Artistic image of Romeo. Characteristic and image of Romeo in Romeo tragedy and Juliet Shakespeare Essay

The writing

Romeo Montecca is one of the main characters of the tragedy. At the beginning of the play, this is a young man who absorbs a false passion for Rosalind, faded and impregnable beauty. About her love for her R. responds with bitterness and cynicism of the Junc: "What is love? Madness from Ugon, the game of fire leading to the fire. " However, R. stubbornly continues to achieve reciprocity from Rosalind, although all his friends do not approve of his choice. Everything says that Passion R. Artificial, that he invented himself a subject to worship. Why? Most likely, for the reason that he does not attract anything in the surrounding reality. It is indifferent to the hostility between the families of Montecci and Cappulets, he is alien to the thirst for victory over the enemy, he rushes his murder. In this world, he is looking for what is higher than the world, but his soul is still inexperienced and is ready to accept the usual passion for the love. Being in kind of straded and dreamy, R. with all the naivety of youth trying to warm up the feeling of superficial sympathy, turn it into the flame of all-living passion. Shakespeare does not speak anything about the reasons that prompted R. to seek the location of Rosalinda, but you can guess that, in essence, he is looking for no love, but self-affirmation, unconsciously hoping that the victory over the cold and girlfriend will help him grow in the eyes of his friends And in their own. With the arrogance of the Junc, he makes sentence of love: "Love is gentle? She is rude and evil. / And ourselves, and burns like a thranger. " But his evil and pompous speeches are funny, for, as soon as he opens in his soul a true feeling for Juliet, he instantly forgets about Rosalyde. This time his love is genuine, and not imaginary, for she completely transforms the worldview of R. From now on, he sees the world and himself in his other eyes. Love, raised him over the reality, does not take him off his life, on the contrary, brings to her and allows you to see everything in clear light. R. The nature is endowed with a subtle and sensitive heart, he is able to predicate his future. When he in the company with friends and relatives is going to penetrate to the holiday in the house of Capuleti, they own a vague feeling of trouble: "Unknown something, / which is still hidden in the darkness, / but it will be born from the current ball, / untimely shorten my life / Wine some terrible circumstances. " R. is trying to fight fate, but the passions overlook the top. Even knowing that he ruins himself, R. Beats on a duel with Tibalt, Brother Juliet, and kills him, obeying the blind thirst for revenge, which he himself deeply despises. Shakespeare is not a moralist, and its heroes are never either positive or negative. R., although in addition to his will, becomes the cause of Mercutio's death, which Tibalt is mortally wounds from under his hand. Before drinking a poison on the grave of Juliet, R., distraught from grief, takes a challenge of Paris and kills in anything that is not a guilty young man. The reader's sympathies are definitely on the side of R., but the author, drawing the tragic path of his life, shows how the passions are destructive and how they are dominant even over such a bright and sublime soul.

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Kinuko Y. Craft.

"In two families equal to knowledge and glory,

In Verona lush broke out again

Overalls of the last days are bloody

Forcing the peaceful citizens of blood.

From Cresll hostile, under the star of the Zloschvennaya,

Lovers Chet occurred.

For the coming of their fate terrible

Fathers enmity with their death died. "

V. Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

t. Shipkina-Cupernik

Light shadows of two faithful lovers find a continuous embodiment in images of poetry and art. It will not be an exaggeration to say that every day, somewhere in the world on theatrical scene, the Shakespeare Piece is set, there is a ballet or opera performance, or a film dedicated to the love of Romeo and Juliet is demonstrated. These heroes are given different faces, body, voices, gestures and temperaments. From the century, people try to guess which image most matches their beautiful and ardent souls.

In painting, each artist depicts lovers in accordance with her own vision, fashion and tastes of their time.


Charm of youth and cleanliness breathes a pencil portrait called "Juliet" of the English artist-portraity of the XIX century John Haitera. Juliet, apparently, stands on the balcony, slightly put the chin's hand and looks out the distance.

"Juliet", John Hater (John Hayter), 1820s

She is a child. New to her

And no other than fourteen years.

When b two years flew

She would be ripe for marriage.

J. Waterhouse. Juliet. 1898.

Two noble surnames, equal
Respectable, in Verona died,
But hate tormented them a long time, -
They always begone with each other.
Before the rebellion, their discord brought,
And their hands were painted with blood;
But they produced two hearts,
For evil enmity, starving love,
And sad two loving fate
Vintage discord stopped.
The names of those whitage struggle,
Lovers death, love of their passionate force, -
Here is what we will now show here,
Asking you for two hours of patience,
And if you miss, let's give
We are an action on the stage of explanation.

Prologue of Plays W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"

Romeo and Juliet, William Powell Frith (William Powell Frith), 1862.

Juliet. Calderon.

In 1823, the famous Venetian artist Francesco Aez (Hajac, Hayes, 1791-1882), focus on Romeo and Juliet. Really referring to it from 1823 to 1834, Aenets creates ten versions of the image, of which not all paintings remain in the field of view.

Francesco Aez (1791 - 1882) Kiss.

This is a famous canvas "Last kiss Juliet and Romeo" 1823 (Tremezzo, Villa Carlotta) and less well-known, but more elegant, its option "Last Farewell Juliet and Romeo" 1833 (see image comparison);

Francesco Aez (1791 - 1882) Last Kiss Romeo and Juliet. 1823.

Francesco Aez (1791 - 1882) Kiss.1823.Phat Collection in Milan.

The image of a kiss in this picture contains even greater, compared with the previous plot, sensuality. This impression is achieved due to the position of the figures depicted in passionate arms, all the attention of the viewer focuses on the meeting of their lips.


Romeo and Juliet with Abbot Lorenzo.

F. Hayes.Romeo and Juliet with Abbot Lorenzo. 1823.

Are you also glad to see our date?
And if the soul fire is not going out,
Then this air sweetness of the breath
Fill and melodies of love
Merge hearts bless!

Beautiful does not require cloth.
Only the price will appoint a price.
My love in vain words is not looking -
She and so immensely rummaged.

Father Lorenzo
Went - and immediately, now!
No, it is impossible to leave the body with the body,
I have not marry my soul.

Francesco Hayez (1791-1882) The Marriage of Romeo and Juliet, 1830.

John Stanhope Juliet and Nanny.


Try the same, the cormal, and you.


Well, well, silently! Lord you store you.

You'd better than all the cubs

Which I focused. And Al.

To the wedding to live your, die

Very late me!

Juliet And The FRIAR, Thomas Francis Dicksee, 1851.

Domenico Scattola (1814-1876)Juliet takes sleeping pills.

HEINRICH VON ANGELI (1840-1925) Romeo and Juliet




At what time

Send me tomorrow for the answer?


At nine


. Before that, after all twenty years!

Wait to wait ... What I wanted to say?


I remember, I will stop standing.


. Wait, deposit I will forget again,


Remember and forget, as long as

I do not remember yourself, I will stand.


And how, tell me, to break up to me with you?

You like a manual poultry scorchers,

Tied with nito to hand.

She is given to take off on the whole suspension,

That drags down on the flod shoelace.

So we are with you.


. I would like so much

To be!

Jules Salles-Wagner (1814-1898) Romeo and Juliet

Alas, love, although she is blind,
Without an eye will find how ways to her
Get to us and rule over us.

Julius Kronberg (1850-1921) Romeo and Juliet On The Balcony

"When my hand is unworthy

I could insult your shrine

Let my lips, two pilgrims,

My sweet sin Lobzani atham. "


"But, Pilgrim, is small

your Hand: In it is visible;

Pilgrims are allowed to hand

With the prayer concerned the hands of the saints,

And they hise each other hand themselves,

Hand shake - their lobsa. "

Charles Edouard Edmond Delort (1841-1895) Romeo and Juliet.

Eugene Lami - Romeo and Juliet

Makovsky K.E. - Romeo and Juliet, 1890

Hugues Merle - Romeo and Juliet.

Hugues Merle (1823-1881) Romeo and Juliet

Thomas Francis Dicksee - Juliet

About the night of love, Rass your dark canopy,
So that they could
Thai to overheat and Romeo
I entered me bad and invisible.
After all, loving see everyone in the world
Awtitle of tanning faces.
Love and night live a little blind.
Prababka in black, sporn night,
Come and teach me fun
In which the loser in the lady
And the rate is the integrity of two creatures.
Squeez, how the shame and fear of blood is burning,
Shudding suddenly she does not dare
And it will not understand how purely everything in love.
Come, night! Come, come, Romeo,
My day, my snow, glowing in darkness,
Like an Onsha on the crow!
Come, holy, loving night!
Come and bring Romeo to me!
Give it to me. When he dies,
Write it to small stars,
And everyone is so falling in love with the night,
What will give up without attention the day and the sun.

Romeo and Juliet. Konstantin Makovsky.

Romeo and Juliet, Joseph Noel Paton (Joseph Noel Paton) 1847.

Romeo and Juliet, Ford Madox Brown (Ford Madox Brown) 1870.

In the window opened log, dawn,
And come out, life. There is no life in the separation.

Goodbye. Give a kiss - and go.
(Descends into the garden.)

Romeo and Juliet, Edward Corbould (Edward Henry Corbould) 1854.

Romeo and Juliet

Benjamin West, P.R.A. (1738 - 1820) Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet, Francis Bernard DiKsee (Francis Bernard Dicksee) 1884.

Francesco Hayez (1791-1882) The Marriage of Romeo and Juliet, 1830
So listen. I loved all my heart
The daughter of the old signora cabbage,
Yes, and she gave me a heart,
Everything is coordinated and only remains
You will complete our marriage union.
How, where when we met, fell in love
And swirls exchanged each other -
I will tell about it along the way;
Now I ask you about:
So that you would be hurt today.

Vrubel. Romeo and Juliet. 1895-1896.

J. Nortcot. "The crypt belonging to cabulents, dead romeo and paris; Juliet and brother Lorenzo. " 1789.j.

Oh, brother Montekki!
Give me a hand to me - then the widow part of the Juliet,
And I can't ask more.

But I can give more: I will erect
She is a statue of gold. As long as
Verona our city will call
There will be no other sculpture in it,
Which, according to its value,
Compared with the statue of Juliet.

No less rich and romeo
Resting with his wife will ... Oh,
Unhappy two victims of our malice!

Joseph Wright. Romeo and Juliet scene in the tomb. 1790.

The painter Pietro swari in 1860 creates the "death of Juliet and Romeo"


What is it? Flask dead hand

Beloved squeezed? poison - Vinovyu

Untimely his death? Yes!..

Oh, greedy, greedy! He drank everything! Not a bit

Saving me did not leave him

To go for him? Kiss

Your mouth I will ... maybe fortunately,

They still have poison

And I will die from this drink!

(Kisses Romeo).


(Grabs Dagger Romeo).

I sleep ... Oh, benefactor -

Dagger! .. here! Where are your sheath! (Challenges).

Russes here - and let me die you!


Frederic LEIGHTON (1830-1896) Reconciliation


Come on, talk about trouble!

One forgive will be, - the execution of others.

Stiffness does not breathe in the world

Think of Romeo and Juliet.

"Oh, open your eyes wider,

naparent attention and rumor -

this is the most wondrous in the world,

what your life believes around!

It is the first caress of dawn

In the dew ridked grass, -

The eternal dispute Romeo with Juliet

About the lark and nightingale. "

N. Aseev


In this article we will consider the character of the Shakespeare Piece and give the characteristic of Romeo. All famous hero The touching plays about love carries a very big sense not only within the framework of the work, but also within the framework of all the literature William Shakespeare.

O Piese

Speaking of so famous work World classic literature, it should be noted that we really know little about him. The only thing that remains a famous fact for everyone is in the center of the plot, two lovers of fifteen-year-old adolescents. The names of these two lovers are used today in many artwork. The first of these creations became the Piez Luigi da Porto "The History of Two Noble Lovers," which was published in 1524.

All plays events occur in Verona. The plot became very popular in the Renaissance era. Today we say that the work in general characterizes the morals of that time. In 1554, he saw the light of Romeo and Juliet, the author of which Matteo Bandelle is, and only a few years later, William Shakespeare will create his work, which will turn the story of two lovers in the Great and world famous tragedy.

Piece plot

In order to give the correct characteristic of Romeo and Juliet, to begin with, it is worth remembering the plot of the work.

The play begins with a fight of two servants who are serving two noble and warring families - cabbage and montextures.

At this moment, Romeo appears. He is very sad for the fact that his love for a beautiful girl Rosaline is unrequited. His friends decide to have fun and persuade Romeo to go to the ball, which arranged the Kapulent family. Romeo agrees. On the ball he meets charming Juliet. There are no feelings between young people. Only after a while, lovers learn that their families are the warring parties.

Speaking about the characteristic of Romeo, it should be noted that the guy arrives very boldly and bravely, when he does not refuse his love, despite the fact that the girl falls daughters to the death of his father.

Somehow, at night, Romeo comes to Juliet and confesses to her in his love. Juliet does not hide her feelings, after which the lovers give each other's oaths and decide to be secretly married. They are trusted by a familiar monk, which agrees to the conditions of mystery. However, everything goes not as planned: Romeo swirls greatly with Brother Juliet and in a rustling of rage kills him. The guy is expelled from the city.

Tragic death

While Romeo is in exile, Juliet prepare for a wedding with a mature and rich man. She again comes to the monk for help. He gives her a potion, drinking which, girl will fall for two days. According to plan, all close Juliet should have thought that the girl died. This is exactly what the heroine comes.

Romeual rumors are reached that his beloved poisoned and died. He did not know that the death of Juliet was just a cunning plan. Romeo goes to Capulets, to forever say goodbye to her beloved. Out of herself, Romeo meets the groom Juliet, kills him. Immediately after that, the guy drives ends with life, drinking poison.

Juliet, awakened from sleep, sees the dead body of his beloved. She is in confusion. The girl understands that now she has no need to continue to live, and blade is stuck in his heart, thereby going to the beloved Romeo.

After the death of a very young lovers, two warring families understand the meaninglessness of their opposition. The war between them is completed.

Characteristics of the main character

Characteristic Romeo will start with the fact that from the very beginning the hives of Shakespeare draws his main character as a very inexperienced and stupid young man. Romeo is entirely given to his passion to selfish beauty Rosaline, thinking that it was the love of his life. Friends of the guy do not approve of such a choice, realizing that this is not love at all, but only imaginary feelings, which Romeo himself came up with, because he was bored and lonely. The boy is so young that he himself comes up with his love. Looking at such a characteristic of Romeo, it can be said that the guy had these feelings for self-affirmation. Conquered the ice and impregnable heart of Rosalina, Romeo was able to consider himself a hero who conquered the unprecedented height of the mountain. Thus, he would raise his authority and would seem much higher than he really is.

Meeting with Present Love

Seeing how hero falls in love with Juliet, we can already give a completely different characteristic of Romeo. Now the whole false leaves the life of the main character. The characteristic of Romeo will now be distinguished by the sincerity of feelings, their authenticity. The young man is devoted to his love. In the work of Shakespeare, the characteristic of Romeo, as we see, changes dramatically. As far as the young boy is a sensitive heart, capable of love so much. If we talk about the characteristic of Romeo and Juliet as a whole, it will be important to say that lovers are very gentle. Both are faithful to their choice. Despite all the sensitivity that their hearts have, they could confront their families for a very long time to save their love.

Dark side Romeo

It is worth noting and the reverse side in brief description Romeo: He is hotbed and avenge. He dismissed his friend's death, brutally killing Brother Juliet. And when he learned that Juliet died, he ended up with her fiance, which was generally innocent man in this situation.

In addition, having spoiled on all the prohibitions, Romeo appeared in the city. Naturally, you can understand the meaning of the return of the young man - he only wanted to say goodbye to his love of his life. But being in extremely serious condition, Romeo still killed another person.


Studying the work of Shakespeare, it is difficult to call a moralist. In no one of his creations, he does not show heroes with positive or negative characters. In addition, he does not make accents on appearance. For William, it was much more important to show one life Path His characters, which always contained a certain tragedy. This tragedy, as a rule, was a temptation to surrender to all passions and desires. It was the way of Romeo: an exalted soul, unable to resist temptations.

Girl of thirteen years, lover Romeo Montecca. In the finals of the tragedy, she committed suicide, seeing that Romeo was dead.

Images of Romeo and Juliet first appeared in the literature in the work of the "Novondenny History of two noble lovers", owned by Peru of the Italian author Luigi da Porto and published in 1530. As for Shakespeare, the main source of inspiration for the British playwright became, most likely, the poem Arthur Brook "The Tragic History of Romeus and Juliet" (1562).

At the beginning of the play, Juliet appears a cute girl who is submissive of mother. Despite the fact that heroin only after a couple of weeks will be 14 years old, she already has the fiance. Together with her, a lawful marriage wants Paris - a young handsome man and a relative of Escala, the Duke of Veronsky. Juliet without any problems agree to meet him. Their meeting should take place on a holiday organized by cabbage. Instead of Paris, Juliet meets Romeo and immediately falls in love with him. At first she does not know who loved. At the same time, the power of the feelings of the girl is striking. Juliet says that if her beloved is married, then "the grave will be marriage."

In the famous scene in the garden Kapuletsi Juliet, not knowing that Romeo hears her, confesses to him in love. She asks him to renounce own name And ready to do the same. When Romeo issues itself, the first proof of love that Juliet demands from him, - consent to get married. Without this, the girl does not need further relationships. She does not think love not bonded by marriage.

Initially, Juliet was sure that the feud between montects and cabbage was an obstacle that was easy to overcome. Monteches for her - only the name. If Romeo was called differently, then all his "cute dignity" would remain. Unfortunately, Juliet fails to stay away from the generic strife. When she finds out that Romeo killed Tibalt, then it covers anger. Anger and love are struggling in her soul. The girl calls Romeo "We make hell with an angelic face", "Wolf in Sheep Shkure", "Dragon in Charming Cup", "Saint and Scounding in one flesh". After a short struggle, love wins - the individual turns out to be stronger than family. Juliet forgives Romeo, and before his departure from Verona to Exile, they spend the night together.

Mother comes to Juliet in the morning and reports that in a few days the girl is destined to get married with Paris. Juliet refuses. Father joins the mother. He is not much interested in feelings of his daughter. It is important for him as soon as possible to give Juliet married Paris, whom he considers a worthy person. The daughter-angry child calls her "a blessing girl", "creature dismissed" and so on. As a result, he threatens to drive out Juliet from the house if she refuses the wedding. Do not regret the daughter and Signora Capuletsi.

Juliet appeals for help to Lorenzo's brother. At the same time, it is determined - if the weddings with the paris are avoided, it will not be possible, then the exit for it is one - commit suicide. The priest offers another option - drink a potion, thanks to which Juliet will seem dead for 42 hours. She will be buried in the surname cryboard. Romeo will come there, caused by Lorenzo brother, and together the lovers go to Mantua. Juliet agrees. The priest is experiencing that the "female fear" and "indecision", but a girl, who dropped all doubts, can interfere with such a bold plan to life. Because of the tragic coincidence, the Lorenzo brother does not work. Juliet, who saw Romeo who had committed with him, challenges his dagger.

Completed Y.zine. Grade 8.2016 Uch

The presentation reveals the image of Romeo.



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Heroes of the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet"..

Romeo and Juliet "Romeo and Juliet" - the tragedy of William Shakespeare, telling about the love of the young men and the girls from two enemy old birth - montextures and cabins. The essay is usually dated 1594-1595.

Romeo Romeo Montecci - the main character Tragedy of W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet", romantic, in love with a young man, a representative of a native family in Verona. The family of Monteckes will enjoy from another respected family - Capulinte. Romeo and Juliet become victims of this many years of hostility. The hero appears in front of the reader at the very beginning of the work of the naive young men, who walks all the time with friends and is in love with a kind of bothering beauty named Rosalind. Friends notice that this is a contrived love and often talk about it. He himself came up with the image, elevated in his eyes, and having got his own item of worship, wishes to grow in the eyes of friends and in his own. Such Romeo to a meeting with the fourteen years of Juliet Capuli - the daughter of the sworn enemy of his family. Love for Juliet is completely different. This is not an empty passion, and the real feeling that turned it out of the windy Yunz in an adult, serious person.

Romeo is trying to fight fate, but the purses observe the top over it. Even knowing that he ruins himself, Romeo beats on a duel with Tibalt, Brother Juliet, and kills him, obeying the blind thirst for revenge, which he himself deeply despises. Shakespeare is not a moralist, and its heroes are never either positive or negative. Romeo, although in addition to his will, it becomes the cause of the death of Mercutio, which Tibalt is mortally wounds from under his hand. Before drinking a poison on the grave of Juliet, Romeo, distraught from grief, accepts the challenge of Paris and kills in anything that is not a guilty young man. The reader's sympathies are definitely on the side of Romeo, but the author, drawing the tragic path of his life, shows how destructive passions and how they are dominant even over such a bright and sublime soul.

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