Mysticism in the Third Reich. Mystic in the Third Reich Attempt on the Fuhrera

Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Bhanau, a city that many were considered a kind of "nursery" of mediums. In any case, Willie and Rudy Schneder were born here, whose psychological experiments at their time became world famous. If the dar of the medium can be transmitted to a baby with breast milk, it is appropriate to note that Hitler had the same Kormilitz as the famous Willie Schneider.
At school, Adolf did not differ in special success, but his teacher for his whole life was remembered by a strange glance of a teenager who led the teacher to the thrill. Professor H. R. Trevor-Rooper, a former intelligence officer, writes: "Hitler had an eye of a hypnotist who suppresses the mind and feelings of everyone who falls under his spells." J. Brennan in the book "Occult Reich" describes a striking case. One Englishman, the true patriot of Britain, who does not know the German language, listening to the performances of the Fuhrer, involuntarily began to pull his hand in the Nazi greeting and screaming "Haile Hitler!" Together with the electrified crowd ...
Approximate Hitler repeatedly recalled that in his presence they were completely lost the initiative, falling under the influence of his magnetism.
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It is believed that in addition to the abilities of hypnotize, Hitler possessed and a prophetic gift. In any case, the astrological maps of the Fuhrera say about it. During the First World War, Hitler told the Army Psychiatrist about the supernatural vision, from which he should have headed Germany and revive her former glory ... For a stupid Efreitor, it was, to put it mildly, a bold statement. But it, however, after 15 years came true!
Confirmation of Hitler's abilities to anticipate the future and the case that occurred on November 8, 1939 in the Munich Beer Cellar "Burgersbra". Speaking here in front of your colleagues, Hitler said a shorter than usual, speech and immediately left, which did not do before. Soon after his departure in the cellar burst intovested, the seven people died, and 16 were injured. If the explosion found Hitler on the podium, he would inevitably die. Why did he cut the time speaking and changed his habit to communicate with comrades? Did the danger or, as some historians suggest, is this attempt to increase the popularity of the Führera?
In any case, once Hitler said: "I left death several times, but it's not by chance, the inner voice warned me, and I immediately took steps." In this inner voice, Hitler believed until the end of his life.
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Re-equipment of the German army, the occupation of the demilitarized Rhine region, annexation of Austria, the occupation of the Czech Republic and Moravia, the invasion of Poland - any of these actions from 1933 to 1939 should lead to war with France and Great Britain, the war in which Germany did not have No chance of victory. However, Hitler seemed to know that the allies would be inactive, and safely gave orders from which the Lipsky Lindam Generals were covered. It was then that the Hitler's environment originated mystical faith in his unearthly destination and a prophetic gift.
But is it really possible to Hitler's pictures of the coming? J. Brennan believes that the Führer, like Shamans, was part of a special ecstatic state, which enabled him to see the future.
In the enclosure of Wrath, Hitler often became almost unbearable. In a person in such a state, as a biochemical analysis shows, the content of adrenaline and carbon dioxide is dramatically increasing. This can lead to changes in the work of the brain and the release of new levels of consciousness. "Incixing of this kind brought Hitler before, he writes J. Brennan, - that he could rush to the floor and start chewing the edge of the carpet - such behavior was observed in Haitians who were given to the power of perfume in the performance of magical rituals. This led to the fact that the nickname of the carved was gained. "
However, the prophetic abilities of the Fuhrer disappeared when German troops invaded the territory of the USSR. Maybe these are Russian saints put their barrier to the influence of dark forces?
The first faces of the star were betrayed ... According to the forecast of German astrolories, the winter of 1941-1942 should have been very soft. But first, the Germans were stripped in the mud of our country roads, and then hit the strongest frosts. At times, the temperature dropped to minus 40 degrees ... Even the gunpowder did not explode, but only Skeid, fuel, and dressed in summer German soldiers just got out at the expanses of Russia. So began the sunset of the Third Reich.
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In 1896, the English writer M. Chiel published a novel, where he told about the monstrous gang of criminals who robbed and destroyed Europe who killed and burning the corpses of the people whom they considered harmful to human progress. Writer-Providez entitled his work ... "S. FROM. "!
At the SS operated Anenerbe - a peculiar academy of sciences of the Third Reich, which included 50 scientific institutions. They studied the practice of the occult, the activities of secret societies, ways to apply astrology and alchemy, were looking for ancient magical secrets. Numerous expeditions are equipped with Tibet and other areas of the world for searching for various relics and occult knowledge ...
"List of problems," Jacques Pierce and Louis write in the book "Morning Mages", - the study of which demanded from the anenchic expenses, strikes imagination: the symbolic value of the harp of the Harp in the ulter music, the occult meaning of the Gothic Tessenk Oxford and Cylinder Hat ... In 1943, shortly after the fall of the Mussolini regime, the head of the SS Himmler gathered at the villa in the vicinity of Berlin the largest occultists of Germany, so that they opened the place where they were arrested by their secret ways. Meetings of the General Staff began with sessions of yogic concentration ",
Jacques of Berry and Louis Beliely belong to the idea that in the years of fascism in Germany, a special civilization was formed, absolutely not similar to the world around. With this civilization of black magicians, obsessed with demons, and had to come together in the bloody battle by our fathers, grandfathers and grandeons.

edited news Arnica - 5-04-2014, 08:02

Writer and explorer Hans-Ulrich von Kranz - Ethnic German. His father was an officer of the SS, and to avoid prosecution, after the war went to Argentina. The book of the crane quickly became a sensation, because they opened the veil over the most carefully hidden secrets of the Third Reich! Is it concerning the secret Nazi bases in Antarctica, the space discoveries made by the Hitler's minions much earlier than Russians or Americans, or the removal of the race "superluets". Unraveling the thread of the creation of nazis nuclear weapons, the background of the crane stumps and other developments, in particular, biological and psychotronic weapons. You keep in your hands a generalizing work of the crane, a peculiar result of its perennial searches. Secret projects of the Hitler's Empire became the property of the whole world. The riddles of Nazi Germany seemingly disclosed, what's next? But new questions appear. Is AIDS established in Germany in the 30s of the twentieth century? Where did the polar cities disappeared? Who manipulates the governments of many countries - is not the heirs of the Third Reich? Background Cranc continues to study the chronicle of the history of the Third Reich, discovering all new and stunning pages ...

From the series:Labyrinths of truth

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Led Book Foreign Fragment Mystical Secrets of the Third Reich (F. Kranz, 2008) Granted by our book partner - LITRES.

Chapter 2. Projects of Nazi mystics

No matter how difficult it was to produce information about the main actors involved in the creation of Anenenbe, it was still much easier than to investigate the activities of the Institute itself. Because each person who appears on the pages of this book left its mark in history regardless of the deeds of the ancestors.

But the life of the institute itself is a mystery covered by darkness. Moreover, someone carefully protects this mystery to today. It is not only about archival foundations that found themselves in the hands of Russians. During one of his trips to Germany, working in the local archives, I almost managed to grasp the tail of the most valuable materials. But it did not work ... It happened like this: in the archive directory there was quite innocent, at first glance, a card. It stood stamped on it: "Funds of the historical management of the SS. Volume 1. I knew perfectly well that no historical management in the SS, of course, was not, and we are talking about someone's banal mistake. Most likely, some Anshairbe's document fell into the case. I immediately requested these materials and three hours later could make sure of my assumptions. Documents concerned the Groom operation, and I worked with them until the closure of the archive. What was my surprise when, returning there to the next morning, I did not find a card or a case! The archive workers just shrugged: the most intelligible of everything I heard from them, it was selected for transmission to another, profile archive. The name and address of the profile archive, they, however, could not say, but accidentally said that, along with this, "left" some more such things. I could only bite elbows ...

However, not all my wanted rosures ended so sad. Otherwise, I think you would not keep this book in your hands. Quite often, Fortuna smiled and me. I learned about the operations that shocked the imagination, about the classified expeditions, about mysterious findings ... However, I will tell about everything in order.

Cathary and Grail

One of the first secret projects Anenerbe was the Groom's operation. Her idea was filed personally Hitler. Employed with romantic legends about the Holy Grare and Knights of the Round Table, who devoted himself to his search, he dreamed of recreating anything like this in the modern world. Actually, the Order of the SS should be the embodiment of the Order of the Round Table. Such a table, by the way, stood in the castle of the Vevelesburg - the beloved brainchild of the Himmler - and was used according to himself, there is no direct appointment: he was going through the meetings of the highest SS ranks and all sorts of mystical ceremonies.

But how did Hitler managed to combine the passion for the holy grayle with hatred of Christianity? Indeed, in his controversial nature, two these trends struggled. "I had no reason," the Führer will later say, "admire all these insignificant knights, who admiss on their Aryan blood, following all superstitions of Jews Jesus." Hitler thought for a long time over the rays of this rebus and, in the end, found a way out:

Grail, he said, is not the Christian shrine at all. The legend that this is a bowl with the blood of Jesus Christ, was invented later. In fact, the Grail has much more ancient origin than Christianity: he is at least a tent of thousands of years.

What is the Grail? On this question, Hitler could not answer for sure. Obviously, it should be about some kind of Aryan shrine. Perhaps this is a stone with runic inscriptions, which recorded the main events of the true, not perverted by the Jews of the history of mankind or the foundations of the Aryan religion. In general, it was about the Aryan shrine that the Knights of the Round Table were kept precisely because of its origin, and not by virtue of the Christian faith. "What can in general have such a way to initiate with a Jewish carpenter from Nazareth? - He stated Hitler. - With this Rabbi, the upbringing of which was based on subordination and love for the neighbor and which was the goal of only oblivion of the will to survival? There is no, indeed, the tests associated with the search for a graveyard and intended for the awakening of the latent possibilities of a person with pure blood, did not have anything in common with Christianity! The virtues of Garial were inherent in all Aryan peoples. Christianity added here only seeds of degeneration - such as the forgiveness of insults, self-denial, weakness, humility, and even the refusal of the laws of evolution, proclaiming the survival of the most adapted, most brave and most destructive. "

Was there really a holy grail? Hitler fully allowed that yes. But then it is possible that he was able to "live" to the present day. Indeed, the legends say nothing about the destruction of the relic, but contain only the reference that it was carefully hidden. To try to find Holy Grail - such a task put a Führer in front of the Anenbe Institute. In the folder with the documents that I, in a happy occasion, was issued in the archive, a letter of Hitler was discovered to a virtuous on October 24, 1934. It, in particular, was:

Dear Mr Wirth! The rapid growth of your institution and the success, which he was able to achieve lately, gives grounds for optimism. I believe that now Anenenbe is ready to cope with more serious tasks than those that have been set before him. It is about the search for the so-called "Holy Grail", which, according to my opinion, is a realistic relic of our Aryan ancestors. For searches for this artifact, you can use additional cash funds in the required amount.

To perform the task supplied by the Führer, the virtues were given very broad powers. However, he could hardly manage to achieve something if not yet another person who is not less than Hitler was interested in searching for St. Grail. Called him Otto wounds.

RAS was relatively young - he was born on February 18, 1904 - and therefore did not even have time to take part in the battles of the First World War. While his peers eagerly followed the situation on the fronts, Otto was fond of history and the creed of one of the largest heretic sects - Qatar. He continued his research in the 1920s, enrolling at the university.

Who are such catars? This heretical sect appeared in southern France in the XII century. They believed that there were two starts in the world, two God were kind and angry. And it was precisely angry God created our material world. Catar has denied all Christian attributes - a cross, icons, statues, did not recognize the sacraments of the Catholic Church. The existence of hell and paradise, the doctrine of the terrible court also rejected them. Instead of Christian Qatars developed their own rituals, their own system of sacred symbols. And one of the central places in it, oddly enough, took the Grail.

In conditions, when the Catholic Church completely discredited itself, the heresy of Qatar began rapidly spread over Europe. More and more people are not only poor peasants and apprentices, but also noble knights and graphs - followed their teachings. The situation became dangerous for the Vatican, and in 1209, Dad Innokenti II announced a crusade against Qatar. He almost late: In order to eradicate heresy, it took more than half a century - she deeply lit in the minds and hearts of people. Ultimately, however, Catar was defeated, and the remnants of their army are deposited in the impregnable castle of Monsensegur - their main sanctuary. Monsengeur lasted for more than a year and was taken only with great difficulty. In 1244, mass executions officially committed themselves with Ereshi Katar.

But what's the gravity? The fact is that, according to sniffers that have come down to this day, Qaray worshiped the graveyl by no means abstractly; The holy subject was in the main sanctuary of Montsegeur. Where he was going on - it is unknown, but the wounds quite reasonably suggested that the Qatara hid the Grail. And so reliably that his no one managed to find; Or the founded managed to hide his find well enough. In 1928-1929, RAS goes on a long trip to the "Qatar" places of France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland. His attention to the greatest attention is attracted, of course, the ruins of Monsensegure, which are near the village of Lavlan. In the mountains surrounding the ruins, a lot of caves, and wounds systematically investigated them for three months.

An important role in the fate of the young German fiction was played with another specialist in Qataram - Antonin Gabalam, who was much older than the wound and managed to accumulate a lot of valuable information for his life. Gabal was looking for another shrine of Qatar - the Gospel from John, so two fanatical researchers were able to become not competitors, but partners. The rich experience and knowledge of the gabyle and the acute analytical mind of the wound was a brilliant combination.

The Pyrenean Caves of the Russian Academy of Sciences explored the week for a week - however, without special visible results. And indeed: the sleeveless searches of Graa (about which he didn't even really know that it was, actually, such) in the mountain massif, he was very smirching at the attempt to find the notorious needle in the haystack. It was necessary to find some kind of solution, some method, get the key to the mystery rays.

And the wounds again sat down for the manuscript of Qatar. Materials provided by Gabalam had invaluable help. Among them was a sufficiently detailed plan of the Montsegure castle. Studying him, RAS suddenly found that it completely coincides with the description of the legendary Monsalvat Mountain, where the relic is hidden. So, the Grail is in close proximity to the castle - if not in the castle itself! Continuing the study of Montsegon, the Russian Academy of Sciences found that the castle is geometrically perfect, and if not for individual moments, it was an ideal symmetric building. On the one hand, for the level of architectural skills of the XII century, such errors were quite normal. And yet something in these retreats from symmetry - missing corridors and premises - did not give the wound of rest. While he did not ask himself the question: and who said that they really were not?

Indeed, if you draw a plan so that the castle has gained perfect symmetry, several rooms will appear on the plan, allegedly never existed. The Russian Academy of Sciences suggested that these secret underground moves and halls are simply buried under the pile of ravings and the relic is hidden in them.

Together with Gabalam and several other assistants-enthusiasts from among local peasants, he is taken for work. And then something incomprehensible happens next.

The wound really manages to detect underground moves, whose existence no one suspected. They led to the sacred caves, the entrance to which "outside" was long littered with avalanches. In these natural grottoes, traces of many epochs were preserved - from Neanderthals, who decorated the walls with their imperfall drawings, to Qatar, who turned them into their sanctoes. Here's how the RAS describes these caves: "In time immemorial times, in that distant era, which the modern historical science barely touched on, the grotto was used as a temple dedicated to the Iberian God Illcomer, the God of the Sun. Between two monoliths, one of which collapsed, a steep path leads to a giant lobby of the cathedral of Lybriv. Between the stalagmites from white limestone, between dark brown, sparkling mountain crystal, the walls of the path leads down to the very depth of the mountain. A hall of about 80 meters high for heretics with the cathedral ".

Here, the wounds committed another discovery: the walls of the caves were covered in addition to all other inscriptions and pictures also with the symbols of the Templars! So, the Knights of the Temple really were associated with heretics and, perhaps, for many years guarded the Holy Grail after the destruction of Montsegeur! Returning from the expedition, I dedicated several books by these questions. Unfortunately, he wrote, the Holy Grail was not able to detect. So it is still considered. But I, using the simplest logic, I want to question this conclusion.

Suppose that the Russian Academy of Sciences really did not find the Grail. What would such a fanatical researcher? Of course, it would organize a new expedition in the hope of achieving success! Either, completely disappointed due to failures, in principle, would throw their research. But the wound does not make any other! He continues his studies of the history of Qatar, but no longer searches for the Grail - only a person who has achieved his goal behaves.

Suppose that the Grail was still found. What prevented the wound to disclose your opening? We can only build assumptions about this. Perhaps the Grail turned out to be a carrier of some information that seemed to be too shocking wound, and he was slow with her publication. Perhaps I wanted to first collect as much information as possible and give your discovery worthy "shell". Be that as it may, in 1934, when Hitler sent a virtue of his letter (in fact, an order), no one even guess that the Grail was found and is at the wound.

And they needed only to read the customs declarations that the scientist filled with the intersection of the French-German border in 1929. Among other items, they had a copper boiler for high power steam installation. Tell me, please, why would the archaeologist need a steam boiler? Only in order to hide in it from an extraneous eye some rather large item. Apparently, thus Grail got into Germany.

The wound books attracted the attention of Anenenbe and the Himmler personally. He was invited to first cooperate with the institute, and then become his staff worker. In 1936, Otto RAS officially entered the SS. Promotion of a young scientist on the service staircase went with an incredible speed. In 1937, he takes part in a major expedition to Aneneurbe in Iceland, aimed at finding the legendary Land of Tula. In the framework of the expedition, the Russian Academy of Sciences, as part of the expedition, decides its task - looking for traces of stay on the distant North Isle of Qatar (though, without much success).

And in 1938, a young scientist who makes a brilliant career falls into disfavor. The reasons for this are as mysterious as much more in the turbulent and rich events of the life of the wound. About why this happened, there are several versions.

The first version suggests that the RAS tried to restore the Religion of Qatar in the framework of the SS and, it seems, even achieved certain success in this direction. This is like the truth - according to the testimony of many contemporaries, the Russian Academy of Sciences really began to profess Catar faith. Do it, it is quiet, not attracting any attention, everything would have cost. But the Russian Academy of Sciences openly promoted his views that seriously disperse with the theory of Hitler. In particular, he said that it is necessary to avoid the European War at any cost, which, on the basis of ancient religion, ancient values \u200b\u200bare possible revival and cohesion of Europe. He rejected the rigid persecution of dissent, allowed negative statements about the concentration camps. In one of his letters, he spoke about how hard it was observed all what was happening in Germany:

I am saddened by how things are going in my country. Two weeks ago I was in Munich. Two days later, I would prefer to go to my mountains. Tolerant, liberal man, as I cannot live in such a country, what my homeland became. I am ashamed of that black uniform, which is forced to wear, and dream to get rid of it.

Relief occurred. The Russian Academy of Sciences filed a resignation and left, pursued by many false rumors. According to one, his parents turned out to be Jews; According to another, the young scientist was evident in homosexuality. But in this case, as if if Ran found explicit political misuse, it would be thrown into one of the German concentration camps without any pity, where the young man would turn into ashes. This did not happen, the wounds could safely walk at freedom. True, his loved ones complained that he feels a constant threat that his life was in great danger. Premonitions did not deceive the young scientist: in the spring of 1939, he, skiing on the slopes of Tyrolean mountains, was buried under avalanche.

The official version - death from an accident - was soon obscured by another half-person: suicide. They remembered that in the religion of Qatar, unlike Christianity, suicide is permitted, moreover - almost encouraged as a way to overcome the sinful and mortal earthly existence. Obviously, this version was put into move to make people forget obvious: wounds wanted to live and afraid of death. Consequently, we are talking about the real murder.

Log in postpone the search for killers. I will ask ourselves: for what purpose was the very fact of murder, why did you need to kill so difficult? Obviously, the answer can be only one: the wound was afraid. He knew too much.

And one more question: where does the Grail disappeared after the death of the wound? Answer it is easier than it seems. Shilo is extremely difficult to drag in the bag, and in the early 1940s, rumors crawled around in Germany that in the Order Castle of the SS Werevelsburg is stored among other relics and the gravity. After the defeat of Germany, it was officially announced that in fact there was nothing valuable in the basements of the castle, and under the word "Grail" it was implied a large piece of rock crystal. Plausible? Honestly, not very. Why would it be a rhinestone to drag to the SESSERS, and even call him a grailer? Anyway, how to put a bag with garbage in your chest of drawers and call it a "jewel box". Therefore, there are two options: either the Himmler staff were clinical idiots (what I believe weakly), or the Grail was really in the basements of the Vevessburg, but this fact was carefully tried to hide. Where he went after the war - a separate question; We will come back to him, but for now we turn to the fate of the wound.

So, in 1934, Hitler did not suspect where the Grail is actually located. And he was in the wound. In the late 1930s, the Grail was safely twisted in the cellars of Vevelesburg. What happened? It is logical to assume that the Nazis somehow it became known who keeps the Grail in their bins. And it is quite natural that they are seriously offended by the wound for trying to hide the relic. This could be the main cause of opals and the mysterious death of the wound.

This could be calmed down if it were not for the third version. The fact is that in unpublished manuscripts, the wound, to which I got a completely unthinkable way, appears one powerful and mysterious organization, which could have been sorough to the sin of the murder of the scientist. The organization is closely connected with both the Catholic Church and with Freemasonry, and with the Nazi tip. We are talking about the priority of Zion.

Priora is known to modern bookmaster, except for the works of Dan Brown. The American writer, however, heard the ringing, but does not know where he is. Zion's priora he turned into an organization hostile to the Catholic Church. In fact, everything was exactly the opposite.

In the course of his research, the Russian Academy of Sciences came across the manuscript of Qatarov written by incomprehensible cipher. After the multi-month work, he managed to disclose this cipher. And in front of surprised scientists, new parties were revealed, which would seem to be a long-forgotten story. It turns out that Katarov had connections not only with the Templars. Heretics had a whole network of its "agents of influence" - the most famous troubadurov, stray musicians who singer about love. This is how Otto RAS himself described his opening:

When we talk about the religion of Love Troubadurov, about the dedicated granola knights, we must try to open, which is hiding behind their tongue. In those days, under the word "love" was not understood that we mean today. The word "love" (AMOR) was cipher, it was a code word. "Amor", if you read right left, is Roma (Rome). That is, this word meant that in the form, as it was written, the opposite of Rome, everything that was embodied Rome. In addition, Amor can be divided into two parts: a-Mor (without death), which means the possibility of immortality, eternal life. This is esoteric, solaric Christianity. That is why Rome (Roma) destroyed Love (AMOR) of Qatar, Templars, Guardians of Grail, Minnesinger (Minstrels).

It was in these texts and an indication of the forces opposed by Qatars. And the first mysterious priogency of Zion was listed, which was devoted to the lion's share of encrypted pages. The Russian Academy of Sciences took on to explore him - and found a whole layer of European history, thoroughly hidden from our eyes.

It turned out to be a priogency of Zion - a secret Order, which operates "in a pair" with the Catholic Church. But if the church acts openly, then the priorata is an extremely regular secret society, which does not constrain himself with the conventions of the creed. The task of the priority was something that the Church was not able to cope: to establish full control over the minds and souls of people. Soon after its formation in the XI century, the priora tried to create his own state and elected the land of Palestine for this. Famous cross hiking were initiated and financed by this particular organization, crusaded kings are actually the highest officials of the priogen.

When this valiant initiative for the root was stopped by Arabs (by the way, since then, the prioge is desperately fighting with Islam. A modern focus of tensions in the Middle East is to a large extent that his hand is the case), the leadership of the priorata decided to organize his "secret state". However, some did not want to serve not too clear goals and left the Order, founding the movement of Qatar. It is clear that they were doomed to destroy at once for two reasons - they knew too much and resisted.

When it was finished with Qataram, a new threat was standing before the Order. Knights-Templars, originally the main military support of the Order, rebelled and began to claim independence. They also had to destroy them. Only after that the internal reform was held in the Order, which finally approved the basis of his organization.

The head of the Order was the Grand Master. Many amazing, legendary personalities - Sandro Bothichelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, Claude Debussy. The master is surrounded by a narrow circle of approximated - the so-called vulture: only they know who is at the head of the Order. Lower step - dedicated: those who do not know the identity of the Grand Master, but deeply dedicated to the Order of the Order. Two of these top steps and form, in fact, the basis of the Order; People get here only after careful selection, and the only reason for their departure from the Order is death. Two lower layers are those who serve as a priora, without suspecting its true purposes and tasks. These are people who are clothed with power (politicians, financiers, warlords) and simple "cannon meat" - consumable human material.

A member of the priorata - and dedicated, if not in vain, was Haushofer. Apparently, it was he who suggested the Order to support Hitler. Historians are still surprised: how could the dwarf nationalist party, who had a bunch of competitors, for several years to achieve unprecedented heights? What made industrialists and financiers give her multimillion subsidies? Apparently, it is possible to explain it only by the influence of the priora.

The priora was directly published on the Nazi leaders, and a certain agreement was concluded between the two parties. Obviously, the creation of a certain state in southern France was envisaged, where the prioge could realize his millennial dream of its own territory. It is not by chance after the defeat of France in 1940, Germany occupied only the northern part of it, and Petin's puppet government left in South. Judging by the information available, and Petya, and the head of his cabinet Laval were the performers of the Will of the Prion. This is also talking about the turbulent activity, which the priogency of Zion in southern France has developed in the early 1940s. Risching to break the conspiracy, the Order even produced his own magazine - "Venkr". Subsequently, a lot was told that this magazine was organized by resistance, since some materials in it were frankly anti-neurcin. However, this does not quite correspond to the truth. First, the magazine, in contrast to the rest of the resistance editions, went out on the beautiful paper, which was anywhere, except for the Germans, was not to get. Secondly, no particularly anti-enecial statements will not be able to detect there even with a big desire; I personally looked through the whole binder "Venkra" and found only what I expected: hidden training of readers to establish the secular power of spiritual persons. In particular, many articles are devoted to the experience of theocrases, which is interpreted extremely positively. Priora Zion prepared for itself a favorable soil.

The prioge was closely connected with Anenenbe, primarily through specific institute employees who were simultaneously dedicated to the Order. The most interesting thing is that the priorata actively acted in Western countries - members of the anti-Hitler coalition. Apparently, it is precisely that a desire to hide some facts of the history of the Third Reich.

How deep was the wounds in the secrets of Zion priorata? This, probably, we will never know. In any case, he learned enough in order to persuade himself on an inevitable death. And with you in the grave, many secrets, whose solute we are looking for so far.

"Legacy of ancestors" and propaganda

"With the help of a skillful propaganda, you can even imagine the very rude life and, on the contrary, the most prosperous to paint the most black paints." So Hitler wrote in his work "Main Campf". Propaganda was the basis of the existence of the Third Reich, it was thanks to the skillful and skillful propaganda head of the NSDAP came to power. Therefore, it is quite natural that the Anenbe Institute was connected to the work of the Hitler's propaganda car.

Historians argue a lot about how such a person like Adolf Hitler was able to take power into his hands. They explain this usually purely economic reasons: the global crisis, the impoverishment of people, the growth of unemployment ... All this, they say, undermined the base, on which the Weimar Republic rests, did not reach her to strengthen. It all started from the Versailles Agreement, which left a terrible moral injury from the Germans and inspired hate to democracy imposed by the winners.

To some extent this is true. But the injury caused by one day tends to be gradually forgotten. So that she continued to remain an open wound, continued to hurt the Germans, it was necessary to make some efforts. And it was Hitler who was those who raised the wounds of the German people who tried to inflate the scale of "historical injustice", "National Shame", which he portrayed the Versailles. Here is his own words about this: "With regard to" guilt for war, "this feeling no longer worried about anyone ... almost all means were used that ... could be appropriate in campaigning purposes."

It is the incredible gifting of Hitler in the field of propaganda consider the main reason for his coming to power. At the same time, the ability of the future Fuhrer was especially brightly manifested in the period until 1933, when he had not yet had a monopoly on the printed word. Only skillful, thin propaganda it was possible to attract all new and new voters, which at the next elections were given their votes of NSDAP. Without political technologies, as we would say today, without the "black" and "gray" pian, Hitler would never come to power.

At the same time, Hitler himself did not imagine anything outstanding. As we said above, it was only a "medium", the conductor of the energy of other people. Above the incredible Fuhrer laughed behind his back shark press, the owners of newspaper concerns, captains of the economy. We laughed until he became a Fuhrer with unlimited power. As long as he also allowed others to manage himself. And these "others" were unreasonable in his hands weapons of terrible destructive strength - a whole state of first-class propagandists, specialists of their case, which subsequently constitute the basis of the propaganda of the "heritage of ancestors".

Yes, yes, in Anenenbe had its own propaganda service, not controlled by even Goebbels; The Messenger Doctor was forced to communicate with the specialists of the Institute on Equal. And this is not by chance, because people who have made the staff of this service were those whom Hitler is largely obliged to be in power.

The scale of the propaganda talent of Hitler himself is well known enough. He could act in the beer filled with the tobacco smoke in the early 1920s, could inflict the crowd with its energy, could intuitively find the necessary tone, the necessary words. It would be a wonderful local politician, which, possibly, after the "Stability period" in the mid-1920s, would be successfully forgotten. But this did not happen. The head of the NSDAP quickly went to the national level, acquired popularity throughout the country. To do this, he had to become not just a talented speaker - he needed to master the technologies that allowed the minds and the soul of millions of people.

The first steps on this path helped to make Houslichofe and Society "Tula". But Hitler made a serious mistake, trying in 1923 to take power. In Landsberg prison, he had enough time to comprehend his mistakes and go to the new tactics: more thoughtful, more efficient. For the leader of the Nazis every day, strange visitors come - journalists, scientists, little-known persons of free professions. All of them, apparently, give Hitler tips, right after finding freedom to deal with power. The result of these meetings is clearly visible in the book "Main Campf", some of the heads of which are fully devoted to the art of propaganda.

So what should it be, this propaganda? Hitler thanks to his mentors learned the five basic principles on which everything else was built.

First, propaganda should always appeal to feelings, and not to the mind of people. She must play emotions that are much stronger than the reason. Emotions can not be opposed, they will not win by reasonable arguments. Emotions make it possible to influence the subconscious of a person, fully control its behavior.

Secondly, propaganda should be different by simplicity. As Hitler himself wrote, any form of propaganda should be publicly available, its spiritual level is tuned to the level of perception of the most limited people. You do not need to be too angry, you need to say simply and clearly - so that even the village fool can figure it out.

Thirdly, propaganda should set clear tasks. Every person should be explained to what he needs to strive what exactly to do. No halftone, no probabilities, no alternatives. The picture of the world must be black and white. "There may be only a positive or negative, love or hatred, right or displacement, truth or a lie."

Fourth, propaganda should rely on a limited set of basic theses and infinitely repeating them in a variety of variations. "Any their alternation should not change the essence of propaganda, in conclusion of the speech it is necessary to say the same as in its very beginning. The slogans should be repeated on different pages, and each speech paragraph end with a certain slogan, "Hitler wrote. The constant repetition of the same thoughts makes people take them as axiom, suppresses any resistance to consciousness. If you repeat a snapping thesis many times, it will work better than any evidence, are the features of the human psyche.

Fifth, it is necessary to respond flexibly to opponents arguments and do not leave the stone on the stone in advance. Hitler wrote: "You need to break in your own speech without remnants ... The opinion of opponents. At the same time, it is advisable to immediately bring the possible arguments of opponents and prove their inconsistency. " It is absolutely not necessary to ensure that opponents really expressed these arguments; It is quite enough for these arguments to come up with himself (and the more apparently their stupidity and nonsense, the better), and then crush them with a crack! And who will then listen to opponents, rejoicing something about the fact that they say, they were not going to say such nonsense?

In addition to these basic rules, it was necessary to know a lot of smaller secrets. For example, how to artificially "warm up" the mood of the public. Banners, banners with slogans, the same shape, bravura music - all this firmly entered the propaganda arsenal Hitler. The combination of all these funds allowed the literal sense of the word to turn people into zombies that are not able to control themselves at least. Hitler played on their lowest instincts - hatred, angry, envy - and invariably won. Because the one who bets on low-lying instincts is inevitably achieved approval from the crowd.

Hitler knew how to force the most latter, the smallest little man to feel the lord of this world, the great Aryan, standing above all the other people. This feeling clearly linked with the personality of the Fuhrer himself. The listener had a feeling: "I am Mr. of this world, but only if I go along with this speaker from the Tribunes." At the same time, Hitler brilliantly owned a reincarnation gift. He could wear a variety of masks, play any roles. Sometimes he presented himself with a reasonable, practical person, sometimes - a bunch of feelings and emotions, a living embodiment of the indomitable German spirit.

He had excellent teachers and associates. The whole army of propagandists behaved in the same way as her Führer. Famous historian Golo Mann wrote about this:

They were all very different. Some exhibited themselves with conservatives, fastened by the orders of officers, thick and imaginary aristocrats. Others played strong work, deceived by German work. Third specialized in the impregnation of ancient, hidden in all European peoples without exception, bad instincts - hate to Jewry. Others were depicted from themselves vulgar and evil; One more is the highest, free spirit of the intelligentsia of the party.

It is felt that propaganda NSDAP was sent from a single center. This center was not the department of Goebbels - it was only a banal performer. Behind Hitler and his girlfriend stood a small group of high-class promotion masters, brilliant theorists with practical work experience, subsequently those who found their place in the "Anenbe" walls. Why don't we hear anything about them, but we know only about the extraordinary talents of Goebbels?

By the way, everything is not very clear with these talents. Until that the fate closely brought Gibbelsai Hitler (this aproose her in 1929), the future Minister of Reach propaganda in no way showed his extraordinary talents. He was a good journalist, but no more; He did not love and afraid to speak to the big audiences. In the late 1920s, Goebbels overnight transformed; At the same time, his diary records published after the war are not given a flight of thought, no art to handle the word. Obviously, Goebbels did not acted himself, but was only an instrument in someone's hands.

Propaganda is the most powerful weapon of the twentieth century, more affected by the atomic bomb. Therefore, the winners - first of all the Western powers - were interested in putting the German "propaganda masters" to their service. That is why they were hidden their huge contribution to the victory of NSDAP, their names forever became secret. Almost the entire propaganda department of Aneneerbe, according to my data, has moved to the American intelligence agencies, even its structure has been preserved. Swimming the ocean, these people continued to fight against the same enemy - communist Russia.

But back to Hitler. Another successful propaganda solution was the use of red movement as one of the main colors. At the same time, two other colors - white and black - were in the subordinate position. The decision turned out to be simple and ingenious: three colors corresponded to the three colors of the Kaiser Flag and allowed to attract conservatives to the national socialism and everyone who was "good old times" without democracy and economic shocks. The red color allowed to lure supporters of the left parties, creating an illusion that the NSDAP is another socialist party, only with a national bias.

In addition, propagandists standing at Hitler skillfully played another need for a simple person. Psychologists call it "the need for group self-identification." What it is? After the defeat in the war, after economic crises, the German felt lonely, weak, devotees. But if it is put in a beautiful uniform, put into operation the same as it, to play a combat march and spend the main building on the main street of the city, it will immediately feel like a very strong whole. It is not by chance that the Nazi parades were one of the main means of agitation and propaganda, who attracted new and new adepts.

The assault troops of NSDAP - CA grew literally not by day, but by the hour. By 1933, several million people have already consisted in them! Almost every tenth adult German male female was an attack aircraft. Ca has become the most powerful armed force of Germany, instilling fear even in the army.

The takeoff of the party began in 1930, after the start of the global economic crisis, which very painfully hit in Germany. The production fell, unemployment grew in front of the eyes, reaching incredible sizes. On behalf of all these unemployed Hitler mandaling the current power, urged to fight for a fusion and fellow life. The faction of the NSDAP in the parliament grew like on yeast. The shares of the Nazis acquired the increasing time, parades and demonstrations turned into professionally stiable performances. It was then that was introduced into circulation of the greeting "Hail Hitler!", All possible opposition to the Führera inside the party was suppressed. The deification of Hitler, who was attributed to almost supernatural features. Passion powdes reached the highest point.

For propaganda, the latest technical means were widely used. In particular, we are talking about the radio that has received wide distribution at that time. NSDAP owned several radio stations, which allowed Hitler not to speak no longer before thousands, but in front of millions of people. Aviation was used: the famous company "Lufthansa" provided the leader of the NSDAP of the newest passenger aircraft, on which he flew in Germany in the period by replacing one other election campaigns. "Hitler over the country!" - exclaimed on this issue Nazi propaganda. Personal aircraft allowed him to perform in three or four rallies in different cities in different cities, which was not available to his rivals.

Full traditional methods of propaganda - leaflets, newspapers, brochures were used. Each party cell is obliged to conduct permanent meetings, rallies, processions, agitate people. Nazi rallies acquired the features of religious ceremonies, which also strongly operated on the minds of those present.

After 1933, propaganda has changed: it has become, on the one hand, more sophisticated, and on the other - more massive. This is not surprising: after coming to power, Hitler received in his hands actually unlimited control over all radio stations and periodic publications of the country. Now he has no competitors. And before the propaganda, a new task is getting up - it's not just to force the average person to vote for the Nazis in the elections (this is now just not required), but to submit all his life, all his thinking to the Hitler's state.

Different organizations are created in abundance, designed to cover all directions of human life, accompany him from young nails to deep old age. Hitlergendan - for young people, the National Socialist Women's Union - for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, the German Labor Front - for all workers, "force through joy" - to organize the leisure of the Germans ... Everything and do not list. And all these structures were aimed, in fact, to achieve one goal - domination over the souls of people - Will this plan worked in a single sledding of propaganda.

The mass production of cheap "people's radio receivers" began, which could take only one wave - state broadcasting. Every year, many films that promote Nazism came to the screens. Sometimes openly, as, for example, in the famous "Volya Triumph". Sometimes - in a hidden form, as in numerous lyrical comedies. And it's not by chance that with every major film studio, an authorized from Anenenbe: Formally, he played the role of a consultant when shooting films about the ancient Germans; In reality, directed the propaganda line in the movies.

It was the "legacy of ancestors", he tested a huge, almost incredible campaign for the preparation of the German people to a New World War. After all, the previous one ended quite recently, and the memory of terrible losses was still alive in every German (by the way, the French would be the cause of their rapid defeat in 1940). Aneneerbe also managed not only to defeat the fear of people before possible severe losses, but also to make them believe that there are no alternatives that the enemies surrounded the country from all sides, and fight them - the sacred necessity. At the same time, the faith in an inevitable victory, German soldiers retained to the final, until May 1945. It is the highest achievement of Reich propagandists, whose names are still hidden from us the curtain of secrecy.

However, this veil, like everyone else, sooner or later will turn around ...

Birth of a new faith

Nazism had their own leader, historical myth, administrative apparatus, their army and laws. What didn't he have been enough yet? Right! Religion.

Hitler hated Christianity. He considered him a side-child Judaism - this lowland Jewish religion, armed with which, the Jews decided to conquer the whole world. The modern church is indulging in these dirty aspirations; She absorbed too much Judaian, there is nothing Aryan. "Consequently," Hitler sums up, - with such a church it is necessary to end. And in her place to put a new, truly German. "

These views of Hitler supported and dated Dietrich Eccart. One of the creators of National Socialism, he preferred to remain in the shade, being one of the main teachers of Hitler. "He will dance, but I created him a music," will say Eckert on her deathbed (he died in 1923). Dietrich Eckert began to lay the foundations of religion, which was to flourish in the victorious national socialist state. Others continued his case - those who later enter the team "Anenenbe".

Indeed, to whom, as not to them, who studied the ancient German history, the culture and spirit of the Aryan ancestors, was to revive their original religion? That the most irministant faith, which, according to legend, displaced Christianity? In fact, Irminism became only one of the religious concepts, which were discussed within the Institute. After all, there were several - similar in shape, but still quite very different from each other. It was these disagreements that caused the world that the world did not see a new, Nazi religion, which was supposed to become an antipode of Christianity.

However, this did not prevent early in the early stages to give religious features to the Nazism itself. Mass processions, solemn oaths, "Cathedrals" from the spotlights directed to the night sky - all this appeared to the religious feelings of the Germans, forcing them to believe in their Fuhrera, as in God. Sophisticated ceremonies with pseudocerny chants, rhythmic chanting, specially selected color symbols were prepared. Participants in these ceremonials brought themselves to ecstasy, similar to religious, and chille "Haile!" It became an analogue of not the Christian "Amen", not the Buddhist Mantra.

Like the Church, the specialists of Anenbe were able to use the psychological impact on the human consciousness of dusk, a twilight, which is invariably associated with something mysterious, frightening, sacred. Hitler himself in his book "Main Campf" wrote:

In all such cases, it is necessary to deal with the problem of the influence of the freedom of the will of the person. This in particular relates to massive rallies, where there are always people whose will oppose the oral oral and who need to impose a new way of thoughts. In the morning and during the daytime, the power of human will with the most powerful energy resists any attempts of someone else's will and opinions to influence it. On the contrary, in the evening it easily obeys the pressure of a solid will ... The mysterious artificial twilight, reigning in Catholic temples, also serves this goal - like burning candles, incense ...

Many researchers believe that the Third Reich sought to become a state-church, replace religion with his ideology. To some extent it is true: the deification of Hitler himself passed all imaginable limits. However, it was not exactly what he wanted himself. National socialism, as it is neither modifying, still remained a secular ideology. We also needed a church, the church at which the Führer could be the Supreme Priest. After all, he is not immortal as the gods, but should give the immortality to his "millennial Reich". It would be much easier to stand on two legs - ideology and religion - the new state would be much easier.

Ultimately, in 1934, Hitler gives Anenbe specialists a direct order: to develop the basics of the new religion. After long disputes, experts came to the general opinion and developed a fairly extensive document, the author of which was the former professor of theology of E. Bergman. The document had, rather, compromise and temporary. Bergman did not like the creation of a gigantic creed. Before him there was a much more modest task: to execute the order of the Fuhrer.

What did the Anenbe Institute suggested? Nothing particularly original. Jewish Old Testament is not suitable for new Germany. He distorts the image of historical Christ, which, naturally, was Aryans. Called to save the world from the Jewish infection, he was crucified with his inflatable opponents. But since his image became very popular among the simple people, the Jews hurried to assign himself to this hero. Almost two thousand years they succeeded; But now the new Messiah is sent to the ground - Adolf Hitler, who will have to complete the case, with whom Christ could not help: Clean and save the world from the Jews.

True, German Christianity, on the thought of Bergman, existed long before the arrival of Christ. It is almost faded, but it can be completely revived to a new life. Instead of the Jewish Cross, the sign of the new faith should be a swastika. The sacred land of true Christians is not Palestine, but Germany. German Earth, blood, soul, art are sacred. It was on this land that the revival of true, Aryan Christianity should occur, which should spread from here throughout the land ... Of course, together with the Aryans themselves. Missionary activities among other nations were not assumed: the church was to remain purely national. It is an attempt to create a universal church - one of the main claims that were presented to Christianity Bergman with comrades.

What other complaints have made these scholars? In general, in his criticism of Christianity, the legacy of ancestors relied on the ideas of Nietzsche. First, Christianity protects weak and humiliated, and therefore prevents natural selection in society, makes it sick. Secondly, the Christian dogmas for the forgiveness of sin, the resurrection and salvation of the soul are complete nonsense. Compassion and mercy are harmful because they are a manifestation of weakness, unworthy and dangerous for the strong Aryan spirit.

There was also a plan for concrete actions to introduce a new religion in the country. Let me pay a little:

1. The National Church demands to immediately stop the publication and the dissemination of the Bible in the country.

2. The National Church will remove all the crucifixes, the Bible and the images of the saints from its altars.

3. In the altars should not be anything except "Main Campf" and a sword.

4. On the basis of the founding of the National Church, the Christian Cross should be removed from all churches, cathedrals and chapels and replaced by the only invincible symbol - a swastika.

Hitler liked the project, however, he, being a rather sensible person, understood what a storm of indignation would he cause German Christians. The split of the company on the eve of the big war was absolutely not needed. Therefore, the Christian Church, even if stirred in many rights, continued to function quite legally and almost unhindered. Moreover, the Catholic and Protestant priests were not ashamed to maintain the regime and use the labor of Russian slaves imparted from the east.

The introduction of the new religion Hitler decided to produce gradually: start with the Order of the SS, from the party, and only then spread it to all the people. And soon the party rituals really began to be gradually transformed into a sacred; Such were, for example, ceremonies related to the already mentioned "blood banner".

Blood generally played a central role in ideology and the racial doctrine of the Nazis. She should have played the same role in their religion. After the arrival of the Nazis to power in the "Anenchherbe" walls, a special ritual of "consecration of the banners" was developed, which was held all party and sieves steags. The French researcher Michel Tournje describes this custom, which leads its origin from the "beer coup" Hitler.

End of a familiarization fragment.

Today in the series "The Labyrinths of Truth" comes out by a generalizing work of Hansa Ulrich, the background of the crane, dedicated to the secret pages of the history of the Third Reich. His books telling about the individual Nazi secrets were first translated into Russian in our publishing house and met the graceful reception. Today, we are pleased to submit a peculiar result of the long-term studies of the Kranza - the work in which all the riddles of Hitler's Germans revealed together.

The books of the crane are still familiar to the Russian reader. Yes, and in the West, they are not too well known - both researchers, and the media are trying to lure those sensational discoveries in all possible ways, which describes the crane in their works. On publishers who are trying to publish them, it turns out serious pressure - so that they refuse their ideas. And those few books that are still overlooking, the scientific community is trying to imagine as a cheap yellow press. But this is in the West ... Whereas on the homeland of the researcher, in Argentina, these works were produced by a real furyor, for a long time taking the first lines in the ratings of the most popular historical literature.

"Not very characteristic of the names of the Argentina," the reader says. And it will be completely right. Background Cranc is an ethnic German, the father of which, being an officer of the SS, after the war went to Argentina to avoid prosecution or - which was much more dangerous - reprisals without trial and investigation. The will of the fate was involved in the most secret projects of the Third Reich, whose secrets of whose coast all their lives. And only after the death of the father, the son was able to learn what "skeletons" were kept in the closet of his family. From this point on, the respectable bourgeois has become a tireless and talented researcher - a real stalker, a hunter for sensational secrets.

If you read the book of the crane, and then take a look at his photo, there will be a very strange feeling. Pouring the "Heritage of the ancestors" pages, "Swastiki in ice" or "Swastika in orbit", represent the author with a young, tightened by a person with the volitional features of the face and a steel look, such a tough dynamics, such a breathtaking intrigue is filled with each line of these books. From the photo the ordinary fifty-year-old man, tanned blond with deep baldness, prone to completeness, with a calm, serene face. Such a "split personality" is far from randomly. Krancu's background for many years until he decided to release his first book (which you, dear reader, and keep in your hands now), I had to actually have a double life. And few could see that under the appearance of an exemplary bourgeois, a typical manager of the middle arm or university professor, a person is hiding, ready to destroy stereotypes and pull out the facts on the light that previously mastered or hidden.

We release this book in the light also because the theme of the secrets of the Third Reich has become very popular in our country. Unfortunately, book counters today are filled in basically unfair fakes, indisposed inventions on this topic. Unlike this book product, which the language does not turn to call otherwise as a waste paper, the work of the crane, despite the living and fascinating style of the presentation, is a serious study based on a rich actual material.

However, quite words. Let us leave you, dear reader, alone with a brilliant piece of the crane, which, no doubt, will make a new look at many, it would seem that long-known facts.

Word to reader

"Son of the Esvestia" - such a nickname rushed to me in the earlier childhood. Then I did not understand what it means, but did not feel any resentment - it was said, as a rule, without any hatred or contempt. In a quiet, serene Patagonia, world war, like all that happened in Europe, seemed to be somewhat distant, almost unreal. In addition, most of those with whom I communicated in my childhood years were the inhabitants of the settlement of the German colonists, from which my mother was coming and where in distant now the forty-fifth year my father arrived.

Yes, he really was a siest. But not those who stood on the watchtowns of numerous concentration camps. And not those that fought at the front as part of luxury parts. When the Nazis came to power, my father was young, but I filed great hopes by scientists who engaged in the history and traditions of the ancient Germans. Quite quickly, all these studies took under their patronage Almighty SS Henry Himmler. Before my father got up a very simple choice: either to become a siest, or refuse to explore the favorite topic. He chose the first. History showed that it was incorrect choice, but can we accuse him today?

Father almost did not talk about his scientific work. He passed to a sufficiently high title - the Obursmbannfürera CC, which, according to the Russian table of ranks, approximately corresponds to the army rank of major. When Germany suffered defeat, Heinrich von Kranz fled to Argentina, where he met my mother and where the author of these lines appeared in 1950. Father did not like to talk about the details of his flight: he said only that he was escaped from a possible massacre that threatened to all SSEsmen - regardless of whether they are involved in war crimes or not.

Until some moment I believed it. Only a lot later, in student years, when I started seriously interested in the history of the Third Reich, unwandered about the truthfulness of the words of the Father. In the SS served hundreds of thousands of people, of these, tens of thousands were officers. The death penalty and imprisonment were fate of a few: mostly those whose hands were on the elbow in the blood. It was these people who tried to hide in Latin America. Such researchers, as my father, relatively calmly survived the first years after the defeat and were even able to return to their scientists of surveys. What did he fade from all the same? And the second riddle: After arriving in Argentina, his father completely abandoned science and began to engage in banal commerce. Why?

Under the life of the Father, I could not find answers to these questions. Moreover, I tried not to ask them either to him or myself, fearing that the answer would be too scary. Only after the death of the Father in 1990, sacrificing his papers, I found a randering. Frankly: she turned out to be absolutely not the one I expected and was afraid to know. And from it even more shocked.

In the old Safe, standing in the attic of our house, there were documents regarding such parties to the history of the Third Reich, which I had never suspected before. About the mysterious project Aneneerbe (the "legacy of ancestors"), on the relationships of the Nazi leadership with the occult forces, about the secret Antarctic base, on breakthrough research, the results of which were not surpassed even twenty years later after the end of the war. They were kept secret and defeated, and winners. Because these secrets were able to completely blow up our ideas about the Nazi Empire. Indeed, for a long time, historians inspired us the image of the Nazi regime as a complete bankrupt to the collapse in all its endeavors. Maybe at some stage, this statement corresponded to the truth, but the decades can not feed people with the same fairy tale! Because in reality, this monstrous, demonic, criminal regime has achieved in some areas of such success, which did not dream of the rest of humanity. This was clearly spoken, literally shouted the documents that gave me inheritance.

My first reaction was published. However, the publishers, to whom I addressed, did not show any interest to them. "I can comprehend more interesting," said one of the editors during the conversation with me. I realized that I was not seriously taken, and it was angry and surprised equally.

On April 20 of this year, Adolf Hitler will be 112 years old by the head fascist of Germany. You can argue much about the meaning of this figure in world history, but we will be deposited from charges or approval of its grip wars and racist convictions. We better try to understand why a mystically tuned Hitler contrary to the prophecies of "court predictors" and common sense after all attacked Russia.

In the formation of the ideology of the Third Reich, mysticism played a huge role and, in particular, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of the Aryan race from the ancient powerful Atlants and their descendants of hyperboreev. Mysterious Tibet, mythical Motherland of the legendary Shambhala, Manil Fuhrer ancient secrets.

We asked to comment on Hitler's interest to Tibet of Professor Ernst Muldashev, researcher of this mysterious country:

Hitler would not attack the "dense", as he believed, Russia. However, our country was only by Tibet for him. A great influence on the formation of Hitler's worldview was provided by the German scientist Hans Morbiger with his theory of cosmic ice. According to the Gorbierger, our time was preceded by a fabulous in-mind and power Civilization, which existed thousands of years. People giants who lived in those days had many slaves. But civilization died as a result of a flood. The scientist believed that someday people passing through colossal catastrophes and mutations would be made by the same mighty as their ancestors. To save humanity, the Morbiger offered to give the power of the Aryan race as the strongest.

Hitler before the arrival of power often communicated with one Tibetan lama who lived in Berlin. Lama was called "man in green gloves", and dedicated to him called "key holder from the Kingdom of Agarti." Agarchi in German sounds like Asgard - the legendary country of the Northern Gods-ASs. The powerful spiritual organization "Society Tula" is connected with the mysterious kingdom of Agarti, the member of which was Hitler. Her founders, scientists Eccourt and Haushofer argued that 30-40 centuries ago, high civilization flourished in the Gobi desert area. During the global catastrophe, not all of its representatives died. The remaining gone to the Himalayan caves and divided into two parts. Some called their center of Agarti (Center for Good), betrayed contemplation and do not interfere in earthly affairs. According to legends, residents of Agarti are still in the caves. The second founded the country of Shambalu (the center of power and violence, the world manager), which is the repository of unknown forces, affordable only dedicated. Part of the guides allegedly moved to the north of Europe and the Caucasus and is the ancestors of the Aryan race. Therefore, only Aryan Race could conclude an alliance with Agarti and Shambala and master the secrets of fine-energy control, allowing to learn, for example, to strove multiple stone blocks.

Of all these ideas, Hitler formulated the theory of "magic socialism", according to which people every 700 years rise to a new level of development. The harbingers of transformation is the emergence of magicians. The trial race designed to know the next cycle, Hitler considered the Aryans. Their will be the epic under the leadership of the "highest unknowns." Other people, according to Führera, are only outwardly similar to a person, but will be distorted from Aryans further than animals. Therefore, the extermination of Jews, Gypsy, etc. He did not consider it a crime against humanity. By order of Hitler, a special institution "Anenchive" was organized, which organized an expedition to Tibet in search of legendary countries.

During the last expedition to Tibet, we hit the town of Titarapary - the legendary Tibetan Babylon, where, in terms of the information of Lam, and the entrance to the mysterious Shambalu is located. Now, it is possible to understand why several expedition expeditions have suffered a fiasco in Tibet. The place is very strong, mystical. Things there are inexplicable things there, and the person risks to die in the "Cursed Babylon". So, even if the Hitler's messengers found the door to the world of mighty hyperborev, their death fell.

Hitler Germany was actively engaged in developing new types of weapons, trying to overtake the rest of the world. The best minds were concentrated for the invention of deaths of deaths capable of turning the course of war. Today we know that their searches were not limited to common science, but even delved to the occultism, mythology and paranormal phenomena. And all the most incomprehensible and mysterious was engaged in the mysterious organization "Anember" (Him. Ahnenerbe - "Legacy of ancestors").

He was headed by Colonel SS Tungsten Background Zivers. In the depths of Anenbe - "In the interests of the Great Germany", unheard of atrocities were made over people who spent the role of experimental rabbits. Here the entire spectrum of occult and secret knowledge was accumulated here, also "in the interests of Great Germany."

His beginning "Anecherbe" takes from the mystical organizations "Hermanorenden", "Tula" and "Vril". It was they who became the "three whales" of the National Socialist ideology, supporting the doctrine of the existence in the abundance of a certain island - Arctic. Powerful civilization, which was available to almost all the secrets of the Universe and the Universe, died after the grand catastrophe. Part of the people miraculously saved. Subsequently, they mixed with arias, giving an impetus to the appearance of the race of superchalines - the ancestors of the Germans. So, no more! And how not to believe here: After all, the hints are clearly through the "Avesta" - the ancient Zoroastrian source! Confirmation of his racial theory Nazis was looking around the world - from Tibet to Africa and Europe. They crossed the ancient manuscripts and manuscripts, containing information on history, magic, yoga, theology. All that contained at least the slightest, let the legendary mention of the Vedas, Aria, Tibetans. The highest interest in such knowledge showed the ruling top of Germany - politicians, industrialists, scientific elite. They all tried to master unprecedented, higher knowledge, encrypted and scattered in all religions and mystical beliefs of the world, and not only our. And we must pay tribute not without success.

In many ways, immoral and monstrous, - this organization in bright colors showed the true face of fascism. The institute conducted thousands of sadistic experiments: prisoners of anti-Hitler coalition soldiers, women, children put their lives on the altar of the genetic and physiological experiments of the fascists! Moreover, the Master of Bashing Affairs from science also tormented the elite of CC - members of the "knight's" orders: "Lord of Black Stone", "Black Knights" Tula "and such a Masonic order inside the SS itself -" Black Sun ". The effect of different poisons, the impact of high and low temperatures, pain thresholds are the main "scientific" programs.

And besides, the possibility of mass psychological and psychotropic impact, work on the creation of super-handing was investigated. Anenerbe with German pedanticity divided the work in the following areas: the creation of superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard weapons (including mass lesions, including atomic), the possibility of using religious and mystical practices and ... The possibility of intercoulations with alien highly developed civilizations.

It is now generally recognized that the foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid by secret societies long before the emergence of the Nazi state. The well-known explorer "Otterworld" K. Velasquez argues that some occult "keys" gave both a technogenic information. In particular, the drawings and descriptions of "flying discs", in their characteristics significantly superior to the aircraft technique of that time. There are many more questions about the development of the Third Reich in the field of "flying plates" today, but there are much more questions than answers.

In 1935, Anenbe was created as a non-governmental scientific society (Feran) and originally did not compose part of the Nazi state machine. It was, rather, a "club for interests" from a variety of people engaged in accomplishing research in the field of German history and philology, and existed for private donations and "grants" from the Ministry of Food. Until 1937, the same Himmler, for example, was mentioned exclusively as "graduated by agronom", and not Reichsführer SS. Now this "Agronom" began step by step to embed "Feran" into its "state in the state". In October 1937, he instructed the head of his personal headquarters to provide "uniformity in the understanding of scientific issues between the SS and Aneserbe". Many employees of the Company combined work there with the service in Rusha, having received officers.

In 1935, Himmler made Anenbe with an official organization led by his black Order. Anenerbe's goals were announced: "Search for localization, thought, actions, the legacy of the Indo-Gerson race and report the results of these searches in an intensive form. The execution of this task should be different methods of scientific accuracy. " As in this connection, L.Povel and J.bezzier notice, "the entire German rational organization was put on the Irrational service."

In January 1939, Aneberabe, together with the 50 institutes, which was located, was led by Professor Wurst, an ancient sacred text area specialist), it was included in the SS, and the leaders of Aneserbe entered the personal headquarters of Himmler. For research conducted within the framework of Anecherb, as noted by some authors, Germany has spent enormous tools, more than the United States to create the first atomic bomb. These studies write L. Podel and Zh.Berzhier, "covered the huge area, from scientific activities in their own sense of the word before studying the practice of occultism, from the vivisection of prisoners to espionage for secret societies. There were negotiations with chaplanes about the organization of the expedition, the purpose of which should be the abduction of St. Grail, and Himmler created a special section, a challenge service that occupied the "supernatural region". The list of problems solved Agenerbe is striking the imagination ... ".

Anenerbe (heritage ancestors) was one of the most unusual official organizations of the 3rd Reich.

The ideological basis of Anecherbe laid Herman Wirth, published in 1928 the book "The Origin of Mankind". He argued that the origins of humanity are two proturatus. Nordic, spiritual race of the North, and Gondvanic, covered by low-lying instincts, Race South. Wirth claimed: the descendants of these ancient races scattered between various modern peoples. "

In 1933, a historical exhibition called "Ahnenerbe" was held in Munich, which means the "legacy of ancestors." Her organizer was Professor Herman Virt. Among the exhibits were the oldest rune and protoductural writers. The abandonment of some of them, Wirth was estimated at 12 thousand years. They were collected in Palestine, Labrador caves, in the Alps - all over the world.

The Himmler himself visited the exhibition. He was amazed by the "clarity" conclusions about the superiority of the Nordic race. By this time, the SS, tried to take on the function of protecting the Nordic race in a genetic, spiritual and mystical plan.

This required special knowledge. They were looking for in the past. And on July 10, 1935, at the initiative of Reichsführera SS Henry Gimler, Richard Walter Darus, Ryhardenfürera SS and the researcher of the ancient German history Hermann Wirth was founded by Anecherbe. Initially, Aneserbe was positioned as an educational and research society for the study of German spiritual Praioria. The headquarters of the apartment was located in the city of Vaishenfeld, the land of Bavaria.

Felicly remembered, in particular, the legend of giving power over the world of Garlary. In the SS, this was not just like a beautiful legend. Yes, and Hitler admitted that the Grail is a stone with Rounic inscriptions. And they carry undischarged, as in later types of letters, the wisdom of the past. Forgotten knowledge of inhuman origin. The very knowledge to which people in black uniforms dreamed. Later, the SSEs took the active searches of the Garal bowl. They were led in the castles of Qatar on the Pyrenees. He led an expedition Otto RAS, the author of the anticatolic book "Crusade against Grail" - about the struggle of Papal Rome against the movement of Qatar.

At one time, even rumors went that the expeditions were crowned with success. However, they seem to have not confirmed, and the SC Otto Rounds in 1938 in 1938 mysteriously disappeared.

Let's return to Anenerbe ...

Initially, the organization was headed by Herman Virt and his deputy professor Friedrich Gilsher. (Hilsher). Guilsher played an important role in the development of a secret doctrine, beyond which the position of the next leader Anecherbe, a student Gilsher, - Zolfram Zivers, like the position of many other Nazi leaders, and not only them remains incomprehensible.

At the end of 1935, Herman Virt was subjected to home arrest. He spent under the castle all the time until the end of the war. Since 1937, Heinrich Gimler, a curator of the Society, the rector of the University of Munich, Professor Walter Würst, and the general secretary, historian Wolfram Sivers, is the rector of the University of Munich University.

Aneurba was so successful that in January 1939, Himmler included the Institute in the composition of the SS, and his leader was included in the Personal Headquarters of Reichsfürera. In order to more closely with the military needs of the Reich in Anecherbe in 1940, the "Institute of Applied Military Research" was created, the director of which was appointed the same shtormbanfürera SS (in 1945 - Standardfürera) V.Zivers.

The Institute of Applied Military Studies merged with the Entomology Department and the Institute of Plant Genetics. The Institute had the following organizations:

Department of mathematics. Head - Bozek. He was helped in the work of 25 assistants from Oranienburg's outstanding concentration camp. The problems were set by Sun, Navy, Air Force and Reich Research Council.

Pekrin's study. Conducted Dr. Plentner, Susterbafurr MOP and lecturer at the University of Lektzig. Studies focused on the use of pectrine and glutamic acid as a clinical agent to ensure blood dilapidation, the plentran assistant was a chemist - Dr. Robert Faykes - a Jew, a prisoner of the Doha's concentration camp, and the other prisoner is a graduate engineer bromine, answered technical issues. The laboratory was in the chalkters on Konstantsky Lake.

Experiments on cancer research conducted Professor Hirt from Turing University, a member of the usual SS and a member of the party. The chimney was considered for the first time, to derive a cancer cell using, fluorescent microscopy and it was also possible to destroy this cancer cell due to its treatment method.

Studies of the problems of the chemical war were conducted in collaboration with Professor Brandt (one of the personal doctors of Hitler) and Professor Bickenbach from the Starabogo University of Natzwealer. It was found that the LOST gas subjected to gas was amenable to treatment with the use of a vitamin diet.

Experiments on the effect on the human low temperatures were conducted by Dr. Sigmund Rashar in Schwabinger's hospital, hospital in Munich. Rashar was a member of the SS troops and a staff physician of the German Air Force. In his opinion, experiments on the study of the effects of air heights on pilots have long been stuck at a dead point and demanded live people to participate in them. And he received them.

For high-rise experiments from Munich in the Munich concentration camp, special lebocameras were transferred, from where the air was bought out in such a way that the real conditions for the absence of oxygen and low pressure characteristic of large heights were simulated. As it became known on the "process of doctors", about 200 prisoners from Dakhau passed through these experiments. 80 of them died right in the barocamera, the survivors were eliminated later, in order not to tell about what happened.

And soon Dr. Rashar began his famous "freezing experiments." Now the prisoners were "tested" in two ways: lowered the reservoir with ice water or left naked on the snow for the whole night.

The strongest experimental stroller lasted in ice water 100 minutes, the most silent - only 53. As soon as the "fatal table" was compiled, Dr. Rashar received a new order from Himmler: to learn "frozen" to return to life. Reichsführer did not doubt that the valiant German Luftwaffe will soon have to make forced landings in the waters of the Northern Ocean, land on the shores of Norway, Finland or Northern Russia caught in the waters and trinker frost.

In total, 300 Dachaau prisoners were used in the experiments on the frost. 90 of them died during the experiments, part of the "patients" went crazy, the rest were destroyed.

For unexplained reasons, Rashar was sent to the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1944. The official version they "resorted to deception in history with the origin of their children." That is, they just inflated the Reichsfürera, adopting in front of German mothers, tritely staring "their" boys from orphanages.

At the same time, it is obvious that as in any comparison, the identification of the dignity of one race before the other cannot be carried out unilaterally. The concept of "superman" conducted by the Nazis, first of all it was necessary to prove and demonstrate the unique spiritual, physical and intellectual possibilities and features of the "True Aryans".

And this already implies the conduct of similarity in its essence, the development and methods of research on representatives of the "highest race". At the same time, as in any selection, experiments must be subject to the best, selected "instances".

Currently, there is every reason to assume that the so-called "new willing concept" was actively worked out in several specialized military medical institutions created in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union, where the advantages of the "superman" turned out to be experienced. Going out to defend the ideas of the world's domination of the Aryan race, the best of its best representatives of officers and soldiers of the elite military formations of Germany and children related to it and in the blood of the states went on the latter in their lives.

Non-traditional methods for obtaining knowledge were practiced - under the action of halucinogenic drugs, in a state of trance or contact with the highest unknowns, or, as they were called, "the minds of external".

However, Anenerebe mined scientific knowledge not only in traditional way. "Tula" and "Vril" practiced methods of astral receipt of information from the noosphere, by feeding experimental potent drugs, poisons, hallucinogen. Communication with perfumes, with the "highest unknowns" and "the minds of the highest" also practiced very widely. One of the initiators of knowledge mining through black magic was Karl-Maria Willigut. He was called "Rasputin Himmler", for a great influence on the Nazi tip. In the most difficult times, Himmler searched for Willigut's support.

Willigut is the last representative of ancient kind, damned by the Church in the Middle Ages.

Even in the official lists of SS heads for 1936, Willigut is under the pseudonym. He is named by the Vaistor group (one of the names of the ancient German God).

Willigut - specialists translate as "God's God." According to the terminology of Ariosophos, it is synonymous with the concept of "fallen angel". That is, we are talking about some "higher beings", demons who brought to the ground otherworldly knowledge.

The roots of the genealogical tree of Wiliguts are lost in the darkness of the centuries. For the first time, the emblem of this kind (with two swastika inside) is captured in the manuscripts of the XIII century. Moreover, it is almost identical to the arbum of Manchurian medieval rulers. Williguits from generation to generation passed mysterious plates with ancient letters. The information encrypted in them contained descriptions of some pagan rituals. Hence the papal curse.

All proposals to destroy the damned letters of Williguts rejected. They seemed to be waiting for some long-awaited hour. Willigut hit Himmler with the visions of his family memory. He dreamed of religious practices, the system of military training and the laws of the ancient Germans. He even made a kind of mantra for causing such a dream.

He read the destiny of the Reichs Minister for some labels, completely dotted mysterious letters. Yes, the demand for black magic in Hitler Germany was always the highest. In 1939, Black Magician Willigut moved away from business. The remainder of the days he spent in his childbirth, hovering horror on the locals, who considered him the secret king of Germany. Died Mage in 1946.

The Nazis used the old occult "keys" (formulas, spells, etc.) with the help of "aneverb" (formulas, spells, etc.), which allowed you to establish contact with "strangers". For "sessions with the gods", the most experienced mediums and contacts (Maria Ott, etc.) were attracted. For the purity of the results, the experiments were carried out independently in the societies "Tude" and "Vril". They argue that some occult "keys" worked and on independent "channels" was obtained almost identical information of a technogenic nature. In particular, the drawings and descriptions of "flying discs", in their characteristics significantly superior to the aircraft technique of that time.

Special attention was paid to the study of human behavior management mechanisms. Intensive experiments in this area were carried out in the concentration camp near the mystical citadel of the Nazis - Castle Vevelesburg, who was prepared by the role of the center of the future Empire of the SS.

In this castle, by the way, a mystery was carried out on the preparation of the arrival of a certain "human hand". Hitler, thus, was only the first, not the most successful experience in this area. According to some reports, on research conducted within the framework of Anecherbe, Germany has spent more money than the United States to create the first atomic bomb. And it is difficult to assume that these were the costs of empty Bedni. Fascism's theorists really managed to produce a psychophysical explosion of the German people in the bowels of the German people.

It may seem strange, but the Nuremberg Tribunal sentenced the last leader of Anecherba Wolframa Zivers, to the death penalty, along with representatives of the Elite Reich, although in the general list of the SS NTurmbanfurr (corresponds to our Colonel) stands on a modest 1082 place.

Interrogation of the Sievers in Nürberg dedicated to SS's experiments over concluded concentration camps. Sverseus denies its involvement in them. He talks about Shambhala, Agarti, uses the occult terms. The slide of bewilderment spreads around the hall. Finally, the former colonel begins to talk about one of the founders of "Ahnenerbe", Dr. Guilsher. Interrogation sharply break up ...

Hilsher, whom no one attracted to the investigation, CaM appeared in Nuremberg to testify in favor of the Sievers. By giving testimony, he asked for permission to hold the sivers to the foot of the gallows, and it was with him that he was sentenced to read the prayers of some cult, which was never mentioned in the process. The guards could not understand anything in the strange television and the incomprehensible words of the SS, similar to spells.

It is not by chance that the Ernst Junger philosopher wrote that Gilfer - nor more nor less - founded a new church. And very advanced in creating new rituals. Apparently, one of them took place in the Squader's chamber. Studying the famous book of Sheet "Miserial Language of Indochmanmans", it is safe to say that Sievers and Guilsher paid their spells to the elements, reverse the hands and pronouncing the ancient magical words "AR-EX-OS-UR". Such is the sacred formula of eternity.

In 1989, the "Messianic Heritage" book was published in New York, the authors of which quoted one of the prosecuted allies. According to him, certificates about the ritual and occult aspects of the Third Reich were consciously seized from documents of the Nuremberg process. Among other things, it is likely that the Rockefeller Foundation in 1946 released $ 139,000 in order to present the public a certain official version of World War II, completely hidden both the occult and mystical approach of Nazism and the actual establishment of Nazi regime by American bankers . Among the main organizations that have granted money was the Corporation Standard Oil Rockefeller.

After the war, part of the archives of Anecherbe was in the United States and the USSR, where the special services was subjected to a close study by employees. Among these archives, including people who worked on the project "MK ultra" and other similar projects. Many Anecherbe staff were forced to hide from justice in various countries of the world. Some of them were in South America. There is interest here that in Chile, during the reign of Pinochet, the special services were experiencing experiments on prisoners, and a repeated place for their holding was one hidden from foreign eyes. The German colony, where many Nazis lived as old and a new generation.

Interestingly, the Archive of Anecherbe was in the USSR. In 1945, the fighters of the Red Army, leading fierce battles in the lower Silesia, took the old castle of Alta. There was a huge amount of papers with some intricate texts. This was the archive of Aneserbe. A striking concentrate of secret politics technologies, coming to power and manipulating people. Documents filled 25 railway cars. Soon they made a special archive of the USSR. Interestingly, his significant part associated with mysticism was practically not studied. Even the numbering of many documents was made after they were demanded for analysis in the 90s.

And quite recently there were completely fantastic materials that the lion's share of knowledge on the development of atomic weapons and space equipment "Anecherbe" received from representatives of the highest civilization from Aldebaran. Communication with Aldebaran was conducted with a super secret base located in Antarctica. When you start reading about the Nazi Space Project "Aldebaran", it is difficult to get rid of the idea that all this is just fantasy. But as soon as they encounter in information about the same project in the name of Verner von Brown, it becomes a little in itself. For SS Standanthurrer Werner von Brown, after many years after World War II, was not someone, but one of the key figures in the American Flight Project on the Moon. Before the moon, of course, much closer than before the Aldebaran planet. But but the flight on the moon, as you know, took place. In 1946, the Americans undertook a search expedition. He headed her Richard Evelin Bard. After many years later, he literally stuck a magazine brotherhood: "We examined the database Anecherbe.

There I saw unprecedented aircraft capable of covering huge distances for a fraction of a second. The devices had a disco-shaped form. "

Equipment and devices were delivered to Antarctica with special submarines. The question arises: why Antarctica? In secret materials about Anenchive, you can find a very curious answer. The fact is that it is there that the so-called transmerso window is located. And the already mentioned Werner von Brown spoke about the existence of disc-shaped aircraft capable of climbing at a height of 4,000 kilometers. Fiction?

May be. However, the Colder of FAu-1 and Fow-2, probably, can be trusted. By the way, in 1945, Soviet soldiers discovered similar devices at one secret plant in Austria. All found in the conditions of the strictest mystery moved to the "Break" of the USSR. And the vulture "completely secretly" for many years reliably provided citizens of the councils a calm dream of ignorance. So, the fascists communicated with representatives of other worlds? It is not excluded.

Yes, the set of secrets keep the US Specarhiva, the USSR (Russia) and England! In these, perhaps, you can find information about the works of "Priese" "Tula" and "Vril" to create a car time, and when - in 1924! The work of the car was the principle of "Electricviton", but something was not charged there and the engine was installed on a flying disk. However, studies in this area were too slow, and Hitler insisted at the acceleration of other more relevant projects - atomic weapons and Fow-1, Fow-2 and Fow-7. Interestingly, the principles of Fow-7 movement were based on knowledge about the possibility of arbitrary impact in the category of space and time!

Taking research in mysticism, astronautics and many other things, Anenchic worked on much more prosaic things, for example, atomic weapons. Quite often in various historical materials you can find a statement about the false direction of the German studies, they say, they would never have received positive results. This is completely wrong! In the Germans in 1944 there was an atomic bomb! According to various sources, they even conducted several tests: the first on the island of the Rügen in the Baltic Sea, two others - in Thuringia. One of the explosions was carried out with the participation of prisoners of war. The destruction of total nature was observed within a radius of 500 meters, which relating to people, then some burned out without a trace, the remaining bodies were traces of high-temperature and radiation exposure. The tests of Stalin found out a few days later, as well as the Truman. The Germans were actively preparing for the use of "Weapons of Retribution". It was for him that Fow-2 missiles were constructed. A small warhead in the presence of a powerful charge, sweeping whole cities from the face, is what you need! Here is just one problem: Americans and Russians also develop atomic programs. Will they cause a retaliatory strike? Leading atrome specialists Kurt Dinber, Werner von Brown, Walter Gerlah and Werner Geisenberg did not exclude such an opportunity. It should be noted that the German superbum was not atomic in the full sense of the word, rather, thermonuclear. Interestingly, one German atherman - Galibronner - said: "Alchemists knew about atomic explosives, which can be removed from only several grams of metal," and the Minister of Arms Minister in January 1945 completed it: "There is an explosive with a matchbox. Enough to destroy a whole New York. " Hitler was not enough, according to analysts, one year. "Anenerbe" and "Tula" did not have time ...

Aggressive materialists try simply not to pay attention to obvious riddles. You can believe in mystics, you can not believe. And if it were about the fruitless spiritual sessions of the exalted aunts, it is unlikely that Soviet and American intelligence would be spent huge forces and risked their agents to find out that these sessions occur. But according to memoirs of veterans of Soviet military intelligence, its leadership was very interested in any approaches to Anecherb.

Meanwhile, come close to Anecherba was an extremely complex operational task: after all, all people of this organization and their contacts with the outside world were under the constant security control - SD, which in itself indicates a lot. So get the answer to the question, whether we have or Americans have their own Stirlitz inside the Anecherbe, today it is not possible. But if you ask, why, they drink another strange riddle. Despite the fact that the absolute majority of intelligence operations of the period of the Second World War today is declassified (with the exception of those that have subsequently led to the work of the active agent already in the postwar years), everything related to the developments on Anecherba is still surrounded by a secret.

But there is, for example, the testimony of Miguel Serrano - one of the theorists of National Mystecism, a member of the secret society "Tula", at the meeting of Hitler gut. In one of his books, he claims that the information received by Anecherbe on Tibet has significantly advanced the development of atomic weapons in Reich. According to his version, Nazi scientists even created some sobrase of a combat atomic charge, and the allies at the end of the war discovered them. The source of information - Miguel Serrano - is interesting to at least in the fact that for several years she represented his homeland chili in one of the UN Commission on Nuclear Energy.

And secondly, immediately in the post-war years, the USSR and the United States, who seized a significant part of the secret archives of the "Third Reich", make practically parallel breakthroughs in the field of rocketism, the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons, in cosmic studies. And proceed to the active developments of qualitatively new weapons. Also immediately after the war, two superpowers with special activity are engaged in research in the field of psychotronic weapons.

So comments in which it is argued that in Anecherbi archives, by definition, it could not contain anything serious, do not stand any criticism. And in order to understand it, you do not even need to learn them. It is enough to get acquainted with the fact that it was charged in the responsibility of the organization "Anecherb" by its President Henry Himmler. And this, by the way, the total search for all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world. In each newly occupied Wehrmacht, the country immediately sent a special expedition to Aneserbe. Sometimes they did not even wait for the occupation. In special cases, the tasks set before this organization performed SS special forces. And it turns out that the Anecherbe archive is not theoretical studies of Germanic mystics at all, but a multilingual meeting of a wide variety of documents captured in many states and related to very specific organizations.

The leaders of the Third Reich understood that due to the number of army, the future wars would not be able to win.

Konstantin Zalessky, the historian of the Third Reich: "Therefore, the concept of the so-called high-quality superiority went to the move, which implied that it would be possible to win by smaller forces in terms of quantity, but higher forces in quality. It is for ensuring the so-called high-quality superiority, Anecherba and attracted its specialists in the occult knowledge, according to unconventional, by paranormal knowledge to achieve a breakthrough in those areas where their opponents were incompetent. "

The ideology of Nazism was based on the fact that there was no powerful civilization on Earth, which almost all the secrets of the universe were available. And somewhere, encrypted and scattered, these higher knowledge have been preserved. It is they who should help revive the superhuman in Germany, the descendant of ancient Arya. Atlantis was especially interested, which Nazi scientists considered the Pranodina of the Aryan race. It is Germany that rightly should belong to the technological knowledge of the Atlanta, who were able to build huge sea vessels on the legend, movable by unknown force.

Konstantin Zalessky, the historian of the Third Reich: "To look for secret knowledge, look for knowledge on the history of civilization, both German, Indo-German, and in general, any civilization of the world, anenerbe started immediately, before the war."

Once there are similar cards, then other secret knowledge can be saved somewhere! Where?

Secret Expeditions Aneserbe is looking for ancient relics, old manuscripts around the world - from Tibet to South America.

Especially hunt behind the archives of the Knight's Order of the Templars, which for a number of signs visited America long before Columbus. Apparently, the Templars owned secret manuscripts, such a map of Piri flight, which means that something important and Antarctica could know!

In the occupied territories, the Special Socond Conductors of the SS makes the collections and libraries.

Konstantin Zalessky, the historian of the Third Reich: "Anenbe confiscated libraries of theological faculties, libraries of various secret societies, as soon as they could find. Aneserbe collected a huge library. One of the librarians of the Potsdam Library was a witness that in March of the 45th year, when Soviet troops were already suitable in Germany, Aneberabe conducted packaging of its library - 140 thousand volumes. The catalog of this library would probably be very interesting. "

It is possible that the Anecherb learned about Antarctica something that made it one of the main goals of the Nazi leadership. By and large, the SSS was looking for special knowledge, the very bowl of Grail, who, together with a sacred spear, opens the way to world domination.

This legend Hitler heard before the First World War. A spear of fate, before those stored in the Vienna Museum, Hitler seized in 1938 after the accession of Austria. For the authorities over the world, he lacked the Garal bowl.

Connect the legendary spear - a symbol of active male principle, a symbol of scientific knowledge of the world, and a bowl - a symbol of a female, preserving began, a symbol of accumulated experience: here is a breathtaking that occupies the ruling top of the Reich. Connect the newest achievements of science with the centuries-old experience of mankind, even if it is not always amenable to rational explanation. Beautiful and productive idea. If it were not for the purpose that the Nazis put in front of them - to rule it over the world, to subjugate his chosen race, including with the help of magical knowledge and technologies.

For scientific research in the anenerb, the best frames are attracted. Often - these are scientists with a world name. Hundreds of employees are more than 50 institutes and departments Anecherb are engaged in mathematics and astronomy, genetics and medicine, magic and a climbing. Develop unconventional types of weapons, methods of psychological and psychotropic effects on the masses. They deepen into occult sciences, religious-missy practices, study the paranormal abilities of people.

Konstantin Zalessky, the historian of the Third Reich: "Anenerbie was engaged quite seriously. This is said to at least the fact that, at the direction of the leadership of Anecherbe, and by the decree of Heinrich Himmler before the war, i.e. Back in 38-39, research was conducted on the paranormal abilities of Anecherb staff. And it was in personal affairs marked who possesses those or other paranormal abilities. But during the war, these employees who possessed paranormal abilities were summarized in one of the departments Anecherb. Unfortunately, no data about what this department was engaged, and, most importantly, what he reached the results, no. "

One of the main tasks that Anecherbe's specialists set is the use of paranormal abilities to come to contact with some higher unknowns or, as they were called, "the minds of external." The goal is to get from highly developed alien and ancient earthly civilizations of technological super-knowledge. There was such an experience.

Secrets "Anecherbe" are still alive and waiting for their attended ...

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