Applied computer science in the economics of the profession. Applied computer science – where to go to work? What do you need to enroll?

This is one of the most modern and promising interdisciplinary specialties of the 21st century. This specialty is two-profile, which is indicated in the qualification “informatician - economist”. Such a specialist can work at the intersection of two fields - computer science and economics.

An information scientist-economist is a generalist who has acquired fundamental knowledge in the field of computer science and professional knowledge in the field of economics.
The main purpose of such a specialist is the creation and implementation of professionally oriented information systems in the economy. He deals with solving functional problems and managing information, material and cash flows in a specific sector of the economy using information systems. An information scientist-economist analyzes, forecasts, models and creates information processes and technologies within the framework of professionally oriented information systems.

An information scientist-economist is a specialist who has received a special education in the field of information science and is engaged in the creation, implementation, analysis and maintenance of professionally oriented information systems in the field of economics, finance, accounting. He is a professional in the field of application of information systems, solves functional problems, and also manages information, material and cash flows in the subject area using such information systems.
A graduate may have a specialization determined by the field of application of computer science methods and professionally oriented information systems, a list of disciplines studied in a particular field, information disciplines and final qualifying work.

A computer scientist-economist must be prepared to solve the following professional tasks:
introduction of computer science methods in the subject area of ​​economics, statistics, information systems and mathematical methods in economics.
development of capabilities and adaptation of professionally oriented information systems at all stages of their life cycle;
optimization of information processing processes;
solving problems of unification of professionally oriented software and information support of the subject area;
use of international information resources and solving problems arising from their use;

Along with practical skills in working with computer technology, students in specialty 080801 “Applied Informatics in Economics” receive in-depth knowledge in the field of economic theory, computer science, general and economic statistics, and economic and mathematical methods. They master the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurship, business, and modern methods of competition. Specialists of this profile are able to conduct an expert assessment of the range of tasks to be solved and select the optimal configuration and computer equipment, develop recommendations for the development information technology, develop and operate databases, carry out work in commercial information systems, economic assessment of information systems and technologies, structuring and optimization of information arrays.
The professional knowledge gained from studying the course will give you the opportunity to:
develop and design information systems in economics;
manage a team of developers and/or professional users (operators) of information systems;
conduct experimental model studies of the management of socio-economic processes;
operate and modernize information systems.
Area of ​​possible employment:
public and private enterprises and institutions;
commercial structures international commercial and public organizations;
cultural institutions;
information and analytical centers;
consulting firms;
departments of analysis and automation of banks, financial and insurance companies;
head of the enterprise.

Over the years, it turns out that entering and studying at the university is not the most difficult stage. Some challenges arise when trying to transition into a financially independent life and start pursuing your career. But, having received the coveted diploma of graduation from a university, some yesterday's students fall into prostration. Where to go, where will resumes be accepted? If your specialty applied computer science, who you work with may not know.

Directions in the specialty - where and who to work with?

Let's look into the details, first. The specialty may have several directions:

  1. Informatics.
  2. Mathematics.
  3. Economy.

Graduates of the latest specialty receive a specific education. It helps them find positions as financial analysts and consultants in large companies. But the work is practically not related to computers, programming and computer networks. Don’t let the modest prefix “in economics” in the name of the specialty mislead you. Those who choose mathematics as their profile will be able to perform modeling tasks, creating software and mathematical software.

They are guaranteed a position as an engineer or developer at any specialized enterprise.

Where can you get a job with a coveted diploma?

But exactly "Applied Informatics" in all respects a more attractive specialty. Applicants who choose it will be able to choose between a variety of specialties. Most often graduates prefer positions:

  1. System administrator in a large company.
  2. Engineer at any enterprise.
  3. Developer at a powerful startup.
  4. Security system representative. Information also needs to be protected.
  5. A specialist in the development and implementation of everything related to high technology and information.

Along with the diploma, you receive an extensive knowledge of information technology and mathematical analysis. It is not particularly difficult to secure a decent career for yourself if you know how to work with computers and information products.

Administration of large and small networks.

In the absence of serious ambitions, yesterday's students choose positions as system administrators. The work will force you to think regularly, look for errors and other malfunctions. But you shouldn’t expect serious career growth. Fixed amount of income, flexible schedule and sufficient free time. Ideal for implementing your own projects. In the process of working on your idea, working “for an uncle” will help you master your specialty and earn money for basic needs. And if you have already decided to work in this area in the next few decades, set your priorities correctly. If you just need peace and free time, choose several small companies and provide services to them. We need funds - only large companies with regular allowances and bonuses.

Security representatives and engineers.

There are not many engineers in the country. The profession is in demand, but remember that you took a slightly different path. The choice of this particular specialty may be due to interest in a particular industry. This can happen while studying, but this is not an indicator that you need to give up everything and relearn. Try yourself as an engineer at one of the related enterprises. And if you understand that you want to protect information and systems from hackers, you can choose the option with system security. Additional courses and training may be required. But even in large companies, representatives of this department cannot boast of a large amount of knowledge. Self-study will give you a significant head start and improve you in the eyes of management.

Earn a living in 1 year - myth or reality?

Developing some kind of program and living on dividends until old age is the blue dream of most young people. Over the years, the realization of the unreality of such an outcome of events comes. On the other hand, a few manage to implement one successful project and no longer worry about anything. But even without such a favorable outcome, you can significantly improve your skill in terms of development. And your memories of working as a team and overcoming difficulties together will remain in your memory for many years to come.

The option of introducing information technology sounds rather vague. Any specialty can fit this description. Even the sales manager. If you see an open vacancy for such a specialist, you can be sure that at best it will be about developing an update to existing software or some systems.

Having seen the phrase applied computer science in your diploma in the specialty line, you already know who to work with. We would advise you to start your career in the 2-3rd year, so that by the end of the university you will already have workplace. Work experience and knowledge in practical area- your invaluable advantage over other graduates. Before those who were less efficient.

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What does Applied Computer Science teach?

If the desire to become an IT specialist is great, and school curriculum does not provide an opportunity to prepare well for studying in this field at a university, many schoolchildren decide to go to college, where they usually offer training in the specialty “Applied Computer Science”. After completing the entire course, you can easily enroll in the Faculty of Information Technology at almost any university, be it SGA, FEFU, VSUES or other universities in Vladivostok and Russia.

You can enroll in the specialty “Applied Informatics” after 9th and 11th grades, provided successful completion exams in Russian language, computer science and ICT, mathematics. Ninth-graders who enter college study for 3 years 10 months, school graduates - 2 years 10 months. After completing the course in the specialty, the qualification “Programmer Technician” is awarded.

“Applied computer science” is a specialty bordering between computer science itself and many other areas of knowledge, each of which constantly requires an IT specialist. For example, economics - independent science, but the effective work of economists depends on well-established work with various information technologies. And a software technician with the necessary knowledge in the field of economics is responsible for this. Or let’s take a top manager as an example. In order to effectively manage and promptly carry out management tasks, he needs to control many processes that can be spatially distributed very widely - across a city, in different cities or even in other countries. There is no way to do this without information technology. But to make these technologies work like clockwork, you need a software technician with management knowledge. Thus, a software engineer is a generalist who will always find a place in any field human activity, where there is information technology, be it law, management, design, economics or anything else.

In colleges with the specialty “Applied Informatics” they teach how to create databases, optimize numerous processes using IT technologies, and teach how to effectively design computer networks and carry out administration. With such a wealth of knowledge and a clear understanding in which direction you want to develop further, obtaining subsequent higher education will not cause difficulties or doubts.

Informatization of society places special demands on the training of specialists. Modern science, business and social, to a greater extent, need not just those who can understand the technical intricacies of information technology. There is a need in society for professionals who have received versatile training, have broad erudition and are ready to apply their knowledge and skills in applied fields.

Computer science today is increasingly becoming an applied science. This means that its principles are increasingly used in a variety of areas of production and science: linguistics, geoinformatics, the chemical industry, genetic engineering, and so on. For this reason, specialists in the field of applied computer science need knowledge that goes far beyond information technology.

An applied specialist must be a generalist, that is, master the methods of information technology, statistics, mathematics, and economics. This set of skills makes it possible to be an expert in your chosen field of activity. The range of tasks solved by a professional can be quite wide and is usually determined by the specifics of specific areas of activity of a research institution or commercial enterprise.

Where is applied computer science used?

Applied computer science solves problems of competent use of computer technology in scientific research. Very often the success of one or another research work depends on the ability to correctly set the development task software or compiling a package from those already on the market computer programs. It can be very difficult for ordinary programmers who have no idea about applied computer science to do this, because they lack erudition and special knowledge in a specific narrow field of activity.

The widest opportunities for applied computer science exist in the field of economics and entrepreneurship. It is easier for a professional to provide an enterprise with suitable business tools. For this purpose, it uses the most modern developments in the field of Internet technologies. He has to work with databases, develop a marketing strategy for the company, and keep computer records of technological operations.

An economist specializing in the field of applied computer science deals with solving problems of managing not only information, but also material and financial flows, using specialized information systems. Without such a specialist today it is impossible to imagine the work of a large bank, stock exchange or other institution working in the field of finance.

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