The concept and procedure for determining material losses. Product losses Including

Material losses are losses caused by partial or complete loss of value characteristics in monetary terms. These two groups of losses are interrelated, but commodity losses are primary, and material losses are secondary, a consequence of commodity losses. Product losses are divided according to the type of lost characteristics of the product into two subgroups—quantitative and qualitative.

Qualitative (standardized) losses

Quantitative losses are a decrease in weight, volume, length and other quantitative characteristics of goods. Losses of this subgroup are caused by natural processes characteristic of a particular product that occur during storage and commodity processing. Therefore, in a number regulatory documents They are also called natural, and according to the order of write-off - normalized. Quantitative, or natural, losses are considered inevitable.


Represents the loss of working time caused by random, unforeseen circumstances. In direct measurement, labor losses are expressed in man-hours, man-days or simply hours of working time. The translation of labor losses into value, monetary terms is carried out by multiplying labor hours by the cost (price) of one hour.

Waste of time exists when the process of economic activity is slower than planned. Direct assessment of such losses is carried out in units of delay time in obtaining the intended result. The cost measurement of losses will be determined by loss of income.

Measures to prevent and reduce losses:

  • -- organizational (measures aimed at identifying the causes of losses in order to prevent them - preventive and current);
  • -- technological (measures to take into account internal environmental factors and regulate external environmental factors);
  • -- information (measures to ensure working personnel necessary information on the rules, standards and requirements established by regulatory and technological documents).

Soviet society considers severe injuries at work resulting from accidents as irreparable. At the same time, the material consequences of all these cases at our enterprises are fully taken into account.

In the report on an industrial accident in form N-1, clause 17 provides for accounting for these losses in the following volume: the number of days of incapacity for work; sick leave payment; the cost of damaged equipment and tools, materials and the cost of destroyed buildings and structures.

The listed volume of losses includes mainly losses caused directly by the accident. In reality, these losses are greater

Material losses (consequences) caused to society due to the employee's incapacity for work due to injury are made up of the following costs and losses: P1 - payment to the victim on a certificate of incapacity for work; P2 - the amount of the pension assigned to the victim in connection with the injury; P3 - the same, to close relatives of the victim in connection with the injury; P4 -- payment of benefits for the temporary transfer of workers to another job due to injury; P5 - compensation for damage to workers in case of partial loss of ability to work; P6 -- enterprise costs for vocational training workers hired to replace those who leave due to injury; P7 - other losses that are not taken into account in most cases, although sometimes they can be significant. As a result, the total material losses, rubles, will be

MP = P1+P2+P3+P4+P5+P6+P7

The aggregated calculation of total material losses based on the above formula is determined from the dependence

where Дв - loss of working time for victims with loss of ability to work for one or more working days, whose temporary disability ended in the reporting period (for the time period under study), days; Z—average daily wage of one worker, rub.; --a coefficient that takes into account all elements of material costs (payments for sick leave, pensions, etc.) in relation to wages (=1.5.„2.0).

The effectiveness of measures to improve working conditions and safety. Forecasting dropped injuries and occupational diseases

The assessment of the economic effectiveness of labor protection measures, according to “Determination of the effectiveness of measures to improve working conditions,” is carried out in the following areas: determination of material consequences - injuries; time spent when introducing measures to improve working conditions; a combination of the previous two methods.

For example, it is recommended to calculate the annual savings from improved working conditions (EWS), achieved by reducing losses associated with illness, due to the reduction in costs of both temporary disability and permanent disability according to the formula


where Ad and Ad are the amounts of losses from temporary disability before and after the implementation of measures to improve working conditions. The total losses from temporary disability are

where i is the loss of working time from temporary disability, di;

hi -- average daily underproduction in the i-th. year and calculation per worker, rub.;

Ni—average daily amount of sick leave benefits, rub.

The reduction in costs caused by permanent disability and constant withdrawal of workers from production is determined by the formula

Em = Vd - Vp

where Vd and Vc are the amounts of losses from permanent disability before and after improving working conditions. The total losses from permanent disability, leading to the constant withdrawal of workers from production, amount to

B = Lij (Hi + Wi + Ii + Zi)

where Lij is the number of years (j) not worked until retirement age by all persons who retired from production in i year;

Hi--average annual output per worker in the i-th year, rub.;

Wi—average annual pension for disabled people in the i-th year, rub.;

Ii -- average annual costs for training one employee to replace those who left production, rubles;

Zi -- the average amount of other costs and additional payments in connection with permanent disability and employee retirement from production, rub.

At the current level of development of scientific and technological progress, forecasting in the field of science, technology, and sectors of the national economy is a prerequisite.

Forecasting the level of injuries and occupational diseases aims to determine the further trend of its change based on the value of this level in the past and at the present time. This allows you to develop measures to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases, and plan the financing of these measures.

To predict the level of injuries and occupational diseases, one of the options can be to use the least squares method.

Let’s assume that some organization has statistical data on injuries or occupational diseases for a number of years t1, t2, …, tk. The intensity of injuries 1, 2, ..., k is also known.

Using this method, it is possible to construct a curve = (t), which is used to determine the value of the intensity of injuries in the subsequent period, i.e., for example, at time t.

Based on the expected injury rate, the probability of safe work can be determined exponentially

and compare it with the corresponding probabilities in subsequent years.

Interventions to further reduce the level of injury or occupational disease must be developed based on this probability. The possible incidence of illness with temporary disability per 100 workers under quite favorable working conditions in days is predicted using the formula

VUTb = (2.42 4 - 0.167x) 100

Where x--average age working, years

injury combustion explosion dusty

What safety measures are used when using cylinders with oxygen, acetylene, propane

The Second World War, which lasted six years, ended in a brilliant victory anti-Hitler coalition over fascist Germany and militaristic Japan. The territories of 40 states, mainly European, became the military theater.

The armed forces of the warring countries reached gigantic proportions: 110 million people were mobilized in the army, 40 million more than during the First World Imperialist War of 1914-1918.

In 1945, on the fields of Europe, the opposing forces had armies of 18 million people, 260 thousand guns and mortars, up to 40 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, more than 38 thousand aircraft 1.

It is impossible to accurately calculate the human and material losses in the Second World War. If in the First World War the losses amounted to 10 million killed and 20 million wounded, then in the last war the total number of dead alone was about 50 million people 2 . Especially great sacrifices The Soviet Union suffered in the war, losing more than 20 million of its sons and daughters.

A significant part of them are civilians, tortured by the Nazis. As a result of the Second World War, 21.245 million people lost their homes. 30 million homes were destroyed. The German occupiers caused enormous damage to the national economy of the USSR, barbarously destroying 1,710 cities, more than 70 thousand villages and villages, blowing up and destroying about 32 thousand industrial enterprises.

The fascist invaders destroyed and plundered 98 thousand collective farms, 1876 state farms and 2890 MTS. General material losses Soviet people V Patriotic War from direct destruction of property amounted to a huge amount - 679 billion rubles. The military expenses of the USSR for the war with Germany and Japan and the loss of income as a result of the occupation amounted to 1 trillion. 840 billion rubles, and in total the war cost the Soviet Union 2 trillion. 600 billion rubles 3.

The funds spent on waging the Second World War and the destruction caused by it amount to a gigantic figure - 4 trillion. USD Significant casualties English people in the second world war. Total losses suffered by England and British Empire, amount to 950,794 people, of which 357,116 people were killed 4. The US Armed Forces lost 405 thousand people killed in World War II, China - 10 million people, Poland - over 6 million, Yugoslavia - 1.706 million people 5 .

Millions of human lives could have been saved, and the war ended much faster, if the ruling circles of England and the United States had honestly fulfilled their allied obligations, fully and promptly combined their military efforts with the efforts of the Soviet people and other countries of the anti-fascist coalition in the joint struggle against Nazi Germany and its allies , provided great assistance to the Soviet country.

1 History of the Second World War 1939-1945, volume 8, p. 500.

2 History of the Great Patriotic War Soviet Union,

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The most severe consequences of fascist aggression for the Soviet Union are its casualties of both military personnel and civilians, amounting to a total of 26.6 million people 1. This figure was derived from extensive statistical research by demographers and subsequent work in the late 1980s) state commission to clarify human losses. It was published in rounded form (“almost 27 million people”) at a ceremonial meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 8, 1990, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War.

On the specified date demographic human losses (26.6 million people) include military personnel and partisans killed in battle, those who died from wounds and illnesses, those who died of hunger, those who died during bombing, artillery shelling and punitive actions, civilians, prisoners of war and underground fighters shot and tortured in concentration camps , as well as workers, peasants and employees who did not return to the country and were taken to hard labor in Germany and other countries.

Never before has our country faced such military casualties. Even during the combined eight-year period of the First World War (1914-1918) and the Civil War (1918-1922), with their deadly epidemics (typhoid, cholera, malaria and others), almost three times less - 10.3 million people 2. At the same time, the population decline in Russia during the First World War (demographic losses of military personnel and civilians) amounted to 4.5 million people. Similar decline in Civil War- 8 million people.

The number of our country's losses in World War II far exceeded the combined number of casualties suffered in the First World War and the Civil War. The fact is that the Great Patriotic War, like the Second World War as a whole, differed from all previous wars in its decisive goals on both sides, an unprecedentedly huge number of troops participating and a manifold increase in the destructive power of weapons and military equipment.

Moreover, the war was not reduced only to a confrontation between warring armies, as it was in the past. The Nazi invaders inflicted their deadly attacks on both troops and civilians, making no difference between the front and the rear, between military personnel and civilians. All this sharply increased the number of victims.

The scale of human losses in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War was determined by two methods - accounting and statistical And balance sheet.

The first of these is to estimate losses based on available accounting documents. This method was used to determine, in particular, the losses of personnel of the USSR Armed Forces, given in the following sections.

However, the accounting and statistical method cannot be applied to the assessment of many categories of civilian casualties due to the lack of necessary accounting and statistical materials. A full assessment of irretrievable human losses here can be obtained only by the demographic balance method, by comparing the size and age structure of the population of the USSR at the beginning and end of the war. This method was the basis for the work of the state commission to clarify human losses, which consisted of scientists, specialists from ministries and departments, and representatives of public organizations involved in demographic problems.

The total human losses calculated by the commission using the balance method include all those killed as a result of military and other enemy actions, those who died as a result of the increased mortality rate during the war in the occupied territory and in the rear, as well as persons who emigrated from the USSR during the war and did not return after its completion. The number of direct human losses did not include indirect losses: from a decrease in the birth rate during the war and increased mortality in the post-war years.

The calculation of losses using the balance method was carried out for the period from June 22, 1941 to December 31, 1945. The second boundary of the period was moved from the end of the war to the end of the year to take into account those who died from wounds in hospitals, the repatriation of prisoners of war and displaced civilians to the USSR population and repatriation from the USSR of citizens of other countries. Demographic balance involves comparing the number of populations within the same territorial boundaries. For calculations in this case, the borders of the USSR as of June 22, 1941 were taken.

The estimate of the population of the USSR as of June 22, 1941 was obtained by moving the results of the pre-war census of the country's population (January 17, 1939) to the indicated date, adjusting the number of births and deaths for the two and a half years that passed from the census to the attack of Nazi Germany. Thus, the population of the USSR in mid-1941 is determined to be 196.7 million people. At the end of 1945, this number was calculated by moving back the age data of the 1959 All-Union Census. In this case, updated statistics on population mortality and data on external migration for 1946-1958 were used. The calculation was made taking into account changes in the borders of the USSR after 1941. As a result, the population as of December 31, 1945 was determined to be 170.5 million people, of which 159.5 million were born before June 22, 1941, i.e. before the start of the war.

The total loss (killed, dead, missing and outside the country) during the war years amounted to 37.2 million people (the difference between 196.7 and 159.5 million people). However, this entire value cannot be attributed to human losses caused by the war, since in peacetime in 4.5 years the population would undergo natural decline due to normal mortality. If the mortality rate of the population of the USSR in 1941-1945. taken the same as in 1940, the number of deaths would be 11.9 million people. Subtracting this value, human losses among citizens born before the start of the war amount to 25.3 million people. To this figure it is necessary to add the losses of children born during the war and who died at the same time due to increased infant mortality (1.3 million people).

Table 10

Calculation of the number of human losses of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War (June 22, 1941 - December 31, 1945)

Note. The calculation was carried out by the Department of Demographic Statistics of the USSR State Statistics Committee during the work as part of a comprehensive commission to clarify the number of human losses of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War. (Source - Mobilization Directorate of the GOMU of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, no. 142, 1991, inventory No. 04504, sheet 250.)

As we can see, the number of losses is enormous. Thousands of citizens of our country died every day in battles at the front, died from bombs and shells in cities and populated areas front line. Hitler's executioners mercilessly destroyed our people as representatives of the “inferior race” in the gas chambers of death camps, sparing neither the elderly, nor women, nor children.

The war waged by the Nazis against the USSR was a war of extermination of entire peoples, primarily the Slavic, Russian population. “It is important for us Germans to weaken the Russian people to such an extent that they will not be able to prevent us from establishing German domination in Europe,” said one of the interpretations of the so-called General Plan Ost, the monstrous program document of Hitler’s genocide in the occupied territory of the USSR.


1 Demographic decline in the country's population as a result of the impact of war.

2 World War in numbers. M.-L., 1934; With. 31.

Civilian casualties

The destruction of the civilian population was carried out by the Nazis in the most sophisticated ways and means. For this purpose, methods of mass executions, the use of gas chambers, the use of cyclone gas and crematoria ovens in concentration death camps were worked out in advance, and the industrial disposal of the remains of millions of murdered people was established. A cadre of professional killers was trained to carry out criminal plans. The villainous rules of behavior on occupied land were instilled in every Wehrmacht soldier. For example, in one of the paragraphs “Memos German soldier“It was written: “You have no heart and nerves; they are not needed in war. Destroy pity and compassion in yourself, kill every Russian, don’t stop if there’s an old man or a woman, a girl or a boy in front of you. Kill, by doing so you will save yourself from death, secure the future of your family and become famous forever” 1 .

According to the plan of Hitler’s colonization and Germanization of the “eastern space”, not only Slavic peoples, but also other peoples living on the territory of the USSR. The most cruel attitude was towards the Jews, whom the Germans exterminated first of all, along with the communists. The criminal intentions of the Nazis also extended to Moldovans, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, etc.

Thus, the barbaric extermination of civilians in accordance with Hitler’s Ost plan was carried out in all republics of the USSR that were subject to enemy invasion. In total, more than 7.4 million civilians were deliberately exterminated in the occupied territory. Broken down by republic, this information is presented in Table. 11.

Table 11

The number of civilians of the Soviet Union deliberately exterminated in occupied territory

Notes. 1 Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Encyclopedia - M., 1985, p. 619.

2 Sociological research. 1991, No. 12, p. 7. (Data for children is incomplete).

3 Military History Journal, 1990, No. 6, p. 23.

4 Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Encyclopedia. - M., 1985, p. 398.

5 Ibid., p. 457, (this number does not include 240 thousand Jews and 25 thousand Gypsies, whom the Romanian fascists destroyed between the Dniester and the Bug with the complicity of the Nazis and Bandera).

6 This number does not include partisans and underground fighters, whom the Nazis, if captured, classified as prisoners of war.

Great damage to the Soviet population under occupation was caused by the forcible deportation of the most able-bodied part of it to hard labor in Germany and its neighboring industries. developed countries, who were also under German occupation. Soviet slaves were called there “ostarbeiters” (eastern workers). The number of abducted citizens for each republic is shown in table. 12.

Of the total number of Soviet citizens taken to work in Germany (5,269,513 people), after the end of the war, 2,654,100 people were repatriated to their homeland. They did not return for various reasons and became emigrants - 451,100 people. The remaining 2,164,313 people. died and died in fascist captivity. The reasons for the high mortality rate among ostarbeiters were hard labor, poor nutrition and cruel punishments for the slightest deviations from the camp regime.

Table 12

The number of people deported by the Nazis to work in Germany from the occupied territory of the USSR

Notes. 1 Military-historical magazine. 1991, no. 8, p. 28.

2 Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Encyclopedia. - M., 1985, p. 742.

3 Military-historical magazine. 1990, no. 6, p. 27.

4 Sociological research. 1991, No. 12, p. 9.

In addition to those killed at work in Germany, the total losses of the civilian population should include the deaths and deaths of civilians in the occupied territory. By the beginning of 1943, about 2 million square meters were under occupation. km of Soviet territory, on which, according to the USSR State Planning Committee, previously 88 million people lived 2.

During the organized and spontaneous evacuation, about 15 million people left for the east and were also drafted into the Armed Forces. At least 73 million people, or 37 percent of the total population of the USSR, which amounted to 196.7 million people on June 22, 1941, remained under the rule of German, Romanian, Hungarian and Finnish fascists.

For most of the occupied places, this nightmare period lasted 2-3 years. The invaders introduced strict labor conscription for Soviet citizens aged 18 to 45 years (for Jewish citizens - from 18 to 60 years old). Moreover, the working day, even in hazardous industries, lasted 14-16 hours a day. Persons who shied away from work were sent to hard labor prisons or to the gallows. Overwork, chronic hunger, as well as illness and lack of basic medical care led to the widespread death of tens and hundreds of thousands of people. According to available data, 8.5 million people died during the occupation for these reasons 3 .

If we subtract from this number the 6% population decline in the occupied areas, calculated for peacetime conditions and amounting to 4.4 million people, then the number of premature deaths from the brutal impact of the occupation regime will be no less than 4.1 million people. General summary data on the death of the civilian population of the USSR are given in table. 13, the indicators of which allow us to conclude that the number of civilians killed during the war years as a result of the Nazi occupation turned out to be more than half of all human victims of the Soviet Union (compare 13.7 million people and 26.6 million people). Consequently, all Soviet land captured by the Nazis was turned into a huge death camp. When the Red Army liberated the occupied territories, most of them were literally depopulated as a result of the unheard-of atrocities of the Nazis.

Table 13

Information on the number of civilian casualties of the USSR during the occupation

Note. * In addition to those killed in forced labor in Germany, the total losses of the civilian population include 451.1 thousand so-called defectors from the “Ostarbeiters” who, with the active participation of the military authorities of England, the USA and France, were recruited as cheap labor to the countries Western Europe, Latin America, to the USA and Australia and became emigrants (Sociological Research, 1991, No. 12, p. 10).

In addition to the victims associated with fascist terror, the brutal conditions of the occupation regime and the hijacking Soviet people During fascist slavery, the civilian population of the USSR suffered heavy losses from enemy combat in front-line areas, besieged and besieged cities. Thus, in Leningrad during the blockade (from September 1941 to January 1943), 641 thousand 4 died of hunger, and 17 thousand city residents died from enemy artillery shelling.

In Stalingrad, in August 1942 alone, more than 40 thousand people died during massive raids by fascist German aviation. civilian population 5.

The losses of civilians from the bombing of Sevastopol and Odessa, Kerch and Novorossiysk, Smolensk and Tula, Kharkov, Minsk and Murmansk are estimated in the tens of thousands.

Russia's human losses from the occupation regime are enormous. According to the available data given in table. 14, in only ten administrative entities of the Russian Federation the decline in the civilian population amounted to more than 3.9 million people.

If from the total population decline of the territories, regions and autonomous republics listed in table. 14 (“Population reduction” by 3.9 million people), exclude the number of Soviet citizens who returned from German hard labor after the end of the war (450 thousand people), and the number of Chechens evicted in 1944 from the North Caucasus to the eastern regions of the country , Ingush, Balkars, Kalmyks, Karachais and people of other nationalities (600 thousand people), not related to demographic losses, then as a result we get the total number of irretrievable losses of the civilian population in the ten specified administrative-territorial units - 2.85 million people. Approximately the same number of people were missing in the remaining 13 regions of Russia (according to the administrative-territorial division of the war years) that were subject to Hitler’s occupation (Leningrad, Pskov, Velikolukskaya, Smolensk, Bryansk, Kaluga, Novgorod, Kalinin, Oryol and others). Consequently, the barbaric actions of the Nazi invaders to exterminate the Soviet people, especially the Slavic peoples and primarily the Russians, claimed 5.7 million human lives in the Russian Federation alone. And if we add to this number almost 0.7 million more Leningrad residents who died and starved to death during the siege of the city, we get the final figure for irretrievable losses of the civilian population of Russia - 6.4 million people.

Table 14 6

Names of edges, regions,

autonomous republics

Population (thousand people)

Population decline (thousands of people)

before the occupation according to the 1939 census

after liberation from occupation


Krasnodar region

Stavropol region

Voronezh region

Kursk region

Rostov region

Stalingrad region

Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

Kalmyk ASSR

North Ossetian ASSR

Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

15 690,2

11 765,5

The decline was greatest in cities such as Voronezh, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don, and Stalingrad. For example, in Stalingrad and Voronezh, which the Nazis never managed to completely capture, the largest losses of the urban population are noted. In Stalingrad, by the time the enemy was expelled, only 12.2% remained, and in Voronezh - 19.8% of the pre-war population, the majority of which were disabled.

The lack of complete statistical materials on the types of civilian losses under consideration does not allow them to be shown with sufficient accuracy in all regions of the country that were subject to German occupation.

No also documentary information about the losses of paramilitary formations of various civilian departments (People's Commissariat of Railways, Communications, Sea and River Fleets, civil aviation of the defense construction department of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the NKVD of the USSR), about the losses of a number of people's militia formations, as well as fighter squads and battalions created in cities and regions .

Almost four years of fierce confrontation with Nazi Germany and its allies cost the peoples of the USSR dearly. The human losses and material damage suffered by the country from Nazi aggression are incomparable. History has never known such destruction, barbarity and inhumanity as marked the path of the Nazis across Soviet soil.


1 Collection of messages from the Extraordinary State Commission on the atrocities of the Nazi invaders. M., 1945. p. 7

2 Sociological research. 1991, No. 12, p. 4.

3 Sociological research. 1991, No. 12, p. 9.

4 Some studies talk about 800 thousand people who died in Leningrad during the siege. - (Germany’s war against the Soviet Union. 1941-1945. Berlin, 1992, p. 67).

5 Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Encyclopedia. - M., 1985, p. 401.

6 Kolesnik A.D. RSFSR during the Great Patriotic War. - M., 1982, p. 223.

Military casualties

The number of losses of Red Army personnel and Navy determined by the method of analysis and synthesis of reporting and statistical materials of the General Staff, reports of fronts, fleets, armies, military districts and the Central Military Medical Directorate. Other documents available in the archives of the Ministry of Defense, central state archives. Information about the losses of the border and internal troops of the NKVD was received from the Committee state security and the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The losses of troops of active fronts and armies, from which, due to the difficult operational situation, reports were not received by the General Staff, were determined by calculation.

The treacherous invasion of the multimillion-strong Hitlerite Wehrmacht into the territory of the USSR, its sudden cutting blows to Soviet troops, not brought into combat readiness, disrupted communications and control, leading to the fact that military headquarters sometimes had no time to account for losses. The poorly organized collection of reports under these conditions, and often the lack of any opportunity to report on the availability and expenditure of personnel, did not allow higher headquarters to accurately determine the true state of affairs in the front troops. Units and formations that were surrounded were not able to provide information about their position. Only during July-October 1941 were no reports received on the number of personnel and losses from 35 rifle divisions Southwestern Front, 16 divisions of the Western Front, 28 divisions and 3 brigades of the Southern Front, 5 divisions of the Bryansk Front and 1 division of the Reserve Front 1.

The total number of these troops alone, judging by their latest reports, amounted to 434 thousand people. In addition, a large number of tank, cavalry and other formations and individual units of front-line and army subordination did not submit reports during this period. Therefore, when determining the number of losses of formations and formations defeated by the enemy or found themselves surrounded, their latest reports on the payroll number of personnel, as well as archival materials of the German military command, were used.

The losses that were not accounted for as a result of this were classified as missing in action and included in the information of the corresponding fronts and individual armies that did not submit reports in the third and fourth quarters of 1941. Although the calculated data on the losses of these troops are not absolutely accurate, they generally give quite a real picture of the number of human losses, especially in the first strategic defensive operations.


1 TsAMO, f. 13-A, op. 3028, no. 2, l. 39, 43, 114, 115.

Irrevocable losses

As a result of the analysis and generalization of reports on the number of human losses, promptly taken into account by the headquarters of all instances and military medical institutions, it was established that during the years of the Great Patriotic War, including during the campaign Far East in 1945, irretrievable demographic losses Armed Forces of the USSR (killed, died from wounds and illnesses, died as a result of accidents, shot by verdicts of military tribunals, did not return from captivity) amounted to 8 million 668 thousand 400 registered military personnel.

This number did not include 500 thousand people liable for military service who were called up for mobilization in the first days of the war, but disappeared en route to military units. Some of them were captured by the enemy, some were killed in air raids, and many remained in the occupied territory.

Irreversible losses of military personnel from among the citizens of the RSFSR amounted to 6 million 537.1 thousand people, or 71.3% of the total losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

In terms of age, the victims of the war among the fallen were mainly the youngest and most capable people. There were more than 6.4 million of them in the total number of 8.7 million dead, those who died from wounds and illnesses and those who did not return from captivity.

Table 15

The procedure for calculating irretrievable losses of military personnel


Types of losses

Total losses (thousand people)


Red Army and Navy

border troops 1

internal troops

Killed and died from wounds during the stages of sanitary evacuation (according to troop reports)

Died from wounds in hospitals (according to reports from medical institutions)

Non-combat losses: died from disease, died as a result of accidents, sentenced to death (according to reports from troops, medical institutions, military tribunals)

Missing in action, captured (according to reports from troops and information from repatriation authorities)

Unaccounted losses of the first months of the war (died, missing in action in troops that did not submit reports)

Total military casualties

11 285,0

In addition, those liable for military service, called up for mobilization, but not yet included in the lists of troops, went missing (on the way to military units)

Excluded from deadweight losses (total)

Of these: - military personnel who were previously surrounded and registered at the beginning of the war as missing in action (re-conscripted into the army in the liberated territory)

Soviet military personnel returning from captivity after the war (according to repatriation authorities)

Irreversible loss of personnel

Notes. 1 Including troops and state security agencies.

2 Included in the total losses of the country’s population (26.6 million people).

Table 16

Irretrievable losses by age

Every nation has suffered great irreparable losses. These were representatives of all nationalities and nationalities inhabiting the Soviet Union, while 2/3 of the fallen soldiers were Russians.

Table 17

Irreversible losses by national composition

Number of losses (thousand people)

Nationality of the dead soldiers

Number of losses (thousand people)

% of the total number of irretrievable losses (8,668,400 people)



Peoples of Dagestan


Kabardians and Balkars


Chechens and Ingush


Czechs, Slovaks



Other nationalities


Notes. 1. In the form of a nominal list established by the Table of Urgent Reports for the dead, dead, missing and captured, no indication of nationality was provided. The information on losses by national composition given in the table was obtained using proportionality coefficients (in percentages), which were calculated on the basis of reports on the payroll number of Red Army military personnel by socio-demographic characteristics as of January 1, 1943, 1944 and 1945. (TsAMO, f. 13-A, op. 3029, no. 130, 227,229, 276.)

2. It was not possible to establish the national composition of the 500 thousand conscripts called up for mobilization who went missing along the route in units not included here.

As we can see from the table, the Russian nation suffered the greatest losses. At the ceremonial reception in the Kremlin, held on May 24, 1945, toasts were heard in honor of the Soviet soldiers who defeated the fascist aggressor, all frontline workers and

rear. Highly appreciating the contribution of all nations of the Soviet Union to achieving Victory, I.V. Stalin proposed a toast to the health of the Soviet people, and above all to the health of the Russian people, because they are the most outstanding nation of all the nations that make up the Soviet Union. “The Russian people,” he said, “earned in this war general recognition as the leading force of the Soviet Union among all the peoples of our country. He has a clear mind, persistent character and patience...” The trust of the Russian people in the Soviet government, according to I.V. Stalin turned out to be the decisive force that ensured the historic victory over the enemy of humanity - over fascism.

Losses among women and civilians forms of reporting documents (Form No. 8/OD, Order No. 023 of NKO No. 023 of 02/04/1944) were not highlighted in a separate line, therefore the number of dead, dead and missing female military personnel was shown in the columns corresponding to their military ranks, along with the losses of all military personnel, and civilian personnel were shown in the “private” column. For this reason, researchers, unfortunately, were not able to determine the exact number of losses among this category of people. They are included in the total number of military casualties.

According to reports from military districts on the number of notifications handed over by military commissariats to relatives of the dead and dead, 94,662 workers and civilian employees were included in the losses for the entire period of the war.

Of these: killed - 42,627 people,

Died from wounds - 10,491 people,

Died from diseases and as a result of accidents - 5960 people,

Missing - 32,083 people,

Died in captivity - 3501 people.

Information on the losses of civilian personnel who were in special formations of various civil departments (railway and water transport, communications, healthcare, hydrometeorological service and others), as well as partisan detachments, did not introduce themselves to the General Staff.

All losses of these departments were included in the total human losses of the country (26.6 million people).

In 1993-1995 in the regions, territories and republics of the country, a lot of work was carried out to identify and name all those killed and missing during the Great Patriotic War, including militias, partisans and underground fighters, specialists in sea, river, railway and road transport, healthcare and communications workers who served in special formations of various departments. This made it possible to restore many new names of the fallen and name them all by name in the books of Memory, who, like soldiers in battle, in the performance of their official and patriotic duty, gave their lives in the name of saving the Motherland.

In order to bring calculations and estimates of the actual loss of personnel from service as close as possible to reliability during the period of hostilities, in the future, when comparing and analyzing the scale of losses by quarter, year, period and other indicators, the maximum number of irretrievable losses indicated in the 15th table was accepted (11,444.1 thousand people), taken into account promptly during the war. Based on this, all subsequent calculations of quantitative and percentage losses were made. Thus, by type, irrecoverable losses will be characterized by the following indicators (Tables 18 and 19).

Table 18

Total irretrievable losses of the Red Army and Navy on the Soviet-German front and in the war with Japan

If we analyze losses only in the war with Japan, then this ratio will look slightly different (Table 19). During 25 days of fighting in the East (from August 9 to September 2, 1945), the troops of the three eastern fronts and the forces of the Pacific Fleet lost 12 thousand people, of whom more than 80% were killed or died from wounds.

Table 19

The characteristics of the Navy, as well as the specifics of the tasks it performs, were also reflected in the nature of the losses suffered by ships and fleet units. If in the ground forces most of the losses are accounted for by those killed and those who died from wounds, then in the navy this ratio looks different. Here the number of missing people exceeds the number of dead by two times (Table 20). These are mainly the crews of ships and aircraft that did not return from a combat mission, about whose fate there was no information.

IN recent years, thanks a lot research work members of the United Council of Veteran Submariners of the Navy (St. Petersburg) G. Gavrilenko, F. Dmitriev, I. Kautsky, the names of many submariners who were previously listed as missing were resurrected. The mournful list of names of 3,632 people buried at the bottom of the sea of ​​all four fleets has been clarified, and the coordinates of the death of 96 submarines that participated in military campaigns have been clarified. The results of the research are reflected in the Book of Memory under the general editorship of V. Kozlov. 1 The search work of veteran submariners continues.

Table 20

Irreversible losses of the Navy on the Soviet-German front (from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945) and in the war with Japan (from August 9, 1945 to September 2, 1945)

Concluding the analysis of the total number of irretrievable losses, it should be noted that during the preparation of this work, the books of military registration and enlistment offices were also studied for recording notices received from the troops or the Office for Personal Accounting of Losses of NPOs for delivery to relatives for dead, deceased and missing military personnel. 12 million 400.9 thousand notices are registered in these books. This figure adds another 956.8 thousand people to the total losses recorded promptly (11 million 444.1 thousand people). The discrepancy in numbers is explained, as the study showed, by several reasons.

Firstly, in the registration books of military registration and enlistment offices (at the place of conscription of military personnel or residence of relatives) all notifications are registered, including those received at the request of relatives and friends from the Office for Personal Accounting of Losses and for those who were in the people's militia, in partisan detachments, extermination battalions of cities and districts, in special formations of other departments, from which reports on numbers and losses were not submitted to the General Staff. The losses of these formations were included in the total number of human losses in the country (26.6 million people). Those liable for military service who were called up for mobilization and who went missing before their arrival at military units are also taken into account in the books of military registration and enlistment offices.

Secondly, There was often duplication of registration of notifications for the dead (missing), when two or more notifications with appropriate registration were sent to different military registration and enlistment offices for the same person (at the request of relatives, in connection with their evacuation, relocation).

Thirdly, Military registration and enlistment offices do not exclude from the books of registration of notifications those military personnel who were found to be alive and who were previously registered as missing in action.

These circumstances led to an overestimation of the number of casualties recorded by military commissariats. Based on this, the authors took as a basis only reports from the troops and other archival documents.


1 Independent Military Review, No. 41, 2007.

Sanitary losses

In a fierce war with German fascist invaders Along with irrevocable losses, there were also huge sanitary losses among military personnel.

According to reports from fronts, fleets, individual armies and flotillas, the sanitary losses of our troops (forces) amounted to 18,344,148 people, including 15,205,592 wounded, shell-shocked and burned, 3,047,675 sick and 90,881 people. frostbitten.

However, as military medical statistics show, the scale of these losses was significantly greater. In total, during the period from June 22, 1941 to September 1945, 22,326,905 people were hospitalized in medical institutions of all types (of which by war year, Table 21).

Table 21

The excess in the number of sanitary losses recorded by military medical institutions (Tables 21, 22 and 23) was due to the number of sick people (4593.6 thousand more than in troop reports). This can be explained by the fact that the number of sanitary losses includes all sick personnel, including those admitted to medical institutions from troops (forces) that did not take part in hostilities, from military echelons and marching units that were en route to the front, as well as from military formations of civilian departments, formations and units of the people's militia, partisan detachments and other units and institutions that did not submit reports on the number and losses of their formations to the General Staff.

The discrepancy in the number of wounded, shell-shocked and frostbitten (and, according to the troops, there are more of them than are taken into account in hospitals) could be due to the fact that a significant part of the wounded, after treatment at regimental and divisional medical centers, remained in service and were not included in the lists of units. was excluded.

When calculating and analyzing sanitary losses, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that a large number of military personnel were wounded (shell-shocked) from two to seven times during their stay at the front and, therefore, were repeatedly shown in loss reports. Therefore, a repeated count (as already mentioned in the preface) is possible not only among the wounded, but also in general when counting all combat losses. If, for example, a serviceman returned to duty after being wounded, but then died, then he will be counted in combat losses twice: first as wounded, and then as killed.

To complete the picture, consider the following military medical statistics. After the end of the war (as of October 1, 1945) in Soviet Army only among those remaining on military service, more than a million military personnel were taken into account who had several combat wounds and therefore were repeatedly treated in hospitals.

From the table 22 shows that 1,191,298 military personnel who received two or more wounds are shown in the generalized information on the number of sanitary losses as 3,035,936, that is, on average, each of them is included in the number of wounded 2.5 times. Since, of the total number of those who received two or more wounds at the front, most likely only a small part remained in the ranks by October 1, 1945, there is reason to assume that in fact during the war not 15,205,592 military personnel were wounded, but much less. This applies equally to those who are sick.

Table 22

Number of military personnel who received multiple injuries

Number of wounds

Number of military personnel who received repeated wounds


Included in the number of wounded






1191 298

3 035 936

1 wound

Military medical statistics show that of the wounded, shell-shocked and frostbitten who were admitted to medical institutions throughout the war for treatment, 71.7% were returned to duty, 20.8% were declared unfit for service and dismissed from the army with exclusion from military registration or on long-term leave due to injury and illness, and about 7.5% died. At the same time, the number of deaths in hospitals is taken into account both in sanitary and in general irretrievable losses.

Table 23

Sanitary losses by type and outcome of treatment (taking into account the war with Japan)

Types of losses and treatment outcomes

Number of cases

Wounded, shell-shocked, burned and frostbite (total)

14 685 593

of which: - returned to service

Dismissed with deregistration or placed on leave due to injury

Died *

Sick (total)

7 641 312

of which: - returned to service

Dismissed with deregistration or placed on sick leave

Died **

Total hospitalized

22 326 905 ***

of which: - returned to service

Dismissed with deregistration or sent on leave due to injury (illness)

Notes. * Included in the number of irretrievable combat losses in the column “Died from wounds in hospitals” with the exception of deceased military personnel of the border and internal troops (see Table 18).

** Included in non-refundable non-combat losses(see table 18).

*** In the future, when assessing the scale of losses by year, period of war, strategic operations and fronts, the number of sanitary losses obtained from troop reports (18,344,148) will be taken as a basis.

Table 24

Analysis of military personnel injuries based on more than 14 million medical histories

Table 25

Average length of stay in medical institutions for the wounded and sick

The huge number of sanitary losses shows how difficult the work of medical workers at the front and rear was. More than 22 million military personnel and civilians passed through their caring hands. Their great merit, first of all, is that over 17 million battle-wounded and sick people were returned to duty. And of the wounded, after recovery, more than 10.5 million people continued to fight the enemy.

Colonel General of the Medical Service E.I. Smirnov, during the war years the head of the Main Military Sanitary Directorate of the Red Army, rightly writes in his book “Front Mercy” that “military medicine, from a service of caring for those wounded in battles and sick in past wars, has turned into one of the main sources of replenishing the active army with experienced in combat terms by soldiers and officers returned to duty after treatment.”

Here it is appropriate to emphasize the enormous amount of work carried out to create an extensive network of army, front-line and rear hospitals to provide medical care to the wounded and their effective treatment. In the rear of the country alone, healthcare authorities of the union and autonomous republics, regional, regional and city Councils of Workers' Deputies formed rear hospitals with almost 1 million beds. An army of 700,000 doctors and paramedical personnel, as well as orderlies, porters, and medical instructors at the front and in the rear, was busy rescuing the wounded and restoring their health 1 . The work of people in this noble profession is highly appreciated by the Motherland. 8 medical battalions, 39 military hospitals were awarded orders, over 116 thousand doctors and more than 30 thousand other healthcare workers received orders and medals, and 47 doctors were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union 2.

Many true heroes among medical workers remain unknown. Some died saving the wounded, others, along with their hospitals, were surrounded and captured by the Nazis, others disappeared unknown in the occupied territory during the retreat of our troops.

The personnel of army and front-line hospitals and the wounded and sick who were treated there often, especially in the initial period of the war, found themselves victims of capture and destruction by the enemy.

Thus, out of more than 6 thousand hospitals formed during the war:

Captured by the enemy and listed as dead.................117

Suffered heavy losses when leaving the encirclement and were disbanded....... 17

Missing in action during hostilities................14

Fate is not established (accounting documents do not contain information about their activities from a certain time)................................... .............79

Total................................................... ...........................227 3


1 Smirnov E.I. Frontline mercy. - M., 1991. P. 98.

3 TsAMO. Card index of the Military Medical Museum for hospital records

Overall loss estimate

Returning to the analysis of the total number of casualties of the army and navy, it should be noted that the statistical information available about them allows us to quite reliably estimate the loss of personnel, taken into account promptly by years and periods of the war, campaigns, strategic operations, battles and individual battles.

Upon careful examination of the table. 26 presents an objective picture of the scale of our losses during the war years. Dispassionate statistics recall the first heroic, and more often tragic, days, the difficult situation in which the defenders of the Motherland had to fight in the memorable 1941. These are bloody battles with an enemy superior in numbers and weapons at the border, the defense of the Brest Fortress, the first successful counterattacks, desperate attempts escape from encirclement and captivity. Irreversible and sanitary losses for six months and nine days

1941 amounted to 4 million 473 thousand 820 people. Of these, 465.4 thousand people were killed and died during the sanitary evacuation stages, 101.5 thousand people died from wounds in hospitals, died from illnesses, died as a result of accidents, etc. - 235.3 thousand people, missing and captured - 2335.5 thousand people, wounded, shell-shocked - 1256.4 thousand people, sick 66.1 thousand people, frostbite - 13, 6 thousand people The percentage (52.2% of total losses) of missing and captured people is especially high.

The irretrievable losses were no less in 1942. The table reinforces this conclusion. Fascist troops continued their offensive. The organized resistance of Soviet soldiers also increased. The enemy suffered his first major defeat near Moscow. The high intensity of hostilities is reflected in the number of irretrievable losses this year - 3258.2 thousand and sanitary losses - 4111.1 thousand people.

About scope major battles, which were led by the Red Army, expelling the fascist invaders from native land, the table shows data on the number of losses by quarter in subsequent years. And in total during the Great Patriotic War (including the campaign in the Far East), the irretrievable losses of the army and navy amounted to 11 million 285 thousand and sanitary losses (according to reports from the troops) - 18 million 344 thousand people.

How irretrievable and sanitary losses were distributed by category of military personnel can be seen from the table. 27 and 28. If all losses are taken as 100%, then officers among them make up 7.68%, sergeants - 17.62%, soldiers - 74.70%. The greatest losses fell on the rank and file.

Table 27, showing the number of losses by type, and a graph of the ratio of losses by quarter, year and period of the war (Table 29), characterize the difficult front-line situation throughout the war. Losses increase or decrease strictly depending on the intensity of hostilities at the front. If you follow the line indicating the percentage of missing persons and captured, then it began from its apogee in 1941. The sudden attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR put the Soviet Armed Forces in the most difficult conditions. The border military districts immediately lost the bulk of their people. Poorly organized accounting of losses, and often the absence of any opportunity to report them, did not allow higher headquarters to accurately determine the true state of affairs in the front troops.

Table 26

Red Army and Navy by types, quarters and years of war


Irrevocable losses

killed and died during the sanitary evacuation stages

Died from wounds in hospitals

died from illnesses, died as a result of accidents

missing, captured








Total for the war with Germany


Far East Campaign



End of table 26


Sanitary losses


wounded, shell-shocked, burned

got sick









Total for the war with Germany




Far East Campaign





Table 27


Red Army and Navy by categories of military personnel, quarters and years of war


Irrevocable losses









Total for the war


Far East Campaign



17,62 %




17,62 %

End of table 27















Total for the war

Far East Campaign

74,89 %



17,62 %




Notes to tables 26 and 27. 1. Losses suffered during the period from June 22 to June 30, 1941 are included in the third quarter of 1941, and from April 1 to May 9, 1945 and later (in battles with the remnants of fascist troops and various gangs), as well as the dead from wounds in hospitals during the period May - July 1945 - included in the second quarter of 1945.

2. Military personnel who did not have officer ranks, but held officer positions, are represented among the sergeants, and workers and employees (civilian personnel) are among the soldiers.

3. Among the irretrievable losses, all those who died from wounds and diseases are shown both at the stages of sanitary evacuation and in hospitals. They are also taken into account in sanitary losses

Units that were surrounded often did not provide information about their position. Many killed on the battlefield were considered missing or not accounted for at all. This was the general picture in the first months of the war. Subsequently, with some stabilization of the front, the number of missing people and prisoners decreased noticeably and reached 10% of total losses by the first quarter of 1942. This is followed by a series of unsuccessful defensive operations and again the number of prisoners and missing in action reaches almost 35%. By the end of the year, this figure drops and then becomes minimal until the end of the war.

A clear reflection of the events at the front is also the number of wounded, shell-shocked, and burned. In percentage terms, this indicator has always been high. But it especially increased in the summer of 1943, reaching 65% of all losses. It is known that at this time there were fierce battles in the Kursk region. The fascist German command tried here to take revenge for Stalingrad. But also in Battle of Kursk The enemy troops were defeated. Both sides suffered heavy losses. The number of those killed and those who died from wounds in our troops in the third quarter of 1943 rose to almost 20%.

It is also clear that with a decrease in the activity of hostilities, the number of wounded and killed decreases, but the number of sick and frostbite increases. This figure reaches its peak in the second quarter of 1943 (about 35%), when there was some calm at the front. A similar relationship also persisted in 1944 and 1945.

The change in the number of losses (for each type), displayed graphically in table. 29, confirms the direct relationship between these indicators and the situation on the fronts in a particular campaign, in a particular period of the Great Patriotic War.

Table 30 makes it possible to see the ratio of irretrievable and sanitary losses by year of war.

In 1941, our troops fought fierce defensive battles, retreated, and often found themselves surrounded. This explains the high percentage (27.8%) of irretrievable and relatively low (7.3%) sanitary losses. Of course, sanitary losses were also large, but it is impossible to completely take them into account. Many wounded remained on the battlefield occupied by the enemy and were among the missing. That is why the columns in the table are different sizes - indicators of types of losses.

This ratio changed significantly in 1942. The irretrievable losses were still high (28.9%). However, the number of ambulances increased, although at the beginning of the year a significant part of the wounded were also among the missing.

Irreversible losses decreased somewhat in 1943, largely due to a decrease in the number of missing persons and those captured. The evacuation of the wounded was carried out in a more organized manner. Accounting has become better and more complete, including in medical institutions. Sanitary losses increased to 30.2%.

1944 - the time of offensive battles, major battles of the Red Army. Over this year, irretrievable losses have decreased, but sanitary losses have remained almost twice as high. Approximately the same ratio remained in 1945.

Table 28

Ratio of average monthly strength and losses of the Red Army and Navy by category of military personnel

Average monthly number

All losses

Sanitary losses

Irrevocable losses

Table 29

The ratio of losses of the Red Army and the Navy by their types, quarters, years and periods of the war
(as a percentage of the total number of losses)

Table 30

The ratio of irretrievable and sanitary losses by year of war

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