What kind of person can be called courageous. What is Courage? Only a reasonable, strong-willed, mature and holistic person can be courageous

What kind of person can be considered strong? In my opinion, being a strong person means being able to forgive, having great willpower, being able to make the right decision in a difficult life situation. I believe that such qualities are inherent not only in humans, but also in animals. To confirm what has been said, let us turn to the text of L. N. Andreev.

Firstly, a dog named Kusaka can be called strong. Because she overcame her fears and was able, despite her doubts, to approach the person. Kusaka forgave the man for all the evil he had done to her. This is discussed in sentence 19.

Secondly, I want to give another example of a strong and strong-willed animal, a dog named Hachiko. A certain professor was given a puppy. The dog fell in love with his master very much and every day accompanied him to the station, and met him in the evening. But one day the professor died. They tried to accommodate Hachiko, but he still returned to the station and continued to look for a familiar face in the crowd.

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The dog could not do otherwise, I think that for him to go to another person meant to betray his master, and before last days his life he continued to wait for him.

Thus, I realized that being strong, in the moral sense, can be not only a person, but also an animal.

Updated: 2017-02-17

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Composition “What is courage?” - This is a job that is assigned mainly to high school students. Children aged 16-17 have already formed awareness, understanding of many things, they are capable of deeper reasoning than students of secondary and primary school. So for them this task should not present any special difficulties. However, for many, writing an essay or essay is a real challenge. Not everyone knows how best to start the essay “What is courage?”, How exactly to develop a thought, draw up a conclusion. Well, it's worth talking about.


Composition on the topic “What is courage?” you can start in different ways. Someone in the introduction indicates the topic and poses a question to the reader, to which he then gives an answer. Someone starts with reasoning, thereby paying attention to the text. There are plenty of ways. The following words can be a good introduction: “Sometimes we can hear someone calling on another person to be more courageous. This happens frequently. People understand many words as they are, that is, by default. Not everyone tries to discern a deep meaning in any familiar expression. It seems to be natural. On the other hand, each of us must know the true meaning of the words that he uses in speech. The word “courage” also has its own deep meaning. And we should talk about it.”

This kind of introduction is good because it immediately traces the theme of the essay, and it also becomes clear what is planned to be discussed further. The technique of reflection is one of the most popular in this regard and, I must say, effective.

Parsing the term

Many choose to take the matter literally. That is, not to philosophize, but to give initially precise definition word. A similar technique can be found in such work as the essay “What is courage?” But it's also hard to define. You can, of course, rewrite it from a dictionary, but we must remember that an essay is piece of art inherently intended for easy, sometimes entertaining reading. It shouldn't overwhelm the reader. So the term should not be described in the official style, but in the usual, colloquial one.

You could write something like this: “Masculinity is a quality associated with men. And you can understand this truth only by looking at the root of the word. Being courageous means behaving the way they do it. And then everyone supplements the term for himself. Some believe that a man should be strong, self-confident, purposeful. Others - that he must have certain manners, high morals, decency. Still others support both opinions.” This kind of description of the term is quite suitable for it. It is extremely clear, concise and, most importantly, given without unnecessary complicated words.

Reasoned reasoning

Composition “What is courage?” should be not only interesting, but also reasonable. Everyone knows that in an essay there are often elements of reasoning. In fact, it is the basis of any text. But here it is important that the reasoning is based on something. Facts, arguments, examples from life - all this is suitable. The main thing is that the author manages to convince his reader that his opinion is correct.

An example is this: “Masculinity can have several manifestations. First, it is the absence of cowardice. But this is not about sacrifice and boundless fearlessness. A courageous person takes courageous actions only when everything is considered, and any risks, as well as their likelihood, are previously known, as well as ways to cope with them. In this small example, you can see that there is both a statement and a reasoning based on thoughts and beliefs. This technique is quite suitable for the essay “Courage and Heroism”.

Essay and main idea

What should be written about is the business of each author. Some decide to work on an essay called "Courage in War". Writing this kind of essay is not easy. The topic is exciting. But, nevertheless, “Courage in War” is an essay that can turn out to be very colorful, impressive and vivid, since it is based on events that took place quite recently, and many in the family have their own Hero who can tell about those fears, with which courageous fighters had to face.

Others decide to devote an essay on the topic “Courage” to girls and the destruction of stereotypes. Because in our society, which has already become much more modern, there are still prejudices regarding the fact that women are the weaker sex. But we can really see from examples that this is not the case. single-handedly raised five beautiful children, iron business women who independently achieved a multi-million dollar fortune, fearless saviors - can these girls be called weak? In general, the theme of courage can branch out in many different directions. And here everyone chooses for himself what excites him, what he should talk about.

Author's opinion


Students who have already written an essay more than once know what its structure is. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. “True Courage is Not Speechful” is an essay that has three main parts. This is an introduction, main idea and conclusion. The beginning defines the topic and leads the reader to it. In the content, it is most fully revealed and supported by interesting information, facts, examples and thoughts. And the conclusion seems to draw a line and put an end to the story. There is nothing complicated - any artistic texts are built according to this principle, whether it be an essay, an article or a book. Including an essay on the theme "Courage".


Many students are faced with the question of what should be the completion of the essay. The composition “Courage and Fortitude” can be ended in different ways. Exactly the same as in the case of the introduction. But the most popular way is considered to be a quotation completion. These are a couple of phrases from the author that sum up all of the above and sometimes express his own opinion, supplemented by beautiful quote. The aphorism must be on topic. Fortunately, there are plenty of quotes on the topic under discussion. An example of a logical conclusion could be something like this: “Brave and courageous people have always been valuable. After all, as Aristotle said, courage is a virtue, by virtue of which people, being in danger, do wonderful deeds.

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Courage is a special quality of a person's personality and the ability to show Will, firmness, act decisively and confidently in extreme situations.

Manifestation and properties of Courage

In itself, Courage is a characteristic that combines a fairly large number of positive qualities of character.
A person with such a clearly manifested personality trait Courage has the following inalienable properties as part of this quality - Self-control, Fortitude, Endurance, Selflessness and a mature sense of one's Dignity.

The formula for courage is as follows:

Courage \u003d Self-control + Endurance + Fortitude + Selflessness + Dignity + Responsibility - Cowardice (minus)

Courage is based on life experience, established values ​​in society. Courage is needed always, everywhere and in everything. The first thing they remember when they say Courage is the fulfillment of their direct duties of protecting the Motherland and the state, but this is not always the case. The concept of Courage extends to other, simpler life situations. Courage refers to the ability to overcome one's own Fear, endure Suffering, including physical pain.

Only a reasonable, strong-willed, mature and holistic person can be courageous

True courage is expressed in calm self-control and in the imperturbable performance of one's duty, in spite of any disasters and dangers.

Courage says: "A fight averted is a fight won"
Once the commander asked the warrior: - What is most needed in battle? He replied: - Courage is needed! What about strength and weapons? Or have you forgotten about them? - asked the commander. “If there is no courage in the heart of a warrior, neither his strength nor his weapons will help him,” he answered.

Difference Between Courage and Courage

A courageous person is not only brave, but also prudent. Unlike courage, courage implies responsibility and reasonableness. Courage comes from reason and awareness, not from feelings. Unlike impulsive Courage, Courage turns off its own senses.

Courage is impulsive

A courageous person at the subconscious level, he taught himself to perform his duties qualitatively in any extreme conditions, he did not leave his feelings a single chance to be afraid, worry, doubt, and calmly does what is necessary.

Courage can be impulsive, it can come from fear. As an example, a child can be brave, and in the stubbornness of a child there is also will, but what is its quality? This courage is called a defensive reaction. This record of false Courage was made by our previous generations, for the self-defense of children.

Courage reveals the quality of accumulated will

Having developed a responsible, positive and constructive view of the world, courage confidently asserts: “I am responsible for everything that happens in my life”
A courageous person takes responsibility for his actions. He will not shift the blame to other people, circumstances, bad luck, karma, heredity or bad luck.

Thanks to the indomitable Will, perseverance, a Courageous person is able to overcome all difficulties, learn all the lessons that life offers me, and accept any challenge of fate.

Courage is cultivated day by day in stubborn resistance to difficulties. A courageous person knows that every problem has a solution. Only two criteria are important for courage, a bad scenario and a good scenario. Courage makes an analysis, makes a decision, takes steps.
Courage and the antagonist Cowardice, closely coexist with each other. What separates them is their Determination, which lies in the space between the fear of danger and the reaction to it.

Both courage and cowardice can be frightening, the first in the face of dangerous uncertainty. Courage forces itself to do what it must, and therefore is called courage.

Cowardice either did not have time, or could not or did not want to do it herself. Seconds later, everything that Cowardice was supposed to do will be forced to do by other people. Therefore, this state of indecision and fear is called Cowardice.

It is these moments, short moments of life, that put everything in its place, it is these moments that give shame to someone, dishonor to someone, and immortality to someone.

Courage is inherent in the qualities of character - Gentleness, Mercy, Generosity.

Courage is not an insensitive block of stone; it usually goes along with gentleness of character, special sensitivity to the difficulties and troubles of other people, and generosity.

See bold... Synonym dictionary

COURAGELY, courageous, courageous; courageous, courageous, courageous (book). 1. Persistent, energetic, brave. Courageous character. Courageous behaviour. Courageous woman. A courageous person. 2. Expressing courage, strength. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

COURAGELY, oh, oh; vein, vein. Possessing courage, expressing courage. M. character. M. view. | noun masculinity, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

courageous- courageous, short f. courageous and courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

courageous- very courageous... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

courageous- brave, courageous, courageous, courageous, fearless, undaunted 1263 Page 1264 Page 1265 Page 1266 Page 1267 Page 1268 ... New Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Synonyms

App. 1. Courageous; tenacious, vigorous, courageous. 2. Expressing courage, strength. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, ... ... Forms of words

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Courage is one of the strong-willed and moral qualities, which includes self-control, courage, patience, perseverance and the ability to dare.

In ancient times, courage was considered one of the four basic, fundamental virtues.

This trait meant not only a brave character, but also the ability to control oneself in difficult situations.

Types of courage and their features

Courageous does not mean completely fearless: only a fool is not afraid of anything.

A strong-willed person should be endowed with wisdom, peace of mind, rational foresight and dignity. Moral strength helps the individual overcome the most terrible fear and begin to act contrary to it.

The forms in which courage is manifested are very different:

1. Readiness to counteract external enemy forces, the desire to fight the enemy, regardless of his numerical superiority and strength.

2. Courageously (that is, steadfastly, patiently) you can endure pain, suffering, loss, poverty, illness.

3. The Church considers courage to be an important component of faith.

4. The ability to renounce one's interests for the benefit of many. A person caring for a disabled relative has undoubted courage.

5. It takes a certain courage for children to endure humiliation and caustic jokes at school. Adults - to cope with the hostile mood of the environment.

A courageous person will not create panic in a dangerous and terrible situation: instead of screaming and wringing his hands, he will think and act soberly.

A story of courage: from honor to self-sacrifice

At all times, courage as a virtue was closely associated with the class of guards, warriors and knights. A clear parallel was drawn between this feature and the concepts of honor, dignity, fortitude and moral firmness.

Of course, the heroic quality was inherent only in the stronger sex and was repeatedly demonstrated (read - defended) at tournaments, competitions and fights.

American orator and military man Robert Ingersoll believed that the most severe test for courage is defeat.

If a person, after falling to the bottom and knowing the most powerful humiliation, does not lose his dignity, he can be rightfully considered courageous.

Aristotle argued that courage is expressed in the willingness to risk one's life (and even willingly give it up) for the sake of doing good. At the same time, the hero should not be afraid of death and must believe in the power of virtue.

Since ancient Greek philosopher there was an association of masculinity with valiant behavior during the battle and exclusively with the stronger sex.

Modern knights: men and women

Nietzsche believed that modern times when industrial values ​​took over society, and aristocratic impulses faded into the background.

The understanding of courage "turned pale", its significance was leveled. Moral fortitude has become optional for most citizens.

Some philosophers even began to consider this quality superfluous and "harmful to life": after all, the fear of death is the best way to find compromises with enemy countries and, as a result, leads to a truce.

But Nietzsche hoped to the last that in time the ethical meaning of courage would be revived.

Today, despite the “brutal” root of the word, a lady can also be considered courageous, and philologists do not note any linguistic contradictions.

Yes, and there is no need: it is enough to recall what strength of character nurses and hospital employees had during the war. With what selfless diligence they nursed the wounded and pulled them out from under fire.

Imagine with what courage the wives left after the husbands objectionable to the state who were exiled to Siberia. With what pride and honor they endured the hardships of wartime, hunger and the poor.

Possibly for modern world is this a demonstration of courage in its original, virtuous sense?

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