How to get rid of anger and hatred? Prayer from anger. How to defeat anger? Psychology

Anger can eat you from the inside and slowly destroy your life. While anger is a natural emotion and a healthy reaction, it is dangerous to succumb to it. You must learn to let him go for yourself. Here are some tips on how to do it.


Part 1

Main steps

    Understand anger. There is existence for a long period of time, anger becomes emotion that is more wounded by a person experiencing it than a person or people on which he is directed. Anger often manifests itself when someone wants to avoid a feeling of pain because of the situation, but this anger will ultimately can only harm him or her.

    Determine the root of your wrath. Find out what exactly causes you pain. Only by defining the loss or the main problem, you can enter into confrontation with him and release it.

    • For example, if the spouse has changed you or threw you, naturally, you would be angry. The feeling of the loss that you experience is most likely due to the loss of feeling that you love, appreciate and respected.
    • As another example, if you feel angry after a friend betrayed you, a loss that leads you to sadness and anger, is the loss of friendship and partnership. The more importantly this is a feeling of friendship for you, the more your loss will be, and the more your anger will be.
  1. Allow yourself to grieve. Since anger is often a mask to hide pain, remove this mask when you are alone with you, and let yourself mess about this pain or loss, without feeling guilty or weak because of this.

    • The denial of your grief is not strength, although many mistakenly believe that the experience of grief and sadness is a sign of weakness. When something snapping occurs, there is no real sense to deny how much pain is brings you. The pain will not disappear only because you refuse to admit it. In any case, the pain will remain longer if weakens inside.
    • Instead of saying "I'm fine", admit "I suffer." In the long run, this recognition will help relieve pain and anger more efficiently than the refusal.
  2. Replace insult sympathy. Another way may be an attempt to put yourself in place of another. Consider the reasons for such actions that could have the offender. You may never fully understand other people's motives, or maybe you will agree with them after their adoption, but it will be easier for you to stop pepper into someone after you spend some time in his or her head.

    • People rarely hurt others, not causing it in some ways and to themselves. Negative applies as a disease, and if you fell into someone else's negative, it is likely that a person caught him from someone else before.
  3. Sorry. This does not mean that you must come to terms, respect or forgive misconduct, which caused your anger. In this sense, forgiveness means only the adoption of a conscious decision to release the offense and the desire to take revenge on the person who entered you badly.

    • Understand that the forgiveness of someone cannot push the other side to change your behavior. The purpose of forgiveness in this sense is to purify itself from anger and resentment, which are strengthened within you. Forgiveness for their own benefit and is internal necessity, not external.
    • Forgiveness can help you build healthy relationships, reach a higher level of spiritual and psychological well-being, reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, reduce the symptoms of depression and reduce the risk of alcohol or drug abuse.

    Part 2

    Approach to anger at the personal level
    1. Take a look optimistic. Remember that there is no humus without good. Despite the fact that the situation that caused your anger can be extremely negative, it may have several positive moments or side effects that are actually beneficial for you. Determine them and cling to them to help you cope with the situation.

      • In particular, consider any ways that your pain helped you grow as a person. If it does not work, think about what your pain put you to a new path leading to good things that you may not have experienced, skipping this path completely.
      • If you can not find positive sides of the unpleasant situation, look at the other good moments in your life and other things for which you can be grateful.
    2. Write a letter or magazine. If you lead a diary or magazine, write about your anger as often as necessary to help yourself release it. If you do not have a magazine, you can write an angry letter to a person who initiated your anger to fill out your emotions. But do not send it.

      • Sending the letter is almost always a bad idea. Even if you formulated it as far as possible, the other side is most likely to take it badly, especially if he or she suffers from low self-esteem or other personal pain.
      • Ideally, you must write a letter, read it out loud and break or burn it as a form of symbolic liberation.
    3. Shout. There are moments when a person feels so evil that he or she feels a desire to scream. If you encountered this kind of anger right now, pause reading and swing in the pillow. Creek gives you physical liberation. The mind and body are connected, so physically freed from its wrath, you can also help alleviate some mental emotions.

      • For warning, you must make sure that your cry drowshes the pillow well to avoid the concerns of the neighbors.
    4. Care. Like a cry, exercises give physical liberation from your anger. If you are not a big fan of exercise, you can still start with a small, walking more.

      • It works best when you manage to find a view of the exercise that you like. Stroll in a picturesque park, swim in refreshing water or drop a couple of balls in the basket.
    5. Replace negative thoughts positive. When the memories of the past anger begin to float to the surface, quickly replace this idea with something positive to prevent the worsening of the mood.

      • You can remember something good in the past, think about something exciting ahead or think wider, indulging in dreams.
      • Although, as a rule, you want not to think about things related to those who have done it hurt, even if these thoughts are positive. Remembering, as it was, you can strengthen the pain from how everything happened, as a result, only increasing your anger.
    6. Thrust throw it out. If you are upset by many details of this situation, you can find something symbolic to present these components of your wrath before throwing them away.

    7. Find yourself a hobby soul. Sometimes it will be better help to cure with negative emotions like anger a positive passion in which you really want to invest.

      • If you still do not have a hobby, try a few different. Take a lesson of painting, cooking, knitting or any other potential hobby that attracts your attention.

    Part 3.

    Approach to anger on the spiritual level
    1. Pray. If you believe in God, pray for the power of the Spirit and the willingness to let go of your anger. When you can not release your anger yourself, the request of Divine Assistance can help sufficiently soften your heart to get rid of anger.

      • If you can not find words to express your anger and pain during prayer, you can also look at the Internet and prayer prayers pre-written prayers that are accurately describing how you feel.
    2. Meditate. Do you adhere to any particular faith or not, meditation is a good way to stabilize your body, mind and soul. There are many types of meditation that you can try, so choose what is better for you and your needs.

      • Study to meditate for the first time, select the basic program of meditation and create a soothing space for yourself, but not so relaxing that you will fall asleep during your meditative exercises.
    3. Contact your faith. Again, if you believe in higher strength, the support for this higher strength in search of power to overcome the wrath and indignation may be a successful idea.

      • In particular, if you believe in God, as well as that God loves and takes an active part in the process of human history, free your negative and realize that God has a goal for your pain, and he did not leave you.
      • Consult with the religious leader in your center of worship or others who share your faith, to support and manuals. Read the biblical texts or spiritual books written on anger and forgiveness.

Stress situations that surround us everywhere provoke negative emotions. To respond with emotional tension that destroys not only nervous cells, but also the entire body will help the following techniques that save from negative.

Envy, anger and insult - feelings characteristic of even the most meek and responsive people. However, the impact that negative emotions have, must be stopped immediately. Not every person can just take and get rid of emotional tension, but replace thoughts on positive available to anyone. That is why positive thinking is the best way that helps to get rid of stressful situations and stop the growth of negative, switching from emotions to sober solutions to the conflict situation.

Get rid of anger, envy and resentment

Fully get rid of negative thoughts and emotions - it is impossible. But they can be cleaned, replace or overcome. People know a lightweight way to exemption from experiences - entertainment. However, with severe stressful situations, its positive effect is negligible. In rare cases, entertainment activities cause the opposite effect, knocking out the soil from under the feet. Scientists in the field of bioenergy highlighted 5 effective ways to eliminate negative emotions that return the harmony and the former cheerfulness to a person.

1. Release feelings on the will

It is very important to allow yourself to experience negative emotions without suppressing them. In any case, whatever your experiences, do not be ashamed and not forbid to feel what you feel. Even if it is unworthy. It is known that happiness and anger are the same emotions, the difference is only in the internal limitation.

Try to spill your emotions. For example, you can beat the pillow, representing the face of your enemy. If this practice is not for you, that is, another wonderful method - shove out that there are strength. To do this, it is advisable to retire or close in the car and start shouting in all the throat, about what torments your soul. There is another alternative: to write an angry letter, putting all your accumulated emotions into each letter, and then burn it.

2. Do not copy negative emotions

4. Get rid of energy blocks and anxiety

Exercises that save energy blocks will help you in any stressful situation to return to the state of harmony and mental peace. At the moment of rage, envy or resentment, try to get rid of thoughts. Relax all your body, especially the face muscles. For a moment, feel like the severity of the offense and misunderstanding begins to leave your body. In this moment, focus on the corners of the lips that should form a light smile. Try to feel how your lips themselves are pulled into a slightly noticeable smile, and in the whole body a feeling of happiness appears.

5. Revenge for benefit

If negative emotions are not allowed, but only every day increase, covering you with your head, then even in this situation you can find benefit and benefit. Take and pay your offender, only in positively row. The best revenge is your personal happiness and a successful life. Think in a positive key, carry people joy, and you do not pay attention to how quickly achieving colossal results, pusing all the negative.

It is impossible to get rid of the feeling of anger and resentment, constantly inserting his enemy, as it will not be possible to displace envy, living with her in the heart. It is impossible to resolve the internal conflict, accumulating the negative. Attract positive emotions, let's feel feelings, strive for joy, well-being and happiness. Only then will you see how all negative emotions will disappear from your life. We wish you a great mood, success, And do not forget to click on the buttons and

Prolonged anger, stress and covered insult make harm to our adrenal glands and the immune system.

Can you remember the last time you really angry at someone? They were angry so much that you just shook at thought about this person? Very rarely the feeling of anger helps us get what we want. Often it works against us, bringing unnecessary pain. Even the most tender nature at some point can turn into a vengeful scounding, if they are pushed them.

Different life situations make us experience sadness, pain, disappointment and anger. From our lips, the words of hatred are broken, although we could never think that they are capable of such. We cease to be ourselves, those calm and sincere people who are accustomed to see themselves. And no, we do not like what we turn into.

Negative emotions destroy us, you need to fight and overcome. The same method can be used to cope with all negative emotions. To facilitate understanding, we will use anger as the target emotion that needs to be overcome. Remember that this method can help you cope with other unfavorable strong emotions, such as jealousy, wine, hatred, regret and fear.

Why do we feel disgusting yourself?

Anger does not bring pleasant sensations. Frankly, this is a disgusting feeling. Everyone inside us is compressed, we sweat, we react (instead of acting) in survival mode. The anger bursts our mind, makes us react wildly, relying only on emotions. This happens to all of us. Sometimes anger is so strong that we are simply a coward from a strong hatred aimed at other people. And when we cool down, we, first of all, are wondering how we could afford to fall into such a state.

Answer: very simple. Let me explain. Emotion is the answer of our body to the thought that can be caused by an external situation. But we look at this situation through the prism of our ideas. And our prism is painted with mental concepts, unique for each of us, such as good and evil, mine and yours, I like it, I don't like it right - wrong. Remember that we all have different prisments, and therefore conflicts in the interpretation of the situation are inevitable.

For example, if someone loses his wallet, our emotions are not so strong. But if this is our own money, we suddenly begin to feel pain and desire to return lost.

If we have something that we define for ourselves as "our", we will experience moral discomfort, if we understand that we have lost something or risk losing. It does not matter what it is. It can be my wallet, my pride, my money, my house, my car, my job, my child, my shares, my feelings or my dog. While we feel that it is lost for us or there is a threat of loss, we will experience anger pain or other strong negative emotions.

We feel pain, because since childhood we were taught to think that those things for which we hung up the "mine" label are something that defines who we ourselves.

We identify ourselves with a thing and mistakenly believe that if we lost something, or we can lose it, then we will lose ourselves. Suddenly, our ego does not have anything, with which it could identify herself. Who are we? This question causes our ego a huge pain.

In the soul we feel that we have the right to more: more money, more respect, better work or greater house. And we can not understand that our mind will always want even more. Greed is a mental state of akin to a narcotic dependence that is constantly growing, blinds us, gives away from reality, and at the same time convinces us that we do reasonably.

Ordinary components of anger:


- We believe that with us did unfairly. We tell ourselves that deserve more, and we are purchased for fiction that someone entered us unfairly.


- We feel that they have lost something, with which they identified themselves. Feelings, pride, money, car, work.


- We are blameing other people or external situations, considering their reason for our loss, blame them for being their victim. This wine is often located only in our consciousness and is a product of our imagination. We are simply not able to see what is happening from the point of view of other people. We are deeply egoistic.


- We are experiencing pain, psychological stress and anxiety. The pain causes physical reactions in our body, which violate the natural current of energy and threaten the state of well-being.

Focus of attention

- We focus on those things that do not want to get in our lives, and thereby feed their energy, because they complaining about them and repeat their complaints to all those who are ready to listen to us. This creates a kind of vicious circle of anger. "We get more of what we concentrate on." And this is true, regardless of emotion.

Interestingly, if there are two irritable people who are displeased with each other, both feel a sense of loss and injustice. Both feel pain and the need to blame another person. Who is right? Answer: Both right and both are mistaken.

Why should we work on themselves and overcome the anger?

Negative emotions such as anger, pushing our body to function in survival mode, as if to speaking our body: "We are in danger." To prepare us to "battle or escape" in our body there is a special physiological change. These physiological reactions interrupt the natural flow of energy in our body, which affects our heart, the immune system, digestion and the production of hormones. Therefore, negative emotion is a kind of body toxin, which interferes with harmonious functioning and balance.

Prolonged anger, stress and covered insult make harm to our adrenal glands and the immune system. In women, the overloading of adrenal glands can affect the reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries), being the cause of pathologies that theoretically can lead to infertility.

Does your physical and mental health cost more than any psychological pressure with which you voluntarily agree?

Is it worth reacting at all, responding to your own negative emotions and offended feelings, just to temporarily satisfy our pride?

The anger also bursts our mind, and we are beginning to devour problems and pain. Instead of getting away from them, to become free from the pain caused by yourself, we accept irrational, unreasonable, destructive decisions for us that will make us regret them. In the case of divorces, for example, only legal costs can "eat" all savings, leaving both sides by unfortunate and poor. In this case, no one wins!

Theoretical foundations change.

Do you notice how quickly you can fall into a negative mood? Perhaps some fraction of a second. On the same basis, we can assume that the same time must be required to go to the productive state. However, the problem is that from the small years we were preparing to remain in an unproductive condition. Nobody acquainted us with methods how to change our state to positive. Often, even our parents did not know this, and they still do not know.

When negative feelings arise, we have two options:

Follow the usual model, which we learned still in childhood, react and allow the negative to absorb us.

To break the model that was laid in us, and, acting in a similar way, lay new roads that will create alternative opportunities for us.

In fact, there are three ways to break the behavioral model:

Visual - change your thoughts.

Verbal - change your way to present thoughts.

Kineette - change your physical position.

Well, now let's go to practice ...

How to overcome anger

Some of these methods can be for someone more efficient, for someone - less. For me, "Look up!" - The most effective way (therefore, in this list it is in the first place). I also noticed good results when using several of these methods at once.

1. Look up !!!

The fastest way to change negative feelings and overcome anger - instantly change our physical position. The easiest way for this is to change the position of the eyes. When we are in a negative condition, we most likely look down. If we dramatically look up (relative to our visual plane), we interrupt the negative immersion model into the natives of negative emotions.

Any sudden change in the physical position will help this:

  • Stand up and pull, while let off the distinguishable sigh.
  • Change the facial expression, work with facial expressions.
  • Go to the window lit by the sun.
  • Make 10 jumps on the place with a variable of the position of the arms and legs
  • Make funny dance, for the sake of jokes over yourself.
  • Massion the neck from behind with one hand and at the same time sampling the song "Happy Birthday".

Try to do it the next time you feel in the negative arrangement of the Spirit, or an unpleasant thought will come to mind.

2. What do you want?

Sit down and write what exactly you want to get from the current situation. Your task is to describe the end result you would like to see. Excry clear, be realistic and honest. Be details in your description. Write down even the dates when you would like to see the results.

If you have a clear plan, and you notice you refers to negative thoughts about what you do not want, you can simply concentrate on this list.

Also, when we deliberately do this exercise, we can realize that in those random material things in which we needed needed, there is no need.

3. Eliminate from your speech: no, no.

Such words as "not", "no", "I can not" make us concentrate on what we do not want. Language and speech have a great strength and can influence our subconsciousness, and accordingly, our feelings. If you notice that you use the word-denial, think if you can replace it with another word with a positive value. For example: instead of saying "I don't want war," tell me "I want the world."

4. Find light

Darkness takes only when light appears (for example, light from the lamp, or the sun). Similarly, the negative can be replaced by positive. Remember that regardless of what happens to us at the external level, or on how bad everything seems to us in our thoughts, we can always make a choice to talk and see things positive.

I know it's hard to make when you experience a storm of emotions, but I firmly believe that we can endure something new of each situation with which we are faced.

Look for your lesson. Find the acquisition in the situation for yourself, it does not matter what it is: something material or mental understanding of something new, or personal growth. Find the light so you can get rid of the darkness of your mind.

5. Save

Give the eternal need of our ego to be right, blame, be evil and vengeful. For rent in the face of the moment. Give the thrust to wander because of the situation. Be careful. Watch out for your thoughts and learn how to separate your thoughts from your personality. Your thoughts are not you.

The game will reach its logical completion, regardless of whether we are to give me emotions or not. Believe me, the cosmos will follow their course, and what should happen - will happen. If we do not yield, we simply reach ourselves without a reason, and as a result, our body will suffer.

6. Zone of influence

When we are in a bad mood, we can easily get into the vicious circle of negative emotions. We will not be better if we are among people who will also complain about the same problems. It will not help us feel better.

Instead, find a group of people with a positive look at life. If there will be such people next to us, they will remind us that we already know deeply in the soul, and we will be able to begin to realize the good and positive aspects of life. When we are in a bad mood, we will be able to draw energy from them to climb over problems and negative condition.

Just as staying among negative people can adversely affect you, staying among happy and optimistic people can increase our awareness, and will help us get out of this unproductive state.

7. Exercise for gratitude

Take a notepad and handle and find a quiet place. List (as much as possible) everything, for which you are grateful in your life: what happened in the past or in the present, or what will happen in the future; It can be a relationship, friendship, opportunities or material acquisitions.

Fill in the entire page and use as many pages as you have things for which you are grateful. Be sure to thank your heart and body.

This is a simple, but undervalued method that helps us concentrate on what really matters. This exercise can raise our mood. It also helps us gain clarity and remind yourself that we have a lot of things for which we can be grateful.

It doesn't matter how much everything is bad, we always have absolutely always what we can be grateful. If it happens, we have a gift of life, we are free to grow, learn, help others, create, get experience, love. I also realized that quiet meditation within 5-10 minutes before this exercise and visualization of everything that is in your list, after exercise, make the process more efficient. Try yourself!

9. Respiratory techniques for relaxation

Most of us have superficial breathing, and air falls only in the top of the lungs. In-depth breathing exercises will help our brains and the body get more oxygen. Try it:

Sit right on the chair, or stand up.

Do so that the clothes do not give anywhere, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach.

Inhale the nose. Exhale your mouth.

Put one hand on the stomach.

When you breathe, feel your hand rises when the air fills your light to the diaphragm itself.

When you exhale, feel like your hand returns to its original position.

Mentally, calculate your breaths and exhalations, gradually align them, so that inhale, and exhale lasted the same number of accounts.

Gradually add another exhaust account.

Continue to add an exhale account until the duration of the exhalation is twice as long as the breath.

Repeat this respiratory rhythm 5-10 times.

Keep your eyes closed and observe silence a few more minutes after the end of this exercise.

9. Laugh!

We cannot simultaneously and laugh, and get upset. When we do a physical movement that you need to laugh or smile, we instantly begin to feel fun and carefree.

Try right now: Smile your wonderful smile. I need the most sincere and wide smile! How are you feeling? Have you been able to feel an immediate joy of joy? Did you forget about your problems?

Make a list of movies that cause you laughter and keep them at home. Or come with a friend who has a sense of humor and who can really need to laugh.

10. Forgiveness

I say it to all my little vengeful villains. I know that the idea to forgive your "enemy" seems to be contrary to common sense. The longer you taite the malice, especially painful emotions you will experience, the more it will be the load on your body and the more harm you do to your health and well-being in the long run.

The inability to forgive someone - it's like to drink poison yourself and wait when the enemy will die. Only it will never happen.

11. Click elastic rubber

Constantly carry on the wrist an elastic rubber band. Every time you notice the thought that can captivate you in a dull negative circuit, click Rubber. Maybe a little hurt. But it really teaches our consciousness to avoid such thoughts. Pain is a magnificent motivational factor.

12. Determine and get rid of your "starting mechanisms"

Sit with the help of a "brainstorming" write a list of words-signaling devices and activities that awaken this negative emotion in us. Perhaps this is the word "divorce", or someone's name, or visiting a certain restaurant.

Give yourself a word that eliminate any mention of these "starting mechanisms" in your life. If we know that something will upset us, why do we allow this to happen?

13. Determine for yourself, which carries anger

List all that you purchased when angry. When you finish with a list, go through it and count the number of positive items that really contribute to your well-being. Yes, and besides, "the desire to force another person to suffer and experience pain" is not considered "contributing to your well-being."

This exercise helps us to bring more awareness, rationality and clarity into a situation.

14. Strive for completion. Decide the problem

Do not tighten the situation only to "win" or "prove your right thing." This is not reasonable for any of the parties involved.

If we are simply inferior to external events and deliberately make the choice of not paying any attention to them - this does not mean that we are conveniently sitting on and let you get tread on us.

Take measures to help you take the next step and bring the problem solution. Be initiative and proud. The faster you decide the problem, the faster you can free yourself mentally.

The women's website "Beautiful and Successful" today will help you become kinder and tell how to get rid of anger - this main pathogen and nervous diseases. The mood will deteriorate from anger, the relationship with loved ones deteriorates, depression and gastritis appears.

Anger can flare up suddenly or imperceptibly accumulating over the years, but both of its forms are equally dangerous to health. We will tell you how to doubt this fire dragon.

Hazardous rage

One sage said: the one who is angry with you manages you. And this is true - anger does not give to think sober and control the situation.

A rapid scope of indignation can cause such a trifle as the coarse word of the conductor in the morning transport, or more global things, for example, not justified expectations. A stuffy cork, the boss for the third time rejected a draft project, total control of mother-in-law, somewhere in the world again the war - how to get rid of anger when there are so many reasons to get out of himself!

What is the physiological mechanic of anger?

The attack of the malice is the protective reaction of the body to excess the emotional threshold in excess of feelings.

Uncontrollable anger can bring a lot of problems and disagreements at work and in personal life. And how many incorrect solutions we can accept and commit acts under the influence of rage!

To know how to quickly get rid of anger, means being healthy not only morally, but also physically.

First of all, the nervous system suffers from anger, which leads to constant irritation, stress, insomnia and can even entail depression. Anger is always accompanied by emissions of adrenaline, and the more often this happens, the more often your cardiovascular system suffers.

A hormone cortisol produced by our body with anger outbreaks is dangerous not only the immune system, but also a figure, as it provokes hunger. You do not want to "earn", high pressure, spasms in the intestines and frequent colds - then learn how to get rid of harmful evil, read the site and know the Zen 🙂

Bay, Lola, Bay!

"Petrified", accumulating negative emotions are much more dangerous to instant outbreaks of anger. Psychologists advise not to save them in themselves, and let them break out.

But there is a snag. Screaming, beating dishes and dirty sweating woman (namely, it looks like a sudden anger) - the picture is not pleasant. Just try to imagine yourself in this state in front of the head, boyfriend or mother-in-law 🙂

Then how is it quiet and peacefully get rid of anger so that no one has seen?

The ideal way is active exercise. In the case of aggressive angry, it is best to test the testing of shocks.

The old pillow or a boxing pear of your man is suitable. Release the energy to complete exhaustion until you feel that the morning unjust reprimand the head does not care anymore. General cleaning in the house, intense aerobics, half an hour of martial arts or just charging - that it will help you to release steam depends on the degree of anger.

If you were greatly angry during the day, be sure to stabilize emotional state in the evening, and only then start communicating with loved ones.

How to quickly cool and get rid of anger

  • shovel loudly, of course, if your way home lies through the forest 🙂
  • to break the paper - get to the deposits of office waste
  • write an emotional letter and burn / print on a computer and remove
  • take a cool shower presenting how negative emotions and resentment are washed off
  • slap the negative mirror, presenting that in front of you - a person who caused an anger
  • to interrupt a person whose words are angry with you, instead of listening to him in silence (in order to avoid accumulation of hidden anger)
  • tell someone how much you are evil at the moment - a friend or social network will fit
  • ask yourself what you really want to do now and give yourself it, because you can get rid of a momentary anger, satisfying your hidden needs
  • turn anger into a comic situation - imagine that the situation occurs on a circus or theatrical stage isna, and the active heroes are ridiculous in ridiculous costumes

Exercise to control anger

If you often communicate a real rage, it's time to practice emotions. You will help you exercise, "how in two steps to get rid of anger".

At the time of irritation, take a step forward and focus on your feelings - rage, desire to break something or killed someone. A minute later, take a step back and make feelings retreat, relaxing the muscles and deeply breathing.

Practice on small troubles, and soon you can control your anger. Your goal is to minimize the time between the steps.

Take care of health

Negative emotions can be like causes of diseases and their consequence. Increased pressure, skin diseases, reduced sugar levels, digestive problems and headaches are all irritation factors and anger.

The distressed hormonal background and insomnia deprive you of control over your feelings. To manage your life, it is important enough to relax at night and the day to give the body physical exertion.

The best way to get rid of anger is to try not to experience it. Learn to understand and take different people, bring up a willingness to restrain and forgive.

Restraint and tolerance will help you in life much more than anger and omble.

Everyone came across his life with feeling offense. This is a very unpleasant, oppressive feeling, in the literal sense interferes with living. There is an old Russian saying: " On offended water carry" Indeed, the condition of an offended person can be equated to the sensations of very tired heavy truck. Your thoughts are constantly concentrated on how unprofitably cost you, they do not pass at work, they do not let go at home, interfere with sleep. The insults on the former spouse (spouse) are not allowed to start a new relationship, because until you let go old, the path for new relationship is closed. Those who, as a rule, quickly forget about the infinite wound, so they are not hurry to apologize. And at the offended insult, his health, health, and irrevocably precious time.

Introduced for a long time of resentment develops into anger on yourself for having to get rid of it, and on the offender for the fact that he does not notice your flour. If an offended person has a strong, negative energy of anger can harm the one to whom it is directed. But it is worth thinking if you need it? For everything in life you have to pay, your offender sooner or later will still get what he deserved. However, while you carry a feeling of resentment in yourself, universe justice is impracticable. From here we conclude: from the destructive energy of the resentment and anger should be getting rid of, and the faster, the better.

Feeling the feeling of resentment looks like a small tight lump, which is stuck in your body. Listen to your body, try to feel exactly where this lounge is located. Most often, a person feels a graceful feeling behind the sternum. Now imagine that this lump of negative energy gradually spreads throughout your body. Do not be afraid to get dirty by this negative, distributing uniformly bad energy throughout the body, it will be easier for you to get rid of it. Gradually, the feeling of gravity should leave, sigh with full breasts and let go of the insult. Wish the offender of all the best, and you will feel a huge relief. If this failed from the first time, try again, as a result, your body will poucher this girlfriend.
Try the practice and, perhaps, there is no better means to get rid of negative emotions.

If you are a believer, go to the temple, chat with the priest - let go of the voiced offense will be much easier. Do not wish the offender anything bad, universal justice will certainly enthusiasm, but let it happen without your participation. An abandoned boomeranga has a property to return.

It is very harmful to accumulate a feeling of insult and wear it for a long time: you can suffer your health, the negative lumps are able to grow into somatic diseases. There are several procedures that restore the body after stressful shocks and remove negative energy. - an indispensable means for cleansing the body from negative. Very effective stop massage in water. In the footsteps there is a large number of receptors corresponding to all human bodies. Arraying footsteps, we restore the balance of positive energy in the body. It is necessary to massage for 15 minutes in turn right and left foot, the legs should be immersed in warm water to the ankle, after the end of the massage should be pouring the steps with cold water. Or a sauna using relaxing essential oils also contributes to the elimination of negative energy.

Fire is another powerful negative energy neutralizer. Nothing fascinates as contemplating the burning tongues of the flame. Melt the fireplace if it is not - lit candles, a few minutes do not look at the fire for a few minutes, without thinking about it, then you will be able to cold water. So you can do several times when negative energy burns, you will feel it.

Nowadays, the time of enhanced confrontation of men and women has increased the number of divorces, not many can break up painlessly, without offense at each other. Women because of a more vulnerable psyche are harder to endure changes in personal life. Harmony on a spouse who pretended her and children can long with an equilibrium.

Below is a few tips, how to let go of our last life and forgive a person who has not justified your hopes.

If everything happened, you have official confirmation on your hands that you are free from commitment to people, begin to get used to live in the status of a free woman. First, remove all things that resemble the former, hide at the time old photos, try to change the interior in the apartment, you can even make repairs. Update your wardrobe by filling it with positive shades of pink, green and red. Go to a beautician, light massage and cosmetic procedures will remove the voltage. Make a new haircut, the hair is most accumulated negative energy. Look at yourself in the mirror, smile and start a new life.

Do not try to establish relationships: even if a broken cup to glue, it will still remain with a crack. Never set up children against the father who left the Father's family, children in this case suffer more than the late dad.

It is very useful to drastically change the situation, breaking the usual casual templates, move for example to live in another city or even a country, i.e. To get out of the usual comfort zone, although it seems extreme to many, but such a shake for a psyche can work wonders.

The ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness from those who involuntarily offended themselves, is not easy, but, having learned this, you will greatly facilitate your life.

P.S. And in conclusion, we give one good mantra for offended, found on the network :)

Repeat the mantra is needed loud out to disappear.

"I am such an important turkey that I can not allow someone to do according to its nature, if I don't like it.

I am such an important turkey that if someone said or did not do as I expected - I will punish him with my offense. Oh, let him see how important it is - my insult, let him get it as a punishment for his "misconduct."

After all, I am very, very important turkey! I do not appreciate my life.

I do not appreciate my life so much that I do not feel sorry to spend her invadu time.

I will give up a minute of joy, from a minute of happiness, from a minute of playfulness, I will rather give this minute my insult.

And I don't care that these frequent minutes will be in the clock, hours - on days, days - in weeks, weeks - in months, and months - during the years.

I do not mind to spend the years of my life in the offense - because I do not appreciate my life. I do not know how to look at myself from the side.

I am very vulnerable. I am so vulnerable that I have to protect my territory and respond to the offend on everyone who hurts her.

I hurt myself on my forehead "Caution, angry dog" and let only someone try it to notice her!

I am so a thread that I can not find a lot of generosity - to forgive, a drop of self-irony - to laugh, a drop of generosity - to not notice, a drop of wisdom - to not cling to a drop of love - to accept.

After all, I am very, very important turkey! "

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