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3.1. Trial operation is carried out in accordance with the program, which indicates: 1) the conditions and procedure for the functioning of parts of the NPP and the NPP as a whole; 2) the duration of trial operation, sufficient to verify the correct functioning of the NPP when performing each function of the system and the readiness of personnel to work under operating conditions of the NPP; 3) the procedure for eliminating deficiencies identified during trial operation.

3.2. During trial operation of the NPP, they keep a work log in which they record information about the duration of the NPP operation, failures, failures, emergency situations, changes in the parameters of the automation object, adjustments made to documentation and software, adjustments, and technical means. The information is recorded in a journal indicating the date and person responsible. The log may contain comments from personnel regarding the ease of use of the speakers.

3.3. Based on the results of trial operation, a decision is made on the possibility (or impossibility) of submitting parts of the NPP and the system as a whole for acceptance testing.

The work is completed by issuing a certificate of completion of trial operation and admission of the system to acceptance testing.

4. Acceptance tests

4.1. Acceptance tests are carried out in accordance with the program, which indicates: 1) a list of objects allocated in the system for testing and a list of requirements that the objects must meet (with reference to points of the technical specifications); 2) acceptance criteria for the system and its parts; 3) conditions and timing of testing; 4) means for testing; 5) names of persons responsible for testing; 6) testing methods and processing of their results; 7) list of documentation to be drawn up.

4.2. To conduct acceptance tests, the following documentation must be presented: 1) technical specifications for the creation of the NPP; 2) certificate of acceptance for trial operation; 3) work logs of trial operation; 4) certificate of completion of trial operation and admission of the nuclear power plant to acceptance testing; 5) test program and methodology.

Acceptance tests should be carried out in a functioning facility.

4.3. Acceptance tests must first of all include checking: 1) the completeness and quality of the implementation of functions at standard, limiting, critical values ​​of the parameters of the automation object and in other operating conditions of the plant specified in the technical specifications; 2) fulfillment of each requirement related to the system interface; 3) staff work in an interactive mode; 4) means and methods for restoring NPP performance after failures; 5) completeness and quality of operational documentation.

4.4. It is recommended to check the completeness and quality of performance of the AS functions in two stages. At the first stage, individual functions (tasks, sets of tasks) are tested. At the same time, compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications for functions (tasks, sets of tasks) is checked. At the second stage, the interaction of tasks in the system and compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications for the system as a whole are checked.

4.5. By agreement with the customer, verification of tasks, depending on their specifics, can be carried out independently or as part of a complex. It is advisable to combine tasks when checking in complexes, taking into account the commonality of the information used and internal connections.

4.6. Checking the work of personnel in interactive mode is carried out taking into account the completeness and quality of performance of the functions of the system as a whole.

The following is subject to verification: 1) the completeness of messages, directives, requests available to the operator and their sufficiency for operating the system; 2) the complexity of dialogue procedures, the possibility of staff working without special training; 3) the reaction of the system and its parts to operator errors and service tools.

4.7. Checking the means of restoring the performance of the system after computer failures should include: 1) checking the presence in the operational documentation of recommendations for restoring performance and the completeness of their description; 2) the practical feasibility of the recommended procedures; 3) operability of automatic recovery tools and functions (if any).

4.8. Checking the completeness and quality of operational documentation should be carried out by analyzing the documentation for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents in the technical specifications.

4.9. The results of tests of objects provided for by the program are recorded in protocols containing the following sections: 1) the purpose of the tests and the number of the section of the requirements of the technical specifications for the NPP, according to which the test is carried out; 2) the composition of hardware and software used during testing; 3) an indication of the methods in accordance with which the tests, processing and evaluation of the results were carried out; 4) test conditions and characteristics of the initial data; 5) means of storage and conditions of access to the final testing program; 6) generalized test results; 7) conclusions about the test results and the compliance of the created system or its parts with a certain section of the requirements of the technical specifications for the NPP.

4.10. Test protocols for objects throughout the program are summarized in a single protocol, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the system’s compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications for the NPP and the possibility of issuing a certificate of acceptance of the NPP for permanent operation.

The work is completed by issuing a certificate of acceptance of the NPP for permanent operation.

"Automated systems. Stages of creation" and GOST 34.603-92 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. "Types of testing of automated systems."

The following tests are established for the automated system:

  • Preliminary tests;
  • Acceptance tests.

Programs for all stages of testing are drawn up by the Developer on the basis of the technical working design document "(PM) P, and approved by the Customer.

Test programs must include the following types of checks:

  1. Checking the completeness of the complex of technical means and standard technical documentation;
  2. Checking the composition and content of the technical working design documentation;
  3. Autonomous check of readiness of a complex of technical means;
  4. Metrological verification of measuring channels;
  5. Checking the fault tolerance and self-diagnosis functions of the system;
  6. Checking the implementation for compliance with the requirements of the Technical Specifications;
  7. Checking the qualifications and level of training of operational () and operational (maintenance) personnel to work in conditions.

Based on the results of the test stages, reporting documents are drawn up. Reporting documents also include Test Results Reports. The annexes should include lists of test methods. According to RD 50-34.698-90, clause 2.14.17, the content of sections of methods is established by the Developer.

Reporting documents are signed by members of the commission (members of working groups formed from members of the commission) and approved by the chairman of the commission.

Preliminary tests The system is carried out to determine its operability and the possibility of accepting the System into. Preliminary tests are organized by the Customer and carried out jointly with the Developer.

Preliminary tests can be:

  • Autonomous;
  • Complex.

Test results at various stages of testing are reflected in the corresponding Reports.

The summary contains a conclusion on the possibility of acceptance of the system, as well as a list of necessary modifications and the timing of their implementation. The work is completed with registration Acceptance certificate for trial operation.

Trial operation is carried out in accordance with the Program, which specifies:

  1. Conditions and procedure for the functioning of parts of the System, and the System as a whole;
  2. The procedure for eliminating deficiencies identified during trial operation;
  3. The duration of the Trial Operation is sufficient to verify the correct functioning of the System when performing each function and the readiness of personnel to work in conditions of full functioning of the System.

The duration of the trial operation is at least two months. During the Trial Operation of the System, a Work Log is maintained in which the following is entered:

  1. Information about the duration of the System operation;
  2. Information about failures, failures, emergency situations;
  3. Information about changes in automation object parameters;
  4. Information about the adjustments made software and documentation;
  5. Information about setting up technical means.

The information is recorded in the Journal indicating the date and person responsible. Personnel comments on the ease of use of the System may be included in the Log. Based on the results of the Trial Operation, a conclusion is drawn up regarding the completion of work to verify the System in the Trial Operation mode, with a conclusion on the possibility of presenting the System for Acceptance Testing.

Acceptance tests should include checking:

  1. Completeness and quality of implementation of functions under regulated and pre-emergency values ​​of parameters of the automation object, and in other conditions specified in the Technical Specifications;
  2. Compliance with every requirement related to the System interface;
  3. Work of personnel in interactive mode;
  4. Means and methods for restoring the functionality of the System after failures;
  5. Completeness and quality of operational documentation.

Acceptance tests automated system is carried out in accordance with the Test Program, which indicates:

  1. A list of objects allocated in the System for testing and a list of requirements that objects must meet with reference to specific points;
  2. Acceptance criteria for the System and its parts;
  3. Conditions and timing of testing;
  4. Test facilities;
  5. Names of persons responsible for testing;
  6. Test methods and results processing;
  7. List of completed documentation (protocols and reports).

Acceptance tests of the process control system are carried out to determine compliance with the Technical Specifications and project documentation.

The acceptance committee is formed by order. The commission includes representatives of the Customer, Developer, and representatives of technical supervision. According to GOST 34.603-92, the following documentation must be presented to the Acceptance Committee:

  1. Technical specifications for the creation of automated process control systems;
  2. As-built documentation for installation;
  3. Preliminary test report;
  4. Test program;
  5. Certificate of acceptance of the System for trial operation;
  6. Work logs for trial operation of the System;
  7. Certificate of completion of work to verify the System in trial operation mode;
  8. Technical and design documentation for the System.

Before presenting the System for acceptance testing, the technical and design documentation must be finalized in accordance with the comments of the Preliminary Test Protocol and the Certificate of Completion of the System verification in the Trial Operation mode.

According to GOST 34.603-92, paragraph 4.10, the protocols of individual inspections are summarized in a single final Protocol, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the possibility of issuing a Certificate of Acceptance of the Process Control System for permanent (industrial) operation.

It is allowed, by decision of the Acceptance Committee, to refine the technical documentation of the System after its commissioning. The deadlines for revision are indicated in the Acceptance Test Report.

The results of acceptance tests are documented:

  1. Total;
  2. Act on acceptance of automated process control systems for industrial operation, and
  3. An order “On putting automated process control systems into commercial operation” is issued.

Creation information system begins from the moment of the first negotiations between the Customer and the potential Contractor and may never end, since good and useful systems are constantly being improved and developed.

Preliminary stage

At this stage, it is necessary to understand the main goals and objectives of the future project. To do this, key representatives of the Customer and the Contractor organize meetings at which they discuss the concept of the information system, key technical points, timing and scope of work performed, as well as cost and sources of financing. The result of the preliminary stage, in addition to the agreed terms of the future agreement, should be the first and most fundamental project document - project charter.

The project charter defines the following fundamental points related to the process of development and implementation of the information system:

  • Brief description of the project, goals and objectives of creating an information system.
  • General description of the scope of work.
  • Project boundaries: deadlines, budget, list of automation objects.
  • Product description: list of supplied hardware and software, type and number of licenses, etc.
  • Organizational structure of the project: list and roles of project team members on the part of the Contractor and the Customer, their responsibilities and duties, project document flow system.
  • The main stages of the development and implementation of an information system, an enlarged schedule for their implementation.
  • The most significant risks of failure to fulfill project obligations, as well as ways to minimize risks.

In other words, the project charter is precisely the charter that is developed by the project manager together with the main participants of the project team, approved by the management of the Contractor and the Customer and should not be adjusted during the entire time of creation of the information system.

The completion of the preliminary stage can be considered the moment when the contract for services for the development and implementation of an information system is signed and the project charter is approved.

Gathering requirements

By this point, all the key figures - participants in the project - have been identified, and nothing prevents you from starting to collect and approve the requirements for the future information system. Representatives of the contractor communicate with future users and system administrators, as well as with their management. During the survey, not only the requirements and wishes for the implemented solution are systematized, but also the documentation that should become the source of initial data for the system, or the formation of which should be automated as a result, is analyzed.

The result of this stage should be the appearance terms of reference for the development and implementation of an information system. The terms of reference must be based on the terms of the contract and the requirements set out in the project charter and contain the following sections (for Russia, the structure of the terms of reference is regulated by GOST 34.602 89):

  • Purpose and goals of creating the system.
  • Description of the automation object and the main automated business processes.
  • System requirements: structure requirements; functions (tasks) solved by the system; requirements for technical and organizational support; requirements for reliability, safety, etc. etc.
  • Composition and content of work to create an information system.
  • The procedure for control and acceptance of work results.
  • Requirements for the scope of work to prepare an automation object for putting the information system into operation.
  • Requirements for the composition of design and user documentation.

Completion of the stage of collecting requirements is the approval by the Customer of the Technical Specifications. In some cases, the Customer already has a technical specification before starting work on the project (included in the tender documentation). In this case, the results of the survey and collection of requirements are recorded in specific technical specifications, detailing and specifying the general requirements for the information system presented in the original technical specifications.


At this stage, through the efforts of the Contractor, all scenarios related to the development and implementation of an information system on the Customer’s territory are designed in detail. This is done in accordance with the conditions of the information environment (system landscape) of the Customer and the requirements for the integration of the system being created with other software products already available and operated by the Customer. The result of the design stage should be the design of the following sections technical (conceptual) project:

  • Information system architecture.
  • Description of information storage (database) structures.
  • Design solutions presented detailed description automation scenarios for all business processes affected by the implementation of the system.
  • Scenarios for integrating the developed information system with external software products.
  • Sources of initial data and options for the initial information content of the system.
  • The concept of delimiting access rights to data based on user roles, which determine, among other things, their powers.
  • Concept of information system user training.


The stage of implementation of all requirements for the information system set out in the Terms of Reference and Technical Design. During this period, the Contractor develops all the necessary software components, creates database structures, installs, configures and tests all components of the information system on its territory, simulates integration scenarios, etc. etc. The completion of the implementation phase is confirmed by the appearance of such project documents as a manual for installing and configuring the system, test program and methodology systems, as well as a database template and a register of all completed software developments.

Preparing the information system for operation

All work at this stage is already carried out on the Customer’s territory and includes installation and configuration of all system components in the Customer’s information environment, preliminary testing, development of user documentation, user training, loading of initial data, testing in accordance with the program and methodology and other preparatory work.

By the time everyone is finished preparatory work regulations for operating the system must be developed and approved. The regulations, in particular, should define users and their roles in the system, in accordance with their job responsibilities.

Pilot operation

The last stage in the development and initial implementation of an information system, the task of which is to successfully conduct trial operation of the system for a certain time, and the goal is to confirm that the created information system is exactly the result that the Customer expected.

During this period, users begin to operate the system in accordance with the regulations developed at the previous stage. During pilot operation, errors are recorded and necessary improvements are agreed upon. The contractor eliminates errors, makes improvements and, provided that the system begins to function in accordance with all the previously presented requirements for it, at the end of the established period receives a protocol on the successful completion of pilot operation.

With the completion of pilot production, as a rule, the contract for the creation of an information system ends. The system itself goes into commercial operation mode, and the Contractor, if the Customer is interested in this, enters into a separate agreement for its maintenance for the period established by the terms of the agreement.

Maintenance and development of the system

Industrial operation may reveal that some requirements for the created information system contained inaccuracies and require different wording or additions, and the system itself requires improvement. Not every Customer has personnel on its staff who are able to independently make all changes to the system that are dictated by the real situation, therefore they enter into a separate agreement with the Contractor for the maintenance of the information system.

Users of the information system begin to communicate with representatives of the Customer's support service, who accept requests from them to improve functionality and eliminate defects, transfer requests to work and periodically notify users about the status of their request. The list of possible modifications and the rules for processing applications are determined by the terms of the contract. If there is a need for work that does not fit into the essence of the support agreement, then the Customer and the Contractor draw up a separate agreement for this type of work, which can already be attributed to work on the modernization and development of the information system in use.

In the course of work on the creation of expert systems, a certain technology for their development has emerged, which includes the following six stages: identification, conceptualization, formalization, implementation, testing, trial operation and implementation.

This article discusses the sixth stage: trial operation and implementation.

At the stage of trial operation and implementation, the suitability of the expert system for the end user is checked. Here the system deals with solving all possible problems when working with different users. It is advisable to organize the operation of the system not at the developer’s stand, but at the users’ place of work. This stage should be proceeded only after the system, in the opinion of the expert, will successfully solve all the required tasks, so that errors in solutions do not create a negative impression of the system in the user. The user suitability of a system is determined primarily by its usability and usefulness.

Under usefulness system is understood as the ability of the system, during the dialogue, to determine the user’s need, to identify and eliminate the causes of failures in operation and to satisfy the user’s needs (i.e., to solve the assigned tasks). In other words, it is important for the user to “bring to the consciousness” of the system his information need, despite the possible mistakes he makes due to insufficient knowledge of the system. Of course, the completeness and correctness of the solutions are also important for the user, but these characteristics must be checked by an expert at the previous stage.

Under convenience working with the system means:

  • naturalness of interaction with the system, i.e. communication in a familiar, non-tiring manner;
  • flexibility of the system, i.e. the ability of the system to adjust to different users, as well as to take into account changes in the qualifications of the same user;
  • system stability to errors, i.e. the ability of the system not to fail due to erroneous actions of an inexperienced user.

Based on the results of operation, it may be necessary not only to modify the rules and data (improvement or change in the communication language, dialog tools, error detection and correction tools, customization for the user, etc.), but also to change the input/output devices due to their unsuitability for user. Based on the results of this stage, a decision is made to replicate the system. After successful completion of the trial operation stage and use of the expert system by various users, it can be classified as an industrial expert system.

In general, during the trial operation of the prototype, the requirements for the system are clarified: developers and users have the opportunity to directly study and eliminate the consequences of the design decisions made. The principle of interface construction WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get) allows the user to directly evaluate the results of the changes introduced into the prototype.




GOST 34.603-92




Date of introduction 01.01.93

This standard applies to automated systems (AS) used in various types of activities (research, design, management, etc.). p.), including their combinations created in organizations, associations and enterprises (hereinafter referred to as organizations)

The standard establishes types of AS tests and general requirements for their implementation.

Terms used in this standard and their definitions ate leniya - according to GOST 34.003.

The requirements of this standard, except pp., , , are mandatory, the requirements of paragraphs. , - recommended.


1.2. AC testing is a process of checking the performance of specified system functions, determining and verifying compliance with quantitative and (or) technical specifications requirements quality characteristics system, identifying and eliminating deficiencies in the system’s operations and in the developed documentation.

1.3. The following main types of tests are established for AS:

1) preliminary;

2) trial operation qi I;

3) acceptance.


1. Allowed additionally holding each other x in d ov AC tests their parts.

2. Classified is allowed atsi I have accepted tests for vi depends on the status of the acceptance committee (composition of committee members and level of approval).

3. Tested neither The status of the acceptance committee is established in the contract and (or) TK.

1.4, Depending on the interconnections of the test objects tested in the NPP, they can be autonomous or complex.

1.10. Trial operation of the N is carried out in order to determine the actual values ​​of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the NPP and the readiness of the personnel to work in the operating conditions of the NPP, determine the actual efficiency of the NPP, and adjust (if necessary) the documentation.

1.11. Acceptance tests of the NPP are carried out to determine the NPP's compliance with the technical specifications, assess the quality of trial operation and resolve the issue of the possibility of production. no MC AS in permanent operation.

1.12. Acceptance tests must be carried out units Let us test its torture at the facility.

1.13. Depending on the type of requirements imposed on the AS, the following are tested, verified or certified:

1) a set of software and hardware;

2) staff;

3) operational documentation, regulating the activities of personnel during the operation of the NPP;

4) AC in general.

1.14. When testing the speakers, they check:

1) the quality of execution of automatic functions by a complex of software and technical means everyone f modes un To tioning AS according to the technical specifications was created no AC;

3) the completeness of the operational documentation contained in the documentation is indicated to the execution personnel nen iy functions in all modes of operation In accordance with the technical specifications for the created AS;

4) quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics execution automatic and automated functions of the AC in accordance with the technical specifications:

5) other properties of the AS, which it must comply with according to the technical specifications.

2) complex.

2.2. A offline testing

2.2.1. Autonomous tests of speakers should be carried out in accordingly vii with the program and methodology of autonomous tests developed for each part of the NPP.

2.2.2. The autonomous test program indicates:

1) list of functions to be tested;

2) description of the relationships between the test object and other parts of the NPP;

3) conditions, procedure and methods of testing and processing of results;

4) criteria for acceptance of parts based on test results.

The off-line test program should be accompanied by an off-line test schedule.

2.2.3. Prepared and agreed tests (test cases) at the stage of autonomous testing should ensure:

1) full check functions and procedures according to the list agreed with the customer;

2) the necessary accuracy of calculations established in the technical specifications;

3) checking the basic timing characteristics of the functioning of software (in cases where this is essential);

4) checking the reliability and stability of the functioning of software and hardware.

2.2.4 . As initial information for the test, it is recommended to use a fragment of real information from the customer organization in an amount sufficient to ensure the necessary reliability of the tests.

2.2.5 The results of autonomous testing of NPP parts should be recorded in test reports. The protocol must contain a conclusion on the possibility (impossibility) of admitting part of the NPP to complex tests.

2.2.6. If the conducted autonomous tests are found to be insufficient, or a violation of the requirements of regulatory documents regarding the composition or content of the documentation is revealed, the specified part of the AS may be returned for revision and a new test period assigned.

2.3. Comprehensive testing

2.3.1. Complex tests of speakers are carried out by performing complex tests. The test results are reflected in the protocol. The work is completed by issuing an acceptance certificate for trial operation.

2.3.2. The comprehensive testing program for the nuclear power plant or parts of the nuclear power plant indicates:

1) list of test objects;

2) the composition of the submitted documentation;

3) description of the verified relationships between test objects;

4) sequence of tests of NPP parts;

5) the procedure and methods of testing, including the composition of software and equipment necessary for testing, including special stands and test sites.

2.3.3. To conduct comprehensive tests the following must be submitted:

1) comprehensive testing program;

2) conclusion on autonomous tests of the relevant parts of the NPP and elimination of errors and comments identified during autonomous tests;

3) complex tests;

4) software and technical means and corresponding operational documentation.

2.3.4. During complex tests, it is allowed to use as initial information obtained during autonomous testing of NPP parts.

2.3.5. A comprehensive test should:

1) be logically linked;

2) ensure verification of the performance of the functions of the NPP parts in all operating modes established in the technical specifications for the NPP, including all connections between them;

3) ensure verification of the system’s response to incorrect information and emergency situations.

2.3.6. The comprehensive test report must contain a conclusion on the possibility (impossibility) of accepting the NPP for trial operation, as well as a list of necessary modifications and recommended deadlines for their implementation.

After eliminating the deficiencies, repeat comprehensive tests are carried out to the required extent.


3.1. Trial operation is carried out in accordance with the program, which indicates:

1) conditions and procedure for the functioning of parts of the NPP and the NPP as a whole;

2) the duration of trial operation, sufficient to verify the correct functioning of the AS when performing each function of the system and the readiness of personnel to work in. operating conditions of the AS;

3) the procedure for eliminating deficiencies identified during trial operation.

3.2. During the trial operation of the NPP, they keep a work log in which they record information about the duration of the NPP operation, failures, failures, emergency situations, changes in the parameters of the automation object, adjustments made to documentation and software, and adjustment of technical equipment. The information is recorded in a journal indicating the date and person responsible. The log may contain comments from personnel regarding the ease of use of the speakers.

3.3. Based on the results of trial operation, a decision is made on the possibility (or impossibility) of submitting parts of the NPP and the system as a whole for acceptance testing.

The work is completed by issuing a certificate of completion of trial operation and admission of the system to acceptance testing.


4.1. Acceptance tests are carried out in accordance with the program, which indicates:

1) a list of objects allocated in the system for testing and a list of requirements that the objects must meet (with reference to the points of the technical specifications);

2) acceptance criteria for the system and its parts;

3) conditions and timing of testing;

4) means for testing;

5) names of persons responsible for testing;

6) testing methods and processing of their results;

7) list of documentation to be drawn up.

4.2. To carry out acceptance tests, the following documentation must be presented:

1) technical specifications for the creation of the NPP;

2) certificate of acceptance for trial operation;

3) work logs of trial operation;

4) certificate of completion of trial operation and admission of the nuclear power plant to acceptance testing;

5) test program and methodology. Acceptance tests should be carried out in a functioning facility.

4.3. Acceptance tests should primarily include checking:

1) completeness and quality of implementation of functions at standard, limiting, critical values ​​of parameters of the automation object and in other operating conditions of the plant specified in the technical specifications;

2) fulfillment of each requirement related to the system interface;

3) staff work in an interactive mode;

4) means and methods for restoring NPP performance after failures;

5) completeness and quality of operational documentation.

4.4 . It is recommended to check the completeness and quality of performance of the AS functions in two stages. At the first stage, individual functions (tasks, sets of tasks) are tested. At the same time, compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications for functions (tasks, sets of tasks) is checked. At the second stage, the interaction of tasks in the system and compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications for the system as a whole are checked.

4.5 . By agreement with the customer, verification of tasks, depending on their specifics, can be carried out independently or as part of a complex. It is advisable to combine tasks when checking in complexes, taking into account the commonality of the information used and internal connections.

4.6. Checking the work of personnel in an interactive mode is carried out taking into account the completeness and quality of performance of the functions of the system as a whole.

Subject to verification:

1) completeness of messages, directives, requests available to the operator and their sufficiency for operating the system;

2) the complexity of dialogue procedures, the possibility of staff working without special training;

3) the reaction of the system and its parts to operator errors and service tools.

4.7. Checking the means of restoring the functionality of the system after computer failures should include:

1) checking the presence in the operational documentation of recommendations for restoring operability and the completeness of their description;

3) operability of automatic function recovery tools (if available).

4.8. Checking the completeness and quality of operational documentation should be carried out by analyzing the documentation for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents and technical specifications.

4.9. The test results of objects provided for by the program are recorded in protocols containing the following sections:

1) the purpose of the tests and the number of the section of the requirements of the technical specifications for the NPP, according to which the test is carried out;

2) the composition of hardware and software used during testing;

3) an indication of the methods in accordance with which the tests, processing and evaluation of the results were carried out;

4) test conditions and characteristics of the initial data;

5) means of storage and conditions of access to the final testing program;

6) generalized test results;

7) conclusions about the test results and the compliance of the created system or its parts with a certain section of the requirements of the technical specifications for the NPP.

4.10. Test protocols for objects throughout the program are summarized in a single protocol, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the system’s compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications for the NPP and the possibility of issuing a certificate of acceptance of the NPP for permanent operation.

The work is completed by issuing a certificate of acceptance of the NPP for permanent operation.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee TK 22 " Information technology", Subcommittee PC 052 "Automated Systems"


I.P. Vakhlakov, Ya.G. Vilenchik, F.R. Otter, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.M. Seidenberg, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Yu.B. Irz, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.G. Ivanov, V.D. Kostyukov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.G. Mikhailov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; N.V. Stepanchikova

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