It's International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism. Scenario for the class hour “What is fascism? Class hour “Youth against fascism”

Script for a Lesson in Courage

1 presenter: On November 9, the world celebrated the International Day against Fascism, Racism and Anti-Semitism.

This day is dedicated to the tragic events that occurred on the night of November 9-10, 1938 (78 years ago) in Germany and Austria. This was the first mass act of physical violence against Jews.

2 presenter: In one night, about 90 Jews were killed, hundreds of Jews were wounded and maimed, and 3,500 Jews were sent to concentration camps. Synagogues, hundreds of residential buildings and 7.5 thousand trade and commercial enterprises were burned and destroyed. The mass pogrom against Jews, later known as Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass, marked the beginning of the Holocaust - mass violence against Jewish people, which led to the death of 6 million Jews.

Reader 1: Beautiful name, terrible things:

"Night of Crystal" killed hundreds of lives.

Deaths were reflected in the glass shards,

The world shook from brutality and fear.

More than once the planet has been drenched in hot blood

On an autumn night the mortal harvest began.

The death of those innocents will not be forgiven,

So that this never happens again,

So that fascism does not revive out of nowhere,

Everyone should know this mournful anniversary,

The day against fascism has come again.

Reader 2: A man was born, he is just a man,

Russian or German, Jew or Uzbek,

Everyone has a mother, everyone wants to live,

Work and study, raise children, joke.

This is impossible where there is fascism,

Where someone is stirring up anger and racism.

Where it’s scary to be something different or different,

Where everyone is familiar with the word “anti-Semitism”.

Let people be different, and let the world be peaceful,

There are no real reasons for hatred.

Let us remember the death of those tortured in early November.

The torment should not be forgotten in vain.

Presenter 1: Before considering the chronology of the Holocaust, let's get acquainted with the concept of "HOLOCAUST"

Holocaust - word from Greek language, meaning “burnt offering”, “destruction by fire”, as well as “sacrifice by fire”. modern society this word means politics Nazi Germany, its allies in the persecution and extermination of Jews from 1933 to 1945. The Holocaust is a symbol of gas chambers, ovens burning children, old women, and the mass execution of innocent civilians...

What events led to this tragedy? Who is to blame for it? Will we try to find an answer to these questions?

Presenter 2: In 1933, Adolf Hitler, the leader of the National Socialist Party, becomes Chancellor of Germany, who built his company on the promise of restoring Germany to its former greatness and dealing with what he called a dangerous racial enemy - the Jews. However, in addition to Jews, gypsies, the population of Belarus, Poland, as well as blacks, the mentally ill and disabled groups of the population were persecuted and exterminated by the Nazis.

Presenter 1: The Holocaust took the lives of 6 million Jews, 3 million of whom were Soviet citizens. In the occupied territories now included in Russian Federation, there were 41 ghettos in which the Jewish population was methodically exterminated.

But the most terrible manifestation of the Holocaust were the camps, or as they were then called “death factories,” created by the Nazis for the physical extermination of people declared “subhuman.”

Presenter 2: During the Second World War, the Nazi leadership created a wide network various types camps for holding prisoners of war (both Soviet and citizens of other states) and forcibly enslaved citizens of occupied countries.

In total, more than 14 thousand concentration camps operated on the territory of Germany and the countries it occupied. During the Second World War, 18 million people passed through death camps, of which, according to various estimates, from 5 to 7 million were citizens Soviet Union. Just over a million survived.

Presenter 1: Buchenwald was a men's camp. Learn your number on German the prisoner had to do it within the first 24 hours. A set of numbers replaced the name. About 240 thousand people were kept in the concentration camp. 56 thousand prisoners died...

Presenter 2: The Majdanek camp was created in August - September 1941, and was divided into 5 sections, one of which was women's. The camp had 10 branches. Six corpses were placed in each firebox. The crematorium worked like a blast furnace, non-stop, burning an average of 1,400 corpses per day... More than a million prisoners passed through the Majdanek concentration camp.

360 thousand people were killed in the camp.

Presenter 1: Dachau concentration camp was one of the first and main concentration camps in Germany. Created in March 1933. The camp had 123 branches, through which about 250 thousand people from 24 countries passed. Of these, 70 thousand died.

Presenter 2: In April 1940, the Auschwitz camp was organized, a complex of German concentration camps located in southern Poland, near the city of Auschwitz. It was a huge concentration camp, because... was located next to the railroad. 1,135,000 thousand people became its victims.

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Holocaust - what is this word?

There seems to be nothing unusual about him.

But, what if you decipher this word?

For some reason everyone will immediately become scared.

What did they do and why were they burned in the camps?

Maybe the war is to blame, or time, as they sometimes say.

But they really, really wanted to play with their friends in the yard.

And have fun at school, and eat your breakfast on the grass.

But the German soldiers came

And they sent the kids to camps

Not for rest and entertainment,

And for bullying and atrocities.

But we will leave in memory

The names of the heroes are forever.

And your eyes will sparkle like tears

Terrible bloody words.

Presenter 1: Salaspils is a concentration camp in Nazi-occupied Latvia that became notorious around the world for the detention of children there. About 3 thousand children under 5 years of age died as martyrdom in the camp from May 18, 1942 to May 19, 1943. The bodies were partly burned and partly buried in the old garrison cemetery near Salaspils. Most of them were subjected to blood pumping for wounded German soldiers, as a result of which the children quickly died.

Presenter 2: When emaciated people with sick, tortured children were driven behind the triple wire fence of the concentration camp, for adults, but especially for defenseless children, a painful existence began, saturated to the limit with severe mental and physical torture and abuse from the Germans and their minions. Despite the winter cold, the brought children were driven naked and barefoot for half a kilometer to a barrack called a bathhouse, where they were forced to wash cold water. Then, in the same order, the children, the eldest of whom had not yet reached 12 years of age, were driven to another barracks, in which they were kept naked in the cold for 5-6 days. The Nazis, lining up mothers with children, forcibly tore the babies away from their unfortunate parents.

Presenter 1: Children, starting from infancy, were kept by the Germans separately and strictly isolated. The children in a separate barracks were in the state of small animals, deprived of even primitive care. The dirt, outbreaks of measles and dysentery epidemics led to mass death. Every day, German guards carried out the frozen corpses of children in large baskets from the children's barracks, who died a painful death. They were dumped into cesspools, burned outside the camp fence, and partially buried in the forest near the camp. Mass continuous mortality of children was caused by those experiments for which the little martyrs of Salaspils were used as laboratory animals.

Presenter 2: Children are warriors. Children whose childhood was stolen... After the liberation of the Belarusian city of Liozno in 1944, while dismantling the brickwork of a destroyed stove in one of the houses, a small yellow envelope stitched with thread was found. It contained a letter from a Belarusian girl, Katya Susanina, who was given into slavery by Hitler’s landowner.

A student reads a letter from Katya Susanina (skit)

Presenter 1: In 1945, German fascism was defeated. The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg in October 1946 called Hitler's concentration camps one of the most shameful means of terror against the population of occupied countries, and the crimes committed in them were crimes against humanity. Why is the Holocaust issue so relevant in society today? Why do we remember the events of those years?

Children's answers

Presenter 2: Knowledge of the lessons of the Holocaust is necessary, first of all, to ensure that such atrocities are not repeated against any people on Earth. And to prevent similar events that claim millions of innocent lives from happening again, we must be tolerant of other people, regardless of race, nation, religion and other differences. In the fight against such terrible processes, it is important to turn to the past of humanity, to analyze the causes, mechanisms of the emergence and development of intolerance.

As long as we remember, we are alive. And the memory of the millions who died in the hell of the Holocaust lives on.

They say the dead. No dots.

And no commas. Almost without words.

From concentration camps. From singles.

From houses burning in the wind.

They say the dead. Notebooks.

Letters. Wills. Diaries.

On a brick, on a rough surface

The stroke of a hurrying hand.

On the dank vapors of a piece of iron

There are shards of glass on the wall.

A trickle of blood on the floor of the barracks

Life was signed - for now.

The dead speak. Breathing

Heat rises in the piles of ash.

Mauthausen. Oradour. Dachau.

Buchenwald. Auschwitz. Babi Yar.

Class hour.

Topic: " Day of Remembrance for Victims of Fascism"

Goals: give an overview of the behavior of the fascists in the occupied territories;form an active life position; cultivate an irreconcilable attitude towards fascism and neo-fascism; contribute to the formation of pride in the people who managed to survive and win during the Great Patriotic War; develop creativity students.

Equipment : laptop, projector, screen, presentation “We are against fascism”, colored pencils, album sheets for creating illustrations and drawings.

Basic Concepts : fascism, concentration camps, prisoners, genocide.

Progress of the lesson.

I . Organizational moment slide 1

II . Self-determination for activity.

Guys, listen to an excerpt from the poem and try to determine what event it talks about.


One took tens of millions of lives with himpmode;

The meat grinder ground all the bones into weightless smoke.

Jews, Russians, Tatars, French, Germans, English...:

Everything got mixed up. For everyone there was one scourge called “fascism”

Even though fifty years are behind us, even if there are no documents,

But the eternal memory lives on, and the pain in the heart does not give

Forget the bloody genocide. And the Holocaust is noisy in my temples,

Praying to the living that such a disaster will not happen again.

(Great Patriotic War 1941-1945)

Right. New pages will appear in our “Calendar of Memorable Dates” today, which we will create ourselves, and they will be dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism slide 1 (by clicking)

III . Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Definition of concepts: fascism, victims.

Guys, which of you can say what fascism is? (Student statements)

Listen to the definition this concept, compare it with your assumptions.Slide 2

Fascism is an ideology by which one person wants to put his foot on another person's neck and make that other person a slave. Fascists especially strive to destroy those who are different from others, for example, people of a different nationality. “You have no heart, no nerves.” They are not needed in war. Destroy pity and sympathy in yourself by killing every Russian and Soviet. Don't stop if there's an old man or a woman, a girl or a boy in front of you! Kill! With this you will save yourself from death, ensure the future of your family and everyone German soldier

Over 62 million people died at the hands of the Nazis. Thousands of cities and villages were turned into ruins. Here are some examples of how the fascists tried to turn humanity into slaves.

Who can be called a victim of fascism? (those who suffered from fascism)

2. Concentration camp prisoners slides 3- 7

Khatyn is one of the Belarusian villages. There were thousands of them before the war. The inhabitants of Khatyn were peaceful and kindpeople. They grew bread, raised children and never wished harm on anyone. But on March 22, 1943, the 118th Security Police Battalion entered the village and surrounded it. The entire population of Khatyn, adults, old people, women, and children, were herded by punitive forces into a collective farm barn. Those who tried to escape were killed on the spot. Among the village residents there were many large families - for example, in the family of Joseph and Anna Baranovsky there were nine children, in the family of Alexander and Alexandra Novitsky there were seven.

When all the people were gatheredVbarn, the punishers locked the doors, lined the barn with straw, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire. Wooden shedfastcaught fire. Under the pressure of dozens of human bodies, the doors could not stand it and collapsed. In burning clothes, gripped by horror, gasping for breath, people rushed to run, but... Those who escaped from the flames were shot from machine guns. 149 village residents burned in the fire, including 75 children under 16 years of age. The village itself was destroyedfully.Of the adult villagerssurvivedonly 56-year-old village blacksmith Joseph

Kaminsky. Burnt and wounded, he regained consciousness only late at night, when the punitive squads left the village. He had to endure another severe blow; among the corpses of his fellow villagers he foundhisson. The boy was mortally woundedVstomach, received severe burns. He died in his father's arms. Joseph Kaminsky and his son served as prototypes for the famous monument in the memorial complex.

Khatyn is not alone. On Belarusian soil, the Nazis burned 186 villages along with their inhabitants. Now in this place there is only oneVthe world's village cemetery.

But the most unthinkable and terrible of the atrocities of fascism are the death camps.Total through concentration18 million people passed through the camps, of whom about 12 million died. Human.

In such camps, prisoners were kept in inhumane conditions; forced to work 18 hours a day, exhaustedAndpatients were burned alive in crematorium ovens, strangled in gas chambers, and shot. Even children were not spared. Their blood was taken to treat Nazis wounded in battle. Experiments were carried out on people, after which it was impossible to survive. Hundreds of prisoners were inoculated with infectious diseases, others were used for experiments to see how much the human body could withstand the cold.

Auschwitz, a city in southern Poland. Over 4 million people were exterminated in Auschwitz. In Auschwitz, for 12 thousand prisoners there was only one washbasin with water undrinkable. When it snowed, the prisoners melted it for drinking, washed themselves and drank from the puddles. Over the entire history of Auschwitz, there were about 700 escape attempts, 300 of which were successful, but if someone escaped, then all his relatives were arrestedAndsent to the camp, and everyone : prisoners from his block were killed. 01/27/1945 released Soviet Army. A museum has now been created on the territory.

BUCHENWALD, Nazi concentration camp. There were 56 thousand prisoners in Buchenwald. In 1958, a memorial complex was opened in Buchenwald

DACHAU, the 1st concentration camp in Nazi Germany, created in 1933 on the outskirts of Dachau (near Munich). 250 thousand people were prisoners, about 70 thousand people were tortured or killed. B1960 A monument to the victims was unveiled in Dachau.

MAJDANEK, a Nazi concentration camp near Lublin (Poland) in 1941. 1944 about 1.5 million people were exterminated.

Treblinka, Nazi concentration camps near Treblinka station in the Warsaw Voivodeship of Poland. About 10 thousand people died in Treblinka, in TreblinkaIIabout 800 thousand people (mostly Jews). In August 1943 in TreblinkaIIThe fascists suppressed an uprising of prisoners, after which the camp was liquidated. In Treblinka there is a symbolic cemetery in the center of the monument.

3. Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism.

Memorial Day for the Victimsfascismwas was determined precisely in September 1962, since this month included tworelateddates from the Second World War - the day of its beginning and its complete completion.

Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is a Day of Remembrance for tens of millions of people,perished inthe result of a gigantic, inhuman experiment. These are millions of soldiers whom the fascist leaders pitted against each other, but even more - civilians who died under bombs, from disease and from hunger.

There is no country that would benefit from the rule of the Nazis, there is no nation that would be enriched materially or spiritually as a result of their rule. The most terrible ideology is the one that makes a person guilty from birth only for the blood that flows in his veins. The ideology of Nazism brought destruction to both those who nurtured it; and those who opposed her. More than half a year ago, the huge Nazi machine was stopped and destroyed.

I propose to honor the memory of everyone who died at the hands of the Nazis with a minute of silence.

IV . Practical part.

And now I suggest you move on to the creative part of our lesson - designing calendar sheets. Today the theme of our work is “We are against fascism”

(creative work carried out in groups. Each group creates their own drawings on given topic)

V . Reflection.

Memory... What bloody fascism brought with it should never be erased from it. Never!

We paid a huge terrible price for that war, we went through absolute hell.

What feelings did you experience throughout the lesson?

What dates will forever remain in the memory of millions of people living today and those who will come after us?

Guys, let's not forget about those sad events that took place in the history of our country. Let us be proud of our homeland, the power and greatness of our country - our Russia.

Municipal secondary education budgetary institution

Gymnasium No. 2 of Novokubansk

municipal formation Novokubansky district


class hour


3rd grade

Developed and carried out

class teacher

Yu. A. Smolina


What is fascism?
(Classroom scenario for schoolchildren aged 10 - 13 years
with electronic presentation.)

Slides 1 – 3.
U: - Look at these faces. Do you know who this is? These are skinheads. Have you heard of them? Bad or good? How many of you would like to become a skinhead? Why?

Slide 4.
U: - And these are the fascists, those from whom the skinheads take their example. They have the same gestures, the same signs and symbols, and the worst thing is that skinheads and fascists have the same beliefs.

Slide 5.
Fascism is an ideology by which one person wants to put his foot on another person's neck and make that other person a slave. Fascists especially strive to destroy those who are different from others, for example, people of a different nationality.
“You have no heart, no nerves. They are not needed in war. Destroy pity and sympathy in yourself by killing every Russian and Soviet. Don't stop if there's an old man or a woman, a girl or a boy in front of you! Kill! By doing this you will save yourself from death, secure the future of your family and become famous for centuries.” — Every German soldier had such a memo.

Slides 6 – 10.
U: - Now look at these faces. These are victims of the fascists. In 1939 the Second world war. Over 6 years, over 62 million people died at the hands of the Nazis. Thousands of cities and villages were turned into ruins.
Here are some examples of how the fascists tried to turn humanity into slaves.

Slide 11.
The story about Khatyn is told by two students.

1 lesson Khatyn is one of the Belarusian villages. There were thousands of them before the war. The inhabitants of Khatyn were peaceful, kind people. They grew bread, raised children and never wished harm on anyone.

2 lessons But on March 22, 1943, the 118th Security Police Battalion entered the village and surrounded it. The entire population of Khatyn - adults, old people, women, children - were herded by punitive forces into a collective farm barn. Those who tried to escape were killed on the spot. Among the village residents there were many large families - for example, in the family of Joseph and Anna Baranovsky there were nine children, in the family of Alexander and Alexandra Novitsky there were seven.

1 lesson When all the people were gathered in the barn, the punishers locked the doors, lined the barn with straw, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire. The wooden barn quickly caught fire. Under the pressure of dozens of human bodies, the doors could not stand it and collapsed. In burning clothes, gripped by horror, gasping for breath, people rushed to run, but those who escaped from the flames were shot from machine guns. 149 village residents burned in the fire, including 75 children under 16 years of age. The village itself was completely destroyed.
2 lessons Of the adult residents of the village, only 56-year-old village blacksmith Joseph Kaminsky survived. Burnt and wounded, he regained consciousness only late at night, when the punitive detachments left the village. He had to endure another severe blow: among the corpses of his fellow villagers, he found his son. The boy was fatally wounded in the stomach and received severe burns. He died in his father's arms. Joseph Kaminsky and his son served as prototypes for the famous monument in the memorial complex.
Slide 12.
U: Khatyn is not alone. On Belarusian soil, the Nazis burned 186 villages along with their inhabitants. The site now houses the only village cemetery in the world.
Student 1. Here is the inscription on one of the memorial plaques:

Slide 19.
Student 3. Other disasters also came. At the end of November frosts hit. The mercury in the thermometer approached minus 40 degrees. Water supply and sewer pipes froze, residents were left without water - now it could only be taken from the Neva.
Soon the fuel ran out. Power plants stopped working, lights went out in houses, and the interior walls of apartments were covered with frost. Leningraders began installing temporary iron stoves in their rooms. They burned tables, chairs, wardrobes, bookcases, sofas, parquet floor tiles, and then books. But such fuel did not last long. By December 1941, the city was trapped in ice. The streets and squares were covered with snow, covering the first floors of houses.
Don't make noise around him - he's breathing
He is still alive, he hears everything...
As if from the depths of it there were cries: “Bread!” -
They reach the seventh heaven...
But this firmament is merciless.
And looking out of all the windows is death.

Student 4. This hell lasted 900 days and nights. Leningrad survived. The Nazis never entered the city as planned. But at what cost did this victory come! By the end of the blockade, only 560 thousand inhabitants remained in the multi-million city.

U: — The most unthinkable and terrible of the atrocities of fascism is the death camps. 09/01/1939 Germany attacked the territory of Poland - this day is considered the day the Second World War began. Many death camps were created in the occupied territories of Poland, the USSR, the Netherlands and other European countries. In total, 18 million people passed through the concentration camps, of which about 12 million people died.

Slides 21 – 27.
(The students talk about the death camps, the screen changes frames. After the story, 1 verse of the song “Buchenwald Alarm” sounds)

5 lessons In such camps, prisoners were kept in inhumane conditions, forced to work 18 hours a day, the exhausted and sick were burned alive in crematorium ovens, strangled in gas chambers, and shot. Even children were not spared. All their blood was taken away to treat Nazis wounded in battle. Experiments were performed on people, after which it was impossible to survive. Hundreds of prisoners were inoculated with infectious diseases, others served as experiments to see how much the human body could withstand the cold.

Here are the 5 main death camps.

6 units 1. AUSCHEWITZ, a city in southern Poland. Over 4 million people were exterminated in Auschwitz. In Auschwitz, for 12 thousand prisoners there was only one washbasin with water undrinkable. When it snowed, the prisoners melted it for drinking: in the spring they washed themselves and drank from the puddles. Over the entire history of Auschwitz, about 700 escape attempts were made, 300 of which were successful, but if someone escaped, then all his relatives were arrested and sent to the camp , and all the prisoners from his block were killed. 27.1.1945 liberated by the Soviet Army. A museum has been created on the territory of the former concentration camp.

5 school 2.BUCHENWALD, Nazi concentration camp. In Buchenwald, 56 thousand prisoners were killed. In 1958, a memorial complex was opened in Buchenwald.

6 units 3.DACHAU, 1st concentration camp in Nazi Germany, created in 1933 on the outskirts of Dachau (near Munich). There were 250 thousand prisoners; about 70 thousand people were tortured or killed. In 1960, a monument to the victims was opened in Dachau.

5 school 4.MAJDANEK, Nazi concentration camp near Lublin (Poland) in 1941-44; about 1.5 million people were exterminated.

6 school 5. TREBLINKA, Nazi concentration camps near Treblinka station in the Warsaw Voivodeship of Poland. About 10 thousand people died in Treblinka, about 800 thousand people (mostly Jews) in Treblinka II. In August 1943, in Treblinka II, the fascists suppressed a prisoner uprising, after which the camp was liquidated. In Treblinka there is a symbolic cemetery (1964), with a monument in the center.

U: — Here is a portrait of the Polish teacher and writer Janusz Korczak, and in another picture there is a monument depicting Janusz Korczak surrounded by children. He was an excellent teacher and headed the Orphanage in Warsaw. The children loved their teacher no less than he loved them. Most of the orphans were Jews, the nation most hated by the Nazis.
When, in August 1942, the order came to liquidate the Orphanage, Korczak went with his assistant and friend Stefania Wilczynska and 200 children to the station, from where they were sent in freight cars to the Treblinka concentration camp. He refused the freedom offered at the last minute and chose to stay with the children, accepting death with them in the gas chamber.

I propose to honor the memory of everyone who died at the hands of the Nazis with a minute of silence.

U: — 65 years have passed since the Victory, but fascism is raising its head again. Thousands of young people join skinheads and beat up people of other nationalities. What do you say?

Slide 30. Let's say NO to fascism!

Krasnodar region, Krasnodar

municipal budget educational institution

average secondary school № 37

A lesson in courage

"International Day against Fascism."

Prepared by:

Class teacher of 1st "G" class

Litvinova Elena Petrovna.


Target: To form students’ idea of ​​fascism

Tasks: 1. Focus students’ attention on the need to confront and reject manifestations of fascism.

2. Promote tolerance and prevention

interethnic hatred and intolerance.

3. Promote the formation of a sense of mercy.


Teacher: On November 9, the world will celebrate the International Day of the Fight against Fascism. This day is dedicated to the tragic events that occurred on the night of November 9-10, 1938 in Germany and Austria. This was the first mass act of physical violence of the Third Reich against Jews. In one night, about 90 Jews were killed, hundreds of Jews were wounded and maimed, and 3,500 Jews were sent to concentration camps. Massive Jewish pogrom, known as Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass. This marked the beginning of mass violence against the Jewish people, which led to the death of about 6 million Jews.What is fascism, Kristallnacht, concentration camps? Today we will try to find the answer to this question together.

We present to your attention a number of photographs related to fascism.

Look and answer: what feelings do you get, what feelings do these photos evoke? ( student reads a poem )

One took tens of millions of lives with himpmode;

The meat grinder ground all the bones into weightless smoke.

Jews, Russians, Tatars, French, Germans, English...:

Everything got mixed up. For everyone there was one scourge called “fascism”

Even though fifty years are behind us, even if there are no documents,

But the eternal memory lives on, and the pain in the heart does not give

Forget the bloody genocide. And the Holocaust is noisy in my temples,

Praying to the living that such a disaster will not happen again.

Fascism arose long before the outbreak of World War II.There is no country that benefited from the rule of the Nazis, there is no nation that would have been enriched materially or spiritually as a result of their rule. There is no more terrible ideology than the one that makes a person guilty from birth only for the blood that flows in his veins. (A student gives a presentation on fascist ideology )

Fascism is an ideology where one person wants to put his foot on another person's neck and make him a slave. The Nazis turned the lives of millions of people around the world into hell. The Nazis viewed Jews, Poles, Russians and other Slavs as an inferior race that needed to be conquered. They sought to destroy those who were not like them, these were people of a different nationality, a different skin color. The fascists have no heart or nerves. They destroyed pity and sympathy in themselves. The Nazis did not stop if old men or women, girls or boys appeared in front of them! Kill everyone! Over 62 million people died at the hands of the Nazis. Thousands of cities and villages were turned into ruins. The Nazis tried to turn people into slaves.

Teacher.The ideology of Nazism brought collapse to both those who created it and all its followers.

So, which of you was the most attentive? What is the essence of fascism? Let's see who the representatives of the higher nations were. (photo exhibition)

Teacher. During the war, concentration camps were built in Germany and in the territories occupied (captured) by Germany. Thisthe most unthinkable and terrible of the atrocities of fascism. The death camps were intended to hold prisoners of war and exterminate thousands of people. The Nazis were constantly working to improve the technology of mass extermination of people. Victims in the camps were subjected to inhumane medical experiments, which often resulted in death. The extermination continued until the German surrender in 1945.

A student gives a report on the death camps.

Total through concentration 18 million people passed through the camps, of whom about 12 million died. Human.The Soviet Union suffered the greatest losses.In such camps, prisoners were kept in inhumane conditions; forced to work 18 - 20 hours a day, exhausted,patients were burned alive in crematorium ovens, shot, and strangled in gas chambers. Even children were not spared. Their blood was taken to treat Nazis wounded in battle. Experiments were performed on people, after which it was impossible to survive. Hundreds of prisoners were inoculated with infectious diseases, others served for experiments. Here are the 5 main death camps.

1 student: In the south of Poland, near the city of Krakow, there is a place that will not leave anyone indifferent. Here is the largest camp founded by the Germans - the Auschwitz death camp. It was impossible to escape from there because the entire area was surrounded by live barbed wire and watchtowers. More than 4 million people were exterminated at Auschwitz. If someone fled, then all his relatives were arrestedAndsent to the camp, and : prisoners from his block were killed. This is one of the most terrible places on earth.

The treatment of the prisoners was inhumane. Maintaining hygiene without soap and water was impossible. Only occasionally were they given a limited amount of time to wash themselves. Prisoners were allowed to use the toilet twice a day. The prisoners were not fed for a long time; they ate bark and grass. The prisoners slept on three-story bunks covered with straw.

01/27/1945 prisoners of the death camp were liberated by the Soviet Army. A museum has now been created on the territory.

2nd student: BUCHENWALD translated as "beech forest". But since the end of 1937 thisNazi concentration camp.The camp contained torture rooms and execution chambers. 240 thousand people from 32 countries were tortured here. More than 56 thousand of them found their death here. 100 people died every day. Experiments were carried out on people: they were poisoned with mustard gas, which causes burns on the skin, they were given poisons, and they were infected with malaria. The prisoners were subjected to very cruel torture: they were branded with a hot iron, beaten with a whip into which the sharp edges of blades were inserted, and people were skinned alive. A zoo was created on the territory of the camp, in which there were 2 Himalayan bears; weakened and exhausted prisoners were thrown into their cage.

In 1958, a memorial complex was opened in Buchenwald

3rd student: DACHAU , the 1st concentration camp in Nazi Germany, created in 1933 on the outskirts of Dachau (near Munich). 250 thousand people from 24 countries were prisoners, about 70 thousand people were brutally tortured or killed. 30 thousand survived to liberation. Criminal “medical experiments” were carried out on people in Dachau. On April 28, 1945, prisoners rebelled, disrupting fascist plan extermination of the remaining prisoners.

B1960 A monument to the victims was unveiled in Dachau.

4th student: MAJDANEK, fascist concentration camp near Lublin in Poland. From 1941 to 1944, about 1.5 million were exterminated in the camp.Human. The Poles called the furnaces of the crematorium on Majdanek “the devil’s ovens” and the camp the “death factory.” When the wind blew from Majdanek, the residents of Lublin closed their windows. The wind carried the smell of corpses into the city. It was impossible to breathe, it was impossible to eat, it was impossible to live. The wind from Majdanek brought terror to the city. Black, stinking smoke poured out from the high chimney of the crematorium in the camp around the clock. The smoke was blown into the city by the wind. A heavy stench of carrion hung over the people of Lublin. It was impossible to get used to this.

Majdanek was destroyed in 1944 by Soviet troops.

5th student: TREBLINKA, Nazi concentration camps near Treblinka station in the Warsaw Voivodeship of Poland. In Treblinka 1 about 10 thousand people were tortured, in Treblinka 2 about 800 thousand people died in gas chambers (mostly Jewsfrom 11 countries - Poland, USSR, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Greece, Yugoslavia, Macedonia). The healthiest of the arrivals were selected into work teams; they were used for several days or even weeks at various jobs - including unloading corpses from gas chambers, cleaning and washing carriages, etc. On August 2, 1943, an armed uprising broke out in the camp, organized by members of the workers' teams. The rebels killed more than a dozen guards and SS men and set fire to some buildings. Of the 840 rebels, 200 people escaped from the camp, but most were later caught and killed; several dozen survived.

Teacher. After the horrors of war, occupation, and concentration camps, no one could even imagine the possibility of a revival of fascism on Earth. For long history There is not a single example in humanity where the ideas of fascism would benefit the people and the country. Rejecting the ideas of nationalism, we in no way forget that we are citizens of Russia, we are proud of our homeland, we remember its history, we honor the traditions and customs of our people. But at the same time, our love is not associated with humiliation, disrespect and negative attitude towards other peoples and their cultures. We must remember that Russia is a multinational country, and this is our strength. We Russians are alien to aggressive ideas.

My dear friend, my peer, my neighbor

This day is a reward for us for many things.

The war is over.There is no fascism in the world.

We must rejoice in the glory of the fallen.

Teacher. We are currently participating in International Day fight against fascism. Each of you will receive a paper man - your task is to make the man a representative of any country, race or faith.

And now we will place each little person around our globe, thereby symbolizing the desire to resistideas of fascism. The blood of our compatriots, given for a just cause, for our bright future, calls us to this.

Teacher. Dear guys, let's not forget about the sad events that took place in the history of our country and the whole world. We will always be proud of our great and invincible homeland, the power and greatness of our great country - our Russia.

“Victory Lives in Generations”

Target:- inform students about the orientation of fascist concentration camps, about the tragic fate of concentration camp prisoners;

To awaken a respectful attitude towards the historical memory of your people.


To form an active life position and patriotic consciousness in the younger generation;

Increase students’ interest in the country’s historical past;

To acquaint students with the ideology and manifestations of fascism during the Great Patriotic War;

Develop the ability to lead research work with historical documents and works of art.

Lesson progress

April 11th is celebrated all over the world memorable date- International Day of Fascist Concentration Camps Prisoners Liberation. It was installed in memory of the international uprising of prisoners of the Buchenwald concentration camp, which occurred on April 11, 1945. Concentration camps are places of detention for large masses of people placed there on political, social, racial, religious and other grounds. They became widespread during the Second World War and were located both in Nazi Germany itself and in the territories it occupied. On March 22, 1933, the first concentration camp in Nazi Germany began operating in Dachau, and in subsequent years the Nazis created a huge network of these camps, turned into places of organized, systematic murder of millions of people.

In total, more than 14 thousand concentration camps, ghettos and prisons operated in Germany and the countries it occupied. According to the SS men themselves, a prisoner whose life expectancy in the camp was less than a year brought the Nazis almost one and a half thousand Reichsmarks of net profit. One of the terrible photographs taken by the Americans at Buchenwald (Photo: During the Second World War, more than 20 million people from 30 countries of the world passed through the death camps, 5 million of them were citizens of the Soviet Union. Approximately 12 million people never lived to see liberation, including about 2 million children. On April 11, 1945, Buchenwald prisoners raised an international uprising against the Nazis and were released. It seems so long ago. But not for those who went through the horrors of fascist dungeons. The biographies of these people are real lessons of courage for the younger generation. At the Nuremberg trials in 1946, an international tribunal recognized that the imprisonment of civilians of foreign countries, as well as the forced use of their labor in the interests of Germany, is not only a war crime. It was classified as a crime against humanity. And today, April 11, in many countries various commemorative events are taking place, meetings of former prisoners, commemoration of the dead, worship of their memory, laying flowers at the graves and burial places of victims of fascism.
The camp gate with the inscription “To each his own” and the barbed wire are still preserved. This is now the entrance to the Buchenwald Memorial Museum. There are only a few buildings on hundreds of square meters. The medical unit where the Nazis carried out experiments on prisoners, watchtowers, a weapons workshop and a crematorium are all that remains of the death camp. In place of the barracks where thousands of prisoners lived, there is now a field and stones with numbers: block 3, block 5, block 17. Concentration camps are places where mass murder was put on an assembly line.

On this day, we must remember another of the tragedies of the Great Patriotic War - the tragedy of former minor prisoners of fascist concentration camps. Then, in 1941, in violation of the provisions Hague Convention 1907 about the attitude of the warring parties to children, their life, health, and labor were used in concentration camps, military factories, industrial and agricultural enterprises. Children became hostages, donors, and biological raw materials for criminal “medical experiments.”

And the days went by, as terrible as death,

And the children became exemplary,

But they kept beating them.

Also. Again.

And they were not absolved of guilt.

They grabbed people.

They begged. And they loved it.

But the men had "ideas"

Men tortured children.

I'm alive. I'm breathing. I love people

But life can be hateful to me,

As soon as I remember: it happened.

Men tortured children.

I propose to honor the memory of the victims of fascist concentration camps MINUTE OF SILENCE

71 years have passed since that terrible time when the Nazis attacked our country. The fateful forties, which inflicted a huge wound on humanity, are moving further into eternity. The events of those years are becoming part of history. But the saved world knows, the living world remembers, it will never forget that terrible tragedy that befell our people.

After the horrors of war, occupation, and concentration camps, no one could even imagine the possibility of a revival of fascism on Earth. But years passed, and in some countries people came to power who openly supported the ideas of nationalism and fascism. Hiding behind false democratic slogans and imaginary freedom of speech, they organize marches of former SS men in squares, erect obelisks for them, while destroying monuments to Soviet liberating soldiers, persecuting veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

In modern Ukraine, a former part of the Soviet Union, which suffered heavy losses in Great Patriotic War, supporters of the ideas of nationalism raised their heads. They took an active part in the coup d'etat, in the overthrow of the legitimate government. It is especially scary that they are drawing young people into their ranks, using false slogans and false ideas to cover up their real goals. We are citizens of Russia, we must be proud of our Motherland, remember its history, and honor the traditions and customs of our people. But at the same time, our love and pride should not be associated with humiliation, disrespect and negative attitude towards other peoples and their cultures. We must remember that Russia is a multinational country, and this is our strength. The blood of our compatriots, given for a just cause, for our bright future, calls us to this.

In order to resist the streams of deception and lies flowing from the West, you need to know the history of your country and your people. Events and facts of the history of concentration camps are only the background for understanding where, when and in what conditions due to tragic circumstances they found themselves soviet people. All of them were soldiers and participants in that terrible war. Eternal memory to everyone who died unconquered in a fierce battle with fascism!.. No years will heal the wounds of millions of human hearts... This cannot be forgotten. And this cannot be forgiven!

The younger generation must increase the glory of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, protect peace on earth, and know the value of human life.

Peacetime- what happiness, what joy. We know at what cost the Victory was won. And we will always remember those who gave their lives for their Motherland.

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