History of the Perm Military Institute of Missile Forces. Perm Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

49 thousand square meters (until 1919 it housed the Perm Theological Seminary). Over the years of its existence, the educational institution has trained over forty thousand specialists.

The training of specialists at the time of disbandment was carried out at 4 faculties:

  1. Launch and technical complexes of rockets;
  2. Strategic missile control systems and test and launch equipment;
  3. Automated control systems for missile systems;
  4. Physical-energy installations (nuclear weapons).

At the time of disbandment, 56 doctors and 140 candidates of science taught at the institute, two dissertation councils, one of which accepted the defense of doctoral dissertations in pedagogy.

The former building of the institute in 2010


  • 1930, August 23 - The Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR decided to form 3rd Military Technical School of the Red Army Air Force in Perm.
  • 1931, July 1st is the start day of classes. This day is considered to be the birthday of the school and college. (Order of the USSR Revolutionary Military Council No. 126 of 1932 established the official day of the unit - July 1.)
  • 1931 - 3rd Military School of Aviation Technicians.
  • 1936 - 3rd Military School of Aviation Technicians named after V.M. Molotov.
  • 1938 - 3rd Military School of Pilots and Aviation Technicians named after V.M. Molotov.
  • 1938- by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated March 8, it was transferred to the People's Commissariat of the Navy.
  • 1938- by order of the People's Commissar of the Navy dated April 11, it was renamed Naval Aviation Technical School named after V.M. Molotov, Perm (VMATU Perm).
  • 1940- March 8, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the city of Perm was renamed Molotov, and began to be called ( VMATU named after V.M. Molotov, Molotov).
  • 1941- in the Molotov VMATU, special services courses were formed from the personnel and property of the evacuated Naval Aviation School of Special Services of the Navy Air Force from the city of Sortavala, Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (according to other data from the city of Peterhof). (On July 27, scheduled classes began at the special services courses).
  • 1942- Special services courses are being transformed into a communications department.
  • 1946- On July 19, the communications department of the Molotov VMATU was transferred to Novograd-Volynsky and the Naval Aviation School of Communications (VMAUS) was formed on its basis.
  • 1948- the beginning of the development of jet technology by school cadets.
  • 1953- the school switched to training technicians to operate bomber aircraft.
  • 1953- July 23, by order of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the 245th Novograd-Volyn Naval Aviation Technical School was formed on the basis of the Molotov VMATU. Two training cycles (faculties) were sent to Novograd-Volynsky - a cycle of aviation equipment, a cycle of aviation weapons, and a separate mine-torpedo group.
  • 1956- by order of the USSR Minister of Defense dated July 10, 1956 No. 00119, VMATU was transferred to the Air Force of the Ural Military District.
  • 1957- according to the directive of the General Staff of the Air Force dated August 29, 1957 No. 517656, renamed from September 13 to Military Aviation Technical School named after V.M. Molotov. (VATU named after V.M. Molotov, Molotov)
  • 1957- On October 2, the name Perm was returned to the city.( VATU named after V.M. Molotov, Perm)
  • 1958- April 24 - Molotov’s name was removed, VATU was renamed Perm Military Aviation Technical School (PVATU).
  • 1958- by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force dated December 8, 1958 No. 00249, VATU was transferred from the 1959/60 academic year to the training of missile officers in the specialties “missile and remote control technician”, “technician of automated control systems”
  • 1960- February 12 - the school was transferred from the Air Force to the Missile Forces (Order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 00119 of December 31, 1959).
  • 1962- in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 1961 and in accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense dated March 10, 1962 No. 0027 PVATU was reorganized into Perm Higher Command and Engineering School with a training period of 5 years ( PVKIU).
  • 1972- in accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense dated April 18, 1972 No. 054, renamed to Perm Higher Military School (PVVU)
  • 1973- in accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense dated May 23, 1973 No. 090, renamed to Perm Higher Military Command School (PVVKU)
  • 1981, July 18 - By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 8, 1981, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for great merits in training officer personnel (Order of the USSR Minister of Defense No. 197 of July 18, 1981). By the same order it was renamed to Perm Higher Military Command Red Banner School (PVVKKU)
  • 1981, December 24 - By order of the USSR Minister of Defense No. 0270 PVVKKU was renamed to Perm Higher Military Command and Engineering Red Banner School (PVVKIKU).
  • 1982, June 1 - named after Marshal of the Soviet Union V.I. Chuikov (in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 19, 1982) ( PVVKIKU named after. Marshal of the Soviet Union V.I. Chuikova)
  • 1983- renamed the Perm Higher Military Command and Engineering School of the Red Banner Missile Forces (PVVKIKU RV named after V.I. Chuikov).
  • 1998, September 16 - By order of the Minister of Defense, the Perm VVKIKU RV was renamed Perm Military Institute of Missile Forces (PVI RV).
  • 2003- On September 1, PVI RV was disbanded.

Two military schools were separated from the Perm VMATU: in 1946, Rizhskoye and in 1953, Novograd-Volynskoye. Rizhskoye is the former Novograd-Volynsky VMAUS (formed in 1946 on the basis of the Communications Department), which in 1953 left for Riga (Riga Higher Military Aviation Engineering School named after Yakov Alksnis) and in the place of which the 245th Novograd- Volyn VMATU

PLEASE NOTE: False information is spread across the Internet on many sites, usually related to aviation: “In 1941, the VMATU was renamed the Molotov VASM. In 1945, the VASM was disbanded, and the Perm Military Aviation Technical School named after the Lenin Komsomol was created on the basis of the aircraft mechanics school relocated from Troitsk.”

The Molotov VASHM has nothing to do with the VMATU, just like the Perm VATU named after Lenin Komsomol. Proof: information from the Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF): http://rgavmf.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3204:-1737-&catid=107:--1701---1750&Itemid= 71

It housed the Perm Theological Seminary). Over the years of its existence, the educational institution has trained over forty thousand specialists.

The training of specialists at the time of disbandment was carried out at 4 faculties:

  1. Launch and technical complexes of rockets;
  2. Control systems for strategic missiles and test and launch equipment;
  3. Automated control systems for missile systems;
  4. Physical-energy installations (nuclear weapons).

At the time of disbandment, 56 doctors and 140 candidates of science taught at the institute, two dissertation councils, one of which accepted the defense of doctoral dissertations in pedagogy.

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    Two military schools were separated from the Perm VMATU: in 1946, Rizhskoye and in 1953, Novograd-Volynskoye. Rizhskoye is the former Novograd-Volynsky VMAUS (formed in 1946 on the basis of the Communications Department), which in 1953 left for Riga (Riga Higher Military Aviation Engineering School named after Yakov Alksnis) and in the place of which the 245th was subsequently re-formed Novograd- Volyn VMATU

    PLEASE NOTE: False information is spread across the Internet on many sites, usually related to aviation: “In 1941, the VMATU was renamed the Molotov VASM. In 1945, the VASM was disbanded, and the Perm Military Aviation Technical School named after the Lenin Komsomol was created on the basis of the aircraft mechanics school relocated from Troitsk.”

    The Molotov VASHM has nothing to do with the VMATU, just like the Perm VATU named after Lenin Komsomol. Proof: information from the Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF): http://rgavmf.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3204:-1737-&catid=107:--1701---1750&Itemid= 71

    "Fund R-1737. NAVAL AVIATION TECHNICAL SCHOOL NAMED AFTER V.M. MOLOTOV. Perm. 1930-1948." As we see, there was no renaming in 1941, much less disbandment in 1945. Since 1938, it has always been VMATU named after. Molotov (in 1941, 1945 and 1948). And the Perm VATU named after Lenin Komsomol is a completely different school, which existed in parallel with the VMATU (PVVKIKU RV) in different areas of the city of Perm.

    When delving into the topic of the Strategic Missile Forces in Perm, one cannot ignore the alma mater of thousands of young missile officers - PVVKIKU. Photos of the Perm Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union V.I. Chuikov appeared several times in my reports, but somehow in passing.
    So yesterday, dropping into one of the many offices on Monastyrskaya (a stupid name for the former Ordzhonikidze street), I suddenly realized that I was in a former cadet dormitory. The school itself is underfoot on the other side of the street. Some of the buildings have been turned into offices, some have been torn apart, and the façade facing Monastyrskaya is gradually being beautified, covered with signs of numerous cafes and restaurants. The Strategic Missile Forces personnel forge will never again be the same monolith of knowledge and power, having turned into a motley mixture of heterogeneous offices. But it was here, after the disbandment of the school, that the Perm Art Gallery and the Regional Museum could have been transferred, and in our time the PERMM Museum of Contemporary Art would have found a place in spacious buildings on the banks of the Kama.

    But now we are not talking about the sad fate of the military university, but about the traces that the cadets left on the balcony of one of the rooms of its eighth floor dormitory.
    The balcony itself, a rather shaky structure, taught cadets not to be afraid of heights from their youth. With age, the feeling of danger becomes stronger and it took me some time to get used to it and stand with my back to the low railing taking pictures of the wall. If you wish, you can travel using the fire escape to other floors, but for some reason it didn’t happen to me.

    The school itself with a dark facade, shot against the setting sun

    Civil buildings at the very beginning of Kuibysheva Street

    Well, now the graffiti itself. I took off everything I had. Now this is history, maybe one of the former cadets will see this report and remember their youth. I wonder what happened to these guys?

    Modern Perm is the third largest city in Russia by area after both capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    This is a dynamic, developing city with an extensive network of educational institutions.

    If we turn to history, we should note: a developed educational network had developed in Perm by the beginning of the 20th century. The first in the Urals university opened in Perm in 1916. Its teaching staff was formed from scientists from Petrograd University.

    Today there are several dozen Perm universities. You can find out all the necessary information about these educational institutions on the Internet: almost every university has its own website. However, it is more convenient when all the necessary information is collected in one place.

    In the “Universities of Perm” section on the portal UralStudent a list of all higher educational institutions in Perm is presented. We have tried to compile the most complete catalog of universities for applicants, so that the difficult and responsible choice of higher education becomes at least a little easier.

    This list includes both public universities in Perm in 2018, as well as private academies, institutes, universities, as well as branches of public and private universities. For example, in the city there are branches of the Higher School of Economics, the Ural Academy of Civil Service, the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and many others.

    The page of each university in Perm provides all the information an applicant needs. Firstly, the address, contacts - telephone, email address are indicated. The address may be accompanied by a photograph of the building to assist in orientation. More often than not, the certificate contains an entire photo gallery. Secondly, a link is provided to the official website of the Perm higher educational institution.

    In addition, the certificate describes the documents that need to be submitted when enrolling in the first year of a bachelor's, master's or postgraduate study, provides a list of faculties and specialties, and indicates the cost and duration of training.

    Every year the situation in the field of higher education changes, and we promptly update the information on our portal. Thus, our portal provides the latest information about Perm universities in 2018.

    We hope that our website, dedicated to higher education in Perm, will help every applicant make the right choice and enroll in a university without unnecessary hassle.

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