Which hemisphere is responsible for thinking. What are the left and right hemispheres of the brain responsible for and how to develop them

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today we will talk about the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logical thinking and speech, as well as discuss ways to develop and activate its functions. In a previous article I described his “brother” - who is more responsible for creative abilities. By balancing the work of both parts, you can achieve great results and success in all areas of life, so this is an important thing for almost all people.

The left brain is sometimes called dominant. Firstly, because in 90% of people it is more developed than the right one, and secondly, the role of its mental functions in human activity is difficult to overestimate. Let's consider them in more detail.

Left hemisphere functions


Both hemispheres participate in thinking, but they are responsible for different aspects. So the left hemisphere, in contrast to the right, which considers the situation as a whole, processes the information sequentially. It analyzes each individual fact and gives a logical assessment.

Verbal speech

One of the main functions of the left hemisphere is verbal speech. This is our ability to speak, read and write. In people with a damaged left side of the brain, a violation of speech functions and difficulty in perceiving information occurs. People with well-developed left-sided thinking are given easier study of foreign languages.


The recognition of characters and numbers is also responsible for the left hemisphere. With it, we solve mathematical problems and equations, we can remember dates and phone numbers.

Establishing a causal relationship

Thanks to the left hemisphere, people are able to trace cause and effect relationships and draw conclusions. Therefore, the left-sided mindset is also called analytical. People who are dominated by such thinking often go to work as investigators, analysts, etc.

Positive emotions

In recent psychological studies, it was found that the left hemisphere is responsible for positive emotions, and the right for negative ones.

Right side control

The left hemisphere controls the work of the right side of the body, and vice versa. That is, when we write with our right hand or perform some other actions, this means that the signal came from the left side of the brain.

Properties of left-sided thinking

The functions listed above, the left hemisphere performs in all people. But he also has the properties of a narrower specialization, which prevail in people with left-sided thinking. They are characterized by such qualities as determination, logic, practicality, quick learner, organization.

In an article on the right hemisphere, I talked about the fact that it is responsible for creativity. But if people with right-sided thinking, the left hemisphere is poorly developed, it is difficult for them to realize their ideas, due to inconsistency of actions and lack of determination. Therefore, the harmonization of the entire brain is very important.

Left hemisphere activation

There are special exercises that help turn on the left hemisphere. But even if it already dominates you, extra training will not hurt.

Problem solving

Mathematical and logical problems perfectly develop the left hemisphere of the brain. You can start with simple ones, and then move on to more complex ones.

Crossword puzzles are good, especially Sudoku, as they are based on numbers, and logic and analysis are needed to solve them.

Physical exercise

To activate the left hemisphere, you need to use the right side of the body. For example, perform the usual actions with your right hand (write, brush your teeth, stir tea). For right-handed people, this will not be difficult, but left-handed people will have more difficulty.

Also doing regular exercises, pay more attention to the right side of the body. For example, you can jump on the right foot, do tilts to the right side, etc.

Self massage

On the human body there are many points that are responsible for various organs, including the brain. On the basis of the big toes is the point responsible for the cerebellum, and under it are the points of the cerebral hemispheres. By massaging the point under the thumb of the right foot, you activate the left hemisphere.

Fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are very useful for developing the hemispheres. There is a special exercise for this. Lean the tip of the little finger of the right hand to the tip of the thumb of the left hand, and the little finger of the left to the thumb of the right. Scroll the brushes so that the position of the fingers swaps. Then the same thing needs to be done with the ring and index fingers.

But the best tool for this is sorting out the rosary with your right hand. Then you immediately perform 3 functions:

  • activate the left hemisphere
  • meditate
  • massage the points on the fingertips

Pain in the left hemisphere

Many people have a headache localized on the left side of the head. The most common disease that causes such pain is migraine. Specialists identify the following reasons:

  • physical and psychological exhaustion;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • stress;
  • poor circulation of the brain

To relieve the symptoms of migraine, you need to drink plenty of water and give the body a rest. Also meditation can help. Pranayama is especially good. Breathing exercises will help saturate the brain with oxygen and improve blood circulation.

But it must be borne in mind that the pain in the left side of the head can also indicate other diseases that are more serious than migraine, so if you do not know what their cause is, then it is better to consult a doctor.

I told you about the functions of the left hemisphere and its activation, but for more efficient brain function it is necessary to develop both of its parts. And which hemisphere is leading for you, you can write in the comments to the article. I will also be glad if you share your knowledge about brain activation exercises. Regards, Ruslan Zvirkun.

It is no longer a secret that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the tendency to the mathematical type of thinking. But after all, half the brain cannot perform only one function and determine a favorite subject in school, further specialization and professional direction. If everything else falls on the right half of the brain, it seems to be somehow too busy.

What is unique about the brain?

For a century, scientists have been trying to achieve answer to these questions:

  1. What determines the level of intelligence?
  2. What are the criteria for determining genius? And in general, is this possible?
  3. What can be associated with congenital and genetic mental disorders?
  4. Is it possible to form new memories with the help of electrical effects on the brain tissue?

After autopsy became a common practice, the task of physicians and researchers was simplified. After all, they had got a huge amount of material at their disposal, but it was here that the research stopped. It turned out that modern research methods cannot reveal at least some reliable regularity between the materials being studied.

Many theories have been put forward, but they all collapsed into the harsh reality of statistics. To this day, there are no universal indicators of the brain by which to establish the future potential of a person.

How does the nervous system work?

But it would be a crime to say that in this direction humanity has not progressed at all. People far from medicine may be interested in how generally scientists were able to determine what exactly each part of the brain is responsible for. Have they really carried out monstrous experiments, removing or damaging individual areas? No, feature of the functioning of our brain   thing is:

  • At a certain point, a nerve impulse is formed.
  • This signal is an electric charge. Too weak a stimulus to harm, and strong enough to transmit information.
  • Nerve tissue is excited at the point where the impulse is located, and since it is transmitted to neighboring cells, the area of \u200b\u200bexcitation also passes.
  • The current level of technological progress helps to fix the electrical activity of the brain due to an electroencephalogram.

So it’s enough to connect the test subject to the equipment and set several simple tasks for him:

  1. Read or write something.
  2. Talk to someone around.
  3. Try to solve a math problem.
  4. Draw a portrait or any other drawing.
  5. To joke.

It turned out that each time the excitation occurs in different departments. There is no one universal zone that would be responsible for all of these actions. The research was not conducted for the sake of the research itself, the data are of the greatest practical importance. Indeed, thanks to them, we can assume exactly which functions will be violated during various brain injuries.

What is the left hemisphere responsible for?

There are centers in the left hemisphere, responsible for :

  1. The ability to read and write.
  2. The perception of speech in its literal sense.
  3. Data analysis, including mathematical.
  4. Perception of mathematical signs and symbols.
  5. Consistent logical thinking.

If a person has completely no functions, the implementation of which is entrusted to the left hemisphere, it is difficult to call such an individual a full member of society. But look at the list, it all consists of some formalities. As if it was a robot.

Yes, the ability to read, write and speak is the basic skills that every person needs. Without logic and consistency, it is also difficult to live. But where are the emotions, feelings, figurativeness of speech? Obviously, another department is responsible for this.

Left and Right Hemisphere

Left hemisphere

Right hemisphere

Control over the entire right half of the body.

Control over the entire left half of the body.

The propensity for formality and stereotypicity in their actions.

Flight of fancy and abstract thinking, the ability to "break the frame."

Logic and cynical calculation.

Feelings, emotions and imagination.

The ability to break down a problem or situation into separate steps and try to solve them in a certain sequence.

Comprehensive coverage of any problem. An attempt to resolve it immediately, as something holistic and complex.

It will not be enough for anyone to have a normal, full-fledged life of options from only one column. Each person is a complex synthesis of various qualities:

  • We inherited some of them.
  • The other part was formed in the process of life under the influence of external factors.
  • The rest we worked out on our own, using willpower.

How to form your own personality?

Emotionality and logic are two good features, but the bright predominance of one of them can ruin the life of a person and everyone who surrounds him. What is wrong with a lover of pure emotions? Regular tantrums. In prone to analysis and logic? Constant boring and emotional coldness.

If you notice that one type of thinking is clearly expressed, while the other is almost not shown, try to be distracted. Check out the opposite side of life that you still haven't touched. Such contacts will contribute to the stimulation and development of the non-dominant half of the brain.

So for what meets the left hemisphere of the brain:

  1. It will be easy to solve any mathematical problems.
  2. He will begin to show a love of numbers, remembering dates and numbers from an early age.
  3. In childhood, it will show itself as a restrained child, perhaps a little reserved.
  4. Emotional manifestations may not be so pronounced as in others.
  5. Sometimes she will not understand metaphors and allegories. The sarcasm sign comes in handy.
  6. He can always make a plan for solving the problem.

The classical right- or left-sided version of thinking practically does not occur, there are always inclusions and additions. You need to know that the left brain responds for formal logic . But this information is not so valuable, because, despite the dominance of one half of the brain, the second still plays a huge role in shaping your personality.

Left Hemisphere Video

In this video, Arkady will talk about the main functions and the purpose of the left and right hemispheres of the human brain, how this organ works:

The brain is the most important organ of our body. The condition of all organs and the person as a whole depends on its proper operation. Both hemispheres of the brain work in the system, but each of them has its own functions. The better the hemispheres interact, the more harmonious the development of man.

Left hemisphere

The main function is logical thinking. That is, in the left hemisphere there is an analysis of the information received and conclusions are drawn. The data is processed in stages. Literal understanding of the meaning of expressions.

Recognition of mathematical signs and numbers, solving problems based on calculations.

Coordination of the movements of the right-sided parts of the body.

Processing information obtained not directly, but through the perception of images, symbols, signs. That is, for intuition.

Orientation in space and positioning.

The ability to understand allegorical expressions - for example, metaphors.

An opportunity to be imbued with musical works. But the left brain is responsible for teaching music.

The ability to dream, invent, imagine, compose, draw.

Getting pleasure from sexual relations. The ability to surrender to the senses.

Mystical abilities, religiosity, fanaticism.

The ability to see the situation in general.

Coordination of the movements of the left-sided parts of the body.

The hemispheres of the brain are responsible for various processes. Some have well-developed logic, while others have intuition. But for the harmonious development of personality, both hemispheres should work well, harmoniously. After all, what's the point in a good analytical mind, if you can’t come up with anything new. Or, conversely, to have many ideas, but not to implement them because of inconsistent actions.

Scientists have proven that hands are the best tool for improving the brain. No wonder the development of fine motor skills in children is given increased attention. If both hands work, then both hemispheres interact.

Ideal music helps. So, for the perception of music, one hemisphere works, and for learning to play the instrument, another. A game, for example, on the piano, during which both hands work in concert, is the best training for both hemispheres.

There are a number of exercises to train your brain. Suitable for both children and adults.

  1. The right hand is placed on the tip of the nose, the left - on the right ear; then they make cotton with their hands and swap their hands: the left is taken by the nose, the right by the left ear.
  2. With two hands at the same time they try to draw mirrored, symmetrical patterns or write letters.
  3. Perform the exercise from the morning exercise complex: left hand to the right raised leg and vice versa.
  • fingers make a ringlet, alternately connecting the thumb with the rest. Do as quickly as possible, from the index finger to the little finger and in the opposite direction. First with one hand, then with both.
  • It is necessary to name out loud as quickly as possible the color by which the word is written.
  • These exercises perfectly train the brain, improve communication between the hemispheres.

    And to understand how much our brain can adapt, try reading the text:

    Intuition and even clairvoyance can be developed through the development of the right hemisphere.

    Note that from birth, the right hemisphere is more developed, because they perceive the world only through sensations.

    Intuitive perception is based on images, symbols, elusive details. What a person notices without fixing it in his mind. But in the subconscious, these facts are postponed and processed, so intuitive guesses are obtained.

    The next stage in the development of intuition will be clairvoyance. Indeed, recent studies indicate that these abilities can be developed.

    Entire teachings are based on the belief that our thoughts are material and there is a huge sea of \u200b\u200binformation around us. It is only necessary to find a way to the necessary information.

    “Porridge” from thoughts constantly boils in our head. This prevents the receipt of external information. But if you manage to stop the dialogue within yourself, then the brain is tuned to the external environment. And, in the form of images, sounds, symbols or knowledge, a person can get the necessary information from the information world.

    So, if you set a goal - to achieve clairvoyance, then you will have to work on yourself a lot. Tasks are aimed at developing the right hemisphere of the brain. Indeed, in everyday life, the left mainly works.

    Clairvoyance development stages:

    1. It is necessary to stimulate the work of the right hemisphere of the brain. Well, if a person is creatively developed, this means that the right hemisphere dominates. In another case, you need to work on yourself.
    2. Try to perceive an object without words, relying only on images, associations, feelings, sensations. For example, what sensations arise when you see an orange.
    3. Stop the train of thought in your head. That is, you need to learn to stop thinking for a while. This will help the technique of meditation. In case of successful experience, our brain will be free and will be ready to receive information from the outside.

    To successfully turn off thoughts, you need:

    • relax;
    • take a comfortable pose;
    • focus on one thought or contemplate one thing;
    • you can listen to music, better without words.

    If the instructions are followed correctly, a trance state will occur at some time.

    And finally, the most difficult will be to understand and accept yourself. To realize that it is you who deserve to control your life. One must believe in oneself because unbelief blocks the flow of information.

    It may seem that it is better to engage in the development of intuition and clairvoyance alone, so that no one distracts. But practice proves the opposite. The fact is that inanimate objects have not as strong energy as people. When practicing with a person it is much easier to catch the information coming from him.

    Here are some collective exercises for developing right-brain abilities:

    1. Each of the participants writes their data on paper.
    2. When writing, you need to imagine how the sheet is charged with personal energy. Then the papers are folded and mixed.
    3. Everyone takes one for himself. And, without opening it, he tries to feel the personality of the writer. That is, you need to describe the sensations that arise from a folded sheet. It can be a feeling of cold, warmth, anger ... There can be visual or sound images.
    4. Then the sheet unfolds and compares the person’s personality and the image that they felt.

    The following exercise is based on tactile sensations.

    1. One of the participants turned a blind eye. And in turn, the rest come up and touch him: either they put their hands in their hands, or touch their forehead, or the back of their head. And the subject needs to feel the information flow coming from the person.
    2. At the beginning of classes you just need to try to feel, without analysis. Over time, various sensations will develop into a specific image.
    3. The exercise is aimed at calibrating the internal clock. It is necessary to detect a certain time interval - a minute, two, five. Then, with closed eyes, not counting, determine the same period. This should be done until the biological clock is aligned with real time.
    4. If the internal clock is in a hurry, a sense of anxiety bothers you, and when it is behind, you are not confident.
    5. After eliminating internal problems, you will be able to tune in to the desired wave.
    6. Develop motor skills of the left side of the body. Try to perform actions with your left hand.

    We live in an age of logic. People most often rely on facts, numbers, evidence, research. And intuition, creative perception are in the background. Therefore, so much is said about the development of the left hemisphere.

    For the harmonious development of personality, both hemispheres of the brain should work well. But if the emotional sphere is developed and logical perception does not work well, you need to delicately help the "lagging" hemisphere. What if the right dominates?

    In children, the right hemisphere initially dominates. The left hemisphere comes into operation after a year, closer to two. When a child forms speech. Around this time, modern parents send their children to development schools with the most diverse profiles.

    If a child has left development of the left hemisphere, it is difficult for him in society. How to help the child in this case:

    • The main exercises in this case will be games aimed at developing the baby's speech, expanding the vocabulary.
    • You need to teach children to express their thoughts in words, so it will be easier for them to interact with other people.
    • No less important are role-playing games. With the help of such classes, you can simply and easily teach your child to behave in a hospital, school, store; explain what people in different professions do and much more.

    You should not get involved in the development of only the left hemisphere. Along with intelligence, you need to pay attention to physical development, do not forget about creativity.

    The left hemisphere performs the most important functions. It is very important that logical thinking be developed at the proper level. This is especially true for adults, because any work requires the use of logic.

    To develop the left hemisphere, you can perform exercises:

    • Daily deal with solving problems in logic, mathematics. The bigger, the better.
    • Crossword puzzles also train the left brain perfectly.
    • Try to perform most actions with your right hand.

    For the comprehensive development of man, synchronization in the work of the left and right hemispheres is very important.  After all, their functions do not replace, but complement each other. Improving brain function is never too late. Scientists have proven that 60 years can be developed.

    The brain is the most important and complex part of the central nervous system. With its help, all processes related to thinking and evaluating information obtained from the external environment are accomplished. There are two hemispheres in the brain - the left and the right, each of which is responsible for certain processes - creativity and logic. The work of both hemispheres should be harmonious and coordinated so that a person can adequately carry out all types of life activities.


    Interhemispheric asymmetry of mental processes refers to the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres: in the performance of some mental functions, the leading is the left hemisphere, others - the right.

    Functional asymmetry is one of the most important psychophysiological patterns in the activity of the human brain. According to the researchers, the asymmetry is associated with the optimization of the decision-making process. The right and left hemispheres operate at different frequencies. Twice a day, at the time of falling asleep and waking up, the frequency is synchronized. At this moment, a person has disparate capabilities.

    To each of the hemispheres of the brain go the nerve paths from the senses. The right hemisphere basically “serves” the left side of the body, and the left - the right. Thus, left-handedness, the leading left eye or left ear can indicate the predominant role of the right hemisphere in the perception and analysis of information.

    Currently, it is believed that the left hemisphere in right-handed people plays a predominant role in expressive and impressive speech, reading, writing, verbal (verbal) memory and verbal thinking. The right hemisphere is the leading one for non-verbal, for example, musical hearing, visual-spatial orientation, non-verbal memory, and criticality.

    In the left hemisphere, the mechanisms of abstract are concentrated, in the right - concrete figurative thinking, therefore those people who have dominant emotional-figurative thinking are called “right hemispheres”, and those who have rational-logical thinking prevail are called “left hemispheres”.

    A curious detail noticed by scientists is the ability of asymmetry to change with age. It has been experimentally proven that the dominant hemisphere works more economically and ages more slowly. It should be remembered that the dominance of the right hemisphere will sooner or later prove itself. For many people who grew up in a left hemisphere rational world, the creative principle manifests itself only in the second half of life. Someone suddenly begins to embroider a cross at the age of forty, someone secretly paints from everyone.

    Hemisphere Features

    Symmetric hemispheres provide movement and specific sensitivity equally. However, such averaging does not apply to higher cortical functions, emotions, activation and adaptation processes.

    Neurophysiologists classify interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain into:

    • anatomical (expressed in morphological heterogeneity of hemispheres);
    • biochemical (manifested by differences in cellular reactions, the content of neurotransmitters);
    • psychophysiological (motor, sensory, cognitive-emotional).


    The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for verbal information, it is responsible for the linguistic abilities of a person, controls speech, the ability to write and read. Thanks to the work of the left hemisphere, a person is able to remember various facts, events, dates, names, their sequence and how they will look in writing.

    The left hemisphere is responsible for the analytical thinking of a person, thanks to this, the logic and analysis of facts are developed, as well as the manipulation of numbers and mathematical formulas.

    The left hemisphere of the brain dominates in the following areas:

    • coordination of movements of the right side of the body;
    • control of speech, reading, writing, recognition and understanding of mathematical symbols, as well as remembering names, dates;
    • logical analysis of facts received from outside;
    • only a literal understanding of concepts;
    • phasing in processing any information received;
    • all mathematical manipulations;
    • time orientation and a sense of one's own body;
    • the concept of own “I” and its isolation from the environment;
    • predominance in character;
    • logical, symbolic and consistent thinking.

    With any damage to the left hemisphere of the brain, violations, disappearances or deformations of its function are noted. The appearance of such pathological conditions is possible:

    • impaired ability to summarize the data;
    • violation of the ability to build logical chains;
    • various lesions of the speech apparatus (lack of understanding of speech, loss of ability to speak, and others);
    • the defeat of a written analyzer (lack of understanding of spoken language or impossibility to write in normal speech);
    • combined lesions of speech and writing;
    • violation of orientation in time;
    • violation of the ability to build in the correct sequence the tasks that must be completed to achieve any goal;
    • the inability to draw conclusions from the facts.

    A child with a left-hemispheric dominant often learns to read on his own, because he mechanically remembered the characters, but it is unlikely that the letters will include images in his mind: this can lead to indifference to reading.

    Interesting to know! It is also difficult for these children to play games on their own, inventing imaginary events and actions.


    The right hemisphere of the brain specializes in processing so-called non-verbal information, which is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.

    Important! It is responsible for the imagination, with its help a person is able to fantasize, dream, compose. Here are the human abilities for initiative and art.

    The right hemisphere is responsible for parallel processing of information, that is, like a computer, it allows a person to simultaneously analyze several different streams of information, make decisions and solve problems, considering the problem simultaneously as a whole and from different angles.

    Thanks to the right hemisphere of the brain, we establish intuitive connections between images, understand various metaphors and perceive humor. The right hemisphere allows a person to recognize complex images that cannot be decomposed into elementary components, for example, the process of recognizing people's faces and the emotions that these faces display.

    Therefore, we can distinguish a certain “zone of responsibility” of the right hemisphere:

    • reading information from images, symbols;
    • representation of images under the influence of music;
    • orientation in space;
    • picking up puzzles and mosaics;
    • perception of musical works;
    • understanding the figurative meaning of words and phrases;
    • ability to dream, to compose;
    • manifestation of sexuality;
    • propensity for mysticism, religious consciousness;
    • control of the left side of the body.

    It follows that even though the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logic, speech, event planning and the ability to exact sciences, their holistic perception will be impossible without the right half of the brain.


    The work of both hemispheres of the brain is equally important for humans. With the help of the left hemisphere, the world is simplified and analyzed, and thanks to the right - it is perceived as it really is. The intuitive operation of the right hemisphere of the brain is based on facts that were analyzed by the left hemisphere.

    Important! If there weren’t the right, “creative” hemisphere of the brain, people would turn into emotionless, calculating machines that could only adapt the world to their livelihoods.

    It should be noted that the right hemisphere controls the work of the left half of the human body, and the left hemisphere controls the right half of the body. That is why it is believed that a person who has a better developed left half of the body (“left-handed”) is better developed and creative abilities. By training the corresponding part of the body, we train the hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for these actions.

    The predominant number of people is dominated by one of the hemispheres: right or left. When a child is born, he evenly takes advantage of the opportunities that are inherent in him initially in different hemispheres.

    Interesting to know! However, in the process of development, growth and learning, one of the hemispheres begins to develop more actively.

    In addition, the features of the distribution of functions in the hemispheres, their interaction give a different clinical picture in the event of pathological conditions. This is the basis for the diagnosis of a number of neurological diseases. Moreover, it is impossible to consider interhemispheric asymmetry as the work of isolated structures.

    Important! Only the unity of both hemispheres, their well-coordinated work guarantee the full functioning of the body.

    Short test

    It is very easy to determine which of them dominates at the moment, you need to conduct a simple test that will show the most active side of consciousness. It is necessary to pay attention to the location:

    • thumb when weaving the fingers of both hands together in a kind of fist;
    • palms during random clapping;
    • forearms when crossing arms on the chest;
    • legs thrown one over the other while sitting.

    If the activity of the right side of the body predominates, then the left hemisphere is more developed, since it is it that controls it. If on the contrary, it means that a person is prone to emotional and illogical behavior and has creative abilities, but he needs to pay more attention to the development of reason and analytical skills.

    Another way to determine the dominant hemisphere is presented in the video below.

    Development methods

    Classes in music will be very useful to anyone, especially in the class of piano, button accordion, and accordion. The motor activity of the hands and fingers is directly related to the work of the brain. When both hands are involved at the same time, two hemispheres harmoniously develop at once, getting used to cooperate.

    In addition, they are extremely useful for the development of both logic, intelligence and memory, and figurative thinking:

    • chess and checkers;
    • poker, backgammon;
    • games monopoly and scrabble;
    • puzzles and puzzles;
    • embroidery and knitting.

    Left hemisphere

    Since it is known that the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, you can activate it in two ways: by loading it with the work that it is focused on, and maximally using the side of the body that it controls.

    1. Logic tasks
        In the network you will find a large number of them, both individually and collected in games and applications. Play, solving both yourself and the whole family.
    2. Physical exercise
      To activate the left hemisphere, you need to use the right side of the body. For example, perform the usual actions with your right hand (write, brush your teeth, stir tea). For right-handed people, this will not be difficult, but left-handed people will have more difficulty. Also doing regular exercises, pay more attention to the right side of the body. For example, you can jump on the right foot, do tilts to the right side.
    3. Self massage
        On the human body there are many points that are responsible for various organs, including the brain. On the basis of the big toes is the point responsible for the cerebellum, and under it are the points of the cerebral hemispheres. By massaging the point under the thumb of the right foot, you activate the left hemisphere.
    4. Fine motor skills
        Fine motor skills are very useful for developing the hemispheres. There is a special exercise for this. Lean the tip of the little finger of the right hand to the tip of the thumb of the left hand, and the little finger of the left to the thumb of the right. Scroll the brushes so that the position of the fingers swaps. Then the same thing needs to be done with the ring and index fingers.

    Right hemisphere

    For the development of the right half of the brain, any creativity is suitable - composing music, drawing, writing stories. There are also special exercises that will increase the potential of the right side and make it work at full strength.

    1. Visualization
        Close your eyes and imagine a blank white sheet of paper. Now try to see your name on it in your favorite color. Then make the name change color several times. The brighter the picture, the better. You can also use not a “fictional” piece of paper, but use exercise apps to train your right brain. Try to name the colors that spell words as quickly as possible.
    2. Motor exercises
        Some have been known to us since childhood, for example, “ear-nose”. With your left hand, grab the tip of the nose, with your right hand, the left ear. Then clap your hands and change hands - now the right should hold your nose, and the left - the right ear. Who in childhood played this game, remembers that then it turned out much better. This is due to the fact that in childhood the right hemisphere is more developed (hence kids have a love of drawing and all kinds of creativity).
    3. Tactile feelings
      Another effective way to develop the right hemisphere is to use tactile sensations. You can imagine absolutely any images during the exercise. For example, try to feel that you are eating a certain dish, what it tastes like, what you associate with it. To develop creative skills, the same thing can be done with the smell or in any way.
    4. Finger work
        Such gymnastics will help develop creative thinking. Try to squeeze two palms into fists at the same time. After that, straighten the thumb on the right hand and the index finger on the left. After straighten the index finger on the right and thumb on the left hand. Repeat this exercise several times, accelerating the pace. Alternate and throw away other fingers.
    5. The Infinity symbol
        Such an exercise also helps to effectively develop the right hemisphere and improve creative skills. To do this, press the left ear to the shoulder and extend the left arm forward. Then all attention should be concentrated on the index finger. Hand draw a figure of eight, starting from the center - up and from the center - to the left. Perform the exercise with the left hand 8 times, and then do the same for the right hand.

    1. Right-handed people should sometimes use their left hand for writing or daily activities. At first it will be difficult, but illegible scribbles will eventually turn into elegant handwriting, and new and fresh ideas will appear in the right hemisphere.
    2.   and visualizations are useful not only for spiritual comfort and activation of the subconscious. It is also a training of imagination and intuition. Even if a person is far from esotericism, it will not be out of place to imagine the taste of a favorite dish in his mouth or recall the smells of a forest glade, which attracted perfume, activating a figurative memory. You can simply try to imagine any object with your eyes closed, clearly and in color.
    3. Continuous training also expands the functions of PP. You can ask a friend or relative to make an inanimate object, for example, from those in the room. Focus and try to guess with your inner vision what it could be. Having heard the phone ring, try to imagine who is calling before answering.
    4. Drawing pictures, even if there are no special artistic abilities, perfectly helps to refresh the mind and increase creativity, which will not hurt even financial analysts. This helps to remove excessive control. At first it can be scary to make the first smear, as there is no clear plan of action, which people with strong LP are used to, but the fantasy will surely wake up.
    5. Keeping a diary, composing poems, stories and fairy tales in the evenings for children is not just entertainment, but also very useful activities.

    Much more important are exercises aimed at improving the relationship between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Development techniques include:

    1. A very simple exercise is to simultaneously stroke your stomach with your right hand and tap your head with your left hand. First, you should perform it slowly, carefully monitoring the movements of each hand, and then gradually accelerate.
    2. The following exercise also requires hands. Having set them in front of him, a person must draw a square in the air, and the second, for example, a star. In this case, as soon as he notices progress, that is, it will become easier to carry out the exercise, hands should be changed.
    3. A more difficult coordination exercise is to hold the tip of the nose with one hand, while the other holds onto the opposite ear. The training technique consists in changing hands as quickly as possible.
    4. Depending on whether the person is right-handed or left-handed, you should try to do the usual things with the opposite hand, for example, brush your teeth or eat food.
    5. Dancing, in particular, tango helps to develop both hemispheres at the same time.

    There are also a number of exercises that will help harmoniously develop both hemispheres of the brain.

    1. "Ring". Consistently and very quickly connect the fingers of both hands into a ring with your thumb for several minutes.
    2. "X-Men" - on paper of any format, draw in bright color two intersecting straight lines in the form of the letter "X" and hang a sheet on the wall. Stand up, feet shoulder width apart, back straight. The look is directed to the point of intersection of the lines. At the same time, connect the elbow of the right hand with the knee of the left leg raised up. Perform vigorously for several minutes. Such a training very effectively relieves fatigue after a routine work and invigorates.
    3. “Multi-colored confusion” - you will need a piece on which the names of the flowers are written with colorful felt-tip pens. The difficulty is that the name and colors do not match each other. For example, the word "yellow" is written in red, "green" in blue. The more words, the better. It is necessary to quickly read aloud not the word, but the name of the color by which it is recorded.

    In this article we will talk about what the cerebral hemispheres are responsible for. It's no secret that it is to the brain that we owe our ability to think. In addition, the functions of the brain include: coordination of movement, generation and decoding of speech, processing information about the surrounding and internal world, planning, attention, decision making, memory, emotions. The brain is the main part of the nervous system and is a complex system of nerve cells. Until now, the brain has not been fully studied; many of its abilities remain a mystery to us.

    To begin with, it is worth noting that the brain consists of five departments: the medulla oblongata, hindbrain (bridge, cerebellum), midbrain, diencephalon and forebrain (cerebral hemispheres).

    What the cerebral hemispheres are responsible for: functions

    Now let us dwell in more detail on the functions of the cerebral hemispheres.

    The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the creative side of a person’s character:

    • Imagination, dreams. Thanks to the right hemisphere, among us there are creative personalities who write books and create beautiful paintings. With the help of the right hemisphere, we can fantasize and dream.
    • Musical abilities and the ability to perceive music.
    • Perception of non-verbal information, that is, due to the work of the right hemisphere, we perceive images and symbols.
    • Orientation in space. Thanks to this hemisphere, we can navigate the terrain, perceive our position in it.
    • Intuition, the so-called forebodings, and everything connected with mysticism, also refers to the activity of the right hemisphere.
    • The right hemisphere is also responsible for our understanding of metaphors, that is, thanks to this hemisphere, we can read “between the lines”, understand not the literal meaning of information, but various literary turns.
    • Parallel information processing. In this hemisphere, multiple streams of information can be processed simultaneously. That is, it considers the process, phenomenon, problem as a whole, without subjecting them to analysis. In this case, we can observe a holistic picture of what is happening.
    • Control the movement of parts of the left half of the body.

    The left brain is responsible for the logic:

    • Analytics. It is the left hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for analysis, logic.
    • Mathematical thinking.
    • A literal understanding of the words is provided by the left hemisphere.
    • Language abilities, namely speech, the ability to write and read, memorize letters, numbers, and their writing.
    • Consistency in information processing, that is, during the operation of the left hemisphere, information is processed sequentially, precisely because of this we can analyze this or that situation.
    • Control the movement of the right half of the body.

    How to develop hemisphere abilities

    If you want to develop any hemisphere, then intensively do what it is responsible for. Ideally, both hemispheres should be developed equally and work smoothly. So if you think that your right hemisphere is not sufficiently developed, go in for music, dancing, painting, photography. If on the contrary, solve logic puzzles, study a foreign language, read more.

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