How to train your voice to sing beautifully. How to learn to sing beautifully at home

For safe and beautiful performance of works, it is important to correctly use the voice apparatus. Lack of sound production skills, improper singing can lead to injuries, which will then be felt for a long time. Special vocal exercises for the development of voice and hearing, used by both beginning singers at home or a music school, and the stars of the stage, will save you from unpleasant consequences and will contribute to the improvement of vocal data.

How to put a voice yourself?

Can this be done at home? Yes, albeit much less effective than with a teacher. To quickly learn the basics, with sufficient diligence, it will turn out by viewing the online course of classes. On our site of the Maria Deeva School of Music, the site for beginner performers contains the best exercises for singing and vocals - video clips and text descriptions. Lessons are grouped by topic. There is no difficulty in finding the right vocals and vocal cords, which will help to develop your own potential. Exactly following the recommendations and working hard with the voice helps to start singing well in a short time.

Simple exercises for a beautiful voice

On the concentration of sound.  Such techniques for improving vocals are suitable for children and beginner adults who are faced with the problem of deaf, ruined singing.

  • Closed lips on the syllable "M". It is necessary to perform a sharp breath with your nose, while making sure that the larynx is lowered. The sound "M" is sung as you exhale with your mouth closed. The larynx should still remain below. Lower and relax the lower jaw: the teeth should be open and not touch each other. The lips are closed, but not compressed, the tongue also does not strain. It is necessary to get a long and even sound. You can start the exercise with any note that is convenient for you, gradually moving to a semitone higher;
  • The syllable "Mi-and-and." The first part of the syllable is chanted in the same way as in the first task. Singing the vowel “And”, try not to strain your jaw and lips, otherwise it will turn out squeezed and unnatural. If you feel that this letter is completely subordinate to you, you can cope with the requirements of the lesson, you can move on;
  • "M-I-E-A-O-U-O-A-E-I". It is important to achieve a uniform sound so that each vowel sounds in the same singing position and with similar articulation. Try to get a sharp sound, hold your breath. There must be support, otherwise there will be wheezing and rest, which spoils the sound. It is important to concentrate it on the tip of the front teeth for good resonance.

Exercises for voice to give strength, depth, improve the timbre of singing.  Lessons are recommended to all novice vocalists seeking to improve the quality of singing skills. The presented methods for voice control can eliminate trembling, nasal, add song power, drama, enhance vocals.

  • "RO-O-O-O-O-O". Feel free to open your mouth wide and lower your lower jaw. This will give the necessary volume to the vocals. Relax your lips to get a sound in the middle between the articulation of “O” and “A”. Use a mirror for control - when pronouncing "P" the larynx should be slightly raised, and when singing "О" slightly lower. Imagine a yawn, feel it. Sound should rise from the chest;
  • “RO! O! O! O! O!” A sharp staccato on the exhale followed by the same quick breath. When exhaling, follow the abs - the muscles should contract sharply and strongly. This method of singing is called “active exhalation technique”. The higher the rise, the deeper the sound becomes. The mouth is not closed, the neck and jaw are left in a relaxed state. The vocal becomes like a groan, as if the singer continues singing this exercise through force.

How to learn to sing exercises for voice with maximum benefit?

Work on the voice, exercises and training for singing at home and video clips for viewing are convenient in that you do not need to get anywhere and spend money. But even if you are sincerely ready for daily improvements in your singing level from scratch, you will not always be able to adequately compare and evaluate the results of your work, check the intonations, and clearly understand the tasks.

Much more effective classes will begin with the advent of a professional trainer. Exercises for opening, warming up and strengthening the voice will turn out not only to correctly realize and execute. The teacher will offer the optimal complex of vocal exercises for beginners for your weaknesses that need to be developed and developed, give valuable advice, monitor the literacy of performance and simply cheer you up at the right time.

Not all people know that you can put your own voice and do not need to record in special circles.

But first you need to understand the most important and basic things.

You must feel all the vibrations of your body when you say something.

Why it is so important - the fist punch analogy

Let us give an analogy with a fist from boxing.

  • When the right hit, the whole body is invested in it. This is not just waving one fist.
      A body with a right hit is not static and also invests in it, and only then the blow becomes 10 times stronger  and more dangerous for the enemy.
  • If you will not use the power of your body  when you hit with your fist and you don’t invest in it, it will not be a blow, but simply a movement with one hand.

You must apply the same thing in a conversation.

You must include your whole body in your expression.

Take a deep breath and then speak, otherwise no one will hear you.

2. Use the right key

There are 3 types of keys in total.:

  1. seeker / needy;
  2. normal
  3. torn.

Seeking or needing tonality (1)

Also on the street, beggars approach people on the street and ask for money. This seeker trying to please  rapport.

For example:

  • Do not tell me the time?
  • Would you like to eat delicious pizza with me?
  • My computer is broken, please fix it.

This is unattractive and causes rejection.

Normal Key (2)

When you talk to a person completely neutral, without any special emotions.

For example:

  • Everything is fine with us today.
  • I had a good time in the park.
  • Dad bought a new car.

Ripped Rapport (3)

From the presentation side, this tonality looks as if you don’t want anything from this person and as if you don’t want to talk to him too much.

With this tonality, you do not try to impress your interlocutor, you try less and strain less.

This tonality will be useful for men to lead with women.

Examples of 3 keys:

  • In general, cool rested the day before yesterday.
  • You have a great T-shirt.
  • We are going to our favorite place by the river.

To be centered and to be in a permanent state when communicating, most people need to talk from torn to normal tonality. If the main amount of time is your voice between torn and normal tonality, and you also diversify it with sometimes seeking rapport, then your voice will be cocky and funny at the same time. It will be fun and diverse at the same time.

Therefore, use all three types of tonality skillfully, and then you will know everything about how to deliver speech and voice. You will have a charming and unique tonality.

Remember that confidence plays a key role in communication. self confidence for girls  You can read the link on our website.

3. In the morning, get rid of excess mucus in the mouth

In the morning, everyone has this mucus and saliva in their mouths, which they must get rid of. They prevent your voice from opening.

Because of the mucus in the mouth, people often speak with their noses, as if voicing pirated films. All exercises of voice and speech are performed much easier and more productive if there is no excess mucus in the oral cavity.

To get rid of mucus in your mouth as soon as you wake up   in the morning brush your tongue with toothpaste and brush!

That is, when you go to brush your teeth, you also brush your tongue.

Thus, all excess mucus comes out of the mouth. Expectorate. You yourself will understand when it’s enough.

The procedure is not so pleasant, but very useful. It takes about 3 to 4 minutes.

4. Warm up and draw vowel sounds from high notes to low

Otherwise, then there will be internal resistance and the voice will not be congruent. ABOUT congruency  we talk in detail.

If you do not warm up, then everything that you say or do will worsen and worsen your communication and expression.

In order not to worry about how to develop a beautiful timbre, use this useful exercise.

Pronounce these sounds in the same orderin which they are indicated:

When performing a vocal exercise for voice with these sounds from “I” to “U”, you go on a scale from high notes to low.

Walk these sounds 2 times. You start with a high “And” sound and end with a low “U”.

It relaxes and opens your throat.

All our exercises will help those who subsequently will openly express themselves and will not be shy of their voice.

We have a full article on our site on how to stop being embarrassed by people. It can be found.

5. mooing

To mumble is to pull the sound “M”. This is a well-known exercise in setting the voice for singing, and it must be performed correctly.

  With proper mooing, lips should itch.

If it scratches inside your throat, then you need to raise your neck higher.


  1. Do not take in too much air.
  2. No need to moo like a cow. This is not at all effective and will not help development in any way.
  3. During mooing and voice production, men or women may experience sore throats. Discontinue immediately if such symptoms begin.
  4. During this exercise, do not try to take high beyond notes. That is, moo at a neutral volume, which does not bother you in any way.
  5. Do not strain the muscles of the face or jaw. All in a relaxed, relaxed position, as well as when pronouncing the short sound “M”.

6. Strain your throat and mouth

Order of execution:

You begin to strain your mouth, throat and neck a little, and thereby you exercise and expand the possibilities of your voice when communicating.

  • The tension is released and the tension comes out of your neck, throat and mouth.
  • The voice and throat opens.
  • You begin to speak cleaner and more distinctly.
  • You start breathing deeper.
  • The language features are beginning to be used more when speaking.

You can watch the implementation of this exercise clearly in one of our video tutorials on how to put a voice on your own.

7. Good neck stretch

The exercise will be especially useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and want to know everything about how to develop a voice on their own.

In people with sedentary work, the neck and head often contract in an uncomfortable position, the chin is kept too low.

How to perform:

  1. Put your tongue on the upper teeth in the middle.
  2. Then lift your head and gently stretch your neck, slightly tilting it up, left, right, and forward.
  3. This is similar to how you stretch your muscles before you begin to swing in the hall.

Pros of stretch marks  neck is that you begin to better project your voice, especially in noisy places.

Visual exercise, see below in the next series of free video lessons for staging voices from scratch.

8. Repetition of the word "Glap"

Essence of the exercise  in that:

  • The voice is getting louder, cleaner.
  • It becomes easier to control and project it.

How to visually perform the exercise, see the next video in the series on how to put a voice for singing at home.

9. For setting the voice is very useful trill lips

This exercise is a bit like imitating a car engine. With it, you can put your voice right, especially when there is a visual video lesson below.

It doesn't matter how it looks from the side. The main thing is that it is effective.

Meaning of this  in that:

  1. You relax your lips and simulate this trill sound.
  2. Vibration of the lips due to expiration of air makes them more mobile.
  3. In parallel, you can make smooth movements of the neck, so that it is more liberated. But this is optional.

This is similar to how in childhood little boys played with cars in the sandbox.

For more details on how the exercise is performed, see the next video on how to develop a beautiful voice.

10. Exercise for diction

Speak any text with your mouth closed

How to perform in detail:

  1. Take any text or newspaper and start reading it with your mouth closed.
  2. You close your lips, and your teeth should be open.
  3. Pre-inhale more air and start.

Maybe at first it will not turn out so well.

But, gradually, even with your mouth closed, your speech will be better perceived by people by ear and becomes more intelligible.

Know that the result will come, do not lose motivation and.

What are the advantages?:

  • Opening his mouth later, speech will become even more legible. So, slowly you will be able to put your beautiful voice.
  • Your speech will become pleasant, harmonious and clear.

See how the exercise is visually performed in the next special video on how to put a voice at home, pronouncing the text with your mouth closed.

11. Repeating tongue twisters 10 times

The bottom line is that the muscles of the mouth expand and it becomes easier to communicate.

The effect of the exercise will be twice as muchif you repeat the tongue twister with your mouth closed. We talked about this above in the 10th method.

There are a lot of tongue twisters. For example:

  • “Sasha has cones and checkers in his pocket”;
  • "Mother Romache gave yogurt serum."

Choose your favorite 2 - 3 and start repeating 10 times each. This last method will close all your questions about how to improve voice and diction.


After doing the exercises, you will want to get rid of excess mucus in your mouth.

This is a very good sign and it is normal.

Performing these exercises in the morning, you will notice how in a month your voice will noticeably improve. Take your time.

Do not forget about confidence

Confidence is the key to a good voice.

Speak confidentlyand without embarrassment.

Now you know everything about how to put your own voice for singing.

Invest time in developing yourself, and the result will not be long in coming.

Of course, those people who want to learn to sing for the professional performance of musical compositions should devote their whole lives to this. In the process of creative activity, singers constantly improve their skills, so the style of performance may slightly change over the course of life.

In most cases, those who want to develop a voice are recorded in various music studios for vocal lessons. There, professional teachers will appreciate the hearing, timbre and other data that every person has from birth, and taking into account the individual characteristics of the student, they will choose the appropriate set of effective exercises for him.

At the same time, not all people are ready to perform in public and want to choose music lessons as their main area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

In some cases, men and women simply want to sing beautifully for themselves or their loved ones. In such a situation, simple exercises that can be done at home as often as you can afford it will come to your aid.

Is it possible to develop a voice if it is not initially there?

Many people refuse to practice vocals simply because they are sure that they have no musical talent. Of these girls and young people are often said   “The bear has stepped on the ear”, implying that by nature they completely lack vocals and hearing.

In fact, in order to become a famous performer and collect huge concert halls, it is not necessary to have a beautiful voice initially. It is this quality that can be developed through numerous and lengthy training. Moreover, this applies to those people who just want to sing in the company of loved ones and relatives. In order to learn to sing, both a professional and an amateur, it is enough just to engage regularly, and not to have excellent data from nature.

how to develop a beautiful voice on your own?

  1. To independently develop a voice for singing, it is enough to regularly perform the following exercises:

  • Stand in front of a large mirror, take a deep breath, and then exhale, utter one sound from the following sequence: “And”, “e”, “a”, “o”, “u”. Each of them must be pronounced as long as possible, while changing their places is strongly discouraged.
  • The very first exercise - pronouncing the sound “and” helps to improve blood circulation. This sound carries the highest frequency, and if you do everything correctly, then during the exercise you can feel a slight vibration of the skin with your palm on your head. All this indicates that your blood vessels begin to be supplied with oxygen much faster, so the vocal cords are being developed.
  • The next sound, “e”, activates the work of the neck and throat. You can also feel it with your own palm, placing it under the chin. "A" in turn has a beneficial effect on the chest and diaphragm. The correct pronunciation of the sound “o” normalizes the work of the heart muscle and allows it to more effectively cope with its functions. Finally, “U” has a positive effect on the lower abdomen.
    So, step by step, you descend along your body, forcing all organs and systems to participate in the development of your vocal cords.
  • It is necessary to pronounce each of the above vowels one after another, repeating them three times. Be careful with the sound “y” if you have a low voice initially, so you can aggravate the situation and start talking and singing in rude bass. Holders of a loud and high voice need, on the contrary, to perform this exercise as often as possible in order to get a beautiful deep tone as a result.

2. After completing this complex, it is necessary to use the upper abdomen. To do this, close your lips and say the sound “m” 3 times. First you have to make it as quiet as possible, then a little louder, and finally as loud as you can. Doing the last task, you must definitely feel the strong tension from the vocal cords.

3. For development, it is necessary to achieve the perfect pronunciation of any words. The most common difficulty in this matter is the sound “p”. The next exercise will not only allow you to deliver this complex sound, but also give your voice tangible strength and energy. First, lift the tip of the tongue to the upper palate behind the teeth and growl like a tractor. This is done in order to relax the language as much as possible.

After that, pronounce the following sequence of words emotionally and with expression, strongly emphasizing the sound “p”:

  • role, rhythm, ruble, ring, rudder, rice;
  • cook, cheese, carpet, fence, goods;
  • lilac, grass, frost, wing.

How to develop not only voice but also hearing?

To achieve beautiful and impressive singing, this is very important. You should start with three notes - “do, re, mi”. Sing them a few times up the scale, and then down. Then add one note at a time until you reach the full scale of eight consecutive notes - "Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si, do".

A little later, when you master the main gamut well, alternate the notes according to the principle - up through one, then down through one, for example, like this: "Do, mi, salt, si, do, la, fa, re".

After some more time, you can try to sing as follows: "Do, mi, re, fa, mi, salt, fa, la, salt, si, la, do, si, re, do".

It is also very useful for the development of both voice and hearing to sing the word “meow” in different ways, since it uses all the basic vowel sounds of the Russian language - “and”, “a” and “u”. Try to pronounce this word as slowly as possible to feel where exactly each sound resonates - in the chest, in the nose, in the oral cavity and so on.

Many want to learn to sing. But how to develop your own vocals for beginners? Being in the company, or simply playing melodies for yourself, you can throw off most of the negative feelings, thereby making your own life much more enjoyable, or by raising the mood of your friends. However, if you cannot sing, how can this be achieved? In this article we will try to highlight this issue. Basic exercises:

1) Breath

Any development of vocals begins with the fact that you need to learn how to breathe correctly, it is unlikely that anything will come out without proper breathing. Breathing should be complete, at the same time, it is necessary to fill the lungs with air not due to the expansion of the chest, but with the help of the diaphragm, you will feel it as if you are breathing in your stomach, or rather, the press. Such breathing allows you to maximize the required amount of air to perform any melody, be it difficult or vice versa simple.

To develop proper breathing, you can get up, then straighten your shoulders and start trying to breathe not with your chest, but with your stomach, while trying to gain air not only with your nose, but also with your mouth. Over time, you will learn this.

2) Exercise "cow"

The main problem of many novice vocalists is that their speech apparatus is not prepared to play some kind of melody, but this can be easily fixed. Exercise "cow" will help to achieve your goal, namely to develop vocals and learn to sing.

Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders, then inhale more air, close your mouth, and raise your tongue to the sky. Then, as you exhale, you need to start mooing like a cow. An elementary exercise that allows you to feel your own power in your voice, not only does your speech apparatus begin to make pleasant sounds, you will also gain “depth”, which is very much appreciated among professional singers.

3) Cuckoo Exercise

Especially for men, the main problem associated with the development of vocals is that they cannot take most of the high notes, the “cuckoo” exercise will remove all the clamps from the throat, thereby increasing the range of performance.

Breathe in again, while filling your lungs with air as much as possible, then curl your lips with a tube and start making sounds similar to the sounds of a cuckoo. After half an hour, you will feel that your voice has become much more pleasant, as well as sonorous.

4) Exercise "wolf"

We do everything, as in previous exercises, and then, after air intake, we begin to imitate the wolf, making prolonged high sounds, while the louder you can do it, the more sense the exercise will have.

In conclusion, I want to say that these exercises will significantly develop vocals for beginners, however, in order to learn how to use your voice freely, you will have to sing more scales, for this purpose any musical instrument is suitable for you. Start with the “before” and then, moving to higher scales, you will develop a sense of melody, allowing your voice to play the most complex melodies.

What to do for those whose voice is naturally weak or insecure? You can take advantage of powerful exercises for voice development, which are recommended by expert Felix Alekseevich Kuzmin, professor at the Moscow State Academy of Press.

You can develop your voice through these exercises, just as you develop muscles through physical education. Your voice will become lower and more harmonious, as far as necessary, its range will expand, the pronunciation will become clearer, modulations more expressive, and expressiveness more convincing. It is best to perform these exercises regularly, and in the morning, it will charge you with energy for the whole day.

As a result of this training, not only your voice, but also your thoughts become calmer and deeper. The deeper and lower the voice, the deeper it settles in the mind, the more the pronounced words make an impression. Due to this, your personal authority is strengthened.

1. Stand in front of the mirror. Breathe out, then breathe in and utter each sound until you have enough breath. So inhale and start:






This sequence is not random, you start with the sound of the highest frequency - “and”. If you put your palm on your head, you will feel a slight vibration of the skin. This is evidence of more intense circulation. Pronouncing the sound “e” activates the neck and throat, you can feel it by putting your hands to your neck.

Pronouncing the sound “a” has a beneficial effect on the chest area. When pronouncing the sound “o”, blood supply to the heart increases, and exercise with the sound “y” has a positive effect on the lower abdomen. Speak all sounds slowly one after another three times. Do you want your voice to be lower and deeper? Then say the sound “y” many times during the day.

2. Now you need to activate the chest and abdomen, for this you need to pronounce the sound "m" with your mouth closed. Exercise sound "m" do three times. Once it is very quiet, the second time - louder and the third time - as loud as possible so that the vocal cords are strained. Putting your palm on your stomach, you will feel a strong vibration.

Particular attention should be paid to the sound "p", since it helps to improve pronunciation and gives the voice strength and energy. In order to relax the tongue, carry out preliminary preparation: raise the tip of the tongue to the sky behind the front upper teeth and “growl” like a tractor.

So, exhale, then inhale and start to “growl”: “rrrr”. After that, pronounce the following words expressively and emotionally with an accentuated “p”: role, steering wheel, ring, ruble, rhythm, rice, carpet, cook, fence, cheese, goods, grass, wing, lilac, frost, etc.

3. In conclusion, do the "Tarzan exercise", which is the best prevention against colds and myocardial infarction. Stand straight, exhale, then take a deep breath. Fist your hands together. Pronounce sounds from the first exercise loudly, starting with the sound “and”, while pounding yourself on the chest with your fists, as Tarzan did in the famous film. Then continue by pronouncing the sound “e” and so on.

At the end of the exercise, you will notice how your bronchi are cleared of mucus, how your breathing becomes free, how you are energized. Thoroughly clear your throat, get rid of everything unnecessary! This exercise should be performed only in the morning, since it has an exciting and activating effect.

After several weeks of training, compare your current voice with the previous one, it is best to do this by recording your voice on a tape recorder in advance of training. You will see that your voice has changed markedly. Now he has gained more suggestive power, which means that the charismatic radiation emanating from you has become more intense, you have begun to speak more convincingly and have a stronger effect on others.

With the help of breathing exercises and exercises for developing your voice, you change not only your voice, but also the energy emanating from you and, in general, your personality as a whole.

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