Presentation of a literacy lesson "Consonant sounds, letter L l" (UMK "School of Russia")

Lesson summary - technological map for teaching literacy.

Topic: “Consonants [l], [l’]. Letters L, l."

Lesson type: learning new material

Class: 1

Lesson duration: 35 min.

Goals: Creating conditions for familiarization with the sounds [l] [l “], and the letters L, l.



To develop the ability to characterize sounds;

Establish the number and sequence of sounds in a word, i.e., carry out sound-letter analysis of words;

Teach children to find sounds in words [ l], [l’] and be able to distinguish them;

Introduce the letters L, l and develop the ability to denote sounds [ l], [l’] letter l.


Foster children’s respect for each other’s views and opinions;

Foster a sense of mutual assistance and support;


Develop reader interest;

To develop cognitive interest and activity of students;

Develop oral speech And phonemic awareness;

Develop thinking, memory, attention.

Forms and methods of teaching: explanatory - illustrative; frontal, independent, work in pairs.

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formation of UUD

I. Motivation to educational activities

Purpose of the stage: stimulating interest in obtaining new information.

Guys! Today in class you will learn a lot of new and interesting things if you are attentive and active throughout the lesson!


II. Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities.

Purpose of the stage: update the educational content necessary for learning new material, formulate the topic of the lesson.

1 slide. What two groups can these letters be divided into: o, s, k, s, y, n, i, t, a.

2-5 slides. Describe the consonant sounds.

6 slide. A, o, and, y, s.

Which letter is missing?

Letters representing vowels and consonants.

Children give characteristics of the letters they have studied.

And - it softens the consonants, the rest make the consonants hard.


Cognitive: Formation of the ability to analyze objects in order to identify features (essential and non-essential); formation of the ability to use sign-symbolic means in educational activities.

III. Problematic explanation of new knowledge

Purpose of the stage: record overcoming a difficulty

7 side.

In a distant fairyland,
In a clearing by the pond,
Once upon a time there was a cheerful people:
Multicolored bug
WITH good name Cutie,
Here's Little Bee, he's a hard worker,
Here is the green "man"
Called grasshopper.
Suddenly it fell from the moon towards them
Unknown "citizen".
They called him Luntik
And everyone respected him.

8 slide.
- What are the names of these heroes?

What do their names have in common?

Who will be our birthday party today?

Slide 9

Now, let's characterize the sound [l].

Let's work in pairs. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the words “Luntik” and “Little Bee”. Appendix 1

Work in pairs.

10 slide. Frontal check

Let’s pronounce the first sound in the word “Luntik”

Say the second syllable in the word “Little Bee”

What conclusion can you draw?

Divide the pictures into two groups. In the first group put pictures where the words are [l"], in the other - [l]

(Two people work at the board)

11 slide.- What kind of hat should we put on our birthday boy?

Musical physical exercise.

12-13 slide. Introducing the letters L, l.

The circus clown is so good

It looks like the letter L.

Color in the pieces with the letter L.

Who did you get?

Luntik, Little Bee, Shershulya, Mila.

All names have sounds [l], [l"]

Sounds [l], [l"]

The air is retained, which means the sound is a consonant.

Work in pairs.

In the word “Luntik” [l] is pronounced firmly, and in the word “Bee” [l"] - softly.









Children pronounce the sounds [l], [l "], and conclude that these are voiced sounds.

We'll put a bell on him.

Independent work students


Formation of positive motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


Self-selection and formulation of a cognitive goal.

task, developing the ability to plan upcoming work (draw up a plan and sequence of your actions).


Forming the ability to accept a learning goal.


Cognitive: Formation of the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of an object.

Communicative: Developing the ability to express your thoughts orally.


Formation of the ability to perform learning activities in accordance with the task.


Develop the ability to listen to each other and enter into dialogue.


Formation of the ability to compare one’s actions with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences.



Developing the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations and texts.

Communicative: Formation of the ability to formulate one’s thoughts orally, formation of the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, and express one’s opinion.

IV. Primary consolidation in external speech

Purpose of the stage: express new information in external speech, rethink your own knowledge

Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word horse.

Slide 14- Let's print the letter L in our reading book.

Choral reading of syllables.

Slides 15-17.

Reading text from ABC p. 59-60

Independent work of students.

Learn to print the letter L, l.

Reading syllables


Meaningful reading as understanding the purpose of reading.

Formation of the ability to analyze objects in order to identify features (essential and non-essential).

V. Lesson summary

Purpose of the stage : evaluate the results of your own activities

What was difficult? What's easy?

What did you like most?

Have we achieved our goal?

Children answer questions and show signs.


Formation of the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection; the ability to evaluate the processes and results of one’s activities.

reflection on methods and conditions of action

control and evaluation of the process and results of activities

expressing your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Literacy lesson using the educational complex “School of Russia”

TOPIC: “Consonant sounds [l], [l". Letter L l"

Mitrofanova Marina Vladimirovna

primary school teacher

MBOU "Lyceum No. 1" r.p. Chamzinka

Describe the studied consonant sounds.

Guess the riddle

The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats, Who undresses him? He sheds tears.

Let's select the first sound.

Let's characterize it.

Guess the riddle

Don't touch him with your hand! He has a mane, but he is not a horse. There are no hooves, but there are fangs And there are claws on the paws.

Let's select the first sound.

Let's characterize it.

Do you remember what sound the first word began with? And from which second? Listen to these sounds.

These sounds are denoted in Russian by the letter

») ?

The alphabet will continue our

The letter L is a forest hut.

(Vladimir Stepanov)

What does the letter L l ("el") look like?

People, do you see the elephant?

There is a trunk. The leg is visible.

(Gregory Vieru)

Read the syllables and words.

lo la ly li lu

olo or ulu ols

Remember how the fairy tale begins.

The bears were driving

By bike.

And behind them is a cat


And behind him are mosquitoes

On a hot air balloon.

And behind them are crayfish

On a lame dog.

Wolves on a mare.

Lions in a car.


On a tram.

Toad on a broom...

They drive and laugh

They are chewing gingerbread.

Suddenly from the gateway

Scary giant

Red-haired and mustachioed

Cockroach! Cockroach,



Korney Chukovsky “Cockroach”

Let's read the passage in ABC.

How does an elephant dance? Replace with another word close in meaning.

Korney Chukovsky “Cockroach”

What kind of moon? Ruddy means golden. The moon fell head over heels. Is it like head over heels?

Head over heels - turning over your head, head over heels.

Read and compare the words.

How many syllables? How are the words different?

Read and compare the words.

How many syllables are in each word? Who can I tell rolled - boy or girl? Did you skate? So it was she who rolled, and he who rolled.

Read and compare the words.

How many syllables are in each word? Choose a pronoun for the word fell asleep. The word fell asleep is in the singular form or in the form plural? Did you fall asleep on the word? Choose a pronoun.

Read and compare the words.

How many syllables are in each word? Like a word table turned into a word chair ? Determine the shape of the number. Put the words into plural form. Which group do the words belong to?


Read and compare the words.

When does the letter L (“el”) denote a soft consonant sound? When solid sound?

Read the text.

Who is Olya? How did Olya play with dolls?

Game. Who can come up with the most words starting with the chosen letter? We name only animals.

Stork, albatross

Hoopoe, boa constrictor, really

Eagle, deer

Game. Who can come up with the most words starting with the chosen letter? We name only animals, fish and birds.

Rabbit, cuckoo,

elk, swallow, lion

tit, elephant, catfish

Read the words. Why are the words written in capital letters?

How many syllables? How many sounds are in the word Alla?

Read the words. Match the pronoun to the words? Who can you say that to, a boy or a girl?

How many syllables?

Read the words. How are the words similar?

How are they different? Make up sentences.

How many syllables?

Read the text.

Let's continue the story. Where did Nina hide? Who did Alik find first?

What game did the guys play? What games do you like to play?

(Blind man's buff, catch-up, bouncers...)

Ribbon of letters


palm cake

What sounds are denoted by the letter L l (“el” ») ?

“Sounds and letters 1st grade” - Vowel sounds and letters. Isolating vowels from a number of sounds. Escalator. Articulation exercises. Syllable patterns.

"Writing Letters"- Give your child exercises for slow reading with pronounced articulation. Do not correct errors in the text. Simply mark in the margins with a green, black or purple pen. Mirror writing of letters. You need to start with one vowel, then move on to consonants. The options can be very different. Recommendations for parents.

"Learning Letters"- In special (correctional) secondary school Type VIII positions 1, 2, 4, 8, 9 remain unchanged. In the sound synthetic method, one goes from sound to syllable, from syllables to words, then to sentences. A brief review of pre-existing literacy practices. The remaining positions are subject to adjustment.

“Capital letter in proper names” - 4. Setting lesson goals. Which fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky is the drawing from? This project corresponds to the psychological and physiological characteristics of children. 1. Organizational moment. Motley wings flicker, Butterflies fly in the field. Which of the 2 students is right: I love the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. e) Selective writing.

"Sounds and Letters"- The notes describe a version of a traditional Russian language lesson. 2. Games for attentiveness. It’s very difficult to stand like that, don’t put your foot on the floor, and don’t fall, don’t sway, don’t hold on to your neighbor. Russian language lesson. The ABC lesson can be used in Russian language lessons in first grade. Guess the girl's name based on the first sounds of the names. (spinning top, lily of the valley, apple-Julia).

“Lesson Sounds and Letters” - Sentence diagrams, place of words in a sentence. Lesson 3 Composition of the number 9. Examples on + -1 on a ruler within 20. Words-objects among a sea of ​​words. Lesson 2. Consonants and letters Z z. Lesson 2. Number and number 6. Riddles. Lesson 3 Unvoiced consonant sound and letters P, p. 2 lesson. Lesson 10. Lesson 1 Reinforcement of what has been learned.


  • create conditions for consolidating students’ knowledge of the consonant sounds [l], [l’], letters L, l; syllabic reading skills;
  • promote speech development;
  • develop the ability to work with text.

Meta-subject results

Regulatory UUD: independently plan and perform your actions on a familiar educational material; carry out actions in collaboration with the teacher according to the proposed plan; independently build an action plan to resolve educational task studied species; adequately perceive the assessment of one’s work by the teacher and comrades, and evaluate the results of one’s actions.

Cognitive UUD: learn to understand asked question, in accordance with it, construct an answer orally; consciously and voluntarily construct speech statements in oral and written form; identify the known and the unknown when solving a learning problem; draw analogies between the material being studied and your own experience.

Communication actions: adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks; be able to exchange opinions, listen to another student - communication partner and teacher; learn to work in pairs; develop the ability to negotiate, distribute roles, and jointly search for solutions.

Personal results: form a positive attitude towards school and educational activities; show interest in educational work.

Equipment: textbook on teaching literacy “ABC” by V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkina, L.A. Vinogradova, M.V. Boykina, cards with letters, traffic lights, multimedia, presentation, “Tape of Letters”.


1. Organizational moment

Psychological attitude to work.

Appendix 1. Slide 1.

I'm in a good mood because we're together.
- Smile at each other!
- Give me your smile too!
- A smile decorates a person and gives a mood of joy. To make the lesson joyful and work in a good mood, let’s start it with a speech warm-up.

2. Articulation gymnastics

Let me remind you that when pronouncing a pure phrase, we work well with our lips and tongue.
1. Read to yourself at my direction
2. Whisper
3. Loud
4. Increasing the pace (3 times)
- Well done!!!
- We also continue the lesson together with pair work, which will help formulate the topic of the lesson.

3. Updating knowledge and self-determination for activities

Guys, look at the screen.
- What do you see? (Answer: letters)
- Before working in pairs and completing the task, I remind you:

1. Every student participates in the conversation
2. Speak calmly, clearly, to the point
3. You can use sentences in your speech:
“Do you agree?”
“Do you mind?”
"Why do you think so?"
- Well, now, my friends, listen to the task!
1. Read the letters correctly
2. Divide them into 2 groups.


Read the first group that you got (and oh y s and)
- Read the second group (from n to l)
- On what basis were they divided? (Answer: vowels and consonants)

Assessment of children's activities.

Guys, show me the plus sign if you agree.
- Name the letter you met yesterday (Answer: “l”)
- What sounds does it mean? (Answer: [l], [l’])
- Well, now, my friends, think about what we will talk about in the lesson, what we will do.
Children name the topic of the lesson.

Guys, try, based on the topic of the lesson and key words, to determine the goals of our lesson.
And the beginning of the sentence on the slide will help you with this.

Let us, my dear friends, follow our goals, and at the end of the lesson everyone will think about whether they were able to achieve these goals.
Let's remember the material covered.

Game "Brain attack"

What does our speech consist of?
- What do you know about the proposal?
- What do sentences consist of?
- What do you know about words in a sentence?
- Make up a 4-word sentence about school.
- What are words divided into?
- What are the syllables?
- Words can be represented as sounds.
- What do you know about sounds?
- What sound can a syllable form?
- Name the signs of vowel sounds
- What do sounds mean in writing?
- What do you know about letters?

Working with the “Letter Tape”

Name the vowel letters that indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant sound.
- Name the consonant letters that represent paired unvoiced consonant sounds.
- Show what place the letter “L” occupies on the “ribbon of letters.”
- Name again what sounds it means.
- Describe the sound [l’]

4. Consolidation background knowledge and ways of doing things

My friends, look at the screen.
- Name the words in which the sound [l’] is heard at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end.
- What items are in your portfolio whose names contain the sound [l’] and the sound [l]? (Answer: ruler, eraser)
- Well done!!! We work in good spirits.
- Let's now try to read syllables and words with the letters we have passed.

Name the syllables where there is a letter that represents a soft consonant sound.
- Complete the syllable s... with another syllable to make a word. (Answer: plum)
- Read the words. (Answer: table - table)
- When do they say table?
- What are the names of the words table and table? Why? (Answer: related)
- How many syllables are in the word table? Why?
- Put emphasis.
- Make up any sentence according to the purpose of the statement.

Game "Turning Words"

Swap the letters to make new words (ear - falcon).
The student tells a prepared message about the falcon bird.
- Guys, listen carefully, and then tell me what interesting things you learned about this bird?
- What discovery did you make for yourself?

Pair work

We continue to work with words. Guys, we remembered that a word can be represented in the form of sounds using a syllabic-sound scheme.
- Don't forget about the rules for working in pairs.

Tasks for working in pairs:

  • Match the picture to the diagram. Explain why you think so.
  • Come up with your own word for this diagram.


Children evaluate the results of work in pairs with the signs “+”, “-”.

Game "Make a word"

There are many interesting words in the Russian language, but now try to guess for yourself what kind of word it is, from which 2 letters have escaped (answer: onion/varnish/luk, etc.)
- You guys named the word “onion”. What could it mean? (answer: vegetable, a weapon that shoots arrows)

Working with the ABC textbook(p.60)

Let's read the sentence and think:
- What kind of bow does Nina have?
- What about Tolya?

Physical education minute

Working with text

Working with the ABC textbook(pp.62-63)

Read the words.
- Think about what these words have in common. (Answer: proper names)
- Read the text that contains these names.
- How does a text differ from sentences?
- Who is this text about?
- What was in the girls’ hands? (Answer: jump ropes)
- How can I say it differently? (Answer: jumping ropes)
- What is the topic of the text?
- Come up with a title for this text.
Selective reading.
- Find and read what the girls did.
Development of coherent speech.
- Tell us about your favorite game.
- Listen carefully and then tell me whose story you liked and why.

5. Summing up the lesson

Using the supporting words on the slide, let’s remember what goals we set.

6. Reflection stage. Performance evaluation

  • Green - I understood everything, I was interested.
  • Yellow - I didn’t understand everything, but I’ll try to figure it out in the next lesson.
  • Red - it was difficult for me, I didn’t understand everything. Need teacher help.

Guys, our lesson has come to an end, in what mood are you leaving the lesson?
- Continue to work in the same way in the rest of the lessons.

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