How to get rid of constant excitement and anxiety. Generalized disorder and sleep

Modern people are increasingly living life in tension, they are focused on the negative, they are overcome by a sense of anxiety and anxiety. A lot of unresolved problems, fatigue, stress - all these factors have become an integral part of life. If internal tension sometimes appears, then it does not pose a health hazard. Otherwise, a constant feeling of anxiety can significantly affect overall health, deprive of the joy of life and lead to sad consequences. Why do feelings that bring us out of balance suddenly come from somewhere? In what cases does this condition require medical attention? How to deal with mental discomfort?

What is anxiety??

Anxiety, anxiety is an emotion that has a negative color. This is a weary and exhausting expectation of unpleasant events, danger, fear of the unknown. A person can feel strong excitement almost physically, experiencing discomfort in the solar plexus. Some feel a lump in the throat, others describe it as if their chest was constricted. Anxiety and anxiety can also manifest in the form of shortness of breath, rapid breathing and be accompanied by sweating, nausea and hand tremors. Anxiety is different from fear, although it shares some similarities with it. Fear is a reaction to a specific incident, a threat, and anxiety is a fear of an unknown, not yet occurred event. But why should we be afraid of what has not happened and may not happen? Why is anxiety still overtaking us, and with it anxiety?

Causes of anxiety as well as anxiety

Excitement, inner tension and anxiety arise for a number of reasons. "Popular about health" will list them:

1. The approach of a significant event, such as exams, job interviews. A person is worried about the outcome, worries that he will not be able to express himself properly.

2. Feeling of guilt. Often a heavy burden on the soul lies in the memory of the past - a crime, a bad deed. Feeling guilty gnaws a person, causing internal anxiety.

3. Negative feelings for another person can upset the balance of mind. If you feel strong hatred, anger, resentment towards someone, you will constantly feel heaviness in the chest, excitement and anxiety.

4. Disorders in the endocrine and nervous system. In most cases, people get anxiety due to illnesses, for example, panic attacks are one of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In case of neurosis, patients complain of a constant and irresistible sensation of internal anxiety.

5. Mental disorders are a common cause of anxiety.

6. Daily issues. People tend to think ahead of their plans, deeds. Often we worry about our children, parents or friends. This is a normal situation, the main thing is to be able to control our feelings and not allow them to completely control us.

Why you need to get rid of anxiety?

Constant excitement, tension and anxiety greatly worsen a person’s quality of life. Experiencing psychological discomfort, we are not able to rejoice at the present moment, but are focused on pain and fear. In this state, it is difficult to set goals and achieve them, it is impossible to take care of relatives, give them joy, it is impossible to achieve success. In addition, excessive anxiety can lead to the development of the disease - depression, mental disorders and neurosis. How to get rid of internal discomfort?

What to do if anxiety overcomes?

If you feel tension, excitement and anxiety, you should know that there is always a reason. To help yourself, you need to figure them out. Analyze your thoughts, maybe resentment or anger haunts you, maybe you have accumulated a lot of unfinished business. Try to complete them whenever possible. If you feel guilty or resentful, forgive yourself or another person. This will help to find peace.

Sometimes the cause of anxiety is a nervous disorder or disruption of the endocrine or nervous system, which you may not be aware of. If there is no apparent reason for concern, but a heavy burden lies on your soul, consult a doctor and undergo an examination. If the condition is started, and you are periodically subjected to panic attacks, the help of a specialist is extremely important.

Sport will help relieve tension, which often develops into anxiety. Start an active lifestyle and focus on the present. Your life is the most valuable; you cannot spend all the precious time granted to us on fear and excitement, worrying about what might not happen. Negative thoughts that haunt you affect subsequent events. If all undertakings are accompanied by fear and excitement, then they will not be successful. You are able to cope with anxiety yourself, if you communicate more, walk, take time to look after yourself, you will find an interesting hobby. If you can’t find peace, visit a psychologist. Perhaps somewhere in the subconscious, something is stopping you from getting rid of heavy memories or fears.

Anxiety and anxiety is something that cannot be ignored and left to chance. These feelings arise if a person is stressed, has little rest, harbors resentment or negativity against other people, and also, if not everything is in order with his health. Try to find out your reason for this condition and help yourself, until the problem has grown into something more serious.


Anxiety disorders and panic: causes of their occurrence, signs and symptoms, diagnosis and therapy

  Under anxiety disorders   imply conditions accompanied by excessive excitability of the nervous system, as well as a strong unreasonable feeling of anxiety and signs observed in the presence of some pathologies of the internal organs. This kind of disorder can occur against the background of chronic overwork, stress, or a severe illness. Similar conditions are often called panic attacks.
  Obvious signs of this condition include dizziness, and an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, as well as pain in the abdomen and chest, fear of death or imminent disaster, shortness of breath, feeling of a “lump in the throat”.
  Both the diagnosis and treatment of this condition is carried out by a neuropathologist.
  Therapy for anxiety disorders involves the use of sedatives, psychotherapy, as well as numerous methods of stress and relaxation.

Anxiety Disorders - What Is It?

Anxiety disorders refer to a number of pathologies of the central nervous system, which are characterized by a constant sense of anxiety arising for unknown or insignificant reasons. With the development of this condition, the patient may also complain of signs of some other ailments of the internal organs. So, for example, he may have difficulty breathing, pain in the abdomen or chest, cough, a feeling of a lump in the throat, and so on.

What are the causes of anxiety disorders?

  Unfortunately, until now, scientists have not been able to establish the true cause of the development of anxiety disorders, but its search continues to this day. Some scientists claim that this disease is a consequence of impaired performance of certain parts of the brain. Specialists psychologists have come to the conclusion that this kind of disorder makes itself felt due to psychological trauma, against the background of excessive overwork or severe stress. It is psychologists who are confident that this condition can also occur if a person has a very erroneous idea of \u200b\u200bcertain things, which causes him a constant sense of anxiety.

If we take into account the fact that the modern population is simply forced to lead an active lifestyle, it turns out that this condition can develop for each of us. Among the factors that can provoke the development of this type of disorder, psychological trauma resulting from a severe illness can also be considered.

How can we distinguish between “normal” anxiety, which enables us to survive in a dangerous situation, from pathological anxiety resulting from anxiety disorder?

1.   First of all, it is worth noting that senseless anxiety has nothing to do with a specific dangerous situation. It is always invented, since the patient simply imagines in his mind a situation that does not actually exist. A feeling of anxiety in this case depletes the patient, both physically and emotionally. A person begins to experience a feeling of helplessness, as well as excessive fatigue.

2.   “Normal” anxiety is always associated with a real situation. She does not tend to disrupt human performance. As soon as the threat disappears, the person immediately passes and anxiety.

Anxiety Disorders - What Are Their Signs And Symptoms?

In addition to a constant sense of anxiety, which is considered to be the main sign of this kind of disorder, a person can also have:

  • Fear of situations that do not actually exist, but the person himself believes that this can happen to him
  • Frequent change of mood, irritability, tearfulness
  • Fussiness, timidity
  • Wet palms, hot flashes, sweating
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Impatience
  • A feeling of lack of oxygen, inability to take a deep breath or a sudden need to take a deep breath
  • Insomnia, sleep disturbances, nightmares
  • Memory impairment, impaired concentration, decreased mental ability
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat, difficulty swallowing
  • A feeling of constant tension that makes it impossible to relax
  • Dizziness, darkening in the eyes, palpitations
  • Pain in the back, lower back and neck, a feeling of muscle tension
  • Pain in the chest, around the navel, in the epigastric region, nausea, diarrhea

  It is important to note the fact that all the symptoms that were presented to the attention of readers a little higher, very often resemble the signs of other pathologies. As a result, patients turn to a huge number of specialists for help, but not to a neurologist.

Quite often, such patients also have phobias - a fear of certain objects or situations. The most common phobias are considered to be:

1. Nosophobia   - fear of a certain illness or fear of getting sick at all ( for example, carcinophobia - fear of getting cancer).

2. Agoraphobia   - fear of being in a crowd of people or in an excessively large open space, fear of the inability to get out of this space or crowd.

3. Social phobia   - fear of eating food in public places, fear of being in the company of strangers, fear of speaking to the public, and so on.

4. Claustrophobia   - fear of being in confined spaces. In this case, a person may be afraid to stay both in a locked room, and in transport, in an elevator, and so on.

5. Fear   in front of insects, heights, snakes and the like.

It is worth noting that normal fear differs from pathological, primarily, its paralyzing effect. It occurs for no reason, while completely changing human behavior.
  Another sign of anxiety disorder is considered obessive-compulsive syndrome, which is a constantly emerging ideas and thoughts that provoke a person to some one and the same actions. So, for example, people who constantly think about microbes are forced to wash their hands thoroughly with soap almost every five minutes.
  Mental disorder is one of the anxiety disorders, accompanied by sudden recurring panic attacks that occur for no reason. During such an attack, a person has a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, as well as a fear of death.

Features of anxiety disorders in children

  The feeling of panic and anxiety in a child in most cases is explained by his phobias. As a rule, all children who have this condition try not to communicate with their peers. For communication, they choose grandmothers or parents, because among them they feel themselves out of danger. Quite often, such children have lowered self-esteem: the child considers himself worse than all others, and is also afraid that his parents will stop loving him.

Diagnosing Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks

  A little higher, we already said that in the presence of anxiety disorders, the patient has numerous symptoms similar to signs of diseases of the nervous system, digestive tract, goiter, asthma, and so on. As a rule, the diagnosis of this pathology can be established only after all pathologies accompanied by the same symptoms are excluded. Both diagnosis and treatment of this disease are the responsibility of a neuropathologist.

Therapy for Anxiety Conditions

  Therapy of this kind of condition involves psychotherapy, as well as taking medications, which tend to reduce feelings of anxiety. These medicines are anxiolytics.
  As for psychotherapy, this method of treatment is based on numerous techniques that enable the patient to really look at everything that is happening, and also help his body relax at the time of an anxiety attack. Psychotherapeutic methods include respiratory gymnastics, as well as breathing in the bag, auto-training, as well as developing a calm attitude to obsessive thoughts in the case of obsessive-compulsive syndrome.
  This method of therapy can be used both individually and for treating a small number of people at the same time. Patients are taught how to behave in various situations. Such training makes it possible to gain self-confidence, and, therefore, overcome all threatening situations.
Therapy of this pathology through medications involves the use of medications that help restore normal metabolism in the brain. As a rule, in such cases, patients are prescribed anxiolytics, that is, sedatives. There are several groups of such medicines, namely:

  • Antipsychotics (Tiaprid, Sonapax and others) are often prescribed to patients in order to relieve them of excessive feelings of anxiety. Against the background of the use of these medications, such side effects as obesity, a decrease in blood pressure, and lack of sex drive can make themselves known.
  • Benzodiazepine preparations (Clonazepam, Diazepam, Alprazolam ) make it possible to forget about the feeling of anxiety for a fairly short period of time. With all this, they can also cause the development of some side effects such as disorders of coordination of movement, decreased attention, addiction, drowsiness. The course of therapy with these medicines should not exceed four weeks.

Feeling anxiety for no reason is a condition that almost everyone experiences at some point in their life. For some people, this is a fleeting phenomenon that does not affect the quality of life, but for others it can become a tangible problem that will seriously affect interpersonal relationships and career growth. If you are not lucky to fall into the second category and you experience anxiety for no reason, then this article is a must-read, as it will help to compose a holistic picture of these disorders.

In the first part of the article, we will talk about what fear and anxiety are, give a definition of the types of anxiety states, talk about the causes of feelings of anxiety and anxiety, and at the end, as usual, we outline general recommendations that will help alleviate causeless anxiety.

What is a sense of fear and anxiety

For many people, the word “fear” and “anxiety” are synonyms, but despite the real similarity of terms, this is not entirely true. In fact, there is still no consensus on exactly how the fear differs from anxiety, but most psychotherapists agree that fear arises at the moment of any danger. For example, you walked peacefully through the woods, but suddenly you met a bear. And at this moment you have a fear that is completely rational, because your life is in real danger.

With anxiety, things are a little different. Another example - you walk around the zoo and suddenly see a bear in a cage. You know that he is in a cage and will not be able to harm you, but that incident in the forest left its mark and the soul is still somehow restless. This condition is anxiety. In short, the main difference between anxiety and fear is that fear manifests itself during a real danger, and anxiety can occur before it occurs or in a situation where it cannot exist at all.

Sometimes anxiety states occur for no reason, but this is only at first glance. A person may feel a sense of anxiety in certain situations and sincerely do not understand what is the reason, however, most often it is, it is simply located deep in the subconscious. An example of such a situation can be forgotten childhood injuries, etc.

It is worth noting that the presence of fear or anxiety is absolutely normal, far from always talking about some kind of pathological condition. Most often, fear helps a person to mobilize his strength and adapt more quickly to a situation in which he has not previously fallen. However, when the whole process takes on a chronic form, it can flow into one of the alarming states.

Types of Alarms

There are several main types of anxiety conditions. I will not list all of them, but only those that have a common root, namely, causeless fear. These include generalized anxiety, panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Let us dwell in more detail on each of these points.

1) Generalized anxiety.

Generalized anxiety disorder - a condition that is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and anxiety for no apparent reason for a long time (starting from six months or more). Persons suffering from hypertension are characterized by constant anxiety about their lives, hypochondria, unreasonable fear for the lives of their loved ones, as well as far-fetched anxiety about different areas of life (relationships with the opposite sex, financial issues, etc.). The main vegetative symptoms include increased fatigue, muscle tension and the inability to focus for a long time.

2) Sociophobia.

For regular visitors to the site there is no need to explain the meaning of this word, but for those who are here for the first time - I will tell. - This is an unreasonable fear of performing any actions that are accompanied by attention from others. A peculiarity of sociophobia is that it can perfectly understand the absurdity of its fears, but this does not help in the fight against them. Some sociophobes experience a constant sense of fear and anxiety for no reason in all social situations (here we are talking about generalized sociophobia), and some are afraid of specific situations, such as public speaking. In this case, we are talking about specific sociophobia. As for, people suffering from this disease are characterized by a huge dependence on the opinions of others, self-focus, perfectionism, as well as a critical attitude to themselves. Vegetative symptoms are the same as with other disorders of the anxiety spectrum.

3) Panic attacks.

Many sociophobes experience panic attacks. A panic attack is a strong attack of anxiety, which manifests itself both on the physical and mental levels. As a rule, it happens in crowded places (metro, square, public dining room, etc.). Moreover, the nature of a panic attack is irrational, since there is no real threat to a person at this moment. In other words, a state of anxiety and anxiety occurs for no apparent reason. Some psychotherapists believe that the causes of this phenomenon lie in the continuous influence of a traumatic situation on a person, but at the same time, the effect of single stressful situations also takes place. About the cause of panic attacks can be divided into 3 types:

  • Spontaneous panic (appears regardless of circumstances);
  • Situational panic (arises due to anxiety about the onset of an exciting situation);
  • Conventional situational panic (occurs due to exposure to a chemical substance, such as alcohol).

4) Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The name of this disorder consists of two terms. Obsessions are obsessive thoughts, and compulsions are actions that a person takes to cope with them. It is worth noting that these actions in the vast majority of cases are extremely illogical. Thus, the obsessive state syndrome is a mental disorder that is accompanied by obsessions, which in turn leads to compulsions. For the diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder is used, which you can find on our website.

Why there is a sense of anxiety for no reason

The sources of the emergence of feelings of fear and anxiety without a reason cannot be combined into one clear group, since everyone is individual and reacts to all events in his life in his own way. For example, some suffer very painfully or small oversights in the presence of others, which leaves an imprint on life and can lead to anxiety for no reason in the future. However, I will try to highlight the most common factors leading to anxiety disorders:

  • Family problems, poor parenting, childhood injuries;
  • Problems in their own family life or its absence;
  • If you were born a woman, then you are already at risk, since women are more susceptible than men;
  • There is an assumption that overweight people are less prone to anxiety disorders and mental disorders in general;
  • Some studies suggest that a constant sense of fear and anxiety can be inherited. Therefore, pay attention to whether your parents have the same problems as you;
  • Perfectionism and exaggerated demands on oneself, which leads to strong feelings when the goals are not achieved.

What is common in all these points? Giving importance to the traumatic factor, which triggers the mechanism of the occurrence of feelings of anxiety and anxiety, which from a non-pathological form turn into a causeless one.

Manifestations of anxiety: somatic and mental symptoms

There are 2 groups of symptoms: somatic and mental. Somatic (or otherwise vegetative) symptoms are a manifestation of feelings of anxiety on a physical level. The most common somatic symptoms are:

  • Heart palpitations (the main companion of a constant feeling of anxiety and fear);
  • Bear disease
  • Pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Tremor of limbs;
  • Sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • Dryness and halitosis;
  • Dizziness;
  • Sensation of heat or vice versa of cold;
  • Muscle spasms.

The second type of symptoms, unlike the vegetative ones, is manifested at the psychological level. These include:

  • Hypochondria;
  • Depression;
  • Emotional tension;
  • Fear of death, etc.

The above are the general symptoms that are characteristic of all anxiety disorders, however, some anxiety conditions have their own characteristics. For example, with generalized anxiety disorder, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • Unreasonable fear for one’s life and for the life of loved ones;
  • Problems with concentration;
  • In some cases, photophobia;
  • Problems with memory and physical performance;
  • All kinds of sleep disorders;
  • Muscle tension etc.

All these symptoms do not pass unnoticed for the body and, over time, they can flow into psychosomatic diseases.

How to get rid of causeless anxiety

Now let's move on to the most important thing, what to do when a feeling of anxiety appears for no reason? If anxiety becomes unbearable and significantly reduces the quality of your life, then in any case, you need to contact a therapist, as if you did not want to. Depending on your type of anxiety disorder, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If you try to summarize, then you can distinguish 2 ways to treat anxiety disorders: medication and using special psychotherapeutic techniques.

1) Drug treatment.

In some cases, the doctor may resort to appropriate ones to treat anxiety for no reason. But it is worth remembering that tablets, as a rule, relieve only symptoms. It is most effective to use the combined option: medicines and psychotherapy. With this method of treatment, you will get rid of the causes of feelings of anxiety and anxiety and will be less prone to relapse than people who use only medicines. However, in the initial stages, the administration of mild antidepressants is permissible. If this takes any positive effect, then a therapeutic course is prescribed. Below I will give a list of drugs that can relieve anxiety and are dispensed without a prescription:

  • Novo-Passit . It has established itself in various anxiety conditions, as well as in sleep disorders. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of the course depends on individual characteristics and is prescribed by a doctor.
  • Persen.   It has a similar effect as the “new-passit”. Method of application: 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day. In the treatment of anxiety conditions, the course should not exceed a duration of 6-8 weeks.
  • "Valerian". The most common drug that everyone has in a medicine cabinet. It should be taken every day in a pair of tablets. The course is 2-3 weeks.

2) Psychotherapeutic techniques.

This was repeatedly said on the pages of the site, but I repeat again. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective way to treat causeless anxiety. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of a psychotherapist you pull out all your unconscious that contribute to the emergence of feelings of anxiety, and then replace them with more rational ones. Also, during the course of cognitive-behavioral therapy, a person encounters his anxiety in a controlled environment and by repeating frightening situations, over time, he gets more and more control over them.

Of course, such general recommendations as a proper sleep regimen, refusal of invigorating drinks and smoking will help get rid of anxiety for no reason. I would like to pay special attention to active sports. They will help you not only reduce anxiety, but also cope with, and also generally improve your well-being. In the end, we recommend watching a video on how to get rid of a sense of causeless fear.

It is human nature to have mixed feelings for no reason. At first glance, it seems that everything is fine: a personal life has developed, order is at work. However, something is bothering. As a rule, the problem concerns the inner world. This feeling is called anxiety.

In most cases, anxiety occurs when something threatens a person. Any unforeseen situation can provoke this mental state. Anxiety can be caused by the upcoming important meeting, exam, sports competition.

How is the alarm

This feeling affects not only the mental state, but also the physical one. Experiences caused by anxiety provoke a decrease in concentration of attention, sleep may be disturbed.

From a physiological point of view, anxiety leads to:

  • increased heart rate;
  • dizziness
  • hyperhidrosis.

In some cases, the digestive tract is disturbed.

Anxiety from a simple feeling can turn into a real illness. Increased anxiety does not always correspond to the severity of the situation. In this case, anxiety develops into a pathological condition. At least 10% of the world's inhabitants face this problem.

The first symptom of an anxiety disorder is panic. She is characterized by periodic manifestations. Feelings of fear and anxiety can be completely unreasonable. In some cases, such attacks are caused by phobias. For example, fear of open space (). Protecting himself from panic, a person tries not to contact with others, not to leave the premises.

Most often, phobias do not have any logic. Such pathologies include social phobias, suffering from which, a person avoids communicating with other people, does not attend public institutions. The category of simple phobias includes fear of heights, fear of insects, snakes.

Obsessive manic states indicate pathological anxiety. They can manifest themselves in the same type of ideas, desires, which are accompanied by actions. For example, a person, being in constant tension, very often washes his hands, runs to the doors to check if they are locked.

Post-traumatic stress can also cause anxiety. Former military men and veterans often face this condition. The terrible events that once touched a person can remind themselves in dreams. Any situation that goes beyond the usual life, can provoke.

Generalized disorder is manifested by a constant feeling of anxiety. In this state, a person finds the symptoms of a variety of diseases. Turning to doctors for help, medical workers are not always able to find the true cause of the poor physical condition of the patient. The patient undergoes all kinds of tests, undergoes comprehensive examinations, the purpose of which is to detect pathologies. However, most often, mental disorders become the cause of such complaints, and the symptoms of various diseases are caused by constant tension and anxiety of the patient.

Treatment of pathological anxiety

Neurosis, like any disease, needs professional treatment. Qualified psychotherapists help to overcome this problem. First of all, the doctor searches for the root cause of such a mental state, then suggests ways to solve the problem. A person can independently search for a cause that provoked an anxiety state, because he knows himself better than the most professional psychotherapist.

Having knowledge of the theory, having become acquainted with the nature of neurosis, the individual is able to realize the seriousness of the situation in which he finds himself. This does not guarantee a cure, but it will greatly help to make the right decision and proceed with further conscious actions.

If you experience anxious feelings, do not despair. Perhaps the body hints that you need to change your life. Paying attention to this signal, you should do an improvement.

There are several ways to treat such a mental disorder. Short-term anxiety can be dealt with by taking medication.

A popular treatment option is cognitive psychotherapy and behavior correction. Such methods are aimed at making a person aware of the absence of serious mental disorders. The main goal of cognitive psychotherapy is to help overcome anxiety. Working with specialists, a person finds the cause of the disorder, evaluates his behavior from a different point of view. The next step in the treatment is the help of a psychotherapist who helps the patient look at their anxiety positively.

For example, the fear of aircraft can be overcome by anticipating the upcoming vacation abroad. This way of helping patients is characterized by positive dynamics. People suffering from agoraphobia manage to overcome their fears, not get nervous while being in public transport.

Active work in any field (sports training, outdoor activities, participation in social events, art classes) helps a person get rid of increased anxiety. The main thing is not to focus on the problem and actively act. This will help not only to overcome anxiety, but also to realize oneself in everyday life. The field of activity needs to be chosen in such a way that it is most consistent with life values. Work on yourself should not turn into a routine. It’s good when the lesson is full of meaning and is not a waste of time.

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