The development of telepathy. Telepathy

The word "telepathy" in Greek means "to feel a person at a distance." This is the ability to perceive, as well as transmit and receive the thoughts of another person. Many believe that this is a natural feature of the body, but it is inactive. With telepathy, there is no need to use the usual opportunities and techniques for communication between people. You can transmit thoughts and the general condition of the body from a distance. At the same time, the person to whom the feelings are transmitted will think that they are his, that is, perceive someone else's state as his own. How to become a telepath? No exact answer has been found yet.

What do scientists think about telepathy?

For a long time, experts have been conducting various experiments and studies with the aim of a more in-depth study of such a phenomenon as telepathy. There are still different opinions about the reality of telepathic abilities, but the indisputable facts of their existence are already known. The question of how to become a telepath worries a lot of people.

All people have paranormal abilities since birth, but most of us just don’t think about it. Everyone has an intuition, but no one knows that this is also a gift. Telepathic abilities are especially common when communicating with relatives. This is because blood bonds are stronger. It is not in vain that our mentality, character traits and habits are transmitted through generations by gender. Blood connection is very strong, breaking it is quite difficult. The development of telepathy is a complex mental process. This must be taken into account by all who wish to plunge into the world of the unknown.

Telepathy Categories

  • Sensual. In this case, a person can accept or convey emotions, moods, feelings. The highest level of such abilities is the feeling of feelings with the knowledge that they come from outside, that is, from another individual.
  • Mental telepathy involves the transfer to another person of one’s own thoughts, images, and memories. In the modern world, such skills are referred to as telepathy. Of course, such abilities are of interest, because this is a real opportunity to know what the other person is thinking and to influence the course of his thoughts. That is why many people have a question about how to become a telepathist.

How to develop abilities?

Paranormal abilities, according to scientists, are available from birth for each of us. But the modern rhythm of life simply does not allow them to open, so you need to constantly engage in yourself in order to be able to do something.

The development of telepathy involves the implementation of a set of tasks. Exercises can be combined and modified. Thus, you develop yourself and learn to feel other people. This process lasts a lifetime. Being engaged, a person is constantly evolving, and his understanding of the Universe is becoming deeper. But it is worth noting that to achieve global results will have to work more than one day. If you are ready for work, then we will consider tips on how to become a telepathist.

Core exercises

Exercises for the development of telepathic abilities must be carried out in pairs. Choose a person you trust and set a session time. The receiver must relax and tune in to the wave of the transmitter in order to feel his mood, emotions and excitement.

At the beginning of the practice, it is necessary to use easy words and numbers in order to understand the essence. The transmitter must clearly keep in mind the image or mentally repeat the selected word. During a session, to increase efficiency, you can imagine that your energies have merged, and you transmit information through waves to each other. With this practice, the effect will be much stronger. Speaking about how to become a telepathist, we note that this is a complex and multifaceted development process.

This technique is quite effective, but it requires a lot of time for tuning and training. Remember, it is necessary not only to clearly convey information, but also to interpret it correctly. Everyone can achieve such a skill through lengthy exercises and training.

For the development of telepathic abilities, you can use, for example, a deck of cards. Try to transmit information about each of them one by one. The receiving person makes notes about the information received, and then checks the result. This is a simple and high-quality method of developing abilities. Now you know that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become a telepathist is positive. The main thing is to engage with zeal. With the help of the above exercises, it is clear how to become a telepathist at home.

The main types of telepathy

  • Instinctive. This type of telepathy represents the impulses of the energy of the etheric body of one person to another. In this case, the main medium of communication is the etheric substance of the bodies. Man has a region of the solar plexus. In this case, it will act as an instrument of transmission and reception, since it is very sensitive to touch of energy. in contact with a person, that is, with his feelings.
  • Mental telepathy.  It is very rare. The main role is played by the throat center, the solar plexus reaction and the heart. That is why this method is not very common. When a person transmits information through the throat center, the receiver uses the solar plexus.
  • Intuitive telepathy.  This is true meditation. In this form of telepathy, three centers are actively involved. These include the following: a head that receives information from higher sources; ajna - chakra absorbing impressions; the throat center, which helps to correctly perceive feelings, emotions and information.

Process time

How to become a telepathist in a day? First of all, it is worth noting that these are mental processes, and each person is individual. Do not rush things.

Development should take its course in order not to become a problem. Do not engage on your own, without a teacher, so as not to harm yourself. Simple exercises described in the article will not bring anything bad and will help in development.

Intuition, telepathy, foresight ... They are considered to be the paranormal part of our biological nature, which we lost in the course of evolution. Someday, science will be able to explain these mysterious phenomena of our consciousness. And we will discover new ways of thinking and take a different look at ourselves. The researcher of parapsychology, biologist Rupert Sheldrake, is sure of this.


Sixth and seventh feelings, telepathy, foresight ... Your study of the “expanded abilities” of consciousness is a direct challenge to orthodox science. Do you run the risk of crossing the border and finding yourself in the field of science fiction and parapsychology?

My research method is absolutely scientific. After twenty years of experimentation and study, I think I was able to demonstrate that it is quite possible to face the "mysteries of everyday life", that is, those that each of us met at least once in our path, and interpret them with all the rigor and relentless logic of science.

Many of us foresaw the phone call of a person whom we had not heard for months, everyone felt like someone was watching him, or saw a dog running up to the front door a few seconds before the owner arrived. This is something that belongs to our collective experience. Nevertheless, I believe that I am the first person who subjected these phenomena to scientific experiments.

How so?

The only possible, that is, direct experimentation and subsequent calculation of statistics. Consider a situation where it seems to us that someone is watching us. It implies a kind of “mental” field that extends beyond our brain.

Telepathic abilities often arise between people with a strong emotional connection, and even at a distance these abilities do not weaken

Unfortunately, at the moment there are no adequate physical tools to detect this “field”. But we can carry out tests with controlled conditions, experimenting with the best samples. I did this in a variety of places: from the laboratory to schools, different groups of people, and even the Internet, doing experiments online.

So, the result of one answer in the framework of “yes / no”, according to scientific statistics, is 50%. We achieved an average result of 60% and the highest value of 70% of the correct answers, this is of great importance at the scientific level.

What does this result mean for a biologist?

I am convinced that the mind goes far beyond our brain. And by this I do not mean anything supernatural or spiritualistic, by definition alien to science. I am talking about the natural, biological capabilities of the brain that are common to humans and animals. The existence in nature of the so-called “sixth sense” is fully documented. This is the susceptibility of bats to ultrasonic oxen, many snakes to thermal radiation, and whales and elephants to infra-sound.

Telepathy, foresight and empathy, which can suddenly arise between two completely strangers, are perceived by us as something related to the seventh sense, which makes our consciousness part of a wider than we imagine, perceptual field. However, ecology teaches that we live in a world of natural cycles and relationships that go far beyond the biosphere to the whole planet, to the whole Universe.

What could be her nature?

I became interested in similar issues when I studied plants. What makes a single seed organize its development and production of the proteins necessary for various stages of growth in the form of a flower or a tree? Nobody knows this yet. I proposed the idea that around every living organism there is a “morphic” or “morphogenetic” field in which the collective memory of the corresponding biological species is enclosed and with which the representative of this species echoes.

If this statement is convincing in relation to plants, incredible prospects open up for evolutionary biology and for our kind of relationship with the environment. We are not isolated monads, we are part of the universe. And the most unusual is that in our life and our behavior, coming into contact with the morphic field, we will undergo changes, but we will also contribute to the modification of this same field, which grows, opens and evolves.

That is, it is the prerogative of the human mind, our self-awareness?

I believe this is a biological characteristic that is functional for species conservation. Returning to the abilities of the mind, as has already been shown in experiments and studies of other psychologists and scientists, these opportunities are more developed in children under 10 years old, not yet blocked by an understanding of culture. For them, as perhaps for animals and most “primitive” tribal peoples, it is quite natural to think that the mind goes beyond the brain and our body, as part of a game of actions and counteractions, stretched out in space and maybe even in time. And do not think about some kind of magic and something unusual like telepathy or telekinesis.

In the morphogenetic field there is a collective memory of the species, our whole past

Even vision, the most frequent feeling with which we enter into relationships with the outside world, is a challenge to scientific knowledge. When we look at something from a distance, we have the feeling that a tentacle is being separated from our brain, like an amoeba that examines what is beyond a drop of water.

Where are the objects that we see actually located? Inside the tissues of our brain, in an even more advanced holographic reconstruction? Or is our perception of reality something that creates this very reality? No scientist has yet been able to answer these questions.

The idea that one can resonate with an invisible mental or morphogenetic field that surrounds us in the past was common to many philosophical teachings and cultures. Is it reinforced by modern science?

From the side of modern science, namely, quantum physics, which has turned our perception of reality, although not everyone understands this. The idea that observing an object changes its characteristics, dimensions of reality, first expanded by Einstein to four, and then to eleven, already lead us to think about topics of science fiction like teleportation and time travel.

Another puzzling phenomenon has been demonstrated recently, the so-called "entanglement" or "involvement, retraction / attraction." Two particles, for example two photons, are divided into two identical twins with the same characteristics. They forever remain “connected” in a completely incomprehensible way. If the characteristics of one photon change, they will instantly change for another, regardless of the distances separating them. This once again shows how little we know about these “fields” that connect objects of visible reality.

It seems that some of your experiments, for example, on foresight, turn our knowledge about linear time, consisting of the past, present and future. How is this possible?

If the mind interacts with the outside world, it does this not only in space, but also in time. For example, in the morphogenetic field there is a collective memory of the species, our entire past.

If two photons are divided into identical ones, then when the characteristics of one photon change, they instantly change for the other

There is also a family, social field, belonging to a certain group. There is much evidence that one can resonate with these fields in a more or less conscious way. In the realm of the mind, through desire, especially if it is driven by strong emotions, it is projected into a dimension that is already in the future. And no one said that you should not influence him, at least in part.

It turns out that the expanded ability of consciousness is a gift available to very few?

The fact that there are more and less sensitive people is obvious. However, I believe that everyone is able to tune in to the image of reality broader and more voluminous than the one we know. Actual materialistic culture or technology can hardly help in this. We have lost a lot of things, and we still have to learn a lot of things: about the animal world, about nature, about cultures and philosophies that are different from ours, and the most important thing is to feel part of this world and not hide in our egoism and narrow-mindedness.

Test: Determine your level of telepathy ability.

These two exercises, specially designed for Psychologies by Rupert Sheldrake, will help you understand how capable you are of communicating from a distance.

Experiment 1

  • Guess who's watching you

This is one of the simplest experiments that will help determine your telepathic abilities. It can be held at home or even at work. A person who must guess is sitting in a blindfolded room (P1). Behind him, at a distance of several meters, there should be another person (Ч2), who must either look closely at Ch1 for 10 seconds, concentrating on him, or look away and think about something abstract. One session lasts 20 seconds. After the allotted time has passed, an audible signal (for example, a ringing of a bell) should follow, which warns the Ch1 that he should immediately answer “yes” or “no” according to the sensation that he experienced at that particular second. At this time, a third person (sitting next to Ch2, giving a sound signal and carefully monitoring the reaction of Ch1) records the results. The experiment is repeated 20 times, after which the number of points that P1 earned by guessing is calculated.

Experiment 2

  • Guess if someone is looking at your photo

A simpler version of the previous experiment, which eliminates extraneous noise (such as the movements of the test person standing behind the back). A man looks at a photograph of a test subject who is sitting in another room, concentrating very much on her. In this case, a sound signal should also be given and the third person should record the result of 20 repetitions.


According to the calculation, for reasons of probability, the average response rate of “yes” or “no” to someone who guesses is 10, that is, 50%. Taking into account statistical errors, any equal or superior result (from 12 and above) indicates a telepathic connection with the "watching" (that is, with P2).

About the expert

Rupert Sheldrake, British biochemist, biologist, parapsychological researcher, author of several books, including (“The Feeling of Looking at You and Other Aspects of Enhanced Consciousness”, Cornerstone Digital, 2013) and “The New Life Science” (Ripol Classic, 2005). The author of theories of morphogenetic fields, which has become the subject of heated debate. Collaborates with the Institute of Thinking (USA). Him   website.

The ability to telepathy is periodically manifested in each person. But how to bring it to perfection and use it to profit? Read it now!

1. What is hidden under the word "telepathy"?
  2. Why science and esotericism do not agree on telepathy?
  3. How to develop the ability to telepathy?
  4. What will be required for the telepathy experiment?
  5. How to transmit a telepathic message?
  6. How to evaluate the results of a telepathy session?
  7. Additional factors to consider when developing telepathy!
  8. Tips for activating the ability to telepathy

What is hidden under the word "telepathy"?

Did you know that the term “telepathy” in translation means “the path of feeling”. In fact, telepathy means transmitting feelings from a distance by establishing a connection between two people.

Surely you noticed such a coincidence?

  • Did you think about someone, and then you met this person, or did he call?
  • Did you know in advance what the interlocutor will say the next second?
  • Did you simultaneously talk about something with another person?
  • Did someone say your thoughts out loud?
  • Did the other person do what you were thinking?

Such spontaneous telepathy often occurs between people.

As a rule, the stronger the emotional connection between people, the more often the ability to telepathy is manifested.

Why science and esotericism do not agree on telepathy?

What do scientists say about telepathy?

In 1882, Frederick W.H. Myers (one of the founders of the British Society for Psychical Research) conducted a series of experiments with other researchers regarding the possibility of transmitting telepathic suggestions. Despite a number of positive experiments in more stringent conditions, it was not possible to confirm the existence of telepathy.

Therefore, most scientists refute the possibility of transmitting thoughts from a distance.

What is the difference in opinion of Eastern esoteric traditions?

Almost all Eastern teachings (which, unlike modern science, have a long history) say that the ability to telepathy is quite possible to develop, and telepathy itself is a normal brain ability, another question is that for most people this superpower is practically not developed.

Most esotericists and psychics claim that everyone has the ability to telepathy, that it is inherent in our minds by nature itself.

Because all the processes occurring inside and out are, in fact, energy exchange. And any energy has a certain frequency in which information is encoded.

Have you seen this? ..

When a person was in a good mood near you, when he radiates love and joy, did you feel this, and were you comfortable being around?

And vice versa ... an irritated and angry person, even if he did not say anything and did not express his emotions, did you evoke a completely opposite feeling?

Each person every second radiates a certain energy into the surrounding space (the quality of which depends on the state of a person) and every second he feels external energy flows on himself.

The closer the source of external energy, the more distinctly the energy is felt!

An example was given above with a person, but we feel not only the energy of other people, but also objects, places, houses, cities and even countries.

Everything in this world comes down to the exchange of energy and information. The more powerful the flow of energy, the clearer the information transmitted to it.

Particularly sensitive people often, sensing the negative energy of a place, say that something bad happened in this place. Less sensitive ones simply describe their discomfort. But what are discomforts? This is negative information that a person received from the source, but due to not too developed sensitivity, it cannot specify the perceived negative.

But back to telepathy ...

Telepathy is also a form of energy-informational exchange, but requires additional energy costs.

Perhaps that is why scientific studies of the phenomenon of telepathy in the strict conditions of the experiment did not lead to a positive result?

Judge for yourself!

In order for a person receiving information to be able to receive it, the source of information (energy of a certain vibration frequency) must send an even and powerful signal (as a direct current source). For this, the transmitter must be fully focused on the transmitted thought.

But most ordinary people cannot focus on the same thought for a long time (other thoughts constantly arise in the head) !!

In addition, the mere repetition of a mental suggestion is not strong enough for the receiver to capture this energy. After all, we do not feel the subtle shades of the state of another person (due to undeveloped sensitivity), but we feel his general condition.

And the state is a much more powerful vibration, because not only the brain (thoughts) vibrates with it, but the whole human body.

How to develop the ability to telepathy?

From the foregoing, one can understand what ideal conditions should be for the thoughts, images or feelings to be not only transmitted, but also accepted.

  • the transmitter must be fully focused on the transmitted thought;
  • all his consciousness and all sensations must vibrate the transmitted thought;
  • at the time of the transfer, he should become this thought, as it were, merge with it;
  • the transmitted thought must be very clear, strong and constant;
  • the receiver during the telepathy session should be tuned to the transmitter, his brain should be free from extraneous thoughts (as if empty and ready to receive information).

Of course, it will take time, patience and perseverance to develop this superpower, but, according to Eastern teachings, this is quite possible.

What will be required for the telepathy experiment?

Developing the ability to telepathy, it is better to conduct an experiment on a voluntary basis, that is, the person to whom the information will be transmitted should be aware of what is happening and actively participate in the process.

So, for the experiment you will need:

  • telepathy object (recipient)
  • the one who will transmit the information

Since telepathy involves the exchange of energy between two people, respectively, a sender and a recipient are needed. That is, the practitioner must choose a person who will become the object of telepathy. It is desirable that this be a calm, balanced person who adequately refers to such experiments.

Throughout the experiment, the object of telepathy must keep your mind empty and open, but without strong stress, otherwise it will block the flow of information from the outside.

Next to him should be paper and a pen, so that at any moment he would be able to write down thoughts that come to mind. He should record absolutely all thoughts, even if it seems to him that these are his own thoughts.

How to transmit a telepathic message?

1. The receiver and the transmitter represent that from their brain to the brain of another invisible threads stretch along which information is transmitted (this contributes to the best tuning to each other).

2. Then the sender completely focuses on the message being transmitted (for example, on a lemon). He feels the taste of lemon, its color, smell, mentally repeats himself: “Lemon”. The transmitter must fully enter the state that there is a lemon in front of him, and, as it were, temporarily become this lemon.

3. When the feeling appears that the message has been transmitted, the betrayer stops concentrating on the transmitted image (in our case, on the lemon) and evaluates the results of the experiment.

Usually they transmit a message within 10-15 minutes (no more so as not to provoke an overload).

How to evaluate the results of a telepathy session?

At the end of the session, you need to check whether the sender broadcasts among the recorded thoughts of the recipient. Any coincidence (in our case, even such object sensations as: sour, yellow, round) will be counted, as they are related to lemon. Such individual qualities will indicate that the transmitter focused more on them than on the whole image of the lemon.

If the experiment fails, don’t be upset and give up - everything comes with practice.

It is advisable to repeat the session no earlier than the next day, since excessive stress during the transmission of a telepathic message can lead to poor health.

Additional factors to consider when developing telepathy!

Developing the ability to telepathy, it is important to remember such components as:

  • faith in telepathy
  • physical relaxation
  • mental relaxation.

Let's consider in more detail ...

Belief in Telepathy

The ability to telepathy cannot be developed without faith. If both participants in the experiment do not believe in the possibility of a telepathic transmission of thought, then skepticism will block consciousness, and the experiment is unlikely to succeed.

Physical relaxation before a telepathy session

The process of transmitting thoughts and feelings at a distance is more effective when the sender and receiver are in a relaxed state. If irritation is felt or health problems are observed, it is better to postpone the practice until next time.

For relaxation, you can use any method of relaxation. It can be breathing practices, meditation or other techniques.

Mental relaxation to activate superpower

To activate the ability to telepathy, the mind must be relaxed and free from extraneous thoughts. To stop the internal dialogue, just concentrate on your breath. If any thoughts arise, you do not need to focus on them.

Only when both participants in the experiment have completely relaxed can the experiment begin.

Distractions, extraneous noise and vanity can nullify all efforts, while a calm environment will help to get maximum results.

  1. Telepathy sessions should not last longer than 15 minutes.
  2. The ability to telepathy is impossible without concentration, therefore it is necessary
  3. Patience is one of the keys to success.
  4. Activating any superpower takes time and practice.
  5. While telepathy has not yet been activated, it is best to stay away from skeptics.

According to experienced psychics, the ability to telepathy is quite easy to develop. Persistence and regular practice will help to send and receive telepathic messages with incredible clarity and accuracy.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material.

¹ Telepathy - the hypothetical ability of the brain that does not have reliable experimental evidence to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or organism at a distance, or to receive them from it, without using any known means of communication or manipulation (

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Available to everyone and now you will see it!

A year ago, I recognized one absolutely amazing thing for me: it turns out that not all people can read minds. And all these years I didn’t even suspect that what I hear was not heard by others.

Telepathy was so natural and banal for me that there was not even the thought that it was not given to everyone.

Telepathy development on

I'm not talking about reading thoughts, which is shown in the series Theory of Lies and the methodology of Dr. Lightman (in reality, Paul Ekman) or described in the Body Language of Allan Pisa. Reading of thoughts on facial expressions, gestures, posture, to one degree or another, is owned by all people. And I'm not talking now about the period of falling in love, when in a state of euphoria people have supernormal abilities to feel their loved one. And not about couples who, after years of emotional closeness, begin to think the same way.

Telepathic abilities may be different. For example, I can hear a person’s inner voice echoing in his head, not seeing the person, not looking at him, but just being in the same space with him. I hear not all thoughts, but only emotionally significant for a person, because he pronounces them inside himself very loudly.

Since I do not hear everything and not always, I wanted to improve my skill. And according to the laws of psychological modeling - all that one person can do, can another. To do this, you only need to identify the strategy, key conditions and principles of success of talented people in a particular business.

In addition, taking my ability to telepathy from unconscious knowledge to awareness, I can teach this gift to other people.

I took up the study and comparative analysis of people with and without telepathy. There are a lot of people with telepathic abilities. Such people increasingly began to meet by chance (?!) in my life.

In the course of meeting and developing relations with telepaths, my communication with them gradually became wordless: we could conduct dialogs with each other without saying a word and at the same time be sure that this person understands you like no other.

Telepathy, of course, has feedback. This is the reception of other people's thoughts and the transfer of their thoughts to another. If a person is not a telepath, then it is quite simple to instill and impose his thought on him, he simply will not understand that this is a hidden influence and will take the thought for his own.

For example, recently a friend of mine shared his problem with me, and after I managed to calm him down, suddenly a loud emotional panic phrase appeared in his head: “What if she tells someone about this!” He naturally didn’t say it to me . This is where the gift to convey thoughts came in handy, I began to mentally say the phrase: “I won’t tell anyone about it.” She said so five times, concentrating intensely on this man, until inner calm came to him.

So, I was able to identify three main factors affecting telepathy development.

2. People with telepathy have developed the so-called. The first position is the "I" position. The second position is “Another person”. That is, telepaths are people who can easily put themselves in the place of another person, subtly feel and understand other people.

To prove these words, let us consider the professions of people with whom I personally conducted conversations in the language of extrasensory perception. These are personal growth trainers, healers, highly skilled PR specialists, political strategists, and the school principal. Those. those who, by occupation, simply must understand other people well and be able to put themselves in the place of others in order to achieve high results in their field.

3. Telepaths are people open to everything new, they do not militarily defend their position, because they know that their model of the world is not the world, and strive to expand their capabilities and knowledge about the world.

All three factors affecting the ability to telepathy are easily developed. To develop these skills, there are not one, but dozens of techniques. So every person can become a telepathist.

The only question is: do you need it ?! Because from my own experience I can say that telepathic abilities equally helped a lot, and greatly interfered with my life. Very often people are visited by emotionally significant bad thoughts.

And there is a huge difference between “being” and “seeming”. A person speaks one thing, but thinks in a completely different way. He wants to seem good, not what he is. It’s unpleasant to be disappointed.

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