Which peninsula complains about its small size. Who knows better proverbs, songs and poems on a given topic?

“Creative activity” - For disclosure creative potential schoolchildren use creative tasks in the process of studying mathematics: I.Ya. Lerner identifies the following procedural features of creative activity: Different approaches to the definition of creative activity. Procedural features of creative activity. Structure requirements:

“Creative works of students” - Water expands when it freezes. The work is made of plasticine. Experience in studying the properties of water. Creative works students. 5th grade works on natural history. Author: Dmitry Turov 5b class 2009/2010. Housing model primitive man 5th grade (Kirillova Kristina 6a grade). solar system. Obtaining copper sulfate crystals.

“Development of students’ creative abilities” - Forms of work established during the development creativity students: Claims. Self-realization of creative abilities through means mass media. Federal project “Successful Reading”. Participation in projects. From abilities to creativity. Topic: Development of creative activity of elementary school students.

“Profession student” - A. Einstein. Our school produced 282 gold and silver medalists. Reading technique. A.V. Suvorov. How to achieve success in your studies. Usually we don’t think, “There is such a profession as a student.” Exceptionally capable talented people. Demosthenes. Capable people. Very capable people. Main goal teachings - the spiritual world, the spiritual wealth of man.

“Association of Alumni of the Presidential Program” - Social movement of graduates. Life is joy. Structure of the Association. Scheme of interaction during project implementation. Directions of the Association's activities. Mutually beneficial partnership. Conditions for success. Building an effective cooperation model. History of the Association's participation in the creation of the RRC. Separation of functions.

“Organization of schoolchildren’s work” - A subject that you like. Create optimal psychological conditions in work and study. Organization of schoolchildren’s work is an extremely important and pressing problem. The bulk of schoolchildren. Extra activities after school. Logical thinking students. Almost everyone likes it at school. Labor organization - correct use time with the greatest results.

There are a total of 26 presentations in the topic

  1. A part of the ocean more or less separated from it by land and having a different temperature and salinity from it. (Sea)
  2. In which country is one of the seven wonders of the world - the world famous pyramids - located?(In Egypt)
  3. Which city has the same name as a bird of prey?(Eagle)
  4. Name the smallest and coldest ocean.(Northern Arctic)
  5. Which peninsula complains about its small size?(Yamal)
  6. The name of which state coincides with the name of the headdress?(Panama.)
  7. What time of year is it South America and in Australia in July?(Winter.)
  8. It is the only continent in the world that has no countries(Antarctica.)
  9. The contours of which country on the map resemble boots?(Italy.)

10. Marsupials live only on this continent(Australia.)

11. Erebus - (Volcano in Antarctica).

  1. Feral dogs of Australia.(Dingo)
  2. Which city in Russia is called Northern Venice(Saint Petersburg.)
  3. One day, an unusual rain fell on one of the US cities: pebbles, algae and even frogs fell from the sky! What natural phenomenon preceded this “rain”?(Tornado.)
  4. The natural border between Europe and Asia is located on the territory of our country. Which mountains?(Across the Ural Mountains.)
  5. The deepest lake in the world, into which many rivers flow, but only one flows out - the Angara.(Baikal.)
  6. In the polar regions of our planet you can observe this unusually beautiful natural phenomenon.(Northern lights.)
  7. A large area of ​​land surrounded on all sides by water.(Mainland)
  8. In Africa they are called wadis, in Australia they are called cries.(Rivers)
  9. The upper loose fertile layer of the earth's crust.(Soil)
  10. Tall grass steppe in Africa. (Savannah)
  11. Tallgrass steppe in North America.(Prairie)
  12. Where should a house be built so that all its windows face north?(At the South Pole.)
  13. Where is it colder - the North or the South Pole?(on Yuzhny)
  14. Main cities of countries.(Capital.)
  15. Horizontal air movement. (Wind)
  16. The only country in the world that occupies an entire continent(Australia)
  17. The name of the navigator who discovered America. (Christopher Columbus.)
  18. What is the name of the water layer of the Earth?(Hydrosphere)
  19. What is it called air envelope Earth?(Atmosphere)
  20. What is it called spacecraft, on which Yu. Gagarin flew into space?(East).
  21. The sea route to which country did H. Columbus's expedition seek, sailing instead to America?(India)
    What is the name of the device for measuring atmospheric pressure?
  22. What is the shape of the Earth called?(Geoid).
  23. How to translate into Russian Greek word geography(Earth description)
  24. Which great composer dedicated his famous concerts to all seasons?(P. Tchaikovsky)
  25. What wind corresponds to force 12 on the Beaufort scale?(Hurricane)
  26. What is the name of the artist who depicts marine species, life of the sea?(Marinist.)
  27. What continent does not have volcanoes?(Australia)
  28. Which continent is washed by all four oceans?(Eurasia.)
  29. Which Russian traveler is popular in Australia?. (N.N. Miklouho-Maclay)
  30. What gas predominates in the earth's atmosphere?(Nitrogen)
  31. Who first circumnavigated the world?(Magellan)
  32. Lines conventionally drawn along the surface of the Earth parallel to the equator(Parallels)
  33. A line conventionally drawn on the surface of the Earth connecting the poles. ( Meridian)
  34. The place where the coldest winters occur in Russia.(Yakutia)
  35. Long-term weather regime characteristic of a given area.(Climate)
  36. A sea without shores.(Sargasso in the Atlantic Ocean)
  37. A sea of ​​sand is... .(Desert)
  38. The sea into which the Kuban River carries its waters?(Sea of ​​Azov)
  39. Name the seas that have colored names.(Black, White, Red, Yellow)
  40. Name the shallowest sea on Earth.(Azovskoe)
  41. Name the largest river that does not flow into the World Ocean.(Volga)
  42. Name the highest peak in Russia.(Elbrus)
  43. Name the largest island in Russia.(Sakhalin)
  44. Name the third planet in the solar system.(Earth)
  45. The greatest depth of the World Ocean.(Mariana Trench)
  46. The beginning of the river. (Source.)
  47. Short people living in the forests of Africa.(Pygmies)
  48. An ocean that covers one third of the surface of the globe?(Quiet)
  49. An ocean located between four continents: Eurasia, Australia, Antarctica and Africa. (Indian)
  50. Precipitation for a skier is….(Snow)
  51. When crossing what, sailors, according to tradition, organize a “festival of Neptune”?(Equator)
  52. Natural area with low rainfall and poor vegetation(Desert)
  53. A natural depression filled with water.(Lake)
  54. A natural water stream flowing along a depression - a channel.(River)
  55. The world's largest desert is located in northern Africa.(Sahara)
  56. Colorful rivers(White and Blue Nile, Orange)
  57. The longest snake in the world.(Anaconda)
  58. Russian explorer who first reached the Pacific Ocean. (Ivan Moskvitin)
  59. The most big planet solar system.(Jupiter)
  60. The largest country by area.(Russia)
  61. The largest plain in Russia(Russian, or Eastern European)
  62. The highest mountain is a volcano in Africa. ( Kilimanjaro)
  63. The most high point Earth. (Mount Chomolungma or Everest)
  64. The highest point of the Stavropol Upland?(Mount Strizhament, 831 m)
  65. The longest river. ( Nile)
  66. The longest mountain range in the world.(Cordillera)
  67. The deepest reservoir in the Stavropol Territory?(Sengileevskoe, 32m)
  68. The largest continent on Earth.(Eurasia)
  69. The largest island.(Greenland)
  70. The tallest waterfall on Earth. (Angel)
  71. The highest active volcano in Russia?(Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano)
  72. The hottest continent on earth? (Africa)
  73. Most small continent . (Australia)
  74. The shortest people on earth?(Pygmies are the indigenous people of tropical Africa)
  75. Northerner, after whom the ice cream on a stick is named.(Eskimo)
  76. A set of irregularities on the earth's surface.(Relief)
  77. A relatively small area of ​​land surrounded on all sides by water(Island).
  78. Areas with vegetation and water in deserts.(Oases)
  79. What surrounds the Earth's core?(by mantle)
  80. What does the name of the city Stavropol mean?(City of the Cross)
  81. The fastest feline?(Cheetah)
  82. Largest mammal?(Blue whale)
  83. The sushi animal with the biggest heart?(Giraffe)
  84. Which animal has 3 hearts?(Octopus)
  85. Specify 3 races: Europioids, Mongoloids….(Negroids)
  86. The strongest animal?(Ant)
  87. Homeland of cacti?(South America)
  1. .The largest flower?(Rafflesia)

1. In the tundra, during the short, cool summer, only the very top layer of soil has time to thaw. And the layer hard as stone, with veins of ice, lying underneath is called... (permafrost).

2. Can a polar bear and a penguin meet in nature? (No. Polar bear lives at the North Pole, and the penguin lives at the South Pole.)

4. This climate zone resembles a huge beach. (Desert.)

5. Name a city and a river that have the same name. (Moscow, Orel.)

6. St. Petersburg, Orenburg. What does it mean when translated from german word"burg"? (Fortress, city.)

7. Name it geographical features, named after famous travelers? (Strait of Magellan, city of Khabarovsk, island of Tasmania.)

8. In the polar regions of our planet you can observe this unusually beautiful natural phenomenon. (Northern lights.)

9. Which river can fly? (Rivers Vorona and Soroka.)

10. Which country is home to one of the seven wonders of the world - the world famous pyramids? (In Egypt.)

11. Which city has the same name as a bird of prey? (Eagle.)

12. Which city is named after the shape of the bay on the shores of which this city is located? The shape of the bay resembles the horn of a large herbivore. (Taganrog.)

13. There is a city in our country, the name of which is the most beloved and affectionate word for any person. (Mama City.)

14. Which city is crawling? (Uzhgorod.)

15. Name the smallest and coldest ocean. (Northern Arctic.)

16. Which peninsula complains about its small size? (Yamal.)

17. Which island can you wear on your head? (Sombrero.)

18. The name of which state coincides with the name of the headdress? (Panama.)

19. Which cape can be used to dig up a vegetable garden? (Spatula.)

20. What time of year is it in South America and Australia in July? (Winter.)

21. This is the only continent in the world that has absolutely no vegetation. (Antarctica.)

22. The outlines of which country on the map resemble boots? (Italy.)

23. Marsupials live only on this continent. In addition, there is only one state here. (Australia.)

24. The birthplace of football and basketball. (England.)

26. The station in Siberia with the coolest name? (Zima station.)

27. Which city in Russia is called Northern Venice, since, like the Italian city of Venice, it is located on several dozen islands? (Saint Petersburg.)

28. One day, an unusual rain fell on one of the US cities: pebbles, algae and even frogs fell from the sky! What natural phenomenon preceded this “rain”? (Tornado.)

29. The natural border between Europe and Asia is located on the territory of our country. Do you know where this border is? (Across the Ural Mountains.)

30. Where should a house be built so that all its windows face north? (At the South Pole.)

31. Which continent is washed by all four oceans? (Eurasia.)

32. People give very interesting names to rivers, cities and lakes. Often these names are associated with people's names. Name the people on the map. (The cities of Anna, Lida, the Lena, Yana rivers, the city of Vladimir, Lake Victoria.)

33. The deepest lake in the world, into which many rivers flow, but only one flows out - the Angara. (Baikal.)

34. With this word we call sports complex for swimming, and part of the earth's surface from which water is collected through streams and rivers into a larger body of water (lake or river). What is this word? (Pool.)

35. Name the “colored” seas. (Black, White, Red, Yellow.)

Which peninsula speaks of its size? (Yamal)

Which country can be worn as a headdress? (Panama)

What city does blood flow through? (Vein)

Which city flies? (Eagle)

Which city is made up of the name of a bird and a small animal? (Voronezh)

Between which two letters must a horse of a short breed be placed to obtain the name of the country? (Japan)

How to combine the name of a planet and the symbol of the New Year to get the name of a city? (Mars + spruce)

What river flows in your mouth? (Gum)

What city is in the bun? (Raisin)

Which river can fly? (Crow)

What city is crawling? (Uzhgorod)

What kind of cape can you use to dig up a vegetable garden? (Spatula)

Which country's outlines on the map resemble boots? (Italy)

A village whose name is the most beloved and affectionate word for any person? (Mother)

Leave your comment, thank you!

44. "Geography quiz."

To answer these questions you will have to use your knowledge of geography.

1. Name the deepest lake in the world, which is sometimes large local residents called the sea.

2. What mountains are commonly called the “roof of the world”?

3. Which resort in Crimea is named after fish?

4. Which two lakes are called seas?

5. Could there be a mountain range located below ocean level?

6. In the forests of which region do reindeer and... tiger, taiga inhabitant sable and... leopard live?

7. Which peninsula is “complaining” about its territory?

8. Which city's name consists of 101 names?

45. "Literary quiz."

1. What proverb did you use? N.V. Gogol as an epigraph to his play "The Inspector General"?

2. Who wrote the following words on his portrait: “To the victorious student - from the defeated teacher”?

3. There were so many knights in the poem A. S. Pushkina"Ruslan and Lyudmila"? Say their names.

4. Which literary hero fought with windmills?

5. What was the name of Peter the Great's arap?

6. Name the first peasant poet in Russian literature.

7. Epigraph to which work A. S. Pushkina serve the following words: “And he is in a hurry to live, and he is in a hurry to feel”?

8. What is the name of the work A. S. Pushkina, which contains the words “Silent Ukrainian Night”?

9. What are the most famous operas but works A. S. Pushkina written by composers P. I. Tchaikovsky, M. I. Glinka, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. P. Mussorgsky, A. S. Dargomyzhsky, E. F. Napravnik?

10. In which novel? L. N. Tolstoy tragic fate is the main character related to two people with the same name?

11. What is the name of the famous contemporary and namesake of Pushkin, who was a great diplomat and became famous in the art world for his poetic comedy and piano waltzes? Please note: his first name, patronymic and last name had one feature - each of these words consisted of 9 letters.

12. What were the names of Chekhov's three sisters?

13. Titles of which works N. V. Gogol consist of just those letters?

14. Which Russian writer was an unsurpassed author? short phrases and argued that “brevity is the sister of talent”?

15. What three works of the same name were written? A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov And L. N. Tolstoy?

16. What works of the same name were written? L. Tolstoy And M. Gorky?

17. Which story by one of the 20th century writers is entitled with a line from a poem? M. Yu. Lermontova?

18. From which works? A. S. Pushkina The following lines are taken: 1) “With the verb, burn the hearts of people.” 2) "Long live the sun, may the darkness disappear." 3) “There is a Russian spirit there... it smells like Russia!” 4) "...Cut a window to Europe...". 5) “And happiness was so possible, so close.” 6) “Where are you from, beautiful child?”

19. Name the pairs of Russians or Soviet writers, who created works under the same names - “Gold”, “Bread”, “Storm”.

20. Name the works whose titles include antonym words (that is, oppositions).

21. What names literary works do they begin with the same letters as the names of their authors?

22. Which Russian writer was a doctor by training?

46. ​​“How long did the teacher sleep?”

One teacher, checking his students' notebooks, was so tired that he went to bed at six o'clock in the evening. But at the same time, he set the alarm for seven o’clock in the morning so that he could get up early and start checking his notebooks again. However, he did not have a good night's sleep.

Give the answer: how long did he manage to sleep?

47. "Topsy-turvy."

These tasks are aimed at training your intelligence and imagination. Try to think about each question and then give the desired answer.

1. Mentally take the glove that is intended for right hand, and turn it inside out. After this, put the glove on your left hand. Where will the palm of the glove end up in this case - on the palm or on the back of the hand?

2. Imagine that you are holding a page of paper in front of you, the text on which is printed on one side - the one that you are reading. There is a fold running from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of the page - this sheet was probably once folded diagonally. Now turn the page clockwise in front of you upside down, and then turn it over with the written side facing away from you. Now its clean side is facing you. How does this diagonal fold go in this case?

3. Every hair salon has a sign on the glass window. It is, naturally, intended to be read from the street. How is it readable if a visitor sees this sign inside a hairdressing salon? How will it be read reflected in the salon mirror?

48. "Remember the periodic table."

As we all know, sea anchors are made from special steel alloys - the anchors must not rust for as long as possible and, most importantly, be heavy enough to sink to the very river or seabed.

In what case will a metal anchor float?

49. "At the hardware store."

One customer walked into a hardware store and saw the product he needed on the counter.

How much does it cost? - the buyer asked the seller, pointing to the item he was interested in.

Five rubles each,” the seller replied.

Great, give me twenty-five,” said the buyer and paid the seller... 10 rubles.

At the same time, neither the buyer nor the seller found anything wrong in their actions. Can you imagine what the buyer bought for himself?

50. "Folk riddles - old and new."

We continue to train the mind and intelligence of readers with the help of ordinary riddles. Read and answer!

1. A sharp thing with a handle at the end.

2. A small boat rolls back and forth, a ribbon curls from the pipe.

3. Without wings, without a body, he flew a thousand miles.

4. Seven hundred gates and one entrance.

5. Without hands, but draws, without teeth, but bites.

6. It sucks in with its tail and throws out with its nose.

Quiz for schoolchildren with answers. Joke questions

Quiz for primary and secondary school students with answers.

An interesting and educational quiz for primary and secondary school students.

All quiz questions with answers.

Quiz “Joke Questions”

Quiz questions

■ Which word has seven identical letters? Answer: Seven.

■ What hundred letters can stop traffic? Stop.

■ It is in the river and lake, but not in the water; found in cucumber and watermelon, but not in melon. What is this? Answer: Letter R.

■ It is in the apple and plum, but not in the garden; found in onions and lettuce, but not in the garden. What is this? Answer: Letter L.

■ What do the hedgehog and the ruff have, but the bear and the deer do not, but they have something that the ruff and the hedgehog do not? Answer: Hard consonants (soft consonants)

■ What alphabet consists of seven letters? Answer: Alphabet.

■ Which word has forty vowels? Answer: Forty a.

■ What do we hear at the end of the break and at the beginning of the lesson? Answer: Vowel sounds.

■ What's in the middle of a cabbage? Answer: Letter U.

■ During a thunderstorm, we experience lightning and thunder. What do you hear between them? Answer: Sound I.

■ How, without changing a single sound, but only changing their places, can you turn a fireman into his working tool? Answer: A stoker is a poker.

■ What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? Answer: From empty.

■ When is there something in an empty pocket? Answer: When there is a hole in your pocket.

■ Which tree does the crow sit on after the rain? Answer: On wet wood.

■ Can an ostrich call itself a bird? Answer: No, he cannot speak.

■ What stones are not found in any sea? Answer: Dry stones.

■ How many peas are in a glass? Answer: Not at all, peas don’t move.

■ When a boy is called female name? Answer: Sonya.

■ There were 3 light bulbs in the chandelier. One was extinguished. How many light bulbs are left? Answer: Three.

■ Which car wheel does not rotate when going down a mountain? Answer: Spare tire.

■ Which peninsula complains about its size? Answer: I am small.

■ Which city flies? Answer: Eagle.

■ The name of the earliest flower, the antonym of which is forgetfulness. Answer: Forget-me-not.

■ The name of the earliest yellow flower, the antonym of which is father-and-stepfather. Answer: Coltsfoot.

■ Can a word have one hundred and one letters? Answer: 100l, 100p, 100g, 100n.

■ What do you do when you get there by bus: get off, walk off, or get up? Answer: Let's go out.

■ Which day of the week has a double consonant in its name? Answer: Saturday.

■ Which state can you wear on your head? Answer: Panama.

■ Which European capital stands on mown grass? Answer: Paris is located on the Seine River.

■ Which numeral says to rub? Answer: Three.

■ Which pronoun is read the same from left to right and from right to left? Answer: It.

■ Which pronoun becomes a conjunction when read from right to left? Answer: He-but.

■ Which snake is an adverb? Answer: Yes.

■ What is the shape plural noun person? Answer: People.

■ What does half an apple look like? Answer: To the other half.

■ Rolled a ball until it became a sock? Answer: Tangle.

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