Analytical mind test during an interview. Psychological test "Analytical mathematical abilities

What is more in you? Ability to reason, common sense, sense of reality, independence, independence, mobility or flexibility of thinking? What is your mentality? Abstract, humanitarian, or maybe mathematical? Do you want to conduct a study of your type of thinking and diagnose your intelligence? Then take a free intelligence structure test and find out what potential your intelligence has.

Intelligence diagnostics - what is it?

The IQ test will allow you to find out your mentality and your brain's potential. Do you have a developed sense of language or logical thinking, the ability to accurately perceive or generalize? A free intelligence test will show to what extent abstract thinking, understanding of relationships, precise definition concepts.

Psychologists believe that the characteristics of a person’s thinking are determined by the hemisphere of the brain, which is his dominant one. If more developed right hemisphere, then the emotional sphere, imaginative, abstract thinking predominates. In this case, a humanitarian mindset has a place. If more developed is left hemisphere brain, then this is an analytical mindset, in humans, the so-called mathematical thinking.

By taking a free intelligence test, you will find out how educated you are, how competently you can express your thoughts and how much you know about the world around you. This is not a school or university “exam”, not at all. Although you will still have to “solve” a little simple school mental problems. However, this is not an IQ test, it is a test of the structure of intelligence, which tests your theoretical and practical thinking, will be able to assess your ability to quickly navigate a situation, information and the ability to apply ready-made algorithms when solving life problems.

This intelligence diagnostic will not just reveal your mathematical or humanitarian abilities, but will determine your desire for order or chaos, your ability to think logically or abstractly. The test for the structure of intelligence will open for you an understanding of the tempo and rhythm characteristic of you personally, will help you understand what is more valuable for your intelligence: scientific, theoretical knowledge, or your best teacher- this is life experience.

Studying the type of thinking: instructions for the test for the structure of intelligence

The intelligence test tasks offered to you are aimed at identifying those aspects of your thinking that are most and least developed. General diagnostics of intelligence consists of several sections, or rather six. This approach greatly simplifies the further interpretation of the results.

To take the Structure of Intelligence Test, take a piece of paper and a pen and write down your answers. We specifically do not offer an interactive, “automatic” option so that you can independently check your answers with the correct ones after passing the test. We did not “create fog” or create “psychological mystery”, but present an open test, with open options for results, so as not to confront you with a fact without explanation. The intelligence test is free, and therefore you yourself will be able to correctly interpret the results obtained, and not guess why your type of thinking and mindset was assessed in this way. You will be able to return to the questions and figure out why this or that answer is correct, and figure out in which direction it would not hurt for you to become more proficient, if necessary in life.

In general, take a pen and paper and write down the answers along with the question numbers, for example: No. 1-g, No. 23-a, No. 68 - embryo, etc. This is a self-test of the study of the type of thinking, and therefore the completion time is not limited, however, speed matters. In the future, you yourself will be able to assess the level of your own intelligence, taking into account the time you spent taking the test for the structure of intelligence. The faster you give correct answers, the better.

And so, a free intelligence test.


Each task in this section is an unfinished sentence, each of which is missing one, often the last word. You need to select from the attached list one answer option under any letter, where the word that is most suitable to complete this sentence is located.


Each task in this section of the study of the type of thinking offers you 5 words, four of which can be combined into a single semantic group, and one of them is superfluous. You need to find this extra word - it will be the correct answer to the question.


In each task in this section of the test for the structure of intelligence, the first pair of words consists of two concepts that are interrelated. You need to select a word from a list of options to make a second pair that is similar in meaning to the first pair of words.


Each task in this section contains two words. You need to find a word or phrase that combines these words in meaning.


This section contains several simple tasks. However, we advise you to be careful when solving them. If you are confused and cannot solve it, do not waste your time, leave the task for later, and return to it when you finish going through the entire section.


Need to continue number series, proposed in the task in accordance with the same pattern that exists between the numbers in this series.


And a little more about diagnosing intelligence:

When solving a problem, what do you most often do? What is more in you - feminine cunning or masculine pragmatism? Let's find out what kind of mentality you have with the help of our test.

Mindset test

When performing various actions, people are guided by the dictates of their heart or mind.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which is better without knowing what situations we are talking about.

In some situations, in order to make the right, and even more so, fateful decisions, you need the ability to analyze what is happening and draw conclusions that allow you to predict how events may develop.

We invite you to take an interesting mentality test that will take you very little time.

What does it mean to have an analytical mind?

A person with such thinking has the ability to build a strict logical chain of available facts, allowing him to draw the correct conclusion.

Along with the logic of the mind, there is the logic of the heart. IN different situations all people are guided by it. However, there are professions for whose representatives it is extremely important to have an analytical mind, since the well-being or even the lives of other people may depend on their decisions.

The best way to find out if you have an analytical mind is to take an online test.

Thus, a test for an analytical mind can, in a sense, be considered as a test to determine professional suitability or to find out whether a person is suitable for a particular specialty.

How to find out what type of mind you have: Test with illustrations

The online mindset test posted on our website can be taken in different ways. We do not guarantee its accuracy. However, it will help you understand how objective you are when making certain decisions or drawing conclusions about the people around you.

Even if the result does not suit you, do not be upset. There are many ways to develop your analytical skills, which will later be revealed by a mentality test. For example, you can do simple exercises:

  • Make it a habit to analyze any situations you witness. Each time you will quickly grasp the essence of what happened and find cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Trying to figure out on your own who the criminal is after reading halfway through a detective novel or without watching a detective film.
  • Try to understand how you can “cheat” the mindset test.
  • Solve puzzles. Especially many such problems can be found in collections of tasks under the heading “Entertaining Mathematics”.

After a few months of such regular training, when you begin to “click” tasks like seeds, you can take our mentality test again.

If you did everything correctly, you will probably get the result that suits you.

All people are completely different, each of us is endowed with a lot of talents and qualities, but not all of them are manifested. The most interesting such feature is the analytical mindset. People endowed with analytical abilities are guided by cold logic, almost never resorting to emotions. Speaking about the physiology of this phenomenon, we can talk about the developed left hemisphere of the brain, since it is in our body that is responsible for logical thinking and a mathematical mind.

Such a person is most often a pragmatist in relation to life, he tries to look for meaning in everything and put everything in order; he is able to come to the right conclusion, even if the number of known facts is extremely small.

Children with an analytical mind show the greatest abilities in the exact sciences; so-called mathematical ingenuity helps them in this.

For example, in algebra a student can be incredibly successful, while at the same time in abstract sciences aimed at working with imaginary objects (for example, geometry), his success can be even below average. The level of such abilities in a person can be determined through the use of various tests.

The practical side of analytical thinking

From a psychological point of view, this type of thinking is a person’s ability to use logic when analyzing information and making decisions. It is also impossible not to mention that it includes the concept of “mathematical ingenuity.”

There are several fundamental aspects that characterize the analytical mindset:

  • highlighting individual components in the entire array of information;
  • ability to comprehensively analyze how initial information, and dedicated structures;
  • building logical arguments and chains of inferences, which allows you to draw the right conclusion, even with a lack of initial data;
  • the opportunity to see different options for solving a particular problem.

The ability to predict the course of events is a very important and convenient feature of such people. However, this does not always bring joy to the analyst himself.

Problems of people with an analytical mind

In general, a person with such a technical mindset is always collected and rational, his mathematical ingenuity is very well developed. However, “romance” and spontaneous decisions are alien to him; he calculates everything in his life down to the smallest detail and gets very annoyed when something doesn’t go as he planned. He tends to use the phrases: “Mathematics puts the mind in order,” and the like.

Presentation: "Analytical Thinking"

Given this feature, many psychologists talk about the so-called “curses” of analysts:
  1. Constant hunger for information. The analytical mind is always in a state of searching for new information, and very often this information turns out to be of rather dubious quality;
  2. Constant fluctuations. An ordinary person in a controversial situation, he most often takes one of the positions and sticks to it. While the analyst, having tested both points of view, finds its pros and cons in each, without taking into account the emotional component of the dispute. Because of such situations, they find it very difficult to get along with people;
  3. The analyst's indecisiveness may be only superficial. In fact, most often, in the pursuit of collecting the missing facts, a person simply loses sight of the moment of decision-making;
  4. Consistency. For people with an analytical mind, the concept of a “comfort zone” is characteristic, which no one should intrude on. An attempt to change the routine unsettles such people for a long time;
  5. Problems with adaptation in society. Literal perception of any questions and actions and straightforward answers to them do not contribute to having a large number of friends, at the same time, the analysts themselves react very sharply to criticism addressed to them;
  6. Skeptical attitude towards everything. It is extremely difficult to convince such a person of anything. Factual evidence is required that he really needs it; emotional statements in this situation will not have any effect;
  7. Lack of marketing ability. It is impossible to force such a person to praise a product in which he sees obvious shortcomings. The same applies to the analyst himself, often when working on new job, such people, in the middle of the “professional aptitude” test, declare: “I’m not suitable for you” and leave. In addition, a technical mindset requires specifications for each product purchased;
  8. People with this mentality prefer to spend time alone, which is why they are often considered hermits.

Presentation: "Test: Find out your type of thinking"

Analytical Skills Research

Research is conducted to determine whether a person actually has such capabilities. This is often done during interviews when applying for a job, because analytical qualities are valued above all else in the field of finance and business.

To confirm availability and determine the level of abilities, first of all, candidates are asked to take an appropriate test. However, not many people trust its results.

Firstly, it may turn out to be irrelevant, secondly, being in a situation of stress, a person may not fully demonstrate his abilities and, thirdly, many prefer “live” communication. If, nevertheless, the test is passed relatively successfully, the candidate may be offered an internship, during which he either confirms or refutes the test results.

Analysts are often very smart and well-read people. However, even such a virtue as a mathematical mindset always has its dark sides. We can talk endlessly about the superiority of the analytical mind, but no matter how smart a person is, he very often remains lonely. Yet all people are born with analytical abilities, but unlike this mentality, they are of a more subtle nature and need to be developed.

Everyone probably knows about the division of people according to their type of mentality into humanists and mathematicians. From the first years of a child’s life, caring mothers become interested in how each of them manifests itself at different ages and what is the best way to keep the baby occupied, depending on his type of thinking.

What is the difference between mathematicians and humanists?

If your child has a mathematical mind, then exact sciences will be easy for him. At the same time, most likely, he has early years good memory, developed logical thinking, and decision difficult riddles and puzzles are a joy for him.

If the child has a humanitarian mindset, then solving logic problems is a burden for him. It is believed that humanists are sublime, creative people, with well-developed imagination and intuition, devoid of standards and “frameworks”, with unlimited thinking. They often draw beautifully, have an ear for music, and have a developed sense of beauty.

Test to determine a child's inclinations at an early age

If your child:

  1. Loves to color.
  2. Can't solve simple puzzles for kids his age.
  3. Requires proof of the veracity of the tale.
  4. It has an excellent sense of smell and is sensitive to odors.
  5. Prefers games like “memory”, lotto, checkers.
  6. Loves role-playing games (mother-daughter games, war games).
  7. He thinks very soberly and clearly, amazing his parents and their friends.
  8. Likes realistic stories about children or animals more than fairy tales.
  9. Afraid of the dark.
  10. He talks a lot and often comes up with interesting tales and stories.

Answers “yes” to questions 1, 2, 4, 6 and 10 indicate that your child is more likely to be a humanitarian. Answers “yes” to questions 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 indicate that he probably has a mathematical mind.

What is the best way to keep a child occupied in order to develop his abilities from childhood?

Determining who your child will be in the future when he is still small is quite difficult. The main task of parents is not to teach him to read or write as early as possible, but to teach him to reason independently and think logically, because it is these qualities in adulthood that will help him analyze situations in any profession he chooses.

It's not that difficult. Start by reading stories, but after reading, ask your child a few questions about what he heard. Let your child try to come up with his own ending for the story. Buy him coloring books, sketchbooks, and take part in activities with him. It's good if you have some musical instruments at home. And you can be sure that a child who has been comprehensively developed since childhood will not become just a “mathematician” or a “humanitarian.” If you teach him to think big, he won't have any problems learning in any of his school subjects.

Scientists claim that there are no more than 1-2% of children who have a pronounced aptitude for only one field of science, and they themselves easily make it clear that they are interested in studying. Only 12% of very capable children have clearly defined inclinations to study the exact sciences or humanities, and still they cannot be called “pure” technicians or humanists. Approximately 5-8% of gifted children demonstrate high abilities in studying both the exact sciences and the humanities.

How children are divided according to their mentality

In principle, every person is born with the inclinations for any type of activity, because wise nature generously endows us with opportunities. But not every person develops these inclinations into abilities.

Until your child reaches high school, it will be very difficult to determine exactly what he is more inclined to, and is it necessary? IN junior classes primary school training is aimed at developing the abilities that are necessary to master any field of knowledge, and in the future, any profession - in other words, the child is taught to learn. And this is correct, because the mental processes that influence the formation of a child’s special abilities develop until high school, and only by the age of 13-14 the formation ends different types thinking. Now it becomes noticeable which school subjects are easy and enjoyable for your child, and which do not arouse much interest.

Of course, we must take into account that interest in school subjects and grades do not always give a real idea of ​​a child’s abilities. Newton was considered mentally retarded at school. A smart, talented, gifted child at school can be either an excellent student or a poor student. Grades often depend not only on intelligence, but also on psychological characteristics student, and the nature of his relationships with teachers.

In fact, the division between mathematicians and humanists is not based on any serious research in the field of the brain. Most often, such stamps are awarded to students by school teachers. If a child was unable to quickly give an answer in class, to instantly solve an example in his head, he was confused at the board, the diagnosis is immediately ready - he is a humanist, he is not able to solve problems. But in fact, the reason for such a child’s behavior in class may be simple constraint or characteristics of his nervous system.

What tests determine a child’s aptitude for studying science?

Professional psychologists have developed a lot of special tests to determine the inclinations of children of different ages. If you want to find out your child's mentality in advance, contact a professional psychologist. The specialist will ask him to continue the logical chains, find what is superfluous and give him other tasks to determine the level of development of his abstract thinking and spatial imagination.

If your child's abilities are not yet clearly expressed, let him try himself in as many activities as possible. Let him do what he likes: visit creative clubs, collects models, draws, sings, dances. The main thing is that the activity should bring sincere joy.

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