The main type of human work. What types of human activities are called the main

Activities are diverse. It can be playful, educational, cognitive and transformative, creative and destructive, productive and consumer, economic, socio-political and spiritual. Special activities are creativity and communication. Finally, as an activity, one can analyze the language, the human psyche, and the culture of society.

Material and spiritual activities

Usually activities are divided into material and spiritual.

Material  activity is aimed at changing the world around us. Since the surrounding world consists of nature and society, it can be productive (changing nature) and socially transforming (changing the structure of society). An example of material production activity is the production of goods; examples of socio-transformative - state reform, revolutionary activity.

Spiritual  activity is aimed at changing individual and social consciousness. It is implemented in the fields of art, religion, scientific creativity, in moral actions, organizing a collective life and orienting a person to solving the problems of the meaning of life, happiness, prosperity. Spiritual activity includes cognitive activity (gaining knowledge about the world), value-based (determining the norms and principles of life), prognostic (building models of the future), etc.

The division of activity into spiritual and material is conditional. In reality, the spiritual and the material cannot be torn from each other. Any activity has a material side, as it somehow correlates with the outside world, and an ideal side, since it involves goal setting, planning, choice of means, etc.

Creativity and communication

Creativity and communication  in the system of activities a special place belongs.

Creation  - this is the emergence of a new person in the process of transformative activity. Signs of creative activity are originality, unusualness, originality, and its result - inventions, new knowledge, values, works of art.

Speaking of creativity, they usually mean the unity of the creative person and the creative process.

Creative person represents a person endowed with special abilities. Creative abilities include imagination and fantasy, i.e. the ability to create new sensory or mental images. However, often these images are so divorced from life that their practical application becomes impossible. Therefore, other, more “mundane” abilities are important - erudition, critical mindset, observation, desire for self-improvement. Even the presence of all these abilities does not guarantee that they will be embodied in activities. This requires will, perseverance, efficiency, activity in upholding one’s opinion. Creative process  includes four stages: preparation, ripening, inspiration and verification. Actually a creative act, or insight, is associated with intuition - a sudden transition from ignorance to knowledge, the causes of which are not realized. Nevertheless, one cannot assume that creativity is something that comes without effort, labor and experience. Illumination can only come to one who has been pondering the problem intensely; a positive result is not possible without a long process of preparation and maturation. The results of the creative process require a mandatory critical review, since not all creativity leads to the desired result.

There are various methods for creatively solving the problem, for example, using associations and analogies, searching for similar processes in other areas, recombining elements of the already known, trying to present someone else as understandable, and understandable as stranger, etc.

Since creative abilities are amenable to development, and creative techniques and elements of the creative process can be studied, any person can become the creator of new knowledge, values, works of art. All that is needed is a desire to create and a willingness to work.

Communication  there is a way of being of a person in conjunction with other people. If ordinary activity is defined as a subject-object process, i.e. a process in which a person (subject) creatively transforms the surrounding world (object), then communication is a specific form of activity that can be defined as a subject-subject relationship, where a person (subject) interacts with another person (subject).

Often communication is equated with communication. However, these concepts should be separated. Communication is an activity that has a material and spiritual character. Communication is a purely informational process and is not an activity in the full sense of the word. For example, communication is possible between a person and a machine or between animals (zoocommunication). We can say that communication is a dialogue where each participant is active and independent, and communication is a monologue, a simple transmission of a message from a sender to a recipient.

Fig. 2.3. Communication structure

During communication (Fig. 2.3), the sender (sender) will transmit to the addressee (recipient) information (message). To do this, it is necessary that the interlocutors possess information sufficient to understand each other (context), and that the information be transmitted understandable by both signs and symbols (code) and that contact be established between them. Thus, communication is a one-way process of transmitting a message from the addressee to the addressee. Communication is a two-way process. Even if the second subject in communication is not a real person, the traits of a person are still attributed to him.

Communication can be considered as one of the sides of communication, namely its information component. In addition to communication, communication includes social interaction, and the process of cognition by subjects of each other, and the changes that occur with subjects in this process.

Communication is closely related to a language that performs a communicative function in society. The purpose of the language is not only the provision of human understanding and the translation of experience from generation to generation. Language is also a social activity to form a picture of the world, an expression of the spirit of the people. The German linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835), emphasizing the procedural nature of the language, wrote that “language is not a product of activity, but activity”.

Game, communication and labor as activities

Under   labor  understand the purposeful activity of a person to transform nature and society and meet personal and social needs. Labor activity is aimed at a practically useful result - various benefits: material (food, clothing, housing, services), spiritual (scientific ideas and inventions, achievements of art, etc.), as well as the reproduction of man himself in the aggregate of social relations.

The labor process is manifested in the interaction and complex interweaving of three elements: living labor itself (as a human activity); means of labor (tools used by man); objects of labor (material transformed in the process of labor). Living labor  it is mental (such is the work of a scientist - philosopher or economist, etc.) and physical (any muscular labor). However, even muscular labor is usually intellectually loaded, because everything that a person does, he does consciously.

In the course of work, they improve and change, providing as a result of ever higher labor efficiency. As a rule, the evolution of the means of labor is considered in the following sequence: the natural-weapon stage (for example, a stone as a tool); gun-artifact stage (the appearance of artificial tools); machine stage; stage of automation and robotics; information stage.

The subject of labor is  the thing on which human labor is directed (material. raw materials, semi-finished product). Labor ultimately materializes, is fixed in its subject. A person adapts an item to his needs, turning it into something useful.

Labor is considered the leading, initial form of human activity. The development of labor contributed to the development of mutual support for members of society, its cohesion, it was in the process of labor that communication and creative abilities developed. In other words, thanks to work, man himself was formed.

Under understand the activity of the formation of knowledge and skills, the development of thinking and consciousness of the individual. Thus, learning acts both as an activity and as a translation of an activity. The famous psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934) noted the educational nature of the training: “The educational process should be based on the student’s personal activity, and all the art of the educator should be reduced only to direct and regulate this activity.”

The main feature of educational activity is that its purpose is to change not the world around us, but the subject of activity. Although a person changes both in the process of communication and in work, this change is not the immediate goal of these types of activities, but only one of their additional consequences. In training, all means are specifically aimed at changing a person.

Under   the game understand the form of free expression of a person, aimed at the reproduction and assimilation of public experience. As the constitutive characteristics of the game, the Dutch cultural theorist Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) singles out freedom, positive emotionality, isolation in time and space, and the presence of voluntarily accepted rules. To these characteristics, you can add virtuality (the game world is two-dimensional - it is both real and imagined), as well as the role-playing nature of the game.

In the process of the game, norms, traditions, customs, values \u200b\u200bare acquired as necessary elements of the spiritual life of society. In contrast to work, the purpose of which is outside the process, the goals and means of game communication coincide: people rejoice for joy, create for creativity, communicate for communication. At the early stages of the development of mankind, beauty in the game time of the holiday could only be felt as beauty, outside of a relationship of utility, which gave rise to an artistic attitude to the world.

It occurs mainly during the game, training and labor. In the process of growing up, each of these activities consistently acts as a leader. In the game (before school), the child tries on various social roles, at the more adult stages (at school, college, university) he acquires the knowledge, teachings and skills necessary for adult life. The final stage of personality formation takes place in the process of joint work.

Activities  - a specific conscious activity of a person aimed at cognition and creative change of the surrounding world and himself in accordance with current needs and goals. The main feature of the activity is that it cannot be determined only by the needs and motives that give rise to it. The need itself can act as an incentive to activity, and its content will be determined by the level of knowledge, skills, goals of society, individual experience.

Human Traits

The activity of the individual is very different from the activity of animals, since it has a creatively transforming character. If you need to give a definition of human activity in the exam, it is important to understand its features in order to clearly articulate the concept.

She has such features:

Main components

In order to fully understand the complexity and specificity of human activity, you need to understand its main components:

  • Subject - an individual who performs actions.
  • An object - what the actions and activity of the subject are directed at. The object can be any material (production of products), another individual (impact to change beliefs) or the subject himself (training in the gym to change himself).

There are also components that make up the structure of activities.:

Human needs

The famous American psychologist A. Maslow developed the "pyramid of human needs". He divides all human needs into primary (physiological, the need for safety and security) and secondary (social needs, respect, self-realization). Primary needs are basic for the survival of the individual, if they are not satisfied, then the transition to the satisfaction of needs from the upper layers of the pyramid is impossible. Secondary needs are acquired in the process of a person’s social life, their satisfaction occurs during the interaction of individuals in interpersonal communication.

Motives of activity

Based on the needs, the motives of the subject are formed, pushing him to activity. Complex activities can carry many motives. In such cases, a hierarchy of motives is formed in which the dominant (main) and secondary motives are determined.

A motive can be formed under the influence of one or more needs, which pass through the prism of interests, beliefs, traditions, attitudes of the individual:

  • Interest is the main cause of action. Different social groups may have identical needs, but different interests. For example, entrepreneurs and people of art: the first group has material interests, and the second has spiritual interests; the need for both groups is common, but the ways to achieve it are different. In addition, each person has interests that are formed under the influence of the environment, inclinations, level of development (people can read books of different genres or engage in different types of creativity).
  • Traditions are a set of rites, attitudes from previous generations, which is manifested in religion, national rites, professional and corporate features. Sometimes, following tradition, people may limit their basic needs. For example, soldiers in conditions of war can limit their need for security, because professional and national traditions require the protection of their country.
  • Beliefs are principled and firm views on events and the world around us, which can cause the subject to abandon basic needs in favor of what he considers correct (refusing money to maintain dignity).

Goal definition

Human motivation determines the formation of goals and results. An individual can create an internal action plan, on the basis of which they will be implemented in a certain order to obtain a specific result. When the subject begins to do something, he holds in his mind the image of the desired result. That is, before creating something in reality, the individual creates it in his imagination.

Because human activity is often complex, goals are also divided into simple and complex. To achieve a complex goal, you need to plan your activity, break it down into steps, highlight tasks, identify tools for action and possible ways to overcome obstacles. If all tasks during the manipulations are solved, then the goal will be achieved.

Individuals can have common needs, goals and go to achieve the same results, but when using different means and performing different actions, the content of the activity will be very different.

Types of actions

There are such types of social actions identified by M. Weber:

  • purposeful - with such actions, a person plans all tasks and means, thinks out ways to overcome obstacles (preparing a teacher for a lecture);
  • value-rational   - this type of action is based on moral principles, values, beliefs (the decision to save the life of another person, risking his life);
  • affective - spontaneous actions under the influence of strong emotional states (flight during an attack);
  • traditional - actions that a person performs out of habit can be developed on the basis of rituals or traditions (sequence of actions at a wedding ceremony).

The basis for human action is the first two types of actions, which are characterized by awareness of the goal and creative nature.

Forms of activity

There are two main forms of activity of the subject, different in the nature of the functions performed:

  • Physical work  - carried out with the activation of the musculoskeletal system, muscles and all functional systems of the body. With this form of activity, very high energy costs and fatigue of the body.
  • Brainwork  - implies intellectual activity for the performance of work related to the processing of information. With this form of activity, the stress of all mental processes increases: attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

As a rule, human actions include both forms of activity. There are many examples of human activity in which physical and mental labor are combined: actions to modify the surrounding space, work to create creative objects, and others. Consider in more detail: to plant a tree, you must first think through the course of action, get all the necessary materials for this, and then with the help of physical effort to perform this action.

There are many types of activities in which a person engages throughout his life. But which of them are called the main ones and why? These include game, teaching, communication, work and creativity. They are basic, because it is in them that the most intensive and effective development of the individual takes place.

This is a specific type of human activity, the purpose of which is not a result, but a process. Its feature is that all actions occur in an imaginary situation that can change quickly. Children use substitute objects, which are analogues for them that adults use in real life.

The game is the development of mental processes, attention, social activity and the acquisition of interpersonal skills. There are different types of games that arise in certain age periods, subject to the normal development of the child.

This is one of the basic types of interaction, which is characterized by the mutual exchange of emotions, thoughts, views.. The structural components of communication are the subject (the initiator of communication), the goal (what communication is for), content (information that is transmitted), means (methods of transmitting information; drawings, audio, video, sensory organs can be used) and the recipient of information.

Communication is a structural component of any purposeful activity, the activity itself acts as a condition for the emergence of communication.

The purpose of this type of activity is the acquisition by the subject of knowledge, skills. The teaching may be specially organized or spontaneous (gaining knowledge and experience in performing other actions). And also there is such a form of teaching as self-education.

Work is the purposeful activity of an individual whose goal is to obtain a specific result. Labor is impossible without a certain level of knowledge, skills and mastery. This focused activity helps to develop personality and transform the environment.


Creativity is called human activity, which gives rise to something new that did not previously exist. It can be an independent activity or a component of another type of activity. This is an activity characteristic of all children. When a person grows up, he already has certain abilities and talents that develop and manifest in creativity.

Depending on what result the actions of the individual are directed, distinguish:

On the basis of the number of subjects and objects of activity allocate individualand collectiveactivity. According to the impact on social progress, it is customary to divide progressive(develops society) and reactionaryactivity. The following activities are also distinguished: legaland illegal, reproductive(patterned) and creative(creating something new) extraversion(physical activities) and introversion(thinking, fantasy, feelings).

Purposeful activity of a person is fundamentally different from the behavioral activity of animals, since it is its mode of existence. The behavior of animals is regulated by instincts and is a means of adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Human behavior is a conscious activity that is aimed at transforming the world around us. An example of this is setting goals, developing an internal action plan, anticipating the outcome of this activity.

The very existence of man is the constant creation and development, changing himself and the outside world to create better living conditions and satisfy his needs. Human activity is characterized by awareness, the presence of an internal action plan, which is subsequently implemented in the performance of tasks. Another important difference between human behavior and animal behavior is that an individual’s activity is not always associated with basic motives and can very often conflict with them.


1. What is an activity?

Activity is a process of conscious and appropriate change by a person of the world and himself.

3. How are activities and needs related?

Human activities are carried out in order to satisfy his needs.

Need is a person's experienced and conscious need for what is necessary to maintain his body and develop his personality. There are three types of needs: natural, social, and ideal.

4. What is an activity motive? How is the motive different from the goal? What is the role of motives in human activity?

The motive is why a person acts, and the goal is what a person acts for. One and the same activity can be caused by different motives. For example, students read, that is, they perform the same activity. But one student can read while experiencing a need for knowledge. Another - because of a desire to please parents. The third motive is the desire to get a good grade. The fourth wants to assert itself. At the same time, one and the same motive can lead to different types of activity. For example, in an effort to assert himself in his team, a student can prove himself in educational, sports, social activities.

5. Give a definition of need. What are the main groups of human needs and give specific examples.

Need is a person's experienced and conscious need for what is necessary to maintain his body and develop his personality.

In modern science, various classifications of needs are applied. In the most general form, they can be combined into three groups: natural, social, and ideal.

Natural needs. In another way they can be called congenital, biological, physiological, organic, natural. This is a person’s needs in everything that is necessary for his existence, development and reproduction. Natural ones include, for example, human needs for food, air, water, housing, clothing, sleep, rest, etc.

Social needs. They are determined by a person’s belonging to society. Social is considered the needs of a person in labor, creation, creativity, social activity, communication with other people, recognition, achievements, that is, in everything that is a product of public life.

Ideal needs. In another way they are called spiritual or cultural. These are the needs of man in all that is necessary for his spiritual development. Ideal include, for example, the need for self-expression, in the creation and development of cultural values, the need for a person to know the world around him and his place in it, and the meaning of his existence.

6. What can be attributed to the results (products) of human activity?

The products of human activities include material and spiritual benefits, forms of communication between people, social conditions and relationships, as well as abilities, abilities, knowledge of the person himself.

7. What are the types of human activities. Discover specific examples of their diversity.

Based on various grounds, distinguish various activities.

Depending on the characteristics of a person’s relationship to the world around him, activity is divided into practical and spiritual. Practical activity is aimed at transforming the real objects of nature and society. Spiritual activity is associated with a change in people's consciousness.

When human activity is correlated with the course of history, with social progress, then a progressive or reactionary orientation of activity, as well as creative or destructive, is distinguished. Based on the material studied in the course of history, you can give examples of events in which these types of activities were manifested.

Depending on the conformity of the activity with existing general cultural values, social norms, legal and illegal, moral and immoral activities are determined.

In connection with the social forms of association of people in order to carry out activities, collective, mass, individual activities are distinguished.

Depending on the presence or absence of novelty of goals, results of activities, methods of its implementation, a monotonous, stereotyped, monotonous activity is distinguished, which is carried out strictly according to the rules, instructions, new in such activity is minimized, and most often completely absent, and innovative, inventive activity creative.

Depending on the social spheres in which the activity proceeds, they distinguish between economic, political, social activity, etc. In addition, in each sphere of society, certain types of human activity characteristic of it are distinguished. For example, the economic sphere is characterized by production and consumer activities. The political are characterized by state, military, international activities. For the spiritual sphere of social life - scientific, educational, leisure.

8. How are activity and consciousness related?

Any sensual image of an object, any sensation or representation, having a certain meaning and meaning, becomes a part of consciousness. On the other hand, a number of sensations, experiences of a person are beyond the scope of consciousness. They lead to subconscious, impulsive actions, which were discussed earlier, and this affects human activity, sometimes distorting its results.

Activity, in turn, contributes to changes in the human mind, its development. Consciousness is formed by activity in order to at the same time influence this activity, to determine and regulate it. Practically realizing their creative ideas born in consciousness, people transform nature, society and themselves. In this sense, human consciousness not only reflects the objective world, but also creates it. Having absorbed historical experience, knowledge and methods of thinking, having received certain skills, a person masters reality. At the same time, he sets goals, creates projects for future tools, consciously regulates his activities.


1. In Kamchatka, known for its active volcanoes, special technologies for processing volcanic raw materials are being introduced. The beginning of this work was laid by a special decision of the governor. Experts have determined that the production of silicates from volcanic rock is a very profitable business that does not require significant investment. According to their calculations, the work of one plant can bring 40 million rubles to the regional budget and 50 million rubles to the state budget. Consider this information from the perspective of the topic studied: determine what types of people’s activities were manifested in the described events, in each case name the subjects and objects of activity, and trace the relationship between consciousness and activity in this example.

The type of activity - labor, material activity, subjects - workers, specialists, objects - volcanic raw materials, business profits. The connection of consciousness and activity - first we recognize the event, make a report on it (profitability calculations), then we begin to act (introduce technologies).

2. Determine whether a practical or spiritual activity includes: a) cognitive activity; b) social reforms; c) production of essential goods.

a) cognitive activity refers to spiritual activity, because cognition is aimed at gaining knowledge, and knowledge is perfect, they cannot be seen or touched;

b) social reforms will be related to practical activities, as this type of activity is aimed at transforming society;

c) the production of essential goods will be related to practical activities, as the object in this case is nature, and the result is material wealth.

3. What are the actions that make up the activities of a doctor, a farmer, a scientist.

The doctor primarily works with people: he accepts, according to the results of the analysis, he makes a conclusion, if necessary, heals. Farmer: studies the soil in order to know what will grow on it and whether it is necessary to fertilize it, cultivates, plants everything that is needed on it, cares for plants, and harvests. Scientist: engages in science, collects and tests materials in any scientific field, studies their properties, tries to improve and discover something new, conducts experiments, etc.

4. A. N. Leontiev wrote: "The activity is richer, truer than the consciousness that precedes it." Explain this idea.

Consciousness allows a person to think, but not every thought leads to action, so activity is richer and more true.

Introduction 2

1. The concept of human activity 4

2. Human activities 8

Conclusion 15

Literature 17


In psychology, there is such a thing as activity. In order to consider this concept, it is necessary to find out what exactly such a science as psychology considers. Any person, based on his own experience, is aware that he is somehow capable of perceiving, cognizing the world, various objects and phenomena.

The normal state of a person, unless he is sleeping, is an active, active state. While a person lives, he constantly acts, does something, is busy with something — works, studies, plays sports, plays, communicates with people, reads, etc. In short, he is active - external (movements, operations, muscle efforts) or internal (mental activity, which is observed even in a motionless person, when he reflects, reads, recalls, etc.). However, to distinguish between external and internal activity can only conditionally. As studies have shown, the work of thought, even when a person does not seem to be active, is associated with speech-motor micromotion (which can be registered). What we call “thinking to oneself” is saying “to oneself”, since the thinking of an adult normal person exists in speech form. Therefore, any human activity.

Activity is the activity of a person, aimed at achieving consciously set goals related to the satisfaction of his needs and interests, to fulfill the requirements for him on the part of society and the state.

Without activity, human life is impossible. In the process of activity, a person learns the world around him. The activity creates the material conditions of a person’s life, without which he cannot exist - food, clothing, housing. In the process of creating spiritual products: science, literature, music, painting. In the process of activity, a person changes the surrounding reality, transforms the world around him with his work: deserts become flowering gardens, rivers change their course and direction, cities emerge in the tundra and taiga. Human activity forms and changes himself, his will, character, ability.

1. The concept of human activity

Human activity is fundamentally different from animal behavior, even if this behavior is quite complicated. First, human activities wears conscious nature -  a person is aware of the goal and how to achieve it, anticipates the result. Secondly, human activities are related with the manufacture, use and storage of tools.   Thirdly, human activity is social in nature, it is carried out, as a rule, in the collective and for the collective.

Activity is determined (determined) by socio-historical conditions. Depending on the requirements of society, human activity takes on a different nature. Consider, for example, human labor activity. At all times and ages, people were engaged in labor activities. But in a capitalist society, the working man becomes an appendage of the machine, and his activity is directed by the capitalist only to make big profits.

In our country, due to changes in social conditions, labor activity itself is becoming more and more a human need, the best aspects of the personality of Soviet people are revealed in it. They know the happiness of work.

The nature of such an activity as teaching has changed. The pre-revolutionary school taught the younger generation what was necessary to consolidate the dominance of the “class of oppressors. And the teaching itself was in the nature of cramming and drill. The teaching in the Soviet school is of a completely different nature. It gives the knowledge necessary for a person to fulfill his social duty - the work of the general The learning itself is developing in nature, it is focused on the formation of active, independent, creative thinking in schoolchildren.

The necessary conditions for human activity are mental processes. They are, on the one hand, a mandatory characteristic of all human activities: whether a child plays, whether a schoolchild learns, whether a person works, always all types of activities are inextricably linked with attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, without which no human activity can be carried out . On the other hand, all mental processes proceed, form and are regulated in activity. So the interconnection of mental processes and human activities.

Activities are usually considered in terms of its structure (composition). First of all, they distinguish the goals   and motives   activities.

All human activities are determined by the goals and objectives that he sets for himself. If there is no goal, then there is no activity. The activity is caused by certain motives, the reasons that prompted a person to set himself a goal or another and organize activities to achieve it. The goal is that. for what man is acting; a motive is why a person acts.   Consider from this point of view your teaching at a teacher training college. What is your goal? Successfully graduate from it and get a teaching profession. Why did you start to study? Why did you set a goal to graduate from a teacher training college? And immediately in your memory there will be motives that prompted you to this decision. They may be different, but everyone will have some motives that determined the goal setting of your educational activity.

Usually, human activity is determined not by any one motive and one goal, but by a whole system of goals and motives - the closest and more general and distant.

For example, you are studying this tutorial. The immediate goal is to learn the content of this chapter. Behind her is a more distant goal - to know psychology well. Behind her is an even more general and distant one — to become a well-educated specialist teacher, and, finally, the most common goal is to bring benefits to the Motherland, to people. It is important that a person sees not only immediate prospects, goals, but also distant ones - this gives strength to deal with difficulties and overcome obstacles, and achieving an intermediate result does not demobilize a person.

The activity is also evaluated by the level of motivation, by whether the motives are of a public or pronounced narrow-minded nature. In a well-mannered person, social motives acquire a personal meaning, and become his personal business.

Component, or, in other words, a separate act, an activity is called an action.   Human actions are also committed for one reason or another and are aimed at achieving certain goals. Human actions are always conscious, but the degree of awareness of actions can be different. Actions are fully conscious when the goal is set and realized, the order and sequence of movements are outlined, and certain results of the action are assumed. Actions are not fully conscious when the goal, sequence of movements and control are not sufficiently realized. Such unconscious actions, produced under the influence of strong feelings, potent stimuli, often unexpected, are called impulsive.   From the window of the classroom you can see the old park, the trees of which descend to the pond. Snow. In the silence class, students independently solve problems. Someone shouted: “Hare, dogs!” Immediately the heads of the guys turned to the window, then everyone jumped up and rushed to the windows. The hare was chased by Dogs, he rolled in a white lump from a hill to a pond, and the dogs followed him. At the sight of this picture, the guys and the teacher involuntarily went to the window, looked and could not come off until the hare disappeared into the bushes. Under the influence of a strong and sudden irritant, the actions of the students and teachers (their movement to the window) took place without a clearly conscious goal, without thinking, which indicates their lack of awareness. These are impulsive actions. Distinguish actions practical   and mental.   They are closely related. Practical actions (manipulation of objects, constructive actions, actions on the school site, etc.) are of great importance in cognitive activity (in perception and thinking). From an early age, the child begins to master practical actions with objects and methods of handling them, and thereby cognizes these objects. Practical actions with subjects do not lose their significance in the student’s educational work, they help to better understand and learn the educational material. So, when solving mathematical problems, the student turns to practical actions with objects. On the basis of practical actions, mental actions-actions arise in the mind. Mental cognitive activity allows you to more fully and more deeply learn the studied objects and phenomena of reality. Human actions are inseparable from speech activity. Speech activity, the word (including internal speech, mental pronunciation) regulate a person’s behavior and activity, help him to realize his actions, verbally outline the tasks of the action and outline his plan, change the nature of the action, and correct the mistakes made. In any activity, the following components can be distinguished (components, links, stages): goal setting phase  (clear awareness of a specific task); work planning stage,   the choice of the most rational mode of action; stage of implementation, implementation of activities,   accompanied by ongoing monitoring and restructuring of activities, if necessary; followed by verification, results, correction of errors,   if they were juxtaposition   the results obtained with the planned summarizing   work and her rating.   All these components are easy to trace by analyzing the student’s specific educational activity (of course, if it is properly organized by the teacher).

Activities  - the way a person relates to the outside world, consisting in the transformation and submission of his goals to man.
Human activity has a certain similarity with the activity of the animal, but differs in a creatively transforming attitude to the world.
Characteristic features of human activities:

  • Conscious nature : a person consciously puts forward the goals of the activity and anticipates its results, thinks out the most appropriate ways to achieve them.
  • Productive nature : aimed at obtaining a result (product).
  • Transformative nature : a person changes the world around him (affects the environment with specially created means of labor that enhance the physical abilities of a person) and himself (a person keeps his natural organization unchanged, changing his lifestyle at the same time).
  • Social character : a person in the process of activity, as a rule, enters into a diverse relationship with other people.


Motive  (from Lat. movere - set in motion, push) - a set of internal and external conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine the direction of activity (for example, needs, interests, social attitudes, beliefs, drives, emotions, ideals).
Purpose of activity  - This is a conscious image of the result, the achievement of which is directed by the action of man.

EXAMPLE ANY ACTIVITY. Find in it the subject and object, motive, goal, select methods and means, describe the process and result.


Material activity  - This is the creation of material values \u200b\u200band things that are necessary to satisfy human needs. It includes material production  activities related to the transformation of nature, and socially transforming  activities related to the transformation of society.
Spiritual activity  It is associated with a change in people's consciousness, the creation of scientific, artistic, moral values \u200b\u200band ideas. It includes cognitive, value-oriented and prognostic activity.
Cognitive activity  reflects reality in a scientific and artistic form, as well as in myths, tales, religious teachings.
Value orientation activities  - This is the formation of a person’s worldview and his relationship to the world.
Forecasting activities  represents the foresight and conscious planning of changes in existing reality.

There are various criteria. classifications of activities:

  • by objects and results of activity   - the creation of material wealth or cultural property;
  • by subject of activity   - individual and collective;
  • by the nature of the activity itself   - for example, reproductive or creative;
  • legal compliance   - legal and illegal;
  • according to moral standards   - moral and immoral;
  • in relation to social progress   - progressive and reactionary;
  • in areas of public life   - economic, social, political, spiritual.

Give an example of each type of activity.


The main forms of human activity:

  1. A game  - This is a special kind of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself is entertainment, recreation. The game, like art, offers a certain solution in the conditional sphere, which can be used in the future as a kind of model of the situation. The game makes it possible to simulate specific life situations.
  2. Teaching  - type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition by a person of knowledge, skills. Features of the doctrine are that it serves as a means of psychological development of man. Teaching may be organized and unorganized   (self-education).
  3. Communication  - this is a type of activity in which there is an exchange of ideas and emotions (joy, surprise, anger, suffering, fear, etc.). By the means used, the following types of communication are distinguished: direct and indirect, direct and indirect, verbal and non-verbal .
  4. Work  - a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result. Characteristic features of labor: expediency, focus on achieving a specific result, practical utility, transformation of the external environment.

Creation  - This is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new, never previously existed. The most important mechanisms of creative activity are:

1) a combination of existing knowledge;

2) imagination, i.e. the ability to create new sensory or mental images;

3) fantasy, which is characterized by the brightness and unusualness of the created representations and images;

4) intuition - knowledge, methods of obtaining which are not realized.

Establish a correspondence between the types of activity and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

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