Reu im Plekhanov enrollment orders.

Please tell me whether in 2020 there will be targeted enrollment at REU for bachelor's degrees? If yes, how can I get more detailed information?
I am interested in the faculties "Hotel and restaurant..." and "customs affairs" Thank you.

Good afternoon,
The admission quota for targeted training is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and will be published on June 1, 2020. At the same time, in 2020, no target quota was allocated for the specialty “Customs Affairs”

05.03.20 Elena-> Ayurika Batueva

Hello, please tell me if you are applying for paid training, certificate plays big role

Good afternoon,
The average score of the certificate is taken into account, other things being equal, that is, if Unified State Examination points in general and in each subject, the two applicants vying for the last place will be equal. It is impossible to apply without a certificate

22.11.19 Vika Vasilyeva-> Ayurika Batueva

Good afternoon,
In accordance with the admission procedure, admission is carried out only for the first year. Having an average vocational education in the same enlarged group of specialties as higher education, After admission, you can switch to an accelerated form of study via part-time and part-time courses with a duration of study of 3.5 years

17.08.19 Amelia-> Ayurika Batueva

Hello, how did it happen that I submitted the originals to Commerce, but I am not on the list of applicants?

Good afternoon,
please contact the official email [email protected] and indicate your full name there.

09.08.19 Christina-> Ayurika Batueva

Hello! please tell me what to do if they called us and said that we were admitted based on points, they told us to bring the original documents, but in the end we are not in the order

Good afternoon,
No one can tell you what you did. You might have been told that there is a chance of admission, but nothing more. It is not known in advance which of the applicants will come and provide the original and consent

04.08.19 Elvira-> Ayurika Batueva

Hello. Can I enroll in one university full-time on a contract basis (economics) and part-time on a budget basis (law) at the same time?

Good afternoon,
you can

03.08.19 Ramina-> Ayurika Batueva

Hello. I have this situation. I entered in 2018 and have now completed the 1st year at University A. But I want to re-enroll for the 1st year at University B. I submitted copies of documents to participate in the ranking. I need to submit the original and consent for enrollment by August 1st.
The fact is that I did not have time to expel from UNIVERSITY A. I wanted to expel on July 29, but the dean’s office
closed from June 22 to August 27 due to deduction issues. I want to know what will happen if I submit the original and consent to UNIVERSITY B while being registered as UNIVERSITY A.
Will I be enrolled in university B, provided that I drop out?
from UNIVERSITY A at the end of August.
Thank you.

Good afternoon,
It's OK. You are enrolled from September 1, but until September 1 you do not have the status of a student at university B. You need to withdraw from that university. It is advisable to do this before September 1st. That is, you need to write an application for deduction according to at will and be sure to indicate the date in it. Even if the expulsion order comes on the second of September, that’s okay too

30.07.19 emil-> Ayurika Batueva

Good evening, on the 25th the Faculty of Commerce called and offered to bring the originals, since the chances of admission are high, again according to the admissions committee. Now I see that 7 people have already brought originals and I don’t know if there is any point in bringing them. I am 130 in the rating lists. Tell me if this is a good faculty, since I couldn’t form a clear opinion based on the reviews. And is it worth attaching importance to this call?

Ayurika Dashievna Batueva

Reception secretary REU commission them. G.V. Plekhanov.

The section is a “hotline” for questions regarding admission to REU. G.V. Plekhanov. To ask a question, use the “Ask a Question” link and state the essence of the question. The question will be sent to admissions committee, which will prepare a response to it in a short time.

Question and answer

Good evening, Ayurika!
Thanks for answering the question about applying after college!
But I would like to clarify:
1. What is enlarged group 19?
2. Is it possible to transfer to an accelerated form from September 2 at just one department? (I do not consider correspondence and evening courses)

Good afternoon, All areas and specialties are combined into enlarged groups. Group 19.00.00 is Industrial ecology and biotechnology. The specialties of secondary vocational education include technology of public catering products, and the areas of bachelor's degrees include technology of production and organization of public catering. In other words, if the code of your vocational education specialty begins with the numbers 19, then you can be transferred to the accelerated form immediately after enrollment in a bachelor’s degree, the code of which is also 19. If you, having a vocational education diploma in a specialty with the code 19, want to enroll in higher education education with any other code, for example 38, then transfer to the accelerated form will only be possible no earlier than the end of the first semester. At our university, full-time transfer to accelerated studies immediately after enrollment is possible in the direction of Product Technology and Catering Organization, Applied computer science(code 23) and Information security(code 10).

11.07.17 Tatiana-> Ayurika Batueva

Hello, the application for bachelor's degree and copies of documents were submitted through personal account, the application was accepted on 07/06/17, but is still not on the list of applicants. How long after the application is accepted will the name appear on the list? Is it still necessary to send copies of documents by mail?

Good afternoon Please send the applicant's full name by email [email protected] in order to check why you are not on the list. In the letter, indicate that the question was on the Admissions website.

11.07.17 Larisa-> Ayurika Batueva

Reply to previous message

10.07.17 Malvina Alieva-> Ayurika Batueva

Good evening! I am finishing 1st course of Dagestan State University. Upon completion of the 1st year, I want to transfer to REU to the same faculty of State Municipal Administration. I wanted to clarify what documents I need for translation and the time frame for their consideration by the commission

Good afternoon, Transfers are made in August, approximately on the 20th. transfer is possible only to off-budget positions, since we do not have vacant budget positions in this area. To transfer, you need to provide a certificate about the period of study, a certificate stating that at the time of transfer you are a student and have not been expelled, a passport and an application. The application must be submitted to the dean of the faculty and attached the specified documents. Your documents are reviewed within two weeks, so the application must be submitted no earlier than August 5-6. The decision on the possibility of transfer is made by the certification commission; however, the difference is curriculum should not exceed six disciplines. If the difference exceeds six disciplines, the certification commission may refuse to transfer

10.07.17 Malvina Alieva-> Ayurika Batueva

An additional question to the question about consent to enrollment!$ is the attempt considered exhausted if you submitted the original and completed the application? Is the serve attempt then considered exhausted?
And another question: if you don’t pay the fee, the enrollment won’t happen?

Good afternoon,
The first attempt, yes, is considered exhausted if the original is submitted and consent to enrollment is signed. In our university, enrollment is possible only after payment of the contract, so if the contract is not paid, then no one will enroll you, despite the presence of a document and consent. That is why we accept consent for enrollment for applicants on extra-budgetary programs only on the condition that they have paid for the contract.

You have two attempts at consent, separately for the budget and separately for the off-budget (commerce).

10.07.17 Polina Garanina-> Ayurika Batueva

Hello Ayurika!
My son after graduating from the Technological College REU Plekhanov plans to enroll in your university with a degree in technology of public catering products. full-time department for a similar direction (specialty 03/19/04).
Tell me please
1. How is admission done: by internal exams or testing?
2. College graduates are enrolled full-time in the 2nd year or go separate group according to the reduction program?
3. Education after college is only paid or provided budget places?

Good afternoon,
1. When applying to a budget department - exams in accordance with the schedule. Acceptance of documents ends on July 10. When applying for extra-budgetary admissions - testing is carried out on one day in all subjects at once, documents are accepted until July 26 inclusive;

2. Since 2011, admission is carried out only for 1 year; since 2013, there are no shortened programs. An applicant can enroll full-time, but only full-time, and from September 2, transfer to an accelerated form, with a period of study of 3 years, if he continues his education in the same enlarged group 19. However, acceleration is only possible for admission to extra-budgetary places.

3. There are budget places, exams are taken, but the training program will be full, that is, only 4 years.

10.07.17 Tatiana-> Ayurika Batueva

Hello, please tell me how many points are on the test English language do you need to dial in order to get into the MSB for “finance and credit”?

09.07.17 Boris Pasynkov-> Ayurika Batueva

Good afternoon please tell me, if I submitted my consent to enrollment and a copy of my certificate to the university, does this oblige me to do anything? Will I be enrolled at any stage if I do not bring the original or will I not be enrolled in any case without the original?

Official information

The university's student dormitories are intended for temporary residence and accommodation of nonresident students (living further than 90 km from Moscow) studying full-time on a budgetary basis, for the period of study in accordance with the rental agreement.

The dormitories are located at the following addresses:
Moscow, Stremyanny lane. d.14. This dormitory is a 16-story block-type building. The rooms are designed to accommodate 2-3 people. Common areas are located in each block. On each floor there are 14 rooms, a hall and a spacious kitchen, equipped with modern furniture, electric stoves, microwave ovens, refrigerators, and washing machines.

G. Moscow, st. Botanicheskaya, 11. The hostel has 5 residential floors. Each floor has 2 kitchens equipped with electric stoves and microwave ovens. New furniture has been installed in the dorm rooms. Each student is assigned his own workplace.

G. Moscow, st. Nezhinskaya 7, building 1. Block type dormitory. Each block has two rooms: for 2 and 3 people. The block has a separate bathroom. On each floor there is a spacious kitchen equipped with electric stoves and washing machines.

Certificate of provision of a hostel in 2017

For nonresident students in need of a dormitory, in 2017 the following was allocated:
- Stremyanny lane, 14 - 180 seats;
- st. Botanicheskaya 11 - 100 places;
- st. Nezhinskaya 7 - 120 places.

Check-in procedure.
Preferential categories of students have priority rights to obtain a place in a dormitory:
- orphans and children left without parental care;
- recognized in accordance with the established procedure as disabled people of groups I, II;
- injured as a result of an accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters resulting from nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site;
- who are disabled due to military injury or illness received during military service, and combat veterans;
- lasted for at least three years military service under contract in the Armed Forces Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in engineering, road construction military formations under federal executive authorities and in rescue military formations of the federal executive authority authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, the foreign intelligence service of the Russian Federation, federal security service agencies, state security agencies and federal support agencies mobilization training government bodies of the Russian Federation in military positions, subject to replacement by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen.

After the settlement of priority categories of citizens in need of a hostel, places are provided within the established quota, based on the following criteria:
- in priority order - to 1st year students enrolled “without tests”;
- having a higher total Unified State Examination score in 3 disciplines, counted as the results of entrance examinations.

Cost of living (as of 09/01/2017):
- for students studying at the expense of the federal budget and living in a dormitory at the address: Moscow, Stremyanny lane. d.14 - 1190.00 rubles per month; off-budget - 3570.00 rubles per month;
- for students studying at the expense of the federal budget and living in a dormitory at the address: Moscow, st. Botanicheskaya, 11 - 800.00 rubles per month; off-budget - 2400.00 rubles per month;
- for students studying at the expense of the federal budget and living in a dormitory at the address: Moscow, st. Nezhinskaya, 7 - 820.00 rubles per month; off-budget - 2460.00 rubles per month.

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