Improving brain function is strength in peace. How to relieve the brain - new tricks

So, in the previous article we talked about what gives the right   relaxation,   and why is it needed at all.

In this article we will continue the conversation and consider the ways and effective   relaxation techniques.

Ways and techniques of relaxation

There are many ways to relax. If not considered technicians   and use the most simple and affordable ways, you can distinguish:

  • peace and sleep
  • alternating tension and relaxation
  • physical activity and sport
  • alcohol and cigarettes

Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Peace and sleep.

There is nothing better and more effective than a sound, healthy sleep. During the REM sleep phase, our muscles relax as much as possible, which cannot be achieved without special wakefulness techniques. At the same time, our thinking processes are also slowed down, therefore, the brain is resting from powerful information loads.

In this natural way, a person restores all physical and mental resources. Therefore, during the night, a rested person begins to think better and pushes past problems into the background, experiencing much less.


To achieve acceptable relaxation, peace, it is not necessary to go to bed. Despite the effectiveness of sleep - sleep is not possible everywhere. However, almost everywhere you can sit and relax. Therefore, if the tension is great - sit in peace and silence, trying not to think about anything, and directing your focus of attention to your body, gradually relaxing it.

2. The alternation of relaxation and tension.

This alternation relaxes even better than usual. relaxation,   in view of the structure of our muscles.

The main task is rest, but not necessarily relaxation   should be accompanied by calm. Dancing, swimming, laughing are options for relaxation, the so-called motor.

Useful feature

If the internal tension is serious enough, the kiai art can help you. This strange oriental word in this context means nothing but ... scream. Shout, shout, destroying the energy of negative emotions. Only not to people, but to the chosen space :)

3. Physical activity and sport.

from physiology to sociology and theory of motivation.

Who remembers the Maslow Pyramid?

Primary needs - this is the physical needs of a person. Say, if the boss yelled at you, but you have nothing to eat, will you take offense? Of course not! Because resentment does not interest us when physical, primary needs are not satisfied.

For a good example: you must admit that when you get very sick, you don't care about problems. Everything fades into the background, if only to recover as soon as possible!

The same thing with relaxation. When you give all the best to training, to the tatami or to the gym, you become relaxed and calm, free from mental stress and muscle clamps.

Personal Psychotechnics

knew one person who constantly repeated something like this:

Doubt it? Beat Makivaru!

Stopped believing in yourself? Beat Makivaru!

Can't relax and find harmony? ... Hit makiwara!

Psycho-training is simple and effective. Of course, this technique is more suitable for developing an inner core and will, but believe me, it also relaxes not badly.

That is why, in my opinion, one of the most effective ways to relieve tension is to properly beat the pear to the atrocious cries of one's own “kiai”.

4. Alcohol and cigarettes, drugs.

It’s better not to talk about this at all, but this method cannot be ignored.

  • Alcohol - relaxes the body, but at the same time gives an outlet to mental subpersonalities, from your subcortex, destroys internal organs and STRONGLY destroys the brain and neural connections, leading to personality degradation. By the way, exactly the moment of "intoxication" is nothing more than the reaction of your body to the death of neurons, due to a sharp blow of toxins in the brain.

As a way to relax and rest - not recommend! In any quantities!

  • Cigarettes - relax due to deep, rhythmic breathing. Due to the substitution of concepts, they first attach your focus of attention, and then your subconscious to the subject of relaxation - cigarettes. It should be understood that cigarettes themselves (as well as ventilation of the lungs with fumes) do not relax. Relaxes a calm, deep breathing rhythm. By the way, smokers have the opposite effect over time, when a cigarette becomes psychotechnology - a brain habit: you can relax only by “activating” a special technique, i.e. having smoked a cigarette. Just breathing at the same time gives a weak effect. Why - I do not explain.

As a way to relax and rest - I do not recommend!

  • Narcotic and psychotropic drugs   - relax due to direct effects on the psyche. I think it’s not worth explaining what this effect leads to.


Regarding pills.

The world economic system, our world, as we know it, rests on three pillars - this is pharmacology, the chemical and food industries. Moreover, the property of the latter depended and still depends on the penultimate one. Look at the composition of food products for the presence of preservatives, dyes, carcinogens and other tripe in them. Their diversity is impressive. And any of them does not pass without a trace for your body. We are high-precision mechanisms, not "steel machines", which means that damage to any "module" destroys the entire mechanism as a whole.

What we eat for the most part is terribly not useful, and often completely harmful. But in case of any failures, the problems are solved by the appropriate tablet. This is a business.

It is beneficial for the world and the smart people who created it to remain dumb. It is beneficial to impose a “majority choice”. Realizing this, dictate your rules of the game.

I do not recommend using drugs, psychotropics or pills for relaxation. They relieve symptoms and have a temporary effect, but at the same time they destroy your brain, nervous system, and the body as a whole.

Relaxation techniques

So, at present, there are a large number of negative factors affecting the body, leading to stress, weakening it, affecting the internal organs, reflecting on the nervous system, resulting in diseases.

In order to protect yourself from the negative influence of the information age, combine vigorous activity with relaxation. For example, using the foregoing methods or those proposed below relaxation techniques.

Technique of relaxation No. 1. Aquarium.

The simplest and most well-known technique is to stick on aquarium fish. Helps many immediately. I do not describe.

Technique of relaxation №2. "Here and now".

Meditative technique, in the style of Zen.

Sit comfortably.

Breathe deeply and calmly.

Focus your attention on the place where you are now: only on the space in which your body occupies and only on the object standing nearby.

Be focused on “space” and “subject” until your mind is free of tension and thoughts.

Technique of relaxation №3. Music (Psychoacoustics).

Music itself can accelerate or slow down our mental activity, which is a sin not to use.

For relaxation (inhibition of activity), calm rhythms are suitable: meditation music or harmonious forces of classics and sonatas, various types of “chillout” and just a liquid step. I recommend using music together with the right rhythm of breathing for more effective relaxation.


The correct rhythm:

... inhale-exhale-breath-hold-inhale-exhale-breath-hold ...

Those. hold your breath before inhaling briefly.

But after you breathe in, exhale immediately.

Note: breathe "belly"

Relaxation technique №4. Hiking in the sauna, bath, visiting hot springs

Under the influence of steam and high temperatures the vessels expand, which means that the blood supply to the muscles improves. This in turn relaxes them.

At the same time, some stagnant processes in the blood supply system are eliminated, and blood flows from the center along the periphery, which is also favorable for the body - the blood drains from the brain and our nervous activity begins to slow down - a state of relaxation sets in.

  • do not visit the sauna after eating;
  • do not use the sauna for colds;
  • do not enter wet in the sauna;
  • do not stay in the sauna for a long time, this can lead to collapse;
  • in the sauna, air humidity should not be more than 10%;
  • you can not plunge sharply into a pool of cold water;
  • very often you can’t go to the sauna;
  • drink more ordinary water.

Relaxation technique №5. Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation.

Psychotherapeutic way to relax, a way to get rid of stress. Or in another way, the psychotherapeutic technique of finding harmony and peace :). This method protects the psyche and the body from the negative effects of busy everyday life.

Its essence is as follows.

All muscles are divided into 16 groups. The patient, using concentration on a particular group, begins to strain the muscles for 5-8 seconds. After-relaxes the muscles of the group. In this case, the patient focuses on the sensations in order to remember the “sensation of relaxation”.

Bottom line: during training, within six months, a steady “feeling of relaxation” of the body is developed, which the person remembers with reflexive thinking. Afterwards, relaxation   occurs when focusing on any muscle group without their preliminary tension, thus relieving mental stress.

This psychotechnique is very effective and efficient.

Technique number 6. Tai Chi Chuan.

Our movements are controlled by our consciousness.

In the West, this art is called "shadow boxing." And this force is controlled by a calm, quiet flow of energy.

I do not describe. A training film to help you.

Technique of relaxation №7. Autotraining.

Use straight relaxation techniques:

  • Aquarium

  • Meditation

  • Music

  • Relaxation

  • Tai chi chuan

And finally, an additional lightweight technique of “focus of attention”

Custom Psychology

For an ordinary adult, busy person, you can safely train relaxation   for 5 minutes 5 times a day.

Everything is pretty simple.

During this time, you should focus on your body, relieving all tension from the face and shoulders, calming your breath, relaxing the muscles of your forehead, eyes, letting go of your stomach and diaphragm.

For 2 months, fairly stable abilities of relaxation are gained in a wide variety of regular and emergency situations :)

To solve quite complex problems and difficult decisions, it is necessary to master or Erickson homing trance. We will consider one of them in the following article:

Learn to control your body, and you will learn to control your thoughts!

Regards, Vadim Berlin

Need more minerals? Read more:

Everyone is familiar with this situation when the light turns off in the room and you finally go to bed and seem to be left behind the problems of the day - yeah, no matter how! Before going to bed, the brain suddenly begins to actively generate ideas, and you can’t fall asleep, thinking about both eternal and all kinds of everyday problems. Learn how to relax the brain before bedtime, learn right now.
Hot bath
  Many people relax and relieve stress after a busy day. A hot water bath helps. There are a number of aromatic oils that contribute to the normalization of nervous activity. Baths with sea salt also give a good effect. After taking such baths, you will immediately want to sleep, and the problems will recede by themselves.
Reading before bedtime
  If you know that some books can help you fall asleep - feel free to take them with you to bed. Reading in bed has two sides of the coin: you can easily fall asleep and not think about problems, or you can read out and stay awake until the morning. Be careful!)

Simple meditation
  Lie down comfortably and try to relax as much as possible. Remember, the most important thing is that you have a desire to get rid of bad obsessive thoughts. Nothing should distract you. Now imagine the light warm, light and pleasant. You do not feel any problems, because they remain beyond the bounds of the world. Then imagine some beautiful landscape. A good effect will be achieved if you imagine a place of your dreams, a place in which you would be truly happy. Keeping this vision in your head, you must fall asleep.
By repeating this exercise every day, you can achieve harmony and calm before going to bed.

Do not overeat at night
  Of course, if you can’t sleep on an empty stomach, like the hero of the cartoon "Big Wow", drink tea, especially chamomile, with goats :) Why chamomile - because it has a light sleeping pill. Just do not eat heavy food. A light snack, such as bananas, will not overload the digestive tract and will not make you wander in search of a toilet in the midnight delirium. A banana also contains substances that help relax muscles: melatonin, serotonin and magnesium. So eat and fall asleep.

Drink Less Caffeinated Drinks
  If you are used to consuming coffee and other drinks that contain caffeine in large quantities - it is not surprising that you have bad thoughts at bedtime. Try to remove caffeine from consumption for a while, replace it with, say, green tea, which also perfectly invigorates and does not harm the body.

Organize your time correctly
  Any activity requiring an active brain action should be completed no later than one hour before bedtime. So, you let the brain disconnect from pressing problems and not pester you with them all night.

Write down thoughts
  To relieve your consciousness, you can record the things that need to be completed. Make a list of what you need to do tomorrow. You will see - part of the thoughts will go away by itself!

Listen to soothing music
  Calm relaxing music will give you a lot of positive emotions and helps to distract bad thoughts. Just turn on some kind of quiet warm sound and carry yourself away into your fantasies.

Relieve stress
  If something bothers you, take a piece of paper and write down this problem. Then describe all the solutions that you see in this situation. Crumple and discard the paper, and with it all the negativity, freeing your head from it.

Exercise basket
  Imagine a basketball basket. Here comes another thought to you - transform it into a ball and throw it in a basket. Do the same with all other thoughts :) Exercise will help relieve the brain.

Use the bed as intended
  Try to create an atmosphere of intimacy and comfort in your bedroom. If possible, remove from the room all appliances that could upset your harmony. Remove the laptop, phone from the bed. Remember, the bed is for sleeping, not for work :)

These methods are not a panacea, but they can help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts before going to bed.

Your brain, as the most modern machine, controls every action, and, like any complex device, it needs to be "recharged" from time to time. Here are some scientifically proven ways to charge your brain and always keep it fully prepared for intellectual stress.

1. Take Vitamin B12 Supplements Daily
Vitamin B12 does not just charge your brain, it increases it in size! Over time, your brain becomes smaller, and vitamin B12 fights this phenomenon.
  It is proved that vitamin helps to learn, concentrate, develop critical thinking. Taking a complex of supplements with vitamin B12, you will provide your brain with the required amount of this element, which means excellent work.
2. Make your dinner light and early.
An early and light dinner is the key to a healthy diet and a good figure. It is also an extra charge for your brain. Early dinner helps to sleep better, because the body no longer needs to actively digest food.
  “Do not let alcohol and plentiful food spoil your dream, because it is so important for the brain!”
  In addition, an early light dinner provides your brain with even nourishment, without spikes in blood sugar.
3. Eat more almonds
Almonds are often called superfoods, and there is a reason for this. In addition to its innumerable benefits, almonds, like other nuts, are a source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps maintain cognitive function during aging.
  In addition, almonds contain amino acids and oils that help the brain maintain concentration. Just be careful with the quantities - almonds are very high in calories.
4. Listen to classical music or nasheeds
Numerous studies have proven that listening to slow, relaxing compositions slows the pulse and heart rate, lowers blood pressure and the level of stress hormones in the blood. Thus, listening to music is very good for health, it charges your brain and, no less pleasant, sets an excellent mood.
5. Do prayer
  and fivefold prayers reduce blood pressure and stress hormones.
  In addition, prayers “defragment” the brain, after which thoughts are ordered and the ability to learn and process information increases.
6. Drink apple juice
According to a study conducted on animals at the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML), consumption of apple juice increases the amount of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which provides excellent memory.
  Based on this study, apple juice was recognized as one of the best foods that can be added to the diet of senior citizens and children, as it helps the body produce the necessary neurotransmitters that support memory.
  Apples and apple juice protect the brain and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.
7. Spend time with friends and family
Spending time with friends and family means maintaining your health. A sense of belonging and social support provide a lot of energy and inspiration, give a sense of security and self-confidence, which positively affects the brain.
8. Go for a massage
Massage is so useful for the brain and the whole body as a whole, which is even strange why many deny themselves this pleasure. Clinical studies have shown that even a single 90-minute massage session reduces cortisol and insulin levels, that is, does everything to relieve a person from stress and help the brain work better.
9. Read
Reading is a great way to develop your mental abilities. One study found that reading relieves mental stress by 68%, because your mind is immersed in the world described in the book, and there are no problems haunting you every day.
10. Get yourself a creative hobby
When you spend your free time on a creative hobby, this, like reading, distracts you from everyday problems and stresses. You move into the zone without pressure, deadlines and rules, and allow your brain to get the necessary recharge. Writing poems and novels, drawing, woodwork - any creative hobby will be a great way to recharge the brain.
11. Exercise
Exercise is one of the best ways to charge your brain. It has been proven that exercise helps get rid of procrastination, concentrate on the right things, become more disciplined, and even develop resistance to stress.
12. More natural light.
If a person works too often in artificial light, it affects the brain badly: it becomes more difficult to maintain attention on something, and even the quality of sleep changes for the worse. If you often have to work with artificial light, do not miss the opportunity to go out under the sun - natural light supports the mood and charges the brain.
13. Walk in nature
Walking in the fresh air is not only physical activity, but also a great way to energize the brain. A study by psychologists from the University of Michigan found that, even in cold weather, a walk in nature improves memory and attention by 20%. And if you do not take your phone and iPod with you, then the walk will be an excellent rest and recharge of the brain.
14. Stop multitasking
When you try to perform several tasks simultaneously, your attention is scattered. Multitasking has a very bad effect on productivity, and so does the brain. It “plants” your memory, since it becomes difficult for you to distinguish tasks according to their importance.
  In addition, working in multitasking mode provokes stressful situations, which also negatively affects the brain. Conclusion: stop doing several things at once.

The rhythm of our life is constantly accelerating, and we have to perforce adapt to the world around us. Sometimes the brain simply can not cope with the incoming information, but we are still forced to solve hundreds of different tasks every day. Even our thoughts can have a negative impact: we constantly ask ourselves questions about others or about our personal qualities and often cannot find the answer. All this leads to the fact that the brain reacts with feelings of anxiety and anxiety, as well as a sense of its own worthlessness.

Psychologists usually call such an excess of negative thoughts mental intoxication by analogy with physical intoxication with drugs or alcohol. Fortunately, there are several exercises that can help deal with this problem.

1. Express your thoughts on paper

It often happens that in order to get rid of an obsessive thought, you just need to write it down. So take a clean notebook and pen, turn off the phone, and get ready to write whatever comes into your head. Often this technique is called automatic writing. Its essence is that in a restless stream of consciousness lies a single thought, which serves as the key to everything. Write as much as you want, and then read and analyze everything written. What is the main idea around your thoughts?

2. Go for a walk

Allow 20 minutes for yourself. Go to the usual place for walking, such that you do not have to think about where to go next. Take a calm step, not too slow and not too fast. Try to turn off thoughts, concentrate on your breath. Feel how it changes depending on the pace of your step. Feel the wind blowing in your back, or the heat from the sun. Immerse yourself in yourself, concentrate on physical sensations.

This distraction can give your brain a break from mental problems. Use this method when the need arises.

3. “Push” problems onto paper

This method is similar to the first of those listed only in that you again need a pen and paper.

Record your concerns as a complete list. Do not divide them into serious and small, write everything down. After that, sequentially reading what is written, concentrate on each of the problems separately. Thoroughly remember what you felt at the time the problem arose, your every emotion. Breathe smoothly and deeply. After you feel the severity of the problem on your shoulders, exhale the diaphragm with force. Imagine all your experiences coming out of your lungs like a cloud of red smoke. Do this with every problem on your list.

A stressful condition can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, the problem of excess weight, depression and many other troubles. Many people begin to deal with stress incorrectly: they start drinking and smoking, taking drugs, watching TV, eating junk food abundantly, etc.

Instruction manual

Stop thinking about everything at once.

Do not rush to do all the things that have fallen on you at once. By ceasing to constantly think about the remaining assignments, you allow yourself to head off into current activities, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and reduces stress.

Stop controlling everything.

Try to understand that not everything in our life depends on ourselves. Therefore, think less about possible problems and focus more on business. Keep in mind that we experience stress not from the problems themselves, but from the inability to control them.

Accept people with all their strengths and weaknesses.

If you are often dissatisfied with the actions of loved ones, then you should learn to perceive people as they are, with all their flaws. You need to understand that your character can also seem very difficult.


It is not necessary to use any special techniques. You can just close your eyes for a moment and listen to the sensations of your body, to your breath, letting go of all sorts of thoughts.

Get enough sleep.

Most people are prone to stress due to chronic lack of sleep. Pity your body and arrange yourself a certain day-off, during which you oversleep longer than usual.

Eat right.

Frequent snacks and the use of fast food negatively affect the state of the body, and therefore our mood. In order to stay optimistic in stressful situations, you should start with fruit every morning, and eat only healthy foods during the day.

Allow yourself a cup of tea.

If stress has caught you aback, allow yourself to relax a bit over a cup of your favorite drink: tea or coffee. This will allow several of your nervous system.

Walk more often.

The brain, saturated with oxygen, does not begin to panic, but proceeds to search for a solution to the created problem situation.

Ask for support from loved ones.

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With what thought do you most often wake up in the morning on weekdays? The answer will probably be something like “just not to be late!” Or “what time is it now ?!” or “the annual report in a month is all to take ...”. You are endlessly worried about work, household chores, family issues and a bunch of different problems. There is no time to breathe and relax. The nervous system is exhausted. Perhaps it's time to ask yourself one very simple question: why bother? As Kurt Vonnengut said, “You can worry, but keep in mind that anxiety is no more useful than chewing gum when solving an algebraic equation.” So how to get rid of this unnecessary, but very intrusive state?

Instruction manual

Learn to stop the flow of bustling thoughts in time. Close your eyes, or focus on a small stationary object of neutral color, located a meter away from you. Inhale deeply and slowly with your nose, then exhale with a noise (if possible) through your mouth. Slowly count to 10. Then repeat inhalation with your nose - exhale with your mouth. This will help calm down and concentrate. After that it will be easier to make a decision or reason.

Think positively. Your task is to think according to the principle of winning / winning. Look at everything only from a positive angle. Is my daughter sick? So, there will be a couple of days to finally be with her, at work you can take a mini-vacation and drink delicious chamomile tea with mint and read fairy tales all three days!

Learn to mentally shield yourself from negativity. In those moments when you are being insulted or scolded, you need to imagine a calming landscape and concentrate on the object-center of this landscape. Learn to perceive only information that carries a "positive charge." This does not mean that you should not accept criticism. Simply, you need to make it clear to others that their criticism will be taken into account in the form of good advice, and not an evil grin. The ability to protect yourself from stressful situations will significantly strengthen the nervous system. Always remember that at least two people participate in the dialogue, each of which equally has the right to dictate their terms of negotiations.

Often "unload" the brain. This is best done through meditation. Although, you can get by with less exotic methods: calm music, candles, soothing tea, a bath with succession, lack of a telephone, TV and computer. By the way, the latter, or rather their excess, carry nothing but stress to the nervous system. In addition, alcohol and tobacco are also best excluded from the diet.

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Excessive movement, nervous twitching and screaming in a dream indicate an overload of the brain. Too terrible and colorful dreams testify to this. There are several techniques that help “relieve” the brain.

It's all about excess brain work

The key to this should be relaxation. For different people, relaxation can vary significantly. It is worth considering that the usual ways (television, friends, music, food, books) actually give an extra load on the brain. To really relax him, you need to take something on the body and concentrate on this activity. For example, swimming can be a great option for relaxation. Not fast, but measured with concentration on breathing and movements. Regular swimming a couple of times in will reload the brain, clear it of impressions.

Yoga can be called a more classical version of such relaxation. Find a good yoga studio, go to class. This type of exercise can significantly improve your overall well-being and make you more relaxed. An important component of yoga is meditation. Focusing on inner experiences can offload your brain, but it’s important to do this under the supervision of a specialist.

Changing habits will improve sleep quality

If you don’t have time to do these kinds of activities, try revising your life schedule. Refuse to watch militants before going to bed, do not resort to physical activity at least a couple of hours before bedtime. Do not eat unusual, heavy or spicy food before bedtime, the body throws all its forces into digestion, pours it on the stomach, as a result, the brain does not have enough oxygen to fully work out the different phases of sleep, which can cause nightmares and sudden movements in sleep. Do not read before bedtime, generally do not do what the brain can stimulate for at least an hour before bedtime. Better do something mechanical - cleaning, for example. The less intense experiences you provide to your brain, the calmer you will sleep.

Stressful study or deadlines in the office often cause the brain to become stressed. Is your brain stuck from information overload? In no case do not leave this fact unattended. If you can meditate and know the secrets of breathing exercises, then you are sure to cope with mental stress on your own. A few simple tips will come to the rescue of those diligent students and responsible employees who do not know the techniques of deep relaxation.

Certain foods can help relax the brain and relieve stress:

  • Plain water. Sometimes the feeling that you are standing on the edge of the abyss arises from banal dehydration. For normal functioning, the body needs a large amount of water - do not forget about it.
  • Herb tea.   You need to get used to his taste, but a weak warm infusion of soothing herbs helps the body feel better.
  • Chocolate. It is scientifically proven that this sweetness releases enzymes in the body that make a person feel a surge of joy. And the caffeine in chocolate will stimulate energy.

Draw. Art inspires and soothes. Drawing trains the brain without causing tension, but rather, allowing you to relax. Talents are optional, draw everything that comes to your mind - landscapes, animals or funny people.

Take a walk in the park. Fresh air and leaf noise favorably affect the human body as a whole and the brain in particular. 20-30 minutes walk stimulate the production of brain cells.

Listen to your favorite music. The choice of songs depends on your preferences, it can be either jazz, or classical or folk songs. The main thing is that you can relax and immerse yourself in the melody.

If you ever sat on the seashore and contemplated the waves, then perhaps you were able to achieve a state where the brain is “disconnected”. This is exactly the state you need to achieve at the moment when you need rest. How you do it is up to you. Someone is looking at the clouds in the sky, someone is looking at the snow or rain coming outside the window.

Specialists in the field of human health advise changing the noisy and fussy environment to solitude and silence. It is enough to spend an hour alone to unload your brain and tune it to a working wave. Unplug the TV, phone, and other devices that make sounds. You can read, do needlework or just lie in bed. If you have a cat - call her to yourself, animals can calm.

Or vice versa, get friends   and arrange "fun - an hour." Changing a busy work or school environment to a company of noisy buddies helps with brain fatigue.

Turn on the imagination. Imagine the place with which your most positive memories are connected. Mentally go there and try to revive the pleasant emotions that were experienced at that time.

How to prevent overload

Scientists conduct a huge amount of research related to the human brain. The most significant results turned into recommendations on how not to bring your brain to overload, while remaining in working mode.

Devoting one topic to about eight hours of intense activity and not allowing yourself to relax, you reduce the chance of continued effective work to zero. When we are awake, the brain works in cycles. Every 90 minutes, the stage of high productivity is necessarily replaced by a cycle of reduced concentration, it is then that a person begins to experience various unpleasant sensations - hunger, fatigue, distracted attention. Therefore, scientists recommend taking 10-minute work breaks every 1.5 hours or as soon as you feel that you are uncomfortable. Breathe in fresh air, play with the dog, take a bath, take a walk - act according to the situation, but be sure to relax.

John Medina, book author " Brain rules", Says that the brain is not able to do several things at once. What seems to you the simultaneous “multifunctionality” of the brain is in fact a quick switch between processes. When we undertake the solution of several tasks, we reduce the speed and efficiency of their implementation by half, and by the same factor we increase the possibility of error.

And finally, the simplest, but effective advice, relevant for too zealous students and workaholics: do not forget about the need for days off and go on vacation on time. And let your brain work fruitfully, without any glitches!

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