Presentation for the project history of school supplies. Project "History of School Supplies"

  • I’m carrying a new house in my hand, the doors of the house are locked. The residents here are paper, all terribly important.
  • The word briefcase is derived from two French words: “to carry” and “leaf”. Now, of course, you guessed that briefcase They called it that because they carry sheets of paper, notebooks, and books in it. In general, you can put anything in it, but this will not change the name that was once given to it.
  • In this narrow box you will find pencils, pens, feathers, paper clips, buttons, anything for your soul.
Pencil case.
  • Feather in Latin - penna. Where were the feathers stored? In a special box called pencil case. They used to write with real goose feathers. And although they were later replaced by more convenient metal plates for writing, the names feather, feathers, according to tradition, have been preserved. Now we put pens and pencils in it, and there’s even a place for an eraser. But the name remained the same, as is often the case in language.
  • Guess what kind of thing it is - A sharp beak, not a bird, With this beak she sows, sows seeds, Not in the field, not in the garden - On the sheets of her notebook.
  • In a snowy field, my one-legged horse rushes along the road and leaves a black mark for many, many years.
  • Greek word from which ours may have come hand, meant “collecting”, “accumulating”, “a tool for collecting (in a heap), raking”. But when they write with a pen, they seem to collect letters into groups...
Around 4000 BC
  • A man scratches a wet clay tablet with a bronze or bone stick
Around 3000 BC
  • The Egyptians begin to use images in their writings. Inscriptions on papyrus scrolls are applied with thin reed brushes or feathers.
1300 BC
  • The Romans used thin sheets of wax applied to wooden tiles and metal pens for writing. What is written with the second end of the pen is erased.
Middle Ages
  • In addition to parchment, the Anglo-Saxons used tiles filled with wax. They write with metal or bone quills, one end of which is sharpened and the other is used for erasing.
600-1800 AD
  • Europeans discovered that using a sharpened quill changed the style of writing (handwriting). The fountain pen (first introduced in Seville, Spain) was used as a writing instrument from 600 to 1800 AD.
  • The metal fountain pen was patented in 1803. Steel feathers came into public use in the 1830s. In the 19th century, metal pens completely replaced quill pens.
  • Lewis Edson Waterman, an insurance agent, invented the first real fountain pen.
  • The invention of the modern ballpoint pen is attributed to Josef and George Biro. In the summer of 1943, the first industrial copies were made. The ballpoint pen was used by the military during World War II because it was more convenient and durable than a fountain pen.
  • Black Ivashka, wooden shirt, Wherever his nose passes, he puts a note there. If you perfect it, you can draw whatever you want! Sun, sea, mountains, beach. What is this?
  • I have a magic wand, friends, With this wand I can build a Tower, a house and an airplane, and a huge steamship.
  • The lead pencil was invented independently in France and Australia.
  • He doesn’t look like a little man, but he has a heart, And he gives his heart to work all year round. He writes when dictated. He both draws and draws. And tonight he will color my album
  • For me, brothers, the rubber band is a fierce enemy! I can't get along with her in any way. I made a cat and a cat - beauty! And she walked a little - no cat! You can't create a good picture with it! - So I scolded the eraser... Pencil
  • Even though I’m not a laundress, friends, I do my laundry diligently.
  • I am an eraser, I am an eraser, a grimy back. But my conscience is clear: I erased the blot from the sheet.
  • The notebooks rustled in the briefcase, They decided what was more important in life. The lined notebook mutters: -Grammar! And the notebook grumbles into the cage: - Mathematics! How notebook and notebook were reconciled still remains a mystery to us.
  • Notebook- this is an Old Russian borrowing from Greek language. Found in monuments since the 11th century. Derived from tetras- “fourth of the sheet” or tetro- “folded in four.” Why this name? The fact is that earlier notebooks had only four sheets: one large sheet was folded in half, then in half again, cut, sewn in the middle - and the notebook was ready.
  • In Latin album means "white". IN Ancient Rome an album was a board covered with white plaster. Various messages, orders, and the names of distinguished soldiers were written on this white board and displayed for public viewing in places where many people gathered. And for a medieval knight, an album was always a notebook made of white sheets of paper, which could contain the history of an ancient family, knightly coats of arms, mottos and wise sayings famous people.
  • In the diary there are homework assignments And there are marks next to each other. How good! Come on, mom, sign it!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 3"

Project "History" school supplies»

Lapina Svetlana Yurievna,


Kolpashevo -2016

Project participants: pupils preparatory group, teacher - Lapina S.Yu.

Age group: preparatory

Project type: informational and creative

Project topic: History of school supplies.

Project goal: Generate interest in school.To familiarize children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that children do not play with them at school, but use them for their intended purpose. educational process as a tool for achieving certain goals.


    Development of cognitive interests - purpose of school supplies, their decoration, history of appearance, changes appearance and functions.

    Development creativity– writing, drawing, application, design project “Timeline”

    Development of communication skills - discussion, expressing hypotheses, establishing agreements.

The duration of the project is 10 days.

Relevance of the project:

Our preschool institution is working in depth on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the issue of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is an integral part of this issue.

An analysis of the teaching experience of teachers and research results indicate that a preschool child entering school has insufficient understanding of the purpose and functions of school supplies.
If in before school age The leading activity is play, then at school age educational activities acquire such a role in the child’s life.
For a former preschooler and now a first-grader, school supplies, first of all, act as toys and, as with any toy, it is necessary to teach the child to “play.”

Long before school, it is necessary to develop basic self-organization skills in educational activities. These skills will later become “helpers” for the child in educational activities.
Even in preschool years, a child needs to learn: any activity - play, work, classes - requires certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to foresee what, for example, will be needed for drawing, modeling, play or work, where and how best to sit, whether everything you need is at hand, how best to arrange the materials and aids needed for the lesson.

1 day


"Secrets of the school bag" (Conversation about the history of school supplies) book.

Why do we need school supplies?

How the first writings appeared. (book-papyri)

Offer for viewing encyclopedias and books on the history of writing.

Tips for parents in the corner

First books"

Day 2




"Secrets of the School Pencil Case"

What did you write before?

The history of the pen.

What are they using now?

Di« Help Vintik assemble the pen."

It is proposed to assemble one handle at a time.

Exhibition of “Ballpoint Pens”

Consultation for parents and educators on the topic “Pencil cases”

As for pencil cases, none of the existing designs can cause any harm to the child’s health.

Day 3



“Secrets of the school pencil case” (continued) eraser, paper clips.

What other items can be in the pencil case?

History of origin.

Di « Quick eraser"

- childshould remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing with an eraser as quickly as possible.

D/i “Help Shpuntik assemble a chain of paper clips”

Development of fine motor skills.

Children are asked to assemble a chain of paper clips (who is faster)

Children are offered outlines of school supplies.

Folder: “Requirements for pencil cases.”

4 day





“Secrets of the school pencil case” (continued) pencils (colored and plain), sharpener.

History of origin.

What are pencils for?

How to use a sharpener?

D/i “Sharpen your pencils”

Development of fine motor skills.

D/i “Help Malvina collect pencils”

Learn to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creative abilities.

Coloring pages.

Information in the parent corner “Preparing your hand for writing”

5 day





Riddles about school supplies.

Learn one of the riddles.

Role-playing game "SCHOOL" TARGET:

Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

Learn to distribute roles and act according to the role assumed;

Learn to carry out game actions according to verbal instructions;

Learn to model role-playing dialogue;

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about school and school supplies.

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying, pointer, attributes, tasks, bell.

Who invented the ballpoint pen?

( Information

for the parent's corner)

Day 6



“Secrets of the school bag” (continued) scissors, paper.

Where did the paper come from?

Paper making.

Be careful with paper.

Instructions for using scissors.

Application "Figures"

Using scissors and paper, cut out any items from school supplies and glue them onto cardboard in the form of a briefcase.

Exhibition of various types of paper.

“When taking care of a child, do not forget about him...”

The ideal school backpack (information for parents)

Day 7

"Secrets of the school bag" Ruler, squares.

D/i “Help Pinocchio measure objects”

Teach the skills of measuring objects using a ruler.

Drawing segments of a certain length.

Exhibition of various types of rulers and squares, protractor, pattern.

Offer it to parents at home.

Reading the poem “Briefcase”

V. Danko

Day 8




"Secrets of the school bag" paints, gouache, brushes.

Types of brushes.

Purpose, use in people's lives.

Drawing "To school"

Exhibition of brushes (for drawing, for glue, painting brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick)

“How to teach a child to draw”, “Developing creative personality"(information in the corner)

Day 9




“Secrets of the school bag” (summarization)

Rebuses, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

D/s for the development of attention “Toys, school, sports”

If you hear a word that refers to toys, clap your hands; if you hear a word related to school supplies, put your hands on the table, like in school; and if the word refers to sports equipment, spread your arms to the side.

Cutting pictures with images of school items.

Invite parents to visit the school where the child is going to go to first grade.

10 day




“Secrets of the school bag” (summarization)

D/i “Help Dunno collect his briefcase”

- instill respect for school property and personal school supplies.

D/i “Divide words into syllables” (speech development)

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying.

Tips for parents in the corner “Just getting your child ready for school”

Crossing the school threshold, recent preschoolers begin a new, very important period of personality formation. This is a new way of life, which involves new system relationships with other people, implementing new forms of activity, performing new tasks, changing the regime so that adaptation to school is painless.

Municipal autonomous general educational educational "secondary secondary school No. 111"

Project topic : History of school supplies.

Prepared by students of 4th grade Under the guidance of Kulakova Svetlana Viktorovna


History of school supplies.

Explanatory note

At school age, educational activities acquire such a role in the child’s life.
For a former preschooler and now a first-grader, school supplies, first of all, act as toys and, as with any toy, it is necessary to teach the child to “play.”

Project goal :

Introduce children to the origins of school supplies. Generate interest in school.To familiarize children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that children do not play with them at school, but use them for their intended purpose in the educational process as a tool for achieving certain goals.

Project duration : 8 weeks.

Project objectives :

At school, to develop basic skills of self-organization in educational activities. These skills will later become “helpers” for the child in educational activities.

1 day


"Secrets of the school bag" (Conversation on the history of school supplies) book.

Why do we need school supplies?

How did the first writings appear? (book-papyri)

Offer for viewing encyclopedias and books on the history of writing.

Tips for parents in the corner

First books"

Day 2




"Secrets of the School Pencil Case"

What did you write before?

The history of the pen.

What are they using now?

Di « Help Vintik assemble the pen."

It is proposed to assemble one handle at a time.

Exhibition of “Ballpoint Pens”

Consultation for parents and educators on the topic “Pencil cases”

As for pencil cases, none of the existing designs can cause any harm to the child’s health.

Day 3



eraser, paper clips.

What other items can be in the pencil case?

History of origin.

D/i " Quick eraser"

- childshould remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing with an eraser as quickly as possible.

D/i “Help Shpuntik assemble a chain of paper clips”

Development of fine motor skills.

Children are asked to assemble a chain of paper clips. (who is faster)

Children are offered outlines of school supplies.

Folder: “Requirements for pencil cases.”

4 day





“Secrets of the School Pencil Case” (continued) pencils (colored and simple), sharpener.

History of origin.

What are pencils for?

How to use a sharpener?

D/i “Sharpen your pencils”

Development of fine motor skills.

D/i “Help Malvina collect pencils”

Learn to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creative abilities.

Coloring pages.

Information in the parent corner “Preparing your hand for writing”

Day 6



“Secrets of the school bag” (continued) scissors, paper.

Where did the paper come from?

Paper making.

Be careful with paper.

Instructions for using scissors.

Application "Figures"

Using scissors and paper, cut out any items from school supplies and glue them onto cardboard in the form of a briefcase.

Exhibition of various types of paper.

“When taking care of a child, do not forget about him...”

The ideal school backpack (information for parents)

Day 7

"Secrets of the school bag" Ruler, squares.

D/i “Help Pinocchio measure objects”

Teach the skills of measuring objects using a ruler.

Drawing segments of a certain length.

Exhibition of various types of rulers and squares, protractor, pattern.

Offer it to parents at home.

Reading the poem “Briefcase”

V. Danko

Day 8




"Secrets of the school bag" paints, gouache, brushes.

Types of brushes.

Purpose, use in people's lives.

Drawing "To school"

Exhibition of brushes (for drawing, for glue, painting brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick)

“How to teach a child to draw”, “Developing a creative personality” (information in the corner)

Expected result:

Crossing the school threshold, recent preschoolers begin a new, very important period of personality development. This is a new way of life, which involves a new system of relationships with other people, the implementation of new forms of activity, the performance of new tasks, a change in routine so that adaptation to school is painless.


Aizman R.I. Preparing a child for school / R.I. Eisman. M., 1991.

Arnautova E. P. Teacher and family. M.: 2001.

E. Arnautova. Continuous connections between preschool educational institutions, schools and parents of future first-graders. – M.: Sphere. 2006.)

Arkhipova I. A. Preparing a child for school. – Ekaterinburg, 2004

Bezrukikh M. M. Steps to school: book. For teachers and parents. M.: Bustard, 2001.

Fostering a positive attitude towards school among children in the pre-school group within the framework of the project; Back to school soon; (from the experience of Almetyevsk preschool educational institution No. 48 October 2006)

Project "The History of School Supplies"

Project type : informational and creative.

Project participants : children of the preparatory group, teachers, parents of pupils.

Completion date: 10 days.

Problematic question:

Relevance of the project : Our preschool institution is working in depth on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the issue of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is an integral part of this issue.

An analysis of the teaching experience of teachers and research results indicate that a preschool child entering school has insufficient understanding of the purpose and functions of school supplies.
If in preschool age The leading activity is play, then at school age educational activities acquire such a role in the child’s life.
For a former preschooler and now a first-grader, school supplies, first of all, act as toys and, as with any toy, it is necessary to teach the child to “play.”

Long before school, it is necessary to develop basic skills of self-organization in educational activities. These skills will later become “helpers” for the child in educational activities.
Even in preschool years, a child needs to learn: any activity - play, work, classes - requires certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to foresee what, for example, will be needed for drawing, modeling, play or work, where and how best to sit, whether everything you need is at hand, how best to arrange the materials and aids needed for the lesson.

A child entering school has insufficient understanding of the purpose and functions of school supplies, and is asked the question “What are they for?”

Project goal: Generate interest in school.To acquaint children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that children do not play with them at school, but use them for their intended purpose in the educational process as a tool for achieving certain goals.

Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, Social and communicative development, Artistic and aesthetic development, Speech development.

Tasks: expand ideas about school;to form motivation for learning and interest in the learning process itself; relieving feelings of anxiety and doubt in preschoolers before meeting with school; promote the development of mutual understanding and friendliness; to form basic skills of self-organization in educational activities; increasing parental competence in matters of preschool life.

Children's area of ​​knowledge: During the conversation “What are school supplies”, we received the following results:

Expected result: the formation of children's ideas about the purpose and functions of school supplies.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage:

Prepare in group required material for educational and productive activity(development of notes directly educational activities, conversations, selection of desktop-printed and didactic games);

Prepare homework for parents, collect necessary information and formalize it;

Help from parents in selecting literature and board and printed games on school topics;

Main stage:

Project implementation:

1 day

Cognitive development

“Secrets of the school bag” (Conversation about the history of school supplies) book.

Why do we need school supplies?

How did the first writings (papyrus books) appear?

Offer for viewing encyclopedias and books on the history of writing.

Tips for parents in the corner

First books"

Day 2

Cognitive development



"Secrets of the School Pencil Case"

What did you write before?

The history of the pen.

What are they using now?

Di« Help Vintik assemble the pen."

It is proposed to assemble one handle at a time.

Exhibition of “Ballpoint Pens”

Consultation for parents and educators on the topic “Pencil cases”

As for pencil cases, none of the existing designs can cause any harm to the child’s health.

Day 3

Cognitive development

“Secrets of the school pencil case” (continued) eraser, paper clips.

What other items can be in the pencil case?

History of origin.

Di« Quick eraser"

- childshould remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing with an eraser as quickly as possible.

Di “Help Shpuntik assemble a chain of paper clips”

Development of fine motor skills.

Children are asked to assemble a chain of paper clips (who is faster)

Children are offered outlines of school supplies.

Folder: “Requirements for pencil cases.”

4 day

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

“Secrets of the school pencil case” (continued) pencils (colored and plain), sharpener.

History of origin.

What are pencils for?

How to use a sharpener?

D/i “Sharpen your pencils”

Development of fine motor skills.

D /and “Help Malvina collect pencils”

Learn to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creative abilities.

Coloring pages.

Information in the parent corner “Preparing your hand for writing”

5 day

Speech development

Riddles about school supplies. Presentation.

Learn one of the riddles.

Role-playing game “SCHOOL” OBJECTIVE:

Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

Learn to distribute roles and act according to the role assumed;

Learn to carry out game actions according to verbal instructions;

Learn to model role-playing dialogue;

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about school and school supplies.

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying, pointer, attributes, tasks, bell.

Who invented the ballpoint pen?

( Information

for the parent's corner)

Day 6

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic


“Secrets of the school bag” (continued) scissors, paper.

Where did the paper come from?

Paper making.

Be careful with paper.

Instructions for using scissors.

Application "Figures"

Using scissors and paper, cut out any items from school supplies and glue them onto cardboard in the form of a briefcase.

Exhibition of various types of paper.

“When taking care of a child, do not forget about him...”

The ideal school backpack (information for parents)

Day 7

Social and communicative development

"Secrets of the school bag"Ruler, squares.

D/i “Help Pinocchio measure objects”

Teach the skills of measuring objects using a ruler.

Drawing segments of a certain length.

Exhibition of various types of rulers and squares, protractor, pattern.

Offer it to parents at home.

Reading the poem “Briefcase”

V. Danko

Day 8

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

“Secrets of the school bag” paints, gouache, brushes.

Types of brushes.

Purpose, use in people's lives.

Drawing "To school"

Exhibition of brushes (for drawing, for glue, painting brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick)

“How to teach a child to draw”, “Developing a creative personality” (information in the corner)

Day 9

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Rebuses, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

D/s for the development of attention “Toys, school, sports”

If you hear a word that refers to toys, clap your hands; if you hear a word related to school supplies, put your hands on the table, like in school; and if the word refers to sports equipment, spread your arms to the side.

Cut-out pictures depicting school subjects.

Invite parents to visit the school where the child is going to go to first grade.

10 day

Cognitive development



Speech development

“Secrets of the school bag” (summarization)

D/i “Help Dunno collect his briefcase”

- instill respect for school property and personal school supplies.

D/i “Divide words into syllables” (speech development)

Equipment: school supplies necessary for studying.

Tips for parents in the corner “Just getting your child ready for school”

Final stage:

Presentation of the project - design of an exhibition of children's works.

Creating an album with children “Riddles from the Briefcase”.

Methodological support for the project: multimedia equipment, methodological manuals, illustrations on the topic of the project, an encyclopedia and a book with stories of writing, coloring books, school supplies necessary for studying.

Crossing the school threshold, recent preschoolers begin a new, very important period of personality development. This is a new way of life, which involves a new system of relationships with other people, the implementation of new forms of activity, the performance of new tasks, a change in routine so that adaptation to school is painless.

Description of the new problem : Preparing for school is a difficult period in the life of a preschooler. Entering school and the initial period of education cause a restructuring of the child’s lifestyle and activities. Little man is in a waiting state. The child’s entire way of life changes radically (routine, change in communication with adults and peers, increase in the amount of intellectual workload). A child's attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers plays an important role. Thus, all this can be reflected in the short-term project "Soon to school." School-oriented projects help improve social and cognitive activity children, the purposeful formation in them of integrative qualities necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.


    Aizman R.I.Preparing a child for school / R.I. Eisman. M., 1991.

    Arnautova E. P.Teacher and family. M.: 2001.

    E. Arnautova.Continuous connections between preschool educational institutions, schools and parents of future first-graders. – M.: Sphere. 2006.)

    Arkhipova I. A.Preparing a child for school. – Ekaterinburg, 2004

    Bezrukikh M. M.Steps to school: book. For teachers and parents. M.: Bustard, 2001.

    Gavrina S.E.and others. Tests for preschoolers. – M.; 2008.

    Gavrina S. E., Kutyavina N.L. et al. Developing attention. – M., 2003.

    Golovneva L A.365 test tasks and exercises for preparing for school / L. A. Golovneva. St. Petersburg, 2000.

    Dubrovina I. V.Child’s readiness for school / I.V. Dubrovina. M., 1995.

    Kabanova M. N.Getting ready for school / M.N. Kabanova. St. Petersburg, 2001.

    Karkacheva N. A.In a box with pencils. //Our holidays. No. 1 for 2008

    Nefedova E. A.Getting ready for school / E.A. Nefedova, O.V. Uzorova. M., 2008.

Irina Savchuk
Project “From the history of school supplies”

Short project

Subject: «»

preparatory group "Malinka"

MADOU "Child Development Center kindergarten No. 79"

Educators: Savchuk I. V.

Age group: preparatory

View project: informational and creative

Subject project: History of school supplies.

Target project: Create interest in school. Familiarize children with the purpose and functions school supplies for in order to school children did not play with them, but used them for their intended purpose in the educational process as a tool for achieving certain goals

Duration project 10 days: from 05/15/18 to 05/27/18.

Relevance project: ours preschool the institution is working on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the question of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is part of this question.

An analysis of the teaching experience of teachers and research results indicate that the child is preschooler, entering school, has insufficient understanding of the purpose and functions school supplies.

If in preschool age, the leading activity is play, then in school At age, educational activities acquire such a role in a child’s life.

For the ex preschooler and first-grader, school supplies, first of all, act as toys and, as with any toy, it is necessary to teach the child to “play”.

Long before schools it is necessary to develop basic self-organization skills in educational activities. These skills will later become “helpers” for the child in educational activities.

Back in preschool years a child needs learn: any activity - play, work, classes - requires certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to foresee what, for example, will be needed for drawing, modeling, play or work, where and how best to sit, whether everything you need is at hand, how best to arrange the materials and aids needed for the lesson.

Joint activities between adults and children. Enrichment of the developmental environment Interaction with parents and social partners.

cognition Book.

Why are they needed? school supplies?

How did the first writings appear? (papyrus book) Suggest for viewing encyclopedias and books with history of writing. Tips for parents in the corner

“First Books”



What did you write before?

- History of the pen.

What are they using now?

Di “Help Vintik assemble the pen”

It is proposed to assemble one handle at a time.

Exhibition "Ballpoint pens" Consultation for parents and educators on the topic “Pencil cases”

As for pencil cases, none of the existing designs can cause any harm to the child’s health.


Eraser, paper clips.

What other items can be in the pencil case?

- history of origin.

Di "Quick Eraser"

The child should use an eraser to remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing as quickly as possible.

Di “Help Shpuntik assemble a chain of paper clips”

Development of fine motor skills.

Children are asked to assemble a chain of paper clips. (who is faster)

Children are offered strokes school supplies. Folder- movement: "Requirements for pencil cases".



Creation. Pencils (colored and plain, sharpener.

How did pencils appear?

What are pencils for?

How to use a sharpener?

Di "Sharpen your pencils"

Development of fine motor skills.

Di “Help Malvina collect pencils”

Learn to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creative abilities.

Coloring pages. Information in the parent corner "Preparing your hand for writing"



Riddles about school supplies.

Learn a few riddles.

Role-playing game « SCHOOL» TARGET:

Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

Learn to assign roles and act accordingly assumed role;

Learn to carry out game actions according to verbal instructions;

Learn to model role-playing dialogue;

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about school and school supplies.

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying, pointer, attributes, tasks, bell. Who invented the ballpoint pen?

(Information for the parent corner)


labor Scissors, paper.

Where did the paper come from?

Paper making.

Be careful with paper.

Instructions for using scissors.

Application "Figures"

Using scissors and paper, cut out any objects from school supplies and glue it on cardboard in the form of a briefcase. Exhibition of various types of paper. “When taking care of a child, do not forget about him...”

Ideal school bag(information for parents)

Cognition. FEMP. Ruler, squares.

Di “Help Pinocchio measure objects”

Strengthen the skills of measuring objects using a ruler.

Drawing segments of a certain length. Exhibition of various types of rulers and squares, protractor, pattern. Offer it to parents at home.

Reading the poem “Briefcase”

V. Danko



creativity Paints, gouache, tassels.

Species tassels.

Purpose, use in people's lives.

Drawing "IN school» Exhibition tassels(for drawing, for glue, paint brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick) “How to teach a child to draw”, "Developing a creative personality" (information in the corner)


cation "Secrets school bag» (generalization)

Rebuses, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

D/and on the development of attention “Toys, school, sport”

If you hear a word that refers to toys, clap your hands; if you hear a word related to school supplies, – put your hands on the table, as in school; and if the word refers to sports accessories– spread your arms to the side. Cut pictures with the image school subjects.

Invite parents to visit school where the child is going to go to first grade.



"Secrets school bag» (generalization)

Quiz « School. School supplies» . EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying. Tips for parents in the corner “Just collecting the child in school"

Stepping over school threshold, in recent preschoolers starts new, a very important period of personality development. This is a new way of life, which involves a new system of relationships with other people, the implementation of new forms of activity, performing new tasks, changing the regime in order to adapt to school was painless.


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