What a chuv. What are the feelings and what they depend on

And human emotions? This is the issue we decided to devote to today's article. Indeed, without these components we would not be people, but machines that do not live, but simply exist.

What are the senses?

As you know, a person learns all the information about the world through his own. These include the following:

  • eyes;
  • language;
  • leather.

Thanks to these organs, people feel and see the objects surrounding them, as well as hear sounds and taste. It should be noted that this is not a complete list. Although it is usually called the main one. So what are the feelings and sensations of a person whose function is not only the above, but also other organs? Consider the answer to this question in more detail.


Sensations of vision, or rather color and light, are most numerous and diverse. Thanks to the presented body, people receive about 70% of environmental information. Scientists have found that the number of visual sensations (various qualities) of an adult, on average, reaches 35 thousand. It should also be noted that it is vision that plays a significant role in the perception of space. As for the sensation of color, it completely depends on the length of the light wave that irritates the retina, and the intensity on its amplitude or the so-called magnitude.

The ears

Hearing (tones and noises) gives a person about 20 thousand different states of consciousness. This sensation is caused by air waves that come from the sounding body. Its quality depends entirely on the magnitude of the wave, strength on amplitude, and timbre (or sound coloring) on \u200b\u200bform.


The sensations of smell are quite diverse, and they are very difficult to classify. They occur with irritation of the upper part of the nasal cavity, as well as the mucous membrane of the palate. This effect occurs due to the dissolution of the smallest odorous substances.


Thanks to this organ, a person can distinguish between different tastes, namely sweet, salty, sour and bitter.


Tactile sensations break up into feelings of pressure, pain, temperature and so on. They occur during irritation of nerve endings located in the tissues, which have a special structure.

What kind of feelings does a person have? In addition to all of the above, people have feelings such as:

  • Static (the position of the body in space and a sense of its balance). This feeling occurs during irritation of the nerve endings that are located in the semicircular canals of the ear.
  • Muscular, articular and tendon. They are very difficult to observe, but they are in the nature of internal pressure, tension, and even sliding.
  • Organic or somatic. Such feelings include hunger, nausea, breathing, and so on.

What are the feelings and emotions?

Emotions and inner feelings of a person reflect his attitude to any event or situation in life. Moreover, the two named states are quite different from each other. So, emotions are a direct reaction to something. This happens on an animal level. As for the senses, this is a product of thinking, accumulated experience, experiences, etc.

What kind of feelings does a person have? It is rather difficult to answer clearly the question posed. After all, people have a lot of feelings and emotions. They give the person information about the needs, as well as feedback on what is happening. Thanks to this, people can understand what they are doing right and what are wrong. After realizing the feelings that have arisen, a person gives himself the right to any emotion, and thereby he begins to understand what is happening in reality.

The list of basic emotions and feelings

What are the feelings and emotions of a person? Listing them all is simply impossible. In this regard, we decided to name only a few. Moreover, they are all divided into three different groups.


  • pleasure;
  • jubilation;
  • joy;
  • pride;
  • delight;
  • the trust;
  • confidence;
  • delight;
  • sympathy;
  • love (or affection);
  • love (sex drive for a partner);
  • respect;
  • gratitude (or appreciation);
  • tenderness;
  • complacency;
  • tenderness;
  • gloat;
  • bliss;
  • a sense of satisfied revenge;
  • a sense of self-satisfaction;
  • feeling of relief;
  • anticipation;
  • sense of security.



  • surprise;
  • curiosity;
  • amazement;
  • calmly contemplative mood;
  • indifference.

Now you know what feelings a person has. Someone more, some less, but each of us at least once in our life experienced them on ourselves. Negative emotions that are ignored and not realized by us do not disappear just like that. After all, the body and soul are one, and if the latter suffers for a long time, the body takes on some part of its heavy burden. And it is not in vain that they say that all diseases are from nerves. The influence of negative emotions on human well-being and health has long been a scientific fact. As for the positive feelings, the benefits of them are clear to everyone. Indeed, experiencing joy, happiness and other emotions, a person literally fixes in his memory the desired types of behavior (feelings of success, prosperity, trust in the world, people around him, etc.).

Neutral feelings also help people express their attitude to what they have seen, heard, and so on. By the way, such emotions can act as a springboard to further positive or negative manifestations.

Thus, by analyzing one’s behavior and attitude to events, a person can become better, worse or stay the same. It is these properties that distinguish humans from animals.

Everything that would not happen to us causes a certain reaction, feeling. This is a special kind of attitude of each of us to phenomena. And depending on whether they correspond to our needs or not, different kinds of human feelings and emotions are also expressed. They allow you to find out what emotions a person feels towards us. We reveal his thoughts, moral principles and internal characteristics. And everything that happens to us, or around us, regarding other people, we express through our emotions and feelings.

Without the formation of emotions and feelings, it is impossible to develop a single person. Even mentally retarded people still manifest at least some kind of emotions, feelings. After all, they too can cry, laugh, be indifferent - which also represents a certain emotion. The qualities that we describe are formed in the process of developing the consciousness of each individual, while raising, gaining education, developing culture and many other factors.

The main functions of the senses

We have different feelings, and each of them has certain functions, which everyone needs to familiarize themselves with in more detail.

  1. Signal - as soon as the body needs something, there is a need - an alarm occurs immediately, stimulating the activity of the human body.
  2. Motivational - this type of feeling is a motivator for action in the behavior of each person.
  3. Evaluation - thanks to these feelings, we can understand how significant for us or not what is happening in the world around us.
  4. Expressive - non-verbal types of communications.
  5. Synthesizing the basics of the image - the whole and structural stimuli are reflected by our feelings.

We possess modal, conscious, deep, long-lasting feelings and distinguish them by intensity, hereditary origin, conditions and forms of development, performed functions. We distinguish them by the way they affect our body, the processes in the psyche that are associated with feelings, the content, according to our needs, etc.

  1. Each person without fail (if he is normal) has two types of feelings - lower and higher. The lower ones include those associated with the satisfaction of physiological, physical needs.
  2. Higher feelings are those that accompany our emotional, intellectual and moral nature. Thanks to them, we manifest our spiritual world and analyze, comprehend the meaning of being, give an assessment of the world around us and individuals.

Types of feelings

As we already know, a person has two main types and their subspecies. We will study each of the main ones carefully.

The moral, moral nature of man.  Thanks to them, each of us experiences different values \u200b\u200bor opposing phenomena, intentions. The degree of experience, their outcome depends on how moral feelings correspond to our needs, how interesting they are to us and society. Such feelings can occur with a certain ratio of actions and actions of people according to the norms that are acceptable in modern society.

These include those that are familiar to each of the readers from childhood: fellowship, friendship, love, affection for specific people, society. Each of these feelings we must show in relation to others, which is called duty. If we stop observing these qualities - respect, comradeship, friendliness, etc., then we necessarily experience certain negative feelings - shame, resentment, anger, remorse. Negative feelings of a moral, moral plan also include pity, jealousy, envy, greed, etc.

Aesthetic sensations are experiences of the beautiful. The most typical example is the perception of cultural works of art - natural phenomena, people, plants. Such feelings develop through the development of art. We listen to beautiful music and develop musical sensations. Due to the feelings of beauty, beauty, we also develop our attitude towards the ugly, as we know the difference between the first and second and understand the harmony of what is sublime and tragic. These feelings include anger, irony, humor, drama, tragedy, and mockery.

Intellectual feelings  develop due to a person’s desire to know the world, his activities. With the development of cognitive skills, the satisfaction of our own ambitions in terms of curiosity, with the solution of complex problems, the search for truth, each of us "acquires" intellectual feelings.

There is an opinion that the mood of each of us can be compared with lenses for glasses, and multi-colored, in which reality is reflected in a deformed form. Depending on the mood, we can either exaggerate the significance of the events or, on the contrary, downplay. And what is remarkable, we all understand that at the moment we are simply not able to get rid of a certain mood just like that.

The only thing that is subject to us is to learn to influence the decisions we make, their quality in times of mood swings. But let's all figure out what it is - the mood.

According to experts in psychology, mood is a certain process in which we show our attitude to the current situation in life. It can be long-lasting and affect the emotional background. Sometimes, for a person, the smallest turmoil is enough, words, glances, how his mood can be spoiled for a whole day, a week. But, as a rule, over time, the mood returns to normal, if not provoked. However, it is impossible to miss a spoilage of mood without any reason or reason.

Apparently, in our life there are moments due to which the quality of our existence deteriorates. That is, a negative attitude is an indicator that you need to pay attention to.

What is the psychology of human mood

We want to note right away the fact that most of us are on the “cause” for our negative mood. Moreover, we feel comfortable in this state and are looking for excuses. Why is this happening? Because it is much easier than fighting a negative mood and bouncing back.

Few people know that the word "mood comes from the ancient Slavic" Three of us. " That is, the word reflects the unity of the soul, spirit and human body. And if each of them is in harmony, resonance with respect to each other, then in a person’s soul “birds sing”. As soon as one of the components of the mood falls out - the mood deteriorates.

5 stages of mood

In order for a person to manifest one or another mood, 5 stages of its formation are necessary.

We evaluate the reality.  This moment occurs in an instant and depends on what our internal guidelines, tasks and values \u200b\u200bare. For this reason, most often we can’t understand why they became sad, upset, began to worry. Often we say to ourselves “sixth sense”, “intuition” and of course, we often make mistakes, but sometimes we get “to the point”.

Ways to interpret reality.  Feeling a certain mood, we immediately look for the moment by which we confirm the changes in sensations. It’s not in vain that they say that “it’s not what is happening to us that matters, but how we all interpret it.”

Dominant emotion.  Whatever our mood, it is most often based on a dominant emotion, which affects the overall emotional background. It is fully consistent with our interpretation. Example: "Outside the rain, which does not allow us to calmly go to the beach and sunbathe." That is, we interpret the moment as negative and will be in a bad mood all day. If we say: “It’s raining outside the window, we can have a nice day at home, watch our favorite show, and drink a warm grog.” Here the basis is positive, because of which the mood will be only good further.

Physical moments.  Mood, as we know, is reflected in the emotional background. And if it is bad, then there is a feeling of heaviness, headache, respiratory rate, heartbeat, etc. are disturbed. With a positive, each of us feels lightness, a surge of vigor, energy, comfort.

Stimulus to action.  The mood encourages a person to make some mistakes, make decisions, that is, actions. Or, a certain mood encourages inaction, doing nothing. As is the case with rain outside the window. If the mood has deteriorated because of him, we will not go anywhere. Otherwise, we immediately set the table, cook, have fun, play, have fun.

The listed stages of mood are very subject to our leadership. And if we learn to influence our mood at least a little bit, we will be able to control our actions. Of course, this is subject to few. To do this, you must be a very strong, strong-willed person with a steel "core" inside. Try it and you. Start by responding positively to simple problems. “Let it rain, but how beautiful nature is, washed by pure drops from heaven. And what kind of air, he simply dizzy and makes you think about something good. "

Human emotions

Various phenomena arise around us and our attitude to them, sensations, are emotions. There is still no exact statement about what it is. Since the phenomenon is not fully understood. But most psychologists boil down to the opinion that they are a kind of regulators of our activities with you, they reflect the rationale for situations that develop throughout life. Because of them, we suffer, get angry, worry, worry, fear, enjoy, get annoyed, satisfied, etc. More often, they control the internal activity of a person.

Where did the emotions come from?

The sensations we study developed over the course of human evolution. And from the simplest instincts of our ancestors, both motor and organic, they became a complex process. Moreover, many of them are no longer tied to any situation. They are expressed as individual assessments of the attitude to circumstances and the individual's participation in them. For example, rage, fear, pain and others provide each of us with survival on Earth and are a signal for action.

The meaning of emotions in human life

They are very important for each of us. It is thanks to emotions that we can show joy, pleasure, satisfaction, resentment, sadness, anxiety, fear, anxiety, surprise, admiration, etc. They can be accompanied by facial expressions and bodily signals, for example, redness, pallor, gesticulation. If a person does not have emotions, then this is a socially passive creature that does not see the point in its actions. Because of this, indifference, detachment arises. It happens that a period of apathy occurs in almost every person, but it is associated with specific situations. As soon as everything returns to normal, the person again becomes the same as it should be - indifferent, active, etc.

Emotions - Signals

We would not be able to live a day if our emotions did not give us signals. So we find out in what condition our body. That is, if we feel good, joyful, satisfied, that is, positive, a positive type of emotion lives in us. Dissatisfaction, frustration, annoyance, resentment, anger and other negative emotions "say" that we are unhappy. Thanks to emotions, we protect ourselves from overload, contribute to the conservation of energy necessary for life in the body.

Types of emotions

There are several types of emotions: positive, negative and neutral, as well as affect.

  1. The positive ones include: joy, admiration, surprise, love, kindness, empathy, mercy, daydreaming, curiosity, etc.
  2. Negative - anger, hatred, annoyance, irritation, hostility, resentment, resentment, fear, shame and others.
  3. The neutral ones include curiosity, amazement, indifference, and others.

It is important to note that any emotion causes a certain resonance and other moments are included in the process of emotion. It was previously believed that only humans are capable of this. But as it turned out, certain types of plants and animals behave exactly the same way.

Basic emotions are inherent in each of us, but a wide range of sensations is not available to everyone. We all heard about such a type of people as “pachyderms”, “impenetrable”. They do not have a sharpness of emotions, and react to events that cause others joy, tears are completely indifferent. You can not judge for it - just so their psyche is arranged. They would be happy to enjoy as well as others, react to events with everyone equally, but their inner activities are constrained.

Affect is a separate kind of human emotion.  This is a strong, powerful emotional state of a person, affecting the rationality of thinking. The only thing he can do - act according to stereotype - becomes aggressive, runs or numb.

Nature has endowed us with certain sensations and instincts when unforeseen dangerous situations arise. Someone runs away from a big lion, another stands in fear from the spot, and the third attacks him obviously more than a strong animal.

The sad one’s gait changes - it becomes lethargic, slow. On the face grimace - the corners of the mouth are lowered, the eyes are "extinct." In a state of aggression, the body immediately turns into a protective object - it straightens up, strains.

An interesting fact: scientists have proved that in extreme moments, when there is a serious threat to human life, blood thickens. For this reason, a lot of blood loss can be avoided and saved.

Great joy can also be guilty of a surge in pressure. But the body, in this case, has hedged and a joyful person, as a rule, strengthens the tone that protects the body.

There is also a phenomenon called alexithymia.  In this case, a person does not experience any emotions at all. Moreover, such types are not even capable of manifestation, but also the possession of feelings. He replaces them with reflection. For them, the main thing is to find out the meaning of life, and not waste time worrying. Where does such a “pathology” come from?

Healthy people have emotions and feelings. Everything happens due to the impact of the outside world on us, and a person answers, that is, reacts. He shows his thoughts, his inner world and colors them with emotions. And if in childhood the child watched adults who were “stingy" with emotions and feelings, he adopted a "contagious" example. It can also be a certain character warehouse, inherited from the parents.

Most often, alexithymia affects the stronger sex. The reason for this is learning from childhood to be able to restrain one's impulses, feelings, and be a "man." They are not allowed to cry, suffer, be sad, real men do not do that. And with age, in men, this trait develops and turns into what is called the "insensitive blockhead."

Feelings and emotions of man

The two concepts are very related. And everything that happens to each of us inside is displayed precisely by emotions and feelings. But there are times when it is difficult for us or we are afraid to show emotion, and for this reason we confuse it with our feelings. Or there are types who are unable at certain times to express - what they feel. Why is this happening? Is this an insensitive person or are there reasons for such behavior?

We note right away that a person who is not able to identify his feelings and emotions cannot make important decisions for his life. Various factors may be the cause of the inability, but the first place is occupied by social factors.

Feelings and emotions can express the same thing at the same time. For example, there is emotion joy and there is a feeling of joy. Without each other, they do not exist. In extreme cases, a person can restrain himself, but the inner world is still happy from "two sides." Joy arises when there is a sense of satisfaction of one’s needs. For example, a person rejoices when he eats deliciously, takes a walk, meets an expensive person, receives a gift, etc. Satisfaction is directly related to an object for which there is no alternative. That is, if a person wants to drink tea, and there is only coffee, then he will be unsatisfied.

Passion is a poorly controlled feeling that not everyone manages to cope with. Here physiology plays a role. She “dictates” how to behave to a man or woman, and if an emotional background is added to her that induces passion, then the question is “closed”.

Let's digress from feelings with Yandex Music:

How many feelings does a person have?

There is not a second that we do not experience certain feelings. Thanks to them, we can navigate through life and satisfy our needs, feel the danger and have fun. Even in ancient times, the great Aristotle identified the main 5 senses of man and no one has yet refuted them:

  • sense of smell;
  • hearing;
  • vision;
  • touch;
  • taste.

The only thing that some scientists have achieved is to increase their number to 30. That is, they revealed subtypes of all five human senses. For example, such a feeling as taste has separate “branches”: the taste is sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. There are also branches of vision according to the receptors - cones and rods. The first perceive light, the second color.

But in addition to the five major senses, it was also attached:

  1. Thermoception is a skin sensation of warmth or cold.
  2. Nazioception is a sensation of pain.
  3. Equibrioception - a feeling of movement, speed and balance. In this sense, the vestibular apparatus located inside the human ear is involved.
  4. Proprioception - a feeling of one’s body, its position and its individual components.

There is also a conservative approach to the determination of the senses in humans. These include:

  • light - vision;
  • mechanical - hearing, human touch;
  • chemical - smell, taste.

Studying a short list, we understand that there are much more feelings. Otherwise, we would be boring and uninteresting creatures. Especially everyone is interested in the “sixth” feeling, called intuition. Agree, it has repeatedly saved people from death and saved humanity. For example, in the 80s, the sky monitoring center over the Russian Federation received a signal that the United States sent a missile with a nuclear warhead. According to the rules, the officer was obliged to inform the management and, of course, click on the answer button. But something held him back, and, thank God! As it turned out, the information was false. If not for his intuition. Nature has endowed everything that protects us, allows us to empathize, have fun and enjoy life.

Bye everyone.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

The roots and relativity of emotions

Life is beautiful, but there are barriers between the objective opportunity to enjoy it and our willingness to do it - negative emotions. Yes, there are other obstacles. We will not talk about the saddest thing - the inevitable ending (well, except in the example), as well as about obvious life obstacles, but we are woven from the senses, and only they constantly accompany us. Emotion is a reaction of an organism to circumstances, expressed by a certain experience. Negative emotions have an unpleasant color and, unlike positive ones, force us to flee from them.

Life is not only beautiful, but also in many ways relative. That which is negative for one, is completely charged with a plus to itself. You can be on top of success in the form in which it is familiar to society, and be or become deeply unhappy. A striking example is Leo Tolstoy. Being on the crest of world public recognition, not suffering from a lack of vital wealth, in a fairly short time he turned into a sufferer seeking peace in a noose.

Psychology is tied to philosophy, in the end, our emotions are shaped by worldview. Few realize this, deeply understand - few. Tolstoy, as a man of great mind, could not accept the need to live, mindful of the inevitable end. “How can one be in the aura of positive if all life is a solid farce, a mockery with a deplorable ending?”, The writer reasoned. In the end, Tolstoy found a way out and comfort in faith. The example illustrates the dependence of ordinary manifestations of emotional negativity on large worldview blocks and the relativity of reactions. Agree, most of us, being in the social and financial situation of the author of "Anna Karenina", would revel in success.

  Negative emotions: what they are

There are a lot of negative emotions, here are some of them:

  • resentment;
  • anger;
  • envy;
  • hatred;
  • anxiety;
  • disgust;
  • fear;
  • anger;
  • aggression;
  • irritation;
  • guilt;
  • jealousy;
  • rage

All of them are associated with the corresponding character trait: aggression - aggressiveness, resentment - resentment. That is why it is so important to try not to allow individual manifestations of negativity into your inner world - it easily takes root, growing into part of our essence.

  Negative Emotions: Functionality

Negative, as well as positive, emotions perform a number of functions that are divided into several categories: evaluative, motivating, protective. Let's consider functionality on examples.


With every emotion we value people and circumstances. Irritation can be compared with the "C grade" - a person is clearly unpleasant for us, but he does not reach lower grades. Thanks to the natural reaction, we have an idea about the object or subject.

Annoyance motivates. You yourself know how much easier it is to cope with the task, succumbing to the negative. Finally, with the help of irritation we defend ourselves. It can be difficult for a timid shy person to refuse a nasty request, but for a timid and annoyed person it is much easier.


Having a certain picture of the world, we determine whether everything in it is in order, reacting in one way or another to circumstances. Anxiety is a clear sign that something has gone wrong, and appropriate measures must be taken. Without anxiety, parents would let the fate of their children drift, and doctors - the health of patients.
The motivation caused by anxiety is enormous. A feeble woman who has lost a child will move the mountains in search. An unremarkable gray man, fearing for an unsightly future, will overcome thousands of troubles in striving for a more beautiful picture than the one that is destined for him, according to dry statistics.

Anxiety protects. Experiencing tomorrow, we stock up on food, strengthen the roof over our heads, set aside our savings ... All negative emotions  one way or another help in something. But why then are they negative? They not only help, but also harm, and the harm in the end is much more than good. Sometimes because of powerlessness, sometimes by stupidity, we “substitute concepts” - we seek a way out in the negative, instead of looking for it in a positive mood, in creating a constructive, rather than destructive, character.

  Negative emotions: reasons

Based on the foregoing, it is easy to determine the main causes of negative emotions:

  • beliefs (worldview);
  • fear of the future;
  • physical state;


Tolstoy needed a change of conviction to turn his life into a nightmare: a beautiful picture gradually, with only mental efforts, was replaced by an ugly one. The disgrace was in reaction, inability to influence the situation. Negative emotions  can become part of our life imperceptibly, as a result of daily experience and reflection, changing the perception of reality. It is important to try to believe in the happy ending of any situation - it gives strength to overcome troubles without destroying your psyche.


We only know that we know nothing ... And yet, what we know is enough for fear of the outside world. We are afraid of uncertainty, fear generates other negative emotions. Fear of the future is closely connected with the worldview: faith in the absence of a happy end drives positive emotions away, but a holy place does not happen.

  Physical state

Ailment, severe illness, pain cause anger and irritation. And the fact of violation of our plans, and the essence. Only strong-spirited, highly spiritual people who, relatively speaking, see the light at the end of the tunnel, are able to withstand blow after blow without reacting negatively to them.

  Overcoming Negative Emotions

To overcome negative experiences, you need to work with objective reasons, and with your own psyche - change your point of view on various situations and, ultimately, on the surrounding reality. It is impossible to always escape from objective reasons, but one must try as much as possible.

Working with the psyche, no matter how difficult it is, is much easier. At least it lends itself to change. In addition to finding a reliable life anchor, expressed in faith in a brighter future, you should:

  • to control emotions;
  • search and launch triggers

We have willpower and often control over negative reactions is too tough for us. He does not allow the flame of bad emotions to spread further. The negative, which has been repulsed, according to the law of conservation of energy, does not disappear - it will certainly find a way out in something else. Therefore, the work should be comprehensive.

A trigger is an irritant, an impulse that triggers a particular feeling. Negative emotions  quenched by studying their strengths and weaknesses and skillfully tacking between circumstances and pressing the correct "buttons". Feeling offended, “click” on the analysis of the situation, finding yourself in a state of irritation - “click” on positive thinking.

Work on yourself is difficult, but always bears fruit. Do not let the fire of negativity flare up, extinguish it in all possible ways.

The desire to care, protect and give all of oneself is not love as such and not feelings, it is rather a consequence of love.

Let's figure out what feelings you can have for your loved one.

Yearning. This is a very difficult state of mind. Longing - when you have a day to fly, you think about him and you cannot fall asleep until he wishes you pleasant dreams. Longing is when you quarreled, and you want to howl at that. That he is terribly lacking.

Feeling sad, you can also feel indifference to the world around you, loneliness, sorrow and sadness,

Joy. A very wonderful feeling that you can feel for your loved one.

You rejoice at every little thing that happens in your destiny. In the morning you woke up and the first thing you saw was how he smiles sweetly in a dream. Is this not a reason for joy?

Anxiety. When you care what happens to him. You worry about his health and state of mind. After all, you love him and wish him only all the very best.

The trust. The foundation of a strong and reliable relationship for each couple. Trust is a very fragile feeling that can be lost in one second. And to earn it, too, is sometimes very difficult. But, loving hearts are able to cope with any difficulty.

Jealousy  - The reason for the breakup of loving couples. But, this feeling in different quantities is inherent in every person. It is necessary to deal with it when emotions and a feeling of jealousy literally prevent you from living fully. A very small drop of jealousy can only make the relationship more piquant.

In fact, the list of feelings experienced by a loved one is huge. Listing it in one article will be very difficult. Moreover, each person has his own special ability to feel. Each of us has its own limit of feelings and emotions.

When you love, you can simultaneously feel: love and hate, joy and anger, euphoria and melancholy, sadness and disappointment, gratitude, ease, trust, or vice versa, Jealousy and fear of losing a loved one, peace or suspicion.

As you can see, the list is diverse, although not all feelings are represented. Many people can live their whole lives and, for example, never experience feelings of jealousy or disappointment in a loved one.

It can be argued that there are feelings experienced for a loved one about which we still do not know anything, since no one had to worry about him.

Describing feelings is also very difficult. Using a sea of \u200b\u200bwords to express a particular feeling is stupid. Best of all, you will tell about your feelings, simply by calling it exactly at the moment when you feel it.

With age, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a person to describe his feelings. While young children are just professionals in this, they do not use loud phrases, but simply sincerely talk about their feelings.

Feelings - boundless energy is in them. Feeling a feeling of love, a person is capable of the most incredible things. A fragile woman with a feeling of jealousy is capable of immobilizing a huge man with one blow.

It is safe to say that feelings are not subject to reason. They are so strong that a person loses the ability to think and think. He is completely at the mercy of the senses. A person capable of feeling is also able to change under the influence of feelings and emotions.

Many ask what are feelings and emotions for a loved one  to a man, boyfriend, girl, or between a man and a woman in psychology. Since it is very useful to express and show your feelings for the person whom you really love for a long time. Of course, you should not express your feelings at the first 2-3 meetings, as this will seem strange. But keeping your feelings locked for a few months to a person is dangerous, as he or she might think that you fell out of love.

In the article you will find out what feelings and emotions really feel for a loved one, between man and woman   and to the guy, the girl. Learn to show your feelings, because no one except you knows what is inside you. You can love a person very much for several years, but by hiding it from this person, this can ultimately lead to separation and divorce. Take care of your relationship and express your feelings on time, but not too early.

Feelings are different, but in order to know the whole list of feelings and emotions, you need to study practical psychology. We will list only the most basic feelings and emotions. The first thing you need to know, feelings and emotions are divided into two groups, positive and negative.

Positive feelings and emotions

Positive feelings and emotions include: love, happiness, joy, laughter, pleasure, gratitude, laughter, fun, surprise, reliability, success.

Negative emotions and feelings.

Sure feelings and emotions for a loved one a man, a guy or a girl are different. It can be a simple enthusiasm when there is some sympathy and interest in each other, but nothing more. There is also affection when people have been together for a long time, but do not like each other, but cannot get rid of it. For example, they can be restrained by the opinions of others, children, fear, habit, pity for each other.

If you want to know what are the feelings and emotions  between a man and a woman, study psychology. But the most common feelings are: passion, sympathy, passion, love, affection, attractiveness, love, betrayal, betrayal, quarrel, deceit, selfishness.

After all, there are both positive and negative emotions and feelings between a man and a woman. Alas, betrayal and betrayal are more common today than love. People often compare each other and therefore begin to change, hoping to find someone better, which ultimately leads only to suffering and problems.

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