Your path to wealth by date of birth. Will you have big money? Wealth test! Online test will I be rich

This test, will tell you how correctly and rationally you manage your budget (money).

Test absolutely free and very simple. You are only given 10 questions, and you need to choose one of three options, after which the program will calculate according to the formula and display the result.

A few steps to financial freedom

Spend wisely: Keep a book where all family members will write down their expenses.
Place it in a visible place so that each member, after coming home, remembers to write down the expenses.

Write in detail, not just the amount, but what was spent on and when. At the end of the month, you will be surprised how much you simply spent on unnecessary things.

Decide what you need now and what things can wait. When you bring money home, organize it into piles: food, rent, travel expenses, unplanned gifts or expenses. Whatever remains, put it separately. If you have additional non-permanent income, add it there.

At the beginning of each month, make a list of must-haves and not-so-must-haves.
Try to calculate how much you managed to save.

You can add money to the envelope that you saved on various sales and discounts, but did not plan to do so before.

Immediately before going to the supermarket (store), make a list of all the products and take only the (approximate) amount that is needed for this.

Try not to buy anything that is not on the list and more than the quantity indicated on it. Most of the goods you buy spontaneously, without planning about it. This is not your fault, but the merit of marketers, advertising, discounts (although you don’t need the product at all).

Simple association tests have long been loved by many of us. They always reveal something interesting about our personality

Let's unwind a little. We present to your attention a simple and very interesting test.

Among the variety of banknotes, you need to choose one. Be guided only by your inner feeling.

The results strangely coincided, although this kind of tests can be considered far from accurate! Moreover, the results reflect clear desires at a certain stage of life.

So, here are several banknotes in front of you. Which one will you choose?

1. Dollars are a classic currency.

Most likely, you are generous and moral; you strive to become the best. You have the highest ambitions and standards. You look at even simple things from an original perspective. It may seem difficult to your partners and work colleagues, but it is most difficult for you to be with yourself.

2. You are an original person with a sense of humor.

These qualities can help you in business. You are a responsible, passionate person who loves to take care of others. You believe in honest work and take on responsibilities easily. You have good character. You inspire people's trust.

You are bright, fast and witty. You are a dimmer, you always have something interesting to tell.

3. You know how to think outside the box.

You know how to highlight the essence and build a business scheme. The details of the business plan can be drawn up later. The idea itself is important. You are a smart and thoughtful person. You are a good thinker. Your thoughts and ideas are the most important. You like to think through your theories and views alone. You are an introvert.

4. Original thinking can help you in business and business.

You can do better! Insightful and philosophical, you are a unique person of your own. There is no one next to you, even slightly similar to you. You are intuitive and a little whimsical. But this is where the potential for your success in work and business lies! You are often misunderstood and it hurts you.

5. Classics and simplicity are your priorities in work and business.

Sometimes your work or business may suffer from this, but nevertheless, stable and correct calculation in business will ensure your success. You have encountered certain difficulties in your work or business. But you shouldn’t be discouraged, you just need to move forward. Confident and dominant, you are a fairly independent person.

6. Having chosen Soviet rubles in the test picture, you apparently miss stability.

But nostalgia for the USSR will in no way hinder your success in work and business. Kind and sensitive, you easily build business relationships with people. You have many friends and you love making their lives better. You have a warm and bright aura. You respect good and stable businesses.

7. Your business and your investments should be like the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Stability and originality are your priority goals in business and work. Happy and calm, you are a sensitive and understanding person. You often listen to your colleagues attentively and without judgment. You believe every person has his own path in life.

8. Dollars are old. The prospects for the euro are dim.

The English pound is a symbol of the stability of good old England. Herd instincts are not for you. You are not like everyone else and know how to think outside the box. This is what should be the key to your success in work and business. Charming and energetic You are often a cheerful and positive person.

9. Gold and dollars are a sign of financial stability.

Gold is a currency for centuries. You are full of optimism and lucky man. You choose reliability over reckless risk. In business and work, you steadily move forward, despite difficulties. Try to maintain this quality. You believe that life is a gift and you try to make the most of it.

And one more test:

This wealth test is worth completing for anyone who strives for financial independence and increased material well-being. Based on your choice, you will receive valuable advice that will help you achieve your financial goal.

How to Pass the Wealth and Financial Success Test

This task is quite simple to complete. All you need is:

Consider the image of 6 wallets;
Choose the one that is most similar to yours. You can also indicate the model that you would like to purchase in the near future;
Find out what the answer choices in the wealth and financial success test indicate.

Start completing the task right now and get valuable advice.

Take the wealth test

Once you have decided on your answer number, find out what it says.

1. You will certainly achieve financial independence. It's just a matter of time. Such people have all the necessary qualities to live in abundance.

Perhaps you still lack certain knowledge. Raise your level and move in the chosen direction. Listen to yours more often inner voice, and you will succeed.

2. To reach a new level of income, you need to use your intelligence and cunning. Analyze the current situation and develop several areas in which to work. If you don't give up, you will definitely achieve your goal.

3. You lack confidence and persistence. Deep down, you have a negative attitude towards money, and therefore you cannot get rich. Get rid of negative attitudes and financial success awaits you.

4. Laziness is the engine that will lead you to wealth. You are capable of developing ingenious solutions to make your life easier, while working as little as possible. This will work to your advantage.

5. To achieve success, you will have to work hard. Money does not fall from the sky, and everything you earn comes from hard work.

This is your karma in this life. Don't try to change the course of events, just work hard and you will succeed.

6. Your path to wealth is through frugality. Learn to save and start investing in your future. Soon your investments will bring you significant dividends.

If you found this wealth test useful, please share it with your friends. They will also be interested in receiving valuable practical advice.

If you liked the test, save it and share with your friends!

IN Ancient Greece believed that coins were invented by the heroes of their myths, and in Ancient Rome that they were invented by the gods Janus or Saturn. According to their legends, the most ancient coins were made by Janus.

On them was the bow of a ship and the head of a two-faced god. He dedicated them to the god of time Saturn, who landed on a ship on the shores of Italy.

Translated from Latin, the word “coin” means “adviser” or “warning.” This title was held by Juno, one of the goddesses of Rome, the wife of Jupiter.

As legends say, it was she who signaled to the inhabitants of Rome about the approach of enemies, or about upcoming natural phenomena.

Coins are considered signs of wealth. It is generally accepted in society that in order to become rich you have to work tirelessly...

But there is also a proverb, according to which the horse worked best on the collective farm, but it never became rich... This happens to people too.

Wealth test

Our test will show you how money treats you.
Choose the most attractive coin and see the result.

To live in abundance, you will have to work for some more time. Don't worry! You are very hardworking and persistent, and persistently achieve your goals. Despite the setbacks, don't despair. Continue to implement your plans and the result of your work will undoubtedly pleasantly surprise you!

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Lesson #5: Wealth Test

Abundance is everything that surrounds you, including money. Every person dreams of living well, not denying themselves anything, and having a lot of money. Many people strive to become millionaires, but wealth, for some reason, does not fall into the hands of everyone who wants it. Why is this happening? Perhaps people are doing something wrong? They dream wrongly, they somehow push money away, they are afraid of it. It happens that a person behaves in a way that repels money more than attracts it.

Want to know what your chances of becoming rich are? I suggest you take a wealth test. The test is not easy, do not rush to take it, think carefully about each question and answer sincerely. Already in the process of passing this magical test, you will find answers to questions that are important to you.

For each question, choose only one answer.


01 . What do you think? Compared to friends, acquaintances and work colleagues, you work:

a) About the same amount, on average, as they do;
b) On average, less of them;
c) On average, much more of them;
d) It’s not typical for you to work a lot.

02 .How independent are you?:

a) Rather independent;
b) Rather dependent;
c) Absolutely independent;
d) Absolutely dependent.

03. Your attitude towards work:

a) Working is normal;
b) Negative;
c) You have to earn your bread somehow;
d) Don’t think of yourself without work.

04. News about rich people, their expensive purchases and entertainment, you:

a) They’re annoying because you never get to do this;
b) They stress you out, because it once again reminds you of your poverty;
c) Motivate;
d) They just make you angry for no reason.

05. Business news for you:

a) Interesting;
b) Indifferent;
c) Arouse some interest;
d) Try to follow the main news.

06. Do you know how to save part of your money every month?:

a) Not only do I not put it off, but I also owe it to everyone;
b) Save regularly;
c) Sometimes you put it off when it works out;
d) You very rarely have the opportunity to put something off.

07. If you found several million dollars tomorrow, what would you do?:

a) We would buy a house, a car, expensive things, etc.
b) They would put it in the bank at interest;
c) Create your own business;
d) They would waste most of the money.

08. If in one minute you were handed several million dollars, on the condition that you must immediately answer for what purposes you are using this considerable money:

a) You would be confused;
b) Try to list as quickly as possible the expensive purchases you dream of, luxury items, etc.;
c) You know exactly for what purposes you need that kind of money. The answer would be given immediately;
d) Do you doubt whether you need that much money at all?

09. How do you feel about sales?:

a) I can’t stand it;
b) We tried it once, but it didn’t work out, and our attitude towards sales is neutral;
c) Although you don’t work in sales, if life forces you, then selling is no problem for you;
d) You are good at selling.

10. How do you think? For a successful businessman, the ability to sell;

a) One of the most important qualities;
b) In principle, it won’t hurt;
c) Why does he also need to be able to sell something, he’s already a big leader?;
d) Shouldn’t the salespeople who work in this businessman’s company be able to sell?

11. What do you think? Which option is more likely to make you rich?

a) Winning a large sum of money;
b) Hard work;
c) Unexpected inheritance;
d) Found treasure.

12. Which option that can make you rich would you prefer?:

a) Hard work;
b) Major scam;
c) Marriage of convenience;
d) Winning at the casino.

13. Big money for you:

a) The source of evil throughout the world;
b) Opportunity for self-realization;
c) The ability to feel your own superiority over your immediate environment;
d) It's hard to say.

14. How often do you finish the things you start?:

a) Always;
b) Sometimes;
c) Rarely;
d) Often.

15. Do you like to set goals and achieve them?:

a) Rarely does this succeed;
b) I love, I give and I achieve to the bitter end;
c) Basically - yes;
d) It’s difficult for you to do this.

16. After another failure, you usually:

a) You get disappointed, but try to somehow pull yourself together;
b) You experience difficulties in controlling yourself;
c) No problem! Believe that the next attempt will be more successful;
d) Such failures unsettle you for a long time.

17. What is your attitude towards self-improvement?:

a) Where else can I improve?;
b) Positive. You have to work on yourself tirelessly;
c) Negative. Will this change anything?;
d) If circumstances are pressing, you have to do something with yourself.

18. If you are planning something grandiose, and your relatives convincingly prove that it is nonsense, you, as a rule:

a) Agree with their arguments and drop the matter;
b) Do the job, no matter what;
c) You are doing something, but in your subconscious you hear the words of your relatives that this is nonsense, and it is unlikely that you will succeed;
d) You don’t even doubt that you will succeed, but you don’t do anything.

19. How are you with ideas?

a) They come one after another at such a speed that I don’t even have time to write them down;
b) You have problems with this;
c) They come often;
d) They rarely come.

20. Do you believe that a child from an absolutely poor family is capable of becoming a millionaire in the future?

a) No;
b) Definitely;
c) It’s unlikely, although you admit this possibility;
d) Now without connections and rich patrons - nowhere!

21. What is your attitude towards self-education?:

a) Didn’t school give me an education?;
b) Isn’t school and university education enough?;
c) You know for sure that you need to develop throughout your life;
d) You are simply sure that it is necessary to engage in self-education, but you do not do it, or you do it when circumstances are already pressing.

22. If you won millions of dollars in the lottery, you would:

a) They went to great lengths;
b) Continued to work in order to increase this money;
c) If you are running a business, you would expand it as much as possible;
d) They would quit everything.

23. If someone earned millions honestly, then:

a) It’s still unfair to have so much money alone;
b) Good man honestly he won’t earn that kind of money;
c) This is an absolutely fair reward for his labors;
d) Lucky, and that’s all.

24. How do you feel? If you were given one million dollars, you would:

a) They were definitely able to increase it;
b) You could probably increase it;
c) It is unlikely that you would be able to increase it;
d) You could only spend it.

25. If you had to live alone on a desert island for a year, would you:

a) They went crazy from hopelessness;
b) Stupid from idleness;
c) We would pull ourselves together and, with grief in half, somehow endure this year;
d) We would arrange our home in such a way as to spend this time as comfortably as possible.

26. Do you sincerely believe that your poverty:

a) This is a temporary phenomenon that you will soon overcome;
b) This is forever;
c) If everything depended on you, you would have escaped poverty long ago;
d) As fate wills, so it will be!

27. If you were rich honestly, you would:

a) They were embarrassed by the condemnation of their poor relatives;
b) They were afraid of the envy of your friends;
c) If I earned wealth through my labor and intellect, then why should I be ashamed of this?;
d) You would be tormented by your conscience that those around you do not live as well as you.

28. Your attitude to the possibilities of achieving wealth:

a) Everyone has such opportunities;
b) Only children of rich parents have opportunities;
c) Residents of rich countries have opportunities, but we have only the illusion of opportunities;
d) Those who want it find opportunities.

29. If you had a chance to talk to a real billionaire and he offered several options for help, what would you choose?:

a) A check for $10 thousand free of charge;
b) A check for $20 thousand, with a gradual return of this amount by you;
c) A check for $30 thousand, with a phased return of this amount, plus a small percentage;
d) You do not receive any money, but the billionaire wants to become your personal mentor and teach you how money is made.

30. How often do you spend money on something stupid to satisfy a momentary desire, and then regret it?:

a) Quite often;
b) Quite rare;
c) Extremely rare;
d) Constantly.

31. Are you planning for your future?:

a) Always;
b) Never;
c) Sometimes;
d) Why is this necessary?

32. Would you be able to lead people?:

a) Easy;
b) Unlikely;
c) Several people – perhaps;
d) Most likely - yes.

33. Your level of self-confidence:

a) I am always confident in myself;
b) Below average;
c) Above average;
d) I am an insecure person.

34. If your first business failed, would you:

a) Fell into depression for a long time;
b) They would be afraid to start something new;
c) Start a new business;
d) Get a job.

35. Do you believe that the more knowledge you acquire in your profession, the luckier you will be at work?:

a) A dubious statement, although there is something in it;
b) Definitely;
c) I don’t believe it;
d) Not in my profession.

36. What do you think?:

a) Money is evil;
b) Money is not evil, but big money is evil;
c) Money is freedom;
d) Money is freedom, but big money is no longer freedom.

37. Which statement do you agree with?:

a) Money spoils a person;
b) Big money spoils a person;
c) It depends on the person how he will use his money.
d) With a lot of money, little depends on a person. No matter how good someone is, if they become rich, they will most likely become bad.

38. Do you believe that you can be rich and happy at the same time?:

a) What kind of happiness is there when you have to hide so much money from relatives and friends?;
b) What happiness can there be if officials, the tax office and swindlers of all stripes are just waiting to snatch something from you?
c) Yes, I believe it is possible;
d) A good person cannot experience happiness and feel good after achieving wealth when there are so many poor and unhappy people in the world.

39. The main factor in achieving wealth:

a) Prestigious education;
b) Unwavering determination and work;
c) Rich guy;
d) Positive thinking.

40. Whatever your income is, at the moment, can you imagine increasing this income hundreds and thousands of times?:

a) Of course! Of course I can, and even more;
b) If my income doubled, I would already be happy;
c) I can still imagine a 5-10-fold increase in income, and even then vaguely;
d) What’s the point of presenting something, because it won’t add money anyway?

41. What do you do if you have problems?:

a) Solve them methodically;
b) You wait and hope that everything will somehow resolve itself;
c) You become depressed;
d) Make those around you depressed by blaming them for your problems.

42 . Do you have any ideas on how you can become rich?;

a) Not yet;
b) Not one, but several;
c) What ideas do I have in my situation to at least somehow survive;
d) It’s still very vague, but in general, there will be money and ideas will appear.

43. Which statement suits you best?:

a) To become rich, you must love money with all your heart and soul, work is not so important, since a strong love for money will attract this money to you;
b) You should hate money, but work until you sweat;
c) To become rich, it is enough to treat money with respect, at the same time, you need to work hard on yourself and go towards your dream, and money will be added as a reward for skill;
d) To have a chance of becoming rich, you must worship money.

44. What is your inner feeling that comes from the heart :

a) I am sure that I will become rich;
b) Most likely, I will still become rich;
c) I feel that the chances are small, but they still exist;
d) Alas, I will never become rich.


7 Rainbow Meditations to Attract Abundance

This is a simple, beautiful and very feminine way to activate monetary energy, increase your financial flow, have as much money as you want.

Meditation is an amazing practice that tunes you into new vibrations and creates a new world for you.


01. a - 3 b - 2 c - 4 d - 1;

02. a - 3 b - 2 c - 4 d - 1;

03. a - 3 b - 1 c - 2 d - 4;

04. a - 1 b - 2 c - 4 d - 1;

05. a - 4 b - 1 c - 3 d - 3;

06. a - 1 b - 4 c - 3 d - 2;

07. a - 1 b - 2 c - 4 d - 1;

08. a - 1 b - 1 c - 4 d - 1;

09. a - 1 b - 1 c - 3 d - 4;

10. a - 4 b - 3 c - 1 d - 1;

11. a - 1 b - 4 c - 1 d - 1;

12. a - 4 b - 1 c - 1 d - 1;

13. a - 1 b - 4 c - 1 d - 1;

14. a - 4 b - 2 c - 1 d - 3;

15. a - 1 b - 4 c - 3 d - 1;

16. a - 2 b - 1 c - 4 d - 1;

17. a - 1 b - 4 c - 1 d - 1;

18. a - 1 b - 4 c - 2 d - 1;

19. a - 4 b - 1 c - 3 d - 1; If you do not reconsider your attitude towards life, money, self-development, your own laziness, towards successful and rich people, self-confidence, then, unfortunately, in the future you will only be able to count on the pension that the state will allocate to you.

100 – 173 points. You understand that a lot in life depends on you, and you want to become a rich person, and you try to work fruitfully for this, but something is still missing, and something even gets in the way. And you know what’s stopping you? The fact that you are trying to sit on two chairs at the same time - poverty and the desire for wealth. As soon as you relax a little, you already move into the first category (0 - 100 points), which does not give any chance of escaping poverty.

And as soon as you pull yourself together, roll up your sleeves, and begin to achieve your dreams no matter what, with redoubled energy and drive, you find yourself in the “173 and above” group. And people from this group have every chance of becoming multimillionaires.

Before it’s too late, decide quickly which group you want to join. You are unlikely to be able to sit on two chairs, wealth and poverty at the same time. Although it may be possible, only in this case your chances of joining the ranks of poor losers will be great, but your chances of becoming rich will be zero! Decide for yourself!

173 points and above. You are well aware that everything you have achieved and will achieve in life is the result of your conscious choices and actions. You are in control of your life. No critical opinion or remarks can lead you astray from the path leading to your dream. You yourself determine in which direction you are moving and with what intensity. You know that the universe is abundant and there is a lot of wealth in the world, and soon you will have part of this wealth. Good luck to you on this path!

If you want to become a rich person as soon as possible, then it won’t hurt to know how to save time and life...

No matter how many points you score, I have good news: since you were not too lazy to pass wealth test, it means that all is not lost, it means that you still want to escape poverty, but burning desire joining the ranks of the rich is the very first step on the path to wealth!


1. Answer the test questions.

2. Write in the comments what particularly caught your attention in the test and what insights occurred? Perhaps some questions opened your eyes.

I look forward to your reports and see you at!

Anna Savchenkova, the one who helps create miracles :)

Share with your friends!

Lesson #5: Wealth Test was last modified: October 30th, 2015 by Anna Savchenkova

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