Why are people who have an eternal mess at home - the best of us. How to remove a monstrous mess in the room

It is difficult for a person in an uncomfortable atmosphere to do his usual business. The mess in the apartment significantly reduces productivity and quality of rest. Even the ancient monks believed that clutter was an uncomfortable environment for meditation. However, this phenomenon has psychological reasons.

  in home

There are people who are raised by sloppy parents. They often ask: "What makes an apartment a mess?" This is a large number of things that are not in their places. For example: clothes that are scattered throughout the room, mountains of dirty dishes, garbage on the floor, pieces of paper under the products and so on. Photo mess in the apartment of a clean man will shock. Indeed, for him, every room in the house has its own meaning and affects the moral state.

Why is there a mess

Hardworking people just do not have time to clean up due to a busy work schedule. However, in any free time, a tidy person would bring order to his house. Common causes of the mess:

  1. Protest against people around and annoying situations. Man perceives cleaning as submission. Therefore, he always has a mess in his apartment. This is affected by parenting by strict and clean parents who forced their children to clean the room all the time against their wishes.
  2. Irresponsibility. The untidy owner in the apartment is constantly a mess. He transfers his responsibilities to other family members. Such people try not to be responsible for their own mistakes and actions, shifting blame on others.
  3. The disorder reflects psychological problems that even popular wisdom speaks of. This is confirmed by the famous phrase: "A mess in the head - a mess in the apartment." Thus, people unconsciously demonstrate to others their defenselessness and weakness in the hope that someone will help.
  4. Fatigue. It so happens that the owner does not always have enough energy to clean. This can happen due to heavy loads at work or in school. Gradually, the habit of doing without cleaning will form.

The disorder causes stress in a person, it is difficult for him to be in such an environment for a long time. A mess can even cause some mental disorders.

Psychological reasons

The mess observed in the room indicates serious internal conflicts of the occupant of this room. In rare cases, this is one of the symptoms of a mental disorder, such as depression. Psychology of the mess in the apartment:

  • Not enough attention. A mess is a great way to attract others to clean. The person does not have enough attention, and he asks his friends or relatives to help with the cleaning. They agree to this, than devote extra time and support to their friend.
  • Reluctance to become an adult. Some children were brought up in families where parents loved cleanliness too much. They could always make their heirs wash dishes, sweep and put things in their places. However, most children do not like this scenario, so the mess for them is salvation. Through disorder, they protest, as well as unwillingness to obey their parents. Such a child, after growing up, will at all consider that order is not at all necessary for a person. Also, a mess is a sign of a psychologically immature personality. Such people on a subconscious level have the hope that someone will clean up for them. They simply blame their problems on others, which indicates irresponsibility.
  • Loneliness. When a person makes a mess around him, this means that he feels helpless and abandoned. Therefore, others do not need to ask why the mess in a friend’s apartment is worth going to his aid. If people scatter things, then they want to declare their existence.

By disorder, a person unknowingly shows to others that he is not doing well, as it seems. Relatives and friends need to pay more attention to such people. This can positively affect them.

Serious mental problems

Disorder can occur in people who suffer from psychological problems. Sometimes it can be a serious illness. These include:

  • Anxious condition. In life, events happen that knock a person out of their rut. For example: death of a relative, divorce, litigation, and so on. This leads to anxiety, which makes you focus on experiences. People stop taking care of themselves and cleaning up in their home.
  • Depression. In this state, a person loses meaning and interest in everything around him. He develops apathy, the desire to perform simple everyday tasks disappears. This is reflected in the order in his house. A depressive person loses strength and cannot keep his room clean.
  • Schizophrenia. This is a very serious mental disorder. A person with this disease ceases to monitor his appearance, becomes apathetic and does not perform simple everyday tasks. Serious abnormalities in the functioning of the brain are reflected in a mess in the house.

A mess is not always a reflection of human laziness. Sometimes this may indicate serious deviations in the psyche. Such problems require serious treatment with specialists.

What does a mess in the kitchen mean

This place is the most important in the house. After all, in the kitchen a person prepares food, takes food and is stocked with energy. The mess in the kitchen is primarily a neglect of hygiene and cleanliness. Such an environment deprives a person of a sense of comfort and protection.

Clutter in the toilet

If the restroom is in a dirty state, then this means that a person has problems in relationships, at work. Mess messes with privacy. Clutter in the toilet also suppresses intuition and discernment. If a person does not maintain cleanliness, but simply closes the door, then this indicates attempts to hide his life from prying eyes.

Mess in the bathroom

For most people, a new day begins with this room, in which people brush their teeth, bathe and perform daily hygiene procedures. The mess in the bathroom says that a person does not pay attention to himself. This also indicates a low self-esteem of the owner. A well-kept bathroom helps during stressful situations. If order and purity reign in it, people try to take better care of themselves and be more beautiful.

Mess in the bedroom

This place in the apartment is intended for relaxation and solitude. In the bedroom, a person replenishes energy, restarts the body to new achievements and achievements. A scruffy room takes all the strength from the people resting in it. On a psychological level, in a mess, a person cannot get rid of stress and completely restore their strength.

Mess in the living room and dining room

In these rooms, people gather with their family or friends to socialize and have fun. In a situation of disorder, it is impossible to fully do this. Psychologists recommend keeping these rooms completely clean. After all, it is here that all discussions or the exchange of pleasant experiences take place. Friends are extremely unpleasant to be in a mess, because of this they can stop going to visit.

Uncleaned corridor

This is one of the most important parts of the apartment. Disorder in the corridor prevents a person from moving through all the rooms. Psychologically, the mess reflects that the owner is not confident in his actions, and it is easy for him to encounter difficulties at work or in relationships. Even dim lighting indicates poor interaction with the outside world.

How to remove the mess in the apartment

Each person is able to keep the apartment clean. To do this, it is enough to form such a habit. After all, it’s purely not where they clean, but where they do not litter. Best rules for dealing with clutter:

  • Washing dishes after eating. If many appliances are collected in a sink, a person has even less desire to clean them. After all, there are a lot of dishes, food on it dries up, because of this washing is inconvenient.
  • Newspapers and letters should be watched immediately after receipt. It so happens that a person postpones this lesson for another time, due to which mountains of waste paper can accumulate. If you revise it and put it in a cabinet or bedside table, the room will become much cleaner.
  • Necessary after waking up. With the onset of morning, a person feels still sleepy and puts off this action, often forgetting about it. After a hard day, it makes no sense to make a bed, because going to bed soon. This creates a mess. To keep your bedroom clean, you first need to make a bed every morning.
  • Need to free up space. The apartment is constantly a mess may be due to the large number of unnecessary things. A person needs to distribute all clothing and items in their places. Some of them can be thrown away. It can be unnecessary books, spoiled gadgets, clothes and so on. A man should not regret that he does not need. When a lot of objects are collected in some place, they must be immediately put away in their places.
  • On the kitchen table you need to clean immediately upon completion of the cooking process and dinner.

Many put off small things until later, and because of this, a mess gradually arises. A person should clean up the process: put the phone in place, take out the accumulated debris, put dirty things in the washing machine and so on. Performing small tasks, people strive for constant order and cleanliness in the house.

Easy cleaning rules

Putting order in the house is perceived as a routine and tedious task. Some people simply do not know how to get rid of the mess in the apartment. However, you can make cleaning easy and interesting. To do this, you need:

  • Ask for help from others. If a person lives with his family, then he can attract relatives to the cleaning. With them, the process of putting things in order will be fun. In addition, the cleaning process will be reduced in time by two or three times.
  • Good mood. For a better mood, the hosts include music for the whole house. It cheers up and makes cleaning fun and fun. Also, a person can listen to an audiobook, combining pleasant listening with useful restoring order.
  • The developed plan. For the effectiveness of the process, it is advisable to pre-plan its sequence and determine for yourself which rooms and actions you need to start cleaning.
  • Visited places. For example, a stove or workplace must be cleaned every day. Indeed, in these places, trash and garbage accumulates the most. You do not need to leave these places until otherwise you can spend a lot of time on them.

Everyone can put things in order in their apartment. To do this, you need to understand the problem of the mess and understand its causes. Further, the cleaning habit will form very quickly, and this process will begin to give pleasure to the owner and the people around him.

Ecology of life. Society constantly strives at all costs to maintain order in everything and everywhere. No more templates! ..

We live in a very template and predictable world. Almost everything in it is neatly packaged and systematized. Society constantly strives at all costs to maintain order in everything and everywhere.But all this is nothing more than an illusion.

We were taught surface concepts of symmetry.Life is actually unpredictable and chaotic in nature, although it seems to us that if everything is "organized", then it will be much better.

But in reality the opposite is true. For example, you think that you need to buy a few more pants so that they are enough "for all times." You buy it. And then it turns out that all things no longer fit in the closet. And he's just doomed to mess. Thus, by creating an “order” in one place, you immediately create it in another.

You decide to throw all unnecessary things in the trash. At home, it seems like an “order” has turned out, but the world as a whole has become dirtier.

Here's what physicist Adam Frank says about this:"This is the law of physics. The harsh truth of life is that the universe itself is chaos. How can you put things in order at home or in your life if it contradicts the nature of the universe?"

In fact, no matter how hard we try to keep our lives in order, and the house is neat, nothing comes of it. The mess is always there and there.

What to do? Say yes to the chaotic nature of this world. Come to terms.

People who always have a mess at home are stigmatized. To others, they seem apathetic and lead a "wrong" life. But this is simply not true!

Disorganized people are better than everyone else. If only because they do not allow the false illusion of order to dictate the daily routine to them.

Jim Morrison spoke well on this subject:"I am interested in rebellion, in a mess, in chaos. I think this is the way to freedom."

This does not mean that every aspect of your life needs to be plunged into chaos. Organization is sometimes important and even useful. But you have no right to condemn people living in disorder. Believe me: the order is greatly overrated.

People who have a permanent mess at home are not lazy. They are creative and courageous.

Common sense tells us that cleanliness is the key to efficiency and productivity, but it is not.

Eric Abrahamson and David Friedman, authors of the bestselling scientific book A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder, write:"A mess is not necessarily a sign of unsystematicity. At a table where everything is scattered, you can work more efficiently than at a clean one. When a person has a mess on the table, this does not mean that he works poorly. It means that he works so well, that he just has no time to get out. "

In other words, a mess can actually be a sign of efficiency, not disorder.

Kathleen Vohs, Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, conducted a study and proved that people prone to throwing things away and collecting garbage are actually more creative than everyone else.

As part of this scientific work, Vohs conducted one interesting experiment. She divided 48 volunteers into two groups and asked them to find original ways to use the ping-pong ball. One half of the experiment participants were placed in a clean, tidy room, the other in a dirty room. In the end, both groups came up with an equal number of ideas, but the second, according to the results of an independent evaluation of other students, turned out to be more innovative and creative.

Vohs concludes:“We all want to become more creative people, experience more insights. My advice is: if you have a stupor, move to a dirty room. This will allow you to go beyond the usual perception and quickly produce fresh ideas. Order is the result of our desire for security, chaos - our desire for a creative rethinking of the world. "

Disorder, of course, has long been closely associated with creative genius. Disorganization and lack of order are condemned in society, but most great minds have lived in such conditions all their lives: Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, Ronald Dahl. Even Joan Rowling cannot clean the apartment!

They all achieved greatness, despite the fact that their whole life was full of chaos.

In general, if your parents punished you for not wanting to clean your room, then you made a mistake.

Society ignores the hidden benefits of chaos.

In order to score on the rules and live in your own creative mess, courage is needed.

Albert Einstein once remarked:"If the mess on the table means mess in the head, then what does the empty table mean?"

Creative people see the whole picture of their life, and do not focus on its individual details. They go with the stream, and do not swim against the stream. They easily adapt to change. They know that the time resource is too limited to spend on boring things like cleaning.

The simplicity and beauty of life is more important than visible "success" and done "discipline." Passion is better than boredom.

When restoring order, we all face the same problem, when all the necessary horizontal planes sooner or later begin to become a source of disorder. And the greater the accumulation of unnecessary things, the higher the risk of a constant mess and the appearance of various allergens in the house. Therefore, before many residents of residential premises quite often the question arises of how to start cleaning the mess in the apartment in order to avoid the accumulation of trash. You can find the answer to this question in this article.

How to start cleaning and how to finish it

Rule number 1

Begin by sketching a plan. Set priorities and you will see what needs to be done first. It is best to start from those places where the most unnecessary things can be found (by time or season). Think in advance about the optimal layout of each item. Try to instill the habit of always putting all things in their places. For details, select boxes or containers with sorting labels separately.

Rule number 2

Throw away unnecessary things immediately. If, having picked up an object, you wondered whether it is needed or not, its purpose is a bin. In an extreme case, select a separate box for such trifles, so that later you know where to look for them. As for non-fashionable or inappropriate clothing, it can be donated to charitable organizations at any time. The same can be done with shoes and soft toys, which not only take up space, but also accumulate unnecessary dust.

Rule number 3

Having arranged and sorted out all the things on the shelves, you should start cleaning. Here it will be appropriate to apply the sequence scheme for each of the zones. It is advisable to clean on weekends in order to properly distribute time and not be distracted by trifles. It is recommended to start from the rooms, smoothly moving to the hall, corridor, kitchen, and then to the toilet. Armed with means for washing various items of furniture, windows, cloth, cloth, a vacuum cleaner and a bucket with a mop, proceed. The first step is to wipe the dust, then vacuum it.

After that, you need to wash the mirrors and windows. If you have multifunctional glass www.stis.ru/help/products/multifunktsionalnoe-steklo/, there will be no problems with cleaning it. Such windows can be washed quite easily, while they let in sunlight much better. To finish cleaning the rooms you need watering and mopping. According to the same scheme, you need to clean the kitchen and bathroom, not forgetting the corridor.

Where to start cleaning the mess in the apartment, we figured out. Now the question may arise - how to complete it and how to further avoid the accumulation of trash in the house.

  • First, keep order daily. Each time folding things in their places, you will get rid of piling up.
  • Secondly, optimally allocate your time allocated for cleaning. Depending on the state of pollution and cluttering up the premises, set time limits for yourself so that the main goal is to meet the deadlines.
  • Thirdly, do not put off what you can do today for tomorrow. Imagine that guests suddenly came to you. It will be much better if you manage to remove the unnecessary before they arrive.

And finally, I would like to note that it is possible to rationally distribute the time and make cleaning easier by performing several actions at a time. For example, heading to the bin with an unnecessary bag, grab a wrapper along the way, an old newspaper. Given all the recommendations regarding cleaning, your home will always look neat, clean and without a mess.

In the article “Clutter in a room from the point of view of psychology” we will tell you how to deal with clutter in a room. One Bulgarian fairy tale tells of an old man who decided to marry his son, but so that the girl was working and neat at the same time. Having loaded his cart with fruit, he went to the village and began to shout out the following phrase, which surprised many, he shouted: "I change fruit for garbage." Many took advantage of such a fad and carried bags of garbage in exchange for fruit. Only one girl brought a very small nodule, and complained that there was no more garbage in the house. So the old man sent the matchmakers to her and was not mistaken in the choice, she turned out to be a wonderful mistress, and the young family lived in abundance and joy.

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Photo Gallery: A mess in a room in terms of psychology

But when in our time you go to a different house, you remember an old fairy tale. It is difficult to suppress a grin in yourself when you see a multi-day layer of dust, unwashed dishes and scattered things. Probably, this family was created according to other principles of matchmaking. In another house, there is an order that borders on such sterility that it is simply scary to move something or hurt something. It is difficult not to rejoice at the well-being that reigns in the house and not to refrain from complimenting the hostess. But it happens that in a tidy house an atmosphere of discontent and tension reigns. And in an uncleaned apartment people are happy with each other and live, soul to soul. Why it happens?

The American psychologist William James believed that in addition to addictions, beliefs and interests, it is necessary to include in the structure of the human personality what we consider to be our own: things that are dear to the heart, everyday clothes that copy the shape of the body in folds, favorite books on the home shelf, and more. Home decoration is an element of the physical self, and much can be said about its inhabitants by carefully looking at the home. The first thing that catches your eye is a mess or order. What, from the point of view of psychology, disorder means, is a sign of general looseness, carelessness and lack of discipline. But the ideal order testifies to firm principles and spiritual harmony. But such an explanation is very simple to be true. Since at every step, life tells us other ambiguous conclusions.

Parents of almost all teenagers complain about their sloppiness that it is almost impossible to force them to keep order in the room. And the whole point is that the interests of the younger generation are broad, directed to the outside world and little attached to the details of everyday life. Only when a teenager feels all the inconveniences that a mess bears on himself will he gradually become neat.

When the phone numbers you need are recorded on some pieces of paper, when you don’t know where to put the necessary thing, when the place that is intended for meeting friends or for classes is littered with some things, then you begin to involuntarily take care of the order. But only after becoming a mature person, a person acquires real accuracy.

Does the mess in the house mean that the hostess or the owner did not succeed in properly growing up? Maybe a man will live and act in everything like a little child. But the problem here may lie deeper. All of us, in the end, understand that throwing things away is not good.

If a person is not able to restore order in his house, then this only indicates a serious internal conflict. Accumulated garbage, scattered clothes and so on, speak for his master that he is not able to put things in place.

A full sink of unwashed utensils, weeks of accumulated dirty laundry, an overflowing bin, indicate that I can’t set and systematically solve problems, I can’t distribute my strength. If a person cannot organize his life, then serious tasks are beyond his reach.

Your affairs are not disputed, everything is not going on as you would like, do you think that serious life situations just got out of your control? Of course, I would like to overcome this unpleasant sensation. Start small, look at your home and find out for yourself where you need to clean up.

When you lay out your scattered things on the shelves, then you do a lot more, you study, organize your problems, that is, lay them on the shelves. Bring clarity to your “physical self” and then the results will not keep you waiting.

There is another extreme. As psychologists have noticed, a strong commitment to order and cleanliness is a symptom of self-doubt, a symptom of internal weakness.

By streamlining his physical world at home, a person, as it were, seeks to defend himself against the chaos of a large world that is terrible and too complicated for him. Thus, a vicious circle of tension arises: a thing put by someone from the house out of place, brings grief and annoyance. Housework takes a lot of time and energy, leaves no room for other important things. And then a feeling of loneliness arises in this scraped shell.

Such a trap can be arranged for you by the scenario that was learned in the parental family when order became an important life goal and at any cost. Such a person can only be pitied, whose main task is brilliant parquet and snow-white towels. After all, order in the house is a necessary condition, and not a goal, for solving real serious life problems. If we understand this simple truth, then we will find a middle ground that distinguishes genuine harmony - spiritual and material.

Each room in the house has some kind of symbolic meaning, and has its effect on your subconscious. Trash and disorder in every room causes stagnation and inactivity in certain aspects of life.

Mess in the kitchen
No wonder the kitchen is called the "heart of the house." Here you eat, stock up on some energy, even if you dine in a thawed semi-finished product in the microwave. A dirty and sloppy kitchen creates difficulties in the supply and nutrition, on a spiritual and physical level. As you take care of the kitchen, you can tell how you feel about sources of abundance, energy supply, and your own nutrition. A tidy and clean kitchen opens up the space for comfort and protection that you need so much.

Mess in the dining room and living room
These are the rooms in which you meet with friends, family, and people close enough for you. Here you are in contact with the outside world when you are at home, arguing with friends about politics at the dinner table, reading a newspaper, watching TV. The mess will turn this space into a den, and it may be so messy with you that you have not invited friends for years. Maybe you are hiding from others in a pile of garbage?

Mess in the bedroom
Bedrooms for adults are a place of intimacy and for sleep, they must fulfill the function of updating relationships and people. The mess in the bedroom will not bring energy, but weakness. If you feel tired in the most intimate space, just put things in order and this will help you move away from stress and relax. And only then you can have a good time with your partner and have a sweet sleep.

Mess in the hallway
The corridor is the artery of your home. And the mess in your hallway looks like a traffic jam on the road. It interferes with the interaction of different parts of your life and your home. Look at the corridor: is it so difficult not to stumble in it, is it easy to walk along it, is it well lit? If you have difficulties in interacting with people and with yourself, between family and work, you probably need to clean up the corridor.

Mess in the bathroom
Body care and bathing is such a daily ritual. In everyday life, you use this space so that you can prepare to communicate with the world. The mess in the bathroom indicates a lack of attention to oneself, and not only on the physical level, also indicates a low self-esteem. A well-decorated and clean bathroom can become a place for rejuvenation and self-care, a serene and peaceful place. Decorate your bathroom, clean up, turn it into a place where you can hide from everyone and be with yourself, where you will feel safe during the evening and morning rituals of bathing.

Clutter in the toilet
When you fill the toilet with trash, you repress your discernment and intuition. A dirty toilet indicates problems that impede development in relationships and work, impede your development in life, problems that you do not really recognize. When the toilet door is tightly closed, it does not mean that you are away from problems.

Mess in the garage
Your car is a symbol of independence and mobility. If you have a garbage dump in your garage, your car can hardly fit in there, which means you need to be very careful and it is very difficult for you to move through life.

Now we know what a mess in a room is from a psychological point of view. Do not think of cleaning as something terrible. Every shirt that you give to the new owner, every book that you take to the library. And also every sheet of paper and a magazine that you turn into waste paper will create a space in your life for events, joy and for new energy.

Mess in the house -   only a reflection of our inner life. Sure of this Melva Green  and Lauren Rosenfieldauthors of the book “Breathe freely. How mess in the house will help you figure yourself out ”. It is useless to study storage systems, not enough to be able. For order to reign in the house, you need a careful analysis of all the accumulated rubbish, a leisurely cleaning, during which you can not only part with unnecessary things, but also create a space for a new life.

At its core, getting rid of trash is a deep spiritual practice that helps you get closer to your loved ones and to yourself.

We have selected several universal tips from the book that will help you make the house cozy and find peace of mind.

Invent words for each room

Any room in the house -   it is not only a functional room where we eat, sleep, wash, work or socialize with households and guests. It is also our small universe, the center of our unique life. It must be something special, attractive.

Before you start cleaning, the authors of the book advise you to choose at least three symbol words for each room that describe the atmosphere that you want to create in them. For example, words for bedroom -   “Rest, relaxation, love”, for the kitchen -   “Creativity, inspiration, comfort”, for the living room -   "Communication, light, peace." Such formulations will help in the cleaning process: it is important not only to get rid of trash, but also to decide what exactly you want to achieve.

Creating an atmosphere becomes the goal of designers and architects. You should also approach your home space.

Take a look at the interior from the side

In order to clearly understand what objects and things should be disposed of, Melva Green and Lauren Rosenfield suggest doing some simple but very effective exercises.

For the hallway: go out the door, and then go in, as if you are a guest who has been here for the first time. What is the first thing that catches your eye? What feeling embraces you? What prevents you from experiencing positive emotions? Remove those things that turned out to be "superfluous" and caused discomfort. Go out the door again. Do this until you realize that the hallway is filled with life, not trash.

For the kitchen: grab your favorite cookbooks and plan a dinner that would be a real treat. Do not deny yourself anything, think over each dish. After planning the menu, look through each recipe and get all the tools necessary to prepare such a dinner: pots, bowls, blenders, spatulas. Lay on the table. And pause. If that's all you need for a perfect dinner, why do you need the rest?

Throw away unnecessary things with compassion

As for any business, the right attitude is important for cleaning. The authors of the book advise us not to regard the process as a battle not for life but for death: “Under the influence of adrenaline, we cannot act wisely and think reasonably.” It is best to treat unnecessary things with delicate participation and even sympathy. You can even kindly say to them, “How did you get here?”, “Let's get out of here and return you to where you should be.”

Touching a thing, try to arouse in the soul the sympathy that you feel for a lost child. You will say to some subjects: “You are in the wrong room. I know where you will feel better. " Such things are sent to the box "for immigrants." You will turn to others with the words: “You have wandered too far. You have no place here, but I know that we will find you a home. ” These things go to the charity box.

Avoid negative emotions.

There are only two types of emotions. -   absorbing (negative) and replenishing (positive). The goal of getting rid of trash is to monitor the appearance of absorbing emotions and prevent them from materializing in the house.

How many things do you keep for yourself because of guilt, regret, anxiety, and fear? It is imperative to understand how much space these emotions take in life. If we intend to get rid of them, we must know what power they have over us. Now take these things away: donate, give it to recycling, send it to the landfill. The choice is yours, but you must say goodbye to the absorbing emotions that cause these things!

Do not leave hidden places

Everyone in the house has places where mountains of trash are hidden from prying eyes. You must pull out the contents of all the hiding places, deal with it and never hide anything else. No matter how you like it. The house simply should not have “secret” places.

You need to save your home and your life from dubious things. It’s not enough to get them out of sight. They will remain in thoughts. Even if no one knows about their existence, these things will absorb you.

Do not be afraid of empty space

Most people are afraid of the empty space in the house, even a small one: the void is perceived as a flaw. “We bet your home -   be it a studio apartment of twenty-seven square meters or a huge mansion -   full of things -   written by Melva Green and Lauren Rosenfield. -   Each flat surface is lined with objects. Each box is packed with different trifles. Each closet is full. No wonder. From an early age we see that this is how these spaces are used. It seems unnatural to do otherwise. We are so used to it that we instinctively fill any empty space. ”

And, indeed, if we discover unoccupied space, the first thing we do -   find how to occupy it or worse -   mindlessly overwhelming him with a bunch of trash. But try to leave it as it is, free and “breathing”. In the end, you are not making room for things.

Keep in mind that not every place should be forced or filled with something.

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