Positive feedback. Faculty of part-time (evening) studies How many students study at Myfi

Considering the high competition for admission to free training, NRNU MEPhI provides the opportunity paid training according to the same programs in all specialties and specializations.

Enrollment in paid training is subject to a separate competition. For applicants entering paid education, the same set of tests is established as for budget education.

Paid education is possible in the following areas:

  • direction 03/09/03 " Applied computer science", profile "Applied Informatics in Economics", qualification - bachelor,
  • master's degree
  • direction 38.03.02 "Management", profile "Management technological innovation", qualification – bachelor
  • direction 38.04.02 "Management", program "Economics and management of knowledge-intensive industries", master's qualification
  • direction 38.03.05 "Business Informatics", profile "Technological Entrepreneurship", qualification bachelor, master

For graduates of specialized colleges - training in an accelerated program.

2. Economic- faculty "Management and Economics of High Technologies"("U")

If you want to enroll in a technical specialty at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, but did not pass the competition, you can come and study in your chosen specialty for a fee.

Students of paid education, like all students, receive a deferment from military service and can study according to the program military department NRNU MEPhI and receive the rank of reserve officer (on a competitive basis).


Citizens with secondary, specialized secondary or vocational education, as well as persons with incomplete and completed higher education are accepted for paid training.

Depending on the direction and form of study, the cost of paid training is from 30 to 100 thousand rubles per semester.

In paid forms, the duration of training is from three to five and a half years, depending on the initial training.

All graduates of paid forms of education receive the same diploma from NRNU MEPhI about higher education state standard, as those who completed training on a budgetary basis.

Hi all!

I graduated from MEPhI in 2012 and would like to give advice to current applicants.

Before applying to this university, think again and adequately assess the current situation. That is, pay attention to latest news, on who the rector and senior management of MEPhI are. Compare this university with top universities in Moscow.

(MIPT - if you are interested in physics or mathematics, MSU Mechanics and Mathematics or HSE Faculty of Mathematics - if you are interested in mathematics, MSU VMK - if computer science or mathematics).

At the end, give yourself an answer to the question, is it worth spending 4 years studying at this university? Or is it better to choose something better with more adequate guidance and more modern programs?

The main reasons why you should not come here:

P.S. I really regret that I didn’t do all this and entered here 6 years ago.

The teachers are terrible, and so is their attitude towards students.

Boorish university! Don't let talented children from the regions go there! I was convinced from my own experience!

By studying at MEPhI, you risk losing your health, because the situation inside this university is extremely negative. Inadequate teachers and the dean's office can seriously damage your nervous system.

I can’t help but leave a review about the MEPhI evening faculty! He lives a separate life and perhaps everything said below does not apply to diaries. I graduated from the evening faculty with a degree in Nuclear Physics and Technology. I have always had a passion for physics, especially everything related to the broad field of nuclear physics. Therefore, in the first 3 years I was absolutely not interested, such disciplines as mathematical analysis, differential equations, linear algebra, mechanics, etc. After a regular school, without an emphasis on mathematics, all this seems like a dense forest, and not a single teacher is absolutely interested in actually conveying anything to students. Some did not even want to answer questions, and if they did, it was with an extreme degree of irritation. It was clearly evident that the teachers came here to defend and rattle off the material. Perhaps it's like that everywhere. Perhaps most people will say - What did you want? But, as a fact, 90% of students do not like this situation; they are discouraged from understanding the subject. He would be happy to figure it out, but someone clearly set a goal for the teacher to tell the already complex material in the MAXIMUM way and in an alien language. As a result, after 3 years of training, there are huge gaps in knowledge that will be superimposed on new material and then they happily fall into nowhere, through these huge holes in the general lattice of knowledge.

You can object, they say, fill in these gaps yourself, a university is primarily about self-education! Nobody argues. Only I would look at you when you open the book and there is not a single saving note in the form of letters or explanations. Just solid "symbols". Landau, Lifshits - hello. It is not always possible to understand the “technical literature” without outside help. Besides, this is an evening faculty! This means that from morning to evening you work, and at 18:00 you run headlong to the university so that in the next 4 hours you try to understand at least something and expand your knowledge about this world. Therefore, I really ask everyone who is thinking about entering the evening faculty of MEPhI, and does not have the opportunity not to work, do not go! I beg you! This may not be a waste of time, but with a 90% probability you WILL NOT BECOME a specialist upon graduation! Think for yourself, you study 4 hours 5 days a week. One incredibly difficult subject, just once a week for 2 hours?! Independent work almost excluded, you are at work most of your non-study time. The maximum you have time for on weekends is to do homework, prepare for the laboratory. All. This is not enough if you want to be an expert in such a field.

After the third year, everyone thought, well, finally now there will be something interesting and close to the specialty. But, alas. It is correct that they write here that the crumbs they give are long outdated. The evening faculty does not move with the times. They don’t talk about new technologies, they don’t teach them to think in such a way that future specialists can solve current issues. The team of teachers with Kartsev supervising us is doing everything so that future would-be specialists do not understand the “old” topics close to the specialty. So that you understand, everything that we were told about the structure of a nuclear reactor and the processing of nuclear waste was 2-3 minutes of dry text in the middle of the lecture. Specialty - nuclear physics and technology. Wonderful. Yes, I learned more from Wikipedia than from the teacher.

In general, even in the 5th year there is no practice for you, you have received your diplomas, go work as a sales manager. I would really like the future applicant to carefully weigh everything. I didn’t think that he was different, he has better knowledge than the author of this review. I also studied excellently at school, I also thought that I could get everything I needed out of 4 hours a day. But, alas. At the moment, I have a MEPhI diploma, and it’s a waste of time. I’m going to re-study as a full-time student at another university.


The evening department is absolutely pointless for those applicants who go after school. I beg you, don't waste your time! Perhaps it is useful for those who are going to a second higher education.

We had a girl who worked in a good position in the field nuclear energy. Everything turned out great. But, just like me, I am dissatisfied with the results of the training.

That is, you can come for the crust. For knowledge, go in the other direction. Or, for full-time, full-time education.

There are students sitting in the admissions committee who cannot answer anything clearly. Meanwhile, the Chairman simply brilliantly came up with the idea of ​​not issuing orders for enrollment (neither on time nor after, no order, no problem), which all law-abiding “dummies” expect Unified State Exam results. As a result, four students were enrolled on the budget, and the rest budget places sold. As they explained, they are not published in the interests of national security. No matter how hard they try to defeat corruption, MEPhI is “too short.” Well done rector, don’t be afraid, take it while it lasts!

P/S. it seems that honest people died out BC. e. , and non-humans will live forever.

Neutral reviews

Learning is difficult, but interesting. MEPhI - great school life, although for those who expect that gaps in school knowledge will be filled here, then this is not the place for you. So, you will have to seriously engage in self-education, otherwise you will not stay here long. And to all sincere connoisseurs of physics and mathematics, please. ;)

There are many pros and cons, but one strikes me the most. Complete disregard for the rules - both by teachers and administration.

I am especially pleased with the teaching of computer science at CIB - this is a specialized subject, however, starting from the first semester:

  • there will be no lectures. Malkin should have read them, but he's too lazy
  • there will be no seminars... either. Also Malkin, also lazy. You can cancel the seminar a couple of hours before it starts - this is before the first class. Write about this in your contact, turn off your phone.
  • labs are a real casino. If you're lucky, you'll pass it, they won't even ask you to show the code. If you're unlucky, there will be a lot of demands to do something else that isn't in the lab description. Then they won’t check it yet.
  • 3rd semester test - song. According to the schedule there is one teacher, in fact there are three others. The name in the records is from the officially appointed one, the signature is someone else’s. Half of the teachers leave the exam after serving barely half of it. “At the movies,” as one honestly admitted. The remaining one - the same Malkin - quickly, without reading the answers to the tickets, disperses the people - all 3, pass. The last 5 unlucky ones remain for a retake.

In general - not about computer science, not only about CIB - the discrepancy between official data and real data is the norm. In the schedule on the stand there is one teacher, in reality - another, on the website - there is no schedule, in personal account- in general the summer session (under New Year, yes).

In general, some kind of widespread, blatant disregard for any discipline of the process. It's a shame - after all, there is a lot of good things, but the impression is spoiled...

Positive Feedback

I love MEPhI! I confess to you, honestly, honestly, without hesitation, and teachers, like salt and pepper, complement the food of knowledge.

I really appreciated that I entered here once, albeit with great effort. Thanks to hard work and interest in science, study, education and self-improvement, I understand how much awaits me ahead after MEPhI. No university provides so much knowledge and skills in practice, no one trains personnel who could then work in various narrower areas of their profession, for which after MEPhI they are 100% ready! I feel how I am developing, how interesting it is for me here, how much there is to express myself, learn something, and the attitude of the teachers is very good!

I'm proud to be a MYTHIST!

Studying is really very difficult. The first year is shock therapy, then you get used to it, and so much so that you can no longer forget your home university. They really teach you a lot. You will still be a specialist! Many, indeed, go abroad, become scientists, engineers and programmers in large companies; by the age of 30, many, almost all are already bosses and managers with a salary of about a hundred)

Graduated in 2014 with a nuclear specialty. During my studies I encountered both good sides MEPhI, and with the bad ones. In my opinion, the positive aspects outweigh.

Junior courses are full of good physics and mathematics preparation. In engineering specialties, there is also a quite acceptable number of engineering disciplines: engineering graphics, strength of materials, machine parts, etc. The main thing is that there are quite enough of them so that in the future there will be no problems simply reading a drawing, but not so many that they are forced out of the program physics and theory physics, without which you can’t do anything in senior years.

The best thing about MEPhI is what they teach in senior years at the departments. For nuclear specialties (neutron scientists, thermophysicists), there are quite suitable courses on both the basics of reactor theory and the thermal hydraulics of installations. As a result, this database is enough to open any reference book and understand how and what works.

Great emphasis is placed on scientific work in senior years. Many undergo research and internships at Rosatom enterprises, while others remain engaged in science at MEPhI itself. It is important that the university is strongly integrated into the nuclear industry: many high-ranking employees of enterprises give lectures to students, there is always the opportunity to meet at MEPhI itself with some head of a department of one of the enterprises and simply ask for an internship in the corridor.

Of the minuses:

  • There is sometimes a prevailing atmosphere of chaos in many aspects of learning on the part of teachers and departments. But, in fact, he plays well life lesson during further work under tight deadlines and nervous colleagues.

“He graduated from MEPhI in 2009, graduated from graduate school and now got a job as a teacher. An excellent university that provides not only knowledge, but also the ability to learn and improve oneself. In terms of level, it is on the same level as Moscow State University and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. It really depends on the directions - some are better with us, others - with them. But, for example, nuclear physics is definitely something that cannot be taught anywhere better than at MEPhI.

And there are also plenty of disadvantages

  • there is a strong bureaucracy
  • The salaries of teachers are quite low (they were anyway). BUT! This is the case in all universities. I think MEPhI is far from the worst in this.

But there are also many advantages.

  • There is science at MEPhI and it is at the world level.
  • Indeed, many renovations have taken place, new dorms and new laboratory buildings are being built.
  • in the middle of this month it became known that we were allocated money to increase competitiveness - and this means strengthening scientific work(which is already one of the best in Russia), this includes the creation of new laboratories, and the attraction of world-class scientists to science and teaching at MEPhI.

By the way, teachers’ salaries began to rise this year...Unfortunately, it is typical that there are people who take out their personal grievances on the university. There are also people who don’t even have anything to do with MEPhI, but write about it. To say “don’t go to MEPhI, but go to Baumanka, if possible” is to be completely incompetent... Physics in Baumanka is objectively worse and, oddly enough, there are bribes there. Something that didn’t appear at MEPhI even in the worst years of the 90s. Someone here mentioned a cosmologist graduate who couldn't find a job. It’s worth saying here that the only department that produces cosmologists is ours. And I'm for recent years I don’t know a single cosmologist who went to work in fast food; on the contrary, many went to graduate schools with us and others scientific organizations. Either there is some kind of confusion here and he was not a cosmologist, but a cosmophysicist, for example (although everything seems to be fine there - there are a lot of experiments and young people work a lot). Well, either he was a poor student who finished his diploma and only considers himself a “cosmologist.”

Girls, don’t be so afraid of MEPhI. Even faculty T. We don’t have as few girls as it might seem. It will be interesting to study! At our department “Physics” elementary particles”” (much more fundamental:)) in the 6th year there are now 50x50 girls and boys, for the 2nd year they also recruited about the same. Although on average there are about a third of girls. ”


  • Wide choice of professions
  • good teachers


  • None

Hello. I have been studying at this institute for 4 years. The institute is excellent, there is a wide choice of professions, I studied professionally. Everything is explained clearly. There were no problems during the training. During exams and tests, there are no problems with the level of knowledge that is given in lectures to pass everything without problems.


  • Quality education
  • many areas of study


  • A number of specialties were closed
  • switched to the bachelor's degree system

The Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy is a university that everyone in the city of Obninsk knows. A large number of young people come to the city to study at this institution. My acquaintance with him took place back in 2004, when I graduated from school and entered this university.

The institute greeted me with noisy classrooms, unclear rules, and a large amount of information that needed to be learned and sorted out.

What forms of training are available:

The university graduates full-time, part-time and evening students. There is a separate direction for specialty, bachelor's and master's degrees. There is also the opportunity to enroll in graduate school. Unfortunately, in recent years the number of specialties that produce specialists has decreased significantly. Almost everywhere they switched to a bachelor's degree.

What areas of study:

The IATE initially had 4 faculties: physics and energy (fef), natural sciences (fen), cybernetics (k), socio-economics (sef). These faculties cover all main areas of nuclear energy and related industries. There is also a design direction. During my studies it was opened medical school. It was a very long and difficult journey to its discovery. A separate building was built for it, and teachers were invited from other cities.

Where do students live:

Students from other cities can count on a hostel. During my studies there were 3 dormitories. 1 - on Lenin Street, 2 - on Kurchatov Street and 3 on the campus. Dormitory 3 consisted of two buildings. They are located in the forest in close proximity to the university. In my opinion, the last hostel is the best. In terms of amenities, they are approximately the same. But the forest hostel had a block system of rooms. This means that in one block there were 2 rooms - a two-room apartment (for 2 people) and a three-room apartment (for three people). there was a bathroom on them. Now it seems the placement situation has changed a little. The forest dormitories were renovated and students from other countries began to be accommodated there.

How the training works:

The training is divided into two parts - lectures and seminars. Lectures are usually held either for the entire faculty or for several groups in continuous classrooms. In senior years, they can go for a specific group, if it is a specialized subject. Seminars and laboratory work go for each group separately. During laboratory classes, the group is divided into subgroups.

In junior courses, training begins at 9 am and ends at 2 pm. There is lunch - big change. The pair itself lasts 90 minutes or 2 x 45 with a short break. Most often, no more than 3 pairs are bet per day. Sometimes there are 4. For senior students, training takes place in the afternoon. Or it can start from 10-30 or later, depending on the schedule. It usually ends around 5-6 pm.

Student life:

The life of a student at IATE is not only about studying. There is a large selection of sections where you can go, there is a theater, and various events are often held. FROM annual - initiation into students, student spring. There is the concept of student curators - groups of senior students who help young people join student life.

My impressions:

What can I say personally about training? It's quite complicated. It was not easy to apply; in 2004 there was a high competition, about 8-10 people per place, the passing scores were high. But even if you end up in a paid department, there was an opportunity to switch to a budget one. To do this, 4 sessions must be passed with excellent marks. More precisely, there must be at least 75% of marks 5. In this case, you can apply for consideration of a transfer.

As for the hostels, even then they were in a deplorable state. The tiles were crumbling, the bathrooms needed renovation, everything was in a dilapidated state. Although some floors were after renovation. In general, you can live.

I also remember bus number 6. He took students from the city to the IATE and back. During rush hours, this bus became rubber and could accommodate everyone. If you couldn’t squeeze into the bus, you could walk. It takes 20-30 minutes to get to the city at a leisurely pace. You could take a shortcut and go through the forest. Recently, in addition to the bus, minibuses have begun to operate, this has calmed the situation a little.

Regarding education. It is of high quality, the teaching staff is strong and good. But in recent years there have been major changes. IATE became a branch of MEPhI. The leaders changed several times. switched to the bachelor's degree system. A rating system was introduced and replaced. All this brought its own characteristics to educational activities. In addition, a number of specialties were closed. But despite this, the university began to attract more foreign students. New programs have been developed for them, according to which they first learn the language, then the basic subjects in the field of nuclear energy.

Overall, the university remains strong. It is the only one in the country that produces specialists in the field of nuclear energy. It is quite prestigious to enter and graduate from IATE; with its diplomas, graduates easily find jobs in a variety of organizations.

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