How to develop your potential? How to unleash and realize your potential.

Elizaveta Babanova

How much do you realize your potential at this stage of your life?

You can say: “I’m poorly realizing”, or, on the contrary, “I feel that every day I reveal my potential more and more.” Or “I want to realize, but I don’t know how to unleash the potential.”

Or you can rate potential development on a 10-point scale, which will give you a clearer picture.

Well, appreciated? In general, do you rate your implementation at 10, 5, or 1?

How much do you realize in your work? In family? In society?

The Bible says that if we do not use the talents given to us from God, we commit a sin. This means that the question of how to reveal your creative potential should concern everyone.

If we consider sin as a deviation from a given vector of development, it means that the farther we move away from the course, i.e. from the realization of our mission, the less happiness and fullness we will experience.

In order to reduce the difference between a given vector and your current reality (to move from a state of unhappiness to happiness), each of us needs to find his professional vocation and engage in unleashing the potential of the individual.

Each person has his own task and his own internal potential: someone must be a biologist, someone - an architect, someone - a teacher, and someone - a writer. And each of us has a mission, realizing which we become happy.

Does your activity today make you full and happy? Do you feel that it is your unlimited potential that is revealed in it?


The easiest way to find out if you are realizing your potential is to remember the feeling with which you wake up and go to bed with.

If you fall asleep with a happy “sense of accomplishment” and are looking forward to the next day, if you are happy to get up and get to work, then you most likely have already found your path.

If for you a dream is a long-awaited rest from reality and, waking up, you think about how to get through the workday as soon as possible, you should think about how to realize your potential, because you still have to find the business of your dreams. It is very important to remember, however, that even in your favorite business there are days when things go awry, when you want to take a break. But the work that you like should give you pleasure 90% of the time.


Studying the biographies of great people, I always see a red thread passing and binding their fates - they are all in love with their work.

For them, rest is less fun than their favorite business.

They force themselves to rest, while the vast majority of people in our world force themselves to work. Ras


If you don’t really like your job, but also don’t know what your professional vocation is, I recommend trying yourself in different directions, continuing to work where you work now. Disclosure of creativity will be better combined with the main activity.

Leaving the job that feeds you and your family, not having the confidence that the new job will give you more growth and wealth, does not make sense.

To receive such an award as a beloved business, you need to work hard on yourself and not stop looking for your calling.

I also recommend constantly asking myself the question: “What can I do, that 1) will make me happy, 2) at the same time will bring the maximum benefit to society, and 3) for what people will want to pay me decent money if I become an expert in this field?”

Relations very often do not stand the test of time, children grow up and leave their home, economic and political systems change ... But if a person once found his favorite business for himself, he can always remain happy and in demand, regardless of changing circumstances.


If you do not stop in your personal and professional development, if you continue to experiment with various areas of activity, you will eventually find the job due to which:

  • You will be jumping at 5 in the morning, full of energy and enthusiasm, anticipating a new day.
  • You will forget about time, not counting the hours at work.
  • You will cease to separate work and leisure, as work will be no less (if not more) exciting pastime.

You deserve to find your dream job and realize your talent in the profession!

I urge you not to stop until you find your calling. Look for him with optimism, patience and gratitude for all that you already have in life!

I am very interested to know what grade you have set yourself today in the field of professional implementation. What are you more accomplished - in work, in the family or in society?


Most people intuitively guess about the huge potential that is present in each of us. Many had the opportunity to touch this magical power by examining themselves, reading books on human development, undergoing trainings, or listening to their inner voice.

Each person, like a precious diamond hidden in the bowels of the earth, is of great value to the world. It is unique and original. Nature knows no repetition! The manifestation of our uniqueness and identity is our most important task and responsibility, especially before ourselves! But how to do that?

How to realize our inner power and see its manifestation in the outside world in the form of well-being, prosperity, success?

How to unleash the full potential in us?

How to find that one and only way of manifesting oneself for everyone?

How to turn into a work of art, jewelry, those gifts and abilities that we received as a free gift at birth?

What tools do we need?

How to become a master of cutting the one of a kind, precious and unique diamond of our soul?

Our subconscious mind is a reliable keeper of information. That is why a person himself knows the answers to all vital questions, and we only teach him the technique of how to find these answers within ourselves. The answers for each of us are different, and the only ones right for us personally. This means that competition in achieving personal success also does not exist.

Our task at the training: to help you find the key to the door leading to your inner wealth, the path to your inspiration and intention to realize in all areas of life. Our stereotypes and limiting beliefs are like a crooked mirror distorting beautiful reality. By leveling and polishing its surface through expanding the boundaries of its capabilities, you will be able to reveal your real potential, develop a plan of concrete and understandable actions for you to manifest your uniqueness in the physical world.

The implementation of the planned actions is the answer to the question:

“How can I reach my potential?”

How we do it: the training is based on the use of a unique alloy of coaching, intuitive painting and meditation techniques, which allows participants to access their source of positive energy and launch a powerful flow aimed at receiving answers to their questions, a clear understanding of the direction of movement towards your dream, creation and realization of your prosperity, your harmonious and balanced life.

Briefly about the approaches and methods used:

Coaching - A modern, well-designed and field-proven technology for building a personal strategy for success and achieving goals. This technique has proven itself not only in sports and business, but also successfully practiced in other areas of life. Determining the vector of movement towards your goal, setting priorities, building an algorithm of actions and creating a supportive environment and motivation - this is the strategy of the real Winners.

Meditative visualization. The oldest practice of creating visually tangible images in the mind during meditation or just in a relaxed state is an amazing and easy way to help manifest the desired in reality. Clear visualization visualizations create a powerful stream of positive energy.

Intuitive painting. Intuitive painting is an abstract painting technique. We do not teach the academic methods of painting, we use painting to get acquainted with ourselves, our inner world. Intuitive painting gives us the opportunity to feel what it means to work in a stream. When you are busy with action, and after some time you understand that it is not you who draws, but the whole Universe draws with you, the common Self draws, and from there you take out the solution to your problems. Colors express those clots of energy of which a person consists, his actions. We all know that quantum physicists have now reached the point where everything is composed of vibrations, of energy and paint, clearly reflect what is happening with a particular person, what he needs to solve his problems. When Intuitive painting, everyone has their own drawing, and we use the method of Intuitive painting when conducting coaching sessions. People draw and they read their drawing perfectly, with each having their own signs. For example, I look at a drawing and see one thing, and when a client looks and starts telling, it's another. Reading drawings is a purely individual thing, but at the same time there are some common signs. Why do we look at one picture and we all say: “This is a work of art”, and people go through another picture, they don’t even see it. Because one picture is drawn through contact with the Universe, with work in a stream, and the other is painted for conjuncture, so that it is beautiful, painted by our ego. Intuitive painting makes it possible to go through the ego and touch your real Self, feel your real inner world, find the answers.

What does the training participant get as a result?

With the help of Intuitive painting, he will touch our inner world, see his real power; with the help of meditation, he creates a vision of his development, a vision of 5, 10 or eleven years - here we do not limit, the participant decides how many years he would like to plan his development; with the help of coaching, he prescribes for himself a clear concrete plan for the implementation of his plans.

This is a very unusual test. There are no small squares for “birds” in it, and there is no need to cross out the wrong answer. The main task for everyone he is interested in is to give an honest answer. It does not need to be written down on paper and carried somewhere. He is needed so that everyone can decide for himself how to act in life. And for this you need to understand yourself. If someone is an introvert, he won’t work out of it. And it’s not worth taking, only time and energy to lose. Here are 25 questions, for convenience they are divided into five blocks. Questions are awaiting answers. Forward!

Defining Your Character

1. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

You need to make sure yourself that you are truly an extrovert, and not a hidden introvert. Or vice versa.

2. What are the five words that describe your personality?

Highlight your key character traits and it will become clear who you are.

3. Are you comfortable in a complex and confusing environment?

So you can find the perfect job. Everyone’s houses are different too, some love complete order, for others, happiness is an eternal battle.

4. Are you willing to take risks?

Decide how you feel about uncertainty and danger. The success of creating your ideal lifestyle depends on the answer.

5. Are you better off working alone or in a team?

There are collectivists and "lone wolves." Some need a company, others need silence, peace and independence. It’s up to you to decide which environment is best for you. Answering honestly, you can find (or create) the most preferable job for yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages

6. What are your strengths?

Determine what your strengths are and how you intend to use them to your advantage.

7. What are your weaknesses?

Recognize your own weaknesses, and then you can fight them, and maybe defeat them.

8. What makes you different from everyone else?

Recognize your differences and make them your own unique virtues.

9. Are you ready to compete?

Determine which is closer to you, competition or cooperation, and choose the form in which the best results are achieved.

Personal questions

10. What are your favorite films, TV shows and books?

In answering this question, one should ignore fashion and other manifestations of mass taste and name only what you really like. It says a lot about your personality.

11. What is more important for you - career or family?

The answer should be honest, regardless of possible complications in the family (unless, of course, the spouse finds out). This will help you prioritize and act correctly.

12. Do you accept the rules or are you ready to rebel against them?

This is one of the most important issues, it depends on what your life will be like - calm and orderly or full of adventure. Remember: there are no wrong answers.

13. Are you a lark or an owl?

You can define a schedule of natural activity. This can be important at the goal setting stage.

14. What is more important for you to save time or money?

This will help in planning goals, you will know what to pay for and what to do yourself.

15. Why are you lying and why?

There are certain things that we do not want to make public. By analyzing the reasons for this reluctance, false shyness can be overcome.

You and others

16. Do you say yes (or no) too often?

Saying yes gets a little time for what he really wants. Having said no, you can miss a lot of amazing impressions.

17. If money did not exist, what would you do with your time?

By constantly solving financial problems, we often miss out on things that are really important to us. We are constantly working in order to be able to do, finally, what we like the most.

18. How patient are you?

Firstly, it is important to understand the limits of your own patience. Secondly, determine if it bothers you. And thirdly, decide what you are going to do about it.

19. Who is annoying, impoverishing and stealing your time?

It is quite possible to choose in your circle of people who are holding back your capabilities (in other words, they just interfere) and establish the boundaries of your relationship with them.

20. If your house lights up, what three things would you take?

The answer to this question will help you give up the idea that possessing material objects can make a person better. First of all, you need to save things, not people. Then the pets.

What to do?

21. Do you take responsibility for your mistakes?

Blaming others for their own failures cannot be achieved. It’s much more productive to take responsibility, learn from mistakes and forgive yourself for them.

22. What must happen before your “real” life finally begins?

Some people think that as soon as they reach a certain goal, they will immediately heal differently and become completely different. This is not so; they remain the same as they were before. They set themselves new tasks and again think that they will solve them, and ... In general, everything is in a circle, but on the way there are always waiting for amazing adventures. True, they are not always pleasant ...

23. What are you avoiding?

People often hesitate when they face some unpleasant business. But sooner or later, the line will reach him anyway. Isn't it easier to end the burden as quickly as possible? After all, the wait is so painful. But having fulfilled a hateful duty, you can proceed to something more pleasant and important ...

24. Do you often blame yourself?

You may feel that you have grown old and stopped being liked by other people (especially painful if you are attractive and of the opposite sex). But remember, the only person who can be disappointed in you is you yourself. If this happened, then this is serious ...

25. What needs to be lost?

Something is stopping you from living the way you want. It is necessary to find out what it is, and to work hard with this very “something”. This is much better than pretending that this “something” is not.

Many years ago I had a chance to read a short biography of a person in which, like in a drop of water, the fate of thousands of other people was reflected, who could not break away from the monotony and dullness of everyday life in order to rise to a new height of their potential capabilities. Here is the biography:

Solomon Grunday ... was born on Monday .... He was baptized on Tuesday ... got married on Wednesday ... fell ill on Thursday ... his condition worsened by Friday ... Died on Saturday ... buried on Sunday ... This is the end of Solomon Grundei.

Perhaps such a faceless life story is the product of an apathetic society that prefers a short but easy way than a long and difficult, but more productive, way of development. Such a society is guided by an ethics that focuses more on what is needed and important to me than on what I should. This is a society that, instead of giving a helping hand, rather shrugs its shoulders in surprise, and in response to a call to action, lazily asks: “What will I have from this?” This is a society that prefers to sit on a problem rather than sweating in search of her solution. Such an indifferent superficial attitude is a powerful tool of Satan, who is trying in every way to hinder the growth of the Kingdom of God. Many Christians acted rashly, following his seductive advice: "Do not take everything to heart."

Unfortunately, among the five billion people on our planet, only a few percent are people who have realized a significant part of their true potential. Are you a candidate for enriching cemeteries? Ask yourself the following questions:

Why am I here?

What potential is hidden in me?

What can I do?

What criteria do I need to evaluate my capabilities?

Who sets the standards for me?

How can I expand my capabilities?

What are my limitations?

In answers to these questions you will find the key to an effective life.

One of the greatest tragedies of life is the death of untold potential. Many men and women did not become great just because they did not realize this, did not understand the nature and meaning of the potential principle. When God revealed to me the essence of potential, I took upon myself the burden of teaching others what I knew.

The wealth of potential is stored in you. I know this because God has shown what limitless possibilities I have. I set myself the task of helping you understand your potential and unleash it. You must decide whether you will enrich the world or rob it. Do you bless humanity with the valuable, omnipotent resources hidden in you?

You are much more than what you have already achieved.

In general, all people can be divided into three groups. The first group includes the few who make the events. The second consists of those that are observed from the side for what is happening   events. And finally, the third - the largest group - includes those who have no idea what is happening around. Everyone is a creator of a fact or circumstance. He gives a special color to the environment in which he lives, or, like a chameleon, changes its color depending from the circumstances.

In his book, Miles Monroe urges us to leave the beaten track and take the risk of embarking on a difficult but exciting path that will help us know the limit of our ability to make a worthy contribution to the glory of the Lord and for the benefit of society. Boldly
meeting the challenge of life, we will be able to leave a deep clear mark on this path for those who follow us.

Anyone who reads this book with an open heart and mind will never agree that everyday life will become the norm in his life. He would never agree to sit huddled in a corner when an entire continent was opened in front of him. He prefers to surf the ocean rather than wallow in a puddle.

This book will help you understand that true success comes to those who use their abilities and capabilities to the maximum to achieve their goals. Miles Monroe is a living example of how a person should be. He is one of those rare personalities who live life as full as possible. The Lord generously endowed him with the talents of a musician, artist, preacher, teacher, organizer, diplomat, writer and even an outstanding fisherman. And not one of these gifts of God remains not involved.   I could envy such a person by accusing the Lord that He forgot about me when He was distributing His gifts. But as it is written in Ephesians 2:10, "... we are His creation ...". So I am God's creation, for which the Lord has determined a special way. It is a great consolation to know that no matter what task the Lord entrusts me with for its completion, He will put at my disposal all the heavenly resources. The poorest man on earth is a man without a dream. The most frustrated person on earth is a person with a dream that has never become a reality. I am sure that every person on this planet, regardless of race, culture, nationality and socio-economic   provisions once dreamed about something. The ability of children to dream is a natural instinct embedded in them by the creator. It doesn’t matter whether we are poor or rich, were born in a village of some undeveloped country or in a luxurious mansion in aristocratic   family - we all have childhood dreams. These dreams can be called a visual manifestation of our goal, the seeds of fate, planted in the soil of our imagination. I am convinced that God created us and gave us the gift of imagination to show glimpses of the purpose for which we were born into this world, and so that we can use the hidden abilities within each of us. The goal is the reason why something was created. This is the end result for which something exists. This is the source of the dreams and visions that you have worn in your heart since childhood. This is the key to your personal realization.
Everyone knows that the manufacturer produces a specific product for the implementation of a specific goal, and each product is created with the inherent ability to achieve a given goal. In fact, the product’s potential is determined by its goals. This applies to everything that God created, including you. The purpose of a tree seed is in reproduction trees. Therefore, in accordance with God's plan, these seeds have the ability or potential to achieve a given goal. But the mere fact that the seed contains the potential for the appearance of a whole forest does not mean that this forest really will ever appear. One of the greatest tragedies in nature is the destruction of a seed or the isolation of a seed from the soil. Accordingly, the death of a seed is a funeral of the forest. Possessing ability is good but not exercise   these abilities are bad.
Your life has the potential to fulfill your goal. But if you buried potential, it means that you have deprived yourself of the meaning of life and the ability to realize yourself as a person. You, like any person on this planet, possess countless treasures. And every day, a huge number of these treasures burrow into the earth and remain so untouched in the cemeteries of the whole world. Many talents, abilities and creative opportunities were lost for the world only because their owners did not have a little courage. Many unknown men and women enter eternity either with stillborn   target, or pregnant potential. Living with awareness of one’s abilities implies responsibility. Death with unused   opportunity means irresponsibility.


Sometimes it’s worth considering how well your potential is revealed and what you should strive for.

This test will help you determine your maximum level. Have you reached your potential, or do you still have room to grow? Are abilities hidden in you that you don’t know about, or are you using everything you have?

Take the test and maybe it will tell you.

Under the test, you will find 5 useful tips on how to develop your potential.

How to develop your potential

1. Try to understand exactly what your potential is.

Simply put, unlocking potential means developing to become the best version of yourself.

Try thinking about the following:

* What did you always want to do, what did you want to achieve or achieve?

* I wanted to become better, for example, kinder or more confident in myself?

* Is there a desire to become stronger or lose weight?

2. Try to confidently go towards your goal.

First you need to clearly understand that the goal you set for yourself is achievable. It can be an everyday task or a longer-term goal. After that, get down to business.

In fact, the most difficult stage is to begin. As soon as you overcome it, you will begin to confidently move towards the goal.

3. The main thing is to go in small but confident steps.

You set a goal and it's time to start moving. However, starting, you may have to stop more than once and think it over again, because sometimes the path to the goal can be more difficult than you originally thought.

Try to get to the point where you are comfortable.

4. Resign yourself to the idea that failure and failure are part of life.

During the development of oneself and the pursuit of one’s goal, failures will necessarily be. This is actually another way to understand what really works and what doesn't. Failures help a person understand his true strength, and also help to recognize errors and find solutions to different situations.

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