Compose a fairy tale in biology about a vegetative kidney. Didactic tales in biology

Fairy tale in biology

"The Adventures of Chlorophyll"

Teacher of biology and chemistry Lyamova N.G.

Author. Once, about two hundred years ago, strange events took place in a small but sunny clearing. They could lead to the death of all life on Earth. But, fortunately, this did not happen. In those days, too, lived good and smart people who thought about the future.

Chlorophyll appears.

Chlorophyll.Hello. IChlorophyll. Why do I have such a strange name? Yes, because I'm green.

I, Chlorophyll, always green

Let cool or heat

But I work like clockwork

And every time I go into battle.

As soon as the sun peeps through, (2 times)

I catch the first beam of it.

And immediately the air will be clean

Chlorophyll.Oh, this is a very complex and mysterious process.

Judge, Prosecutor and Lawyer appear.

Referee. Who said the word process here? What process can take place without us?

Prosecutor(angrily). Some photosynthesis. The word is incomprehensible, and the process is harmful.

Referee. Who is its main culprit?

proc at pop. Its main culprit is he, Chlorophyll.

Referee. Strange name.

Advocate. His name means "green" in translation.
Referee. Does he have a middle name?

Prosecutor. Yes, his middle name is even stranger - Chloroplastovich.

Referee.Chlorophyll Chloroplastovich? interesting. And the place of residence?

Advocate. In chloroplasts of leaves, green stems and green fruits.

Referee. Occupation?

Prosecutor.Occupation is strange. He has nothing, and nutrients flow like a river. Probably a sorcerer. Maybe burn it at the stake?

Referee.No, we need to investigate the case. What do you cook food from?

Chlorophyll.Oh, Mr. Judge! All I need for my work is carbon dioxide and.

Referee. Where do you take it from?

Chlorophyll.Out of thin air, Mr. Judge.

Prosecutor. And by what right do you plunder the natural good?

Advocate.But, Mr. Judge, carbon dioxide is harmful to living beings. I can prove it.


Advocate. But how. I will cover you and the prosecutor with glass caps. Only next to you I will put a green plant, and you will be able to breathe normally. And the Prosecutor will remain under the hood alone.

Covers the judge and the prosecutor with caps.

They sit under the covers

Judge and prosecutor

Amy guys are with you

Let's continue this debate.

Prosecutor.Ahh, I don't want to be under the hood. It was Stirlitz who was under the hood. And I'm not Stirlitz, I'm a prosecutor. I need to breathe.

Referee. Everyone needs to breathe.

Chlorophyll.Mr. Judge, now you understand why I need carbon dioxide. Chemists talk about it easier - CO 2

Referee. Of course, because I could breathe even under a cap. So the plant helped me survive. the court accepts your arguments regarding carbon dioxide. What else do you need for work?

Chlorophyll. I also need water. clean.

Prosecutor. Here, that's what I said! Stealing our water! He squanders our wealth, put him in jail!

Steals our water

and carbon dioxide

Well, what about the people

I want to ask you.

No I do not understand

And I can't take it.

I will catch you now

And I'll put you in jail.

Chlorophyll. But I take quite a bit of water.

Advocate. But on the other hand, using water, carbon dioxide and the energy of the Sun, it gives food and oxygen to all living things, which means. life.

Prosecutor. How is it, how is it, I do not understand!

Chlorophyll. But it's so simple.

Water rising up the stems

Goes to the green leaf

And with CO 2 connecting

Gives us sugar in the light.

This is the creation of nature -

Magical, kind chlorophyll

Able to feed the nations

Although perishing by the evening without forces.

Referee. Like this? You, so small, made of carbon dioxide and water, in the sun? Are you a Magician?

Chlorophyll. Mage is not Mage, but I can.

Advocate. That's not all. It also extracts oxygen from the water. That's why you remained alive under the cap, and the Prosecutor was yelling like a cut man.

Referee. Well, what is all this called?

Advocate. Yes, it's called photosynthesis, photosynthesis. After all, what is happening? New substances are formed: sugar, starch, oxygen. Formed means synthesized.

All. Photosynthesis takes place in the light all year round

From simple minerals.

The sun will shed its light, a ray will fall on the leaf,

To give everyone oxygen.

And our stubborn people will never understand,

That he breathes, eats and lives,

Because in the morning, only the time comes,

Sweet juice is produced by foliage.

Prosecutor. Finally I understood. You're good. I won't blame you.

Chlorophyll. Dear Court! What I create is destroying another process.

Referee. What is the other process? What right does he have to destroy something? Why am I not participating?

BUT d wokat. Participate as you participate. We are all partners.

Chlorophyll. This process is breathing. You all breathe, which means you destroy organic matter that I create.

Referee. Something I again do not understand. You can't live without photosynthesis, that's clear. He is a creator. But you can't breathe either. So you can die. Why is breath the destroyer?

Chlorophyll. Do you need to move?

Referee. Necessary.

Chlorophyll. Should you talk?

Referee. Of course, I earn money by talking.

Chlorophyll. And where do you get the energy for movement, reflection and conversation?

Referee. Don't know. She somehow takes it.

Chlorophyll. Herself, herself. Nothing by herself. The oxygen you breathe destroys the substances I create. And in doing so, energy is released. That's where you get it from. From food. Only you go to the store for food and energy, I take it from the Sun.

All. And in the heat and in bad weather, and in the evening and during the day

It is impossible without oxygen - otherwise we will die.

We breathe, breathe, breathe, and he, and you, and I

We take energy from food, friends.

To run, jump, swim, laugh and walk,

And it is very important, right, to learn to think.

Advocate. Gentlemen, I hope you now understand that the oxygen you breathe goes into your cells. There it breaks down the organic matter of food into carbon dioxide and water. This releases energy. You need energy for a normal life. Excess water and carbon dioxide are released into the environment.

Referee. Therefore, when breathing, carbon dioxide and water are released, and this is what is needed for photosynthesis.

Prosecutor. That's right, Judge. Photosynthesis and respiration are opposite processes. Wheel of life. Vicious circle. And the Sun launches it.

Chlorophyll. I can’t live without breathing, and it won’t do without me either. Together we do one common thing.

Referee. So yes. Photosynthesis occurs in the light, in leaves and other green parts of plants. We breathe with every cell in our body. Photosynthesis provides us and all living things with food, and breathing provides energy. And it's all thanks to the Sun and you, Chlorophyll. Wonderful. You are acquitted and this decision is final and not subject to appeal.

All. Photosynthesis - my friend, here is your house - a leaf

There you work your miracles. People really need you, we will not forget you,

And we will remember you forever.

Let the sun shine on us

To adults and children

It was joyful, clear, light,

So that every flower, even a small leaf

He gave us food and warmth.

Unfortunately we only play once a year.

We played pretend, in front of the people

Sorry, we only play once a year.

Fairy tales in biology lessons

One of the tasks that the teacher faces in the classroom is to interest the student in the material being studied.For this, they are used various methods and forms of education.

To make the lessons more entertaining and interesting, it is necessary to weave elements of interactive forms of activity into the “outline” of the lesson, that is, use poems, riddles, crosswords, puzzles, teawords, didactic fairy tales, etc. at a certain stage of the lesson.It activates mental activity students, increases interest.

I propose to add didactic fairy tales to this “methodical piggy bank”. They allow you to establish contact with the child, create a comfortable, appropriate age characteristics environment, activate cognitive and mental processes, stimulate children's creativity. Fairy tales "talk" to the child in an emotionally rich, close to him language of metaphors, without direct instruction.

A didactic fairy tale is distinguished by great emotionality and imagery, it has its own animated characters, for which only students can solve problems..

Fairy tale - the story "About the Hydra" (7th grade)

At the bottom of a small pond, on the stem of a plant, an inconspicuous little hydra lived and lived. She was all alone. But she wasn't upset about it at all.

Despite the outward harmlessness and unattractiveness. Hydra was a real predator. For days on end, this animal patiently waited for its prey - small freshwater crustaceans, larvae and insects, and, if suddenly one of them swam by, grabbed them. To do this, she had tentacles around her mouth.

Sometimes she wanted a change of scenery and moving around. At the same time, she led like a real gymnast: bending her body and attaching her tentacles to the surface, she pulled the sole to the front end of the body, then repeated the walking movements. In addition, the hydra knew how to tumble - for this, it was alternately attached to objects with either tentacles or soles.The special pride of the hydra was burning cells. As soon as a sharp stinging thread jumps out of such a cage - take your feet, or you will get hydra for lunch. The inhabitants of the pond did not like the hydra for this, did not want to get involved with it and were not friends. And so the hydra lived - incomprehensible, unusual and very lonely.

The teacher offers to get to know the hydra better by completing the following tasks.

    Consider a living hydra on a watch glass or in a drawing. What unusual features in the structure of the body does hydra have?

    Describe how the hydra moves

    In the figure or table, find the upper and lower ends of the body, the tentacles surrounding the mouth opening, the sole. Name the body parts of the hydra, with the help of which it obtains food and defends itself from enemies.

    Find in the drawings 2 layers of body cells and the intestinal cavity. Determine which cells are located in the outer and inner layers of the body. In the text of the textbook, find information about the functions of these cells and fill in the proposed table.

Tale of Queen Corn .

In a certain kingdom in a distant state, there lived the queen Kukuruza: tall, slender, beautiful. She had no equal on earth. Golden cobs adorned her, powerful adventitious roots kept her in the soil. Everyone around loved her and worshiped her. Precious grains ripened every year on the cob. They were tasty and useful for everyone.

Corn had many relatives, distant and close, but she did not know about this and often felt sad alone. She ordered the servants to find their loved ones and invite them to visit with only one condition: they must prove their relationship.

And then one day, guests began to arrive from all over the world and prove to the queen that they were related to her. The most daring was wheat.

“– I am the same as you, my fruit is a grain, the stalk is a straw, and everyone knows about my nobility”

“– And even though I’m growing waist-deep in water, I’m very similar to you both externally and internally. Look closely and see for yourself,” said Rice. And then everyone started talking together: rye, oats, millet, and even the evil wheatgrass weed - the storm of the fields also turned out to be a relative of Corn. Corn understood that she had a large and strong family and this family was called Cereals.

As an illustration to this tale, tables and herbariums are used - portraits of cereals.

Questions and tasks.

    What signs in the structure of their organs could the guests of the corn use to prove their relationship with it? When answering this question, it is necessary to note and find on the tables and figures the main biological features of plants of the cereal family: the structure of the stem, structural features of leaves, flowers, inflorescences.

    What plants can claim to be relatives of corn? Students are invited to consider herbarium specimens of plants and choose from them plants of the cereal family according to external signs.

    What are the famous plants of this family?

How Tsar Pea made riddles.

Tsar Pea lived in the garden in the garden. He was originally from India and the mountains of Afghanistan, his family was considered one of the most ancient on earth. He was not afraid of either cold or hunger, only he could not do without water for a long time. The king was distinguished by strength, his roots were powerful, and it must be said in secret that on the roots of those untold wealth was stored in special nodules, which he did not tell anyone about. Only relatives of peas, who themselves owned this secret, knew about this secret. The king was very afraid that everyone would find out about the secret of his family and then his strength and power would be lost.

Peas loved to boast of their virtues - and flowers-moths, and fruits - shoulder blades, only his stem was weak and he had to look for support, cling to others. That is why the king was afraid for himself and kept the secret of his strength and wealth.

Tasks for a fairy tale.

    What do you think is the special secret of peas and their relatives? Why, where leguminous plants grow, the conditions of soil nutrition of other plants improve?

    Consider herbarium specimens of legumes, their drawings in the textbook (p. 85) and describe them according to the plan: flower structure (formula), fruit and its name, root system, leaves (venation, simple or complex)

    You were given riddles about leguminous plants: lupine, peas, acacia.

Leaf is a glove.
The fruit is a blade
And the flower is a moth.

What is this trick?
Suddenly there are peas on the tree!

Flower - lionfish,
The fruit is a blade.
The fruit is green and young
But sweet as malt.

What signs allow them to be attributed to the legume family?

Forest dwarf.

In more oftenforests, where it is damp and humid, lived one amazing dwarf. He was small in stature, green above and brown below. Its small stalk, densely dotted with narrow leaves, very much resembled a flax sprout. For this he was nicknamed cuckoo flax. Why cuckoo? Yes, because in the thicket of the forest in the neighborhood lived a cuckoo and our dwarf liked to listen to her sonorous cuckoo for a long time and was glad that the cuckoo promised him a long life.

At the end of the summer, a long thin leg grew on it, on which a special box towered. This box was covered for the time being with a cap that looked like a tiny hat with fields. The time came and the living dust particles that ripened in this box went on a journey, fell into a suitable place and germinated. Thus continued the race of the dwarf. Everything in his life went smoothly, but he could not understand why other plants looked down on him and did not want to communicate with him. “You are not a real plant, you don’t even have roots,” they told him and looked down on him. Cuckoo flax could not accept this, was offended and constantly proved that he and his relatives - mosses are real plants.


    Do you think mosses are real higher plants or not?

    What primitive features of organization can be noted in mosses?

A day in the life of an amoeba .

In the muddy water of an old abandoned pond, at the very bottom, an amoeba lived. She was tiny, barely visible to the naked eye, colorless and completely uninteresting. But she lived, ate and even multiplied.

In her small water kingdom, everything was simple and clear. Everyone was in a hurry somewhere, fled from predators, looked for food, continued their race. So it went day after day.

And then the day came when the amoeba decided to change his boring life and go on a journey. At first, she thoroughly refreshed herself - she extended her pseudopodia (pseudopodia) and captured those who were smaller and were nearby. Then, without hesitation, she set off. She moved slowly, stretching out her pseudopodia, and pretty soon got tired. The sun was shining brightly, a light breeze was blowing, and suddenly a small wave threw our traveler ashore. “Here comes my last hour”- the amoeba managed to think and fell into a deep sleep.


    What life processes of the amoeba are discussed in the fairy tale?

    What do you think, what is the further fate of the amoeba? Try writing a story at home.

    Read the textbook material about the cyst. Consider it in the picture, explain its significance in the life of an amoeba.

How trees and mushrooms are friends.

In a young aspen forest, among the noise of not yet fallen leaves, a strong, bright mushroom once appeared. He was a real handsome man: a red hat flaunted on a thick elastic leg. Time passed, the mushroom grew and did not have time to receive numerous compliments from the forest inhabitants. Finally, he became so arrogant that he stopped greeting his neighbors - young aspens. They seemed to him ugly and boring. He said that he was ashamed to live next to such neighbors. The modest aspens could not stand such ingratitude and decided to teach the arrogant a lesson. They stopped feeding him, our mushroom began to melt before our eyes, to get sick, and there was not a trace of its former beauty. He gathered his strength and asked for forgiveness. He promised that he would never offend those who helped him grow. Since then, they have lived like this, helping each other in their own way.


    What biological phenomenon is described in this tale?

    Retell the content of this tale using the words symbiosis, mycorrhiza,mycelium.

Adventures of the Maybug.

Exercise: find errors.

Once, on a fine autumn day, a large May beetle appeared on the surface of the soil, spread all its 4 wings, moved all its 4 pairs of legs and flew. The headwind was cool and fresh, and the cockchafer breathed in the air with pleasure.

After flying a little, he decided to rest and have a bite to eat. The cockchafer was very fond of the sweet juice of flowering plants, he spread his long proboscis and, having found a beautiful flower, began to feast on sweet nectar.

Suddenly he saw on the ground some ugly, dirty-white, motionless body, which moved weakly. Looking closely, he noticed that the body is curved in the form of an arc, there are 3 pairs of legs on the large head, and something dark shines through in the back of the abdomen. The cockchafer was very curious. Getting closer, he decided to speak with an unknown creature. The creature moved weakly, sighed heavily and began to eat young grass with appetite.

Who are you?" - asked the cockchafer.

I am your larva,” the fat ugly woman replied. “In autumn I am born and eat young grass, and in a year I will turn into the same May bug as you are.

Well, well, ”the Maybug thought and flew towards adventure..

Tale of a sleeping princess and two heroes.

(The tale is read in the lesson "Reproduction of flowering plants." The words placed in brackets are not read out, students are invited to guess for themselves who is the Princess, the Tsareviches, etc.)

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state of Gynoceum (Pestle) in deep dungeonovaries ) there lived a girl, a beautiful hand-written princess(Egg ). Five servants served her faithful service. Two maids of Synergid (companion cells ) guarded the princess day and night, and three more maids Antipodes spent the night at the far end of the dungeon. In the middle of the dungeon, the nurse-nanny (Central cell ) dozed, guarded everyone's peace and sleep.

And everyone slept in a deep, sound sleep. Nothing disturbed their peace: the dungeon was dark, neither the windows in it, nor the doors. Only a small doorpollen entrance ), and for the time being, it was tightly closed, and for reliability it was smeared with adhesive resin.

Behind high mountains, dark valleys in the neighboring kingdom-state of Androceum (stamen ) lived, there were two twin princes (sperm). their palace Anther ) hovered high above the ground (on the filament ), and the room of the princes (pollen grain ) was open to all winds. Lived with the princes, their faithful mentor uncle-servant (Vegetative nucleus .)

The princes heard that in the neighboring kingdom of Gynetsey, in a deep dungeon, a beautiful maiden was sleeping soundly (Egg ). And they decided to get to that kingdom, to try happiness - to wake the princess, to offer her a hand and heart. And to whom the princess does not refuse - to be a husband.

Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.

How to get into that kingdom? Gynetsey is far away, the road there is difficult. We decided to rely on the will of the wind, but the wind, as if it were evil, at that time in reverse side blew They turned to their uncle for advice (Vegetative nucleus ). He thought, thought, and said: “And you, princes, wait for an opportunity - maybe someone will fly to Gynetsey at speed, so maybe they will deliver you on occasion. The chance did not have to wait long - just then the Bumblebee flew by. The princes did not even ask, in an instant, they jumped onto the bumblebee's hairy back, grabbed hold of him tightly, and then the uncle jumped. How can he let good fellows go on such a dangerous path alone? The bumblebee didn't even notice. We flew.

How long did they fly briefly, but now Gynetsei appeared. The princes jumped with the uncle on the roof of the palace (Pestle ), and what a strange palace, more like an impregnable tower, and the roof (Stigma ) is smeared with some kind of sticky resin. The princes guessed that they were apparently waiting for them in the palace. Where to go next? No cracks in the roof, no holes. Yes, the uncle spotted a small door, and they climbed in there. The princes are ahead, the uncle is next. For a long time the princes with the uncle on the tower (column) made their way. The hole is narrow, only one can get through. We got to the dungeon and let's open the door (pollen entrance) break.

Meanwhile, in the dungeon, a commotion arose from the noise. The maids of the Synergis have woken up, let's preen. One Synergida ran to help open the door, then take the door and fall, and she slammed the maid. The princes entered the dungeon. They see the princess is sleeping (Egg ), but so good in a dream - her cheeks flushed. One prince could not stand it, and kissed the princess on the cheek. Princess (Egg ) woke up from a dream, prince (sperm) I saw him and immediately fell in love with him. And the second prince - not at a loss - went up to his mother-nanny (central cage ) and kissed her too and she immediately fell in love with him. Yes, the second prince married favorably - a dowry for his mother (central cage ) took two more, she turned out to be rich.

The uncles were enough to invite them to the wedding, but he died of joy on the threshold of the dungeon.

Born to a princessOocytes ) and the first prince (Spermia 1) daughter. They named her Zygote. And at the mother-nanny (central cell ) and the second prince (cum2 ) son. It's called Endosperm. The endosperm with the zygote lived together in the house (seed) until a new plant grows out of it.

Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done!

A fairy tale is one of the most ancient types folk art. Everyone knows and loves them.

The use of fairy tales makes the lesson interesting. Students listen to them with great pleasure, it is easier to remember the material being studied.

Modern children can also compose amazing fairy tales. The impetus for creativity is the examples that the teacher reads in the classroom. If desired, children compose fairy tales at home.




A fairy tale is one of the most ancient types of folk art. Everyone knows and loves them. Therefore, fairy tales can and should be used in biology lessons. The language of the fairy tale is simple, understandable, figurative, i.e. helping to visualize an object or person. In fantasy tales there is a lot of wonderful, unusual. Good and evil wizards operate in them. AT fairy tales people can turn into animals, and animals and birds can speak human language.

The use of fairy tales makes the lesson interesting. Students listen to them with great pleasure, it is easier to remember the material being studied.

Our people had many talented storytellers and storytellers who captivated listeners with their fairy tales, brought up love for beauty, goodness, noble deeds. Modern children can also compose amazing fairy tales. The impetus for creativity is the examples that the teacher reads in the classroom. If desired, children compose fairy tales at home.

In the course "Natural History" of the 5th grade in the topic "Constellations", the teacher uses fairy tales from the book by Lyubov Talimonova "Tales of the Constellations" (Moscow, "Engineering", 1993):

Big Dog and Little Dog

“One big good family lived in the village, only two brothers were grumpy and angry. They were always arguing and squabbling. At breakfast because of a spoon, at lunch because of a piece of bread, at dinner because of an apple. Argued always and everywhere. They couldn't even go down the same road together.

The brothers wanted to get married, chose the same girl for themselves and quarreled again. And the girl knew what unfriendly brothers. So she suggested: "Whoever of you will be the first to run from this stone to the next one will become my fiance." She knew that the brothers would not run to the same stone for anything in the world. And so it happened: instead of running from one stone to another, the brothers began to scatter in different directions, if only to get away from each other. They ran, ran, ran to the very sky and stayed there.

Until now, having turned into the constellations Canis Major and Minor, the brothers continue to run around the sky.

(Lyubov Talimonova "Tales of the Constellations)

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

“There was a village among the hills. An ordinary village in which they lived ordinary people. Among them is a very kind family. The family had a daughter, Aina, the kindest of all. village lived ordinary life, but one day a black wagon appeared on the village road. The black horses were driven by a man dressed all in black. He was very happy about something, smiled broadly, sometimes laughed.

There was a black cage on the wagon, and in it a small fluffy white bear cub sat on a chain. He sucked his paw, and tears flowed from his eyes.

All the people of the village looked out the windows, went out into the street and were indignant: What a shame it is for a black man to keep a white bear cub on a chain, torturing it. People were only indignant and spoke words, but did nothing themselves. Only a kind family stopped the man, And Aina began to ask him to let the unfortunate bear cub go. The stranger smiled and said that he would release the bear cub if someone gave their eyes in return. Everyone was silent. Then Aina stepped forward and said that she was ready for it. The black man laughed out loud and opened the cage. The white fluffy teddy bear left the cage, and kind Aina lost her sight.

While the villagers were looking at the bear cub and saying sympathetic words to Aina, the black man on the black wagon disappeared to no one knows where.

The little bear no longer cried, but Aina cried. Then the white bear cub took a rope in his teeth and began to lead Aina everywhere: through the village, through the hills and meadows. This did not last very long, and then, one evening, people looked up and saw that a white fluffy bear cub was leading Aina into the sky. Since then, the little bear has been leading Aina across the sky. They are always visible in the sky so that people remember good and evil.

(Lyubov Talimonova. "Tales of the Constellations")

This book is beautifully illustrated. And the drawings were created by the author of fairy tales. Astronauts Anatoly Solovyov and Sergey Avdeev went on a space flight and took these drawings with them to the Mir space station. Fairy tales from the book of Lyubov Talimonova make the thin strings of the soul sing, remind that the world is mysterious and interesting.

Children listen to these tales with great interest, they easily remember the names of the constellations, and, of course, write their invented stories. Here are some examples of fairy tales written by 5th grade students:

Constellation Pegasus.

“There was a beautiful princess. Her name was Mirandina. The princess had a favorite horse, they loved each other very much. Every day Mirandina let her horse go to the forest. And then one day, when the horse was frolicking in the forest, the queen of the stars noticed him. She liked the horse so much that she decided to steal it. The queen grabbed the horse and turned it into the constellation Pegasus. Mirandina waited until late at night for her pet. Finally she went to look for him. Her search was long and futile. One day the princess dreamed that her pet lived in the sky. Mirandina went to look for her horse among the stars. But she did not find her favorite among the constellations. Until now, the princess of Pegasus is looking for, having turned into a comet.

Danini Natasha


“There was an old man. He was very, very kind. One day grandfather went for a walk and saw that a small scorpion had fallen into a hole. The old man went home, took a net and pulled the poor fellow out. When the old man fell ill, the scorpion crawled into his house and gave all the strength that he had to his savior, and he himself rose into the sky. In the evenings, the old man goes out into the street and sees the bright constellation of the scorpion in the starry sky.

Zarubina Olesya.

Ursa Major, Pegasus and Perseus.

“There was a kind man. His name was Perseus. The bear lived with him. She had a beautiful thick coat. Perseus was proud of her. Often hunters came to him and asked him to sell it.

The news of the Bear came to great queen Cassiopeia. She also wanted to acquire the Bear. When Perseus did not agree to give up his friend, Cassiopeia told him: "If you do not give me your Bear, I will order you to be executed." Perseus did not give the Bear to Cassiopeia, did not spare himself.

He said goodbye to the Bear and said: "Fly to heaven, and you will be saved." She began to climb higher and higher. And when it rose, it turned into a constellation. Perseus boldly went to the execution. And as soon as she gave a sign to the executioners to begin the execution, the winged horse Pegasus flew in and soared up with Perseus.

Ursa, Perseus and Pegasus became constellations, and the formidable queen Cassiopeia set off in pursuit and is still catching up with these fugitives. We look up at the sky and admire them running.”

Galeva Margarita. 2000

Hercules and Cassiopeia.

“One day Cassiopeia came to the goddess Hera and began to brag that she was the most beautiful in the world. Hera did not like this and once, when Cassiopeia boasted again, Hera turned her into a constellation. Cassiopeia's brother Hercules was waiting at home for her return. When night fell, Hercules became alarmed and went to look for his sister, but did not find him. Then Hercules wept and ascended into heaven. Until now, Hercules is looking for Cassiopeia and cries. His tears fall from the sky, and people call them meteors.

Dementiev Dmitry.

Cassiopeia and Cepheus.

“A long time ago there lived a girl Cassiopeia and a young man Cepheus. They loved each other very much and wanted to get married, but they could not, and the trouble was that they were from royal families and the fathers were at enmity with each other. When the fathers found out what their children wanted to do, they flatly refused to give them a blessing. The father of Cassiopeia was extremely outraged, and he threatened his daughter with death if she disobeyed him. But Cassiopeia could not live without Cepheus, and they decided to secretly marry. Unfortunately, Cassiopeia's father found out about everything. He could not accept the fact that some girl dares to argue with the king, and deprived Cassiopeia of sight, but at the same moment she rose up. Cepheus waited all day for Cassiopeia, and at night he saw her in the sky. All the gods of Olympus saw how they suffer without each other and raised Cepheus to heaven. Now Cassiopeia and Cepheus are always together."

Cassiopeia, Lizard, Cepheus, Giraffe.

“One late night, a beautiful princess, whose name was Cassiopeia, went out for a walk. As usual, she invited her beloved friend Lizard for a walk. They were true friends. When they were walking, Prince Cepheus approached them. He told them about his grief. The prince had a father, Giraffe, who became seriously ill, and only a magical medicine could save him. Nobody could find him. The lizard knew where to find medicine, but it was not easy to bring it. The princess asked to show her the way to the country where you could get the drug.

The lizard said that it was necessary to go to that country for two months, and whoever met, it was necessary to remain silent. Then you need to find a plant, dig it up, wrap it in a silk scarf and go back.

Cassiopeia went halfway and saw her distant relative, Ursa Minor, but did not say a word to her. Ursa Minor looked after her for a long time, surprised, not understanding anything.

The princess found the country where the wonderful plant grew, and set off on her way back. She walked quickly, afraid of being late.

The plant turned out to be truly miraculous. Giraffe recovered two days later and was grateful for the help provided. Until now, they are all together in the sky: Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Lizard and Giraffe. They are friends and love each other to this day.

Utkina Anna. 2000

When studying the topic "Galaxy" I read "The Legend of the Milky Way":

“Once upon a time, at the end of the world, off the coast of the Atlantic, lived the Selurts. It's beautiful kind people and very kind. The Selurts were engaged in the study of the starry sky, were able to calculate the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon, followed the phases of the Moon, compiled a calendar and built megaliths. (Megaliths are structures made of large stones that are found along the entire coast of Europe, from Portugal to the Faroe Islands. Often, various drawings and symbols are engraved on the stones. Megaliths date back to Y-II millennia BC. There is an opinion that megaliths are the oldest observatories on Earth ).

The Selurts never fought, they did not know what war was. Their life flowed peacefully and calmly.

But one day a proud eagle brought the bad news that a warlike tribe was moving against the Selurts. The Selurts had no choice but to pack their things and go to the mountains or move to the islands. They left their native lands, leaving behind megaliths and vast knowledge, encrypted in symbols and drawings.

The Selurts left, and a warlike tribe settled on their lands. The number of the tribe grew rapidly, and soon these people became crowded in the land of the Selurts. Then the soldiers gathered and decided to expel the good and peaceful people even from the mountains and islands.

The warriors surrounded the mountain and went up to the last village of the Selurts. What was the surprise of the soldiers when they saw an empty village - there was not a single person there. Where could these tall and kind people go? Way down? Impossible, they would have been noticed. Perhaps the Selurts have risen still higher? The warriors climbed to the very top of the mountain, but there was no one there. Where did the selurts go? Where can you climb from the top of the mountain? Only to the sky… The warriors looked up and saw a shining road from the edge to the edge of the sky made of sand, pearls and tears.

The Selurts were inhabitants of the coast, therefore, leaving for the mountains, they took sand and pearls with them. Now, leaving for infinity, they dropped sand, pearls and tears.

No one knows where the Selurts went, but on Earth, in memory of themselves, they left megaliths, and in the sky from end to end - the Milky Way, a road of sand, pearls and tears.

(Talimonova L.A. Tales of constellations. Moscow.,

"Engineering", 1993)

But "The Tale of the Milky Way", composed by Efimova N.

“Once at Malaya and Big Dipper cubs were born: about 100 billion. It was difficult for bears to feed them. Once, curious and naughty children decided to run away from home and embark on a journey through the universe. No sooner said than done. They stood up one after the other and went where their eyes look. The night took them by surprise, and the cubs decided to go to bed. Their camp stretched across the sky. And in the morning the Bears saw their hungry cubs in the sky. Then the mothers splashed milk into the sky. Since then, the Milky Way has appeared in the sky."

The main thing in a fairy tale is morality. Fairy tales teach kindness, justice, they help to live, to find the right path in life. Tales touch the soul in which the hero sacrifices himself to save another. With bated breath, the children listened to the tale of the black and white horseman, written by Kamynina D.

“Once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl. They called her Cassiopeia. She was kind to everyone: the poor, the sick, the crippled, but she hated cruel people. Once Cassiopeia saw a young man in all white. He said: "Dear girl, give me and my beloved horse a drink." Cassiopeia handed him a ladle. Having drunk water, the young man said: “For your kindness, I will repay you with kindness. If you see a rider in all black, do not trust him in any case. Wait, I'll be back soon. Cassiopeia promised, even if she had to wait a lifetime.

A year or two passed, and people saw the rider in all black. De he neighing in a cage small child. Seeing the Black Rider with a child, Cassiopeia fell to her knees and begged to let the child go. “I will grant your request if someone gives me their life,” the rider laughed. The crowd went silent. Nobody wanted to die. Only Cassiopeia said: "Take my life." The child was released, and the girl was thrown into prison.

The next morning she was taken to execution. The people gathered in the square wept: they loved this kind girl. And as soon as the Black Horseman waved his dagger to strike the heart of Cassiopeia, a young man suddenly appeared on a white horse, grabbed the girl and soared up with her. People looked into the sky for a long time, and only at night they saw a group of twinkling stars, which they called the constellation Cassiopeia.

About good, evil, fidelity and friendship, the fairy tale "Aries"

“There was a village on the bank of a small river. A village is like a village. And it was good to live there. But one day there was a drought, the sun burned everything, dried up the river. The next summer, the drought recurred. It's hungry time. People began to kill domestic animals in order to survive themselves.

He lived in the village of Ir, and he had a big fluffy ram. Ir loved him very much. The fluffy ram lived in the house with the owner. He looked at human grief with intelligent eyes. It seemed to Ira that the white fluffy friend understood him, so the man always talked with the ram, shared joys and troubles. After such a conversation, Ira felt better at heart.

And one day the villagers came to Ir and said that it was the turn to kill his white sheep.

Ir asked to wait until the morning. The people agreed. And at night, Ir imperceptibly brought out a ram and took him far beyond the hills. He does not want people to kill his silent, but most faithful friend.

Ir built a small house away from the village and lived with a ram for some time. But one night, Ir heard a noise. It was the villagers who found his house. They began to demand a ram, but Ir did not agree.

Then a fluffy ram came out of the house. His fur was unusually shiny. The ram approached the people. The people parted. Then the ram shook its head and began to throw off its wool, although it itself remained large and fluffy.

Suddenly the ram began to rise up, higher and higher, until it rose so high into the sky that it became a constellation.

When people came to their senses and again looked down, where the wool lay, then instead of it they saw many, many gold coins. This money was enough to go to other settlements where there is no drought, and to buy all kinds of food for a long time. And Ir looked and looked at the shimmering silhouette, similar to his dear friend. Suddenly, from somewhere on high, a golden bell on a blue ribbon fell into Iru's hands. Such a bell was worn by a fluffy ram. And the constellation Aries is still shining in the sky.

(Lyubov Talimonova "Tales of the Constellations".)

You can also use unfinished stories. Children are offered only the beginning, and they need to compose the end of the fairy tale. Writing a fairy tale allows you to maximize the activation cognitive activity students.

With great interest, students also compose ecological fairy tales, which indicate ways to save our planet. For example, the fairy tale "Oil Fish", written by Vika Zaitseva.

“Once the old man decided to catch fish and feed his old woman to her heart’s content. He went to the shore of the blue lake, cast a net and began to pull. Pulled out forcefully. While pulling, he rejoiced at the big catch, and when he pulled it out and looked, he gasped. The net of fish is full, and the fish are all dead, the old man threw the net several times. The whole shore was filled up, but there is nothing to eat - even animals do not eat such fish. "What is it? - the old man thinks. - I was young, and there was no bluer lake in the whole district. And all kinds of fish were found in it, and ducks and cranes stopped on the shore before flying south. And now in it, except for blue algae, there is nothing. It was evident that the water was “living” in it, but it became “dead”, - the old man thought so and threw his net for the last time. He pulled out a net with one ooze, and among this ooze a single fish fluttered. In the light, the scales of this fish shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. The old man was delighted, took it in his hands. “That's lucky, I caught a goldfish,” the old man thinks. And the fish quietly says to him in a human voice: “Don’t rejoice, old man, I’m not a goldfish, but an oil one. Until I got to your lake, I swam many seas and rivers, and everywhere in the water there is a lot of oil, fuel oil, gasoline spilled. I heard from my grandmother that there is a lake blue - blue with living water, which prolongs life not only for fish, but for all living things. My older brothers, whales, dolphins, were thrown ashore because of the poisoned water. And I decided to get to living water, but apparently I was mistaken. “No, you were not mistaken, fish, this lake was alive. We, the people, were treated and fed with its water. But then they built a large paper mill on the shores of this lake. Many people came who built it, worked on it. People began to cut down the forest, build buildings, roads. But they thought only of doing their work faster, and did not think where and how those who would come after them would live. What will their children breathe, what water will they drink, where will they pick mushrooms and berries. And, finally, how animals, birds, fish will live. That's how it all started. The combine made more and more paper. There was no forest left around, it all went to paper, and all the waste was dumped directly into the lake. This is how living water turned into dead water,” the old man finished his story. “I know a lot of such stories,” answered the fish. “It means that there are fewer and fewer living places on earth. People, think about our life, and therefore about yours, ”the fish whispered with her last strength and died. The old man grieved, and then go to the children at school and tell them this story, show them the “gold-oil” fish, so that the children would try not to repeat the mistakes of their parents.

A fairy tale is also a means of understanding nature. When studying the topic "Leaf fall" I read a fairy tale

“Why do the leaves on the trees turn yellow in autumn and then fall off?”:

“Marinka loved the green forest very much, and she became sad when autumn came. The flowers disappeared, the birds moved south, the leaves began to turn yellow and fall.

Only on the oak the leaves were still holding, but even on it there were less and less of them every day.

Once Marinka - a kind soul - could not stand it: she took glue, threads and ran to her beloved old oak. Tala the last leaves to the branches to tie and glue so that the wind does not break off. Maybe the girl tied and glued 20 leaves, or maybe all 30. And I would have saved it, only my hands were completely frozen. Marinka sat down, pressed her hands, breathing into her fists: first into one, then into the other. Then the wind came up again, and suddenly it seemed to Marinka that the leaves above her head were whispering and rustling. Then the oak seemed to stretch with a creak, yawn, and say softly:

  1. What are you doing here, dumbass? What's stopping me from sleeping?
  2. I didn't want to wake you up. I'll glue the leaves for you, otherwise you'll oversleep the last ones.
  3. Eh, baby! I finished my business, worries, it's time to rest. Look what acorns I have grown, beauty! Perhaps new oak trees will grow. But that's later. And now the days are getting shorter, the light is getting smaller, so it's time to sleep. In the leaves, the tiny green chlorophyll grains, living plants, disappeared, dissolved like sugar in water. There were no green grains, and the leaves turned yellow.
  4. But why yellow and not white or transparent?
  5. Because in addition to green grains in the leaves there are others - yellow. While the green grains were working in the leaves, the yellow ones were not visible, but the green ones dissolved, and only the yellow ones remained. Here the leaves turned yellow.
  6. But how is it? What will you do without these plants, without leaves? Who will feed you all winter?
  7. I don't want to eat or drink. Makes me sleepy. In winter, sleep like that - grace. In winter, we, the trees, do not grow, do not bloom.
  8. Hey! Marinka tapped softly on the wrinkled bark.
  9. Ah-ah….
  10. I want to ask: maybe it would be better if the leaves remained? Although they are dry, yellow, but take off the tree is much more beautiful.
  11. No, the oak yawned. In winter, we are not up to beauty. We shed our own leaves. If all the leaves are left, in winter such snowdrifts will grow on the branches that they will not withstand, they will break from the weight.
  12. And I thought that the wind breaks the leaves
  1. You can do it without wind. We build up a specially thin partition between the petiole of the leaf and the branch, which does not allow water or sugar to pass through. A partition grows and separates the leaf from the branch. As soon as the leaf has nothing to hold on to, it will come off and fly. The leaves will fall to the ground and the roots will cover from frost.

The girl wanted to ask the oak for more about bark, about buds, about acorns, but then the wind came up again, and it seemed to her that the old tree was snoring softly.

Aslanova Polina.

Here is another story on this topic.

Round dance of leaves

“The leaves turned yellow on the trees. Ships sailed through the air. The trees quietly shook their heads, dropping their leaves, and they danced in the air.

However, not everyone liked these games. Two young leaves, which appeared already in August, were unhappy. "Just appeared, let's fly!" Therefore, they tried to stay on the branch and looked contemptuously at those who were having fun below.

  1. W-What are you doing here, young leaves? the beetle inquired businesslike, rubbing its paws. It's time for you to fly down.
  2. Where? To the ground? No, we are fine on the tree! We expect to stay here all winter.
  3. You are sh-sh-joking, young leaves! No need to play me. Never heard such nonsense in my life. Each leaf from birth wants to lead round dances.
  4. But we don't want to!
  5. It's good that there are few such sh-naughty on the tree. If there were many of you, then the tree would have suffered greatly.
  6. Why?
  7. Yes, because a lot of snow would accumulate on the leaves, and it would be hard for the tree.
  8. Why do leaves fall to the ground?
  9. Because a partition is formed between the branch and the leaf. She then does not allow organic substances to such fools as you.
  10. And where did our new outfits come from?
  11. They didn't come from anywhere. Just…. What are you doing to me? Think for yourself, not small. And the beetle flew away.

Savelyeva Lena.

This tale has no end. You can invite the children to finish the end of the tale, where they need to explain why the leaves have different outfits.

In the classroom, through fairy tales, we teach compassion, experience, instill interest in the subject, develop the creative abilities of students.

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