Barbarian tribes in the territory of the Roman Empire. The barbaric world of the era of migration of peoples

Barbarians Barbarians (in Greek and Latin, foreigners) - the ancient Greeks and Romans had a common name for all foreigners who spoke a language they did not understand. At the beginning of our era. it was more often applied to the Germans. In modern times, the word barbarians began to denote a set of peoples who invaded the Roman Empire (barbaric conquests) and founded independent states (kingdoms) on its territory. The legal documents of these peoples are known as barbaric truths. Barbarians have threatened the borders of the Roman Empire for centuries. Goths, vandals, and other tribes, in search of new lands for plunder and settlement, penetrated into the Roman Empire through its long eastern border. During the era of the Great Migration of Peoples (4th-7th centuries), entire peoples moved across Europe, often overcoming thousands of kilometers. In 410 an army of Visigoths led by Alaric captured and plundered Rome. Huns, a nomadic people from Central Asia, at the end of the 4th century. invaded Europe. In the middle of the 5th century. under the leadership of Attila, they made devastating campaigns in the Eastern Roman Empire, Gaul, and Northern Italy. Attila's contemporaries called him the scourge of God. In 455, Rome was plundered by vandals led by King Geiserich, and in 476 the leader of the German mercenaries Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustulus. This event is considered the end of the Western Roman Empire. Until recently, it was believed that after that, a dark period of barbarism began in the divided Europe. Although some of the achievements of ancient culture were consigned to oblivion, in general, culture and education were preserved. In Europe, Christianity remained the unifying force; schools, monasteries, and churches were founded, which became centers of learning and crafts.

Historical Dictionary. 2000 .

See what "Barbarians" are in other dictionaries:

    BARBARIANS, among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the name of all foreigners who spoke languages \u200b\u200bthey did not understand and were alien to their culture (Germans, etc.). In a figurative sense, rude, uncivilized, cruel people ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (Greek barbaroi) among the ancient Greeks and Romans the name of all foreigners who spoke languages \u200b\u200bthey did not understand and were alien to their culture (Germans, etc.). In a figurative sense, rude, uncivilized, cruel people ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Greek barbara). Initial the Greeks called the representatives of all other tribes and peoples barbarians, the language of which was incomprehensible to them and seemed dissonant. Later this word became associated with the idea of \u200b\u200ba lower level of education ... ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

    - (Barbari, Βάρβαροι). In ancient times, this name was used to designate people speaking a foreign language, and this name combined some contempt for foreign-speaking peoples. The Greeks considered themselves superior to barbarians, and little by little the word barbarian became ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    Barbarians. By this name (barbaroi) the Greeks called everyone who did not belong to their nationality, giving it a shade of disdain. The Romans used this expression in the same sense, calling all non-Romans and non-Greeks barbari; but at the end of the empire, in mind ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    - (Greek barbaroi) - the ancient Greeks and Romans called all foreigners who spoke languages \u200b\u200bthey did not understand and were alien to their culture. Transferred. - rude, uncivilized people. The Big Explanatory Dictionary of Cultural Studies .. Kononenko BI .. 2003 ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    - (other Greek βάρβαρος, barbaros "non-Greek, foreign") people who were foreigners for the ancient Greeks, and then for the Romans, spoke a language they did not understand and were alien to their culture. The word is Greek and apparently onomatopoeic ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Greek bárbaroi), among the ancient Greeks and Romans the name of all foreigners who spoke languages \u200b\u200bthey did not understand and were alien to their culture (Germans, etc.). In a figurative sense, rude, uncultured, cruel people. * * * BARBARIANS BARBARIANS (Greek barbaroi), at ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Greek bárbaroi, lat. barbari) an onomatopoeic word by which the ancient Greeks, and then the Romans, called all foreigners who spoke a language they did not understand and were alien to their culture. At the beginning of n. e. the name "V." especially often applied to ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    By this name (βάρβαροι) the Greeks called everyone who did not belong to their nationality, giving it a shade of contempt. The Romans used this expression in the same sense, calling all non-Romans and non-Greeks barbari; but at the end of the empire, in view of the frequent ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Barbarians, Terry Jones, Alan Ereira. "The Barbarians" is a story about the peoples that the Romans attributed to the uncivilized, and at the same time the opportunity to look at the Romans themselves from an alternative point of view - from the point of view of people ...

The "world of barbarism" was made up of the northern Celtic tribes, which retained considerable independence and originality, avoiding Romanization. First of all, these are the Picts, the ancestors of the modern Irish, the Scots, the ancestors of the Scots, of course, the Britons, who played an important role in the formation of the British. Then there are the Lusitanians and Asturians, who influenced the formation of the Portuguese and Asturians, and the Basques, who have retained their ethnic independence to this day. These are Belgi, Eburons and some other Northern Gaulish tribes, predecessors of the modern Walloons, Flemings, and Dutch. All of them, with the exception of the Basques, belonged to the Celtic language group, were familiar with metallurgical technologies for a long time, knew the smelting of iron ore from the first millennium BC, knew how to obtain glass, used a wheel and sea vehicles.

Perhaps the most advanced of these were the Britons. They built fortified settlements, the main of which was Lugdunum, which was under the auspices of the god Lug. For centuries and even millennia they have supported the life of the sanctuaries, in particular, the most authoritative one, known under the modern name "Stonehenge". The Britons were ruled by leaders elected by the people; candidates for the post of leader were tested: they had to race in a chariot at full speed between two sacred stones; annually, the leaders underwent a ritual of purification by fire, after which, it was believed, they received power the next year: a wooden palace was made, it was set on fire, and the leader had to go through the fire. It is characteristic that among the Britons a woman could also become a leader; such is the Medb mentioned in the epic. Druids - priests were the keepers of traditions and knowledge. They used a special script in the form of threads on which the leaves of various tree species were strung. Probably, from this manner of reading information comes the verb "flipping". There was a kind of "forest school" in which seven disciplines were comprehended, according to age. In childhood they taught drawing and versification, in adolescence - writing, customs, ritual, in youth - astronomy and the art of divination. There was a custom to reward those who distinguished themselves in the sciences with stars, which were attached to the sole of their shoes, so that there was no pride.

In addition to the Celts, the "world of barbarism" included the Germans, whom the Romans called "Germans", from the Latin nemici - enemies. The Germans settled in hamlets or small villages with irregular buildings. In society, the bulk of them were free fellow tribesmen. Among them were distinguished noble families, from which were chosen the king-leaders, who had limited power. Only one German leader managed to establish sole power. It was Marobod, the king of the Marcomans. However, his power did not last long either. He was overthrown by disgruntled subjects in alliance with other Germanic tribes.

The favorite occupations of the Germans were wars, hunting and feasts. A squad gathered around the noble members of the tribe, the funds for the maintenance of which were obtained by constant wars. The main weapon of the Germans was a spear - a frame. Swords were rare. Of the defensive weapons, the most common was a wooden or braided shield covered with leather. Shell and helmet were known, but less common. Preparing for battle, the Germans lined up in wedges made up of relatives. It was customary among some tribes to tie the warriors in the front row with a chain. The importance of military affairs among the Germans is evidenced by the custom of handing the frame to a young man upon reaching the age of majority. Important matters were discussed at the feasts: military action, marriage, reconciliation between warring parties. The Germans loved to feast and, according to Tacitus, they did not consider it shameful to drink soundly for several days.

The main Germanic tribes at the turn of the 1st-2nd centuries settled as follows: the Batavians lived in the Rhine delta, the Frisians to the east of them, numerous hawks lived between the Weser and the Elbe, divided into Small and Large; to the south of them lived the Cherusci, of whom Arminius was descended. The land north of the Elbe, Jutland and the surrounding islands were occupied by small tribes who worshiped the goddess Nerta. In the lower reaches of the Rhine there lived tenkters, brokters, and usips. To the south of them, the Hutts lived on the territory of modern Hesse. To the north of the Danube in Bohemia lived the Marcomans, to the east of them quads, even farther, closer to the mouth of the Danube, the Bastars. In the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Regensburg lived the Germundurs. The Semnons, the main Suevian tribe, lived on the Middle Elbe. Numerous tribes of Lugians settled to the east of them. The southern coast of the Baltic Sea was occupied by Vandals, Goths, Rugia, and Burgundians who had migrated from Scandinavia. Of the Scandinavian tribes, the Svions, who lived around Lake Mälaren in Sweden, stood out for their strong fleet.

By the end of the 3rd century, the picture of the settlement of the Germanic tribes changed. In the lower reaches of the Rhine, a large tribal association of Franks was formed. The Decumate fields in the upper Rhine were occupied by the Alamans. A large tribal union of the Saxons was formed on the Lower Elbe. The tribes that previously inhabited the southern coast of the Baltic Sea moved southward. So, under the leadership of King Germanarich, the Goths created a vast power on the territory of modern Ukraine. By the IV century, the invasions of Germanic tribes became more intense, they began to populate the border lands of the Roman Empire. Despite lively contacts with the Romanesque world, Christianity slowly penetrated to the Germans. It was accepted only by the tribes that settled on the territory of the Roman Empire - the Goths, Vandals, Burgundians, etc. Most of the tribes adopted Christianity in the form of Arianism. Only the Franks adopted the Catholic faith.

The most significant among the Germanic-speaking tribes were the Goths, which split into two branches - the Ostrogoths and the Visigoths, the Vandals, who were also divided into two branches - the Asdings and the Silingings, then the Suevi, Burgundians, Franks, Angles, Saxons and Lombards. Here we deliberately limited ourselves to indicating only those peoples who later created their statehood. The most advanced of the Germans were the Goths. They have had it around 375 A.D. the alphabet created by Wulfilla arose. An attempt was made to record customary law, the notorious "Belagins" were compiled, the first set of German laws, which, unfortunately, has not survived. Later, in the IV-VI centuries, the "world of barbarism" expanded due to the emergence of new peoples in the historical arena of Europe: Slavic (Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Dulebs, Polyans, etc.), Turkic (Huns, Avars, Khazars, Bulgars, Pechenegs, Polovtsians, etc.), Ugric (Hungarians) and some other peoples.

In ancient times, the Greeks used a single name for foreigners - barbarians ("muttering"). It was understood that such peoples did not quite correctly or completely unsatisfactorily speak Hellenic, which means that they did not possess knowledge and were not able to appreciate Greek customs, science and art. The Greeks were convinced that everything that they created was the best, and they did not even doubt it. The peoples of Egypt, Phenicia, however, like other peoples who helped the Greeks, nevertheless, were all barbarians according to the then ancient Greek concepts.

For the Romans, barbarians are tribes that lived in the north and east of the borders of the Roman Empire. When in the 1st century BC. e. Germanic tribes made an attempt, crossing the Rhine to occupy the Gallic lands belonging to the empire, Julius Caesar drove them back and built a defensive structure - "Limes Romanus". As a result, it became the border not only between Rome and the Germanic tribes, it was the separation of two civilizations: Roman and barbarian.

The Romans considered barbarians not only the Germans, but also the Celts, as well as the Slavs living further from the Roman Empire, who were mainly engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. The "Russian barbarians" were engaged in the cultivation of barley, wheat, rye, vegetables (such as turnips, onions and peas), as well as flax and hemp. In addition, they had draft bulls, horses, sheep, goats, fur animals, ore was mined for smelting various metals from it. And all this was delivered to the border Roman cities, after which there was an exchange. Basically they exchanged for slaves, various weapons, jewelry, and also wine.

Barbarian tribal unions

The life of the barbarians was that those who were stronger subjugated those who were weaker, while creating something like large tribal alliances in the Barbarian Empire.

These unions included:

  • Alemans;
  • Saxons;
  • Francs;
  • Western and Eastern Goths;
  • Lombards;
  • Vandals;
  • Burgundians.

Military science became a profession for many barbarians.

The Romans' fascination with all the barbaric

In Rome, the fearlessness of the barbarians and their skill with weapons were valued. So, young male prisoners replenished gladiatorial schools, after which their lives ended in Roman circuses. While free young barbarians were recruited into the army.

Over time, the Roman army was more and more replenished with barbarians, both soldiers and commanders. However, they denied everything Roman, along with clothing and weapons. Moreover, they preferred to use their own tactics and strategies in battle. Nevertheless, thanks to their military formations, the Roman Empire won many famous victories.

Barbarians, both prisoners and free, in Rome settled on the territory of the lands devastated by the war, here they were as a labor force. Roman society was often replenished with well-educated, wealthy barbarians. They held significant posts in the imperial hierarchy, as well as at court. Roman emperors did not shy away from the widespread fashion for everything barbaric. They were interested in costumes, hairstyles, demeanor and conversation.

So, Emperor Marcus Aurelius Anthony managed to go down in history under the nickname Caracalla, because of his predilection for barbarian dress. Caracalla is the Germanic name for a long cloak. It happened that the throne of the Roman Empire was not occupied by the Romans. For example, the emperors Diocletian and Maximian were of Illyrian origin.

Crisis in the Roman Empire

Natives of the barbarians occupied privileged places in Rome. In particular, such high dignitaries actually ruled the state, which was in crisis at the end of the 4th - beginning of the 5th centuries A.D. e. This was evidenced by the many cases when usurpers appeared, claiming the imperial throne.

They excited people, captured villages and estates of the rich. In some regions, a "parade of sovereignties" began, they did not want to obey the central government. The military refused to defend the interests of the authorities, and the number of deserters reached alarming proportions. For a human life, no one would give even a broken penny. Actually, then, active movements began at the borders of Rome.

Revitalization at the borders of the empire

The massive movement of tribes and the invasion of the Roman Empire led to the loss of the western provinces, which was called by historians "the Great Migration of Peoples." It all started from the 4th-7th centuries. Then the nomadic Central Asian tribes of the Huns, after overcoming great distances over the centuries, reached the territories from the Volga to the Don. There the Huns, having forgotten their language and their roots, changed outwardly. However, they did not lose their belligerence and cruelty in battles, they began to create tribal alliances.

Now they bore the name of the Huns and conquered many peoples of that region: the Alans and numerous eastern Goths (Ostrogoths). The invaders dealt with everyone so cruelly that their neighbors - the Western Goths (Visigoths) did not have to wait for their fate. They fled under the protection of Rome across the Danube. After settling in Moesia, the Visigoths began to bear the name of the Confederate allies. The empire hoped that the fugitives would take care of the protection and defense of the possessions from the same Huns.

However, their adventures were not over. The local land was so scarce that it could not feed such a large number of refugees. The officials, using the plight of the Goths, extorted and plundered food and money, which were directed by the central government, supporting the poor.

Revolt of the Goths led by Fritigern

The governor of the region managed to lure the Gothic leaders to the reception. While the feast was going on, the guard of the governor, provoked the Goth warriors and interrupted them. The outraged Goths elected a new leader. This was Fritigern, a brave and battle-hardened man. The rebels began to seize the Roman cities. It turned out that the government did not have the strength to stop the rebels.

For more than two years, Emperor Valens did not manage to equip an army to pacify the Goths. Troops sent to suppress the riot joined the ranks of the rebels. And this was a formidable warning indicating the decay of society. Then the Roman state had to turn into a gigantic flywheel of violence and oppression, in which "outsiders" became closer than "their own".

The emperor of the western regions, Gratian, had to rush to find a commander who could save the state. Found the Spaniard Theodosius, who faithfully served the empire. His plans did not include becoming an august person. Using his mind, he, realizing that he would not have to rely on the Romans, decided to contact the Gothic leaders.

As a result, they entered into an agreement in which they were given the right to reside in Asia Minor. Moreover, the authorities have pledged to provide the Goths with grain and livestock. They abolished taxes and duties for the Goths. Those, in turn, pledged to provide forty thousand fighters every year.

Clearing Rome of "homeless": the intelligentsia suffered

Rome was heading for its fall. The upper echelons were engaged only in personal matters. They did not notice that the empire was more and more crowded with enemies, whom the people saw as their liberators. People who were seriously concerned about the fate of the state were avoided by society, they were considered unnecessary.

Somehow they decided to rid Rome of strangers and all kinds of swindlers. It was calculated that there were not enough funds to feed the huge urban population. As a result of this "special operation", as often happens, the intelligentsia suffered. Only learned people had to be ruthlessly driven out of the city limits. However, they left the people most needed for the state: numerous singers and dancers, who surrounded themselves with a large number of servants.

The state was torn apart by hostility and unrest. And all this intensified after the death of Theodosius I. He left all his fortune to his sons. They were 18-year-old Arkady and 11-year-old Honorius, as well as their guardians - Gaul Rufin and vandal Flavius \u200b\u200bStilicho. While a showdown was going on at court, a Goth uprising took place.

Alaric - the new leader of the Visigoths

The Goths chose their new leader, who turned out to be Alaric, the most famous warrior. He represented the old noble family of the Balts. Under the leadership of the new leader, the rebels decided to get a ransom from Constantinople or destroy it. Having acquired everything that was conceived, Macedonia was chosen as the next target, and then Greece. But in it only the capital, Athens, survived, which bought off.

Meanwhile, at the court in the battle between the heirs of Theodosius, Stilicho and his supporters were able to win a victory. The troops he gathered managed to push back Alaric, who barely escaped complete defeat. However, a year later, he invaded Italy.

The Visigothic warriors appeared to be such a serious force that Stilicho had to persuade Honorius, as well as the members of the Senate, to pay the ransom to Alaric. It was about four thousand pounds in gold. In addition, it was supposed to get a respite for reforming the army and state reorganization, but Honorius could not decide.

Another treachery of the Romans

Senators reproached Stilicho that the treaty he proposed was not about peace, but about captivity. The conspirators soon killed Stilicho. Many of his friends and supporters suffered, as well as the barbarians and their families who served faithfully until that time. Outraged by such treachery, the remaining barbarians, numbering more than thirty thousand people, joined the opposite side, demanding the capture of Rome.

In this situation, Alaric had to act immediately. He accused the Romans of treason and disruption of agreements. Alaric called to arms his fellow Goths and the Huns who joined them. So, in 409, this whole army set out to storm Rome. In the process of advancing, not only free Roman citizens, but also slaves joined the army.

Alaric at the walls of the "eternal city"

Since the era of Hannibal, so many of his enemies have not gathered at the walls of Rome. A huge and richest city appeared before the leader and all his soldiers. The city had wonderful palaces, churches, temples, cathedrals, circuses and theaters, built of marble and decorated with statues, frescoes and mosaics.

After Alaric gave the order to begin the siege of Rome, the harbor of Ostia, which had all the main grain reserves, was immediately captured. Famine arose in the city, and the plague epidemic spread. The besieged did not even count on help. Honorius closed himself in the fortress city of Ravenna, he only had something to pray.

The Roman senators decided to start with negotiations and sent ambassadors to Alaric. However, the latter announced such an unaffordable price that the dumbfounded townspeople asked what they would have left after payment. “Life,” said Alaric very succinctly.

The Romans decided to scare him and said that the city had many citizens who would go out to its defense. “Thick grass, easier to mow,” the leader replied. The Romans had no choice but to agree to the payment of the ransom. The siege of the city was lifted and Alaric decided to withdraw with the troops.

The ministers of Honorius were in no hurry to implement the peace treaty, and Alaric was tired of waiting. Then he again decided to carry out the siege of Rome, and famine reappeared in him. Alaric managed to force the Roman senators to announce the deposition of Honorius, and to replace him with Attala, a talker and drunkard. However, seeing his complete uselessness, Alaric had to take him into his ensemble, and return the imperial power back to Honorius.

Honorius's fatal mistake

At this time, Honorius suddenly acquired reinforcements. An army of four thousand arrived from Constantinople, and food was sent from the black continent by sea. Honorius decided that there was no point in talking about peace with the barbarians, and announced that the negotiations were terminated. This was followed by the third siege of Rome. The huge city did not have the strength to defend itself, only the mercenary guards tried to resist.

During the siege, people died of hunger and disease. Contemporaries wrote that it even came to cannibalism. In addition, the German slaves managed to revolt with pogroms. They opened the Salt Gate, and a detachment of forty thousand joined the invaders. On August 14, 410, Alaric managed to take Rome.

The robberies and beatings of the townspeople continued for three days. When the barbarians left, they carried away unprecedented trophies, took away the captives, including the sister of Honorius. The Romans, in addition to everything, had to pay a huge tribute: gold, silver, jewelry, purple-dyed clothes, silk, pepper and many others.

Collapse of Alaric's plans

Further, the army of Alaric moved to the grain, rich regions of the Roman Empire. These were Campania and Sicily, but the main target was the province of Africa - the main granary that fed the entire empire. However, this plan was not destined to come true, Alaric died at 34 in the town of Consentia.

He was buried in a deep hole, which was dug in the bed of Buzent. Its waters were diverted in a new channel. Countless priceless treasures were buried with the leader. After the grave was buried, the river was started up as before. Then all the slaves who were engaged in these works were killed so that no one would learn about the secret of the buried treasures and Alaric.

New Threat to Rome - Attila

While the authorities in the eastern and western parts of the empire made attempts to mobilize all forces for their defense, as well as to end the turmoil and unrest, new tests were approaching. Danger was impending from the leader of the Huns Attila. He was the ruler of a "country" with vast territories and numerous peoples. By the way, there is a version that Attila was the Kiev prince Bogdan Gatylo, and the Huns were the ancestors of the Slavs.

Attila began by conquering the tribes that lived on the right bank of the Danube. His plans included the seizure of many lands along with Constantinople itself. The Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire Theodosius II managed to buy off Attila with six thousand pounds of gold. In addition, he recognized himself and his people as the eternal debtor of the leader Attila and promised to pay seven hundred pounds in gold every year.

Attila decided to take over the Western Roman Empire. At that time, everything was ruled there by Galla Placidia, who was the mother of the young emperor Valentinian III. As soon as she learned of the impending danger, she appointed the commander of the court guards Flavius \u200b\u200bAetius as the chief of defense.

The Battle of the Nations and the Death of Attila

After being captured by Alaric, the new chief of defense was well acquainted with the manners and characteristics of the rude barbarians. After assessing the situation, he managed, with the help of persuasion, threats, bribery, to win over some barbarian tribes to his side. They turned out to be Vandals, Franks and Burgundians, but the main achievement of his work was to establish an uninterrupted delivery of provisions to Rome.

As a result, in 451 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Catalaun fields near the city of Troyes, a "battle of the peoples" took place. The Romans won this battle together with their allies, Attila managed to escape. A year later, he again went to Rome and again lost the battle, and soon died. After that, his huge state was destined to cease to exist. It fell apart, and was absorbed by stronger neighbors.

At almost the same time, Aetius was killed in another conspiracy, and a year later, his pupil, Emperor Valentinian III. The imperial widow, Eudoxia, out of a desire for revenge, had to turn to the Vandal king Geyserich for help. She pleaded with him to protect the imperial dynasty and restore its power.

The army of Geiserich, after a short siege on July 2, 455, managed to capture Rome. For more than two weeks, vandals looted and destroyed the city. The "eternal city" did not have to deal with such devastation and destruction, but it has survived to our time. And the vandals, long gone into oblivion, left only their name in the history of the barbarians as the meaning of senseless destruction and desecration - vandalism.

The Western Roman Empire was destined to come close to its decline. She was unable to stand up after such a terrible disaster. Dozens of emperors changed from 455 to 476. Having no real power, they became puppets in the hands of swindlers. The population in the cities was decreasing. Some were taken into captivity, others fled.

August 23, 476 is the tragic date when the Western Roman Empire fell and the end of antiquity. A new history of the Middle Ages began. New states were formed on the ruins of the former empire. These were barbarian states with their own history.

The Roman nobility had to serve those whom they despised not so long ago. The barbarians valued the knowledge that their new subjects possessed. The former nobility was endowed with high positions, they gave her land and slaves. The descendants of the former barbarians, who hated ancient cities, began to build their own capital cities, fortresses, and residence castles. For a while the term "barbarians" ceased to exist.

In the ancient world, those peoples who did not speak Greek or Latin were called barbarians. Under the influence of certain circumstances, barbarian tribes settled the lands of Europe and began to form new medieval states.

The era of the great migration

Led to the formation of barbarian kingdoms great migration of peoples and numerous wars occurring due to the split of states that existed in the mass migration of barbarian peoples began in our era. The Roman Empire was attacked by Germanic tribes. For a century, the Romans successfully repelled the attacks of the barbarians. The situation changed dramatically in 378 during the Battle of Adrianople between the Romans and the Goths. In this battle, the Roman Empire was defeated, thus showing the world that the great empire is no longer invincible. Many historians believe that it was this battle that changed the balance of power in Europe and marked the beginning of the collapse of the empire.

The second stage of the resettlement, even more difficult for the Romans, was the invasion of the Asians. The fragmented Roman Empire could not endlessly contain the massive attacks of the Huns. As a result of such difficult trials, the Western Roman Empire ceased to exist in 476. The third stage is considered the resettlement of Slavic tribes from Asia and Siberia to the southeast.

In history, the formation of barbarian kingdoms takes quite a long period of time. This era lasted five centuries, ending in the seventh century with the settlement of the Slavs in Byzantium.

Reasons for relocation

Significant natural and political factors caused the resettlement and formation of barbarian kingdoms. A summary of these factors is presented below:

1. One of the reasons was named by the historian Jordan. The Scandinavian Goths under the leadership of King Filimer were forced to leave their lands due to overpopulation of the occupied territory.

2. The second reason was climatic. The sharp cooling was caused by the climatic pessimum. The humidity has increased, the air temperature has dropped. It is quite understandable that the northern peoples first of all suffered from the cold snap. Agriculture was in decline, forests gave way to glaciers, transport routes became impassable, and mortality increased. In this regard, the inhabitants of the North migrated to warmer regions, which subsequently led to the formation of barbarian kingdoms in Europe.

3. At the beginning of the mass resettlement, the human factor played an important role. Society organized itself, tribes united or were at enmity among themselves, tried to confirm their power and power. This led to the desire for conquest.


The Huns, or Huns, called the steppe tribes that inhabited the northern part of Asia. The Huns formed a rather powerful state. Their eternal opponents were their Chinese neighbors. It was the confrontation between China and the Hunnish state that caused the construction of the Great Wall of China. In addition, it was with the movement of these tribes that the second stage of the migration of peoples began.

The Huns suffered a crushing defeat in the fight against China, which forced them to look for new places to live. The Hunnic movement created a “domino effect”. Having settled on new lands, the Huns drove out the indigenous inhabitants, and they, in turn, were forced to look for a home for themselves in another place. The Huns, gradually spreading in a western direction, first drove out the Alans. Then on their way stood up who, unable to withstand the onslaught, were divided into western and eastern Goths. Thus, by the fourth century, the Huns came close to the walls of the Roman Empire.

At the end of the Roman Empire

In the fourth century, the great was going through hard times. To make the management of a huge state more constructive, the empire was divided into two parts:

  • Eastern - with the capital Constantinople;
  • Western - the capital remained in Rome.

Many tribes fled from the constant attacks of the Huns. The Visigoths (Western Goths) first sought asylum in the Roman Empire. However, the tribe later rebelled. In 410, they conquered Rome, causing significant damage to the western part of the country, and moved to the lands of Gaul.

The barbarians were so firmly established in the empire that even the Roman army for the most part consisted of them. And the leaders of the tribes were considered the governors of the emperor. One of these governors overthrew the emperor of the western part of the state and took his place. Formally, the eastern emperor was the ruler of the western territories, but in fact the power belonged to the leaders of the barbarian tribes. In 476, the Western Roman Empire finally ceased to exist. This was the most important moment in the history of the formation of the barbarian kingdoms. Having briefly studied this segment of history, one can see a clear line between the creation of new states of the Middle Ages and the collapse of the ancient world.


At the end of the third century, the Visigoths were federates of the Romans. However, armed clashes constantly took place between them. In 369, a peace treaty was signed, according to which the Roman Empire recognized the independence of the Visigoths, and the Danube began to separate them from the barbarians.

After the attack of the Huns on the tribe, the Visigoths asked the Romans for asylum, and they allocated the lands of Thrace for them. After long years of confrontation between the Romans and the Goths, the following relations developed: the Visigoths existed separately from the Roman Empire, did not obey its system, did not pay taxes, in return they significantly replenished the ranks of the Roman army.

Through a long struggle every year, the Visigoths obtained more and more comfortable conditions for themselves in the Empire. Naturally, this fact generated discontent among the Roman ruling elite. Another aggravation of relations ended with the capture of Rome by the Visigoths in 410. Over the following years, the barbarians continued to act as federates. Their main goal was to capture the maximum amount of land that they received by fighting on the side of the Romans.

The formation date of the barbarian kingdom of the Visigoths is 418, although over the next few years they remained federates of the Romans. The Visigoths occupied the territory of Aquitaine in the Iberian Peninsula. The first king was Theodoric I, elected in 419. The state existed for exactly three hundred years and became the first formation of barbarian kingdoms in history.

The Visigoths proclaimed their independence from the Empire only in 475 during the reign of Eirich, the son of Theodoric. By the end of the fifth century, the territory of the state had increased sixfold.

Throughout its existence, the Visigoths fought against other barbarian kingdoms formed on the ruins of the Roman Empire. The most fierce struggle was with the Franks. In confrontation with them, the Visigoths lost a significant part of their territories.

The conquest and destruction of the kingdom took place in 710, when the Visigoths could not withstand the onslaught of the Arabs in their desire to seize the Iberian Peninsula.

Vandals and Alans

The formation of the barbarian kingdom of the Vandals and Alans took place twenty years after the creation of the state by the Visigoths. The kingdom occupied a fairly large area in the north of the African continent. In the era of the great migration, the Vandals arrived from the Danube plains and settled in Gaul, and then they, together with the Alans, occupied Spain. They were ousted from the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigoths in 429.

Having occupied an impressive part of the African possessions of the Roman Empire, the Vandals and Alans had to constantly repel the attacks of the Romans, who wanted to return their own. However, the barbarians also raided the Empire and continued to conquer new lands in Africa. The Vandals were the only other barbarian peoples who had their own fleet. This greatly enhanced their ability to resist the Romans and other tribes encroaching on their territory.

In 533, war began with Byzantium. It lasted almost a year and ended in the defeat of the barbarians. Thus, the Vandal Kingdom ceased to exist.


The Kingdom of the Burgundians occupied the left bank of the Rhine River. In 435, the Huns attacked them, killing their king and plundering their homes. The Burgundians had to leave their homes and move to the banks of the Rhone.

The Burgundians occupied an area at the foot of the Alps, which is currently owned by France. The kingdom suffered contention, the pretenders to the throne brutally killed their opponents. Gundobad played the greatest role in uniting the kingdom. After killing his brothers and becoming the sole claimant to the throne, he published the first code of laws of Burgundy - "Burgundy Truth".

The sixth century was marked by a war between the Burgundians and the Franks. As a result of the confrontation, Burgundy was conquered and annexed to the state of the Franks. The formation of the barbarian kingdom of the Burgundians dates back to 413. Thus, the kingdom lasted a little over a hundred years.


The formation of the barbarian kingdom of the Ostrogoths began in 489. It lasted only sixty-six years. They were Roman federates and, being independent, preserved the imperial political order. The state occupied the territory of modern Sicily, Italy, Provence and the Pre-Alpine region, the capital was Ravenna. The kingdom was conquered by Byzantium in 555.


During the formation of the barbarian kingdoms, the kingdom of the Franks, having begun its history in the third century, became politically significant only in the thirties of the next century. Francia has become the most significant and powerful among other states. The Franks were numerous and included several entities of the barbarian kingdoms. The Kingdom of the Franks became unified during the reign of King Clovis I of the Merovingian dynasty, although the state was subsequently divided between his sons. He was one of the few rulers who converted to Catholicism. He also managed to significantly expand the possession of the state, defeating the Romans, Visigoths and Bretons. His sons annexed the lands of the Burgundians, Saxons, Frisians and Thuringians to Thrace.

By the end of the seventh century, the nobility had acquired significant power and actually ruled Thrace. This led to the end of the Merovingian dynasty. The beginning of the next century was marked by civil war. In 718, Charles from the Carolingian dynasty came to power. This ruler strengthened the position of Francia in Europe, which weakened greatly during the internecine strife. The next ruler was his son Pepin, who laid the foundation for the foundation of the modern Vatican.

By the end of the first millennium, Thrace was divided into three states: West Frankish, Middle and East Frankish.


The Anglo-Saxons settled in the British Isles. Heptarchy - this is the name of the period of the formation of the barbarian kingdoms in Britain. There were seven states in total. They began to form in the sixth century.

The West Saxons formed Wessex, the South Saxons, Sussex, and the East Essex. The Angles formed East Anglia, Northumbria and Mercia. The Kingdom of Kent belonged to the Utes. It was not until the ninth century that Wessex managed to unite the inhabitants of the British Isles. The new unified state was called England.

Resettlement of the Slavs

In the era of the formation of barbarian kingdoms, the resettlement of Slavic tribes took place. The migration of the Proto-Slavs began a little later than the Germanic tribes. The Slavs occupied a vast territory from the Baltic to the Dnieper and to the Mediterranean Sea. It should be noted that it was during this time period that the mention of the Slavs first appeared in the historical chronicles.

Initially, the Slavs occupied the territory from the Baltic to the Carpathians. However, over time, their holdings have expanded significantly. Until the fourth century they were allies of the Germans, but then they began to fight on the side of the Huns. This became one of the decisive factors in the victory of the Huns over the Goths.

The movement of the Germanic tribes made it possible for the Slavic tribes to occupy the territories of the lower Dniester and the middle Dnieper. Then they began to move towards the Danube and the Black Sea region. Since the beginning of the sixth century, a series of raids by Slavic tribes into the Balkans has been noted. The Danube became the unofficial border of the Slavic lands.

Significance in world history

The consequences of the great migration of peoples are very ambiguous. On the one hand, some tribes have ceased to exist. On the other hand, the formation of barbarian kingdoms took place. The states fought among themselves, but also cooperated and united in unions. They exchanged skills and experience. These associations became the progenitors of modern European states, laying the foundations of statehood and legality. The main consequence of the formation of barbarian states was the end of the era of the Ancient World and the beginning of the Middle Ages.

Nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes related to the Sarmatians. In the 1st century. AD came from Inner Asia and settled on the South Russian Plain east of the Don and north of the Caucasus. The first mentions of them in ancient sources date back to the middle of the 1st century. AD In the III century. Alans repeatedly invaded the Roman province of Thrace, in 242 they reached the walls of Philippopolis. Around 370, the Huns were driven from their settled territories to the west. In the V century. some of them joined the Suevi and Vandals in Gaul and Spain. Separate detachments of Alans crossed in 429 with the leader of the Vandals Geyserich to Africa, where their traces were lost.


A Germanic tribe that lived in the upper reaches of the Rhine and Danube. Known to the Romans since the 3rd century. Repeatedly invaded from southern Germany into the territory of the Roman Empire, especially Gaul. From the IV century. mercenaries from the Alemanni began to play a significant role in the political life of the Roman state. Thus, the leader of one of the Alemannic tribes Crocus contributed to the coming to power of Constantine the Great.

Western Germanic tribes who occupied in the 5th century. part of the territory of Britain.


The tribe, presumably of Thracian origin (some scholars classify the Bastarns either as Celts, or as East Germanic tribes, or even as Iranian-speaking peoples related to the Persians), which lived in the first centuries AD. in the Lower Danube.

West Germanic tribe living at the mouth of the Rhine in 12 BC. under Druze it was conquered by the Romans. Having become allies of the Romans, the Batavians provided them with military assistance. In response to the oppression, an uprising was raised, known as the Batavian War (60-70s), led by Julius Civilis. Other Germanic and Gallic tribes and Roman soldiers joined the uprising. The uprising was suppressed by the Romans with great difficulty. By the IV century. the already romanized Batavians merged with the Franks into one people.

Nomadic tribes of the Hamitic language group that lived in the area between the Red Sea and the Nile. Subordinated to Ethiopia, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, they temporarily captured part of Egypt and were expelled by him to the south (to the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Aswan).

The Celtic population of Britain, from the 4th century. Began to be exposed to constant raids by other Celtic tribes (cattle and Picts from Scotland), as well as West German tribes (Franks and Saxons). In the V century. the Romans withdrew their troops from Britain, and it gradually passed into the hands of local tribes and Germans - Angles, Saxons and Jutes.


A West Germanic tribe that lived on both sides of the Lippe River. In 12 BC. under Druze were subdued by the Romans. Later they joined the uprising of Arminius against the Romans, participated in the defeat of the Romans in 9 AD. in the Teutobur forest, in the years 14-16. - in the war against Germanicus, in the 70s - 60s. - in the uprising of the Batavians. Around 100, the Bruckers occupied an area near Cologne. In the IV century. were conquered by Constantine the Great and gradually merged with the Franks into one people.


East Germanic tribes, whose original habitat was the territory at the mouth of the Oder. From there they moved to the Main River Valley. Their first clashes with the Romans date back to 279. the Burgundians pushed the Alemanns and in 407 they crossed the Rhine. In 413 they received from the emperor of the Western Roman Empire the frontier regions of Gaul, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cities of Worms and Mainz. After a crushing defeat, reflected in the "Song of the Nibelungs", which was inflicted on them in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Geneva by the Roman general Aetius in alliance with the Huns, they settled in this territory. In the 30s. VI century were conquered by the Frankish state.

East Germanic tribes, whose original habitat was the Jutland Peninsula, from the 1st century BC. - the territory between the Oder, Vistula, Sudetes and Carpathians. In the II century. AD the vandals took part in the Marcomanian War and advanced to the territory of modern Hungary. Having settled in the Roman province of Pannonia, in the 4th century they supplied the Romans with mercenaries, from among whom a number of talented Roman generals emerged. In 406, together with the Alans and Suevians, they moved westward and, passing Gaul, in 409 they reached Spain. Part of the Vandals was completely destroyed there by the Visigoths, and part under the leadership of the leader Geiserich in 429-439. captured the Roman province of Africa and settled on the territory of modern Tunisia


A branch of the Germanic Gothic tribes, separated from the rest of the people long before the conquest of Rome by the Ostrogoth leader Alaric. In 418 they were settled by the Romans as federates in the area between the mouths of the Garonne and Loire rivers. In 475, they gained independence and formed the Toulouse kingdom, from where they began an offensive against Spain, but were later conquered by the Franks.

East German tribe, initially part of the Goths, later a separate people. About 270 AD the Gepids moved to the borders of the Roman province of Dacia. About 400 were conquered by the Huns, took their side in the battle on the Catalaunian fields in 451. After the death of Attila, they successfully fought against his sons, later settled east of the Tisza River as federates under the emperor Marcian. In the VI century. the state of the Gepids was conquered by the Lombards and Avars.


The bulk of the East Germanic tribes. In the 1st century. AD ancient sources mention them as tribes living in the lower reaches of the Vistula. Since the 30s. IV century become neighbors of the Roman Empire, living on the Lower Danube. From the end of the III century. the clashes of the Goths with the Romans begin, which lead to the victory over them of the Emperor Claudius II and Aurelian. Since 470, a part of the Goths (Visigoths) has sought refuge from the Huns in the Roman lands. However, the unreasonable policy of the Roman administration leads first to the uprising of the Visigoths, and then to the defeat of the Roman army in the battle of Adrianople under the emperor Valentes. After the Visigoths, or Visigoths, left to the west, a small part of this people (the so-called "small Goths") continued to live partly on the Balkan Peninsula, partly in the Crimea.

A nomadic people from Inner Asia. Chinese sources mention them since 300 BC. After repelling their raids on China, the fragile state formation of the Huns disintegrated, and some of them moved west. They destroyed in 375 the Ostrogoth state on the Don and gave impetus to the Great Migration of Nations. The Huns threatened the Roman Empire for a long time until they were defeated in the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields.

The northernmost of the Thracian tribes, who lived in the Carpathian-Danube region. In 107 under the emperor Trajan they were conquered by the Romans. But in 271 the emperor Hadrian was forced to withdraw the legions from Dacia under the onslaught of the Goths and the Sarmatians. A significant part of the population of Dacia, following the Roman troops, moved to the southern, right bank of the Danube, where the province of the same name was formed.

Tribes of Illyrian origin who lived in the west of the Balkans along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. The territory of Dalmatia was finally conquered under Augustus and annexed to the province of Illyricum. Then the territory of this province changed several times. The Romans organized military camps and settlements for Roman veterans here, and successfully pursued a policy of intensive Romanization here. The capital of Dalmatia was Salona. Emperor Diocletian was of Dalmatian origin.


Numerous Indo-European tribes, possibly related to the Thracians, who lived in the central and western regions of the Balkans. The main tribes are Dalmatians, Istras, Yapigs, Dardans, Liburns. There was no political unity between them. Many Roman emperors of the III-IV centuries. were of Illyrian origin: Aurelian, Prob, Constantius Chlorus, Constantine the Great, etc. Modern Albanians are considered to be descendants of non-Romanized Illyrians.

Thracian tribe living in the Eastern Carpathian region, between the Carpathians and the river. Rod. The name of the Carpathian Mountains apparently came from this ethnikon. In the III century. penetrated into the territory of the Lower Danube. At the end of the III century. were defeated by Emperor Aurelian.

West Germanic tribe that settled in the 1st century. BC. along the river Main. In the 1st-2nd centuries. AD were under Roman influence. Participated in the Marcomanian wars against Rome, entering into a political and military alliance with the Marcomanians. In the III-V centuries. threatened the Roman borders along the Danube. At the beginning of the 5th century. moved to Spain, establishing their own state in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula, which existed until 585.


A group of Indo-European tribes that in ancient times occupied a vast territory in Western Europe, the exact boundaries of which are difficult to establish.


Germanic tribe, which, according to legend, once inhabited Scandinavia. During the reign of Emperor Augustus, the Lombards occupied both banks along the lower course of the Elbe. Took part in the Great Migration of Peoples. In the 2nd floor. VI century invaded Northern Italy and formed their kingdom here.

A Gaulish tribe that lived in Central Gaul in the vicinity of the Sequois. Allies of Rome during the Great Migration.

Population of the northwestern regions of Africa, ancestors of modern Berbers. During the reign of Emperor Caligula, Mauritania was conquered by the Romans and turned into 2 Roman provinces, some of the Moorish tribes remained unconquered and repeatedly invaded the Roman province of Africa, in particular under the emperors Valerian and Diocletian. During the period of the Great Migration of Peoples, part of the Moors moved to the Iberian Peninsula.


A Germanic tribe that lived in the II-III centuries. on the Middle Danube. In the years 169-175. and in 177-180. The Romans fought hard wars with the Marcomanian tribal union, during which the barbarian invasions of the Empire reached the regions of Northern Italy. Under Diocletian, during the war on the Danube border, the Marcomans were destroyed by the Romans.


Part of the Gothic tribes. From the V century. become subjects of the Huns, after the fall of the Hunnic rule in Europe they penetrate into Pannonia, from the beginning of the VI century. begin their campaigns to the west - to Italy, Spain, until they finally settle in Italy.

Iranian-speaking nomadic tribes, natives of the Transcaspian region. The historical center of the ancestral home of the Parthians - the city of Nisa, 20 km from the present. Ashgabat. In the middle of the III century. BC. created an independent state under the leadership of the Arshakid dynasty. In the 1st century. BC. - I century. AD Parthia was the main rival of Rome in the East. The Parthian state collapsed in 224. On its ruins, the New Persian kingdom was formed - the Sassanid state.

The Iranian-speaking main population of the Sassanian state, which since 224 has become the main enemy of the Romans in the East. The Sassanian state existed until the middle. VII century, when it was conquered by the Arabs.

The people, apparently of Celtic origin, lived in Northern Britain, north of the Hadrian's Wall, and in Ireland. Since 297, the Picts have become dangerous enemies of the Romans on land and at sea. Later they were partially conquered and assimilated by the Germanic tribes.

Germanic tribes inhabiting the Lower Rhine and Elbe. They took part in the conquest of Britain in the 4th century.


Iranian-speaking nomadic tribes that dominated in the first centuries A.D. in the Northern Black Sea region.

A large group of West Germanic tribes: Alemanni, Markoman, Quad, etc., which from the 1st century. BC. occupied a vast territory from Northern and Southern Germany to the Central Danube. Ethnikon was often used by ancient authors to designate the most diverse Germanic tribes.

Gallic tribe living in Central Gaul along the banks of the river. Sekwana (Sena). In 52 BC. joined the Great Gallic uprising led by Vercingetorix. In the era of the Empire, they were completely romanized and acted, for the most part, on the side of the Romans in their struggle against the barbarians in the III-V centuries.


Celtic tribes originally from Ireland. They were mainly engaged in sea robbery. Between 250 and 400, Roman Britain was often attacked. Having conquered Scotland from the Picts, the Scots gave the name to this country.

Germanic tribes, first mentioned in ancient sources in 291, took an active part in the conquest of the Western Roman Empire.

Germanic tribe that lived in the area between the Fulda and Eder rivers. In the 1st - 3rd centuries. AD actively resisted the Romans. In the IV century they became part of the Frankish people.

According to the book by G.S. Samokhina "Ancient Rome: the main aspects of political and legal development"

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