Severance contagiously. Why yawning so caution


On average, yawn lasts 6 seconds

Zevota, rather, serves to support us in wakefulness, than is a sign of drowsiness, researchers from the United States are stated. But why, at the sight of a yawning person, we also want to zajk? The yawa is an involuntary action that all makes it. We begin to yawn even before birth, and most creatures on the planet yawns also - even snakes and fish.

New research results show that yawning does not serve as a sign of drowsiness, it is needed to cool the brain so that it works more efficiently, and in order to support us in wakefulness. Their theory gives an answer to this mysterious question - why many of us yaws when they see that someone else yawns, or even when they just read or think about it?

And a few years ago, British researchers conducted experiments. For example, you set controls in the reception. And then one of the research team added incognito and sowing demonstratively long and wide. Researchers noticed who begins to cooperate, and who is not? They then conducted a psychological test with the same subjects, checking the ability to delve into someone else's mood. And it turned out that people who infected by a yillitude of another person, who also has a high Empathyevert, have a strong sympathy.

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Question of the week why zevota is infectious

As soon as a man yaws his teeth than he does in turn. But what is the purpose of the synchronous rupture of the mouth? A behavioral biology doctor asks himself two questions: "Is that really so?" And why?" In addition to all regions of science, he also loves music and British thrillers. The study of religion and faith is recommended by atheists, as well as Jesuits.

According to the theory of this theory, when we yawning at the sight of how someone else does, we participate in the old, "rigidly built-in" ritual that appeared in the process of evolution in order to help groups remain alert and recognize the danger.

"Hard instinct"

It has nothing to do with copying the behavior of another person, scientists say from the University of Albany in New York, which are engaged in this study.

We were angry when we were tired, bored - or yawned. These triggers are sufficiently documented. But what is the goal of a wide rupture of the mouth, is not yet clear. Of course, only one thing: the reaction to the oxygen deficit is, in contrast to what is often said - no. But be careful: maybe our decision is premature.

Recently, researchers from the New York State University in Albany reported that the sowing contributes to the exchange of heat in the brain. Andrew and Gordon Gallup noticed that the tests that breathe through the nose do not allow you to zea-like - in contrast to the items with brackets on the nose. And even the cold object, pressed against the forehead, prevents "sowing".

"In our opinion, the infection of sowing depends on the emotional mechanisms serving to maintain group vigilance," says Dr. Gordon Gallup (Gordon Gallup), lead researcher at the University.

This opinion is also confirmed by the observations conducted by Robert Provine (Robert Provine) from the University of Maryland, as a result of which it turned out that paratrooper paratroopers yaws before the jump.

"The assumption is widespread that the yawns are disrespectful for others and a sign of boredom," said Gallps. "But it seems that he reflects the mechanism that supports awareness." And when he is asked about the causes of infection, scientists also give an answer: "If someone yaws in a group, because their thinking slows down, an infectious effect may arise to save the band's vigilance."

According to Banning, the infectious effect of the gaping can have a synchronous effect on changing peace and activity in the group - according to the motto: one is tired - everyone is tired. Another approach is attracted by researchers from Leeds University. "We believe that the infectious zoo is an indicator of empathy," Katriona Morrison told and her team at the Festival of Science of the British Association in York. "This indicates that the behavior and mental health of other people are of great importance."

But there are other theories. It is assumed that the infection of the yawn can be caused by the subconsciously rapid instinct - the inconspicuous way of communication with others, just as the flocks of birds simultaneously break off.

Another theory explains that the yawning could help the ancient people to express their alertness and coordinate sleep time. Those. If someone solved that it was time to sleep, he called Zovkom to others, and they answered him the same, showing what they agree.

British scientists put tested in full waiting room. There they were subjected to massive yawak attack. The fact that the subjects did not know are: a tired man who revealed his mouth ten minutes ten minutes, belonged to the research group. And his colleagues were calculated, as often participants in the study were infected.

Then the subjects participated in checking their ability to interpret the emotional expression of others. In this measurement of empathic abilities, those who were previously more evil were especially well shown. British researchers confirmed the results of their tests, which were previously received by Stephen Platetec and his team from Drecel's University in Philadelphia. Platek showed his plots with zevoyat people and found that those who had great immunity to rupture the mouth showed a little sympathy.

According to researchers from the University of Kyoto, Japan, the infectious severity is also observed among chimpanzees. It is assumed that they are the only creatures other than those who have this feature. The remaining representatives of the animal world, including birds, snakes and hypopotamos, yawning for other reasons. Dogs, for example, yawning to keep calm in certain situations, says Turid Rugaas (Turid Rugaas), author of the book "Conversations with dogs" (on Talking Terms with Dogs).

By the way, chimpanzees can also be infected with the yawn of their fellow. An obvious sign, some researchers now suspect that our close relatives also have a certain sympathy. By the way, the process of infection presumably depends on the so-called mirror neurons, which are equipped with a human brain and monkey. These nerve cells are active when you perform an action yourself, and when you just watch it. They make behavior inside, so to speak. And this is the first step towards unconscious imitation.

Therefore, if someone loudly yaws on your slide party in the future, just interpret it so that he or she, at least try to follow your comments purposefully. If Zew is rapidly spreading among guests, be grateful for such compassionate friends. And then internally prepare for the whole round to start soon.

If you read the article to the end and never yawned, then you should not think that you are an exception. In fact, only about half of adults are prone to catching sowing!

Why zevota is infectious? Did you pay attention to this? After all, it is necessary to go to someone, the same to do everything around. Even if there is absolutely no reason for this. So why zevota is infectious? Scientists tried to figure out ...

But the fact that Reynhald Messen won Mount Everest without yawn, makes this opinion very dubious. But why is it so caution? In one of his experiments, some of the items received pure oxygen to breathe. They yawned as often as those who breathed with normal air.

People who suffer from sowing are sympathetic and compassionate individuals, say researchers from the University of New York to Albany. American psychologists showed a tested video of people, yawning. They recorded how often guinea pigs had to yawning. In addition, researchers conducted additional psychological tests with subjects.

Why zevota is infectious? Observations

What do doctors say? The very first of their conviction in the question of why the yawning is infectious is the following idea: the people who do not know how to empathize, that is, the hard person, unable to imagine themselves at the place of someone else.

"Why zevota is infectious?" - Ask many people. Yes, she, of course, is closely connected with the "Sleep Prelude". But, nevertheless, why do people yawn, who seem to go, do not want to sleep?

The result of the study was very unexpected: those people who were not infected with a yawn in the video could also be in the situation of other people in other test situations. They could hardly feel the mood of others. Test people who often yawned could improve themselves in the mood of others. Researchers suspect that Japing is a way to unconsciously show sympathy for another, to an ally with him.

People with mental diseases or personality disorders cannot be moved to the sowing at all. With such diseases, people experience emergency problems, recognizing other people's emotions. Zevota should be a kind of communication, "blunt" language.

One of theories is quite unusual. Once people lived with whole flocks, like chimpanzees. And they should go to bed only at the same time. Zevota just served them a signal that he had time to sleep. The yawns of each neighbor was a signal to yawn a man himself. After that - to fall asleep. So long received, by the way, and herd animals.

The same applies to evolutionary biologists. In her opinion, the yawn in the disinterested primary time of a person was served to synchronize group activities. The yawning, according to this hypothesis, led to more intensive activity, such as hunting. It was probably an invitation to other members of the group to go hunting together.

Do you accuse you in the control reading? People with a psychopathic character are less prone to horror than to others. But be careful: not everyone who does not join, automatically become a psychopath, researchers say. Everyone knows how contagious can be Zev: when someone from the group begins to yawn, he quickly jumps on other observers. Herself, and even let him get a strange yawl. "You can yawn, even when you don't need it," says Brian Rundle from Beilor University in Wako, Texas.

There is an infectious severity, by the way, between animals and people. As soon as the owner yawned - the dog repeats it. The fact is that PSAs tend to empathize with her owner. They understand all his gestures and views.

Domino effect

Why do people yawning and why zevota is infectious? It would seem that you do not feel strong fatigue. However, as soon as someone yawned, you also open your mouth in a lengthy Zovka. This phenomenon is called "contagious zovkom". The origin of it, in principle, scientists have not yet been clarified. However, several hypotheses still exist.

Contantagious gestures are considered a sign of empathy: those who especially love to feel in vain, forcing themselves to yawn. To test your assumption, Randle first asked 135 students to respond to a standardized questionnaire. Instead, there are a number of pronounced typical psychopathic traits.

Electrodes show the impulse to zev

Thus, scientists were able to see how strong the impulse was to yawn on the research participants through the individuals shown. Indeed, the experiment confirmed the assumption: who previously showed a weak sympathy in psycho-dough, could also be infected with less often at Janese.

One of them claims that the catching yawns provoke certain incentives. This is called an established sample action. The sample works simultaneously as the reflex and the domino effect. That is, the yawns literally makes the same thing to do another person who has become a random witness to this event. The most important thing is impossible to resist this reflex. Just as the beginning Zovka. In short, the situation is very interesting.

Neurological connection between gestures and psychopathy

Nevertheless, the study explains the connection, the researcher says: "What we learned, tells us that there is a neurological connection between psychopathy and an infectious break," Randl says. "This is a good starting point to set more questions."

At the sight of a gaping person, we often feel an irresistible desire to do the same. This curious phenomenon of infection has long lured researchers. It is already known that the yawning is also infected among our closest relatives in the animal world - a monkey. But then joined the dog in the community MIT-GHEner. However, in this context, it was encouraged that it could have some kind of attitude to domestication of four-year friends. However, now researchers have noticed: even the wolf can get zoozy.

Effect of chameleon

Consider the second physiological reason why the yawning is so caution. It is known as the effect of chameleon, or unconscious mimicry. Alien behavior serves as the basis for its unintentional imitation. People have a tendency to borrow each other poses and gestures. For example, your interlocutor engages legs on the contrary. And you do the same, even not noticing this.

The contagiousness of the gaping has a social dimension, the studies have already shown: the phenomenon reflects the ability of the creature to empathize with its colleague - feel sympathy. When we see a person who yawns, we feel His feeling and react with the same behavior. The more familiar a person, the stronger the desire to reflect their behavior. It is also fair for the infection of gaping among chimpanzees and dogs.

The fact that chimpanzees that are so similar to us demonstrates such behavior, does not seem so amazing. But in the case of a dog it is quite. Thus, it was previously assumed that it could have some kind of attitude towards a taper of a person's better friend. In this context, it is already known that social behavior varies between the dog and its wild predecessor - Wolf. But, as observations of researchers around Teresa Romero from Tokyo University, it does not look like a social sowing.

This happens, apparently, due to a special set of mirror neurons, sharpened to copy other people's actions, extremely important for self-consciousness and training. A person is able to learn some physical practitioners (knitting, applying lipstick, etc.), watching some other one. It is proved that, hearing or contemplating someone else's yawls, we activate our mirror neurons.

Apparently, no domesticating effect of the dog

To study them, the researchers removed the wolf packaging with twelve animals in the Japanese Zoo for five months. They were recorded in the pictures whose beast yawned and whether he was night. After their estimates, scientists came to the conclusion: even with wolves of yawning are caught and even with them, the closer animals, the stronger the effect. Observations showed that women are usually infected particularly intensively.

"The result suggests that the infectious zoo is an inheritance that we share with other creatures, and that this behavior reflects the emotional connection between people," Romero says. However, one aspect of the history of infectious gaping remains unclear for the wolf: chimpanzees and dogs can also be infected through the species barrier by yawning a person. So, perhaps, there are still experiments with gaping people and wolves as observers.

Psychological reason is also based on the action of mirror neurons. It is called Zowcom Empathy. That is, this is the ability to share and understand other people's emotions, extremely important for people.

Not so long ago, neurologists have found that mirror neurons give a person the opportunity to experience empathy at the deepest level. The study found out whether the dogs will be able to react dogs on the sounds of human zovkov. As it turned out, the animals pay attention more often on the familiar sowing of their owners.

Zevota continues, but not all

Moreover, more familiar with another person. The closer we are to a person, the more infectious is his gaping for us. This was discovered by the research team from the University of Pisa and the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies in Rome. In accordance with this, familiarity with the gaping is primarily responsible for the contagiousness of the gaping.

For their study, scientists have observed 109 men and women in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa in everyday situations. At the same time, they registered as a relationship between people, and how often they yawned. Using a mobile phone, they recorded who yawned when and where and who was infected with this zev.


And finally. Zevota is infectious and very useful. The phenomenon is quite mysterious. Why is she needed at all? Some believe that it is an excellent way to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. Accordingly, for cheerfulness. Others argue that yawning lowers the brain temperature, cools it. But, that's why she is inclined to say everything is difficult.

By the way, it concerns not only sowing. In contagious phenomena are also panic, inspiration, laughter and many other states. Remember that a person is "an old animal". Therefore, "rapid instincts" is very well developed.

Thus, it is possible to make certain conclusions. The yawn is really infectious, and to keep the desire to zunk in the presence of a sleepy person is almost impossible. All reasons are in our psychology, in the peculiarities of our brain and thinking. In general, the human body, as usual, does not cease to surprise us!

Including snakes, dogs, cats, sharks, and chimpanzees. Although the yawning is infectious, not all of her "catch." About 60-70% of people yaws if they see how another person does it in real life, or on video / photo, or even if they read about it. Infectious yawning is also found in animals, but it does not necessarily work in the same way as people. Scientists put forward many theories, why we yawning, here are some of them:

Zevot signals about empathy

Probably the most popular theory of contagious yawns is that the yawning serves as a form of non-verbal communication. Crashing yawn shows that you are tuned to human emotions. Scientific data obtained from the 2010 University at the University of Connecticut showed that the yawning does not become infectious until the child turns about four years when empathy skills are developing.

It also turned out that children with autism, who are possible a violation of the development of empathy, "catch" the yawn is less likely than their peers. The study of 2015 studied in an infectious sowing in adults. In this study, college students were given personal tests, after which they were asked to watch videos with yawning people. The results showed that students with a lower level of empathy had less chances to "catch" the yawn. Other studies revealed a correlation between a decrease in contagious yawns and schizophrenia, another reason related to the decrease in empathy.

The relationship between infectious zoo and age

However, the connection between the yawn and sympathy is inconclusive. Studies in the center of Duke to change a person published in the PLOS One magazine were aimed at determining the factors contributing to the contagious yawning. In the study, 328 healthy volunteers conducted a survey, which took into account the degree of drowsiness, energy levels and empathy.

The survey participants looked at the videos of yawning people and calculated how many times they yawned while watching. Of the 328 participants, 222 yawned at least once. The video test repetition has shown several times that the contagious yawning is a stable feature for some people.

A study of Duke did not find correlation between empathia, the time of day or intelligence and infection, but there was a statistical correlation between age and yawn. Senior participants are less likely yawned. However, since only 8% of responses accounted for age-related yawns, researchers intend to seek the genetic basis for infectious yawning.

Injured yoke in animals

The study of contagious yawns in other animals can give the key to how people are "catching" sowing.

The study conducted at the Research Institute of Primates at the University of Kyoto in Japan, studied as chimpanzees react to the yawn. The results published in the letters of the Royal Society of Biology have shown that two of the six chimpanzees in the study were clearly contagiously in response to the video of other yawning fellow. Three studied chimpanzees did not "catch" sowing, but this indicates that young chimpanzees, like human children, may not have the level of intellectual development necessary for infectious zeewings.

Another interesting outcome of the study was that chimpanzee yawn in response only to the video of real zevkov, and not on video chimpanzees opening the mouth.

The study of the University of London showed that dogs can "catch" sowing from people. In a study, 21 out of 29 dogs yawned, when a man yawned before them, but did not reciprocate when a person just opened his mouth. The results confirmed the correlation between age and infection, since only the dogs over seven months were exposed to "catching" yawns. Dogs are not the only pets known to susceptibility to the sowing of people. Although much less often, cats also repeat the sowing of people.

Infective yawning in animals can serve as a means of communication. Siamese battlefish yaws when they see their mirror reflection or other fighter fish, as a rule, immediately before the attack. This may be a protective behavior or serves to oxygenate fish tissues before load. Adeli and imperial penguins yaw on each other during the courting ritual.

The infectious severity is associated with the temperature, both in animals and in humans. Most scientists suggest that it is thermostat behavior, while some researchers believe that it is used to transmit a potential threat or stressful situation.

People usually yawn when they get tired or bored. Such behavior is observed in animals. One study showed that the brain temperature in rats devoid of sleep was higher than their main temperature. The yawning reduces the temperature of the brain, it may improve its functions. The infectious severity can act as social behavior, reporting the members of the group that it's time to relax.


The bottom line is that scientists are not quite sure why the contagious yawning occurs. It is associated with empathy, age and temperature, but the main reason is still not clear. Not all people "catch" yawn. Those who do not do this can be simply young, old or genetically predisposed to non-zevotka, and such people do not necessarily devoid of sympathy.

Why zevota is infectious? Did you pay attention to this? After all, it is necessary to go to someone, the same to do everything around. Even if there is absolutely no reason for this. So why zevota is infectious? Scientists tried to figure out ...

Why zevota is infectious? Observations

What do doctors say? The very first of their conviction in the question of why the yawning is infectious is the following idea: the people who do not know how to empathize, that is, the hard person, unable to imagine themselves at the place of someone else.

"Why zevota is infectious?" - Ask many people. Yes, she, of course, is closely connected with the "Sleep Prelude". But, nevertheless, why do people yawn, who seem to go, do not want to sleep?

One of theories is quite unusual. Once people lived with whole flocks, like chimpanzees. And they should go to bed only at the same time. Zevota just served them a signal that he had time to sleep. The yawns of each neighbor was a signal to yawn a man himself. After that - to fall asleep. So long received, by the way, and herd animals.

There is an infectious severity, by the way, between animals and people. As soon as the owner yawned - the dog repeats it. The fact is that PSAs tend to empathize with her owner. They understand all his gestures and views.

Domino effect

Why do people yawning and why zevota is infectious? It would seem that you do not feel strong fatigue. However, as soon as someone yawned, you also open your mouth in a lengthy Zovka. This phenomenon is called "contagious zovkom". The origin of it, in principle, scientists have not yet been clarified. However, several hypotheses still exist.

One of them claims that the catching yawns provoke certain incentives. This is called an established sample action. The sample works simultaneously as the reflex and the domino effect. That is, the yawns literally makes the same thing to do another person who has become a random witness to this event. The most important thing is impossible to resist this reflex. Just as the beginning Zovka. In short, the situation is very interesting.

Effect of chameleon

Consider the second physiological reason why the yawning is so caution. It is known as the effect of chameleon, or unconscious mimicry. Alien behavior serves as the basis for its unintentional imitation. People have a tendency to borrow each other poses and gestures. For example, your interlocutor engages legs on the contrary. And you do the same, even not noticing this.

This happens, apparently, due to a special set of mirror neurons, sharpened to copy other people's actions, extremely important for self-consciousness and training. A person is able to learn some physical practitioners (knitting, applying lipstick, etc.), watching some other one. It is proved that, hearing or contemplating someone else's yawls, we activate our mirror neurons.

Psychological reason is also based on the action of mirror neurons. It is called Zowcom Empathy. That is, this is the ability to share and understand other people's emotions, extremely important for people.

Not so long ago, neurologists have found that mirror neurons give a person the opportunity to experience empathy at the deepest level. The study found out whether the dogs will be able to react dogs on the sounds of human zovkov. As it turned out, the animals pay attention more often on the familiar sowing of their owners.


And finally. Zevota is infectious and very useful. The phenomenon is quite mysterious. Why is she needed at all? Some believe that it is an excellent way to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. Accordingly, for cheerfulness. Others argue that yawning lowers the brain temperature, cools it. But, that's why she is inclined to say everything is difficult.

By the way, it concerns not only sowing. In contagious phenomena are also panic, inspiration, laughter and many other states. Remember that a person is "an old animal". Therefore, "rapid instincts" is very well developed.

Thus, it is possible to make certain conclusions. The yawn is really infectious, and to keep the desire to zunk in the presence of a sleepy person is almost impossible. All reasons are in our psychology, in the peculiarities of our brain and thinking. In general, the human body, as usual, does not cease to surprise us!

Zevota is more infectious than a cold. If a man yaws in your eyes, then you are almost certainly yawn. You can yawn, even reading about the sowing. By the way, you have not yielded yet? If so, then you are in a good company. Human creatures yawing all day long. We yawn, waking up in the mornings, we yawn, goes to sleep at night. We yawning a lot when we look at the TV and sit in class. We even yawn when we run a panty in the park.

Interesting fact:some animals, such as Martens and Lions, yaw when hungry.

Who else also yawns?

People are not the only creatures on the ground that yawning. Many other animals (from lion to fish) tend to often open jaws in sweet sowing. When we see a yawning person, we think that he is tired or boring him. But if the Siamese fighting fish yawns, take care! The male begins to yawn when he sees on his territory of someone else's male. There are several zevkov, one at ten minutes. Then the fish attacks another fish, and the battle flares. Some animals, such as Martens and Lions, yaw when they are hungry.

Why do people yawn?

A common explanation - we yawn to inhale more oxygen, for example in a stuffy room. But here is a psychologist Robert Provine, who studies the sowing, claims that it is incorrect. People who breathe clean oxygen, yaw no less often than those who breathe ordinary air. Provine says that no one knows exactly why people yaws and why the yawn is so infectious. But he tries to find out.


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For many years, Provine conducted experiments with a yawn in Maryland University. In one of the experiments, the subject was sitting in a quiet room and thought about sowing. When he felt the need to yawn, then pressed the button. When the yawning ended, he pressed the button again.

Provine found that the average duration of Zovka six seconds. One of the subjects, focusing, yawned 76 times for half an hour. Then Chapter filmed himself on a video film - yawning and smiling. During the demonstration, the test videotape only one of the five spectators smiled in response to the provinger, but Half of the audience answered Zowota to the yawn. Conclusion: the yawn is much more infectious than a friendly location.

Why do you need a yawn?

When we yawn, the head throws back, the lower jaw falls down, the eyes are closed, and the eyebrows frowning. The challenge emphasizes that it is pulling out, we usually simultaneously yawn, so there may be a yawning - it is a peculiar portion for the muscles of the head and neck. But yawning, in addition, causes a delay of blood carrier blood in the brain.

Thus, the yawn can, how to wake, so calm us. Try to watch it, advises the provinces, and you will understand that the yawning is not just a deep breath. If you squeeze your lips when the yawns begins, and you will try to breathe your nose, then make sure it is resolutely impossible. If the yawning was just a deep breath, then you would be able to breathe a nose with an equal success during the sowing.

Not only people yawns are also characterized by other mammals, birds and even some reptiles. Everyone, and among those, performs one function: compensation for the lack of oxygen. A quick deep breath, which happens during dawn, allows you to fully direct alveoli - structural units of the lungs, which allows you to "increase the supply" of oxygen into the body, first of all to the brain.

The lack of oxygen causes the yawn always, Whatever her reason: an unbelled room, cardiac and even ... boredom. In the latter case, braking is distributed in the central nervous system, which suppresses the operation of the brain respiratory centers. This leads to oxygen starvation.

If a group of people is located in such a stuffy room or a boring event - it is not surprising that the yawning begins at all. But it happens that the cause of sowing is individual - for example, heart failure - but the surrounding still begin to yawning after this person. Why is this happening?

Infectious zevota

The reason for the contagiousness of neurons is the action of mirror neurons.

These special cerebral cells were first discovered by the Italian neurobiologists J. Ritzolatti and L. Pogassas in experiments on monkeys. They are located in three areas of the cortex of the brain: the frontal, lower dark and top temporal. The functions of mirror neurons are not fully investigated, but you can already talk about their main features.

This feature is clearly visible on the example of the following experiment: the subjects shown on the screen, as people make some actions. First, they just look, then they make this action along with the characters, and then look at the name of the action written on the screen. In all three cases, mirror neurons are activated.

The results of experiments suggest that mirror neurons play a major role in the imitation mechanism. It is based on training, an understanding of complex behavioral reactions of others. But also simple physiological manifestations, including yawning, also activate mirror neurons, which leads to the repetition of such actions, it is their activities that explain the contagiousness of the sowing.

Mirror neurons provide a person and ability to empathy. And it is not necessary to condemn people who easily begin to yawn when someone yaws nearby: they have an increased inclination to empathy.

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