Tests and tests in the Russian language on the topic 'Spelling'. Tests and tests in the Russian language on the topic 'Spelling' Only sometimes the sound of falling cones is heard

I . Spelling tasks. 5th grade

1 option : write down the words from the second paragraph of the text, in which there is a separating ь and indicate the spelling;

Option 2 : write down words from the third paragraph of the text, in which there is a separating ь and indicate the spelling

2) Write down the words

Option 1: from the second paragraph with an unstressed vowel being tested at the root, match them test words

Option 2: from the third paragraph with the consonant being tested at the root, select test words for them

3) Find prepositions and write them down along with nouns, indicate the spelling

Option 1: from the sentence: « »

Option 2: from the sentence: «

II . Syntax assignments.

Option 1: write out the 2nd sentence from paragraph 1, option 2: write out the last sentence from paragraph 2. Underline the main members.

III . Morphemic assignments.

1 option

Option 2: The first sentence has 3 paragraphs

Write this word down, label its parts.

Dictation text

Input diagnostics in 5th grade.

Dictation technique

The text of the dictation is read three times.

I. Listening target

The teacher slowly and expressively reads the entire text of the dictation in accordance with the pronunciation norms of the Russian language. Reading should not be spelling, “prompting”.

Students listen.

At this stage, it is possible to identify and explain the lexical meaning of words unfamiliar to students (it is advisable to ask students whether all the words are clear to them).

II. Goal setting for writing from dictation

The text of the dictation is read in separate sentences. The teacher reads

offer. Students listen. Students begin recording

sentences only after it has been read to the end by the teacher. Teacher

dictates a sentence to be written, dividing it into small ones if necessary

semantic segments.

Students write down.

When dictating a sentence, the teacher maintains a uniform pace, a calm tone,

thereby preventing lag in writing. It is important to read it loudly

and clearly, clearly pronouncing the words.

The teacher can inform students about the presentation of unstudied

punctuation mark dash in a sentence, as well as when dictating words with no

spellings studied in elementary school, use spelling


III. Target setting for self-test

After recording the entire text, the teacher reads it again in its entirety from beginning to end.

end, pausing between individual sentences.

Students check what they have written.

Assessment system for test work in the Russian language

When evaluating answers, spelling and punctuation errors made by students regarding rules not studied in primary school are not taken into account.


Dictation text

The forest has already shed its leaves. The days came cloudy, quiet, without wind. Present days late autumn.

On a day like this, you walk along a forest path, there is silence all around. Can't even hear tree noise, rustling leaves. Only then is the sound of falling cones heard. Drops of dew from the night fog hung on the bare branches.

It's easy to breathe autumn freshness. It's nice to walk on a soft carpet of leaves. Quietness and wilderness in the forest.

Suddenly, a motley lump flashes among the foliage. This is a bird. She is alive, but barely breathing. The guys decide to take the poor thing home, otherwise the fox will find her and eat her.

(80 words)

Only the fully recorded dictation text is evaluated. It is possible to unintentionally omit two or three words. Each missing word in the dictation text that contains a spelling code is classified as a spelling error. If the dictation text contains five or more corrections of incorrect spelling to correct spelling, then 1 point is deducted for completing the task.


Compliance with spelling standards

There are no spelling errors (or one minor mistake was made).

There may be one or two corrections of incorrect spelling to correct spelling in words with spellings

No more than two spelling errors were made (including one of the same type of error). It is possible to have three corrections of incorrect spelling to correct spelling in words with spellings

Errors per rule are considered to be of the same type if the conditions for choosing the spelling are grammatical (in a grove, in a field; stabbing, struggling)

and phonetic (awl, life; thicket, teapot) features of this word.

Errors on a rule in which to find out the correct spelling of one word requires choosing another word or its form are not considered to be of the same type.

(water - water; mouth - mouth; head - head; oral - mouth).

The first three errors of the same type are considered one error, each subsequent

such an error is taken into account as an independent one

Three or four mistakes were made

Five mistakes made

More than five mistakes were made


Compliance with punctuation standards

There are no punctuation errors

One mistake made

Two mistakes were made

More than two errors were made

Maximum score

I . Spelling tasks.

1) Option 1: write out the words from the second paragraph of the text, in which there is a separator ь and indicate the spelling; Option 2: write out the words from the third paragraph of the text, in which there is a separator ь and indicate the spelling

Contents of the correct answer and assessment instructions


Trees, branches - 1st option

Freshness, leaves - option 2

Errors made by the student in the dictation and reproduced during rewriting

suggestions are not taken into account when assessing the completion of this task.

The words were found correctly, no mistakes were made when rewriting,

Only one word found correctly, spelling indicated correctly

Both words found incorrectly/not

spelling indicated

Maximum score

2) Write down the words

Option 1: from the second paragraph with an unstressed vowel being tested at the root, select test words for them

Option 2: from the third paragraph with the consonant being tested at the root, select test words for them

Contents of the correct answer and assessment instructions


Forest-forest, path-path, trees-tree, tree, dew-dew, night-night 1 option;

Go-go, easy-easy, soft-soft- option 2

3 words were found correctly, no mistakes were made when rewriting,

The spelling is correctly indicated, test words are selected.

2 words were found correctly, the spelling was correctly indicated and test words were selected

1 word was found correctly, the spelling was correctly indicated and the test word was selected / the words were found incorrectly / the spelling was not indicated, the test words were not selected

Maximum score

3) Find prepositions and write them down along with nouns, indicate the spelling

Option 1: from the sentence: “ Drops of dew from the night fog hung on the bare branches»

Option 2: from the sentence: “ It’s nice to walk on a soft carpet of leaves.”

Contents of the correct answer and assessment instructions


Option 1 - on branches, from fog

Option 2 - on a carpet, from leaves

Prepositions with nouns were found correctly, no mistakes were made when rewriting,

spelling is correct.

1 preposition with a noun was found correctly, no mistakes were made when rewriting,

spelling is correct

Prepositions were found incorrectly / nouns were not written out, spelling was not indicated.

Maximum score

II . Syntax assignments.

Option 1: write out the 2nd sentence from paragraph 1, option 2: write out the last sentence from paragraph 2. Underline the main members.

Contents of the correct answer and assessment instructions


Option 1: The days have come cloudy,

------- =======

quiet, no wind.

Option 2:Drops hung on bare branches

====== --------

dew from the night fog.

The main members of the sentence are correctly identified

Only one main member of the sentence is correctly identified.

OR Along with the correct designation of the subject and

/ or the predicate with the same graphic signs (respectively one or two lines) the minor members (minor member) of the sentence are underlined. OR All the main members of the sentence are indicated incorrectly / not indicated

Maximum score

2) Above each word write what part of speech it is

Contents of the correct answer and assessment instructions


Noun adj

Option 1: The days are cloudy,

adj pr noun

quiet, no wind.

Pr adj noun vl noun

Option 2: Drops hung on bare branches

noun pr adj noun

dew from the night fog.

Lack of indication of the part of speech above the word in

written sentence is equivalent to

to error

All parts of speech in the sentence are correctly identified

One mistake made

Two mistakes were made

More than two errors were made

Maximum score

III . Morphemic assignments.

1 option : In the last sentence of paragraph 2, find a word whose composition matches the diagram

Write this word down and label its parts.

Option 2: The first sentence has 3 paragraphsfind a word whose composition matches the diagram

Write this word down and label its parts.

Contents of the correct answer and assessment instructions


The correct answer must spell out the word and indicate its parts:

Night-1 option, autumn-2 option

The word is written out, the parts of the word are correctly indicated

A word has been written down; one mistake was made when labeling parts of the word.

A word was written down, two or more mistakes were made when designating parts of the word OR An incorrect answer (word) was written down / the word was not written down

Maximum score

Mark by

five-point scale





Primary points





Question: The forest has already shed its leaves. The days came cloudy, quiet, without wind. These days are late autumn. On such a day you walk along a forest path. It's quiet all around. You can’t even hear the noise of the trees or the rustling of leaves. Only sometimes the sound of falling cones is heard. Drops of dew from the night fog hung on the bare branches. The chest breathes easily with autumn freshness. It's nice to walk on a soft carpet of leaves. Suddenly, a motley lump flashes among the leaves. This is a bird. She is alive, but barely breathing. The guys decide to take the poor thing home. Otherwise the fox will find her and eat her. Additional tasks. 1. Write down five words from the dictation text with different spellings at the roots. Emphasize them. 2. Highlight the unstressed endings of adjectives in the first paragraph. 3. Highlight the unstressed personal endings of verbs in one or two sentences.


The forest has already shed its leaves. The days came cloudy, quiet, without wind. These days are late autumn. On such a day you walk along a forest path. It's quiet all around. You can’t even hear the noise of the trees or the rustling of leaves. Only sometimes the sound of falling cones is heard. Drops of dew from the night fog hung on the bare branches. The chest breathes easily with autumn freshness. It's nice to walk on a soft carpet of leaves. Suddenly, a motley lump flashes among the leaves. This is a bird. She is alive, but barely breathing. The guys decide to take the poor thing home. Otherwise the fox will find her and eat her. Additional tasks. 1. Write down five words from the dictation text with different spellings at the roots. Emphasize them. 2. Highlight the unstressed endings of adjectives in the first paragraph. 3. Highlight the unstressed personal endings of verbs in one or two sentences.


Late, foliage, wind, autumn, easy. Late ending for her, quiet ending for her. She's alive, but barely breathing, breathing unstressed ending it

Similar questions

Control dictations 5th grade textbook by M.M. Razumovskaya

Test dictation No. 1 on the topic “Writing. Spelling"


2. Practice skills independent work over mistakes.

There is a pond at the edge of a young forest. An underground spring comes out of it. It is in swamps and viscous bogs that the Volga is born. From here she heads to

long way. Our poets and artists glorified the beauty of their native river in

amazing fairy tales, songs, paintings.

The low bank is covered with bushes and a green carpet of meadows. In the meadow

the flowers are colorful. Their sweet scent fills the soft air. Full

You breathe in the aroma of meadows. The escarpment on the river embankment is very beautiful.

Locals love to spend weekends here. They admire

surroundings, go fishing, swim.

G. A. Bogdanova (82 words)


2. Write down five words with different spellings, indicate the conditions for choosing spellings.

Control dictation No. 2 on the topic “Morphology»


1. Check students’ spelling and punctuation knowledge and skills.

2. Test your ability to identify lexical meaning words and carry out

phonetic analysis.

Control dictation

The forest has already shed its leaves. The days came cloudy, quiet, without wind.

These days are late autumn.

On such a day you walk along a forest path. It's quiet all around. You can’t even hear the noise of the trees or the rustling of leaves. Only sometimes the sound of falling cones is heard. Drops of dew from the night fog hung on the bare branches.

The chest breathes easily with autumn freshness. It's nice to walk on a soft carpet made of


Suddenly, a motley lump flashes among the leaves. This is a bird. She's alive, but barely

breathes. The guys decide to take the poor thing home. Otherwise the fox will find her and eat her.

(81 words.)


1. Title the dictation text.

2. Write down three words from the dictation text with different spellings at the roots,

Illustrate them graphically.

3. Determine the lexical meaning of the words:

option I – quiet (days);

option II – late (autumn).

4. Make a phonetic analysis of the word:

option I – cones,

option II – breathes.

Control dictation No. 3 on the topic “Vocabulary. Word formation"


1. Check students’ spelling and punctuation knowledge and skills.

2. Check the students’ ability to analyze words according to their composition.


I came across a clearing in the taiga. It was empty due to a forest fire, but on yellow

Shiny leaves of lingonberries were already growing on the ground. At the edge of the clearing, thickets of raspberries remained.

I silently picked the berries, and some animal walked ahead, rustling in the leaves.

I sat down on a stump and began to whistle quietly. The beast stopped and

then he started creeping up on me.

A black nose poked out of a bush and sly eyes appeared. It was

little bear. He crawled out of the bushes and began to sniff me.

At this time I heard the branches cracking in the raspberry tree. This is a bear

looking for a bear cub. We must run! Can you explain to the bear that I only

wanted to play with her son?

(According to G. Snegirev.) (99 words.)


1. Write down words with the spelling “Letters o - e after hissing ones at the root


2. Write down words with alternating vowels in the root, match them with two

three cognates; indicate what part of speech these words are.

3. Sort the words according to their composition:

v a r i a n t I – forest, eyes appeared;

v a r i a n t II – located, (in) a raspberry tree, leaves.

Control dictation No. 4 on the topic “Verb”


1. Check students' spelling and punctuation knowledge.

2. Check the ability to parse a word according to its composition and morphological

verb parsing.


Vladimir Sergeevich worked as a geologist in one search party in Siberia.

He came to Moscow to his geological department with interesting rocks,

I was waiting for the results of their tests and decided to spend my free days in the village.

He had all his belongings in his backpack: trousers, slippers, a shirt, a garden

knife, half a loaf of bread. There were photographs in the folder.

It was interesting to look at them and listen to the geologist’s stories. Vladimir

Sergeevich traveled all over the country, was in Dikson, in the Urals. Then he showed

ginseng root.

It was a small branched yellow root. It fit on

palms and looked very much like a thin man with arms and legs.

I. Dick (95 words)


1. Sort out the words according to their composition:

option I – loose, hold, slippers; option II – garden, stories, showed.

Execute morphological analysis verbs:

option I – worked, traveled;

option II – arrived, fit in.

2. Write down the phrase “verb + noun”, determine the type and

verb tense.

Control dictation No. 5 on the topic “Noun”


1. Check students' spelling and punctuation skills.

2. Check the ability to perform word-formation analysis of words using

composition, find animate and inanimate nouns.


Early on a May morning, a light-colored car pulled up to the Dubki Hotel.

The door opened and a man came out of the car with a pipe in his mouth. He saw

cheerful faces, bouquets of flowers, smiled timidly. It was Professor Gromov.

A distinguished guest came from the scientific town and decided to stay at Dubki.

The director of "Dubkov" took care of things. Sticking out of the open mouth of the trunk

corner of the suitcase.

The director and three assistants took hold of the handles and carried the suitcase to the second

floor and left.

The professor rose behind them, looked with pleasure at the bluish walls,

comfortable furniture, wide window.

The professor bent over the suitcase and threw back the lid. In a suitcase on a soft

Lying in nylon was a cybernetic boy with his eyes closed.

(According to E. Veltistov.) (97 words.)


1. Write down animate and inanimate nouns.

How are nouns formed?

Option I – trunk;

option II – assistant.

2. Sort the words according to their composition:

v a r i a n t I – rolled up, with a pipe, scientific;

option II – saw, bluish, assistants.

Control dictation No. 6 on the topic “Adjective”


1. Check students' spelling and punctuation skills.2. Check your ability to perform morphological analysis of an adjective

Sounds of spring

For the sensitive and attentive person the sounds of the spring forest are unusual and

varied. A transparent drop fell from an elegant birch branch. A thin, crystal ringing was heard. Under the pressure of vital juices, the leaf moved by itself.

The woodpecker started a merry drum roll. A busy mouse ran from stump to stump and squeaked subtly. It buzzed, hit a birch tree and the clumsy beetle fell heavily.

A joyful stream gurgles under the crust of ice. He started singing his boring song


Only in the dead of midnight does everything become silent. Good overnight stays in the spring forest!

In the early hours of the morning, beautiful music begins. When the sun appears

the sounds of forest music are growing. Welcoming the sun, into silver trumpets

the cranes are trumpeting.

(99 words)


1. Make a morphological analysis of the adjective

Option I – early morning (12th sentence)

Option II – silver (14th offer)

2. Write down the word-formation chain of the word

Option I - drum

Option II - troublesome

Introductory dictation in the Russian language for grade 5 C(K)K VII type

There is a pond at the edge of a young forest. An underground spring flows out of it. It is in swamps and viscous bogs that the Volga is born. From here she sets off on a long journey. Our poets and artists glorified the beauty of their native river in amazing tales, songs, and paintings.

The low bank is covered with bushes and a green carpet of meadows. The escarpment on the river embankment is very beautiful. Locals love to spend their weekends here. They admire the surroundings, go fishing, and swim. (66 words)

Grammar task

Option 1 – An underground spring comes out of it.

Option 2 – It is in swamps and viscous bogs that the Volga is born

Option 1 – underground

Option 2 – low

Introductory dictation in Russian for grade 5

Purpose: checking the development of spelling knowledge and punctuation skills for the course primary school.

Form: dictation with grammar task

Autumn forest

The forest has already shed its leaves. The days came cloudy and quiet. These days are late autumn.

On a day like this, you walk along a forest path, and there is silence all around. You can’t even hear the noise of the trees or the rustling of leaves. Only sometimes the sound of falling cones is heard. Drops of dew from the night fog hung on the bare branches.

The chest breathes easily with autumn freshness. It's nice to walk on a soft carpet of leaves.

Suddenly, a motley lump flashes among the leaves. This is a bird. She is alive, but barely breathing. The guys decide to take the poor thing home. Otherwise the fox will find her and eat her. (81 words)

Grammar task

1. In the given sentence, underline the main members of the sentence:

Option 1 – Only sometimes the sound of falling cones is heard.

Option 2 – Suddenly a motley lump flashes among the leaves.

2. Parse the word according to its composition:

Option 1 – autumn

Option 2 – night

Introductory dictation in the Russian language for grade 6 C(K)K VII type

Form: dictation with grammar task

Wood grouse live, winter, and feed on the resinous needles of young pine trees in dense pine forests.

The wood grouse is the largest and rarest bird in our forests.

In summer, wood grouse hide together with moose in deep thickets and dark moss swamps. For this, some village hunters call wood grouse “swindlers.” Not everyone gets to see wood grouse in the forest or hear their amazing song in the spring. Only the most patient and skillful hunters know where wood grouse live, hide and sing.

Good, smart hunters protect rare forest birds and do not destroy them. They quietly creep up to them and admire their strength and beauty. (90 words)

(According to I. Solovyov-Mikitov)

Grammar task:

Option 1 – pine, hiding

Option 2 – resinous, creeping up

Option 1 – capercaillie

Option 2 – song

Option 1 – Good, smart hunters protect rare forest birds and do not kill them.

Option 2 - They quietly creep up to them and admire their strength and beauty.

Introductory dictation in Russian for 6th grade

Purpose: checking the development of spelling knowledge and punctuation skills for the 5th grade course.

Form: dictation with grammar task

The cedar grows high in the mountains, the winds tilt it to one side, trying to bend it towards the ground. And he is tall, powerful, his roots cling to the ground and stretch higher and higher towards the sun.

Cedar cones hang at the ends of the branches. The nuts are not yet ripe, but there are many animals and birds living around. The cedar feeds all forest inhabitants.

The squirrel will knock the pine cone to the ground, take out the nuts, eat two or three, but drop one. A nimble mouse will drag the nut into the hole. She doesn’t know how to climb trees, but she loves tasty nuts.

In late autumn there are even more animals and birds on the cedar tree. They collect and hide pine nuts under stones and bury them in the ground as reserves. (103 words)

Grammar task:

1. Analyze the words according to their composition:

Option 1 – cedar, climb

Option 2 – later, collected,

2. Carry out a morphological analysis:

Option 1 – stretches

Option 2 – will drop

3. Make parsing offers:

Option 1 – She doesn’t know how to climb trees, but she loves tasty nuts

Option 2 - They collect and hide pine nuts under stones, bury them in the ground for reserve.

Introductory dictation in Russian for 7th grade

Form: dictation with grammar task

The sky was covered with heavy clouds, and there was a bluish haze in the south. The windless, still air froze in silence.

Suddenly lightning flashed brightly, the sky seemed to crack and fell to the ground with a deafening roar. Lightning flew like bright white arrows into the forest, thunder rolled furiously across the sky from end to end, the forest roared and beat. The rain suddenly rustled on the thatched roof and ran down to the ground in babbling rivulets. In the north, retreating clouds piled up and thunder rumbled dully. Above the forest, among these clouds, the waning month floated. It was damp and cold, the east was getting lighter. (121 words)

(According to V. Veresaev)

Grammar task:

Option 1 – bluish, stretched

Option 2 – motionless, flashed

2. Carry out a morphological analysis:

Option 1 – pinkish

Option 2 – rumbled

3. Parse the sentence:

Option 2 – The rain suddenly rustled on the thatched roof and ran down to the ground in murmuring streams.

Introductory dictation in the Russian language for grade 7 C(K)K VII type

Purpose: checking the development of spelling knowledge and punctuation skills for the course of grades 5-6.

Form: dictation with grammar task

The sky was covered with heavy clouds, and there was a bluish haze in the south. The still air froze in silence.

Low shaggy clouds burned throughout the sky with bright colors. The whole sky stretched overhead and enveloped big cloud with bright red edges. Far in the east, round clouds were gently turning pink, and nearby a black-purple bank of clouds was gliding and slowly growing.

Suddenly lightning flashed, the sky seemed to crack and fell to the ground with a deafening roar. Lightning flew like bright white arrows into the forest, thunder rolled furiously across the sky from end to end, the forest roared and beat. The rain rustled on the thatched roof and ran down to the ground in babbling streams. It became damp and cold. (99 words)

(According to V. Veresaev)

Grammar task:

1. Make an analysis of words according to their composition and word formation:

Option 1 – bluish

Option 2 – stationary

2. Carry out a morphological analysis:

Option 1 – pinkish

Option 2 – rumbled

3. Parse the sentence:

Option 1 – A large cloud with bright red edges stretched overhead and enveloped the entire sky.

Option 2 – The rain rustled on the thatched roof and ran down to the ground in murmuring streams.

Introductory dictation in Russian for 8th grade

Purpose: checking the development of spelling knowledge and punctuation skills for the 7th grade course.

Form: dictation with grammar task

Before the storm

The night is ending. It's still quiet all around. The grass spreads and seems to be dormant. The breeze is babbling, a small river is rustling nearby. There is a desire to swim. I don't have the strength to restrain myself.
Along a sandy path, along the roadside grass, you go down to the river. My heart skips a beat at the thought of cold water, knocks unevenly.
No breeze, no rustle. Suddenly, out of nowhere, some noise approaches, a cluster of black clouds appears. It seems that nothing can disperse and dispel them. But suddenly a sharp wind blows in. A thunderstorm is about to break out. The scorched fields are waiting for moisture. Blooming morning flowers joyfully reach out to meet the first drops of rain, and the rumbles of thunder can be heard somewhere far away, and the thunderstorm passes by. (102 words)
Grammar tasks.
1. Make a morphological analysis of one of the participles ( blossoming, scorched)
2. Parse the sentence: The heart, freezing at the mere thought of cold water, beats unevenly.

Introductory dictation in the Russian language for grade 9 C(K)K VII type

Purpose: checking the development of spelling knowledge and punctuation skills for the course of grades 5-8.

Form: dictation with grammar task

Raspberry Mountains.

The Raspberry Mountains are one of the best corners of the Northern Urals. They are not particularly tall, but this does not prevent them from forming the center of a huge mountain cluster. The ancient name of these mountains was somehow lost, but they got their current name due to the fact that raspberries grow in abundance along the ridges. Ripening in the sun, these mountain raspberries acquire a special taste.

There is a beautiful view from Raspberry Mountain. The mountain lakes alone can be counted only up to a hundred. These lakes go far into the blessed Bashkir steppe. They are distinguished by their depth, beautifully broken coastline, mass of islands, clear water and the fact that they are all connected to each other by channels, making up one huge reservoir from which rivers going into the steppe take water.

In general, the chain of mountain lakes constitutes the main beauty of the eastern slope of the Urals, being at the same time an inexhaustible supply of manpower. (126 words)

Grammar task:

    Indicate the morphemes in the words: tell, torn, eastern

    Parse the sentence: Ripening in the sun, these mountain raspberries acquire a special taste.

Lesson 12

Theme: DividersKommersant Andb

TARGET: Introduce the rules for using separators ъ And b. Develop the ability to differentiate b dividing and b as an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant. Develop the skill of correctly using separators in writing ъ And b.

Lesson progress

2. Spelling dictation: cup, pike, fat, car, live, sew, tentacles, passenger, food, sentry, cone, rinse, area, giraffe, lilies of the valley, crackling.

Grammar task.

Option 1. Find among the written words and underline words with vowels and, y, a after always hard sizzling ones.

Option 2. Find among the written words and underline words with vowels a, a, a after always soft consonants.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Remember what you know about Kommersant And b? (Teacher’s comment: ъ And b- two not quite ordinary letters in the Russian alphabet. They do not represent sounds, but they play a very important role in writing. Letter soft sign (b) denotes the softness of the consonant ( steel - steel), indicates the 3rd declension of nouns ( rye), verb forms (read, bake, spread), is a delimiter and indicates that the letters following it e, e, yu, i, and represent two sounds: nightingales[y', and]. Letter solid sign (ъ) is always a separator: volume [th', ohm].)

Read, pronouncing the words clearly: entrance, pouring, nightingales, monkey, cower, announcement.

Try removing separators from them. What will change? Write down these words in a grammar notebook, graphically indicating the prefixes, where they are, and the roots. Make a conclusion where in the word the separator is written Kommersant, and in which - dividing b.

Introduction to spelling No. 6 (page 21 of the textbook). Conclusion about the conditions for using dividing marks. Additional information teachers: ъ And b separators indicate that the word contains the sound [ th’] - yot, not designated by a separate letter:

entrance, play

1) Recording from dictation.

Graphically indicate the morpheme where it is located separator mark; Underline the vowel that comes after it.

Departure, weeds, announce, barrier, pig, sparrows, disconnect, furious, cookies.

2) Read the words written on the board:

super..powerful, three..story,

without..shaped with..save.

Explain whether it is necessary to write ъ And b in these words? Why? Draw a conclusion: in these words there are dividing ъ And b signs are not written, since after consonant prefixes the root of the word begins with letters uh, oh or with a consonant m.

3) Ex. 55. What should you remember when writing these words?

4) Ex. 56. In the written words, graphically indicate the prefixes. In what cases should you write between morphemes? ъ?

5) Write down the words (the material is printed on each desk), distributing them into three columns depending on their use ъ And b. Complete each column with your own two examples.

6) Write a mini-story, the title of which could be a proverb do not learn by idleness, but learn by handicraft.

5. Homework.

Remember the rule - spelling chart No. 6, learn the words in the margins on page 22. Ex. 57 (copy the words, inserting the missing letters, graphically indicate the spelling).

Lesson 13

Topic: Separate writing of prepositions with other words. § 11

TARGET: Introduce the concept of spelling-space, spelling-hyphen. To develop the ability to distinguish prepositions (individual words) that sound the same, which are written separately, and prefixes (parts of a word). Learn to write hyphenated prepositions from from under, indicate the spelling hyphen and use prepositions in speech.

Lesson progress

1. Check homework.

2. Spelling work. Dictation recording: native side, bird voices, harvest of potatoes and carrots, heavy ears of corn, hilly terrain, prickly rose hips, siskins flying, squinting in the sun, narrow path, unite with friends.

Underline 2 words with an unchecked unstressed vowel. For words with the unstressed vowel being tested, mark the root and underline the vowel. Mark the dividing ъ And b. Write the parts of speech above the last three word combinations.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

I started in the winter forests and fields, as if nature had sunk into sleep, the sun was warming more intensely, and the pods were becoming longer.

Find out what makes reading difficult.

Introduction to the rule on page 23.

Combine the words (written on the board) by inserting the correct preposition and putting the nouns in the appropriate case. Write down the resulting phrases:

Walked (street), was (walk), ran (edge), bent (girl), arrived (village).

Draw a conclusion: a preposition is an independent word. Prepositions are written separately from the words they precede, and the prefix is ​​part of the word. In addition to spelling letters, there are spelling spaces.

Review the table.

Spelling - letter at the root of a word


Write down the words dictated by the teacher in the table, distributing them in two columns, underline the spelling.

Under guard, he ran along the bridge, pulled up, from under the window, the low sun, from behind the grove, the area, separated.

4. Training exercises.

2) Getting to know the spelling of prepositions because of And from under(page 24).

Option 1: Use and write down the nouns forest, pipe, roof, mountain, sofa with a pretext because of. Next, indicate the case of the noun.

Option 2: Use and write down the nouns fence, floor, porch, roots, umbrella with a pretext from under. Indicate the case of the noun.

Make a conclusion: in what case are nouns with these prepositions used?

3) Copy the sentences (printed for each student), writing the prepositions correctly.

The bird flew out (from...behind) the tree and boldly sat down (on) an open branch. (From..under) cold stone blocks, marmots crawl out (into) the sun. (From..behind) the silent mountains the sun rose. I found the stream, but (because of) the sticky bank it was difficult to approach (to) it. My friend hurriedly came out from behind the bushes.

Underline those combinations with prepositions because of, in which it can be replaced by a preposition for.

4) Test work. (Printed for each student)

Open the brackets and add the missing punctuation marks.

Where does Vorsha begin? I tried (to) get to (to) its source even (in) childhood. But I was lucky to see her only today. Four oak crowns formed a rectangular frame. (Flowing out) from the frame, the water acquired voice and visibility, because it (began) to overflow, to flow like a stream.

This is the only way our river Vorsha could begin. On her way she will meet dirt and manure and boring clay, but she indifferently flows past all this, remembering her pure flower childhood.

(V. Soloukhin)

5. Homework

Remember the rule on pages 23 and 24 about writing prepositions separately with words. Ex. 61. Variant - ex. 62 (creative work).

Lesson 14

Topic: Test dictation

TARGET: To identify the dependence of the formation of spelling skills on the ability to see the structure of words and sentences. Testing students' knowledge.

Lesson progress


The forest has already shed its leaves. The days came cloudy, quiet, without wind. These days are late autumn.

On such a day you walk along a forest path, everything is quiet. You can’t even hear the noise of the trees or the rustling of leaves. Only then is the sound of falling cones heard. Drops of dew from the night fog hung on the bare branches.

The chest breathes easily with autumn freshness. It's nice to walk on a soft carpet of leaves.

Suddenly, a motley lump flashes among the foliage. This is a bird. She is alive, but barely breathing. The guys decide to take the poor thing home, otherwise the fox will find her and eat her.


1. Write down the highlighted sentence morphemically.

2. Outline the last sentence.

Lesson 15

Topic: R.r. Text. Educational presentation on ex. 66

TARGET: Introduce the main features of the text (main idea, semantic completeness, order of sentences in the text). Develop the skill of composing text from individual sentences. Develop the skill of drawing up a simple plan.

Lesson progress

1. Checking homework.(Self-composed texts according to exercise 62). Remember what text is.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Reading and matching the entries on page 26. Decide which is a text and which is a set of sentences. Remember:

In the text, sentences are combined into a single whole by the theme (this is what they are talking about) and the main idea, i.e. the author’s attitude towards what is depicted. Sentences in the text are necessarily connected in meaning and using linguistic means. The text must have a beginning and an end.

Analysis of sentences (material printed for each student).

Read the sentences. Are they text? What needs to be done to get the text? Determine the correct sequence of sentences and write down short story I. Sokolova-Mikitova. (Check yourself: 1, 3, 5, 2, 4.)

1) A bird flew out of a blackcurrant bush and circled above our heads. 2) The birds came to feed the chicks and were not afraid of us at all. 3) We carefully parted the thick green branches and saw a nest. 4) At the beginning of summer, yellow-throated naked chicks hatched from blue eggs. 5) There were four blue eggs in the nest.

REMEMBER! The text can always be titled. Often different headings may suit the text. It depends on what the author wants to emphasize in the title. He can simply tell who the story is about in the text, or he can express in its title main idea text.

Listen to the poem by V. Levanovsky.

The sun has set behind the forest,

The forest became both dark and high.

Someone was hiding behind a pine tree.

Something rustled behind me,

The lights lit up in the Christmas trees...

Oh! Fear's eyes are big.

This poem is called "In the Forest." What does this name express? Come up with a title for the poem so that it expresses the main idea of ​​the text, write it down in your notebook. (“Fear has big eyes.”)

Ex. 63. Read the exercise and guess what is unusual about it.

Prove that two texts are “hidden” in the exercise and separate them. Title both texts. Write down the second text along with the title in your notebook, putting the necessary signs at the end of the sentences.

3. Educational presentation according to exercise. 66.

Read the test carefully. Which of the proposed titles more clearly reflects the content of the text? Determine the main idea of ​​the text. Read those words, phrases and sentences that help reveal it. Highlight the parts in the text that correspond to the proposed points of the plan. Retell the text orally, based on the plan proposed in the textbook.

4. Homework. Read the text carefully twice. Retell it in the 3rd person. Try to write a summary of this text.

Lesson 16

Topic: What do you know about parts of speech. Verb. §14, 15

TARGET: Summarize known information about the studied parts of speech, improve the ability to recognize parts of speech by their morphological characteristics. Introduce an adverb as an unchangeable part of speech. Develop writing skills b after sibilant verbs in the 2nd person.

Lesson progress

1. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Write down the dictated words, distributing them into three columns: nouns, adjectives, verbs, indicate the spelling. No. 5.

Cheerful, vest, giraffe, jury, dawn, powder, tower,accidentally, not at all , spend the night, run around, embroidery, in the wilderness,suddenly, plank.

What words were you unable to write down in any column? Write the highlighted words in a grammar notebook. What question are they answering?

Remember what nouns, adjectives and verbs mean and what questions they can answer. Remember and name them morphological characteristics.

Teacher's summary. A group of words that has in common grammatical meanings, is called part of speech. All parts of speech in the Russian language are divided into independent (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, numerals, pronouns) and auxiliary (prepositions, conjunctions, particles and interjections). In a sentence, independent parts of speech act as members of the sentence, and auxiliary parts of speech serve to connect words in a phrase or introduce additional meanings into a sentence.

Ex. 67 (oral).

Write out words from the text of the poem, distributing them by parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs), and indicate the root in them graphically. Read the theory about verbs on page 29.

Read the text (written on the board or printed out.)

Maple is not afraid of the cold. In early spring, it absorbs moisture and begins to work, trying to stick white roots into the frozen soil. When he succeeds, the maple shoots up a pair of sharp petals.

In autumn, maples cover the ground with soft leaves, warming the roots of the oak.

Name the verbs in the text. Prove the correctness of your choice by testing yourself using the textbook material (page 29). Write down the verbs in your notebook, graphically indicate the endings of the verbs, and write down the question and tense of these verbs in brackets.

Consider the diagrams: verbs of the 1st conjugation - (xia)

verbs of the 2nd conjugation - (xia)

Form and write the 2nd person singular form of the verbs, present or future tense engage, saw, glue, fight.

Make a conclusion about the use b at the end of verbs:

The diagram written on the board shows that b after sibilants it is written at the end of 2nd person verbs. This letter is saved before -xia.

Ex. 74 and 75.

2. Acquaintance with the adverb as an unchangeable part of speech.

Write down (printed) phrases, inserting the missing letters:

In the sports hall, undressing in the silence, late..in the evening, the teacher will..g..shine, fragrant..stewy strawberries, see.. rubbing their weight, standing in front, going away, New Year's decorations, remembering stamps, furious wind.

Above the words, indicate what part of speech they are. Underline the spellings. Write a question above the highlighted words.

REMEMBER! Words funny(How?), ahead(Where?), far(How?) - adverbs . They do not change, that is, they do not bend or conjugate. Most often, adverbs refer to verbs and denote a sign of action.

Look at the words written in your grammar notebook. What questions do they answer? Write down in your grammar notebook what part of speech they are.

Training exercise.

1) Match the verbs with adverbs and write them down.





Make up a sentence with any phrase and write it down.

3. Homework.

§ 14, 15. Ex. 70. Copy the last two sentences, underline with a dotted line with a dot the adverbs related to the highlighted verbs. Ex. 76. Write out five verbs from the text of the poem and put them in the initial form.

Lesson 17

Topic: Verb.-TSYA And-THIS in verbs. § 16

TARGET: Strengthen the skill of using b sign at the end of the verb. To develop the ability to distinguish between overhanging verbs indeterminate form(on - PUSH) and 3rd person verbs (in - TSY).

Lesson progress

1. Checking homework(orally).

Discussion: What are parts of speech? What two groups are they divided into? Why are prepositions and conjunctions auxiliary parts of speech? What is a verb? What morphological features does the verb have? What is an adverb? What morphological features does the adverb have?

Card 1. Read the poem by A. Kushner.

Who said we fought?

We didn't fight, we fought.

True, we bit a little,

And they pinched and pricked.

True, we crushed each other,

And they butted and kicked.

Of course, we were separated.

Of course, we resisted.

Find the verbs in the text of the poem that create the picture of a fight and write them in an indefinite form. Write a question next to it. Make a conclusion when verbs are written with – tsya, and when with -tsya.

Card 2. Read the text and write it down in your notebook.

Spring has come. The sun is shining brightly. Clean drops are falling from the roofs. There were many puddles on the ground. They reflect the sky and the sun.

Underline the main clauses in the sentences. Write number, person or gender above the predicate verbs.

2. Spelling work: recording words (dictation). Work program

AND tests By Russian language: 9 Class/ T.A. Kostyaeva. – M.: Education, 2004. Nurn. O.A. Lesson lessons development By Russian language: 9 Class: to the textbook L.A. Trostentsova " Russian language. 8 Class» / O.A. Nuri. – M.: Publishing house...

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