Sisters of abundance doctor who. Discussions - TARDIS - Time of the Doctor - Groups My World


The Autons are plastic Nestine mind-controlled mannequins that arrived on Earth for the first time.
in hollow plastic meteorites. Autons hide deadly weapons in their
hands, which can kill or vaporize. Typical Auton doesn't look special
realistic, looks like a mannequin, moves like a robot in it. However
however, a smarter Auton can be created that looks and moves like
man, only has a slight sheen on the skin and a flat voice (however, in the episode
"Pandorica opens" were shown Autons indistinguishable from humans).


Alien creatures made of fat are first shown in the episode
"Partners". After their breeding planet was lost, the first
The Adipose family hires Sister Kofelia from the Fleet of the Five Rectified Nursery
Classabindi of the Intergalactic Class, or simply "Miss Foster", in order to
she brought a new generation of adiposes to Earth.

She creates a drug that turns human fat (adipose tissue) into
Adipose children and starts selling it under the guise of weight loss pills. Process
partial parthenogenesis does not harm a person, however, in an emergency
situation, Miss Foster had to activate full parthenogenesis, in which
adipose, in addition to fat, could use bones, hair and internal organs. At
in this process, adipose was a little nauseated, while from a human carrier
there was nothing left. Despite the fact that the Doctor stops the process of complete
parthenogenesis, more than 10 thousand adiposes are born on Earth. After that over
Flying saucers appear in London, which take the adipose to their parents.

IN parallel universe, created by Donna in the episode "Turn Left",
London was destroyed by the fall of the Titanic space cruiser due to lack of
The doctors. For this reason, the adipose story does not take place in the UK, but in
America, where over 60 million Americans die.

In the episodes "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End", it is revealed that
Adipose 3 is one of 27 planets that were stolen and hidden in the Medusa Cascade.
new empire of the Daleks. After the defeat of the Daleks, Adipose 3 and the rest of the planets
were returned to their places.

In "The End of Time", Adipose is shown in a bar with the others.
aliens encountered by the Tenth Doctor.


Inhabitants of Argolis. They have greenish skin. Their heads are covered with curled
hair. In 2250, the Argolins, led by Theron, lost a 20-minute
nuclear war with foamasi. As a result of this war, the Argolines became barren.

The Argolins who survived the war made Argolis "the first of the free
planets." They created "Free Swarm", dedicated to relaxation and mutual understanding with
representatives of different cultures; they planned to live in Roy for three centuries. Argolins
continued to struggle financially and in 2290 faced a likely
bankruptcy. Criminal gang foamasi called Western Lodge
tried to buy an entire planet and use it as a criminal base.

Ever since the Argolins became barren, they have tried to restore
the size of your race using cloning and tachyonics, but only one clone
- Pangol - lived to adulthood. Pangol was mentally unstable. He
tried to create an army of his tachyon copies, but failed and eventually
account returned to childhood because of the technology that created it.


Galactic police officers, resembling eyeballs, attached to


The Face of Boe is a character in the British television series Dr.
Who". Bo is a mysterious ancient alien from the distant future who, according to
Tradition is over a billion years old. To create Bo's Face were used entirely
mechanical effects, and voiced the character Struan Roger. In the episode "The Last
time lord" it was suggested that the Face of Bo could be Captain Jack


Primitive humanoid race with sharp teeth and primitive language
skills, shown in the series "Utopia". Futures are aggressive towards people
and hunt them.

Vashta Nerada

Vashta Nerada ("shadows that melt flesh") - microscopic swarming
creatures that usually live in forests and feed on carrion. In large quantities
attack people. They are most active at night, as their swarm creates a shadow that
can not see. In the light, it can sometimes be seen in the form of dust particles. Their appearance in
The library is connected with the fact that books are recycled woods.


Artificially created humanoids covered in leaves that provide them with energy
through photosynthesis. Vervoids have the size and strength of humans. They have
poisonous thorns that can kill a person. They are designed to solve problems
usually performed by robots. However, instead they decided to exterminate all


A race of humanoids with a humanoid physique. Green skin covered
thorns (cacti). Appeared in the episode "The End of Time", where they tried to return
back his medical device ("Gate of Immortality"). Can take shape
people using shimmer technology. Similar to Zocchi (Journey of the Damned)
but unlike them, not low and not red.


A red-orange alien fish mentioned in "Two
The doctors". The Doctor has caught this creature several times.


A race of huge slugs, shown in Double Dilemma.


A gaseous lifeform, featured in the episode "The Worrying Dead" Their
the bodies were lost as a result of the Time War. They invaded Earth through
rupture of space and time in the house of the owner of the undertaker in Cardiff 1869
of the year. They moved into the bodies of the dead and the gas pipeline.

Claiming they were on the brink of extinction, the Gelts convinced the Doctor to help
them to be on Earth through Gwyneth, the maid of the owner of the funeral home
who has psychic abilities due to the fact that she lived near the rift.
The Gelts actually intended to take over the Earth by force and move into it.
dead people. The Gelts' plans were thwarted when Gwyneth sacrificed herself,
blew up the building and sealed the rift. However, it is unclear whether the Gelts who came
through the break.


Carnivores that inhabit Leela's home planet.


A short race from the planet Griffoth. They are able to move into
time and space, kidnap people and replace them with themselves. Disguised
Grask can be recognized by the occasional green glow in the eyes.

An unnamed grask is featured in the interactive episode "Attack of the grask" and
special issue "Music of the Spheres".

Grask Creezlock is first seen in What Ever Happened to Sarah Jane? And
The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith from The Sarah Jane Adventures. He became a servant
Trickster after he saved his life, but he later became free.


Daleks are beings from the planet Skaro that are placed in a mechanical shell.
They were designed by screenwriter Terry Nation and designer Raymond Cusick.
The Daleks have always been the main enemies of the Time Lords, including the Doctor.

The planet Skaro, homeworld of the Daleks, was once inhabited by two
Civilizations: Kaledami and Talami. A military conflict broke out between them.
planetary scale - the so-called. neutron war, as a result of which
Skaro's surface was completely contaminated with radiation. Thals managed to invent
a cure for radiation sickness and remained to live on the surface, and the Kaleds disappeared
underground. They were also looking for a means of protection from radiation, and one day the Caledan
the scientist Davros announced that he had found it. But in fact, Davros was concerned about something else:
he dreamed of creating an ideal army, consisting of powerful and obedient soldiers.
The experiments he did on the Kaledas really made them
immune to radiation, but turned into ugly mutants unable to
experience no feelings and emotions, except for anger and hatred. Then Davros
designed for them special armor and weapons that would allow these
creatures to fight. He called his creations the Daleks, an anagram of the word

Beneath the Dalek armor is an octopus-like greenish-white creature with
many tentacles, a large brain and one eye. Likewise, some of them
there is a claw on one of the tentacles. The Daleks are incapable of themselves
make sounds, with the exception of a faint squeak, they only talk with the help of
of his armor, which synthesizes a metallic-sounding raspy voice. Because of
the fact that the Daleks are not capable of almost any emotions, their speech is always
monotonous. Daleks have great intelligence, but for nothing but decision
he is not suitable for elementary technical tasks: Davros made sure that
his soldiers had no imagination at all. To keep the Daleks alive
radiation is needed, and in large doses - a long absence of radiation
or taking an anti-radiation drug could kill a Dalek. The Daleks have that
the same ability as the Time Lords - to distinguish those events in time, in
who cannot be interfered with. Daleks without armor in the series are shown extremely
rare, only seen in a few episodes. Jagaroth


An ancient and extinct race, featured in City of Death. Ship
jagarot exploded on Earth 400 million years ago. sole survivor
jagarot - Skarot - tried to technologically develop human race, seeking
create a time machine and prevent the explosion.


A large, slimy creature that settled on the 500th floor of the Sputnik
Five. It wanted to control the Earth with a news station. Jagrafess
could only live in cool temperatures. He had a servant man named
The editor who called him Max, short for his full name:
Mighty Jagrafess of Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfo.


The Judoon are a race of humanoids serving in the intergalactic police force.
("Proclamation of shadows"). First appeared in Smith & Jones. Further
appeared in The Stolen Earth, The End of Time, and The Pandorica Opens. IN
series "The Sarah Jane Adventures" participated in the series "Revenge of the Slitheen" and
"Prisoner of the Judoons".


Ant-like creatures from the planet Vortis shown in the series
A network planet controlled by the Animus. Their length is two meters. They
have little intelligence. The Zarbi were subdued by the Animus and considered menoptra
their mortal enemies. They could only control poisonous larvae,
similar to wood lice.


A race of short red humanoids covered in spikes. Episode
The Journey of the Damned was shown by a zocchi named Bannacaffalatta. His kind
was first named in the End Time.


Small spore-like creatures traveling through space for the first time
featured in the episode "Fear Her". In this series, one of them got behind the swarm and
ended up on Earth, moving into a young Englishwoman named Chloe Webber. isolus
acting through her, imprisoned the neighborhood children in her pencil drawings.

Like the starids

Humanoids with metallic red hair and eyes, described in
novels from the Virgin New Adventures cycle - "The Return of the Father" and "A Room Without
doors." Their home star system is Lalande 21185. The Kakstarids were destroyed
a virus that destroyed their DNA. It was created by the government to destroy
"rebels". The doctor tried to prevent its use, but it was
activated ten years after his intervention, during another mutiny.

The green-eyed Lalandian of the "other caste" as Starids was described in
Seeing I from the Eighth Doctor Adventures series.


A race of witch-like beings native to the Fourteenth Star
planetary configuration Rexel. They use advanced science, superficially
similar to magic and voodoo. Karrionites use words to influence
universe and ignoring the laws of physics. They have the ability to recognize
person's name. In the "old" times of the universe, the Karrionites were banished
powerful words of the Eternals.

In the Shakespeare Code series, three carrionites named Lilith are shown,
Mother Dumfinger and Mother Bloodtide. They were defeated by William Shakespeare with the help of the Doctor and
Martha, who helped him find the right words to defeat the Carrionites.
Karrionites after that were enclosed in a crystal ball. According to Lilith,
Shakespeare accidentally freed Dumfinger, Bloodtide and Lilith.

According to the audio commentary for the third season of Doctor Who, everyone
female carrionites and call each other mothers or sisters in
depending on age. In the novel Eternal Autumn, it is stated that they were
exiled after the war with Gervoken, who also used science resembling


Lady Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17 - British fictional character
science fiction television series Doctor Who. The character was voiced by Zoe
Wanamaker, and was designed on a computer.

Russell T. Davies, the creator of Cassandra, said that the idea of ​​​​creating her
appeared when he looked at thin Hollywood actresses. Quote: "This
it was terrible to watch beautiful girls turn into mops. In particular,
Nicole Kidman killed me."

The Ninth Doctor first met Cassandra in "The End
Light "(2005). Together with the richest races in the universe, they gathered
watch the destruction of the earth.

According to Cassandra, her parents were the last people
buried in their land. She was born a boy on Earth and lived on the edge
Los Angeles. Cassandra has had 708 plastic surgeries so far
turned into a piece of skin with eyes and a mouth that are connected to a brain in a jar.
It must be constantly moisturized so that it does not dry out. Cassandra calls herself
the last man, since the rest of mankind entered into
marriages with other species and modified. She calls these people
"half-breeds". Rose Tyler calls her "an unnecessary trampoline."

Cassandra used spider robots to disable the shields on
platform and kill all the guests. But so that they don’t think about it, if something goes
not so, instead, they were carried by the Adepts of the Repeating Elements. Into her plans
was to take hostages with her as one of the victims, and get a ransom for
further operations on the body. When the Doctor found out about this, she teleported away.
from the station, leaving others to die - the shields opened, and let the solar

However, the Doctor saved all the guests and brought Cassandra back to
platform without her assistants to moisten it. Without moisturizing her skin
dried up and eventually exploded, apparently killing her (although her brain was not

Cassandra returned in Novaya Zemlya (2006), which took place
23 years after "The End of the World" (2005). Her brain was preserved, and therefore she
survived. Her eyes were removed and the skin she had taken from
previous body. She hid in the basement of the Sisters of Plenty hospital and raised
Gollum Chip.

When she learned that Rose and the Tenth Doctor were on New Earth,
she used a psychograft to place her consciousness into Rose's body, but
because of this, her brain died. In Rose's body, Cassandra passionately kissed Ten
The doctors. Her disguise was ruined by a terrible accent. She had to say
Doctor who she really is. The doctor passed out when she fired in
him strange perfume that she hid in her neckline.

Figuring out the secret of the Sisters of Plenty, Cassandra and the Doctor try to save
hospital from the zombies that escaped from there. But the Doctor and Rose made Cassandra
move from one body to another, each time demanding that she release

At the end, Cassandra was transferred to Chip. But the body was dying, and so
The Doctor sent Cassandra back to her timeline when she was still
beautiful. There, she died.


Cybermen (eng. Cyberman) - a fictional race from a fantastic
series "Doctor Who". They are people who have enclosed their brains in
metal sheath. Occasionally appear throughout the old series and
quite often in new episodes. The latest series come from parallel
peace. The Cybermen of the Doctor's universe were a race of artificially altered "almost
humans" who were born on the planet Mondas, Earth's twin planet. In the sister series
"Torchwood" Cybermen are represented by one representative - Cyberwoman,
an altered employee of the Torchwood Institute, transformed into "Human v.1"


Blue-skinned humanoids from the planet Crespallion, shown in "The End


A giant squid that grew in size due to the food it swallowed
part of the Key to Time, shown in the episode "The Power of Kroll". Citizens of the planet
worshiped Kroll and considered him a god.

Chima forest

A race of sentient, bipedal trees that are the direct descendants of
old trees of the earth. The trees were sold to a brotherhood from the Panjassian
asteroid belt, which experimented on trees, and after a few
centuries, trees have arms and legs. The word "chim" means "tree" in the language
forests. Representatives of Lesa Chima are shown in the episode "The End of the World". The forest respects everything
life forms. They know about the Time Lords and their enemies in the Time War.
Several trees are featured on Platform One led by Jabe Seth Seth
Jafe (named in Doctor Who: Monsters and Enemies), as well as Koffa and Lute.


Humanoids from the planet Logopolis, shown in the episode of the same name.
Logopolitans are a race of mathematicians who study entropy to make sure that
the heat death of the universe will not occur.

Cheetah people

Aliens featured in the Survival series. Cheetah people remind
existing animals - cheetahs. They are savages and have the ability to transform
others into cheetah people. In the Survival series, they abducted people and moved them
to your planet.

cat people

During the "New Earth", felines evolved into humanoids and
became known as "cat people". They are able to interbreed with humans.
Cat people have retractable claws for self-defense. They have
individuality. The Sisters of Plenty are cat people who worked in the hospital for
peninsula near New New York.


An amphibious race from the planet Toros Beta. They have two arms, a long tail
instead of legs, they speak to members of other species through a translating
devices. Notable Mentors: Seal, Lord Keav. In the Helm of Truth, Lord Keav's brain
transplanted into the primitive body of a mentor who has a stinger on his tail,
missing from modern mentors.


Androids featured in The Fate of the Daleks. Movellan outwardly resemble
physically attractive people of different nationalities. All are androids and gynoids
wearing a white, tight-fitting uniform. They are stronger and more durable than normal
People. However, the main vulnerability of Movellans is that they have external source
power supply on the belt, which can be easily removed and the android will turn off.

Mox Balkhun

One of the aliens who visited Platform One on the day of the death of the Earth.

fly gi-ji

An insect from the planet Varos.


Nickname given by the Tenth Doctor to a waterborne infection found on

New people

Human clones used by the Sisters of Plenty to improve the ways
treatment of the inhabitants of Novaya Zemlya in the Novaya Zemlya series. They are enclosed in capsules, but
then they were released by Lady Cassandra, they began to infect hospital patients.
Cured of their illnesses by the Doctor, they were called new people.


Shown in the Planet-Grid series. These caterpillar-like creatures are the same
menoptra, but they live in burrows underground. They have bigger eyes than menoptra and
no wings. At the end of the series, the Animus is defeated and the Optera return to

Weeping angels

Aliens that look like statues of angels covering their eyes with their hands
featured in the episodes "Don't Blink", "The Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone". "Lonely
killers, the only psychopaths in the universe who kill you beautifully."

When touched by the Weeping Angel, the creature is sent to a random point
time, and the Angel himself feeds on the energy of those days that he could live
being in its natural time. However, angels can kill a person,
for example, by wringing necks, as in "The Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone".

The main feature of the Weeping Angels is the so-called
"quantum lock": in the field of view of any living beings of the Weeping Angel, there are no
exists and it turns to stone. “It's a statue while you're looking at it. But
one has only to turn one's back on him…” For this reason they close their
eyes with hands, so as not to see each other and forever petrify. Also
Weeping Angels are able to absorb energy from electrical appliances. To all
other than that, they move very fast.

In the episodes "Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone", it turns out that any
the image of an Angel becomes an Angel, and the Angels themselves can use the brain and
the mind of a dead person to speak. Also from the series you can find out that these
beings, being without food for a long time, lose their angelic appearance.

You can not look into the eyes of Angels, because through them he can penetrate
into the mind of the beholder. In Angel Time, this happened to Amy. Sand first
began to pour out of her eyes, then she began to imagine that she had a stone
hand. After all this, she began to count from 10 to zero. As it turned out later,
at 0 it would die. The only way to stop it is to close your eyes.


Humanoids composed of living calcium from Raxacoricofallapatorius.

Flay fish

A sea creature from the planet Thoros Beta.

Water sisters (vampires)

Dark, leathery, aquatic creatures, somewhat like sharks,
featured in the Vampires of Venice series. In the series, they are called "vampires", however
The Doctor called their Empress "Water Sister".

Home planet - Saturnine, but due to temporary cracks and silence
forced to flee to Venice in 1580. To hide your true face
used perceptual filters. Vulnerable to light, perfectly swim in the water. IN
human form have long protruding fangs that cannot even be hidden
filters (since the instinct of self-preservation is stronger than any illusion) and do not have
reflections (as the Doctor explained, filters don't apply to reflections and so
how a person has not seen the true appearance of "vampires", he does not know that he should
see in the mirror, so the emptiness is visible)

The Empress, Señora Rosanna Calvierri, was the last survivor
female, and in order to continue her race, she recruited into her prestigious
school of young girls, after which the "vampires" drank human blood and
replaced it with their own. Blood gradually changed people, turning them into "vampires". IN
In conversation, she mentions that 10,000 husbands are waiting for girls underwater. Calvierri
planned to flood Venice and even began the process of flooding, but the Doctor
stop the machine in time. All the vampire girls died in the explosion, Amy by beam
light killed Francesca Calvierri, son of the Empress. Rosanna is back
the only female in the race. Her perceptual filter broke, forever locking her
sister of water in human form. At the end of the episode, Roseanne jumped into the waters.
Venice, where other "vampires" mistook it for food. Before Rosanna's death
turned to the Doctor with the words, whether his conscience could bear the burden of another
the race they destroyed.


The monster that served the Daleks is featured in the fourth and fifth episodes of the series.
The Dalek invasion of Earth guarding the Dalek mines in Bedfordshire. Then Sleater
attacked several people, Yang hit him with a rock, after which he fell down and


Cloned short humanoids from the planet Sontar. main meaning
life consider war. First appeared in Doctor Who back in classic
series. In the modern series, they participated in the series: "The Sontarans Plan",
"Stolen Sky", "Pandorica Opens". They are also characters in the series.
"The Adventures of Sarah Jane"


The dominant species of sentient humanoids on the planet Spiridon in the Ninth
system, featured in The Planet of the Daleks series. They became visible only after
of death. They were enslaved and used as test subjects and slaves by the Daleks,
who tried to reveal the secret of their invisibility. Some spiridone
resisted. The Doctor returned to Spyridon in the spin-offs Return of the Daleks and
Brotherhood of the Daleks.


A bat-like race from the planet Tetrapyriarbus. Tetraps
helped Rani guard a huge brain in Time and Rani. Rani armed
several tetraps for this purpose and used them to terrorize
inhabitants of Lakertia.

Tetraps have four eyes, one on each side of the head. How
the bats they sleep upside down in a cave. Tetraps have a limited
intelligence, but soon realized that the Rani wants to kill them all on Lakertia. This
confirmed when their leader - Urak - heard of her plans. Urak and the Furious
the tetraps took Rani prisoner on her ship and returned to their home planet,
to force her to help solve the problem of scarcity of natural resources.


A race from the planet Ud sphere. They are born with two brains - the brain in
head and external hindbrain. There is also one huge brain that connects all
oud telepathically. To make ouds slaves, their hindbrain was replaced by a sphere,
which can be used as a weapon.


Insectoids, first seen in The Ark in Space. Wirrn's homeland
is Andromeda (however, it is not clear whether this is a galaxy, constellation or planet), but
they were driven into space by human colonists. They are slightly larger than humans.
dark green and wasp-like appearance, and living mainly in
space, but their breeding colonies are on the ground. Their bodies are closed
system, their lungs can reuse carbon dioxide. They sometimes
land on planets for food and oxygen. Wirrn lay eggs alive
creatures; the larva absorbs the host, his memories and knowledge. wirrn larva -
a green slug-like creature ranging in size from a few centimeters to 1 or
2 meters wide. It can "infect" another organism through
contact with the substance they secrete, turning them into an adult whirrn
connecting their consciousness to the collective mind.

In The Ark in Space, the Wirrns take up residence on a space station.
"Nerva", revolving around the Earth, devastated by solar flares. Survivors
were put into a state of suspended animation, waiting for the restoration of the planet, but
slept for several millennia longer. Wirrn intended to use
sleeping like food. Noah - the head of Nerva - was infected and transformed into a wirrn.
However, Noah retained "more than a remnant of the human spirit" and led the wirrn into
cargo ship even though he knew the ship would explode.

The Wirrn also appeared in the novel The Placebo Effect from the Adventure series.
The Eighth Doctor and in the audio productions of Wirrn: The Memory of the Family and The Beginning of the Wirrn.
A dead wirrn is featured in Stones of Blood.


A sentient, bipedal race of reptiles resembling chameleons is shown in
Free Swarm series. The name of the race is an anagram of the word "mafioso". Foamazi
won a 20-minute nuclear war with the Argolins. They communicate through squeak
and clicks. Although they became a peace-loving race after the war, the group under
called Western Lodge often tried to provoke hostile relations
between two races.

Since their victory, the Argolin home planet of Argolis has officially
belonged to the Foamasi government. Two saboteurs from West Lodge tried
get the Argolins to sell them Free Swarm so they can use it
as a criminal base. Foamasi can be masked with skin
costumes that are smaller than their bodies. Foamasi assassins appear in the novel
The placebo effect from The Adventures of the Eighth Doctor. This novel explains
why Foamasi can fit into disguise suits smaller than their bodies,
because their bones are hollow and flexible.


Fish-like humanoids with containers of green liquid on their faces.
They are sentient, emotional beings - one befriends Martha Jones and saves her
life. People and huts were going to colonize Messalina. But later they started
fight each other. Huts were shown in the second part of the End Time in
alien bar.


A race of aggressive aliens with an external skeleton. Elton Pope met
The Doctor and Rose trying to catch one in Woolwich, London. Hawks was later
featured in the Torchwood episode "Penetrating Wounds", in which he was characterized
as a creature that "lives for food, no matter what."



Mentioned in "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances" as
an alien race that uses nanogenes to heal soldiers in war.

John Simm - Master.


John Ronald Simm was born on July 10, 1970 in Leeds, England.
Leeds, Yorkshire, England). He was the eldest of three children and grew up in Nelson,
where his family moved when he was 3 years old. The family moved frequently
place to place throughout the North West of England and managed to live in Manchester,
Colnet, Burnley and Blackpool. John's father, Ronald Simm, was from Manchester
musician and taught his son to play the guitar. From the age of 12, John as a soloist and
guitarist performed in workers' clubs with his father. Their
the semi-professional duo was called Us2 and
lasted 5 years.

In 1986, at the age of 16, John entered Blackpool
theater college and had starring roles in the musicals Guys and Dolls and West Side Story.
However, he soon decided that he was not very interested in musical theater, so
joined the troupe of an amateur drama theater, where he honed his
acting skills in his free time from college. When he turned
19, John went to London and studied acting for the next three years.
Stanislavsky system at the drama school Drama Center.

His best-known roles to date are Sam Tyler on Life on Mars and The Master on Doctor Who.

John Barrowman - Captain Jack Harkness.


John Scott Barrowman was born March 11, 1967 in Mt.
Vernon is a residential area in the eastern suburbs of Glasgow, Scotland. His
mother was a singer and worked as a clerk in a music store, and her father was an engineer
at Caterpillar, a heavy engineering company. First eight years
after the birth of their third child, John, the family lived in Glasgow, but in 1976
father was offered a higher managerial position at the Caterpillar factory in
Aurora, Illinois, and the family moved to the United States.

In 1985, John graduated high school and gets
US citizenship, after which he leaves for San Diego, California to study
fine arts at United States International University. IN
In 1989, he returned to the UK, where, as part of an exchange program
students for 6 months studying the works of Shakespeare. Since then he has double
Citizenship - USA and UK.

In 2005, John played Captain Jack Harkness in the new
Doctor Who. Jack was once an agent of Time, but after the agents
two years of memory were stolen from him, he began to travel through time, studying
fraud. During his next adventure, he met the Doctor and
Rose. Jack shamelessly flirts with everything that moves - regardless of
gender, age and race. Charming Jack liked the audience so much that the creators
Doctor Who decided to make a separate series for his character - Torchwood.

On British television, Barrowman has appeared in various
BBC projects. His most significant television role is Captain Jack Harkness.
from the series Doctor Who and its spin-off Torchwood. He also takes part in
various entertainment programs("Live & Kicking", "Any Dream Will
Do", "How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?" and "I'd Do Anything") and
television projects (Dancing on Ice). Since his family moved to
Illinois, when he was 8 years old, Barrowman speaks with an American accent in
stage and uses a Scottish accent around his family.

David Tennant - Dr.

David Tennant - David's stage name, John McDonald, born April 18
1971 Scottish actor Bathgate, West Lothian. He is best known for
description of the tenth incarnation of the Doctor in the television series Doctor Who. His father was
priest and planned that the son would devote his life to religion, the mother stubbornly
insisted on a law school, and David made the choice himself. He wasn't even four
years when he decided to become an actor, but the family, of course, was against it. And David
went to his dream, and already in preschool age hit the screen, scottish
TV Saturday Youth TV Show considered the boy the number 1 talent.
After that, David began to attend the theater studio at the Royal Scottish
Academy of Music and Drama, where he later entered to study.
The name David Tennant has been put forward as a possible candidate for the role of the Ninth.
Doctor for a new series that began in March 2005, although the role eventually
account went to Christopher Ekliston. With Ekliston's announcement on 30 March that he is not
would return for the second series, the BBC confirmed Tennant as his replacement in
press release April 16th. He made his first, brief appearance in the episode
"The Parting of the Ways" (2005) after the regeneration scene, and also appeared
in a special 7-minute mini-episode shown as part of 2005's Kids in
appeal of Need, broadcast November 18, 2005.
He started filming a new series of Doctor Who
at the end of July 2005. His first full-length outing as the Doctor was
sixty minute special, "Christmas Invasion",
first aired on Christmas Day 2005.
Tennant expressed enthusiasm about the performance
his childhood dream. He remarked to an interviewer for GWR of "Who wouldn't want
to be a Doctor? I even got my own TARDIS!" In 2006, readers
Doctor Who Magazine claimed Tennant "Best Doctor", according to
perennial favorite Tom Baker. In 2007, Dr. Tennant, who was approved
"coolest character" on UK TV in Radio Review



Creatures made of living plastic, animated by the Nestine Consciousness.


Alien creatures made of fat are first shown in the episode "Partners". After their breeding planet is lost, the first Adipose family recruits Sister Cofelia of the Intergalactic-Class Five Rectified Classabindi, or simply "Miss Foster", nursery fleet to breed a new generation of Adiposes on Earth.

She creates a drug that turns human fat (adipose tissue) into adipose babies and starts selling it under the guise of weight loss pills. The process of partial parthenogenesis does not harm a person, however, in an emergency, Miss Foster had to activate full parthenogenesis, in which adipose, in addition to fat, could use bones, hair and internal organs. In this process, the adipose became slightly nauseous, while nothing was left of the human carrier. Despite the fact that the Doctor stops the process of complete parthenogenesis, more than 10,000 adiposes are born on Earth. After that, flying saucers appear over London, which take the adipose to their parents.

In the parallel universe created by Donna in "Turn Left", London was destroyed by the fall of the Titanic due to the Doctor's absence. For this reason, the Adipose story does not take place in the UK, but in America, where over 60 million Americans die.

In the episodes "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End", Adipose 3 is revealed to be one of 27 planets that were stolen and hidden in the Medusa Cascade by the new Dalek Empire. After the defeat of the Daleks, Adipose 3 and the rest of the planets were returned to their places.

In "The End of Time", Adipose is shown in a bar along with other aliens that the Tenth Doctor has encountered.


Inhabitants of Argolis. They have greenish skin. Their heads are covered with curled hair. In 2250, the Argolins, led by Theron, lost a 20-minute nuclear war against the Foamasi. As a result of this war, the Argolines became barren.

The Argolins who survived the war made Argolis "the first of the free planets". They created the "Free Swarm", dedicated to relaxation and mutual understanding with representatives of different cultures; they planned to live in Roy for three centuries. The Argolins continued to struggle financially and faced probable bankruptcy in 2290. A Foamasi crime group called the Western Lodge attempted to buy an entire planet and use it as a criminal base.

Ever since the Argolins became sterile, they have tried to repopulate their race using cloning and tachyonics, but only one clone - Pangol - survived to adulthood. Pangol was mentally unstable. He tried to create an army of his tachyon counterparts, but failed and eventually reverted to childhood due to the technology that created him.


Galactic cops resembling eyeballs attached to crystals.




A primitive humanoid race with sharp teeth and primitive language skills, featured in "Utopia". Futures are aggressive towards people and prey on them.

Headless Monks



Living plants that live on the Daleks' home planet of Skaro and move by means of their roots. This plant looks like a cactus. The poison attacks the brain. rational thinking slowed down, suppressed by the desire to kill. After the poison enters the body, the carrier turns into a warg. Grows in plantations.

Vashta Nerada

The Vashta Nerada ("shadows that melt flesh") are microscopic swarming creatures that usually live in forests and feed on carrion. People are attacked in large numbers. They are most active at night, as their swarm creates a shadow that is not visible. In the light, it can sometimes be seen in the form of dust particles. Their appearance in the Library is due to the fact that books are recycled woods.


Artificially created humanoids are covered with leaves, supplying them with energy through photosynthesis. Vervoids have the size and strength of humans. They have poisonous spines that can kill a person. They are designed to solve tasks that were usually performed by robots. However, instead they decided to exterminate all "animal-like".


A race of humanoids with a humanoid physique. The green skin is covered with thorns (cacti). Appeared in "The End of Time", where they tried to return their medical device ("Gate of Immortality"). They can take the form of people using the "shimmer" technology. Looks like Zocchi Journey of the Damned), but unlike them, not low and not red.




A red-orange alien fish mentioned in The Two Doctors. The Doctor has caught this creature several times.


A race of huge slugs shown in Double dilemma.


A gaseous lifeform, seen in "The Worrying Dead" Their bodies were lost as a result of the Time War. They invaded Earth through a rift in space and time in the house of a funeral home owner in Cardiff in 1869. They moved into the bodies of the dead and the gas pipeline.

Claiming to be on the verge of extinction, the Gelts convinced the Doctor to help them get to Earth through Gwyneth, a funeral home owner's maid who has psychic powers due to living near the rift. The Gelts actually intended to take over the Earth by force and inhabit its dead people. The Gelts' plans were thwarted when Gwyneth sacrificed herself, blew up the building, and sealed the rift. However, it is unclear whether the Gelts who came through the rift died.


Carnivores that inhabit Leela's home planet.


A short race from the planet Griffoth. They are able to move in time and space, kidnap people and replace them with themselves. A disguised grask can be recognized by the occasional green glow in its eyes.

An unnamed Grask is featured in the interactive episode "Attack of the Grask" and the "Music of the Spheres" special.

Grask Crislock is first seen in the episodes. What happened to Sarah Jane? And The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith series The Adventures of Sarah Jane. He became a servant of the Trickster after he saved his life, but he later became free. Also in the series Death of the Doctor (The Adventures of Sarah Jane) Grosks appear, one of them says that they are different from Grasks and do not like them.


Gangers are human clones made from a completely controlled substance called Flesh. The flesh copies absolutely everything about a person: from his clothes to his memories. If in an accident the ganger died, the person created a new one for himself. Used to extract dangerous acid from a 22nd century factory on a deserted island. After a solar storm, they realized themselves as an entity and rebelled against the people on the island. Appear in "Rebellious Flesh" and "Almost Human".




An ancient and extinct race, featured in the series City of death. The Jagaroth ship exploded on Earth 400 million years ago. The only surviving Jagaroth - Skarot - tried to technologically advance the human race, seeking to create a time machine and prevent the explosion.


A large, goo-covered creature inhabiting the 500th floor of Satellite Five. It wanted to control the Earth with a news station. Jagrafess could only live at lower temperatures. He had a human servant named The Editor, who called him Max, short for his full name: Mighty Jagrafess of Saint Hadrojassic Maxarodenfo.


The Judoon are a race of humanoids who serve in the intergalactic police ("Proclamation of Shadows"). First appeared in Smith & Jones. Later appeared in the episodes "The Stolen Earth", "The End of Time", "Pandorica Opens" and " Good man going to war." In the series "The Adventures of Sarah Jane" participated in the series "Revenge of the Slitheen" and "Prisoner of the Judoons".


A hostile race, predominantly of human-like females, who have a certain number of males in their subordination, which are enough to reproduce. According to them, men are not able to perform the task assigned to them and only consume food. The leader of the downed ship, Maaga, is a cruel commander-in-chief who is the only true representative of their race. All the rest are clone wars, grown in test tubes, unable to think for themselves.


Prisoner Zero

Prisoner Zero is one of the interdimensional multiform species that is able to create a telepathic connection with the suppressed mind of any being, and then, accept it appearance or the appearance of what the being is currently thinking about. The true form of Prisoner Zero is a jelly-like, snake-like creature with a huge amount of sharp teeth. It can create perceptual filtering to hide itself or something else. Multiforms live for millennia.


Ant-like creatures from the planet Vortis shown in the series planet network, controlled by the Animus. Their length is two meters. They have little intelligence. The Zarbi were subdued by the Animus and considered the Menoptra their mortal enemies. They could only control poisonous larvae, similar to wood lice.


A race of short red humanoids covered in spikes. Episode Journey of the Damned a zocchi named Bannacaffalatta was shown. Its species was first named in End of time.In the same series, two green ones were shown, but this is their other kind of Vinvocci.



Small spore-like creatures that travel through space are first seen in Fear Her. In this episode, one of them got separated from the swarm and ended up on Earth, possessing a young Englishwoman named Chloe Webber. Isolus, working through her, imprisoned the neighborhood children in her pencil drawings.


Like the starids

Humanoids with metallic red hair and eyes featured in the Virgin New Adventures novels Father Returns and The Room Without Doors. Their home star system is Lalande 21185. The Kakstarids were destroyed by a virus that destroyed their DNA. It was created by the government to destroy the "rebels". The Doctor tried to prevent its use, but it was activated ten years after his intervention, during another mutiny.

The green-eyed Lalandian of the "other caste" as Starids was described in the novel Seeing I from the Eighth Doctor Adventures series.


A race of witch-like creatures native to the Fourteenth Star of the planetary configuration Rexel. They use advanced science that looks like magic and voodoo. The Karrionites use words to influence the universe and defy the laws of physics. They have the ability to recognize a person's name. In the "old" times of the universe, the Karrionites were banished by the mighty words of the Eternals.

In the Shakespeare Code series, three Carrionites are shown, named Lilith, Mother Dumfinger, and Mother Bloodtide. They were defeated by William Shakespeare with the help of the Doctor and Martha helping him find the right words to defeat the Carrionites. Karrionites after that were enclosed in a crystal ball. According to Lilith, Shakespeare accidentally freed Dumfinger, Bloodtide, and Lilith.

According to the audio commentary for the third season of Doctor Who, all Carrionites are female and refer to each other as mothers or sisters depending on their age. In the novel Eternal autumn it is stated that they were expelled after the war with the gerwoken, who also used magic-like science.


Lady Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17 is a fictional character voiced by Zoë Wanamaker and computer generated. Russell T. Davies, Cassandra's creator, said that the idea for her came from looking at thin Hollywood actresses. Quote: “It was terrible to watch beautiful girls turn into mops. In particular, Nicole Kidman killed me.”

The Ninth Doctor first met Cassandra in "The End of the World" (2005). Together with the richest races in the universe, they were going to watch the destruction of the Earth.

According to Cassandra, her parents were the last to be buried "in their land". She was born a boy on Earth and lived on the edge of Los Angeles. Cassandra underwent 708 plastic surgeries until she turned into a piece of skin with eyes and a mouth connected to a brain in a jar. It must be constantly moisturized so that it does not dry out. Cassandra calls herself the last man, as the rest of humanity intermarried with other species and mutated. She calls these people "half-breeds." Rose Tyler calls her "an unnecessary trampoline."

Cassandra used the spider robots to disable the shields on the platform and kill all the guests. But in order not to be thought of if something goes wrong, the Adepts of the Repeating Elements carried them instead. Her plans included taking hostages with her as one of the victims, and getting a ransom for further operations on the body. When the Doctor found out about this, she teleported out of the station, leaving the others to die as the shields opened up to let the solar radiation through.

However, the Doctor saved all the guests and brought Cassandra back to the platform without her assistants to hydrate her. Without hydration, her skin dried out and eventually exploded, apparently killing her (although her brain was not destroyed).

Cassandra returned in Novaya Zemlya (2006), which took place 23 years after World's End (2005). Her brain was preserved, and therefore she survived. Her eyes were removed and the skin she had taken from her previous body inserted. She hid in the basement of the Sisters of Plenty hospital and raised the golum Chip.

When she learned that Rose and the Tenth Doctor were on New Earth, she used a psychograft to place her consciousness into Rose's body, but this caused her brain to die. In Rose's body, Cassandra passionately kissed the Tenth Doctor. Her disguise was ruined by a terrible accent. She had to tell the Doctor who she really was. The doctor passed out when she released a strange perfume into him, which she hid in her cleavage.

Finding out the secret of the Sisters of Plenty, Cassandra and the Doctor are trying to save the hospital from the zombies that got out of there. But the Doctor and Rose forced Cassandra to move from one body to another, each time demanding that she release them.

At the end, Cassandra was transferred to Chip. But the body was dying, and so the Doctor sent Cassandra back to her timeline when she was still beautiful. There, she died.



Blue-skinned humanoids from the planet Crespallion, shown in "The End of the World".


Krafais are pack nomadic animals with a strict dominance hierarchy. They travel through space in search of prey, occupying vast territories several solar systems. Sometimes some individuals fall behind the pack, and since their race knows no pity, no one comes back for them. Abandoned krafeiss are extremely violent and kill until they are killed, which is usually not the case as other living beings cannot see them. Featured in Vincent and the Doctor.


A giant squid that grew in size due to swallowing part of the Key to Time is featured in "Kroll's Power". The citizens of the planet worshiped Kroll and considered him a god.


Chima forest

A race of sentient, bipedal trees that are direct descendants of Earth's old trees. The trees were sold to a brotherhood in the Panjassian asteroid belt who experimented on the trees, and after a few centuries the trees had arms and legs. The word "chim" means "tree" in the language of the forest. Representatives of Lesa Chima are shown in the episode "The End of the World". The forest respects all forms of life. They know about the Time Lords and their enemies in the Time War. Several trees are shown in Platform One under Jabe Seth Seth Jafe (named in Doctor Who: Monsters and Enemies), as well as Koff and Lute.


Humanoids from the planet Logopolis, shown in the series of the same name. The Logopolitans are a race of mathematicians who study entropy to ensure that the heat death of the universe does not occur.

Cheetah people

Aliens shown in the series Survival. Cheetah people resemble existing animals - cheetahs. They are savages and have the ability to turn others into cheetah people. In series Survival they abducted people and moved them to their planet.

cat people

During the "New Earth", felines evolved into humanoids and became known as " cat people". They are able to interbreed with humans. Cat people have retractable claws for self-defense. They have personality. Sisters of Plenty- cat people who worked in a hospital on a peninsula near New New York.



An amphibious race from the planet Toros Beta. They have two arms, a long tail instead of legs, and they communicate with members of other species through a translating device. Notable Mentors: Seal, Lord Keav. IN Helm of Truth Lord Keav's brain is transplanted into a primitive mentor body, which has a stinger on its tail that modern mentors lack.


Androids shown in the series Fate of the Daleks. The Movellans superficially resemble physically attractive people of various nationalities. All are androids and gynoids wearing white skin-tight uniforms. They are stronger and more resilient than ordinary people. However, the main vulnerability of movellans is that they have an external power supply on the belt, which can be easily removed and the android will turn off.

Mox Balkhun

One of the aliens who visited Platform One on the day of the death of the Earth.

fly gi-ji

An insect from the planet Varos.



Nickname given by the Tenth Doctor to a waterborne infection found on Mars.


Robots created by the rylls to protect themselves from the drachwin. They have speakers for broadcasting the thoughts of the owners for communication.


New people

Human clones used by the Sisters of Plenty to improve the treatment of the inhabitants of New Earth in the New Earth series. They are infected with all existing diseases and are enclosed in capsules. After they were released by Lady Cassandra, they began to infect hospital patients. Cured of their diseases by the Doctor, they were named new people.




Shown in series planet network. These caterpillar-like creatures are the same menoptra, but they live in burrows underground. They have larger eyes than the Menoptra and no wings. At the end of the series, the Animus is defeated and the Optera return to the surface.



(In another translation, "Plasmovor"). An elderly-looking woman is a character in the Smith and Jones series. A patient of a London hospital, transferred to the moon by the intergalactic police "Shadow Proclamation" with the aim, as it turned out, of searching for and identifying this criminal ("not a person"). Killer of the daughter of the princess of the planet Padrivoli Regency 9, preparing for the same destruction of all people on Earth. Exposed by the Doctor, prompting her to drink his blood as well, and as a result, be recognized as an alien by the detectors of the Judoon police.

Weeping angels

Aliens that look like statues of angels covering their eyes with their hands are featured in the episodes "Don't Blink", "Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone". "Lone killers, the only psychopaths in the universe who kill you beautifully."

When touched by the Weeping Angel, the creature is sent to a random point in time, and the Angel itself feeds on the energy of those days that the creature could live in its natural time. However, Angels can also kill a person, for example, by turning necks, as in the series "Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone".

The main feature of the Weeping Angels is the so-called "quantum lock": in the field of view of any living beings, the Weeping Angel does not exist, and it turns into stone. “It's a statue while you're looking at it. But one has only to turn one's back to him…” For this reason, they cover their eyes with their hands so as not to see each other and not to be petrified forever. Weeping Angels are also capable of absorbing energy from electrical appliances. On top of that, they move very fast.

In "The Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone", it is revealed that any depiction of an Angel becomes an Angel, and the Angels themselves can use the brain and mind of a dead person to speak. You can also learn from the series that these creatures, being without food for a long time, lose their angelic appearance.

You can not look the Angels in the eyes, because through them he can penetrate the mind of the beholder. In Angel Time, this happened to Amy. First, sand began to pour from her eyes, then she began to imagine that she had a stone hand. After all this, she began to count from ten to zero. As it turned out later, if she said "zero", she would have died. The only way to stop it is to keep your eyes closed.

Lord of Dreams

The Dream Lord knows absolutely everything about the Doctor. It is intangible, has no physical form, knows how to create deadly illusions, and loves to annoy others.

The Dream Master creates visions based on the imaginations of his victims. He imprisoned the Doctor and his friends between two worlds, and forced them to choose which one is real and which one is not. However, he cheated.

But, in reality, the Lord of Dreams turned out to be the concentration of all the evil that was in the Doctor. He was given life by hallucinogenic pollen that got on the TARDIS console, heated up, and created visions.



Humanoids composed of living calcium from Raxacoricofallapatorius. One of famous families The Raxacoricofallapatorians are the Slitheen. Slitheen).


Raknoss appears in the Tenth Doctor's "Runaway Bride", an episode aired in 2006.

Raknoss (half human, half spider) - an ancient race of aliens that existed in the Dark Ages of the Universe, invaders who destroyed everything on the conquered planets. Their race was swept away by the New Empires, including the Time Lords, over 4.6 billion years ago. Almost all of the surviving representatives of the race fled by ship to where the Earth was later to form, and, having played the role of a planetesimal, became its core. Thus, they were mothballed until better times - all, with the exception of the Empress. She was later to fly to Earth in her ship, the Spiderstar, to use Torchwood's recreated Huon Particles to resurrect her "children" and feast on human beings. It is believed that the last Raknoss were destroyed when the Doctor blew the Thames down the shaft leading to their ship; The Empress herself was killed on her own ship, destroyed by the British Army on the orders of Mr. Saxon.

The Empress reappears in a flashback in Turn Left. In the parallel universe created by Donna Noble, she is still destroyed, but the Doctor, after too much delay without Donna's help, drowned and died with the Empress: the water killed him so quickly that he did not have time to regenerate.


Same as raknoss.


Green beings breathing ammonia air. According to them, they are very scary, therefore, they do not allow themselves to be seen, but show their "face" through the window of the door to the room with their air. Communicate using telepathy (do not have vocal cords). They were knocked out of the planet's orbit by the Drahwin. As a result, the rylls knocked out the drachwin and all ended up on a planet that was about to explode. They offered the Drahvins to fly away from the planet. They refused and tried to seize the ship. A more advanced and peaceful race than the Drahwin. Thanks to the Doctor, they were saved.


Monsters that appeared as a result of the "wound in time" that Rose Tyler made while saving her father from death in the past. They fly with the help of two membranous leathery wings, two red eyes without pupils are located on the head, they can be invisible. The wingspan is approximately 5 meters, the height of the creature is about 2 meters. There is a mouth on the body, surrounded by short limbs, with which the monster grabs and directs the victims to the mouth. They have a long tail with an outgrowth at the end in the form of a braid.

Flay fish

A sea creature from the planet Thoros Beta.


Water sisters (vampires)

Dark, leathery, aquatic creatures, somewhat similar to sharks, featured in the Vampires of Venice series. In the series, they are called "vampires", however, the Doctor referred to their empress as "Water Sister".

The native planet is Saturnin, but due to temporary cracks and silence, they were forced to flee to Venice in 1580. Perception filters were used to hide their true appearance. Vulnerable to light, perfectly swim in the water. In human form, they have long protruding fangs that cannot be hidden even by filters (since the instinct of self-preservation is stronger than any illusion) and have no reflection (as the Doctor explained, filters do not apply to reflections and, since a person did not see the true appearance of "vampires", he does not know what he should see in the mirror, therefore emptiness is visible)

The Empress, Senora Rosanna Calvierri, was the last female survivor, and in order to continue her race, she recruited young girls into her prestigious school, after which the "vampires" drank human blood and replaced it with their own. Blood gradually changed people, turning them into "vampires". In conversation, she mentions that 10,000 husbands are waiting for girls underwater. Calvierri planned to flood Venice and even began the process of flooding, but the Doctor stopped the mechanism in time. All the vampire girls died in the explosion, Amy was killed by Francesca Calvierri, son of the Empress, with a beam of light. Rosanna was again the only female in the race. Her perceptual filter broke, trapping the water sister in human form forever. At the end of the episode, Roseanne jumped into the waters of Venice, where other "vampires" mistook her for food. Before her death, Roseanne turned to the Doctor with the words, whether his conscience could bear the burden of another race he had destroyed.


The Silurians are the first sentient race on planet Earth. Their life expectancy is about three centuries. They founded civilization about 300 million years before humans.

Silurian astronomers noticed that a smaller planet was approaching the Earth, capable of destroying all life on Earth. The Silurians made the decision to hide underground and hibernate. While the others slept, one gene line of the Silurians had to watch over the rest of the race. And the smaller planet, was captured by the terrestrial magnetic field and became the moon.

The advanced technology of the Silurians allowed them to bring their entire civilization underground. In the classic series, they know how to hypnotize and kill with the help of the third parietal eye.


Family raxacoricofallapatorian (see).


The monster that served the Daleks is featured in the fourth and fifth episodes of the series. Dalek invasion of Earth who guarded the Dalek mines in Bedfordshire. Then Sleater attacked several people, Jan hit him with a stone, after which he fell down and died.


Cloned short humanoids from the planet Sontar. War is the main meaning of life. On the back of the neck they have holes for food - the only weak point of the Sontarans. They first appeared in Doctor Who back in the classic series. In the modern series, they participated in the series: "The Sontarans Plan", "Poisoned Sky", "Pandorica Opens", "A Good Man Goes to War". They are also the heroes of the series "The Sarah Jane Adventures"


The dominant species of sentient humanoids on the planet Spiridon in the Ninth System, shown in the series Planet of the Daleks. They became visible only after death. They were enslaved and used as test subjects and slaves by the Daleks, who tried to uncover the secret of their invisibility. Some spiridone resisted. The Doctor returned to Spiridon in the spin-offs Return of the Daleks And Brotherhood of the Daleks.


Trin I and Zu Zana


A bat-like race from the planet Tetrapyriarbus. Tetraps helped Rani guard a huge brain in the series Time and Rani. The Rani armed several tetraps for this purpose and used them to terrorize the inhabitants of Lakertia.

Tetraps have four eyes, one on each side of the head. Like bats, they sleep upside down in a cave. The Tetraps have limited intelligence, but soon realized that the Rani wants to kill them all on Lakertia. This was confirmed when their leader - Urak - heard of her plans. Urak and the enraged Tetraps took Rani prisoner on her ship and returned to their home planet to force her to help solve the problem of the lack of natural resources.


A race that appears in the Impossible Astronaut series. The main difference from other enemies, when they turn away from them, they erase the memory. Most likely, it was Silence that blew up the TARDIS in season 5 in the episode "The Pandorica Opens".



A race from the planet Ud sphere. They are born with two brains - a brain in the head and an external hindbrain. There is also one huge brain that connects all ouds telepathically. To make the Ouds slaves, their hindbrains were replaced with a sphere that could be used as a weapon.

Insectoids, first shown in the series Ark in space. The planet Wirrn is home to Andromeda (however, it is not clear whether this is a galaxy, constellation or planet), but they were driven into space by human colonists. They are slightly larger than humans, dark green and wasp-like in appearance, and live primarily in space, but their breeding colonies are on the ground. Their bodies are a closed system, their lungs can reuse carbon dioxide. They sometimes land on planets for food and oxygen. The Wirrn lay their eggs in living creatures; the larva absorbs the host, his memories and knowledge. The wirrn larva is a green slug-like creature ranging in size from a few centimeters to 1 or 2 meters wide. She can "infect" another organism through contact with the substance they secrete, turning them into adult Wirrn and attaching their consciousness to the hive mind.

In series Ark in space the Wirrn take up residence on the space station Nerva, orbiting an Earth devastated by solar flares. The survivors were put into suspended animation while waiting for the planet to recover, but slept for several millennia longer. The Wirrn intended to use the sleepers as food. Noah - the head of Nerva - was infected and transformed into a wirrn. However, Noah retained "more than a remnant of the human spirit" and took the wirrn to the cargo ship even though he knew the ship would explode.

The Wirrn also appeared in the novel Placebo effect from The Adventures of the Eighth Doctor and in audio plays Wirrn: Family Memory And Beginning of the wirrn. Dead wyrrn featured in the episode blood stones.


Smiling - androids. They are located in booths throughout Cruiser UK. Their facial expressions let people know what is good and what is bad. The population of the Cruiser keeps them clean. Smilers' heads can turn towards the person with three possible facial expressions: happy, excited, and intensely angry.

And if they get very angry, they can leave their booths and start moving around the territory. The Smiling Ones also serve as the Cruiser's guards.



A sentient, bipedal race of reptiles resembling chameleons is featured in the series free swarm. The name of the race is an anagram of the word "mafioso". Foamasi won a 20-minute nuclear war with the Argolins. They communicate through squeaks and clicks. Although they became a peace-loving race after the war, a faction called the Western Lodge often tried to provoke hostile relations between the two races.

Since their victory, the Argolin homeworld of Argolis has been officially owned by the Foamasi government. Two saboteurs from West Lodge tried to get the Argolins to sell them Free Swarm so they could use it as a criminal base. Foamasi can disguise themselves with skin suits that are smaller than their bodies. Foamasi assassins appear in the novel Placebo effect from The Adventures of the Eighth Doctor. In this novel, it is explained why the Foamasi can fit into camouflage suits smaller than their bodies, because their bones are hollow and flexible.



Humanoids with a fish-like head, on the front of which a container with a green liquid is fixed. These are intelligent, emotional creatures - one befriended Martha Jones and saved her life. People and huts were going to colonize Messalina. But later they started to fight each other. Huts were shown in the second part End of time in an alien bar.


A race of aggressive aliens with an external skeleton. Elton Pope met the Doctor and Rose trying to catch one in Woolwich, London. Hawks was later featured in the episode Torchwood Through Wounds, in which he was described as a creature that "lives for food, no matter what."


Metal spheres, presented to guests by Adepts of the Repeating Stereotypes, hide spider robots that infiltrate the satellite's control system and deactivate the solar filter. The premises of the platform, devoid of protection from the Sun, become dangerous. Someone attacks Rose and locks her in one of these rooms, she is threatened with death. The Doctor discovers the spiders and realizes there has been a diversion. He manages to deal with the control system and partially normalize the situation.

He uses the spider as evidence that the Stereotypes are just remote-controlled robots, and Cassandra is the main culprit. She teleports to her ship, and the spiders take control of the satellite again. force fields deactivated, the temperature on board rises, until the explosion remains 3 minutes. The Doctor and Jabe desperately fight their way to the central computer, Jabe sacrificing himself to help the Doctor. A second before the explosion, the Doctor restarts the computer and restores protection. Rosa is saved, some of the guests died.

The Doctor discovers the disguised teleporter and brings Cassandra back on board. Under influence high temperature and without moisture, Cassandra dries and bursts.

The guests leave the platform. The platform is closed for renovation. Rosa and the Doctor watch the remnants of the exploding Earth against the background of the huge Sun.

Returning to our time, the Doctor reveals that his planet has been destroyed in a war, and that he himself is the last Time Lord.

Additional Information

  • The Doctor explains that the telepathic field of the TARDIS gives Rosa the ability to communicate in the languages ​​of any creature. This phenomenon was first explained by the Fourth Doctor in the Mandrake Mask series (1976).
  • In "The End of the World", the Earth burned down for the fourth time in all seasons. In The Ark in Space (1975) after the 30th century, 2 million years from the present in " mysterious planet(1986) and 10 million years from the present in The Ark (1966).
  • In a conversation with Face Bo, Mox Balhoon mentions the "Bad Wolf scenario". The BBC-produced Bad Wolf website listed the moment as "classic Bad Wolf scenario". The subtitles on the DVDs of the episodes give the phrase "bad move script" (Bad Wolf - Bad Wolf, Bad Move - Bad Move are pronounced almost the same and in rhyme), but this may be a mistake. The phrase "Bad Wolf" is a phrase from this season's story arc.
  • Bo's face is presented as a being from the "Silver Waste". In the episode "Utopia", Professor Yana also says that he came from there.
  • The Doctor tells Jabe that he was on another "unsinkable" ship that crashed into an iceberg. This is a direct reference to the Doctor being on the Titanic when the ship crashed. It is unknown what incarnation the Doctor was in when this happened, although the Seventh Doctor was aboard the Titanic in the novella "Left Handed Hummingbirds". But, nevertheless, he did not hang out on the iceberg in this story. In the episode "Time Invasion" (1978), he claims that he was not responsible for the crash. In the episode "The Rose", Clive shows photos of the Doctor with a certain family on the eve of their planned trip on the Titanic. For some unknown reason, they canceled the trip and saved their lives.
  • Jabe's scan of the Doctor shows 9 DNA samples, which correspond to 9 incarnations. Taking into account the Military Doctor, there should be 10 of them.


  • According to the DVD commentary, many views of Platform One were filmed at the Temple of Peace in Cardiff. In the episode appendix - Doctor Who: Confidential - Russell T. Davies joked that there would never be such an expensive episode again (referring to the high cost of CGI special effects). Cassandra and the Spiders are entirely CGI.
  • The jukebox ("iPod" as Cassandra calls it) plays "Tainted Love" by Soft Cell and "Toxic" by Britney Spears. "Toxic" was not actually released as a single on vinyl. It was specially released for the episode.


Cassandra is a CGI creation voiced by Zoe Wanamaker. Russell T. Davis reported that the idea for its creation came when he looked at thin Hollywood actresses. He said: “It was terrible to watch how beautiful girls become mops. In particular, Nicole Kidman killed me.”

Cassandra reappeared in the season 2 episode "New Earth".


According to an interview with Russell T Davies, he wanted the episode to air at the same time as "The Rose", but the request came too late - on the eve of the show. However, the US Sci-Fi channel aired these two episodes back-to-back.


  • "The End of the World" on the TARDIS Index File (English)
  • The End of the World on the official website of Doctor Who
  • "The End of the World" on Outpost Gallifrey (English)
  • "The End of the World" at (English)
  • Doctor Who Confidential- Episode 2


The Autons are an artificial lifeform from the British sci-fi television series

They first appeared in Spearhead from Space in 1970. They were the first Doctor Who monsters to be shown in color.

Essentially, the Autons are plastic mannequins controlled by the Nestine Entities that arrived on Earth for the first time in hollow plastic meteorites. Their name originated from Auto Plastika, a company infiltrated by the Nestin and subsequently produced the Auton shells in Spearhead.

The Autons carry deadly weapons in their hands that can kill or vaporize a target. The typical Auton doesn't look particularly realistic, has a resemblance to a mannequin, moves like a robot in it. However, a smarter Auton can be created that looks and moves like a human, only has a slight sheen to its skin and a flat voice (however, in the episode "The Pandorica Opens", Autons were shown to be indistinguishable from humans).

Creatures made of living plastic, animated by the Nestine Consciousness.


Alien creatures made of fat are first shown in the episode "Partners". After their breeding planet is lost, the first Adipose family recruits Sister Cofelia of the Intergalactic-Class Five Rectified Classabindi, or simply "Miss Foster", nursery fleet to breed a new generation of Adiposes on Earth.

She creates a drug that turns human fat (adipose tissue) into adipose babies and starts selling it under the guise of weight loss pills. The process of partial parthenogenesis does not harm a person, however, in an emergency, Miss Foster had to activate full parthenogenesis, in which adipose, in addition to fat, could use bones, hair and internal organs. In this process, the adipose became slightly nauseous, while nothing was left of the human carrier. Despite the fact that the Doctor stops the process of complete parthenogenesis, more than 10,000 adiposes are born on Earth. After that, flying saucers appear over London, which take the adipose to their parents.

In the parallel universe created by Donna in the episode "Turn Left", London was destroyed by the fall of the Titanic due to the Doctor's absence. For this reason, the Adipose story does not take place in the UK, but in America, where over 60 million Americans die.

In the episodes "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End", Adipose 3 is revealed to be one of 27 planets that were stolen and hidden in the Medusa Cascade by the new Dalek Empire. After the defeat of the Daleks, Adipose 3 and the rest of the planets were returned to their places.

In "The End of Time", Adipose is shown in a bar along with other aliens that the Tenth Doctor has encountered.


Inhabitants of Argolis. They have greenish skin. Their heads are covered with curled hair. In 2250, the Argolins, led by Theron, lost a 20-minute nuclear war against the Foamasi. As a result of this war, the Argolines became barren.

The Argolins who survived the war made Argolis "the first of the free planets". They created the "Free Swarm", dedicated to relaxation and mutual understanding with representatives of different cultures; they planned to live in Roy for three centuries. The Argolins continued to struggle financially and faced probable bankruptcy in 2290. A Foamasi crime group called the Western Lodge attempted to buy an entire planet and use it as a criminal base.

Since the Argolins became sterile, they have tried to repopulate their race using cloning and tachyonics, but only one clone - Pangol - survived to adulthood. Pangol was mentally unstable. He tried to create an army of his tachyon counterparts, but failed and eventually reverted to childhood due to the technology that created him.


Galactic cops resembling eyeballs attached to crystals.

The Face of Boe is a character in the British television series Doctor Who. Bo is a mysterious ancient alien from the distant future, said to be over a billion years old. All mechanical effects were used to create the Face of Bo, and the voice of the character was Struan Roger. In the episode "The Last Time Lord", it was suggested that Captain Jack Harkness might be the Face of Bo.


A primitive humanoid race with sharp teeth and primitive language skills, featured in "Utopia". Futures are aggressive towards people and prey on them.

Vashta Nerada

The Vashta Nerada ("shadows that melt flesh") are microscopic swarming creatures that usually live in forests and feed on carrion. People are attacked in large numbers. They are most active at night, as their swarm creates a shadow that is not visible. In the light, it can sometimes be seen in the form of dust particles. Their appearance in the Library is due to the fact that books are recycled woods.


Artificially created humanoids are covered with leaves, supplying them with energy through photosynthesis. Vervoids have the size and strength of humans. They have poisonous spines that can kill a person. They are designed to solve tasks that were usually performed by robots. However, instead they decided to exterminate all "animal-like".


A race of humanoids with a humanoid physique. The green skin is covered with thorns (cacti). Appeared in "The End of Time", where they tried to return their medical device ("Gate of Immortality"). They can take the form of people using the "shimmer" technology. Similar to Zocchi (Journey of the Damned), but unlike them, not low or red.


A red-orange alien fish mentioned in The Two Doctors. The Doctor has caught this creature several times.


A race of huge slugs, shown in Double Dilemma.


A gaseous life form, shown in the episode "The Worrying Dead" Their bodies were lost as a result of the Time War. They invaded Earth through a rift in space and time in the house of a funeral home owner in Cardiff in 1869. They moved into the bodies of the dead and the gas pipeline.

Claiming to be on the verge of extinction, the Gelts convinced the Doctor to help them get to Earth through Gwyneth, a funeral home owner's maid who has psychic powers due to living near the rift. The Gelts actually intended to take over the Earth by force and inhabit its dead people. The Gelts' plans were thwarted when Gwyneth sacrificed herself, blew up the building, and sealed the rift. However, it is unclear whether the Gelts who came through the rift died.


Carnivores that inhabit Leela's home planet.


A short race from the planet Griffoth. They are able to move in time and space, kidnap people and replace them with themselves. A disguised grask can be recognized by the occasional green glow in its eyes.

An unnamed Grask is featured in the interactive episode "Attack of the Grask" and the "Music of the Spheres" special.

Grask Creezlock is first seen in What Ever Happened to Sarah Jane? and The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith from The Sarah Jane Adventures. He became a servant of the Trickster after he saved his life, but he later became free.


Daleks are beings from the planet Skaro that are placed in a mechanical shell. They were designed by screenwriter Terry Nation and designer Raymond Cusick. The Daleks have always been the main enemies of the Time Lords, including the Doctor.

The planet Skaro, homeworld of the Daleks, was once inhabited by two civilizations: the Kaleds and the Thals. A military conflict broke out between them on a planetary scale - the so-called. neutron war, as a result of which the surface of Skaro was completely contaminated with radiation. The Thals managed to invent a cure for radiation sickness and remained to live on the surface, while the Kaleds disappeared underground. They were also looking for a means of protection against radiation, and one day the Caledic scientist Davros announced that he had found it. But in fact, Davros was concerned about something else: he dreamed of creating an ideal army, consisting of powerful and obedient soldiers. The experiments that he conducted on the Kaleds did indeed make them immune to radiation, but turned them into ugly mutants, unable to experience any feelings and emotions, except for anger and hatred. Davros then designed for them special armor and weapons that would allow these creatures to fight. He called his creations the Daleks, an anagram for the word "Kaled".

Beneath the armor, the Dalek is an octopus-like greenish-white creature with many tentacles, a large brain, and one eye. Also, some of them have a claw on one of the tentacles. Daleks are unable to make sounds on their own, except for a faint squeak, and speak only with the help of their armor, which synthesizes a metallic-sounding, raspy voice. Due to the fact that Daleks are not capable of almost any emotions, their speech is always monotonous. The Daleks have a great intellect, but it is not suitable for anything other than solving elementary technical problems: Davros made sure that his soldiers completely lacked imagination. Daleks need radiation to stay alive, and in large doses, a long absence of radiation or taking an anti-radiation drug can kill a Dalek. The Daleks have the same ability as the Time Lords - to distinguish between those events in time that cannot be interfered with. Daleks without armor are extremely rare in the series, they can only be seen in a few episodes. Jagaroth


An ancient and extinct race, featured in City of Death. The Jagaroth ship exploded on Earth 400 million years ago. The only surviving Jagaroth - Skarot - tried to technologically advance the human race, seeking to create a time machine and prevent the explosion.


A large, goo-covered creature inhabiting the 500th floor of Satellite Five. It wanted to control the Earth with a news station. Jagrafess could only live in cool temperatures. He had a human servant named The Editor, who called him Max, short for his full name: Mighty Jagrafess of Saint Hadrojassic Maxarodenfo.


The Judoon are a race of humanoids who serve in the intergalactic police ("Proclamation of Shadows"). First appeared in Smith & Jones. They later appeared in The Stolen Earth, The End of Time, and The Pandorica Opens. In the series "The Adventures of Sarah Jane" participated in the series "Revenge of the Slitheen" and "Prisoner of the Judoons".


Ant-like creatures from the planet Vortis are shown in the Planet Grid series that were controlled by the Animus. Their length is two meters. They have little intelligence. The Zarbi were subdued by the Animus and considered the Menoptra their mortal enemies. They could only control poisonous larvae, similar to wood lice.


A race of short red humanoids covered in spikes. In the episode Journey of the Damned, a zocchi named Bannacaffalatta was featured. His kind was first named in the End Time.


Small spore-like creatures that travel through space are first seen in Fear Her. In this episode, one of them got separated from the swarm and ended up on Earth, possessing a young Englishwoman named Chloe Webber. Isolus, acting through her, imprisoned the neighborhood children in her pencil drawings.

Like the starids

Humanoids with metallic red hair and eyes featured in the Virgin New Adventures novels Father's Return and The Room Without Doors. Their home star system is Lalande 21185. The Kakstarids were destroyed by a virus that destroyed their DNA. It was created by the government to destroy the "rebels". The Doctor tried to prevent its use, but it was activated ten years after his intervention, during another mutiny.

The green-eyed Lalandian of the "Other Caste" as Starids was described in the novel Seeing I from the Eighth Doctor Adventures cycle.


A race of witch-like creatures native to the Fourteenth Star of the planetary configuration Rexel. They use advanced science that looks like magic and voodoo. The Karrionites use words to influence the universe and defy the laws of physics. They have the ability to recognize a person's name. In the "old" times of the universe, the Karrionites were banished by the mighty words of the Eternals.

In the Shakespeare Code series, three Carrionites are shown, named Lilith, Mother Dumfinger, and Mother Bloodtide. They were defeated by William Shakespeare with the help of the Doctor and Martha, who helped him find the right words to defeat the Carrionites. Karrionites after that were enclosed in a crystal ball. According to Lilith, Shakespeare accidentally freed Dumfinger, Bloodtide, and Lilith.

According to the audio commentary for the third season of Doctor Who, all Carrionites are female and refer to each other as mothers or sisters depending on their age. In the novel Autumn Everlasting, it is stated that they were exiled after the war with the Gerwoken, who also used science that resembled magic.


Lady Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17 is a fictional character from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. The character was voiced by Zoë Wanamaker, and was computer-designed.

Russell T Davies, creator of Cassandra, said he got the idea for her when he looked at thin Hollywood actresses. Quote: "It was terrible to watch beautiful girls turn into mops. In particular, Nicole Kidman killed me."

The Ninth Doctor first met Cassandra in the episode "The End of the World" (2005). Together with the richest races in the universe, they were going to watch the destruction of the Earth.

According to Cassandra, her parents were the last to be buried "in their land". She was born a boy on Earth and lived on the edge of Los Angeles. Cassandra underwent 708 plastic surgeries until she turned into a piece of skin with eyes and a mouth connected to a brain in a jar. It must be constantly moisturized so that it does not dry out. Cassandra calls herself the last man, as the rest of humanity intermarried with other species and mutated. She calls these people "half-breeds." Rose Tyler calls her "an unnecessary trampoline."

Cassandra used the spider robots to disable the shields on the platform and kill all the guests. But in order not to be thought of if something goes wrong, the Adepts of the Repeating Elements carried them instead. Her plans included taking hostages with her as one of the victims, and getting a ransom for further operations on the body. When the Doctor found out about this, she teleported out of the station, leaving the others to die as the shields opened up to let the solar radiation through.

However, the Doctor saved all the guests and brought Cassandra back to the platform without her assistants to hydrate her. Without hydration, her skin dried out and eventually exploded, apparently killing her (although her brain was not destroyed).

Cassandra returned in Novaya Zemlya (2006), which took place 23 years after World's End (2005). Her brain was preserved, and therefore she survived. Her eyes were removed and the skin she had taken from her previous body inserted. She hid in the basement of the Sisters of Plenty hospital and raised the golum Chip.

When she learned that Rose and the Tenth Doctor were on New Earth, she used a psychograft to place her consciousness into Rose's body, but this caused her brain to die. In Rose's body, Cassandra passionately kissed the Tenth Doctor. Her disguise was ruined by a terrible accent. She had to tell the Doctor who she really was. The doctor passed out when she released a strange perfume into him, which she hid in her cleavage.

Finding out the secret of the Sisters of Plenty, Cassandra and the Doctor are trying to save the hospital from the zombies that got out of there. But the Doctor and Rose forced Cassandra to move from one body to another, each time demanding that she release them.

At the end, Cassandra was transferred to Chip. But the body was dying, and so the Doctor sent Cassandra back to her timeline when she was still beautiful. There, she died.


The Cybermen are a fictional race from the science fiction series Doctor Who. They are people who encased their brains in a metal shell. Occasionally appear throughout the old series and quite often in new series. The latest episodes come from parallel world. The Cybermen of the Doctor's universe were a race of artificially altered "near-humans" who originated on the planet Mondas, Earth's twin planet. In the sister series Torchwood, the Cybermen are represented by one representative - Cyberwoman, a modified employee of the Torchwood Institute, transformed into "Human v.1"


Blue-skinned humanoids from the planet Crespallion, shown in "The End of the World".


A giant squid that grew in size due to swallowing part of the Key to Time is featured in "Kroll's Power". The citizens of the planet worshiped Kroll and considered him a god.

Chima forest

A race of sentient, bipedal trees that are direct descendants of Earth's old trees. The trees were sold to a brotherhood in the Panjassian asteroid belt who experimented on the trees, and after a few centuries the trees had arms and legs. The word "chim" means "tree" in the language of the forest. Representatives of Lesa Chima are shown in the episode "The End of the World". The forest respects all forms of life. They know about the Time Lords and their enemies in the Time War. Several trees are featured on Platform One under the direction of Jabe Seth Seth Jafe (named in Doctor Who: Monsters and Enemies), as well as Koff and Lute.


Humanoids from the planet Logopolis, shown in the episode of the same name. The Logopolitans are a race of mathematicians who study entropy to ensure that the heat death of the universe does not occur.

Cheetah people

Aliens featured in the Survival series. Cheetah people resemble existing animals - cheetahs. They are savages and have the ability to turn others into cheetah people. In the Survival series, they abducted people and moved them to their planet.

cat people

During the New Earth era, the felines evolved into humanoids and became known as "cat people". They are able to interbreed with humans. Cat people have retractable claws for self-defense. They have personality. The Sisters of Plenty are cat people who worked at a hospital on a peninsula near New New York.


An amphibious race from the planet Toros Beta. They have two arms, a long tail instead of legs, and they communicate with members of other species through a translating device. Notable Mentors: Seal, Lord Keav. In the Helm of Truth, Lord Keave's brain is transplanted into a primitive mentor body, which has a stinger on its tail that modern mentors lack.


Androids featured in The Fate of the Daleks. The Movellans superficially resemble physically attractive people of various nationalities. All are androids and gynoids wearing white, form-fitting uniforms. They are stronger and more resilient than ordinary people. However, the main vulnerability of movellans is that they have an external power supply on the belt, which can be easily removed and the android will turn off.

Mox Balkhun

One of the aliens who visited Platform One on the day of the death of the Earth.

fly gi-ji

An insect from the planet Varos.


Nickname given by the Tenth Doctor to a waterborne infection found on Mars.

New people

Human clones used by the Sisters of Plenty to improve the treatment of the inhabitants of New Earth in the New Earth series. They are encapsulated, but then released by Lady Cassandra, they begin to infect hospital patients. Cured of their illnesses by the Doctor, they were called new people.


Shown in the Planet-Grid series. These caterpillar-like creatures are the same menoptra, but they live in burrows underground. They have larger eyes than the Menoptra and no wings. At the end of the series, the Animus is defeated and the Optera return to the surface.

Weeping angels

Aliens that look like statues of angels covering their eyes with their hands are featured in the episodes "Don't Blink", "Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone". "Lone killers, the only psychopaths in the universe who kill you beautifully."

When touched by the Weeping Angel, the creature is sent to a random point in time, and the Angel itself feeds on the energy of those days that the creature could live in its natural time. However, Angels can also kill a person, for example, by turning necks, as in the series "Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone".

The main feature of the Weeping Angels is the so-called "quantum lock": in the field of view of any living beings, the Weeping Angel does not exist, and it turns into stone. “It's a statue while you're looking at it. But one has only to turn one's back to him…” For this reason, they cover their eyes with their hands so as not to see each other and not to be petrified forever. Weeping Angels are also capable of absorbing energy from electrical appliances. On top of that, they move very fast.

In "The Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone", it is revealed that any depiction of an Angel becomes an Angel, and the Angels themselves can use the brain and mind of a dead person to speak. You can also learn from the series that these creatures, being without food for a long time, lose their angelic appearance.

You can not look the Angels in the eyes, because through them he can penetrate the mind of the beholder. In Angel Time, this happened to Amy. First, sand began to pour from her eyes, then she began to imagine that she had a stone hand. After all this, she began to count from 10 to zero. As it turned out later, at 0 she would have died. The only way to stop it is to close your eyes.


Humanoids composed of living calcium from Raxacoricofallapatorius.

Flay fish

A sea creature from the planet Thoros Beta.

Water sisters (vampires)

Dark, leathery, aquatic creatures, somewhat similar to sharks, featured in the Vampires of Venice series. In the series, they are called "vampires", however, the Doctor referred to their empress as "Water Sister".

The native planet is Saturnin, but due to temporary cracks and silence, they were forced to flee to Venice in 1580. Perception filters were used to hide their true appearance. Vulnerable to light, perfectly swim in the water. In human form, they have long protruding fangs that cannot be hidden even by filters (since the instinct of self-preservation is stronger than any illusion) and have no reflection (as the Doctor explained, filters do not apply to reflections and, since a person did not see the true appearance of "vampires", he does not know what he should see in the mirror, therefore emptiness is visible)

The Empress, Senora Rosanna Calvierri, was the last female survivor, and in order to continue her race, she recruited young girls into her prestigious school, after which the "vampires" drank human blood and replaced it with their own. Blood gradually changed people, turning them into "vampires". In conversation, she mentions that 10,000 husbands are waiting for girls underwater. Calvierri planned to flood Venice and even began the process of flooding, but the Doctor stopped the mechanism in time. All the vampire girls died in the explosion, Amy was killed by Francesca Calvierri, son of the Empress, with a beam of light. Rosanna was again the only female in the race. Her perceptual filter broke, trapping the water sister in human form forever. At the end of the episode, Roseanne jumped into the waters of Venice, where other "vampires" mistook her for food. Before her death, Roseanne turned to the Doctor with the words, whether his conscience could bear the burden of another race he had destroyed.


A monster that served the Daleks is seen in the fourth and fifth episodes of the Dalek Invasion of Earth guarding the Dalek mines in Bedfordshire. Then Sleater attacked several people, Jan hit him with a stone, after which he fell down and died.


Cloned short humanoids from the planet Sontar. War is the main meaning of life. They first appeared in Doctor Who back in the classic series. In the modern series, they participated in the series: "The Sontarans Plan", "The Stolen Sky", "Pandorica Opens". They are also the heroes of the series "The Sarah Jane Adventures"


The dominant species of sentient humanoids on the planet Spyridon in the Ninth System, featured in the Planet of the Daleks series. They became visible only after death. They were enslaved and used as test subjects and slaves by the Daleks, who tried to uncover the secret of their invisibility. Some spiridone resisted. The Doctor returned to Spyridon in the spin-offs Return of the Daleks and Brotherhood of the Daleks.


A bat-like race from the planet Tetrapyriarbus. Tetraps helped Rani guard the huge brain in Time and Rani. The Rani armed several tetraps for this purpose and used them to terrorize the inhabitants of Lakertia.

Tetraps have four eyes, one on each side of the head. Like bats, they sleep upside down in a cave. The Tetraps have limited intelligence, but soon realized that the Rani wants to kill them all on Lakertia. This was confirmed when their leader - Urak - heard of her plans. Urak and the enraged Tetraps took Rani prisoner on her ship and returned to their home planet to force her to help solve the problem of the lack of natural resources.

A race from the planet Ud sphere. They are born with two brains - a brain in the head and an external hindbrain. There is also one huge brain that connects all ouds telepathically. To make the Ouds slaves, their hindbrains were replaced with a sphere that could be used as a weapon.


Insectoids, first seen in The Ark in Space. The Wirrn's homeland is Andromeda (however, it is unclear whether this is a galaxy, constellation or planet), but they were driven into space by human colonists. They are slightly larger than humans, dark green and wasp-like in appearance, and live primarily in space, but their breeding colonies are on the ground. Their bodies are a closed system, their lungs can reuse carbon dioxide. They sometimes land on planets for food and oxygen. The Wirrn lay their eggs in living creatures; the larva absorbs the host, his memories and knowledge. The wirrn larva is a green slug-like creature ranging in size from a few centimeters to 1 or 2 meters wide. She can "infect" another organism through contact with the substance they secrete, turning them into adult Wirrn and attaching their consciousness to the hive mind.

In The Ark in Space, the Wirrn take up residence on the space station Nerva, orbiting an Earth devastated by solar flares. The survivors were put into suspended animation while waiting for the planet to recover, but slept for several millennia longer. The Wirrn intended to use the sleepers as food. Noah - the head of Nerva - was infected and transformed into a wirrn. However, Noah retained "more than a remnant of the human spirit" and took the wirrn to the cargo ship even though he knew the ship would explode.

The Wirrn also appeared in the novel The Placebo Effect from The Eighth Doctor's Adventures and in the audio dramas Wirrn: Family Memory and The Beginning of the Wirrn. A dead wirrn is featured in Stones of Blood.


A sentient, bipedal race of reptiles resembling chameleons is featured in Free Swarm. The name of the race is an anagram of the word "mafioso". Foamasi won a 20-minute nuclear war with the Argolins. They communicate through squeaks and clicks. Although they became a peace-loving race after the war, a faction called the Western Lodge often tried to provoke hostile relations between the two races.

Since their victory, the Argolin homeworld of Argolis has been officially owned by the Foamasi government. Two saboteurs from West Lodge tried to get the Argolins to sell them Free Swarm so they could use it as a criminal base. Foamasi can disguise themselves with skin suits that are smaller than their bodies. Foamazi Killers appear in The Placebo Effect novel from The Adventures of the Eighth Doctor. In this novel, it is explained why the Foamasi can fit into camouflage suits smaller than their bodies, because their bones are hollow and flexible.


Fish-like humanoids with containers of green liquid on their faces. They are sentient, emotional beings - one befriends Martha Jones and saves her life. People and huts were going to colonize Messalina. But later they started to fight each other. Huts were shown in the second part of the End of Time in an alien bar.


A race of aggressive aliens with an external skeleton. Elton Pope met the Doctor and Rose trying to catch one in Woolwich, London. Hawkes was later featured in the Torchwood episode "Puncture Wounds", in which he was described as a creature that "lives for food, no matter what".



Mentioned in "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances" as an alien race that uses nanogenes to heal soldiers in war.

Article "Doctor Who - List of Doctor Who Creatures and Aliens" connected with the series


Metal spheres, presented to guests by Adepts of the Repeating Stereotypes, hide spider robots that infiltrate the satellite's control system and deactivate the solar filter. The premises of the platform, devoid of protection from the Sun, become dangerous. Someone attacks Rose and locks her in one of these rooms, she is threatened with death. The Doctor discovers the spiders and realizes there has been a diversion. He manages to deal with the control system and partially normalize the situation.

He uses the spider as proof that the Stereotypes are just remote-controlled robots, and Cassandra is the main culprit. She teleports to her ship, and the spiders take control of the satellite again. Force fields are deactivated, the temperature on board is rising, 3 minutes before the explosion. The Doctor and Jabe desperately fight their way to the central computer, Jabe sacrificing himself to help the Doctor. A second before the explosion, the Doctor restarts the computer and restores protection. Rosa is saved, some of the guests died.

The Doctor discovers the disguised teleporter and brings Cassandra back on board. Under the influence of high temperature and without moisture, Cassandra dries and bursts.

The guests leave the platform. The platform is closed for renovation. Rosa and the Doctor watch the remnants of the exploding Earth against the background of the huge Sun.

Returning to our time, the Doctor reveals that his planet has been destroyed in a war, and that he himself is the last Time Lord.

Additional Information

  • The Doctor explains that the telepathic field of the TARDIS gives Rosa the ability to communicate in the languages ​​of any creature. This phenomenon was first explained in the Mandrake Mask series (1976).
  • In "The End of the World", the Earth burned down for the fourth time in all seasons. In The Ark in Space (1975) after the 30th century, 2 million years from now in The Mysterious Planet (1986) and 10 million years from now in The Ark (1966).
  • In a conversation with Mox, Balhoon mentions the "Bad Wolf scenario". On the Bad Wolf website created by , the moment was listed as a "classic Bad Wolf scenario". The subtitles on the DVDs of the episodes give the phrase "bad move scenario" (Bad Wolf - Bad Wolf, Bad Move - Bad Move are pronounced almost the same and in rhyme), but this may be a mistake. The phrase "Bad Wolf" is a phrase from this season's story arc.
  • Bo's face is presented as a being from the "Silver Waste". In the episode "", Professor Yana also says that he came from there.
  • The Doctor tells Jabe that he was on another "unsinkable" ship that crashed into an iceberg. This is a direct reference to the Doctor being on " " when the ship crashed. It is unknown what incarnation the Doctor was in when this happened, although the Seventh Doctor was aboard the Titanic in the novella "Left Handed Hummingbirds". But, nevertheless, he did not hang out on the iceberg in this story. In the episode "Time Invasion" (1978), he claims that he was not responsible for the crash. In the episode "" Clive shows photos of the Doctor with a certain family on the eve of their planned trip on the Titanic. For some unknown reason, they canceled the trip and saved their lives.
  • Jabe's scan of the Doctor shows 9 samples, which correspond to 9 incarnations. Considering them, there should be 10.


  • According to the DVD commentary, many views of Platform One were filmed at the Temple of Peace in . In the episode appendix, Russell T. Davies joked that such an expensive episode would never happen again (referring to the high cost of CGI special effects). Cassandra and the spiders are fully created.
  • ("", as Cassandra calls him), plays "" performed and "Toxic" performed by . " " was not actually released as a single on vinyl. It was specially released for the episode.


Cassandra is a CGI creation voiced by . Russell T. Davis said that the idea for its creation came when he looked at Hollywood actresses. He said: “It was terrible to watch how beautiful girls become mops. In particular, Nicole Kidman killed me.”

Cassandra reappeared in the episode "" of season 2.


According to an interview with Russell T Davies, he wanted the episode to air at the same time as The Rose, but the request was made too late on the eve of the show. However, the American channel aired these two episodes one after the other.


  • "The End of the World" on the TARDIS Index File
  • World's End on the official Doctor Who website
  • World's End at Outpost Gallifrey
  • "End of the World" in English
  • Doctor Who Confidential- Episode 2
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