroom are the manifestation and enrichment of the child’s life experience, the individual and personal significance of the acquired information, which influences the development of the individuality and creative abilities of students.

After describing the main components of a classroom lesson, it is advisable to pay attention to technological aspects his organizations:

  • the teacher, together with students and parents, draws up class topics for the new school year;
  • clarification of the topic and purpose of the class hour, choice of form;
  • determining the time and place of the class hour;
  • identifying key points and developing a plan for preparing and conducting a class hour;
  • select the appropriate material, visual aids, musical arrangement on the topic;
  • identification of participants in the preparation and conduct of the class hour;
  • distribution of tasks between participants and groups;
  • conducting a class hour;
  • analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the class hour and the activities for its preparation and implementation (which is often missing in the work).

The topics of class hours are varied. It is determined in advance and reflected in the plans of class teachers. Class hours can be devoted to:

  • moral and ethical problems. They form a certain attitude of schoolchildren towards the Motherland, work, team, nature, parents, themselves, etc.;
  • problems of science and knowledge. In this case, the purpose of classroom hours is to develop in students the correct attitude towards study, science, literature as a source of spiritual development of the individual;
  • aesthetic problems. During such class hours, students become familiar with the basic principles of aesthetics. We can talk here about the beauty in nature, human clothing, everyday life, work and behavior. It is important that schoolchildren develop an aesthetic attitude towards life, art, work, themselves, and develop creative potential;
  • issues of state and law. It is necessary to develop students’ interest in political events taking place in the world, a sense of responsibility for the actions of the Motherland, its successes in the international arena, and teach students to see the essence of state policy. Classes on political topics should be held in direct proportion to the saturation of the year with various political events;
  • issues of physiology and hygiene, healthy image life, which should be perceived by students as elements of human culture and beauty;
  • psychological problems. The purpose of such classroom hours is to stimulate the process of self-education and organize basic psychological education;
  • environmental problems. It is necessary to instill in schoolchildren a responsible attitude towards nature. As a rule, conversations about the animal and plant world are organized here;
  • general school problems (significant social events, anniversaries, holidays, etc.).

Organization of a class hour begins with psychological preparation students for a serious conversation. An important part of the overall organizational work is preparing the premises for this event. The room in which the class hour will be held must be clean and ventilated. It would be nice to put flowers on the table. The topic of the class hour can be written on the board or poster, where, in addition to it, the issues to be discussed are indicated. On a piece of paper, as an aphorism, you can cite the words of an outstanding personality or a quote from a famous book.

During class time, students are seated the way they want.

Before conducting a class hour, the class teacher must solve a number of tasks: determine the topic and methods of conducting the class hour, the place and time of its holding, draw up a plan for preparing and conducting the class hour, involve as many participants in the process of preparing and conducting it, distribute tasks between creative groups and individual students. As in any educational event, it takes into account age characteristics children, characteristics of the class team, the level of its development.

During class time, it is important to stimulate the need of schoolchildren for self-education, their desire to make changes in the work of the class.

Class hour is a direct form of communication between the class teacher and students.

Class hour can be held in the form of:

  1. Educational hour (class teacher hour);
  2. Excursions;
  3. Thematic lecture;
  4. Conversation (ethical, moral);
  5. Disputes;
  6. Meetings with interesting people;
  7. Quizzes on various areas of knowledge;
  8. Discussions (discussions can be free, or there can be discussions on given topic);
  9. KVNs;
  10. Interactive games;
  11. Games - travel;
  12. Theater premieres;
  13. Psychological games and trainings;
  14. Readers' conferences.

The class teacher's hour (classroom hour) is a form of educational work of the class teacher in the classroom, in which students take part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system of relations to the world around them.

Classroom functions

  1. Educational

    The essence of the educational function is that the classroom provides an opportunity to expand the range of knowledge of students that is not reflected in educational programs. This knowledge may contain information about events taking place in the city, in the country and abroad. The object of class discussion can be any phenomenon or event.

  2. Orienting

    The orienting function contributes to the formation of a certain attitude towards the surrounding world and the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. Helps to evaluate phenomena occurring in the surrounding world.

    Educational and orientation functions are closely related, because You cannot teach students to evaluate phenomena with which they are not familiar. Although sometimes a class hour performs an exclusively orienting function: when discussing a well-known event.

  3. Guide

    The guiding function is designed to translate the discussion of a particular phenomenon into the framework of students’ real experience.

  4. Formative

    The formative function develops in students the skills of thinking and evaluating their actions and themselves, helps in developing skillful dialogue and expression, and defending their own opinions.

To select the topic and content of a class hour, the class teacher needs to identify the age characteristics of the students, their moral ideas, interests, etc. This can be done, for example, through a questionnaire or conversation.

When preparing a class hour, it is necessary to strictly follow the methodology for organizing and conducting a class hour.

  1. Determining the topic and objectives of the class hour
  2. Determining the time and location of the class hour
  3. Determining the key points of the class hour and developing a plan for preparing and conducting the class hour (select appropriate material, visual aids, musical accompaniment on the topic, draw up a plan (scenario) for conducting the class hour)
  4. Determining the participants in the preparation and conduct of the class hour (give assignments to students for preliminary preparation for the class hour (if provided for in the plan), determine the degree of appropriateness of the participation of teachers or parents)
  5. Analysis of its effectiveness.

Must be taken into account psychological characteristics perception of the material by students, monitor attention and when it decreases, use material that is interesting in content or pose a “thorny” question, use a musical pause, change the type of activity.


— Explain to children the basic rules of tactful behavior.


Consider the rules of tactful behavior in various situations.

At the end of the lesson, make cards with the children on which the basic rules will be written.

Progress of the event


Teacher. When we talk about an ideal friend, one of the mandatory qualities that he must have is tact. And this is not surprising. A tactful person is easy to communicate with. He will never burden you with unnecessary requests, will not be annoying, will not interfere with your plans, and will not even make inappropriate jokes. Tactfulness is the ability to be attentive to inner world your interlocutors, the desire and ability to understand them, be happy for them or sympathize with them. This is a quality that is cultivated in a person independently. Only he himself can understand what can be done and what cannot be done. You can learn to be tactful, but only for this you must make your own efforts, otherwise your time will be wasted. You want other guys to respect you and value your friendship. That is why today we will talk about how to become a tactful person.


Teacher. Tactfulness is the ability to see the boundary and not cross it in both personal and business relationships. If a person crosses it, he may undeservedly offend his interlocutor. When talking to another person, there are certain criteria to consider. You will never talk to stranger as with a friend or with a teacher, as with a relative. Therefore, there are several points that you must definitely take into account. What do you think this could be?

The guys answer.

Teacher. Let's note these criteria:

- age difference;

- social position;

- place of conversation;

- presence or absence of strangers.

Why do you think it is important to observe these criteria when communicating with a person?

The guys answer.

Teacher. Let's look at everything in order. The first rule you need to know is to consider the age of your interlocutor. This is important for several reasons: firstly, if he is older than you, then this places a certain responsibility on you for your words. For example, you are talking to your neighbor in the stairwell, how will you address him - you or you?

The guys answer.

Teacher. Addressing you speaks of your respectful attitude towards your neighbor. And if you talk to your little brother, then you will talk to him in “ in simple language”, that is, speak more slowly and in simple short sentences so that the baby understands you.

When talking, you should also take into account the social position that your interlocutor occupies. What do you think is called social position?

The guys answer.

Teacher. Social position is the place that a person has taken in society thanks to his merits: knowledge, talent. Social status is largely determined by how other people will treat him. For example, you differently You will treat the doctor at the clinic and your classmates. When you are sick, you go to the doctor, and thanks to his knowledge, he tells you what medicines you need to take so that you get well. And your classmates can’t tell you anything about this issue, because they don’t know. It is knowledge in the field of medicine that allows a doctor to occupy a higher position than those people who do not have it.

It is also important to consider the place of the conversation: if you and your friends are alone at home, then you can afford to talk loudly and not restrain your emotions, but if you are in public place, then it has its limitations.

In addition, you need to remember whether there are strangers around you. For example, you are talking with your classmate and see some kind of flaw in her appearance (torn tights, stained her sleeve). Do you think you can tell her about this in front of others?

The guys answer.


The guys answer.

Teacher. You know the saying “Think first, speak later.” So, every person first constructs his speech in his head, and only then pronounces it. If you interrupt him, he may become completely confused and even lose his thoughts. When a person tells something, he is absolutely confident in his words, and if they start interrupting him with the words “nonsense” or “nonsense,” then confidence disappears. The most important thing is that the person who interrupted him cannot even justify his statement. But a tactful person will never allow himself to do such things.


Teacher. Have you ever noticed how long you look at a person who passes by you? Probably not. But in vain, because sometimes we hold our gaze on it for so long that it is considered indecent. The most acceptable norm is 5 seconds. During this time, you can fully appreciate the appearance of a passerby. Otherwise, it will turn out that you are looking at him, and few people like this. A tactful person will never closely examine the appearance of his acquaintance and criticize him if he does not like something. Of course, if you think your friend has gone overboard with her hair or her clothes, you can ask her to step aside with you and ask if she really meant it that way. But this should only be done in private, because by asking her such a question in front of strangers, you will put her in a rather awkward position.


The guys answer.


Teacher. Tactfulness is a feeling that allows you to quickly determine the reaction of your interlocutor to a statement. Imagine that you are talking to a friend with whom you went to the dance class. A week ago she broke her leg and now she can’t perform. You tell her about your last performance at school. You say that this was the best performance of your group, and suddenly you see tears in her eyes. She cries because she also wanted to perform on stage, but due to her injury she cannot do it. You must understand that she is not very pleased to listen to this. If you made some mistake and see that it offended your interlocutor, then be sure to apologize for your words. Everyone can make mistakes, but admitting your guilt is not possible. By the way, only a tactful person can apologize on time.


Teacher. It is necessary to treat tactfully not only strangers, but also your relatives. They, of course, react to your remarks in a completely different way and can forgive you everything, but they can just as easily take offense at you as strangers. Imagine that in the evening at a family dinner you begin to criticize the dish your mother has prepared. “Too salty or spicy, tasteless” - such statements should never come from your side. After all, your mother tried very hard to prepare dinner for you, and you will easily offend her. The only thing you can say is thank you for the prepared dinner; no other comments are needed. Often, children have a real monster living in their room called a mess, and in most cases, mothers periodically fight with it. Imagine that you come home, go into your room, and it’s clean and tidy. But you need a disk that was in one of those “heaps”. Instead of thanking your mother, you begin to resent her for mixing everything up. What to do in this situation?

The guys answer.

Teacher. First, really tell your mom thank you for cleaning your room. Then ask her where she put the disk. This will calmly solve all problems. If you want to avoid such situations, then get into the habit of tidying up your room yourself. You are adults and can handle this quite well. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: make it easier for mom homework and you will always know where everything is.


Teacher. None of us are immune from mistakes. A tactful person carefully monitors himself and tries to avoid mistakes, but he should not notice the mistakes of others. Imagine that you are invited to a birthday party. At the table, one of the guests reached for the salad and accidentally spilled the juice and stained the snow-white tablecloth. What do you think a tactful person should do in this situation?

The guys answer.

Teacher. He just won't notice it. After all, the guest himself is uncomfortable that this happened. He is probably sitting and scolding himself for even wanting to eat and reaching for the vase with the salad. Therefore, there is no need to further aggravate the situation and attract the attention of other guests to this small but rather unpleasant incident. In this situation, the guest just needs to turn to the owner and not attract attention. Often tact is manifested precisely in not noticing the mistakes of other people. After all, it would be unpleasant for you yourself if you stumbled, and everyone else laughed at your mistakes; it would be better if they didn’t notice anything. Therefore, you must follow this rule.


Teacher. Any well-mannered person will never eavesdrop on other people's conversations. But sometimes we can find ourselves in situations that are beyond our control. What to do if you accidentally become a “third wheel”? Imagine that you are talking to your friend, and suddenly his phone rings. On the other end of the line is a mutual acquaintance of yours, only your friend has a good relationship with him, and you have a bad one. A friend answers the call, and you unwittingly become a witness to the dialogue. Of course, you will only hear part of the entire conversation; the other part will only be available to your friend. And yet, do you enjoy listening to someone else's conversation? How to behave in this situation?

The guys answer.

Teacher. It's best if you go out and let your friend talk on the phone alone. Then he will not be embarrassed that he is talking to a person who is not very pleasant to you, and you will be calm. If this is not possible, then occupy yourself and try not to listen to the conversation. When your friend finishes the conversation, don't ask him what he was talking about, even if you're terribly interested. If necessary, your friend will enlighten you; if not, then there’s no point in getting involved.


Teacher. We have already said that self-love is characteristic of every person, so we all love to talk about ourselves. A tactful person will always listen to the story of how you once won first place in a school drawing competition. Even if you talk about it at 40 years old. Of course, by this time many other achievements should appear, but that is not the point. Every person has some quality, some talent that he values ​​very much. It is this talent that makes him stand out from the crowd. And since every person is talented in something, it means that everyone has something to talk about. Often people exaggerate their merits when talking about their personal achievements. What should a tactful person do when he hears for the tenth time a story about how his friend “caught a poisonous snake with his bare hands,” although it was a small snake?

The guys answer.

Teacher. A tactful person will act as if he is hearing the story for the first time and is sincerely happy for the storyteller. You need to be able to spare the pride of others, but never allow yourself to bother people with such conversations. The ability not to overload others with stories about oneself is not common to everyone, but everyone can cultivate it. To do this, you need to carefully monitor what exactly you say. Imagine that you are telling someone the story of some of your achievements, and in response to you: “We’ve already heard that a hundred times!” What do you think should be done in this situation?

The guys answer.

Teacher. If your friends allowed such statements, it means that your story has really become boring, so you should apologize to them and say that it was a special incident that you really remember. And then just move the conversation to another topic.


Teacher. Parents can instill a sense of tactfulness, but in most cases it needs to be cultivated on your own. How to do this? The best way- this is learning to put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor: if you are joking, then think about how you would react to such a joke addressed to you; if you are giving advice, think about whether it is necessary. You need to try on your actions as often as possible in order to develop a sense of tact. You need to remember the rule: treat people the way you would like them to treat you.

Summing up

Teacher. You already understand that being a tactful person is difficult, but important. Some rules seem incomprehensible because you have never thought about such things before. Remember that tact is not only the ability to see the border, but also not to cross its lines. Now let’s summarize our lesson and write down the basic rules of a tactful person:

- always listens carefully to the interlocutor, without interrupting him or cutting him off with the words “nonsense”, “nonsense”, “nonsense”;

- will never closely examine the appearance of the interlocutor and criticize him;

- will never give advice to people who did not ask for it;

- tries not to interfere in other people's conversations;

- will never embarrass another person by noticing a mistake he made;

— is always tolerant of other people’s displays of pride, but he tries to talk a little about himself;

- is always the first to admit his guilt if he is mistaken in something.

There are not so many of these rules, but by following them, you will develop a sense of tact, and this is one of the main devil a cultured person and a good friend.

What is a class hour? Probably, every teacher, without hesitation, will be able to give a brief description of this form of educational work. This communication process is planned, designed, and managed by the teacher.

The methodology for preparing and conducting a class hour, first of all, involves determining its content, which in turn depends on the goals and objectives, age characteristics of students, and their experience. Recently, there have been many developments that make the class teacher’s job easier. Of course, the class teacher will determine the topics and content of class hours when he studies the level of education of schoolchildren, their moral ideas, views, interests, desires, judgments.

The first class hour should captivate, should amaze! The teacher should not proceed from the program, but from what is especially close and dear to him. In our gymnasium, enrollment is carried out after the 4th grade. This school year, a class hour with the 5th grade (the children came to the gymnasium for the first time) began, of course, with introductions. Acquaintances between students and teachers and, of course, among themselves. Everyone hung pre-prepared hearts with inscribed names on an improvised tree of Happiness (in this case ficus) and told a little about themselves. The main idea was that everyone gave a piece of their heart to unite into a single whole - class 5-A.

But is it possible to limit ourselves to only this? After thinking about the future, the children decided that all hearts with wishes for the New Year would be sealed in a Magic Heart, which could only be opened at the end of 11th grade.

It was the first class hour for the children at the new school. Undoubtedly, in this case, the preparation and conduct of the class belongs to the teacher.

But not every first class hour can begin with introductions. Usually the 1st, 5th and 10th grades of school begin with acquaintance. These are the so-called cool dating hours. When preparing and conducting class hours, we use various methods and techniques: storytelling, reading newspaper and magazine materials followed by discussion, lectures by specialists, questioning and analysis of its results, round table discussions. Discussion of specific events, acquaintance with works of art, elements of creative activity of students (drawing, singing, composing), appeals to statements outstanding people followed by discussion.

Class hour can also be held outside of school. Thus, a class hour dedicated to your hometown can be held in the form of a walking tour of the city; nature conservation, it is best to organize it in the forest, and it is advisable to consider the problems of contemporary art after a collective visit to the theater or art gallery.

A special cycle consists of classroom hours on moral education. In this case, ethical conversation about moral qualities is most often used: about friendship and camaraderie, honesty and truthfulness, the kindness of spiritual generosity, etc.

These conversations should help schoolchildren understand the principles of universal morality and comprehend their life experience. The living word of the class teacher here alternates with answers, reflections, and opinions of students.

It is recommended to begin such conversations with defining the content of a moral concept. It is advisable to use specific examples to help understand the essence of the relevant moral categories. However, you need to use examples wisely; it is better if they are positive, not hackneyed, and little-known. Children perceive parables with interest. When analyzing negative examples great tact and a sense of proportion are needed: it is not so much the behavior of people that should be analyzed, but the moral side of their actions. You cannot reduce the conversation to teaching, deviate from the topic, or start talking about the behavior of students in the classroom, because the educational position of the teacher must be hidden from the students.

In the formation of moral ideas and beliefs of students, class debates are important. A discussion is possible if students have some knowledge and opinions on the issue under discussion, so most often a debate is a continuation of a series of class hours on moral issues or a conversation that arose in class. The debate, to a certain extent, makes it possible to see the final result, the effectiveness of previously conducted classroom hours, and educational work in general.

The class teacher's hours are very diverse in content, forms, methods of their preparation and implementation. Depending on this, classroom clocks can be divided into three types:

The first includes those for which preparation requires broad knowledge, pedagogical and life experience. During the conversation, students are only involved in discussing certain issues, presenting examples and facts. These are, for example, classes on topics about self-education: “How do you understand self-education?”, “How to develop memory?”, “What is artistic taste and fashion,” “About individuality and individualism,” etc. It is advisable to spend some hours of this type with the involvement of specialists: a lawyer, a doctor, a psychologist, etc. The task of the class teacher is to assist them in preparing the performance.

The second type of classroom hours is characterized by joint activities between the teacher and students. Determining the content of the main ideas, as a rule, belongs to the teacher, and the development of ways, methods, and their implementation is carried out by the teacher together with the students. Under the guidance of the teacher, schoolchildren prepare fragments of the educational hour, the teacher conducts the class hour, involving the children in discussing the problem, combining their presentations into a single whole. Sample topics for such class hours: “About kindness and mercy”, “About culture appearance”, “About internal and external beauty”, “Do good for the sake of good”, “Friendship in human life”, etc.

The third type of classroom hours involves active, independent work the students themselves. Responsibility for their preparation and implementation rests with the class asset. The class is led by the students themselves, and the teacher quietly guides them.

The choice of the type of class hour depends on the topic, content of the material, the age of the student, the level of their knowledge on this problem, experience of collective activity, the formation of the class team, as well as pedagogical skills, the individual characteristics of the class teacher, the nature of his relationship with students.

So, a class hour is a form of educational work of the class teacher in the classroom, in which students take part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system of relations to the world around them. And, despite all the changes that have been taking place in school in recent years, the classroom remains one of the main forms of educational interaction between the class teacher and students.

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