Rainy days are a continuous ridge of lead clouds. Lesson in Russian on the topic "Writing Not with different parts of speech" (repetition of what was learned) (Grade 8)

Russian language lesson in 8th grade

Subject: Spelling NOT with different parts of speech. (Repetition of what was studied in grades 5-7)

Target: restore the studied spellings in the memory of students, develop the ability to apply the rules, develop spelling vigilance; cultivate interest in folk art(proverbs), to the Russian language.

Visual materials and equipment: table "Writing NOT with any words, with different parts of speech", signal cards, Handout, laptop.

Lesson type: combined.

During the classes

    Organizing time(greeting, checking those present, checking students' readiness for the lesson)

    Updating of basic knowledge.

    Calligraphic minute.

went silk silk

Give the spelling of these words.

    Spelling exercise.

In words with hissing at the end and with oh - yoafter hissing mark the spelling. Insert the missing unstressed vowels in the root:

T ... click pl ... chom, the dandy went away, sn .. jock to ... the key, the dog guards, f ... even the oven, burnt brick, cloak with a hood, cl ... the little girl started galloping, the gutter leaked, propped ... a black roll, not cut yourself on ... pulp, x ... rosh meadow, take off your boot, attach the hook completely.

    Punctuation workout.

Arrange the missing punctuation marks, insert the missing letters.

They took him to sleep on the stove ... where he knew every brick, every crack in the log ... crowned wall ... not every knot ... in the ceiling.

    Motivation of educational activity.

    Teacher's word.

I chose the proverb as the motto of our lesson: “Every day life adds particle wisdom."

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? (Every day we learn something new). Our knowledge is wealth that we put in a chest, and when necessary, we take it out and use it. Today we will not go for a new stock of knowledge, but we will open each of our chests and put in order the knowledge we already know.

    Work in groups (by cards).

There are chests on your tables, open them, complete the task, try to formulate the topic of our lesson.

Tasks for 1 group


vezha, ... to yearn, ... bylitsa. ... vzrachny, ... mature, ... to understand, ... understanding, ... touching, ... forgetfulness.

Tasks for group 2

Restore the words by adding to them NOT

drew, ... wash, ... got used to, ... transfer, ... teach, ... sew, ... hide, ... open, ... cut off.

Tasks for group 3

Restore the words by adding to them NOT

clear, ... deep, ... prickly, ... sweet, ... friend, ... friend, ... kind, ... many, ... beautiful.

Tasks for group 4

Restore the words by adding to them NOT

Not at all...close, far...new, not at all...edgy, not at all...funny, not at all...rich.

    The message of the topic and purpose of the lesson (the children themselves determine).

- Try to determine the topic of our lesson and formulate the main goal.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Working with a table.

Students, one representative from the group, approach the table and name the spelling rule NOT with any words, with different parts of speech (the rule that they applied when completing the task on the card).

The teacher explains those cases that were not brought up by the students.

    Explanatory dictation.

Passing the villagethe riders turned not to the left, but to the right, and rushed at a gallop. The morgach is an experienced person, on his own mind, not evil, not kind, but more prudent. Your post is not interesting at all. The girls looked at us not friendly. No, the desert is not a mistake of nature. Nightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers. The sun rose gloomily. The battalion, not noticed by the enemy, went to the rear and broke into the station.

The shepherd boy remembered this marvelous, incomparable day for the rest of his life. As of today, there is one unresolved issue.


(The fingers are connected with the brain and internal organs. Massaging them, we increase the activity of the brain, stomach, intestines, spine, liver, heart.)

Take a hexagonal pencil, holding it between your palms, rub them for 1 minute, rolling the pencil, gradually increasing the effort until a sensation of pleasant warmth appears in the palms.

Take a hex pencil right hand, Rub it on the inside of each finger of your left hand for 1 minute. Then change hands.

    Consolidation of what has been learned.

    The game "Clever and smart". (on slide)

Restore the proverbs, insert the words in place of the gap.

(For each correct answer, the student receives a token.)

The case is not _______ ; don't get rid of him. (mosquito)

Alone in the field _________. (warrior)

Do not bother - no honey ________. (eat)

Without not ___________ and no luck. (failure)

without checking _________ , do not bring it to someone else's ear. (hearing)

without soaking ___________ , you won't be able to. (hands)

Not _________ speech is a cloudy mirror. (unclear)

The scientist drives - not ______ walks behind. (ignoramus)

    Performance of multi-level tasks (handout).

First level task

    Open the brackets and write.

(Not) ridiculous, (not) harsh; (not) honest, but deceitful; (not) callous, but fresh; far (not) safe; (not) looking, (not) answering, (not) speaking; (not) hasty, (not) high.

Second level task

    Open the brackets, above the words with NOT indicate the part of speech.

(Not) rapid, but normal pulse; borscht is not at all (not) hot; (not) major, but minor mood; (not) expensive silk; (not) the wind whispers with the reeds; (not) sorry for the rods; A (not) still fallen leaf.

    Choose a synonym or form a comparative degree.

uncomfortable -

impolite -

not interested -

inattentive -

enemy -

disobedience -

Third level task

    Write a mini-essay on the key words.

Rainy days; continuous ridge of lead clouds; the sky is not blue, but gray; a small patch of sky not overcast; indecisive beam; not steep, but gently sloping bank; a willow tree by a restless river; uncomfortable, unsightly landscape; indistinct rustle; inconspicuous yellow grass; not yet fallen leaf; birds that do not leave their native lands; slowly; not pleasing to the eye; not the violent beauty of early autumn; only unfading ivy turns green.


    Linguistic game "I believe - I do not believe."

(Students work with signal cards)

Do you believe that these words are spelled with NOT

CLEARLY: slob, klutz, unfortunate, invisible, forget-me-not;

SEPARATELY: not a bird, not stone, did not come, far from being strong;

CONTINUOUS: I didn’t say, I didn’t, I won’t have time without opening;

SEPARATELY: by no means reliable, not completed without feeling;

CONTINUOUS: often, ignoramus, not good, unclear;

SEPARATELY: unknown, unbearable, not hot, wrong.


Repeat the spelling "Writing NOT with different parts of speech"; think up and write down 10 words with NOT (level 1); from works of art write out six sentences in which words with NOT occur (level 2).

    Reflection. Summing up the lesson.

Let's see which one of you did the best to put your knowledge in order.

    The game "Who is more?"

Pupils ask questions to each other about the studied material. The person who asks the last question wins.

Tasks: - to present spelling and punctuation in the system, to strengthen the generalizing meaning of the theory; - apply the method of intensive training by T.Ya. Frolova in the Russian language lessons; - facilitate complex sections, free from a long chain of reasoning by using algorithms; - to ensure the development of individual intellectual abilities and creative initiative of students

The methodology is based on: generalization 72 spelling rules in 14 topics (blocks); on the application of the generalized rule algorithm, which does not exceed 3 steps, which makes it easy to remember the order of its application, to make self-control operational; all consolidated rules are secured by a system of mnemonic techniques that ensure long-term memorization; the summary rules are firmly held in memory, because ways of memorization are presented for every taste and type of thinking.

Algorithm for applying the generalized rule: “Hissing at the end of the word” (-sya, - we mentally omit those) verb, adverb short adjective (what?) noun determine the part of speech b is always written b is not written “she, one” “many, mine” b is not written b is written Exception: already, married, unbearable.

Pronunciation of a rhyming algorithm: “After hissing - a soft sign”, Friends, you can check it like this: In verbs and adverbs, the sign is always written, And in short adjectives We never write. The noun is “a lot”, the noun is “mine”, no sign is needed. And substitute "she, alone" - always write a soft sign.

Practical material to the topic “b after hissing” Rewrite, explain the spelling b Hide, cut, protect, multiply, work; jump, wide open, backhand; creaky, handsome, brilliant; from rooftops, from schools, after meetings; gain, passage, tune; brooch, rag, rye. Rewrite, inserting missing letters where necessary. Explain (in writing) the spelling of L Watchman ..., smear ... those, wide open ..., handsome ..., rack ..., unbearable ..., experience ..., character ..., trembling ..., briefing ... False ..., wasteland ..., from the roofs ..., quiet ..., good ..., moving ... stalking, strong man ... Attract ..., kumach ..., midnight ..., other ..., crackling ..., protecting ..., mighty ..., tasks ..., hot ..., appoint ... those from the shoulders ..., tractor ..., creaky ..., from candles ..., bitter ..., back ..., dense ..., burning ... Thing ..., from schools ..., from dwellings ..., borscht ..., bream ..., cloak ..., monsters ...

Write off the phrases, inserting, where necessary, b, mark the spelling Splosh ... sea of ​​posters ...; wide open ... plush ... curtain; almighty ... violinist ...; good ... trumpeter ...; comprehend ... the secret of the keys ...; melodious ... tune ...; brilliant ..., powerful ..., stunning ... passage ...; carried away ... by; every little thing ... Looks like ... a circling tornado ...; you feel ... quiet ... pastures ...; you hear ... how the key rings like crystal ...; it is fresh ... and shiny ... Write an essay using the key words Essay on the key words: rainy days; continuous ridge of lead clouds; the sky is not blue, but gray; a small patch of sky not overcast; indecisive beam; not steep, but gently sloping bank; uncomfortable, unsightly landscape; indistinct rustle; inconspicuous yellow grass; not yet fallen leaf; birds that do not leave their native lands; not the violent beauty of early autumn; slowly; not pleasing to the eye.

"O-Yo after sizzling" Check availability alternating e-o in related words Noun, adjective, adverb Verb, participle, verbal adjective Determine the part of the word Root ending and suffix Determine the parts of speech. Yes No check for e(e) accent on e, e, o e(e) o yes no o e(e)

Whether the train arrived, the ship sailed, The astronaut flew in from the Universe - In words, he will come, fly in, sail in. It is written to arrive, no doubt. The screw screwed, screwed the wheel, Glued, sewn skillfully - We write with, talking about everything That kind hands have attached. Tongue bitten - not quite bitten off, Burnt - does not mean it will burn out, Remember - what has been done, but not quite, We write with the prefix pre-. They live in the world, helping people, Prefixes in-, out-, through-, times- and without-. But the sound of a deaf consonant meets them, And we write them only with the letter c. Deaf sounds are fidgets, They do not want to live quietly, They dream of a sonorous neighbor At all costs to stun.

Spelling of verb endings Put in an indefinite form (what to do? what to do?) All other 7 verbs in -et look, see, offend, depend, hate, endure, twirl 4 verbs in -at hear, breathe, drive, keep All verbs in –it (except for shaving, laying) I conjugation II conjugation

Spelling of alternating vowels in the root What determines the spelling of a vowel? From stress From consonant From suffix From meaning Does stress fall? Is there st, w? Is there a suffix -a-? It matters danetdanetdanet even, smooth, equal equal Write: -gar- -clan- -creature- -zor- Write: -mountain- -clone- -creation- -zar- Write: -rast- -rasch- Write: -ros- Write: -ros- Write: : -lag- -kas- -bir- -dir- -blist- -tir- -fir- -mir- -steel- Write: -false- -kos- -ber- -der- -glitter- -ter- -per - -measure- -steel- -equal--equal-

Academic year Active-positive attitude Positive attitude Indifferent attitude Negative attitude

Merged or separate spelling NOT. (not) holiday days; (not) discontinuous ridge of lead clouds; the sky is (not) blue, but gray; (not) cloudy (not)

a large patch of sky; (not) decisive beam; (not) steep, but gentle bank; willow (not) calm river; (un) cozy, (un) pretty scenery; (in) distinct rustle; (not) pristine yellow grass; (not) fallen leaf; green (not) withering ivy; (not) birds leaving their native lands; (slowly; (not) pleasing to the eye; The (un)exuberant beauty of early autumn.

1. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) A flock of geese, having heard the cry of a wounded bird, for a moment (immobilely) hung in the air, and then began to rapidly decline.
2) In the evenings, the lamps burned brightly and the old samovar sang and sang his (not) tricky song.
3) Roman thought with pleasure that he had to continue the work (not) finished yesterday.
4) In all the movements of the young mechanic, some kind of (un)confidence was felt.

2. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?
1) A visit to the Tretyakov Gallery left an (un)forgettable impression.
2) Sergey happened to hear a lot of reviews about this strange person, (not) doing him honor.
3) Only (not) smart people can quarrel over trifles.
4) The hosts fed the (unexpectedly) guests with dried venison and baked potatoes, and gave them baked milk to drink.

3. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?
1) A light morning breeze beckons to the open space, where forests, villages, mills with (non) movable wings, mirror ponds sleep in the blue distance.
2) Thoughts about the work (not) finished yesterday made Mikhail go faster.
3) The cathedrals and churches of the ancient Russian city, directed to the sky, made an (un)usually strong impression.
4) The boy stubbornly shook his head and with a decisive movement smoothed the (un)shorn swirls.

4. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?
1) Many people feel (in)confident when speaking in front of a large audience.
2) The guys counted the (un)used crackers and put them under the Christmas tree.
3) There is an amazing, unbroken silence all around.
4) The (un)repeated smell of the approaching spring hung in the humid air.

5. In which sentence is NOT (NOT) with the word written separately?
1) Nothing seemed to shake his confidence.
2) Stanislav Ivanovich (not) where to place the tenant.
3) There was a (not) loud whisper outside the door.
4) You use ideological, but by no means (not) scientific arguments.

6. In which sentence is NOT (NOT) with the word written separately?
1) Dmitry Anatolyevich decided not to tell anyone about his discovery.
2) Igor was sorry to tears for the still very young recruits, who had not yet (not) seen the horrors of the war, rushing into battle.
3) Human life then seemed to him a burning candle, which is held by (not) someone in gray.
4) Shelves with books and stone walls were illuminated by (not) bright flames playing in the fireplace.

7. In which sentence is NOT (NOT) with the word written separately?
1) The (not) conspicuous young man sitting opposite me smiled and winked conspiratorially at me.
2) And boring and sad, and (not) someone to give a hand in a moment of spiritual hardship.
3) In his youth, he was far (not) a poor man, but he lived beyond his means and by the end of his life was left penniless.
4) Egor tried his best to attract attention, but (no) anyone even looked in his direction.

8. In which sentence is NOT (NOT) with the word written separately?
1) (None of us) could convince Sasha to abandon the dangerous journey.
2) The proof of such a seemingly simple theorem turned out to be by no means (not) easy.
3) (Not) that the inexplicable happened to me at that moment: I suddenly felt that I would not see him again.
4) Mother looked attentively at Kosin: there was an (un)spoken question in her eyes.

9. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which the letter I is written?
An honest researcher n(1) can, no matter what he n(2) does, turn out to be among the pseudoscientists: he n(3) will go n(4) to deceive colleagues, n(5) to distort facts.
1) 2, 4, 5
2) 2
3) 1, 2, 3
4) 4, 5

10. In which answer option are correctly indicated "all the numbers in the place of which the letter I is written?"
How many n (1) asked Mitya to go for brushwood, he n (2) uttered n (3) a single word and even n (4) than n (5) showed that he hears his companions.
1) 1, 3, 4
2) 2, 3, 4, 5
3) 1, 2, 5
4) 3, 4

11. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which AND is written?
Taras Bulba n (1) could n (2) admire his eldest son. During the year, Valentin n (3) times n (4) went to his mother.
1) 1, 3,4
2) 2
3) 3
4) 2, 3

12. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which AND is written?
(H1) than (h2) this river attracted me with the broken silence, the primordial nature of nature. (H3) what is so (h4) pleasant, like an ear, slightly smelling of smoke.
1) 1, 2
2) 2
3) 2,3
4) 1,3

13. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which AND is written?
(H1) who (h2) uttered (h3) sound. Visitors to the museum (h4) could (h5) admire (h6) the superior masterpieces of painting.
1) 1,5
2) 1
3) 3,5
4) 1,3

14. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which AND is written?
He lived as if he (1) did not notice anyone around him (2) and decidedly did not (3) who he (4) needed.
1) 2, 4
2) 1, 3, 4
3) 1, 3
4) 2, 3, 4

15. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT is written?
The baron n (1) spared n (2) time, n (3) money for the typographical errors of the culprit of his disgrace, and already n (4) what, except for revenge, n (5) could think of.
1) 1, 4
2) 2, 3, 4
3) 1, 5
4) 4

please help urgently. just give the right answers. A1. Which word is NOT spelled separately?

□ 1) (not) listening

□ 2) (un)well

□ 3) (not) neat

□ 4) (not) few

A2. In what word are two letters H (HH) written at the place of the gap?

□ 1) The sea is agitated.. about the storm.

□ 2) The master crafted the figurine..

□ 3) The doctor carefully examined the patient.

□ 4) The teacher called another and I relieved..o sighed.

□ 1) early..

□ 2) exhausted..

□ 3) askew..

□ 4) left..

□ 1) (well done)

□ 2) (c) moment

□ 3) (somewhere)

□ 4) (c) on the fly

□ 1) The sun rises above a cloudless horizon and makes its daily journey, never meeting clouds.

□ 2) All the way, Petya prepared for how he, without hinting at his previous acquaintance, would behave with Denisov.

□ 3) I startled in surprise, spilling milk.

□ 4) Not worrying about anything, not caring about the sent chases, the culprit of all this mess slowly approached the old house.

□ 1) rust

□ 2) sometime

□ 3) scooping

□ 4) two

(1) The air didn’t smell so much anymore - dampness seemed to be pouring in it again ... (2) The boys’ conversation gradually faded away along with the lights. (3) The dogs even dozed, the horses, as far as I could distinguish in the slightly squeaky, weakly pouring light of the stars, also lay with bowed heads ...

AT 3. In sentence (3) find the gerund, indicate its type.

C1. Write what role the description of nature plays in I. S. Turgenev's story "Bezhin Meadow".

Option 2

A1. Which word is NOT spelled together?

□ 1) (not) sleeping

□ 2) (not) loudly

□ 3) (not) reading

□ 4) (not) summery

A2. In what word does one letter H appear at the place of the gap?

□ 1) The furnishings in the house were simple and relaxed..a.

□ 2) You acted courageously..o.

□ 3) The flowers in the bouquet looked natural..o.

□ 4) The luggage was lighter..a few kilograms.

A3. In what dialect is the letter A written at the place of the pass?

□ 1) good..

□ 2) dream..

□ 3) gullible..

□ 4) dry..

A4. What adverb is spelled together?

□ 1) (this) hour

□ 2) (in) French

□ 3) (someday)

□ 4) (on) the go

A5. Which sentence is punctuated incorrectly?

□ 1) Travelers, stopping among the fields, chose an overnight stay, laid out a fire and put a cauldron on it, in which they cooked kulish for themselves.

□ 2) Both dogs jumped into the circle of light and immediately sat down, sticking out their red tongues.

□ 3) The Cossacks, stretching their carts around the whole city in two rows, settled down in kurens.

□ 4) Without a twig in his hand, at night, he, without any hesitation, rode alone against the wolf ...

A6. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

□ 1) briefly

□ 2) nowhere

□ 3) satisfies

□ 4) indulging

Read the text and complete tasks B1-B3 and C1.

(1) The dawn has not yet blushed anywhere, but it has already turned white in the east ... (2) In some places, living sounds, voices began to be heard, and a liquid, early breeze began to roam and flutter over the earth. (3) I quickly got up and approached the boys.

IN 1. From sentence (1) write out the word of the state category.

AT 2. From sentence (2) write out the adverb.

AT 3. From sentence (3) write out the invariable parts of speech.

C1. Write with the help of what techniques I. S. Turgenev depicts nature in the story “Bezhin Meadow” (using the example of the above passage).

In which example is it NOT spelled together?

1.1) (not) violating the regime;

2) (not) finished on time;

3) (not) crossed by a line;

(un)frozen river.
2. In which example is it NOT written together?

1) (not) expensive, but a beautiful raincoat;

2) (not) was at school;

3) still (not) awakened city;

4) jumped (not) high, but low.

3. In which example is it NOT written together?

1) (not) deep, but a fish pond;

2) long (not) healing wound;

3) (not) waking up on time;

4) to act far (not) boldly.

4. In which example is NOT written together?

1) speak (not) loudly, but quietly;

2) the burden is (not) big, but heavy;

3) the road is (not) illuminated;

4) (not) reviewing to the end.

5. In which example is NOT written together?

1) not yet (not) sown field;

2) lessons are (not) shortened;

3) not at all (not) an interesting film

4) (not) looking at faces.

6. In which example is it NOT written together?

1) (not) thinking through decisions;

2) (not) a wooden table;

3) (not) an open book;

4) far (not) beautiful.

7. In what combination is NOT written separately?

1) (not) dry land;

2) the painting is (not) finished;

3) (not) intensifying, but subsiding rain;

4) (not) painted fence.

8. In what combination is NOT written together?

1) still (not) inhabited region;

2) (not) extinguished fire;

3) nothing (un)broken silence;

4) the grass is (not) cut.

9. In which example is it NOT written together?

1) (not) looking;

2) (not) cherish;

3) (not) force;

4) constantly (not) fill up.

10 In which example is NOT written together?

1) (in) perceptible movement

2) (un) willing to put up

3) (not) able to resist

4) not at all (not) interesting

14. In which sentence is it not a particle? A. He (not) stepping back followed them.

B. You showed up (not) on time.
V. It was far (not) calm in the house.

15. It is written with a hyphen:

a) sometime
b) exactly (c) exactly,
c) (to) top,
d) (light) green,
e) (some) where,
e) (for) a reason.

16. Where needed b ? Task similar to task 2:

A) b) c) d) married .. b - b - wide open .. - b b - cut off .. those - b b - take care .. b b -

17. Indicate phrases in which mistakes were made in the use of prepositions and cases of nouns:

a) discussed about work;
b) leave the factory;
c) pay for the fare;
d) feedback on the story;
e) to return from Moscow.

18. In which sentences are the highlighted words - prepositions?

A. Everyone left, thanks to hostess for the holiday.
B. The guys did not go to the forest due to bad weather.
B. The earth rotates around sun.
G. Despite in the rain, we went camping.
D. ahead was the squad leader.

19. What letter should be inserted? Task similar to task 2:

A) b) c) d) during .. holidays and e and in the continuation of .. days and e and in the continuation of .. novel and e and e in the continuation of .. hours e and e and

20. What letter should be inserted? Task similar to task 2:

A) b) c) d) contrary to expectations .. I th I th according to the decision .. I th th to speak upon arrival

21. Name the sentence in which would written separately:

A. He was thinking about what (to) draw for him.
B. We did everything to make the holiday memorable.
B. To prevent the child from crying, they gave him a toy.

22. Indicate sentences in which the highlighted words are unions and are written together.

A. His young sons Same) looked at themselves.
B. I thanked a friend but) that he helped me.
B. It was cold at (volume) and the clouds appeared.
D. He knew the time That's why) how the sun moved.

23. Indicate in which sentences would - particle.

A. Whatever you do, you will remember me.
B. What could it be?
B. In order to perform the dance well, the guys rehearsed a lot.
D. Efforts were needed to reconcile them.

24. Where Not , Where neither ?

What n .. (1) say, but from n .. (2) n .. (3) it was n .. (4) hearing n .. (5) spirit.

Choose the correct answer:

A) Not – 1, 2, 3; neither – 4, 5;
b) Not – 2, 3; neither – 1, 4, 5;
V) Not – 2, 3, 4, 5; neither – 1;
G) Not – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

25. In what sentences Not - particle?

A. A (not) big bird looked into the (not) open windows.
B. He (not) (for) what was to come.
B. The dog howled and, (not) remembering himself, rushed across the road.
D. At the exam, it was necessary to translate the text (without) looking into the dictionary.

26. What is That in these sentences: pronoun, conjunction, particle or suffix?

It was the same movie. Someone has come. It was tight, but cozy. Reveal the secret(s).

Choose the correct answer:

a) 1 - local, 2 - suf., 3 - union, 4 - partial;
b) 1, 2 - local, 3 - union, 4 - suf.;
c) 1, 4 - partial, 2, 3 - suf;
d) 1, 3 - union, 2, 4 - frequent.

27. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Playing chess...

a) ... I was interested.
b) ...thinking develops.
c) ... I get great pleasure.
d) ...attention is needed.

28. In what order should the sentences follow in order to get a text?

A. Every language develops, and its norms change along with it.
B. As you know, the language norm is the regulator of correctness. literary language and the condition of its stability, stability.
B. No, there are no unshakable norms.
D. But does this mean that the linguistic norm is constant, unchangeable, unshakable?

a) D, B, A, C;
b) A, B, C, D;
c) B, C, A, D;
d) B, D, C, A.

29. What is grammatical basis in one of the sentences?

a) language develops.
b) the norm is constant, unchanged.
c) the norm is a regulator.

30. Choose the correct answer.

A) b) c) d) k..satelnaya o a o a later ... e and e depict o a o a r .. seat and e e and

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“Phrase 5th grade” - - Is there any sense in what is written down? Read the poem by A.A. Feta. Compare texts. Smoke pipes and roofs. Conclusion 1: the words in the phrase are related in meaning. Ways of grammatical communication. - Let's read a poem by E. Moshkovskaya. February flies in full swing. Task: Find an epithet and a metaphor. I love the magnificent nature of wilting ...

“Class 5 phrases” - Make up possible phrases, DESIGNATE THE DEPENDENCE BETWEEN THE PARTS OF THE PHRASE WITH ARROWS. Steppe, deaf, over, path, unknown, in, clouds, chain, endless, swim. Russian language lesson in 5th grade. Insert MISSING SPELLS.

"Types of phrases"- Types of nominal phrases. The structure of the phrase Main Dependent word + word. 1) Let's get acquainted with the types of phrases 2) Let's summarize our acquaintance with the types of phrases, systematize knowledge. Types of phrases. Types of verb phrases.

“Phrase Grade 8” - Saying goodbye to friends Adjacency is a dependent word (an invariable part of speech). Communication with the help of a preposition and an ending. Justify your opinion. Sitting down comfortably. Communication with an ending. Explain punctuation marks graphically. Independent work Write out all the SS from the sentence. Specify the main word.

"Phrases"- Adjacency X adv. vb. ger. Mom's robe. To speak quietly. Phrases. Methods of subordination. They are not phrases: Management Х vb. unchangeable form Read the newspaper We read the newspaper. Approval X app. noun places. incl. num.

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