Predictions and prophecies about the future of Russia. Predictions about Russia Predictions for the near future come true

Futurologists are also issuing predictions for the near future. Let's throw up the most fantastic of them, such as colonization of space or create a superman. Which of the current problems can be solved in the next decade? It is reasoned by foreign analysts that made their forecast based on the latest trends in science and technology.

Americans on the Moon: 45 years Following the future

The problem of energy sources.

Ten years later, people will learn to actively use solar energy. Thanks to the breakthrough in the technology of manufacturing solar panels, they will be available to a mass consumer. Most of the technical devices will work on solar energy.

The problem of transport.

Ten years later, cars and aircraft will work on electricity, from battery batteries. They will become much easier by mass, and will also be without any special energy costs to overcome huge distances.

Communication problem.

By 2025, the whole world will cover a single wireless digital communications network. You will no longer hear that in some remote areas there are no phones or Internet access, communications will turn into the same integral part of our life as the air.

The problem of plastic.

About the dangers of plastic, which today is made from petroleum products and does not decompose, it said more than once ... But after a decade, it is likely to be replaced by biodegradable plastics based on cellulose. "Packaging for food, medicines, electronics, fabrics and other consumer goods will be mainly made from cellulose processing products," predicts specialists from Thomson Reuters.

The problem of lack of food resources.

"In 2025, genetically modified cultures will be intensively and safely grown in closed rooms during round-the-clock lighting, the analysts report. - The energy-saving LED lighting equipment will be used, providing light radiation in a narrow wavelength range, which contributes to the acceleration of growth due to the correspondence Features of DNA receptors of the grown genetically modified plant. " In addition, experts promise, the sustainability of plant crops will increase to various diseases and varieties of cereals, vegetables and other nutrient plants, giving ultrahigh yields, will be replaced.

The problem of senile dementia.

Most likely, by 2025, scientists solve the mechanism for the fuse of cognitive functions of the brain associated with age-related changes, and develop ways to counter these processes. Improving the methods of early diagnosis and the prevention of senile dementia sharply reduce the number of suffering from this disease.

The problem of incidence of diabetes.

Successful ways to combat second-type diabetes are already developed, in which insulin does not absorb. The causes of the first type diabetes, in which the cells of the pancreas, producing insulin, are still not fixed. It is assumed that by 2025, researchers will manage to learn how to artificially synthesize the gene chains, which will prevent pathogenic changes in the pancreas.

The problem of side effects in medicine.

By 2025, radiation or chemotherapy, leading to painful consequences, will cease to treat cancer tumors. The pharmaceutical market will appear the preparations of a new generation that do not cause complications and side effects that affect only a specific sphere ... Even painful blood tests will go into the past, they will be replaced by the nanonticonds, which will be impaired in the patient's body and which will allow to collect more accurate status information. organism.

The twenty-four of March, famous Russian astrologers, shamans and parapsychologists gathered to discuss forecasts for spring-summer 2011. However, in the spring and summer predictions were not limited.

"What is accepted to call the global financial crisis was not really a financial crisis, but only his omen. This financial crisis is waiting for us ahead," the Social Astrologer Astrologist Alexei Kolov appealed.

The most common astrological word said, of course, Pavel Globa: "Many people are now accused of promising for Russia a quiet year. They say what he is calm, once shakes Japan. But Japan is not Russia. In the world this year Wars will, but in our country everything will be fine, with the exception of summer - summer will be heavy, in June - July three eclipses in a row. And all this year six eclipses - such a catastrophic year was the last time 20 years ago, when the Soviet Union broke up " .

Eclipses "put a bunch of naughty this year, warns the globa: By the time the latter, which will take place on December 10, armed conflicts will cover the Balkans, and at the Nobel Prize ceremony, terrorists will lay a bomb.

According to Globa, this year was tantamount to the 1939th year of the eve of World War II "on astrological data".

At the same time, the beginning of the third world began with frightening accuracy: March 2014, accurate during the Olympics in Sochi or a maximum five days after its completion. Where all porridge will be brewed, Paul Globa chose not to speak. Reported only that African revolutions will gradually move towards Russia and in the coming years will cover Central Asia. And to blame for the whole black moon. On that day, when she connected with the Sun, Libya's bombing began. And when the Black Moon has connected with uranium, an earthquake in Japan occurred.

In the near future, the globa broadcasts, revolutionary shocks should be expected in Syria and Yemen. Iran's leader will be overthrown later - three years later. Take only the ruler of Algeria. "I watched the horoscopes of the leaders of all countries of this region," said the astrologer. "The President of Algeria - the only leader, devoid of any charisma. He was born, by the way, in one day with Gorbachev - March 2, 1937. This will go calmly - will give him a yacht, the villa. . There will be no revolutions in Algeria. As for the fate of Gaddafi, the problem is all that no one knows the date of his birth - whether it is 1937, or the 1940th. If he really was born on June 7, he would die On the day of my birth - next to the eclipse. But I do not believe that he is twin - behaves like a typical aquarius. Recently, the newspapers wrote that he is the son of the French pilot. And I published a photo flyer. I looked - and the truth is one person. "

Parapsychologist Larisa Weiss also did not predict anything good: "Spring will be a protracted, summer is hot, sixpose children will begin to bother and beasts. I saw it inside." Another parapsychologist saw inside himself that "the Supreme Commander is already looking for a successor to himself, and this successor will be on the letter" K ". According to the parapsychologist, such internal visions have never been deceived, many now they do not believe, but back in 1996 Larisa Weiss saw a Ukrainian woman with a scythe and even told about it in an interview to one famous Russian magazine.

Now she also sees a woman - this woman will rule Russia, standing behind the man's president. "For sure! Svetlana Medvedev is breaking to it!" - Agreed some present. "But no," the parapsychologist clarified. - This woman is not a president's wife at all. She is an athlete and teacher. " "Is Alina Kabaeva?" - Ahunuli in the hall.

Do not check about the athlete, the parapsychologist moved from Russian forecasts to the world: Japan shakes more than once, and in general this year a lot of people will die on the planet.

Tuvinsky Shaman Andrei Dontukov said that "in 2009, the era of the rule of the death of the death of Yamaraja came, for all the accumulated will have to keep the answer, the gate of death this year will be on November 5th." Shaman, universal surprise, confirmed the words of Mrs. Weiss - it turns out that men have long lost their true strength; We live in the era of the liarpatriarkhat, which will soon end and return the matriarchy.

However, Russia will survive this shift of the trend. Her ruler will remain Dmitry Medvedev - a man, whom, in September last year, Russian Buddhists successfully recognized the embodiment of the female deity - White Tara.

"And Putin did not accept Putin? Or did he not want himself?" - asked the correspondent. "Putin is a military man, and Medvedev yoga is engaged. In general, there are two types of men. One type is horizontal, these are military. And there is a vertical type of men - these are striving for spiritual growth. Medvedev is a real king, the anointer of God. And Putin is just Khan Or the prince, "answered Shaman Dontukov.

However, astrologists Shaman were not believed and almost threw him with sneakers: In fact, the stars say that it will be only worse, and the shamans claim that since 2012 everything will be, on the contrary, everything will be fine. The confusion is somehow coming out.

Only the best of existing predictions can be found in the material of this article.

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Prophecy About Russia Lester Samralla, Rick Joyner, Bi Bijosua, Tatiana Kop, Elders

The prophecy of Russia Lester Samralla read in October 1993 warns those who will not accept the necessary faith will die. Calls to join him, his church. Great Pastor Rick Joyner said that Russia is waiting for a great future. She will witness a big awakening. First, the complex tragic road will become smooth. Russia, which was on the verge of anarchy, grows to a high level of stability and wisdom. It will be a great power, the fate of this country will be to resolve the problems of a whole world.

In February 2014, the Prophet B. Joshua said that a young leader having charisma would rise. Calling to everyone to pray for it, it has a danger of airspace. Perhaps this is an attack or moving from one country to another.

The elders tended sorrow, tears for the fact that people deviated from God. Because of the kind of human mourning there will be birds, trees, sea, water, earth, everyone will be in grief and sorrow.

Fatimis prophecy about Russia, Hudson Taylor, Bob Jones just clearly and clear

Virgo Maria, who appeared in Portugal in Fatima, told the little girls of Easter sheep "When you see at night, as unknown stars brightly illuminate the sky, know this sign that the war will come soon." In 1938, this light was seen in many countries to avoid war, it was necessary to initiate Russia's dedication to the heart of Mary. Ultimately, Russia's initiation was fulfilled.

In 1889, Hudson Taylor said "I saw a war of a huge scale captured the world, then she went to decline and again scored the former turnover. Maybe these are 2 wars, I see the damage to many nations. A spiritual absorption will come to Russia, which will absorb many people. It has passed from Russia to European countries. After waking up, I saw the coming of Christ. "

Bob Jones told how he saw an angel who intended to gather a huge army to rebel against the United States of America.

Predictions about Russia from participants in the battle of psychics, sorcerer and clairvoyant

Alexander Litvin participant in the battle of psychics warns of difficult times for Russia. The government will occur in the government, people will come out of the shadows that do not expect to see.

Predictions about Russia Psychic Witch Galun and the Future from the famous predictors of Julia Vang, Ziraddin, Edgar Casey

Elena Golunova predicted a vague future for Russia, on the one hand the country will become great, it will be respected and feared. On the other hand, destroying, conflicts, discontent will begin in the country itself.

Great Julia Vang predicts anarchy in the country. Displeased from currency courses will entail a lot of irreversible events. In the Caucasus will refuse to obey Varyagam who captured power into their hands. Siberia will begin the separation of power, conflicts between the people and the authorities, all this will be successfully financed by money from China. By the end of 2016, she predicts a civil war.

Ziraddin Rzayev prophesies to Russia ascent, exit from the crisis and stability. The international market will be released in leaders. Success and prosperity will not bypass this country. But regardless of the geographical position of everyone, tears, blood, despair awaits.

Edgar Casey said that climatic changes will affect the whole world, Russia will suffer less than all. Moreover, she will head civilization, the center will be Siberia. Well, to believe or not, time will show. But do not forget that once he predicted two world wars.

Predictions about Russia Astrologer Paul and Tamara Globa, Orthodox Russians of Holy Fathers, Ratings and Elders

Globa's astrologers argue that Russia will become a privileged state. Judging by the forecasts, it will survive the crisis and remain the winner. Thanks to natural fossil, large squares and Russian character and mentality, it will overcome all trouble. John Kronstadsky foresaw the uprising of Russia, spoke of even greater power.

Predictions of the Russian Federation and Turkey

Many clairvoyant, psychics talk about the resumption of friendly relations between Russia and Turkey. As they earlier, they will not be, Russia does not know how to forgive offenders. The economic side is important for both countries.

Predictions for Russia of St. Seraphim Sarovsky

Predicted about great disasters. This god reaches for the fact that they refused faith. Seraphim asked to pardon people, and to shove him, to which God replied: I do not survive, for the tongue they toute me, and the heart is far from me.

Older Nikolai Guryanov Predictions about the future of Russia

Nikolai Guryanov predicted "renunciation" of Yeltsin and a new military president.

Predictions about Russia and China, Europe, USA

A huge number of different prophecies speaks about the war between Russia and China. The nun Makaria Artemieva "the Chinese for us for us. Half the earth will take, they do not need another. " Joseph Terrel foresaw, as the leader of Russia will unlighten the war with China. Vanga predicted Europe not the best times, after the war in the Middle East, Muslims will go against Europeans. She also spoke about a chemical attack from which people would die. Wanga said that the United States would fall apart, but did not call the reason. Edgar Casey about West America also said the same. Pretty many sources that talk about the power of Russia who captured America without hostilities.

Predictions about Russia Monk Abel, Buryat Shamanov, Gregory Rasputin

The prophecy says that demons after 70 years of launching will run from Russia. Apparently the conversation about the migrants of the 90s in Israel and the United States. Russia will be on the verge of decay and destruction. Predicted war in the Caucasus. He spoke about a small man sitting on the shoulder of the Giant, which will be unknown for a long time. Here we are talking about Yeltsin and Putin. Buryat shamans prophesy disasters that will change the world. Promise that the secret of longevity will be found. Rasputin said "the world is waiting for three" zippers ", which burn the earth to the alert. From the West to wait for the bloodthirsty prince, who will enslave the richness, on the other hand, the prince will come and ensures humanity poverty.

In 2013, there was a change of epochs: the era of fish was gone and the Aquarius era came. Each era is inherent in its worldview. The worldview, the viewing system on the objective world and the place of a person in it, on the attitude of a person to the surrounding reality and its own, as well as the main life positions of people, their beliefs, ideals, principles of knowledge and activity, and value orientations caused by these views.

Over the past two thousand years, such a turning point "programming" point was the parade of the planets at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, at the beginning of the epoch of the fish. It was then that the spiritual foundation of the upcoming era was laid: a new religion arose - Christianity. The epoch of the fish suggested such views that are based on the ideals and emotions of people. Therefore, the worldview of the fish corresponded to the forms of religious. But in humanity there was a significant jerk caused by the awakening of independent thinking, with a plan of emotions on the plan's plan. Therefore, people's attention appealed to religion to science! Now science is considered leading authority for most people. The Epoch of Aquarius will reinforce the scientific worldview.

In many revelations and futurological forecasts, which reached us from the past, it was Russia that the role of the next "Noeva Ark" was assigned to humanity. No matter how skeptical people would be skeptical to the priests, it seems astounding that all of them - well-known or not - they said that the "huge northern country" will play a fateful role and will save all of humanity. Many domestic thinkers spoke about the special role of Russia in different times.

For the first time, the idea that our country will illuminate the world by the divine light of grace, and its capital will become the third Rome, he sounded back in the XVI century. Monk Philofee from Eleazarova Monastery wrote that the history of mankind will end after the striking take-off of Russia. Thinkers of different masters regularly returned to this topic - from the religious mystic-philosopher N. Fedorov to theoretics of Leninism. Philosopher V. Soloviev voted the country the role of the so-called "third force", which will be able to give world history and culture some "special content".

It could all be forgotten, but in the 20th century the topic received an unexpected continuation - from the mouth of famous sovereigners one after another began to sound concrete predictions regarding the special role of Russia in planetary history.

Ranoo Nero (XIV century) In the book of his prophecies, the "eternal book" predicted the appearance in Russia (in the northern country of hyperborev) of fire and light religion: "Fire and the Sun Religion in the XXI century will know the victorious procession. Oporo she will gain hyperboreev in the northern country, where it will be revealed in the new capacity. "

P.A. Florensky, outstanding mathematician, philosopher, theologian, art historian, prose, engineer, linguist, state thinker (1882-1937) about faith predicted the following: "It will not be an old and lifeless religion, and the cry of the hungry."

FM Dostoevsky wrote: "The Russian national idea may be the synthesis of those ideas that with such persistence, with such courage develops Europe in separate nationalities". (PSS, t.18 p.37).

Edgar Casey. "Memories": "The mission of Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from egoism and rude material passions, to restore on a new basis - for love, trust and wisdom. From Russia to the world will come hope - not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! Years will be held before it happens, but it is the religious development of Russia and will give the world hope. "

Jane Dixon Writes: "Hope of the world, his revival will come from Russia and will not have any connection with what communism is. It is in Russia that the most authentic and great source of freedom will arise. ... This will be a completely different way of existence, based on the principle, which will become the basis of the new philosophy of life. "

Dennion Brinkley, another American predictor, said: Watch out for the Soviet Union. What happens to the Russians, then the whole world awaits. What is happening in Russia - the basis of what will happen from the economic freedom of the world. "

Oswald Spengler: "The Russian spirit marks the promise of the upcoming culture"... Spengler will even even that the Russian people will give the world a new religion. This is a natural evolution process.

Mavis, Italian Predictor : "Russia is a very interesting country with an interesting future. Nothing terrible in Russia will not happen, but her whole life will go differently. Russians are the most spiritualized people by origin and for purpose. It is the Russians that will start the reincarnation of the whole world. The cardinal restructuring of the consciousness of the earthlings will affect all economic processes. I will not say that money will stop playing a big role ... But the principles of the economy will change. No one represents how deep the changes will be ... "

Tamara Globa: "The whole world knows that the future is for Russia that light from Russia will go throughout the world. Russia will give the world a new, spiritual model of life - suitable for everyone ".

Prep. Lavrenty Chernigovsky (+1950): "In Russia, there will be a spiritual explosion! Russia together with all Slavic peoples and lands will be a mighty kingdom. It will be the king of Orthodox, God's anointed. Thanks to him, all splits and heresses will disappear in Russia. "

Pressure prep. Seraphim Sarovsky (2002): "What I say pass to everyone! War will begin immediately after my holiday. As soon as the people come from Diveevo, so immediately and begin! And in Diveevo I am not: I am in Moscow. In Diveevo, I, resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive with the king. The wedding of the king will be in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir. "

Saint Feofan Poltavsky, 1930: « In Russia, the monarchy will be restored, autocratic power. Lord Previous Tsar . It will be a man of fiery faith, genius mind and iron will. He will, first of all, will bring order in the Church of Orthodox, removing all inexistible, recent and heat-hammer binders. And many, very many, for small exceptions, almost everyone will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will be in their place ... There will be something that no one expects. Russia will resurrect from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Doves in it (Russia) will be revived and will triumph. But that Orthodoxy, which was before, will not be. God himself will be raised a strong and wise king on the throne. "

Prot. Nikolay Guryanov (+ 24.08.2002). In 1997, one woman asked the father: "Batyushka Nikolai, who will be after Yeltsin? What do we wait for? ". - After the military -answered Batyushka . - What else will be? -again asked a woman . - After there is a king from the people - fair and wise! Said Father Nikolai.

Immediately, eight prophets and stake in one voice argue about the inevitability of Russia's return to this or that form of the monarchy. This is Vasily Blessed, Vasily Nemchin, Seraphim Sarovsky, Monk Abel, Feofan Poltava, Lavriedity Chernihiv, Monk John, Inok Agafangel. But only one of them calls the time of this event.

In the chronicles are recorded the words of Vasily blissful:"The whole century Russia will live without the king, and the rulers will destroy many churches. Then they will be restored, but only the people to serve will not take God, but gold. "

In this way, the restoration time of the monarchy is somewhere for 2017.

Indirectly it is this date or close to it confirmed the prediction of Vasily Narychina:"They will come the most terrible ten kings for Russia for an hour." Since the revolution, Russian rulers have already been smoothly ten people. Medvedev - the tenth. As you can see, their time expires.

It is curious and the fact that it is in 2017 the term of the future of Russian president will end.

Prediction of astrologer and clairvoyant Yuri Ovidin:"A representative of the Universe is already located on Earth, he will create a religion of the future, based on the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual purity and universal order ..."

Predictions of French Claws and Astrologer Maria Duval: "Among the World Depression, Russia is waiting for an exceptionally bright future and the Russians are treated with enviable fate - it is Russia the first one will get out of the crisis, firmly will be on his feet, will acquire a strong army, will continue to develop and even give money to many countries in Europe ... All humanity stands on The threshold of the birth of a new world, in which we are waiting for new inventions, including a drug from old age, which up to 140 years increases the life expectancy, and Russian scientists will play a key role in all of these discoveries and inventions and the Russian researchers. "

Clairvoyant Wang predicted In 1996: "A new person under the sign of a new teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life ... A new teaching will come from Russia - this is the most ancient and most true doctrine - will spread around the world and comes the day when all religions in the world disappear and will replace them. This is a new philosophical teaching of the fiery Bible - the universal world, order and harmony. Socialism will be back to Russia in a new form, where everyone will find what is expensive for him. In Russia, there will be large collective and cooperative agriculture, and the former Soviet Union will restore again, but the Union is already new, on a true spiritual basis and natural laws. Russia will fix and grow. It is not given to anyone to stop Russia, there is no such strength that could break Russia. Russia Everything will follow on its path, and will not only continue, but will also become the sole undivative "mistress of the world", and even America in the 2030s recognizes the complete superiority of Russia. Russia will again become a strong and mighty real empire, and will again be called the old ancient name - Rus. "

Clairvoyant Edgar Casey predprinted: "It will not have time to finish the 20th century, as the collapse of communism will come to the USSR, but Russia, who has been freed from communism is not progress, but a very heavy crisis. However, after 2010, the former USSR will soon be revived, but will be revived in a completely new form. It was Russia who will head the revived civilization of the Earth, and the center of this revival of the whole world and the new life will be Siberia. Through Russia, the rest of Russia will come by the hope of a lasting and just world. Each person will live for the sake of her neighbor. And this principle of life was born in Russia, but before he crystallizes, many years will be held. However, it is Russia that will present this hope to the whole world. The new leader of Russia for many years will be not known to anyone, but one day suddenly go into power. This will happen due to its knowledge of the laws of nature and the strength of new, completely unique technologies, which no one will not be to resist. And then he will take all the highest power of Russia in his hands and no one can withstand him. His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies about which the whole race of people dreamed throughout its existence, he will create unique new cars that will allow him and his associates to become fantastically strong and can almost like gods, and his intelligence will allow him to be His associates Almost immortal ... He will revive the religion of the mind and the monotheism and will create a culture based on good and justice. He himself and his new race will create worldwide the foci of a new culture and a new technological civilization ... His house, and his new race will be in southern Siberia ...«.

Astrological forecast of Astrologer Sergei Popova: "In 2011-2012, Uranus will come out of the sign of the fish, and Neptune will leave the Aquarius sign - this will end the period of" prosperity "of the current Russian oligarchic elite, new people will come to power in Russia, patriotically oriented and mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing Russia. Russia is a global development locomotive, pulling all the others, a monopoly will be transferred to the newest technologies, Russia is waiting for a "bright future" and a heyday period. It is to Russia that the center of world politics will be shown. "

"Who puts on the throne of the kings of earthly?writes about. John KronstadskyThe one who is one of eternity sits on the throne of fire, and one reigns over all the creation - heaven and earth ... the royal power is given to the land of him from him ... Therefore, the king, as the royal power received from the Lord ... must be autocraved. Calculate you, dreamy constitutionalists and parliamentarians! Get away from me, Satan! Only king is served by the Lord power, power, courage and wisdom to manage their subjects. "

"We have the prophecy of the greatest rash of God's St. Seraphim Sarovsky The fact that Russia, for the sake of the purity of Orthodoxy, is of the professionally, the Lord raises over all the troubles, and it will exist before the Lord of the Century, as a strong and glorious Power ... The Lord will restore Russia, and she will again become Great and will be the most powerful stronghold in the world for The coming struggle with the antichrist himself and all of his hordes. " (From the book "Russian ideology" of Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev)

St. Fauofan Poltavsky (Rector of St. Petersburg. The Spiritual Academy), wrote : "You ask me about the near future and about the upcoming recent times. I'm not talking about it from myself, but what I was open to the elders. The arrival of the antichrist is approaching and is already very close. But before his arrival - Russia should be reborn, although for a short time. The king will be there, elected by the Lord himself. And he will be a man of hot faith, deep mind and iron will. This is what it was open about it. And we will wait for the fulfillment of this revelation ... it is approaching. "

Prophecies of the 14th century Vasily Namina:"From the vague kingdom, 10 kings will rise. And after them, there will be a different person who is different from all the former rulers, they will be a sage and esoteric who owns secret knowledge, he was fatally sick, but himself completely healing - "Great Gonchar". He will publish the concept of a new state, built exclusively on an absolutely independent economy, based exclusively on self-sufficient principles. The Great Gonchar will come to the very top of the Russian authority when he personally complies with two top fives. With the "Great Gonchar" there will be an association of 15 leaders who will create a new great power. The state of Russia will be recreated in the new borders. "

The Supreme Governors of Russia, the Great Princes and the Tsari All-Russian, were aware of their responsibility to Christ - the king of the reigns, and they looked at himself as the servants of God: "A, therefore, — writes saint John Bishop Shanghai, — russian kings were not king "by the will of the people", but the kings of the "God's grace". "... if we want salvation and revival of Russia, — writes Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev, - That should be all over to ensure that, we again had an autocratic king of the Assanist of God, who, as the soul of the Russian people, will revive Russia, and it will again become great and glorious to all the enemies, on the happiness of their people. We will not be embarrassed by such a common opinion that the autocratic system in Russia as if already outlived. This opinion is aimed against the Holy Scriptures in order to destroy the saving on us influence. After all, the royal, autocratic power in Russia was founded on the words of the Holy Scriptures. And these words are the verbs of the eternal abdomen (Io. 6, 68) ".

Future king (leader) of Russia, who is he?

The future is part of the time line, many events that have not yet occurred, but will occur. Due to the fact that events are characterized by both time and place, the future occupies the area of \u200b\u200bthe space-time continuum.
Among the predictors of the future, such well-known personalities are allocated as Dmitry Silin; Great Russian Saints - Sergey Radonezh, Seraphim Sarovsky, Elder Optic Desert; Yurody - Vasily Blessed, Belomezersky Galaktion. Known prophecies about the future of Russia and the fate of her famous people of people of foreign monitants - Nostradamus, Vangi. There is no need to tell about all the prophecies, since among them there are already coming true and not related to modern Russia.
Let us dwell on the most interesting and important predictions for the future of Russia.

Particular attention should be paid to the predictions of the Bulgarian Justice of Vanga, who today have acquired a new meaning. Under life, many words of clairvoyant were incomprehensible to us. For example, at the end of the 20th century, no one could believe in the prediction of Vanga that Kursk will go under water. However, her words were simply incorrectly understood. In 2000, the submarine "Kursk" sank. After this event, Vanga's biographers began to relate more carefully to all its prophecies.
It is difficult to imagine that Vanga knew about the current events in Russia and in Ukraine in the second half of the last century. Biographer Vanga Boyka Tsvetkov unveiled one of the predictions of the Bulgarian propheted:
"Increasingly, people who will have eyes will have, and they will not see who will have ears, do they won't hear. Brother will go against his brother, mother will throw their children. "
In the 20th century, no one could think about what it was about. However, it is now all the words of Vanga acquire a clear meaning. The propheted spoke precisely about the situation in Ukraine. "Brother against Brother will go" - the confrontation of two sides in Ukraine. "People do not hear and do not see" - this is the West who sees and hears only what is profitable for him.
The following words of Vanga describe the result of everything that is happening: "What united, scatter on the pieces. It will be near Russia. " Now it is obvious that the Bulgarian clairvoyant then wanted to say - Ukraine broke off.

After Association of Russia and Crimea Many predictions of Vanga gained meaning. In 1979, the propheted said:
"Everything melts, as if ice. Only one will remain untouched - the glory of Russia, Glory Vladimir . Too much sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will meet everything in its path and become the Lord of the world. "
Another Wanta predicted that the Slavic peoples would unite. The ruler will come to power in Russia, which will unite all Slavic lands. This association will make the beginning of Russia's global domination and the termination of wars and interethnic conflicts.
According to Vanga predictions, Russia will become the dominant country. US influence will weaken. Moreover, Wang said that it will be broken in the economic crisis.

For the most part, psychics and priests are expressed about our country in praise tones, stating that the Russian Federation after 2016 expects the development and purposeful path to prosperity and strengthen its influence on the rest of the world.
So, for example, Paul Globa has repeatedly declared that with the arrival of this year, Russia will create a powerful union, which will include more than five countries of the former Soviet space. By the way, this confirmed the famous American political scientist George Friedman, who said that in 2015 the revival of the USSR began, after which a new round of the Cold War will begin between Russia and the United States.

According to the forecast of Paul Globa, for Russia 2016 will be the time of big changes associated with large shocks.
Dramatic events will develop in Ukraine, where in the spring of 2014 there was a split in Western and Eastern.
At the end of 2015, when Jupiter and Saturn will enter the Constellation of Aquarius, the time of associations and all sorts of integrations will come, the two countries will come out of the European Union, but the most global changes will occur in Russia, which will bring together some of the post-Soviet republics around them, and will take Your wing eastern part of Ukraine.
"The third wave of the crisis, which will be held in 2016 - 2020 will not be the hardest, but will affect the factors of human fatigue from life under conditions of constant stress. Only by the end of 2020, all of humanity with this crisis, which will receive the name "The Second Great Depression" is finally spreading, "the astrologer assures.
According to Pavel Globa, the end of the crisis is associated with the neighborhood of Jupiter and Saturn, which occurs once in 20 years and marks positive changes. Considering the fact that Jupiter will get close to Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius - the constellation associated with Russia indicates that it is Russia that by that time will revive his imperial power, there are the greatest chances to become a new world leader.

According to the astrologer, the post-crisis thirtieth anniversary of the 2020-2050 will be the time of the revival of Russia. At the same time, Pavel Globa referred to the works of the medieval Russian astrologer Vasily Necchini, who else was still to Nostradamus.
"To power in Russia in 2020-2021, a powerful, new personality, which Nemchin called" a rider on a white horse "will come. On its scale, this ruler will be comparable to Peter I. It will be high. What does "white horse" mean, I do not know. But maybe he will be born a year of the horse, "said Pavel Globa.
"The new leader will rule for a long time, but will leave an outstanding mark. It will change another great ruler, with whom the revival of Russian culture will be associated. Nonchina called him "Great Gonchar". And the revival of Russia will last at least 30 years, "Pavl Globa concluded.

Modern predictors see the future of Russia:
- The European Union - the beginning of the destruction of 2017 - 2221. Supports the authorities of the Central and Western Ukraine until 2018 from 2018 is forced to cooperate with Russia. At the end of the 2119th, Balticism goes to the zone of influence of Russia. From 2221, the Balkans go under the influence of Russia. 2226 - Germany and Poland join new economic education led by Russia.
- USA - from 2015 ceases to play the role of the world leader. The beginning of the collapse of the American colonial system. The dollar feels uncertain. Third (informational) World War ends. In the future there will be a small war with Mexico. End with US concessions. The English-language world gradually loses its dominant effect. It will continue in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Great Britain and Canada.
- China - support Russia in all endeavors and will strive for the unification of the economy. Leadership at the external stage will give Russia, while maintaining its individuality. Russia will preserve a positive, but a wary relationship.

- Japan - from the 2224th year to a new economic and political alliance. From the 26th of the year political contracts will be signed.
- India - from the 2221st year it is especially approaching with Russia.
- Islam. 2016 year; Active cooperation with Russia Syria, Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Afghanistan. In Pakistan, there will be mass riots in the late 20s and will be felt by the threat of war. In general, the Islamic world will boil, but there will be no global conflicts, with the exception of Pakistan.

The new leader of Ukraine will be shown by the end of 2018. The name of the country is "Ukraine", will be questioned. The leader will practice pro-Western values \u200b\u200band will create disasters more than the benefits of the people. By 2018, the year will be forced to cooperate with Russia.
- 2021 Active economic cooperation of the Scandinavian countries with Russia.
- 2022 Active economic cooperation with Russia of Central America.

- Dollar - Dollar Detalar will occur at the end of 2019. 2020th - the collapse of the US economy.
The disappearance of the dollar, and therefore the American debt per 100 trillion. Dollars will return to the Western economy with a real destructive boomerang, which will meet the remains of hope for economic stabilization, both in the West and in the East.

Only Russia with the countries from among the former republics of the USSR will have a normal economy. However, Russia will have to actually re-create its own currency system, based on its inconspicuous reserves of precious metals.
In addition to Russia, accumulating the reserves of precious metals will be the Arab-Muslim Union with the center in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which will rely on the reserves of ore gold in Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
Whether these predictions will come true, we have to find out quite soon, but it is impossible to disagree that almost all of them give hope for the best.

"Even the most prosperous outcome of the war will never lead to decay of Russia, which keeps on millions of believers of Russian Greek denominations.
These latter, even if they subsequently will be dispersed, just quickly will be connected to each other, how this path to each other disconnected mercury droplets.
This is an indestructible state of the Russian nation, highly with its climate, its spaces and its unpretentiousness, as well as through the awareness of the need for constant protection of its borders. This state, even after complete defeat, will remain our burden seeking to revenge the opponent. "

Otto von Bismarck

"The USA will shoot themselves in the leg. The country refuses to divide with someone his power. About 5-10 years old America is waiting for the largest collapse "

Jim Rogers. (American billionaire).

In 2015, in an interview, he said that he was going to invest in the ruble. Moreover, it believes more in the economy of Russia than in American.

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