When a person considers himself smarter than others. Why do some people consider themselves better than others? people to avoid

Good afternoon, dear readers! Have you ever met a person who looks down on everyone? An arrogant person is a friend with whom it is unpleasant to communicate, agree. In addition, we will talk with you about why people become like this and how best to communicate with them to minimize negative emotions.


In many dictionaries, the concept of arrogance is explained through pride, arrogance, when a person puts himself above others. Let's figure out what an arrogant person really is, what he is and what pride means in this case.

For me personally, arrogance has always gone along with contempt for the people around. When a person unjustifiably considers himself better, smarter, more beautiful, and so on. Such a person communicates coldly, there is practically no smile on his face. The look is fierce and cold.

Pride is a good concept when it doesn't turn into pride. And an arrogant person has pride. I am the best, I deserve more, others are nothing.

Such a person views the world through his arrogance prism. He does not see real achievements, his own or someone else's. He never admits his mistakes and mistakes, because he believes that, in principle, he cannot be mistaken. He will always blame the environment, the situation itself, circumstances and other people for his failure.

Sometimes arrogance appears in people who really achieved something in this life, but began to treat everyone else with contempt. He boasts of his achievements and considers everyone around him unworthy of his communication. Hearing an apology from such a person is unrealistic.

Such a person has his own special point of view on almost any topic. And he will boldly speak out without fear of offending or offending another person in his own words. He has no sense of tact and respect for others. Respect from him is awarded only to those who have achieved more or are one step higher on the social ladder.

You will immediately guess from the expression on his face that in front of you is an arrogant person. He looks down, communicates as if from under a stick, a contemptuous look, a crooked smile on his lips.

What makes a person arrogant?

Why does a person behave this way? There can be many reasons. You should start with. Also in Ancient Greece it was believed that luck could breed arrogance. When a person accidentally or quickly became rich, he climbed the social ladder.

Sometimes it happens from the opposite. A person who is too poor, unhappy and abandoned by all will experience arrogance, contempt for others from a lack of communication. This quality helps him overcome his own inferiority.

For example, one of my clients was not given enough love, attention and care by my mother as a child. She rarely praised him, practically did not caress him. As a result, it grew into contempt for others, arrogance, pride.

Another example from childhood is the behavior of parents. If the baby sees that the dad is contemptuously communicating with the service personnel, then he adopts this model of behavior.

The psychology of arrogance is that a person is deeply unhappy inside. It is difficult for him to establish, it is difficult for him to understand, and no one is trying. But his behavior may be due to a serious childhood trauma.

Contact with an arrogant person

Sometimes we have to communicate with such people. At work, on personal matters, in educational institutions... The surest tactic is not to feed their contempt. When the opponent is embarrassed, redder, turns pale and cannot answer - this further fuels the self-esteem of such a comrade.

You need to behave in cold blood, not to be afraid, not to be cowardly. Talk calmly, do not raise your tone, do not argue or try foaming at the mouth. It is impossible to argue with such a person.

Some people consider it their duty to put such an upstart in place. Perhaps this is only in one case - when you are more qualified and are a better specialist than an arrogant comrade. Then, of course, your superiority will be evident.

Remember that we ourselves choose people in our social circle. If you have a lot of arrogant, arrogant, arrogant people among your acquaintances, then you like this relationship. And here you should rather ask yourself a question - why?

Impossible to remake another person. We can only change our attitude towards him. Consider why the person behaves this way. Surely he has difficulties and problems in his life that he is trying to solve in this way.

His contempt is not directed at you personally, but at the whole world, at all people. Therefore, try not to take everything to heart and certainly do not be discouraged. Have pity on such a person for yourself and just do not allow you to cross the border of respect. Do not let yourself be humiliated, and I am sure you can easily bear his contemptuous look.

How often do you meet such people? How do you behave with them? Have you ever managed to put the upstart in place?

Be more tolerant and forgiving of others.
Best wishes to you!

Assess the situation. Why do you feel that the person is arrogant? Is he condescending to you or does he not speak to you? Unless there has been an incident that shows the person is putting himself or herself above you, then don't jump to the conclusion that he is arrogant. You may be wrong about it.

  • If you feel that your interests and wishes are not taken into account at all, then this may be a sign of contact with an arrogant person, especially if he insists that his path is the only correct one.
  • Listen to what the person is saying. Does he always talk only about himself? Is he angry or annoyed if the focus shifts to someone else? Shows off, humiliates others and acts like he knows everything? These are all sure signs of the arrogant type. If he constantly interrupts or abruptly interrupts, these are also signs of arrogance.

    • Look for someone who constantly says they are better than you and other people. It can be covert or frank, but if a person keeps saying that he is better than you and other people, you can safely conclude that he is arrogant.
    • Consider how contemptuous the person is of you and your ideas or thoughts. A contemptuous attitude speaks of a belief that a person considers himself to be better than others.
    • Does this person belittle things that matter to you, especially in public?
    • Does this person speak / act like they are your boss? Listen for a tone of voice that may indicate a bossy or disdainful attitude.
    • Does this person ever notice that you miss a conversation? Arrogant people never notice this!
  • Determine if the person accepts your opinion when making decisions. Arrogant people rarely allow others to make decisions because they are confident that they are right and always know all the answers. And they don't care much if this decision concerns you.

    • Is this person now and then looking for a company of people of high status, seeks to meet or talk to them? This is because the arrogant person believes that he is worthy only of people with high status.
  • Know that arrogant people often rather insecure. Through dominance and control, they control their fear of being subordinate. It is difficult for an arrogant person to admit that he is wrong, and no matter how ridiculous it may seem, he will cling to his innocence even when his knowledge has become obsolete or when he is unable to think more broadly. Unfortunately, many arrogant people actually have far less life experiences than they tell; it is just a cover embellished with imagination and envy.

    • Snobbery is a classic sign of arrogance. When an arrogant person knows or pretends to know something special, it gives him an advantage, and he is not shy about bragging about it.
    • It is very difficult for an arrogant person to accept complexity. He is much more comfortable with predictable situations in black and white; such a person tends to see his whole life in a similar light. Such people, as a rule, assume more than they actually know.
    • Know that worry is not always a sign of arrogance. An agitated person may just be embarrassed that they are inappropriate and trying to be too smart. This may sound like superiority and, when combined with dominating the conversation, it might sound arrogant. Try to look deeper before judging a person's intentions. An anxious person will ask for your opinion, while an arrogant person will not care about it and will never apologize for speaking too much.
  • For a long time I have been following the behavior of people, I noticed that some of them consider themselves better and smarter than those around them and, moreover, they very often talk about it themselves, but "until you praise yourself, no one will praise yourself." I began to think - is this excessive self-confidence or a person's complex.

    Why do people start praising themselves? In most cases, this is "star fever". Once on Mount Olympus, they begin to look down from a bird's eye view, and the people below them seem to be insects that no one hears or sees. Do such people love only themselves and no one’s opinions and thoughts are of interest to them? Then why live on this earth if you feel like a king? I think that such people do not represent anything of themselves, and they try to exalt themselves by this very method. They will always find a reason to find fault with them, the main thing for them is to prove to you that they are much more significant and smarter than you. Such people are very dangerous for society, and they need to be put in place somehow. But you must remember that you have your own head and your own thoughts, so you don't need to let such people rule you. If you allow this to be done to you, then you will be a small pawn in their game. Those people who advise you to be a strong and strong-willed person, literate and well-read, they themselves, of course, have not come so far to what they teach you.

    I think that the smartest people are, of course, not those who know absolutely everything, and can also retell the entire great Soviet encyclopedia for memory, but those who think and think a lot. Let's say a person has a brilliant mind and is able to solve very complex tasks assigned to him. If these are physical or mathematical problems, then for this you need to know all the basic formulas. That is why you need to use your mind with caution, otherwise, you can suffer from a lack of mind, or it can lead to trouble from a big mind.

    I also want to say that if a person puts himself above others, not only offends, or simply annoys others, but he himself can get into trouble if he thinks that he could surpass everyone in some situation and that his plan has become the most universal and brilliant , etc. And it is completely unknown what this can lead to - everything will depend on the context.

    And in conclusion, I want to say that such people think that they are not smarter on earth. But in all, these are only their thoughts, and they are not interested in what others think of them. And it starts to enrage me even more when these "smart" creatures begin to feel some kind of pity for us, "fools" and undertake to give absolutely unnecessary advice to anyone.

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    Our world is inhabited by all kinds of people with extremely diverse levels of intelligence. Of course, almost everyone considers themselves to be smart, and it is very difficult to get an accurate estimate of our own intelligence. After all, our thoughts always seem to be smart in our own head, don't they?

    Intelligence is very important. Especially in a professional context, high intelligence can be your best asset. But people who are less intelligent often have habits that make them stupid and can also be quite disastrous in a number of circumstances.

    Here are five major differences between smart and stupid people.

    1. Foolish people blame others for their own mistakes

    This is very noticeable, unprofessional, and this is what smart man never will. If you consistently try to force your mistakes on others, you are demonstrating to everyone that you cannot be the sharpest tool in the barn.

    Foolish people don't like to take responsibility for their mistakes. They prefer to blame others for this.

    “You should never absolve yourself of the blame. Be responsible. If you had a role - no matter how small - whatever it is, own it, ”Bradbury advises. "The moment you start pointing your finger at others, people begin to see you as someone who lacks responsibility for their actions."

    Smart people also know that every mistake is a chance to learn how to do better next time.

    A neurological study by Jason S. Moser of Michigan state universityshowed that the brains of smart and stupid people actually react differently to mistakes.

    2. Foolish people should always be right

    In a conflict situation, smart people are easier to empathize with the other person and understand their arguments. They can also integrate these arguments into their own thought and revise their opinions accordingly.

    A sure sign of intelligence is the ability to look at things and understand them from a different perspective. Smart people are open about new information and change parameters.

    Foolish people, on the other hand, will continue to argue and will not budge, regardless of any valid arguments against them. It also means that they won't notice if the other person turns out to be smarter and more competent.

    This overestimation is called the Dunning-Kruger effect. It is a cognitive bias where less competent people overestimate their own skills while underestimating the competence of others.

    The term was coined in 1999 in a publication by David Dunning and Justin Kruger. Psychologists have observed in previous research that in areas such as reading comprehension, playing chess, or driving a car, ignorance leads to confidence more often than knowledge.

    At Cornell University, they conducted more experiments on this effect and showed that less competent people not only overestimate their own skills, but also do not recognize that someone's skills are superior to others.

    Dunning writes: “If you are incompetent, you cannot know that you are incompetent. The skills required to answer correctly are exactly what you need to understand what the correct answer is. "

    Of course, this does not mean that smart people always think everyone else is right. But they listen carefully and consider all the arguments before making decisions.

    3. Foolish people react to conflict with anger and aggression.

    Obviously, even the smartest people can get angry from time to time. But for less intelligent people, it's a reaction when things don't go their way. When they feel that they do not have as much control over the situation as they would like, they tend to use anger and aggressive behavior to secure your position.

    Researchers at the University of Michigan conducted a study on 600 participants with parents and children for 22 years. They found a clear correlation between aggressive behavior and lower IQs.

    The researchers wrote in their work: “We hypothesized that low intelligence makes the study of aggressive responses more likely in early ageand this aggressive behavior makes further intellectual development difficult. "

    4. Foolish people ignore the needs and feelings of others.

    Intelligent people tend to be very sympathetic to those around them. This allows them to understand the other person's point of view.

    Russell James of Texas technical university conducted a representative study with thousands of Americans and found that people with higher IQs are more likely to give without expecting anything in return. As it turns out, a smart person is better at assessing the needs of others and is more likely to want to help them.

    “People with higher cognitive ability better able to understand and meet the needs of others. "

    People who are less intelligent find it difficult to think that people can think differently than they do and therefore disagree with them. Moreover, the concept of “doing something for someone without expecting a favor in return” is more foreign to them.

    All times are selfish, this is completely normal and human. But it's important that we balance the need to pursue our own goals and the need to consider the feelings of others.

    5. Foolish people think they are the best

    Intelligent people try to motivate and help others. They do this because they are not afraid of being overshadowed. They have a healthy level of confidence and are smart enough to accurately assess their competence.

    Stupid people, on the other hand, tend to pretend to be different in order to look their best. They consider themselves superior to everyone else and can always judge them. Prejudice is not a sign of intelligence.

    In a Canadian study published by Psychological Science, two scientists at Brock University in Ontario found that “people with low level intelligence tends to be more prone to harsh punishments, more homophobic and more prone to racism. "

    Many biologists believe that the human ability to cooperate has contributed to our overall development... This may mean that the most important trait of intelligence is good job with others.

    Your response to an arrogant person is a reflection of your decency, your ability to stand up for yourself.

    You will definitely recognize them when you see them. These arrogant people with an arrogant attitude towards others can easily ruin your day, unless, of course, you are armed with one or more of these 9 answers.

    For some reason, an arrogant person is sure that he is somehow superior to you, although, in fact, we are all equal people, and the difference between us is quite insignificant. How you react to these people when you encounter them can affect your mood. Your response to an arrogant person is a reflection of your decency, your ability to stand up for yourself.

    9 phrases that will put an arrogant person in place

    Arrogant people share traits with people with narcissistic personality disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, used to diagnose psychological problems:

    - They believe that they are special and unique, so they can only be understood by people with a special or high status, with whom they only have to communicate.

    Demand excessive admiration for their personality.

    - Are in the unreasonable belief that everything should happen exactly as they want or expect.

    - Carry out interpersonal exploitation, that is, use others to achieve their own goals.

    - They lack empathy: that is, they are unable to recognize or identify the feelings and needs of others.

    - Demonstrate arrogance by their arrogant behavior or attitude.

    1. - What makes you think so?

    This phrase is intended to help the arrogant person understand that he is in the captivity of stereotypes, that he simply generalizes everything, as a result of which he stops speaking in this way. We hope that such people will be able to realize that they are saying bad things. And after being pointed out to them, they will stop expressing such thoughts.

    2. - Oh-oh-oh!

    If they hurt someone's feelings, be they yours or someone else's, call it what you see. These are offensive expressions used by an arrogant person. And this exclamation will help them realize the harm they are causing.

    3. - You know, my mother too ...

    An arrogant person is more likely to identify groups of people based on race, sexual orientation, education, etc., which allows him to express his negative stereotypes. The point is that by humiliating others, an arrogant person tries to elevate himself in comparison with them.

    You can quickly stop negative conversations by hinting that one of your loved ones is also in the group the arrogant person is trying to ridicule. Thus, you will let him know that such gossip is offensive to you personally and you are not going to put up with unfair slander. Most likely, after this, the rude person will apologize, which will be the best way out of the situation for him.

    4. - Do you know that there are other points of view?

    You and everyone else are entitled to their own opinion. But arrogant people need to understand that their negative comments should not concern other people.

    5. - Tell me again, how are you better than him?

    Arrogant people think they are better than others. So ask them to explain why we should treat these other people differently. To this he can give quite interesting answers, but, most likely, he will just start wriggling. And you will put him in a completely uncomfortable position if you say that he is not higher than other people.

    6. - I would be grateful if these were the last words that you said on this topic.

    End this arrogant man's chatter as roughly as he started it. This phrase will put an end to his backbiting. But, again, an arrogant person, he is used to hearing only himself. Therefore, you will have to say it in the most intelligible way for him.

    7. - Be quiet already, finally.

    The easiest way to end a conversation with an arrogant person is to simply walk away. And the best thing is, if you finally say some harsh enough phrase that will make him think. But it is quite possible that you will not be able to influence the impudent person even in this way. They think too highly of themselves, despite all the evidence of their meanness.

    8. - I'm sure you didn't want it to sound so arrogant, did you?

    This phrase contains good intentions, even if you are not at all sure that the person is in this way. This formulation actually gives the arrogant person a chance to correct himself, since he will be able to answer that he really did not want to appear rude. She will also make it clear that you refuse to support his game of belittling others.

    nine . - Do you understand how arrogant you look when you say such things?

    Point out to them their arrogant behavior and make it clear that you find it completely unacceptable. Character psychologists say that humble people are not at all busy with themselves, but arrogant people have an inflated opinion of themselves. For representatives of society with such a character, manipulative actions in relation to other people are also characteristic.

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