Belarusian State Academy of Arts. Belarusian State Academy of Arts Minsk Theater Institute

Today the Academy has three faculties: theater, art, design and decorative arts, where citizens not only of Belarus, but also of other countries of the world study. Preparation foreign students and graduate students is conducted on a paid basis (under contract).

The Theater Faculty of the Academy provides training in four specialties and 16 areas: acting (directions: acting in dramatic theater and cinema, acting in puppet theater, acting in musical theater), directing (directions: drama directing, puppet theater directing, feature film directing , directing a documentary film, directing a video film, directing television, sound engineering, directing musical theater), theater studies (specializations: history and theory of theater, organization and management of theatrical activities, film and television studies), film and television cameramanship (directions: film cameramanship, television cameramanship).

The duration of training in acting is 4 years; in the specialties of directing, theater studies - 5 years; in the areas of television directing, film and television photography - 4 years. Classes start on September 1st.

At the Faculty of Arts, the Academy provides training in the following specialties:

painting (directions: easel painting, theatrical and decorative painting, visual design of the film)

graphics (directions: book design and illustration, easel graphics, posters)


monumental and decorative art

art history (directions: fine arts, decorative and applied arts, integrated art history)

The duration of study in the specialty of the art faculty is 6 years, in the specialty of art history - 5 years. Classes start on October 1.

At the Faculty of Design and Decorative and Applied Arts, the Academy provides training in the following specialties:

design (directions: three-dimensional design (specializations: design of household products, design of means of production and transport, furniture design))

design of object-spatial complexes (specialization: interior design)

graphic design

communication design (specialization: television advertising)

costume and fabric design (specializations: garment design, knitwear design, textile design)

decorative and applied arts (directions: artistic ceramics, artistic glass, artistic metal products)

The duration of training in the specialties of the Faculty of Design and Decorative and Applied Arts is 5 years. Classes start on October 1.

The Academy has postgraduate courses in the following areas: theatrical art; film, television and other screen arts; fine and decorative arts and architecture; art theory; technical aesthetics and design.

Duration of study: 3 years - full-time; 4 years - part-time.

Dear applicants!!!

Opening hours: 9.00 - 18.00

room No. 308 (Independence, 81)

  • Theater Department
  • Art Faculty
  • Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts
  • Faculty of Screen Arts

Before submitting documents, you must pass the selection committeefrom July 12 to July 17

Opening hours: 9.00 - 18.00


ACTING (Dramatic theater and cinema, puppet theater)

Audi. 316, Independence, 81


Audi. 202, Independence, 81



Audi. 515, st. Surganova, 14



Audi. 515, st. Surganova, 14




ART Studies (Organization of film and television production)

Audi. 520, st. Surganova, 14

FILM AND TV OPERATORY (TV cameramanship)

Audi. 512, st. Surganova, 14


Theater Department
Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts
Faculty of Screen Arts
Art Faculty


Faculty Speciality Form of study More details
Theater Department days
Theater Department Acting (drama theater and cinema) correspondence
Theater Department Theater directing (drama theater) daytime
Theater Department Theater directing (puppet theater) days
Decorative and applied arts (metal products) days
Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts Arts and crafts (costume) days
Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts Virtual environment design days
Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts Graphic design days
Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts Volumetric design (design of household products) days
Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts Design of subject-spatial environment (interior design) days
Faculty of Screen Arts Art history (organization of film and television production) correspondence
Faculty of Screen Arts Cinematography (teleoperation) days
Faculty of Screen Arts Film and television directing (sound engineering) correspondence
Faculty of Screen Arts Film and television directing (television) days
Art Faculty Graphics days
Art Faculty Painting (easel) days
Art Faculty Monumental and decorative art (painting) days
Art Faculty Sculpture days

Information about the educational institution (EI) is for reference only. The information in the Catalog is updated by the educational institutions themselves, however, there may be changes in the procedure and conditions for admission. We advise you to clarify the information with the admissions committee of the University.

Important information:

PROCEDURE for organizing entrance tests in the subject “Creativity” at the educational institution “Belarusian state academy arts"

1. Before the start of entrance examinations in the subject “Creativity”, applicants submit their creative works to be reviewed by the selection committee, which in its activities is guided by the Regulations on the selection committee of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts.
2. Entrance tests to the Belarusian State Academy of Arts are held in accordance with their schedule. Lists of applicants admitted by the decision of the admissions committee to the entrance examinations are posted on information stands after the end of accepting documents.
3. Changes may be made to the test schedule regarding the classrooms in which they are planned to be held, which the admissions committee informs applicants about no later than the day before the start of the exam.
4. During the period of entrance examinations, entry into educational buildings is carried out only with examination sheets or with special passes issued by the admissions committee.
5. Entrance of applicants to the classrooms where tests are conducted is carried out using passports and examination sheets. The presence of unauthorized persons in classrooms during entrance examinations is strictly prohibited.
6. Applicants entering the Faculty of Art and the Faculty of Design and Decorative and Applied Arts are required to come with the necessary materials for the entrance examination in the subject “Creativity”.
7. The use of blanks (sketches, drawings) during admissions tests is not allowed.
8. Entrance tests for the subject “Creativity” consist of three stages, which have one or two tasks (questions).
The subject examination committee reviews and evaluates each task on a ten-point scale. Grades for assignments are summed up and the arithmetic average of points for the corresponding stage is included in the intermediate examination sheet. If the arithmetic average of the points is an incomplete number, the score is rounded in favor of the applicant (for example, the number 7.5 is rounded to 8). If an applicant receives an unsatisfactory grade (0-1-2 points) for one of the tasks at any stage, the final grade for this stage is unsatisfactory.
Applicants who received an unsatisfactory grade on one of the tasks at any stage of the entrance test in the subject “Creativity” are not allowed to take the subsequent stages, the examination sheets are not returned to them and are transferred to the admissions committee. The marks received for each stage are included in the sum of the competition points. The maximum number of points received by applicants in the entrance examinations in the subject “Creativity” is 30 (thirty) points.
9. Editing of official examination documents is prohibited. If the application form, examination sheet of the applicant or other official forms of admission exams are damaged, the chairman of the subject examination committee must immediately contact the admissions committee. Replacement of documents is carried out only by the admissions committee with the permission of the chairman of the commission for monitoring the progress of entrance exams or his deputy.
10. If an applicant, for health reasons, needs to leave the classroom in which the tests are being conducted, he has the opportunity to leave the classroom and return only accompanied by a member of the admissions committee.
11. Acceptance of documents to the Belarusian State Academy of Arts and entrance examinations in the subject “Creativity” are carried out within the time limits determined by the Rules for admission to higher educational institutions in 2010.
12. The selection committee reviews the work and issues recommendations during the deadline for accepting documents from 9.00 to 16.00.
13. In accordance with changes and additions to the rules for admission to higher and secondary specialized educational institutions (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated February 8, 2008 No. 70) clause 13.4 dated foreign citizens and stateless persons entering training on conditions of payment for all necessary documents for training specified in clause 11 of the Rules for admission to higher education institutions, for all specialties are provided until October 15, 2010.
14. Entrance tests in the subject “Creativity” for foreign citizens are carried out in the form of an interview until October 30, 2010.

For foreign applicants

(except citizens Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, who enter the university on equal terms with citizens of the Republic of Belarus)


If you decide to study at the Academy of Arts, you should take the following steps:

1. Send by mail, fax or email [email protected] documents:

Completed application form (download or send a request to the above email address);

A copy of your passport;

Copies of the education document indicating the subjects studied and received

marks (scores) based on them and their translation into Russian or English.

After reviewing the documents, you will be informed about what creative works need to be submitted for approval by the commission.

2. Send the requested works or their copies by mail/email. If a positive decision is made, you will be sent an invitation to study, which is necessary to obtain a study visa.

3. Obtain a visa and inform the department international relations your arrival date.

4. Upon arrival in Belarus, submit the following documents to the International Relations Department of the Academy:

Education document; *

An extract with marks on the subjects studied; *

Medical report on health status; *

Certificate of absence of HIV infection; *

A copy of the birth certificate; *

8 photos (3x4);

Passport with a visa to enter the Republic of Belarus;

Certificate of completion of Russian language courses (except for those entering the preparatory department).

*the above documents must be provided with a notarized translation into Belarusian or Russian.

5. Pass an interview.

6. Obtain a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Belarus.

7. Pass a medical examination.

8. Conclude a contract.

9. Pay for training.

If you have any questions, you can contact the International Relations Department:

Email: [email protected]

Tel./fax: (+375 17) 292 81 51

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Average score certificate + 3 CT

What is your total score?

Average certificate score + 3 CT

76 (2.33%)

180 (5.52%)

551 (16.91%)

831 (25.51%)

872 (26.76%)

580 (17.80%)

Council resolution People's Commissars Byelorussian SSR No. 1217 dated August 20, 1945, the Belarusian State Theater Institute was organized in the city. Minsk.

On November 12, 1945, 27 students of the acting department began classes at the Minsk Pedagogical Institute.

Today the structure of the Academy includes five faculties: theater, art, design and decorative and applied arts, screen arts, advanced training and retraining. Both citizens of Belarus and citizens of other countries study at them.

Leading Belarusian artists and directors work at the theater department of the institute.

Graduates of the theater department made up a whole galaxy of outstanding masters of the art of theater, cinema and television. Among them are People's Artists of the USSR and BSSR G. Ovsyannikov and V. Tarasov; People's Artists of Belarus G. Garbuk, L. Davidovich, M. Zakharevich, O. Klebanovich, A. Tkachenok, G. Dubov, S. Okruzhnaya, P. Duboshinsky, V. Kuleshov, A. Pomazan, M. Petrov, V. Lebedev , A. Milovanov, G. Tolkacheva, V. Filatov, G. Markina, B. Masumyan, A. Galko, N. Kirichenko, T. Markhel, V. Manaev, S. Zhuravel, L. Lavrinovich-Korkhova; directors, People's Artists of Belarus B. Lutsenko, V. Raevsky, Honored Artist of the BSSR F. Ivanov, Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Yu. Feigin, Honored Artists V. Anisenko, V. Barkovsky, V. Mazynsky, a whole series Honored Artists of the Republic of Belarus and Russia, Honored Artists of the Republic of Belarus and Russia, laureates of State Prizes of the USSR and the Republic of Belarus (V. Maslyuk, N. Pinigin), laureates of the special award of the President of the Republic of Belarus “For Spiritual Revival”, and other awards. Many of them, including B. Lutsenko, V. Anisenko, N. Pinigin, A. Gartsuev, A. Polukhina, M. Kovalchik, L. Monakova, V. Mishchanchuk, N. Kirichenko, Z. Belokhvostik, L. Kucherenko , V. Kotovitsky, G. Borovik, I. Kabanova, V. Polyakova-Makei and others still teach at the faculty today.

Teachers and students of the theater department worthily represent the Belarusian theater school at republican and international festivals and competitions.

The foundation for the activities of the art faculty was laid by famous masters of national culture, including folk artists Belarus V.Volkov, O.Mariks, V.Tsvirko, A.Bembel, I.Akhremchik, P.Maslenikov, E.Chemodurov, G.Vashchenko, V.Stelmashonok, A.Kashkurevich, L.Gumilevsky, A.Kishchenko, M .Danzig, Honored Artists of the Republic of Belarus N. Voronov, H. Livshits, V. Sukhoverkhov, P. Lyubomudrov, I. Stasevich , P. Krokholev and others.

The high level of education at the Faculty of Design is evidenced by the creative achievements of students. Twenty-one of them became scholarship recipients of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the support of talented youth.

The main task of the Faculty of Screen Arts is to search for new methodological approaches and further streamline educational process, which will be able to provide training for professional specialists high level, meeting the requirements of modern cinema, radio and television.

University structure (faculties and departments):

Theater Department
Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts
Faculty of Screen Arts
Art Faculty
Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel

Graduate departments:

Department of Graphics
Department of Graphic Design
Department of Decorative and Applied Arts
Department of Painting
Department of Interior and Equipment
Department of History and Theory of Arts
Department of Cinematography
Department of Costume and Textiles
Department of Acting Skills
Department of Monumental and Decorative Arts
Department of Industrial Design
Department of Directing
Department of Film and Television Directing
Department of Drawing
Department of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture
Department of Sculpture
Department stage speech and vocals
Department of Theory and History of Design
Department of Theory and History of Screen Arts, Management

Directions: metro: station "Academy of Sciences", buses: No. 20s, 25, 37, 100, 59, 76e, 89e stop "House of Printing"

The Academy of Arts in Minsk is recruiting students creative people. Many young people who are gifted with some kind of talent in the field of culture dream of going here after school.

Before enrolling, future students collect as much information as possible about this university.

Where is

The Academy of Arts in Minsk has 5 academic buildings and one student dormitory. They are all located at different addresses:

  • No. 1 - Independence Avenue, 81 (the administration is located there);
  • No. 2 - st. Surganova, 14 a;
  • No. 3 - st. Chicherina, 1;
  • No. 4 - st. Kalinovsky, 50 a;
  • No. 5 - st. Budyonny, 6.

The hostel is located on the street. Surganova, 14. The legal address of the Academy of Arts in Minsk is st. Independence, 81.

You need to be very careful about the name of the educational institution. The Academy of Culture and Arts does not exist in Minsk. This is an erroneous interpretation of the name of the educational institution.

Theater Department

Many people dreamed of becoming actors as children. After watching your favorite movie or play, you really wanted to feel like a celebrity! But not everyone is given the talent of such skill.

Applicants who want to enroll in the theater department must be able to expressively and with feeling read poetry, excerpts from various works, sing and not be shy about speaking in public.

Upon admission, the results of centralized testing in the Belarusian or Russian language are taken into account. Students choose one of these categories independently when taking the CT. The second subject, the scores of which are taken into account for admission, is the history of Belarus.

All applicants entering the theater department must pass specialized tests depending on the chosen direction. Young people who have applied to the acting department take:

  • stage speech and vocals;
  • plastic;
  • actor's skill.

Applicants applying for directing pass tests according to their profile:

  • in writing;
  • in practice;
  • acting skills.

Art critics write a review of a theatrical production and take an exam in cultural history.

In 2017, the passing score for this faculty at the Academy of Arts in Minsk was on average 295 for budget education and 268 for paid education.

Art Faculty

Children who have talent in fine arts. The faculty was founded in 1953. It has several departments:

  • painting;
  • monumental and decorative art;
  • sculpture;
  • graphics.

Upon admission, the results of centralized testing in the Belarusian or Russian language and the history of the country are taken into account. Additionally, you need to complete creative tasks:

  • drawing;
  • painting;
  • composition;
  • modeling

Applicants take tests directly at the academy and bring their work from home for assessment admissions committee. The average score in 2017 was 284 per free training.

Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts

These specialties are increasingly popular among modern applicants. It produces designers with different areas of work. Now more and more people in the country are using their services, and graduates always find promising jobs.

When entering this faculty, the results of centralized testing in the Belarusian or Russian language and the history of the country are taken into account. Creative tasks are carried out directly at the academy, which include:

  • academic drawing;
  • painting;
  • composition;
  • sculpture.

The average score for passing free education in 2017 was 295, and for contract training was 269.

Faculty of Screen Arts

Directors, cameramen, playwrights and other specialists in the field of television are trained here. This faculty was formed in comparison with others not so long ago, in 1994, and only in April 2010 it was completed with all the areas that function now.

During admission, the results of centralized testing in the Belarusian or Russian language and history are credited. Applicants pass creative exams at the Minsk Academy of Arts, depending on the chosen specialty:

  • video filming in the pavilion;
  • directing (written and practical);
  • acting skills;
  • literary development of a screenplay idea;
  • review of a work of screen art;
  • interview on the basics of television art.

The average passing score for admission on a free basis in 2017 was 292, and for contract education - 276.

Reception features

During the submission of documents, a special commission works at the academy, whose members are appointed by the rector. Drawings that applicants have completed at home or in art schools are also submitted here.

Those wishing to enroll in the Faculty of Screen Arts bring their portfolios with photographs of various subjects. It should contain:

  • landscapes (at least 7);
  • themed with images of people;
  • genre (everyday scenes);
  • reporting events or your observations.

Applicants entering the theater department demonstrate to the commission how to stage a stage speech, perform plastiques, and recite an excerpt from any work.

After passing test tasks In the admissions group, members decide on admission to the entrance exams.

Applicants who pass the first stage are allowed to take creative assignments directly at the academy. Applicants come here with the necessary set of supplies and perform work in the presence of a commission. It is strictly forbidden to bring ready-made samples of drawings, drawings and other visual aids.

After the entrance exams to the Academy of Arts in Minsk, the commission displays the overall scores of each applicant, and based on their results, they are admitted to the educational institution. After the order is signed by the rector, the guys officially become students.

The list of applicants to the Academy of Arts in Minsk will be published in educational institution at stands, as well as on the official website.

Student dormitory

The Academy has about 2,000 students. Many of them come to study from other cities all over the country. For such students, housing is provided in a dormitory. It also houses masters and graduate students who study full-time.

In 2007, the hostel was completely reconstructed. We carried out renovation work in the corridors, kitchens, and bathrooms. The hostel has 72 rooms. They can accommodate 201 students.

On each floor there is a laundry room with modern washing machines, a room for drying clothes, and a kitchen. The dormitory has recreation rooms where the guys spend holidays or just relax in front of the TV.

The rooms have modern furniture. Each block has built-in wardrobes, a refrigerator, a toilet and a shower.

Educational base

The Academy of Arts has created all the conditions for students to study successfully. There is a theater-studio here, which hosts practical exercises in acting, directing, technical work.

In the large assembly hall, students stage graduation performances and take exams. Here future directors apply their knowledge in practice. The theater studio organizes classes in stage speech, dancing, and vocals.

All events of the Academy of Arts in Minsk take place in the assembly hall. Famous actors, directors, and cameramen come here to give master classes to students from different faculties.

Works at the academy large library. It contains about 100,000 copies. There are 5 librarians working here who are well versed in the range of educational material.

The library has computers and Internet access. Students can freely use them educational purposes. A branch has also been opened in building No. 4, where materials on graphic art are mainly collected. It also has a small reading room for 52 people.

The Academy has two exhibition spaces at its disposal. Here students undergo practical training and attend master classes from famous artists and photographers. These centers regularly host exhibitions of the best student work.

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