What to do if events in life repeat themselves. Why do life situations repeat themselves?

Do you often become a victim of a splinter?

An ordinary little thing that causes severe physical pain and is inherently unpleasant.

But this is a warning. Sign. "The bell." Clue to get out of the brewing global situation.

A lesson that will be much more difficult to pass if we remain blind and deaf to the warnings of the world.

Sound familiar??

This story past life will reveal reasons for recurring situations, and how a thorn in the heel led to a life of royalty.

Thorn in my path

I was walking with my friend through the forest and suddenly shuddered and stopped from unexpected pain in my leg.

There was a stabbing sensation in my foot as if a needle or glass had been stabbed deeply. Splinter.

For the rest of the walk I walked, carefully stepping on my toes, afraid to disturb the pain in my heel. First thought: “I’m not going there.”

Our conversation turned to the topic: “Have you read Nekrasov?” - “No, I don’t read anything like that. All men impose on us an ideal of how to live, what kind of woman to be, so that it would be convenient for men, so that we all turn into Lyubasha from Marinina’s novel “The Look of Eternity”...

On the part of the interlocutor, there was a categorical rejection of the topic of revealing femininity, working with one’s character and beliefs.

Live as you are. Whichever one was born, that's how it fits.

I feel that we are not on the same path. Although there is a great desire to “save” her, to open her eyes, show the beauty and breadth of vision of life!

And here other sensations joined in. It was my inner indignation and disagreement, and a burning lump somewhere in the solar plexus area gave no rest.

At the level of sensations there was a cord from the solar plexus to the interlocutor. I feel powerless, that I can’t tell her anything, that she doesn’t want to understand.

She doesn't look at it from different angles. It’s as if he’s looking through a keyhole and talking about what’s in the room and the lives of the people in it.

Throughout the walk I felt a contradiction, a multidirectionality of perceptions and desires.

The interlocutor simply “pressed” into my field, attracted attention, provoked a response, in other words, pestered me and looked into my eyes.

For her, the forest through which we walked was a room, the trees were like walls, and I was her center of attention.

She has desire to assert oneself in front of me, to be in the spotlight, to be in demand.

And she chose me as a “demandee” and a battery for her activity.

She wants to show how educated, literate, and valuable she is as a specialist. That the years of learning and teaching were not in vain.

My purpose for the walk was to ground myself, tune in to nature, and observe spring in the forest.

The forest is like space, like a place of power; I wanted to listen not to the voice of my interlocutor, but to the singing of birds and the noise of trees in the wind.

It was mine a defensive reaction to her intrusion.

Returning from a walk, I could no longer hear her words, because my daughter was sitting in my arms and screaming right in my ear.

So she confirmed my feelings and created the background I needed at that moment for protection.

But I brought this whole situation into my life myself. And I understood that there was something to understand here. There is value.

Later I figured it out and everything fell into place.

“Tails” from the past

Walking through the memories of my youth and childhood, I found several repetitions.

I am 15 years old. Republican Olympics. Everyone is getting ready, and only one girl goes from one group to another with the words “I won’t succeed” and “I don’t know anything.” And then I turn on!

She needs to be saved! Show that she will succeed.

And instead of repeating the material myself and getting ready for the performance, I joined in pitying her, “pulling” the girl into a working state.

As a result, by the time of the competition itself I was completely exhausted, but she seemed to turn on and shine. After the performance, I could not hold back my tears.

Complete powerlessness and disbelief. I didn't succeed. I didn't know anything...

Even earlier. I’m 5 years old, and my neighbor’s girl and I are playing shopping on the sofa. And she does her best to prove that this product is worth TWO HUNDRED!

And inside I have the same pain in the solar plexus and powerlessness, I can’t prove anything to her. That there is no such number. That there are two hundred thousand three hundred rubles. But there is no TWESTIST.

After much arguing, I go home exhausted and disappointed that I can’t prove anything to this person because she doesn’t hear me.

Her desire to look more educated, smart, literate. She's not cut out for it either. Her mother is a teacher.

She knows how to suppress and manipulate other people's opinions and emotions. She knows what's right.

Remembering this event, I saw an energetic golden cord from the solar plexus that was reaching out to my interlocutor.

I voluntarily pumped her up with my energy. I just signed an agreement - they say, if you want it, take it. How much is needed.

Roots from a past life

14th century Germany. I am a young woman, 27 years old, Isabella.

I'm wearing a long velvet burgundy dress, with a golden brocade skirt on top of it. The whole dress is beautifully embroidered with golden threads.

The head is covered with white transparent fabric, topped with a crown. (Later on Wikipedia I found confirmation of my memories that Isabella of Burgundy was the second wife of Rudolph the First of Habsburg).

I walk around the neighborhood with my assistants and maids. We collect flowers and herbs in a basket.

I feel young, I don’t think about status. I enjoy nature and female communication.

A woman comes, big, heavy. This is my nurse, who is still at court. (I recognize my friend from my childhood memories, from my current life, where I am 5 years old).

She is wearing a headdress made of twisted fabric, like a half-crown, a bun. Noblewoman.

Defiant facial expression. He teases me with words that it is not appropriate to walk with the maids and do such things. That my place is in the castle.

She knows better what and how I need to do, how to live. After all, she was appointed as my nurse, a close friend of my mother. She wants to show her superiority in any situation.

She hurts me, I join in the argument myself and transfer my energy to her.

She looks like a well with a wooden bottom, and I am a water mill, which she turns and fills herself with my water-energy.

In the future, she will intrigue, spread gossip and strive to take my place.

The king gets tired of this unrest at court, and he exiles her to a distant village in his domain and she grows old alone.

Is there a way out?

Putting all my memories together, I realized a lot.

Firstly, I myself attracted these people into my life in order to understand and realize the value of my boundaries. And express self-love through preserving them.

Secondly, these people are my mirror and hint. At the heart of these situations is PRIDE. Both in my interlocutors and in me.

Otherwise, I could not notice what is not in me. It's like two young cockerels meeting and proving to each other who is more beautiful and stronger.

It was a lesson for the soul- identify your pride and find the right solution. The splinter became a clear reminder that I had deviated from the intended path. I'm not going there.

Thirdly, a great resource is not to waste your time and energy on such people. Moreover, for “rescue”.

Because the idea “I will save her” also stems from pride. Because I know something that you don't know. I live in a way you can't. And you have no idea. And here lies the “wrong path”.

Fourth, I realized that in such situations the most powerful tool is humor and honesty.

In a situation from a past life, if I had met her indignation with a joke and a smile from the first moment (read, with love and without pride), everything would have turned out in a radically different way.

The alternative was that this woman would fulfill her role as a teacher for me, get married, move to another city and become the manager of a handicraft factory.

In a situation from childhood, there would be a remark: “This is a fantasy store, so the prices will be the same as we come up with.”

In school interactions, a joke would also put everything in its place and relieve tension.

And in the very last situation, to the words of my interlocutor, “I have the audacity to invite you for a walk,” my response-refusal with a joke would be appropriate.

If I had listened to myself, there wouldn’t have been any pain. But because of it, valuable realizations occurred and the lesson was learned.

Sometimes a thorn leads to memories of royal life. And this is a very exciting and interesting investigation!

Three vampires

During the writing of this article, several alternative names appeared. One of them is “The Tale of Three Vampires”. This means, of course, energy.

But this option went away because another vision appeared.

An energy vampire is litmus test of the level of our self-love, self-worth, maintaining internal boundaries.

If he is near you, then pay attention to your reaction. It's not so much the situation that matters, but your reaction to it.

And even more so, if the situation with such people is repeated, it means that your lesson has not been completed and requires rethinking.

And also, classifying people into this category - energy vampires, - we thereby feed our pride even more.

Let's inflate it even more. Like, she is so and so, wrong. And a person draws energy from others because he is a victim, or an aggressor, or a user.

In fact, this person at some point lacked love. From mother, from father, from friends, from society.

First of all, I went to look on the side. And finds ways and means. And those who will be hooked by their pride.

But best manifestation It will be your LOVE to decisively step out of this person’s field so that he can find a source of strength within himself.

How to break the vicious circle.

The presence of repeating events of the same type in a person’s life is determined by the habit of reacting to these events according to the same scenario.

Reacting according to the usual pattern is a movement in the direction specified by the event itself., this is its continuation, this is the creation in a series, in a sequence, in a necklace of identical, same-type, single-scenario events - exactly the same. The habitual response is moving along a well-worn path, moving with your eyes closed, holding on to a thread, which is aimed at collecting and attracting similar events, i.e. events carrying the same charge, the same color, the same emotions and moods.

Like a river flow, gaining speed and strength with each new

like a stream flowing into it, so a series of events captures

hugs and carries you into the unknown until it throws you onto the rocks, shattering hope,

faith and love.

Passion, ignorance and illusion are properties inherent in the world of matter.

The ocean of samsara, captivating travelers, rages along the surface of the earth.

Break vicious circle you can consciously change your

reactions to the event. From a stream of events, from a series of similar situations

just like from a river, you need to exit towards the shore, perpendicular to the flow.

In terms of emerging from the ocean of illusions, this is It

implies non-standard, inadequate, unusual

response aimed at stopping, blocking and

reorientation of the energy flow fueling events.

There are recurring events result of the response With the dead-end “like you, like me” scheme. Believing that justice is restored in this way, the person who thinks this way becomes even more drawn into a series of situations that seem unfair, snapping the clasp of a necklace from such events onto himself. This closes a circle that can become one of the circles of hell. The level of the game is who has the strongest forehead. For dubious victories - bonuses in the form of additional lives and opportunities to continue testing your forehead for strength. There is no way out in this labyrinth except straightening the proud title within oneself - Man, putting together a ladder of broken spears and broken foreheads in order to finally reach the sky.

In the life of every person there is such a set, such a necklace of repeating events. Through all the pearls there runs like a red thread the emotional basis, the reason for repetitions. You can identify a group of events, the basis of which is fear, resentment, hatred.... You need to remember as many events as possible, united by one basis, and pull out the thread, i.e. react once again in a non-standard way, contrary to expectations, breaking the rules of the game. Previously, having mentally rehearsed on past events, loosen the thread psychological dependence and significance. But the highest emotional release can be obtained by acting in the present.

The purity of foods that nourish the body greatly influences our perception and sensitivity to the truth of what is happening. The energy of artificial additives clouds the mind, dulls sensitivity and innate sense of truth. Increased sensitivity to the purity of incoming information is facilitated by the consumption of clean, undistorted, chemically and, accordingly, energetically, products. Eco-friendly healthy products They will cleanse the body of toxins, set you in a clean, healthy mood and help you perceive information as it is, clearly distinguishing its hidden key points.

Magic point of event power

The magical point of power, the entry-exit point into the vicious circle of repeating events is located in the events themselves, in all moments that initiate the manifestation of any emotions, relationships, self-definitions, positionings...

Most of the time a person is in experiences of the past or an imagined future - invented and, as a rule, exaggerated. An overvaluation without alternative pushes one to express feelings familiar to a person, chasing the same wave of emotions in circles.

Selfless exaggeration of importance, proof of correctness, subjective truth - this is walking from event to event, giving the opportunity to multiply oneself and repeat many times, to the limit, to the point of exhaustion. But, after a short respite, everything will repeat all over again, with even greater strength, depth and development.

But everything in the world is multidimensional, multi-level and multi-layered, including events and every point of emotional experience. It is the event, as a certain mass, a conglomerate of different opinions, points of view and intentions, that is a pass to another reality, different from the one that captured attention and carried away into its own game with its own rules.

Life game scenarios always contain provocation and an explosion of emotions. The same pattern is repeated with predictable accuracy. But it's worth it stop, realize the moment of retraction, change the quality of the wave sent, as the circuit breaks, the provocateur disappears. A new quality of energy impulse leads to another level, to another world, where another game rules and there are other rules that can be accepted, rejected, ignored, adjusted or changed, establishing your own. However, for these actions it is necessary to remain not drawn into the game, to remain outside the game, in the status of an outside observer, be aware, awake, so as not to miss the moment of emotional being drawn into the funnel of experiences, proofs, disputes....

When meeting a person, event, problem or something else that carries a charge of something that you would not want to be involved in - the principle is the same - raise your emotions to another level, change the frequency and quality of energy information radiation. Due to the charge of such vibrations, awareness is more high quality, they will be stronger and transfer the entire precedent to their level, or they will introduce an imbalance in the contact connection and disconnect them. At the same time, it is important to analyze the reasons for the appearance in your life exactly these events, try to find the reasons and understand them. High-quality awareness of karmic causes will eliminate the occurrence of similar situations in the future, and the creation of positive imprints will plant the seeds of well-being in the subconscious.

The same events will repeat in your life as long as your reaction to them remains the same as always. It may seem to you the only correct one, but this does not mean that it is so. Everything is determined by experience, upbringing, knowledge that comes into your field of vision... But, as many people as there are, so many opinions, and everyone is confident that they are right and is ready to argue their opinion as the only correct one. People's reactions to each situation will be different and all will be “the only correct ones.”

The point of power is in your thoughts, your head, the point of exit and entry. What prevents you from seeing this is involvement and the habit of thinking in terms of matter, copying someone else’s script. Copying someone else's script is still the same departure from oneself, from a point of power, a departure from one's world into parallel and alien worlds, where everything is alien and, therefore, everything is wrong, and where peace cannot be found.

The manifestation of life at a given moment in time and place - here and now, surpasses in strength all states of deviations from this point. Spraying, spreading to the side reduces the concentration of force, dulls its brightness and clarity. Instead of a spark of light of reason, you get a blot.

Leaving yourself, not accepting the present is the transformation of your lucky star, your stellar destiny into an amorphous, loose “neither here nor there.” Failure to accept the present is a denial of oneself, of one’s nature and purpose of being a co-creator of the universe, it is a lie to oneself, it is the transfer of control of one’s life into the hands of others and walking in circles in the fog, in the sleep of consciousness.

Only a clear, distinct feeling, a sense of reality at every moment of its manifestation - is a concentration of strength and will, a chance for awareness and change, a point that sets the vector of movement past-present-future, an intersection of lines of fate and opportunity..

At the point of entry and exit, as at any crossroads of paths and roads, the wind of emotions blows most strongly, swooping in with a flurry of indignation and indignation, it knocks you off your feet and circles you in the plane of the familiar sector of the reality of being. It seems that the world is collapsing, leaving no hope for a successful outcome, and you want to plunge into the sleep of unrealistic dreams, to lose yourself in the construction of castles in the air.

But you need to find the courage to catch the wave, accept the present moment, open up, feel the point “here and now”, draw a vertical line and rise along it to the level of strength thoughts, the strength of aspirations, to become higher than emotions, to get out from under their yoke and direct their power into the channel of intention, to launch their powerful flow from its source, drawing the line of fate.

These key moments seem critical and dangerous; they convey enormous potential and unprecedented power.. Their wave covers people and carries them into the ocean of life. Frightened by grandiosity and greatness, a person becomes small and helpless, rocking on the waves of everyday turmoil, like an embryo in the amniotic fluid of the world's faceless house; seeing only them appearance, afraid of him, not daring to look into his heart, lift the veil of his secrets and touch his fiery power.

Any problem contains the potential for its solution. Any point - the concentration of difficulties is ready to explode festive fireworks, you just have to not allow yourself to be smeared on the plane of fantasy: the past snatched by memory - the near-present - the unreal future; gather all of yourself in the present, boldly look at the play of shadows, interrupt their crazy masquerade.

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Looped events

By definition - looped events, I mean events that influence themselves, and perhaps generate themselves from their culminating point. Those. the final or any other point of an event has a direct impact on its initial and all intermediate points. It often happens that it is the result, the outcome, that is the initiator of the consistent changes that have occurred in life. It doesn't matter that she is on our timeline in the so-called. future. Having parallels on the spiral of time, it has its roots, its similarities, both in the past and in the future. In fact, all events are looped and influence themselves.

Example 1: a father, before his death, curses his children because they treated him badly, but the children treated him badly only because the father cursed them at the end of his life. (an example from the book “Eniology”, which can be bought here or read for free on the “Enio” website);

Example 2: a guy and a girl meet, they have a great time together, their acquaintance drags on, but an inexplicable sadness casts a shadow over their relationship. As a result, everything goes wrong in their relationship, leading to its end. Love dies painfully. But, on the other hand, this very break casts a shadow on the entire chain, the sequence of events in their history, transferring to the streamer leading to the break.

And such a relationship scenario has a habit of repeating itself, each time leading to the same point, confronting the same fact, task in different variations. Therefore, in order to correct any recurring situation, it is necessary to correct, work out, transform that final culminating point around which, for the sake of which events are formed.

Perhaps the situation was born out of a similar one and was a consequence of a karmic return, which, in turn, also did not appear out of nowhere... so where, after all, did it begin....? Perhaps, I suppose, there were, and are in our world, so-called initiators, provocateurs destructive behavior and karmic transfers.(About the technical side of the issue in articles Mental magic, How to give away bad karma, No Karma, No Sin). But, since you didn’t ask them for this, it means you don’t have to take it, you can return all their destructive programs back and demand the return of your potential and your field of events. (based on "Enyo" data).

Here are some steps to follow to transform your causes:

1. Remembering all similar situations and asking for forgiveness from all their participants, even if you can’t remember, will not be superfluous:

For the fact that you may have been their cause or their victim;

For the fact that someone suffered from your thoughts, words and actions;

Because you allowed yourself to suffer from someone’s thoughts, words and actions;

Because you condemned those or sympathized with those who were in a similar situation (and it didn’t matter whether they were real people or fictional characters);

And, also, forgive (ie.let go).

When carrying out this work, it is important to remember that Between the words “Forgive” and “FAREWELL” there is an equal sign. There is no need to look for excuses, try to understand - just let go. After all, as long as you keep any cargo with you, it is, accordingly, yours, but as you let it go, it will become easier for you, and it will return to where it came from in accordance with its relationship.

You may not be able to remember right away., perhaps you will deny that you were complicit in such scenarios. Events of the past can be hidden deep in memory, maybe they happened in a past life, or they can be planned in the future... after all, any “nerve-tickling” event always repeats itself if you don’t resolve it properly, kindly, without claims to yourself and the world . Many people don’t remember what happened yesterday, - fleeting condemnation, ridicule, sympathy - and karma is pulled in, and is already taking root to sprout and put you in a similar position, but on the other hand...

2. Strictly and clearly declare the inviolability of one’s will and mind, demand that everyone involved take back their programs and return your potential to you;

3. Find this situation in your field of events, annihilate it with awareness of the reasons, flood it with light;

4 . Visualize the point corresponding to the event in your mind, imagination and keep it under the gun of your inner gaze, until it loses its meaning and strength. It’s not for nothing that there are expressions - “to incinerate with a glance”, “you’ll rub a hole in me”... This is not as easy to do as it seems... This gray, black... dot, like a cunning animal, will dodge, distract attention, and escape from under the gun, hide in doubts and confuse thoughts... But with persistence, the result will be impressive.

(More methods for working through difficult situations in the article Solutions).

The influence of thoughts, words, decisions, and actions on the entire field of events as a whole, or on any event in particular, is similar to adding seasonings to a pot of fate’s brew. It doesn't matter where you add salt or sweeten it - in the past or in the future, the taste spreads in all directions. You need to catch and work through the decisive moment, and not look after for someone who acquired the wrong taste, throwing themselves at people, loved ones, being offended or blaming. There is always the opportunity to mentally return to the past in order to work through and realize the decisive moment. Under the influence of awareness, everything changes, the streamer of events changes, all its key points change, reality changes.... and everything can still be fixed, it can still turn out differently...

Very often, querents (those who turn to me for fortune telling) are concerned with the question of why the same events and plots are repeated in their lives? Is it their fault?

Illustration: deviantart.com

Yes, they are involved. I do not claim that all events in life occur according to the will of the person himself, but people can influence their destiny - and very strongly.

Let's take an example. A woman meets the same type of men - lovers of strong drinks. And every second, if not first, of her men is partial to alcohol. Why?

Yes because. In her soul, a woman feels like a rescuer. She needs to sacrifice herself, to pull a person out of the swamp. Although in words, and maybe in her soul, she complains about her unenviable lot.

Another beauty doesn't understand why men avoid her? It seems like the figure is chiseled and the face is doll-like, but they run to their neighbor Dasha and invite her to the cinema, leaving the beauty alone with her image in the mirror.

Yes, because people read from this girl that her doll-like personality is not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Why does a man need a doll? Unless you leave it as a gift to some friend.

The third woman picks up only gigolos. And she doesn’t understand, paying for his next purchase in the supermarket, why she constantly comes across such men.

I am not calling on everyone to change immediately and urgently. Everyone has their own psychotype and ideal, but a woman must love herself. And not for her beautiful eyes, breasts, legs or butt, but for the fact that she - Nastya, Lena, Galya - is the only one like her in the world and there is no other like her on the entire planet and there never will be!

We must work on ourselves, become better day by day, otherwise there will be no development and we will, at best, mark time. But working and loving are two different things. Try to see your mistakes, accept them, learn to analyze them and, if possible, correct them. Under no circumstances should you vilify yourself or engage in self-flagellation! This will bring nothing but depression and low self-esteem. Try to see the positive in everything. And in my mistakes too. Yes, today I stumbled, did the wrong thing, not what I wanted, and wrong, but I clearly see what my mistake was. Tomorrow I will definitely work on myself and won’t let something like this happen again! And if I don’t succeed, I’ll take as much time as I need to work on my mistakes. The most important thing is that I see my goal and the path I need to follow.


    Many thanks to Alexandra for her work. She explained the situation absolutely correctly and gave advice on how to behave. I'm very pleased.

    I would like to express my gratitude to Kira and pay tribute to her professionalism. Say thank you very much for everything. This was my first time using this type of service...

    Many thanks to Kira! This was not the first time I chose Kira, but this was the first time I received consultation through live communication (via Skype) and really appreciated the positive side of such interaction. Firstly, we, the askers, often cannot accurately formulate the question and generally do not know how to ask it correctly. Therefore, Kira helped me with the formulation of questions during the preliminary consultation...

    Many thanks to Alexandra for the consultation! Alexandra is not only a highly professional runologist, but also an attentive psychologist, who has a individual approach, her advice helped me a lot. I will definitely recommend it to my friends and acquaintances.

    Dear Kira! I just re-listened to our conversation with you and felt an urgent need to say thank you again. Right now, many months later. Because I then and I now are completely two different people. And all this is thanks to you and that Hagalazov fence that fell out in the layout. You were the beginning. I had to change a lot, my way of thinking, my attitude towards life, towards people, towards myself. Work a lot on self-esteem, learn to accept and love yourself, listen to yourself in order to accept and love others for who they are. And as soon as changes began inside, life outside immediately changed. I now love every moment of every day. Every morning I say somewhere in the sky, “I’m going to have a great day!” and every evening I say “Thank you!” And it’s so amazing - I really have something to say thank you to the universe for every evening. Thanks again to you and your runes for everything!

    I want to say a big thank you to Kira for her help. thank you! you helped me a lot. they delved into my question, sorted everything out... deep down I thought so, but I simply could not understand and accept. but after your words I will begin to act. you helped me understand who I am and how I need to behave! I felt much better after talking with you. Thank you!

Sometimes in life there are difficulties. Sometimes these difficulties are long and complex. Sometimes we wait for the end of the dark streak with all our might. But those problems that are repeated are especially exhausting and take away the last of your mental strength. IN different situations, in a different wrapper, with new circumstances. But the essence does not change. It would seem that we have just gone through a difficult stage in life, and before we even have time to come to our senses, it all starts again. It’s as if there is a curse, damage. Or is it fate - to suffer all the time. Or in the heavenly office they mixed up something and mistakenly sent only tests, only difficulties.

What does the repetition of the situation actually mean? Is it an accidental injustice or a planned plan of higher powers to make you suffer? The answer to this question can be found if you look at your problems from the outside, using one unusual analogy.

Imagine a schoolchild who studies poorly, is irresponsible in doing homework, behaves disgracefully and violates all the rules of decent behavior. And he does this systematically; failures for him are not the exception, but the rule. What are the consequences of this behavior? The fact that he will not be promoted to the next grade, but will be left for the second year. And he will go through the same lessons again, again he will face the same tasks that he failed to cope with a year ago. Because she's like that school curriculum. Because his mission is to get an education.

IN ordinary life the situation is very similar to ours school system education. We are students higher powers- our teachers. Life situations are the tasks that we face. And the repetition of the situation only means that last time they failed to overcome it and, like a schoolchild, stayed for the second year. What does this look like in real life?

A lot of examples can be given. Let's look at just a few of them:

— Unhappy relationships that constantly develop according to the same scenario. A woman meets a seemingly decent man. Sympathy, interest, attraction appear. A relationship begins. And over time it changes. For example, he starts drinking. Or be rude. Treats her with disrespect. Change. There are many options. And after a long time of her tears and suffering, they part. Or they get divorced if they managed to get married by that time. And then after a while she meets another man, completely different from the previous one. A relationship begins and everything again follows the same scenario. Like a carbon copy.

— Diseases that take a very long time and are difficult to treat. They cause physical suffering and complete mental exhaustion. Doctors, healers, psychics. And after many attempts it comes. But not for long. Over time, a relapse occurs and only gets worse. Or another disease arises, no less complex and painful.

- Problems with money. When everything falls apart. And business, and all the work done previously. Deferred stocks are thinning. Everything gets out of hand. After a long rehabilitation, when, it would seem, we managed to get back on our feet, the situation repeats again and everything collapses again. No money.

- Relationships with loved ones. When betrayal follows betrayal and it seems that there are no more friendly and sincere people. Or when a person constantly faces deception. Or envy. Meanness. It doesn't matter with what. The main thing is that he is haunted by a repetition of the situation.

As you can see, this can apply to any area of ​​life. And this does not mean at all that or that a generational curse has been imposed on you. This is just a reflection of your mistakes, which you make systematically, just like a schoolboy who, before repeating his second year, receives a whole diary of bad marks. Understanding what these errors are is your task.

It’s hard to believe that all the alcoholic men who come your way are the result of some of your mistakes. Taking responsibility for your life is never easy. What if it is a debilitating disease? What does this have to do with you? It’s hard to believe, but this is also a consequence of mistakes. Any repetition of a situation is not an accident, but a pattern that needs to be realized.

If you understand this, then solving problems will become easier. After all, what student blames his fate, higher powers or teachers for the fact that he stayed in the second year? If you cut yourself with a knife while cooking, do you blame the knife? If a child trips and falls, does he blame the stone on the road? No. In these cases, taking responsibility is a very simple and clear task. But with more global life problems We lack awareness, wisdom and tact to admit that we are guilty.

And understanding this is the first step to changing your destiny.

Almost everyone experiences repeating situations, and this is no coincidence. The fact that the situation is repeated again and again speaks of an internal unresolved problem to which it (the situation) points. Someone loses their job, someone is often rude to someone, but he is lost and does not know how to behave, someone finds himself in a situation of too difficult a choice, etc. The key point here is repetition, i.e., the same situation happens over and over again, the time, place, characters, but the essence and our feelings remain the same.

We are required to resolve an internal problem, and if the situation repeats, it is only because we react/act the same way every time without changing our behavior. Each situation is designed to teach something, bring new awareness, change our views, attitudes, i.e., the situation has a specific goal, and our task is to understand and realize this goal. How to do this? I prefer to go through feelings. At the moment when the situation repeats itself, it is important to understand exactly what you feel. Not thoughts, but sensations. Thoughts often lead us astray true position things, feelings will not deceive, but on the contrary, they will provide a reliable key to passing and successfully resolving the situation.

Let's say you are often rude, and you feel confusion and burning resentment. Each time you are lost and cannot answer anything, subsequently worrying for a long time and mentally conducting a dialogue with the offender. Confusion and resentment directly point to the essence of the internal problem - inability. In this case, you take on someone else’s - something for which you should not be responsible at all - this is someone else’s pain (and only because of pain will a person hurt the feelings of another person), someone else’s bad manners and someone else’s bad mood. There is not and cannot be any of your responsibility here, which means that with sufficient skills, other people’s rudeness should not offend you. Moreover, offend. It can be assumed that as soon as you learn to share responsibility, boors on your way will no longer occur. The Universe has no purpose to torment us, its task is to educate. Once the lesson is completed, she will move on to the next one.

This is another reason why it is important to analyze recurring situations - so as not to get stuck at one level, but to move on, developing, improving and making positive changes in life.

The idea is that if we ignore the repetition of situations and react the same way every time, then the result will always be the same. And also that if something goes wrong in our life, then we need to look for an internal (and not external) reason and eliminate it. In our example, it is not the boors’ fault that they are boors, but we are responsible for the fact that they are rude to us. Because it's our internal qualities attract these situations into our lives. And so it is in everything. Perhaps someone will be indignant: what now, say “thank you” to the hamam? Mentally - yes, outwardly you can simply remain silent, because when entering into a conflict, we open up and accept someone else’s negativity (we would like to deal with our own, but here is someone else’s).

I always say that externally you need to react adequately, it’s not the external that is important, but the internal. If you punish a child for something, are angry with your husband, are unhappy with a friend, you don’t have to remain silent and pretend that everything is fine - people should understand what you feel, and you have every right to this understanding and even sympathy. But if you talk to your husband (child, girlfriend, colleague) from a state of anger or resentment, a conflict will break out because it will sound like a complaint. Resentment is what is inside, and this determines the tone of the conversation; people feel it with a sixth sense and begin to defend themselves. Internally, we must be calm and friendly, and only from this state is it advisable to talk about what we don’t like. Then there will be a completely different conversation. And only we ourselves bear responsibility for our internal state, no one else. We were not offended, but we were offended, we were not humiliated, but we felt humiliated, we were not angry, but we feel anger (and immediately the question: why, in fact, do we experience all this? What is the reason, what lesson have we not yet passed, what is happening to us?).

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