Suffixes for the 3rd connection. Russian lessons: what are suffixes in Russian and what are they?

  • star) derived from star), the suffix -och- gives a diminutive affectionate meaning. Examination: lamp-glasses, jacket-glasses, ribbon-glasses- suffix -ochk- with a diminutive meaning.
  • bun)- related words:bun(s),(no) buns(),bun(s)- here there is an alternation of k/ch in the root and a fluent o, there are no words with the root bul-, therefore we highlight the root bun-, the ending (a), the suffix -k- (-och- - part of the root) remains.
    Checking the existence of such a morpheme: words handle-to (a), knife-to (a)- suffix -k- with a diminutive meaning.
    Likewise: bench-k(a) (shop(a)), plate-k(a) (plate(a)), t-shirt-k(a) (mike(a)).
  • hole-och-k(a)- related words:hole(s), hole(s),we remember the alternation of k/ch in the root and the fluent o and highlight the suffix -och-, the suffix - k- gives a diminutive meaning, i.e. a hole is a small hole. Likewise:bowl-ech-k(a) (bowl(a)-bowl-k(a)), trub-och-k(a) (pipe(a)-pipe-ka)), tetrad-och-k(a) (notebook()- notebook-to(a)).
  • el-och-k(a)- related words spruce, yol-k(a), yol-och-n(y), therefore, we highlight the root el’, the suffixes -och- and -k-;
  • swallow(s), shirt(s) - point - part of the root.

In each case it is necessary to determine lexical meaning words (meaning), part of speech, find words with the same root.
When identifying suffixes in a word, it is difficult to determine their number and boundaries.

Suffix extraction algorithm

    Using the word as an example diary
  • Select root, ending: day- evnik() - from day-day(s)-day(s)(dr- - root).
  • Enumerate related words that contain the remainder of the word - evnik : day- Evn(Ouch). Therefore, we select the suffix -evn- .
  • We are looking for related words with the remaining part -ik- in the composition. There is no such word. Therefore, -ik- constitutes one suffix.
  • Answer: diary()- suffixes -evn, -ik.

You can check morphemic parsing using Yandex dictionaries for the Russian language - Morphemic-spelling dictionary.

After identifying a suffix (prefix), it is necessary to check the existence of such a morpheme. Here the lists of suffixes on the website will be useful (you need to “know the suffixes and prefixes by sight”) and the selection of words with this morpheme with the same meaning.

Suffix- a significant part of a word that comes after a root or after another suffix and usually serves to form new words, sometimes to form new forms of a word.

The suffix is ​​not a required part of the word. A word may not have a suffix, but may have one or more suffixes:

friend, friend OK, ram- wow(A).

Form-forming (inflectional) suffixes

Suffixes (there are few of them) that serve to form new forms of a word are called formative(inflectional). At morphemic parsing these suffixes are not part of the word stem.

For example,

  • suffix -th (-ti ) forms the infinitive form of the verb: side t, carried you
  • suffix -l- - past tense form of verbs: read- l, think- l .

Suffixes -th (-ti ), -l- are not part of the word.
Sometimes a formative suffix may appear after : let's go- those, will go (eat) - those.

Reflexive verb suffix -sya/-sya was once a pronoun myself:

combing sya= combing(s) myself.

Reflexive suffixes -sya, -sya are the basis of the word and often stand after :

Closing, washing

For more details see Inflectional suffixes.

Let me remind you that:

  • inflection- this is education formsthe same thingc fishing
  • word formation- this is educationnew words

Derivational suffixes

By using derivational suffixes words are formed different parts speech, but nouns and adjectives are most often formed.
For example, one of the most active suffixes in noun formation -Nick- :

forest -Nick ,school -Nick , study -Nick, three -Nick, satellite -Nick, resort -Nick, benefits -Nick, Saturdays -Nick etc.

The most active suffix with which adjectives are formed is the suffix -sk- :

rural sk(s), village- sk(ii), pestilence -sk(oh), Moscow- sk(ii) etc.

The same suffixes are used to form words with different meanings same part of speech .
For example, the suffix -Nick -, —from — . —OK — (mushroom-nick, red- from(a), friend- OK ) serve to form only nouns; -sk- (fleet- sk(ii) ) - for the formation of adjectives only; — yva -,-willow — (think about it yva-th) - only for verbs. That's why we talk about suffixes of different parts of speech:

Examples of word formation using various suffixes:

  • from the root kind-: kind, kind-from, kind-yak, kind-from-n, kind-e-t;
  • from raspberry: malin(a), malin-k(a), malin-nik(), malin-ovk(a), malin-ov(y), malin-n(y);
  • from time-: vrem(s), vrem-echk(o), vrem-yank(a), vrem-en-n(y), vrem-en-o, vrem-en-shchik.

If the root contains the main lexical meaning (sense) of the word, then suffixes (like ) complement this meaning, clarify it. For example:

  • the suffix adds a diminutive meaning: daughter - daughter To(a) - daughter- yenk(a), house - house- IR;
  • magnifying value: hand - hand looking for(A);
  • the suffix is ​​used to form words that name baby animals: elephant- baby, ut- baby ;
  • to designate male persons by profession, place of residence, or nationality: teach- tel, tractor- ist, Moscow- ich, Siberian yak, academic IR, cargo- in, Caucasus- ec etc;
  • to designate female persons by profession, place of residence, or nationality: selling schitz(a), master ic(a), paramedic- ic(a), Osset-in- To(a), machine-ist- To(a), writer- prostrate(A) etc
  • expression of attitude towards a person: cunning south ah, jade south ah, small turnout oh, goats turnout ah, flax tai, saliva tai .

Suffixes (and ) can tell a lot about a word. By suffixes you can determine the part of speech, and for nouns, gender. For example, the suffix tel at the end of the word there is a masculine noun ( teacher, builder, driver),
suffix - from - - feminine noun ( good-from (a), deaf-from (a), beautiful-from (a));
suffix - sk - - adjective ( hungarian-sk(ii), russ-sk(ii)).

The suffix may not be indicated by letters.

A suffix or part of a suffix may be hidden, that is, not explicitly represented in letters in writing. Then it is isolated using transcription, indicating the sound of the suffix.
After vowels and after b, b letters E, Yo, Yu, I denote two sounds, one of which is [th’] (or often denoted). It is this sound that may turn out to be a suffix or part of a suffix. Then the suffix is ​​highlighted using transcription.
For example:

liar - [liar’ / th'/ a], emigration - emigrant, two - dv, fox [l’is’/ th'/willow], fox [l’is’/ th'/ii’].

The procedure for highlighting a suffix in a word using the example of a word old:

  1. Select the root and ending by changing the form of the word and selecting related words using different suffixes: old, old, old, old - old-inn ⇒ root old-, ending th;
  2. Can -inn- be a suffix? We look through related words that may contain part -inn-. Find the word old in(A), in which -in- - suffix, highlight it: old in- n(th).
  3. Let's consider the rest -n-. The adjective old-n(y) is formed from the noun old(a) using the suffix -n-
  4. Let's prove the correctness of the choice of morpheme -n- , selecting words with a different root, but with the same suffix (the same part of speech as the original word, since suffixes are “related” to parts of speech): garden -n(th) (from the garden), mod- n(th) (from fashionable), autumn- n(ii) (from autumn). This proves the correctness of the morpheme selection.
  5. Conclusion: old inn(th).

You can check the correctness of parsing in a word-formation dictionary.

For more details see Highlighting a suffix in a word.

To identify suffixes, it is useful to know the most used ones.

Suffixes Their work
Form nouns
fish - fish To A
key - key IR
lock - lock ek
friend - friend OK
hand-hand yenk A
fox-fox onk A
Vanya – Van Echk A
needle - needle points A
grandfather - grandfather ear A
field - floor yushk O
Give words a diminutive or endearing connotation
forest - forest Nick
carry - cart chick
drum - drum box
teach - teach tel
teach - teacher prostrate A
radio operator - radio operator To A
Form words that name persons by their occupation
Form adjectives
rock - rock ist th
city ​​- city sk Ouch
peas - peas ov th
shawl - shawl ev th
summer - years n th
Form verbs
sound - sound A t
wound - wound And t
white – white e t
winter - winter ova t
ring - rings Eve t
get sick - get sick willow t
open -open yva t
-sya-(-s-) teach - teach xia - I teach sya
treat - treat Xia- I'm flying sya
Forms verbs with reflexive meaning. Can be located after completion. They form the basis of the word.
Formative suffixes
chita t
carried you
Suffixes indeterminate form verb. They are not part of the word.
-l- I read - I read l;
I say - speak l
Forms the past tense form of the verb. They are not part of the word.

For verbs ending in -whose , part of the word - whose part of the root: burn, bake.

You can clarify suffixes in word-formation and morpheme dictionaries (Potikha Z. A. School dictionary of the structure of words of the Russian language. M., 1987. , Tikhonov A. N. Word-formation dictionary of the Russian language, Efremova T. F. Dictionary word-formation units of the Russian language. M., 1996. , Baranov M.T. School dictionary of the formation of words in the Russian language, Baronova M.M. Analysis of words by composition, M., 2011, etc.).

Spelling: Spelling suffixes various parts speeches(except -Н-/-НН-): spelling of suffixes of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

1. Spelling of noun suffixes

Suffixes -chick/-schik. Suffix -chick written after roots ending in d, t, z, s, zh, suffix -schik- in other cases (scout, marker, sample, subscriber, defector, porter, changer).

Suffixes -ek/-ik. Suffix -ek it is written if, when a word is declined, a vowel in the suffix is ​​dropped; suffix -ik it is written if, when the word is declined, the vowel in the suffix is ​​preserved (lock - lock, key - key).

Suffixes -ets/-its. Suffix -ets is written:

  • in masculine nouns (brother, businessman, loaf);
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the ending (writing, paltetso).

Suffix -its- is written:

  • in feminine nouns (street, soapbox, mill);
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the base (dress, structure).

Suffixes -ichk-/-echk-. Suffix -ichk- written in feminine nouns formed from nouns in -its-(onion - onion, mitten - mitten). Suffix -echk- written in words formed from nouns Not on -its- (nanny, little basket, Tanechka).

Suffixes -yshk-/-ushk-/-yushk-. Suffix -ysk- is written in neuter nouns (after it is written ending -o) (grain, sun, bottom). Suffix -ushk- written in masculine and feminine nouns (grandfather, girl, nightingale). Suffix -yushk- is written in words of all three genders (polyushko, dolyushka, uncle).

Suffix -ink-(-in- + -k-)/-enk-. Suffix -inc- written in words formed from nouns with a suffix -in-(straw - straw, rowan - rowan). Suffix -enk- written in diminutive forms of nouns -na, -nya, who have R. p. pl. h. not written at the end soft sign (spinner - spinner - spinner, tower - tower - turret ), as well as in words refugee, sissy, French, cherry etc.

2. Spelling suffixes of adjectives

Suffixes -iv-/-ev-, -evat-/-evit-. Suffix -iv- written with emphasis -ev- in an unstressed position (handsome, arrogant, combative, dashing). Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

Suffixes -ov- And -ev-. After sizzling and ts the suffix is ​​written under stress -ov-, without accent - suffix -ev-(brocade, pepper, reed, key, end, bucket, clothing).

Suffixes -chiv-/-liv-. Always written with And(friendly, changeable).

Suffixes -k- and -sk-. Suffix -To- is written:

  • in qualitative adjectives that have short form(sharp - sharp, low - low);
  • in adjectives formed from nouns with stems k, ch, ts, the suffix -sk- is simplified to k; the sounds k, ch alternate with c (Nenets - Nenets, Cossack - Cossack, weaver - weaver). Exceptions: Uzbek - Uzbek, Uglich - Uglich).

Suffix -sk- preserved in relative adjectives with a consonant stem d, t, h, s(sailor, French, fraternal, urban) and with a base on consonants g, k, x, which often alternate (Onega - Onega).

3. Spelling verb suffixes

  1. In past tense verbs before a suffix -l- the same letter is written as in the indefinite form before -th(see - saw, facilitate - facilitated, accept - accepted).
  2. Suffixes are written in the infinitive form of the verb and in the past tense form -ova-, -eva-, if in the 1st person the verb ends in -yu, -yu(I draw - draw).
  3. If the 1st person verb ends in -I am, -I am no emphasis on A, then the suffix -yva-, -iva- persists (to think - I'm thinking, to finish - I'm finishing).

E.A. Makovey, Russian language teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Adygeisk,
A.I. Arkhipova, professor of Kuban State University

§ 3. Spelling of suffixes

Suffix - lat. suffixus - “attached”; literally: “substituted to the root” - a significant part of a word, which usually serves to form words.

3.1. Spelling n-nn in suffixes of different parts of speech
3.1.1. Н and НН in adjectives formed from nouns

Choice N or NN in adjectives formed from nouns, it is determined by which word and with the help of which suffix the given adjective was formed.
Rat poison; living room; remarkable nature.

Find out from which noun the word is formed

Write NN

Write N

If one H is at the base of a noun, and the second H is a suffix of an adjective:
truth - true

If you see the suffix -IN-:
beast - bestial

If you have suffixes -ENN- / -ONN-:
foliage(s) - deciduous
station(s) - station
but: without windy
under windy

If you have suffixes -AN- / -YAN-:
silver) - silver
leather) - leather

The rule also applies to short adjectives (the road ShowPicture("image011.gif"); is deserted).

3.1.2. N and NN in full verbal adjectives and participles

Dried laundry; crazy speed; sold product.

In full verbal adjectives and participles NN is written if any of the conditions noted below exist.
Writing conditions NN:

Pay attention!
Exceptions forged, chewed and wounded can be written with two Hs when they are accompanied by dependent words (see condition 2)) or prefixes (see condition 1)).
TO A sword crafted by a gunsmith (gunsmith is a dependent word).
A soldier wounded in the shoulder (in the shoulder is a dependent word).
SHACKED HANDS (prefix C-).
Wounded finger (PO- prefix).

Pay special attention to words with several roots such as raw smoked and frozen. The presence of two roots in itself is not a condition for double H.
Freshly frozen.

In order for two Hs to appear in the suffix of such words, one of the conditions noted in the rule must appear.
Freshly cut (prefix C- before the root -KOSH-).

It often happens that a word contains several conditions for writing NN.
Tiled bathroom - prefix OB-, suffix -OVA-, dependent word tiled.

3.1.3. Н and НН in short verbal adjectives and short participles

She is modest and well-mannered...a; she was brought up in a boarding school; she is always collected..and organized..and.

3.1.4. N and NN in adverbs ending in -O / -E and in nouns formed from adjectives and participles

Neftyan..ik; captive..ik; confused..about spoke; excited..o listened.

All such words are formed from forms ending in -І / -ОY (from participles or adjectives). The same number of Ns are written in them as the Ns were in the corresponding form in -Y / -OY.

Kryvennik (from the adjective hryvnia);
He spoke with concern (concerned from the sacrament).

3.2. Spelling noun suffixes
Most noun suffixes should be memorized. Some suffixes have special spelling rules.

3.2.1. The spelling of these suffixes should be remembered.

3.2.2. Selection -CHIK- / -CHIK-

3.2.3. Selection of suffixes -EK- / -IK-

The choice is made according to the form of the genitive case (there is no WHOM? WHAT?).

3.2.4. Selection -EC- / -IC-

3.2.5. Selection -USHK- / -YSHK-

3.3. Spelling adjective suffixes

Most adjective suffixes should be memorized.
Some suffixes have special spelling rules.

3.3.1. The spelling of these adjective suffixes should be memorized.





3.3.2. Selection of suffixes -K- and -SK-

3.3.3. Choice of suffixes -iv-, -ev-

3.4. Spelling verb suffixes

3.4.1. In the indefinite form of the verb and in the past tense forms the same verbal suffix is ​​usually written:
hope - hoped;
try it on - try it on.

When this suffix is ​​in an unstressed position, it should be remembered.

Distinguish Verbs become weak(become powerless yourself) and weaken(someone, something) and others starting with the prefixes O- + -WITHOUT-/-BESS- ( deforest, deforest; depopulate, depopulate, etc.).


Wed. future tense forms (spelling depends on conjugation):
become weak - become weak, become weak
weaken - weaken, weaken

For example: The travelers will soon become exhausted. Diseases will weaken anyone.

3.4.2. Choice of -EVA- / -OVA- and -YVA- / -IVA- in verbs

Investigate, advise, postpone.

Pay attention!
According to a special rule, verbs are written with stressed -BA-. Before the stressed word -BA- is usually written root vowel,
verified by stress:
sing - sing; give - give.

3.5. Spelling of participle suffixes

3.5.1. Spelling suffixes of active present participles

Dormant nature; believing in yourself; creeping bush.

3.5.2. Spelling suffixes of present passive participles;;

3.5.3. Spelling of the vowel before -В- / -ВШ- in suffixes of active past participles

Has grown.. gone; believed; settled...

3.5.4. Spelling of a vowel before Н/НН in suffixes of passive past participles

Exhausted; painted; crowned..

3.6. Spelling suffixes of gerunds;;

In perfective participles, the same vowel is written as in the suffix of the infinitive form of the corresponding verb.
See - having seen;
Listen - after listening.

3.7. Spelling of suffixes -A and -O in adverbs formed from short adjectives
We arrived before dark..; packed tightly..; stands on the left..

The suffix in adverbs formed by the prefix-suffix method from short adjectives can be determined by substituting the word “window” under the appropriate preposition:
for a long time (from the window);
on the right (from the window).

Pay attention!
This rule should not be applied to adverbs formed in a suffixal way from full adjectives: trustingly (from gullible), soulless (from soulless), hidden (from hidden). In such adverbs, the adverbial suffix -O is written at the end.
Dry - derived from short adjective dry using the prefix DO- and the suffix -A (to the window).
Intelligibly - formed from the full adjective intelligible using the adverbial suffix -O.

The spelling of suffixes is closely related to morphology. There are different rules for writing this morpheme; they are studied differentiated for each part of speech. Let's look at what verb suffixes there are.

Suffix -ova-/-eva-, -ыва-/-iva-

These suffixes form imperfective verbs, which are followed by the question “what to do?” For example: draw, dance, paint, dance.

Morphemes -ova-/eva- form imperfective verbs from other parts of speech, usually from nouns:

  • command - to command;
  • sample - try;
  • envy - to envy;
  • excitement - to worry;
  • expense - to spend;
  • grief - to grieve;
  • conversation - to talk;
  • participation - to participate;
  • feeling - to feel;
  • sympathy - to sympathize;
  • stroke - to hatch.

The spelling of these morphemes is checked using the first person singular verb form. numbers in the present tense. To put a verb in in the required form, you need to ask the question: “What am I doing now?” The answer will be:

  • I'm dancing now;
  • I'm drawing now.

As you can see, the verb ends in -y. In this case, the suffix is ​​written -ova-/-eva-.

Examples of words in which the verbal suffix -ova-/-eva- is emphasized:

  • I envy - envy, greet - greet, explore - explore, organize - organize, writhe - uproot, worry - worry, peck - peck, attack - attack, pursue - pursue, use - use, quarrel - quarrel.

Morphemes -yva-/-iva- also form verbs, which are followed by the question “what to do?” For example: take a bite.

The suffixes -ыва-/-iva- produce imperfective verbs from perfective verbs:

(what to do?) experience - (what to do?) experience.

The spelling of these morphemes also depends on the 1st letter. the only one real numbers time. Let's remember the question: "What am I doing now?" And the answer will be: “I’m dancing now,” “I’m finishing now.”

After this, we determine that at the end - yu/-ivayu.

Examples of words in which it stands out:

I choke - choke, invent - invent, swing - swing, educate - educate, bite - bite, refuse - refuse, search - search, grease - grease, hang - hang, paint - paint, saw - saw, unwind - unwind, take apart - take apart, draw out - draw out, loosen - loosen, scatter - scatter, wink - wink, hang - hang, test - test, shudder - shudder, think - think.

Suffixes in participles

The morphemes - ova-/-eva-, -ыва-/-iva- are preserved in active participles.

This is due to the fact that participles, denoting a characteristic of an object by action, are formed from verbs, and the spelling of verbal suffixes is preserved in them. For example:

Verb suffix -va and the vowel before it

If the stress falls on the final part of the verb, you cannot highlight -ova-/eva-, -ыва-/-iva-, since the suffix will be different - va. It is always stressed, and this differs from previous word-forming morphemes. For example, it is highlighted in the words:

  • weaken;
  • fog up;
  • poly;
  • prod-va´-t;
  • hum.

This suffix forms the imperfective form of the perfective and appears in the form of nes. V. and disappears in the verbs of owls. V. This will help highlight it in the word:

  • weaken (sov.v.) - weaken (nesov.v.);
  • fog up (sov.v.) - fog up (not sov.v.);
  • water (sov.v.) - water (not sov.v.);
  • thread (sov. v.) - prod-va-t (non-sov. view);
  • hum (sov.v.) - sing-va-t (non-sov.v.).

Appearing in verbs, it takes on the stress, and the vowel in front of it turns out to be unstressed and turns into an orthogram. To select it, the following rule is applied: To correctly write a vowel before the stressed suffix -va, you need to omit this suffix.

Suffix -e-

This verb suffix is ​​written in intransitive verbs, from which questions cannot be asked in the accusative case:

  • blackness (from what?) from grief;
  • seriousness (from what?) from problems;
  • rusty (from what?) from humidity;
  • white (from what?) from old age.

Such verbs contain the meaning of an action that occurs without outside influence, and this meaning is introduced by the suffix -e.

Vowels before the suffix -l-

The past tense verbal suffix -l- is usually found after spelling vowels: ver...l, drive...l, hover...l, measure...l, detour...l, despair...l, stuck...l, sit...l, clean...l.

To choose a vowel before -l-, you need to put the verb in the initial form. The vowel that comes before -t will remain before -l:

  • twirl - spit;
  • winnow - winnow;
  • start - started;
  • depend - depended;
  • measure - measured;
  • repent - repent;
  • bow - bowed;
  • cherish - cherished;
  • hope - hoped;
  • travel - traveled;
  • despair - despair;
  • stick - glued;
  • soar - soar;

  • listen - listened;
  • sow - sowed;
  • clean - cleaned;
  • smell - smelled.

Is the reference. It is also preserved in the gerunds before -v- and -louse-: desperate lice, stick-in, listen-in, sow-in, clean-in.

Task for consolidation

So, when you know what verbs there are and how they are written, you can move on to the practical part.

Letters are missing in this text. It is easy to restore if you remember some of the learned rules governing the spelling of verbs.

It is interesting to watch monkeys living in trees. You can look at them and photograph them, because they, without experiencing fear, freely perform various miracles of dexterity. They don't jump...but flutter...from branch to branch, swing...and somersault on the vines. Everything that seems attractive to them, the monkeys tear it off, grab it with their tenacious paws, inspect it, sniff it, try it, even bring it to their ear to listen. They pawn some things on the cheek, and discard others as unnecessary.

Without any hesitation, they beg for gifts, look out for the most beautiful things, and don’t yawn, keep your eyes open.

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