Gorodoshny sport throwing technique. Methods of teaching preschoolers to play town games: practical experience

The main element of the game is throwing a bat at a target. They can be produced mainly locally.

The essence of accurately throwing a bat from a standstill is that after being released from the hand, it must rotate in flight parallel to the surface of the earth and, upon landing, come into contact with the city with its entire plane parallel to the baseline. Such a blow is called a “frontal” (Fig. 1) and is the main one in the game.

Before throwing the bat, the player usually takes the following position: facing his city, puts his left foot forward (when throwing with the right hand), and puts his right foot back approximately shoulder-width apart, with the toe of the left foot almost in line with the heel right; the center of gravity of the body is on both legs. From this position, a swing is performed: the hand with the bat moves in an arc down and back, the center of gravity of the body is transferred to the right leg. Then the bat is brought forward, the center of gravity of the body is transferred to the left leg, the right leg is simultaneously straightened, and the bat is released from the hand. The described starting position is not any kind of canon; of course, there will be individual deviations in it.

Beginners and women often throw the bat from behind the head rather than over the side, which is a significant mistake, since the bat in this case does not have a smooth rotation and, when landing, comes into contact with the concrete at one of its ends. The correct throw is always made through the side with a completely straightened or half-bent arm. With the first method, the hand remains straight both at the moment of swing and when taking the bat out (Fig. 2), in the second, it is half-bent (Fig. 3).

Throws from horse. Most throws from the horse are made with a frontal blow, for which the player must be able to balance the distance to the target, the force of the throw and the weight of the bat. If he does not take this into account when throwing the bat, then the result is: a) undershot, b) overshot, c) hit with the end of the bat, d) the bat goes completely to the side, or e) the bat spinning during the flight incorrectly contacts the city - not parallel to its face lines, but obliquely. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between “under-rotation” of the bit (Fig. 4) and “over-rotation” of it (Fig. 5). To turn the bat correctly, you need to release it smoothly and always with the same force from your hand. If the bat still lies obliquely, the reason for this should be sought elsewhere: in the wrong choice of distance to the target or in the wrong frame of the bat. The latter has great value and should be done in such a way that the center of gravity of the bat lies 50-60 cm from its handle.

Hitting the bat from the horse is performed by the players in various ways depending on the location of the towns of the piece being knocked out, but the goal is always the same: to knock out the largest number of towns with one blow. Methods for knocking out towns in figures can be divided into several groups (Fig. 6).

1st group - “gun”, “well”, “airplane”. These figures are relatively easy to knock out with a frontal blow. Minor undershoots of bits (10-15 cm) and overshoots of no more than the thickness of the bead (4-6 cm) are allowed. Longer undershoots and overshoots, as well as under-turns and over-turns of the bits lead to the collapse of the figure, rolling up the towns to the penalty line or a complete miss. Moving bits to the sides also leads to the collapse of towns.

2nd group - “arrow”, “crawfish”, “racket”. The figures of this group are knocked out by a dense frontal blow. Minor undershoots and bits moving to the sides are acceptable. But even small flights are dangerous, especially with an under-turn or over-turn, which inevitably leads to the collapse of towns.

The most difficult figure of this group is the “arrow”, and in order to knock it out, greater accuracy and density of the frontal blow is required, otherwise one or two back towns will remain in the city.

3rd group - “star”, “fork”, “sickle”. These complicated figures are knocked out with a frontal blow, the center of the bat when it is fully turned around. Minor undershoots of the bit are acceptable, but with them it should slide over the concrete. Small under-turns and over-turns are also possible. However, knocking out the pieces of this group using the method of under-rotating and over-rotating the bat is of great subtlety and is practically only possible by high-class players.

4th group - “artillery”, “crankshaft”. These figures are knocked out with a frontal blow, the center of the bat with its full turn. At the same time, small undershoots (10-15 cm) and overshoots (3-5 cm) are allowed. If there is a large undershoot with the subsequent take-off of the bat, two outermost lying towns remain from the “artillery” figure, and the “crankshaft” completely falls apart. Under-turns and over-turns of bits also lead to the collapse of the figures.”

5th group - “machine gun nest”, “sentinels”, “shooting gallery”. This is a group of the most difficult figures, each of which is knocked out with great difficulty with one bat. However, as the Gorodoshniks’ technique grows, knocking out these figures with one bat is no longer a rarity. You need to knock out these figures not with a frontal blow, but in the center, and the bat, when fully turned, should come into contact with the towns with its center. A frontal blow to the base of the figure, undershooting the bat, pulling it to the side, as well as over-turns and under-turns lead to the collapse of the pieces.

Group 6 - “closed letter”. This is the most difficult and decisive figure. According to the rules of the game, the whole of it, first the central town - the “mark”, and then other towns, should only be knocked out of the running.

But the “mark” is placed at a distance of one meter from the front line of the city, and it is impossible to knock it out from the aiming position developed for the town, which in other figures lies on the front line.

Therefore, for a successful strike with a full turn of the bat, it is necessary to move back or, conversely, approach the front line of the horse. If a player has developed a stance in the depths of the horse, then he should approach 1 m to the front line of the horse. If, in the main stance, the player is located at the front line of the horse, then, when knocking out a “closed letter”, in order to maintain a full turn of the bat, he must move 1.5-2 m deep into the horse.

After the “mark” towns are knocked out, usually in pairs, which lie in the corners of the city. To knock out towns lying on the right side of the city, you need to move 20-30 cm away from the place of your main stance, and to knock out towns lying on the left side of the city, you need to do the opposite, approach the front line of the horse by 20-30 cm.

Half shot throws. Prerequisites when hitting from the half-contact, the bat is correctly rotated into a frontal hit. To achieve this, players do the following: place towns on the city's front line, throw from the front line of the half-cone, and watch how the bat unfolds on a frontal hit. If the swing is incorrect (see Figures 4 and 5), the player, by moving away and approaching from the stand, can find a place to throw so that the bat lies parallel to the city's baseline. This distance from the place of the stand to the front line of the city is the main one for the player for all other shots, when the knocked out town is not on the front line of the city, but closer - in the suburbs.

If the town turns out to be in the center of the city or at its back line, it is no longer possible to maintain the selected distance, since according to the rules the player does not have the right to cross the half-con line and approach the towns that have rolled back. Then we have to use the following calculation: it has been established that when thrown with average force, the bat makes approximately two full turns in flight at 6.5 m, which means one turn at a distance of 3 1/4 m, and a half turn at a distance of 15/8 or approximately 1.5 m. Knowing this and taking into account the change in the indicated figures depending on individual characteristics players, you can determine the distance from which the bat will ultimately make contact with the towns with a full swing when landing.

Let's assume that the town lies in the center of the city. Therefore, the distance to it from the front line of the horse will be equal to 7.5 m. In a throw from such a distance, the bat will not make a full turn. But in a throw from 8 m, it will make 2.5 turns in flight and hit the target with a full turn. But in order to throw a bat from 8 m, you need to move back 50 cm from the front line of the semi-cone. If the town lies near the back line of the city, then the distance from it to the front line of the semi-cone is 8-8.5 m. So, in this case again You can throw the bat by standing directly at the front line of the half-cone. True, in practice one can often observe that from 8 m the bat does not hit the target with a full turn, but this is already explained by the fact that the rotation of the bit becomes slower with increasing distance.

In conclusion, it should be noted that all throws, whether made from the tee or the tee, must be made with the same force and at a distance that allows the bat to swing fully. The throw must be made rhythmically, without weakening or strengthening and without sudden jerks - only then will the flight of the bat be smooth and its turn at the moment of contact with the site will be complete.

GORODKI is an ancient Slavic game. Its history goes back several centuries. Mention of the towns can be found in fairy tales, ancient legends, and documents related to history. Ancient Rus'. This game has gone down in our history as part of the national culture.
Playing small towns develops the eye, intelligence, precision of movements, and strengthens the muscles of the arms and torso.

Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov, the transformer of Russia - Tsar Peter I, Nicholas II, was fond of playing gorodki.

Playing gorodki was a favorite physical exercise for many outstanding figures of Russian science, culture, and writers. Among them is Academician I.P. Pavlov, geneticist N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, singer F.I. Chaliapin, music critic and composer V.V. Stasov, classics of world literature L.N. Tolstoy and A.M. Bitter.

The goal of the game is to throw a bat to knock out from the “city” (hence the name) one by one a certain number of figures made up of 5 towns - cylindrical columns. Main task– spend as few throws as possible to knock out 15 pieces.
The dimensions of the site (“city”) for adults are 2x2 m; distance from the throwing point: far (“con”) – 13 m, near (“half-con”) – 6.5 m; the length of the towns is 20 cm, their diameter is 4.5-5 cm; the length of the bat is no more than 1 m. The pieces are knocked out from the “kon”, but if at least one town is knocked out from the figure, the rest are knocked out from the “half-kon”. But the “letter” only gets off the mark. A town is considered knocked out if it completely goes beyond the lines of the square or mustache. Towns that have rolled out beyond the front (front) line of the square or within the borders of the mustache are considered not knocked out. The “mark” in the “letter” is considered knocked out if neither it nor the bit touched other towns.
The throw is considered lost if:
- the bat touched the foul line or the ground in front of it;
- the player at the moment of the throw stepped or stepped beyond the line of the stake (half-con);
- during the throw, the player stepped over the side bar with his foot;
- the player spent more time (30 seconds) preparing for the throw.
In these cases, all towns are placed in their original places; repeating the blow is not allowed.

A simple, uncomplicated technique for playing little towns and accessible equipment make it possible to teach this game to preschool children.
The main element of the technique is throwing the bat. However, accuracy alone is not enough here; in addition, accurate calculation is necessary. It’s not enough to hit a piece with a bat; you also need it to turn completely around the target and come into contact with the largest number of towns. Therefore, the game needs to work out the throw well so that the bat always rotates at the same speed and makes a full revolution around its center of gravity, flying the same distance each time.
The effectiveness of a throw depends on many reasons: the degree of mastery of the chosen method of throwing, grip of the handle, correct choice of place, innate coordination, perseverance and perseverance in mastering the skills of the game.
The bat throwing technique consists of the following elements:
- gripping or holding the bat by the handle;
- starting position - stand;
- swing - retraction of the bat;
- bit acceleration;
- release or final reinforcement.

“Grip” refers to holding a bat with a hand. There are many varieties of it. There is a deep grip - the end of the bat handle extends beyond the hand; medium - the border of the flesh of the brush coincides with the end of the handle; small – the handle ends under the little finger of the player’s hand.
You can start learning the grip as early as nursery group. The introductory exercise is to learn how to throw at a horizontal target from below yourself. The learning process is carried out in game form, and is called "Pie for Grandma."
Throwing is carried out into a hoop with a bag of sand weighing 150 g, from a short distance (Fig. 1).

The bag lies on the palm of a straight hand, thumb apart, holds the pouch on top. The throw is performed by swinging from below yourself.
In the junior and middle groups, during throwing, attention is paid to the starting position (stance): the left leg in front, the right leg behind, the bag in the right hand (for a right-handed person), for a left-handed person - vice versa. The distance to the hoop increases to 2-3 m (Fig. 2).

Children's attention is drawn to the fact that they cannot step beyond the line or step on it.
In older and preparatory groups Training in the game is carried out in an open urban area. Training begins with small towns and plastic bats (Fig. 3).

After mastering the elements of the game technique, rules and skills in using equipment, the training continues by playing wooden towns (Fig. 4).

Technique training is carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of safety measures and injury prevention.
Spectators and students are located behind the players at a considerable distance, but with an accessible view (Fig. 5).

The learning process is carried out during training sessions by a teacher in physical culture, on a walk and in independent play activity under the supervision of group teachers.
All actions by children are performed only upon command: “You can take the bat,” “You can throw,” “Collect the bats,” etc.
For preschoolers, the “city” has dimensions of 1.5 x 1.5 m. Learning to play begins with knocking out a “fence” figure. In it, the towns are placed vertically on the same line at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other (Fig. 6).

This figure has a large volume, which makes it easier to knock out, increases the emotional interest of children and the desire for perfection.
The player is positioned on the half-cone line at a distance of 3 m from the city and takes the starting position (stance) (Fig. 7).

Positioning the legs. The right foot is placed in front at a distance of a step from the left. The body weight is distributed evenly on both legs without stepping on the line.
The torso occupies a natural position in relation to the position of the legs and is relaxed as far as holding the bat in the hands allows. The head is facing the figure and remains in this position or close to it throughout the throw. The longitudinal axis of the bit is directed towards the figure.

The swing begins with the transfer of body weight to the pushing leg, while the right leg bends slightly at the knee joint. The shoulders move back slightly and rotate clockwise, pulling the bat arms across the side and back. Left hand With a slight push he frees himself from the bat in its direction, and continues to twist his shoulders with the spinal column. The right hand continues to move the bat back, gradually straightening at the elbow joint (Fig. 8).

The right arm straightens all the acceleration and release and does all the work from the shoulder as one with the bat. The throw ends with the throwing of the bat (Fig. 9).

When switching to learning to play with wooden towns, figures are built from them (Fig. 10):

A poster depicting Gorodosh figures should be located in close proximity to the Gorodosh site, in the gym and in the sports corners of groups. This allows children to remember the configuration of figures and options for their construction (Fig. 11).

In unfavorable weather conditions, in winter, inclement spring and autumn, training and improvement of elements of the technique of playing small towns can be carried out in the gym on universal markings. It has a line for constructing figures, a line of a kon and a half-kon (Fig. 12).

Consolidation of technical skills and elements of the game is carried out only with plastic towns during training sessions conducted using a circular flow-differentiated method in one of the training zones (Fig. 13).

Including learning to play small towns in training sessions expands the scope curriculum, enriches children with new sports skills and abilities, deepens knowledge about ancient Russian traditions and outdoor games.
The effectiveness of learning increases with the presence of sports equipment in groups of at least two in each group, with the interest and responsibility of teachers.

Goal: to teach accuracy in throwing a stick

- accuracy of throwing a bat at a target,
- construction of figures.

High society

For rulers, playing gorodki has always been a great way to show: look, mob, we are together! For example, Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin threw the bat (Stalin had a platform at the “Near Dacha”. After hits, he said: “That’s how we do it!”, after misses, he nervously lit a cigarette). In 2006, Vladimir Putin in Izhevsk demolished the “sentries” figure with two blows. And Yuri Luzhkov in 2009 ordered the construction of a site in the courtyard of the Moscow City Hall. True, he never had time to enjoy the game.

Game of towns: figures

The towns in their current form appeared in 1923. Previously, they threw the bat at whoever they wanted, but then the party set the methodologist S.V. Sysoev a task: formulate rules of the game of towns- a truly folk game, an alternative to bourgeois golf or billiards. Sysoev also had to edit the names of the figures: instead of the dissonant “sausage” and “queue,” the ideologically correct “sickle” appeared. Before Sysoev’s revision, more than 150 names were used pieces for playing town(often in different words they called one combination), after which 15 remained.

Swing for the ruble

Hardened city dwellers believe that in Soviet times the towns were the second most popular sport after football (I wonder, do the domino players know?). The city playground, they say, was a mandatory attribute of a decent boarding house, along with three meals a day and catamarans on the beach. In the 70s, more than 600,000 people threw the stick with varying success; now there are 30-40 times fewer gorodoshniks. You can’t make money by playing gorodki: the prize fund of the most lucrative competition in the world, the Moscow Mayor’s Cup, is 250,000 rubles.

Docking with the world

The International Federation of Urban Sports (IFGS) includes 10 countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Finland and Sweden. According to IFGS President Evgeniy Artamonov, players from Israel, Norway and even Canada will come to the next 2011 World Cup. Most of the participants are our emigrants. In Germany, the most advanced urban EU country, the towns are run by Edwin Feser: in Soviet times he worked at a vocational school in Chelyabinsk, and now he trains children in Karlsruhe.

Rules of the game in towns

Your task is to throw the bat so that the towns (5 wooden cylinders that make up the figure) fly out of the “city”, a square with a side of 2 m. The first time you throw from 13 m; if the towns are still in the city, but at least one has left it, repeat the throw from 6.5 m. And so on until victory. What's so difficult, you ask? And the fact that the standard for a master of sports is 132 bits for 90 figures. We’re not even talking about the absolute record of 109 bits (set by Leonid Aniskin in 1997).

If there was a man

Here they will never tell you: sorry, you don’t fit. If you can throw the bat, go ahead. The age “record” for regional Russian competitions in playing gorodki is 98 years old, the youngest participant was 4 years old. Word to Evgeniy Artamonov: “The main quality of an athlete is psychological stability. Competitions last three hours, but you can lose everything in one second.” However, this activity cannot be called physically easy at all: the athlete walks about 2 km per workout and does a lot of squats.

Played in a box

If the game of small towns is like the moon before being included in the Olympic program, then they waited for inclusion in the reality show The Amazing Race of the American channel CBS. The essence of the show: participants must pass checkpoints in different countries, performing tasks with a “national” flavor. Last year in St. Petersburg, The Amazing Race players had to knock out three pieces when playing towns: “cannon”, “star” and “well”. “It was fun,” recalls Evgeniy Artamonov. “One team ran to the line first, but ran away last: they couldn’t get there for an hour.”

You have a letter

The classic rules of the town game involve knocking out 15 pieces. In “Eurotowns” (same rules, only played with polymer bats) there is a sixteenth figure - “fax”. In classic towns, all the pieces except the “letter” can be knocked out by a professional player with one bat. The peculiarity of the “letter” is that the towns are placed in the corners of the “city”, and in the center lies another town - the “mark”. Previously, players had to first "print the letter" - stamp out a stamp. And then we’ll move on to the rest of the towns. The figure required at least three bits. Now the rule with the “stamp” has been abolished and the letter is knocked out with two bits.

Where to play

There are more than 1,000 urban sites in Russia, most often you can play on them for free. Equipment rental costs from 50 to 100 rubles. per hour Personal kits for playing small towns are sold on the Internet for 700-4500 rubles.

Double-edged sword

If you think that a bat is an ordinary wooden stick, then you are very mistaken. According to the rules of the game of small towns, this is a “rod no more than a meter long”, which consists of:

1. Glass It is usually made of steel. The glass may have thickenings that provide the necessary strength to the bat.

2. Metal bushings- help the bat gain weight (professionals usually throw bats weighing 3.5-4.2 kg).

3. Inserts Most often they are made from wood-laminated plastic or dogwood - it is much stronger than oak, not to mention birch.

4. Handles It is made from a textolite rod: it is very durable and does not wear out for at least 10 years.

Give it up

Do you want to learn how to knock out figures? Game of towns- this is, first of all, the correct throw.

Take the bat in your right hand (if you are right-handed). Left - hold it slightly. Bend your right arm at the elbow 90°, press your elbow to your body, and turn your palm up.

Place your feet correctly: your right foot is turned at an angle of 30-45° to the direction of the throw, your left foot is slightly in front. Move your right arm back and down, turn your body to the right. Bend your right leg slightly at the knee, transfer the center of gravity to it.

Acceleration of the bat begins immediately after the completion of the backward movement of the bat - with a powerful turn of both legs on the toes with a simultaneous turn of the pelvis. Following your legs and pelvis, sharply turn your torso and shoulder girdle.

When throwing, the left elbow should make an active movement to the left and back. This jerk will help keep your torso from leaning forward and rotate your shoulder girdle.

As the acceleration begins, the right hand should be as close to the body as possible to ensure control of the bat at the moment of a powerful turn of the legs and body. The hand is turned in the direction of the throw, relaxed and located slightly behind the line of the hand.

At the moment of the throw, put your hand forward, let go of the bat and pray that it hits the figure and not someone through the window. Remember: when thrown correctly, the bat should fly parallel to the ground.

Nota bene: The throw must be done while inhaling.

Text: Alexander Belyaev

Photo: Diomedia/Alamy, Legion-Media

Illustrations: Iriney Kalachev

Gorodok sports, better known as gorodki, have one of the richest histories of all Olympic sports. Both adults and children love it; it requires an accurate eye and a faithful hand. There are rules for both individual and team championships; throwing technique, which has several types, plays a special role.

Sports game towns

Town sport is the act of knocking out 5 towns with bats from a square called a “city”: cylinder-shaped chumps, they are made up in different versions. This game was first mentioned in the chronicles of Ancient Rus'; it was loved by Tsar Peter the Great and commander Suvorov. Some politicians the beginning of the 20th century considered small towns one of the best games and loved to compete in accuracy.

There were no general rules then; they appeared only in 1923, when the All-Union competitions were first organized in Moscow. Ten years later, other principles appeared, where 15 figures were determined, and soon championships in towns became a popular pastime. The goal was to knock out all the pieces with a minimum of attempts; whichever participant or team had fewer of them was the winner of the competition.

The first championship in urban sports after the cessation of existence Soviet Union started in Russia in 1993, federations soon appeared in other union republics. Today, towns - tournaments take place both between two players and between teams. As soon as a couple of beats are punched, the next team enters, alternating at the end of the game.

The team that wins two games without a break wins. In a round, from five to fifteen figures are played, arranged in a strict sequence. The rules can be changed during the game, but there are also unshakable principles. The main rules of urban sports:

  1. The tournament is held between two participants or teams of 5 players.
  2. Bits are selected in standard sizes.
  3. The “city” is determined by drawing lots.
  4. The player must not cross the line; doing so may result in the player losing his bat.
  5. Teams take turns playing, using a couple of bats at a time.
  6. How many throws to make is agreed upon in advance.

Grounds for urban sports

On large sports competitions sites are selected taking into account the following requirements:

  • absolutely flat surface;
  • batting wall;
  • fence;
  • lighting for evening tournaments;
  • awnings to hide from the rain.

In towns, the size of the site is two by two meters, 13 meters are measured from the horse. The length of the towns is at least 20 centimeters, and the bits are one meter. Pieces are knocked off the horse if one is hit, and already - with more close range. Only the “letter” is knocked off the line. The hit is counted if the piece flies out of the square, and the “letter” is counted if the other pieces are not hit.

Bits for urban sports

Towns is a bats game, all players must have two. There are:

  1. Composite. Up to a meter long, with a round base, of any weight and size.
  2. Polymer. The length allowed is the same - about a meter, but the weight cannot exceed two kilograms.

Gorodoshny sport - figures

It is very difficult to knock out pieces; a blow does not count when:

  1. The bat hit the foul line.
  2. The throwing player has stepped over the line.
  3. The participant spent more than 30 seconds preparing to throw.

Svetlana Samoilik
The first steps in teaching children and adults to play little towns

TOWNS- an ancient Slavic game. Its history goes back several centuries. Mention of towns can be found in fairy tales, and in ancient legends, and in documents related to the history of Ancient Rus'. This game has gone down in our history as part of the national culture.

Game of towns develops the eye, intelligence, precision of movements, strengthens the muscles of the arms and torso.

The goal of the game is to throw the bat out of « cities» (hence the name) alternately a certain number of figures made up of 5 towns– cylindrical columns. The main task is to spend as few throws as possible to knock out 15 pieces.

Site dimensions ( « city» ) For adults – 2x2 m; distance from place throws: far ( "con") – 13 m, near ( "half-con") – 6.5 m; length towns – 20 cm, their diameter is 4.5-5 cm; bat length - no more than 1 m. Figures are knocked out with "kona", but if at least one of the pieces is knocked out town, the rest are knocked out with "half-cone". But "letter" is knocked out only with "kona". The town is considered to be knocked out, if it completely goes beyond the lines of the square or whiskers. Towns, rolled out of the front (front) the line of the square or within the mustache are considered not knocked out. "Mark" V "letter" is considered knocked out if neither it nor the bat hit others towns.

The throw is considered lost If:

the bat touches the foul line or the ground in front of it;

the player stepped or stepped beyond the stake line at the moment of the throw (half-cone);

during the throw, the player stepped over the side bar with his foot;

the player spent more time (30 seconds) preparing for the throw.

All towns in these cases, they are placed in their original places; the blow is not allowed to be repeated.

A simple, uncomplicated technique for playing towns, available inventory make it possible teach this game to children preschool age.

The main element of the technique is throwing the bat. However, accuracy alone is not enough here; in addition, accurate calculation is necessary. It’s not enough to hit a piece with a bat; you also need it to turn completely around the target and come into contact with the largest number towns. That's why game it is necessary to work out the throw well so that the bat always rotates at the same speed and makes a full revolution around its center of gravity, flying the same distance each time.

The effectiveness of a throw depends on many reasons: degree of mastery of the chosen method of throwing, grip of the handle, correct choice of place, innate coordination, perseverance and perseverance in mastering the skills of the game.

The bat throwing technique consists of the following elements:

gripping or holding the bat by the handle;

starting position - stand;

swing - retraction of the bat;

bit acceleration;

release or final boost.

"Grab" called holding the bat with a brush. There are many varieties of it. There is a deep grip - the end of the bat handle extends beyond the hand; medium - the border of the flesh of the brush coincides with the end of the handle; small – the handle ends under the little finger of the player’s hand.

Positioning the legs. The right foot is placed in front at a distance of a step from the left. The body weight is distributed evenly on both legs without stepping on the line.

The torso occupies a natural position in relation to the position of the legs and is relaxed as far as holding the bat in the hands allows. The head is facing the figure and remains in this position or close to it throughout the throw. The longitudinal axis of the bit is directed towards the figure.

The swing begins with the transfer of body weight to the pushing leg, while the right leg bends slightly at the knee joint. The shoulders move back slightly and rotate clockwise, pulling the bat arms across the side and back. The left hand releases the bat with a slight push in the direction of it, and continues to twist the shoulders with the spinal column. The right hand continues to move the bat back, gradually straightening at the elbow joint.

The right arm straightens all the acceleration and release and does all the work from the shoulder as one with the bat. The throw ends with the throwing of the bat.

Education equipment is carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of safety measures and injury prevention. Spectators and trainees are located behind the players at a considerable distance, but with an accessible view.

For preschoolers" city" has dimensions of 1.5x1.5 m. Learning to play begins with knocking out the “fence” figure. In it towns placed vertically on the same line at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other

This figure has a large volume, which makes it easier to knock out and increases emotional interest. children and the pursuit of excellence.

The player is located on the half-cone line at a distance of 3 m from cities and returns to its original position (stand).

In unfavorable weather conditions, in winter, inclement spring and autumn, education and improving the elements of playing technique towns can be carried out in a spacious room.

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